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Government officials and top multinational executives shared bright prospects of digital economy could bring to future development, and also shared ideas about mitigating potential risks and challenges from the rising digital economy as they exchanged viewpoints at the forum titled "E-Commerce in the Digital Era: New Platform and New Vision."The second China International Import Expo will be held at the National Exhibition and Convention Center in Shanghai from November 5 to 10, 2019.For further information about China International Import Expo, please visit: https://www.shine.cn/China-International-Import-Expo/ or 
https://www.shine.cn/ciie2019/v1.To get more ciie shanghai, you can visit shine news official website.

Hungary Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Péter Szijjártó said e-commerce is playing a vital role as it shortens time to bring distant market together, a most obvious example being that the number of Chinese travelers to Hungary jumped four times between 2010 and 2018, and that convenient payment channels and smartphone application have been put into place for Chinese tourists.

Hungary is also encouraging SMEs to fully leverage cross border trade opportunities.

Christopher Pissarides, a Nobel Laureate in Economics and Regius Professor of Economics at the London School of Economics, also pointed out that large online platforms nowadays are also moving in the positive direction towards reduce the general cost of trade such as shipping, insurance, and financial services.

Paul Hudson, chief executive officer of France-headquartered multinational company Sanofi, added that for a health care company, it's not only about transaction opportunities it's offering, but also about the data of patients and how to leverage data connectivity to allow health care service to cover as far and as wide as possible in a vast market like China.

Italy Minister of Foreign Affairs Luigi Di Maio said his country has also been actively promoting the online to offline (O2O) model and has also been making efforts to promote Italy lifestyles and products through digital channels, and at the same time to allow small and medium enterprises to have full access to digital channels.
Jean-Paul Agon, chairman and CEO of the L’Oréal Group, noted that the booming online market in China has transformed its business in the country, and it's actively working with local digital platforms, such as a facial scanning function for those with skin acne problems through Alibaba's smartphone application where users can receive treatment advice and product recommendation online.

Cai Hongbin, Dean and Chair of Economics, Faculty of Business and Economics of The University of Hong Kong, raised the issue about the increasing income gap and the economic concentration with the rising digital super powers, while automation technologies are also replacing human labors.

Arancha González, Executive Director at the International Trade Centre, acknowledged that although the positive sides is larger than the negative sides for the time being, all parties shall join hands to respond to the issue to help the underprivileged to get back to the labor market.

"To tackle challenges such as cyber security and privacy issues all sides shall start out from a common ground instead of competition," she noted.

Alibaba Chairman and chief executive officer Daniel Zhang also commented that the company is creating job opportunities for a number of industries such as courier delivery, data mining and online influencers, a much bigger working population than its current headcount, and that being a big platform doesn't guarantee it has a carefree future as the technology upgrades happen at a faster pace these days.

He also emphasized the importance of digital infrastructure such as payment and logistics, where online and offline merchants can fully leverage these technology backbones at a relatively low cost to tap a wider consumer market. that technology upgrade would lower the transaction cost for the whole society where SME would eventually benefit.
Nov 18 '19 · 0 comments

Hey, beauties! With all of the different types of false lashes on the market, it can become a bit overwhelming when trying to narrow down on the differences and which one is right for you. Just what are mink lashes anyway? And how do they compare to synthetic lashes? Luckily for you, we’re going to break it down and explain the main differences between the two most common types of strip false lashes: Synthetic and Mink. We hope this helps you make the right decision to achieve your most beautiful eyes yet!top eyelash vendors

The most common false eyelashes on the market are made from synthetic materials, typically plastic fibres, which look quite unnatural, as they are thicker than the typical human lashes, and also have stubbier ends. They can also be quite heavy and uncomfortable to wear due to the thicker and less malleable band.

On the contrary, mink lashes are light-weight and comfortable to wear because the fibres are softer and lighter, and naturally carry a beautiful curl. With ESQIDO's mink lashes, we also use a handcrafted cotton band that is extremely flexible, offering unparalleled comfort and ease of application. Every strand of ESQIDO mink lashes are expertly crafted by hand to create a unique and natural effect that no machine or synthetic lashes can imitate. Each fur strand is ultra fine, with the ends tapered off, giving you lashes that are virtually indistinguishable from your own.

An advantage that synthetic lashes have, is that they tend to be an inexpensive product, and are often sold for $10-$20 dollars at your local beauty retailer. They generally last for a single wear, or up to 3-4 wears. ESQIDO mink lashes on the other hand, can be worn up to 25 times with proper care, which often justifies the higher price point. Combined with the higher quality of materials and the beautiful styles, it's a smart investment in any lady's makeup bag.

Synthetic lashes are the most common type of false eyelashes, which are made from plastic man-made fibers. The lashes tend to be a lot thicker in comparison to the natural human lash and are meant to be disposed of after a single use.


So, what are mink lashes made of? They are made from real mink fur, which allows for a light, soft, fluffy and ultimately, more natural look, matching to a similar quality of natural human lashes. Due to the high quality of materials and light weight of the lashes, mink lashes are able to be reused over and over!

Let’s start out with two of the most commonly asked questions, which are: How natural do false eyelashes look? Are they comfortable?


The most common type of false lashes are made from synthetic materials, typically plastic fibers, which are mostly machine moulded, and meant to be disposable or single-use. Due to the construction and the materials, synthetic lashes tend to be a lot thicker than the typical human lashes and have stubbier ends, so there will be a stark contrast between your own natural lashes, and the synthetic lashes you apply.

Since synthetic lashes are made from plastic, the band will be stiffer, and the overall weight will be more substantial, ultimately making them harder to apply (especially for novices), and offer minimal comfort.


This is where mink lashes takes the cake when comparing the two. Mink hairs are naturally soft and fine, which create a very light-weight experience when wearing the lashes, with much lower sheen for a beautiful, natural look. Since the lash strands are ultra-fine and tapered, they hold a beautiful curl, and they’re virtually indistinguishable from your natural lashes once applied.
With Esqido mink lashes, we also use a handcrafted cotton band that is extremely flexible, which makes them super comfortable and easier to apply. Because of our unique production process and premium materials, our mink lashes can be worn many times!

Nov 12 '19 · 0 comments

’m not a regular false lash wearer, but I’ve found that it’s nice to know how to apply them if you ever need or want to wear them!

There is a huge range of options for false lashes, from super dramatic to very natural. I tend to choose the natural looking lashes because I don’t like a dramatic look nor do I like the weight of thicker false lashes.eyelash vendors

In the video I’m using very natural looking lashes, but the technique would be the exact same if you were using a thicker or more dramatic lash. You simply may need to hold the lash on the lid a bit longer to make sure the glue sticks since it may weigh a bit more.
I like to apply one thin coat of mascara to my lashes before applying the false lash. I find that this helps the lashes look more “realistic” from the side view. You’ll see in the video that I also like to apply mascara to the false lashes after the glue has set as well. It keeps them from looking so obvious, I’ve found.

Practice makes perfect, so don’t save your first attempt at applying the lash for the night of a big event. Try it a few times beforehand so you can really get a feel of where the lash needs to be set on the lid.

To remove the lashes, I simply wash my face with my typical cleaner, applying plenty of warm water to my eye area. The water is usually enough to soften up the glue and allow the lashes to simply fall off (I save them and reuse them), but sometimes I need to pull them off slightly. It never feels harsh or damaging on my eyes because the water does so much of the work initially.

Nov 12 '19 · 0 comments

Memiliki kulit wajah yang glowing tentu menjadi impian seluruh wanita. Tidak jarang banyak wanita yang menggunakan berbagai krim pemutih hingga melakukan suntik hanya untuk mendapatkan kulit wajah yang bersih dan glowing secara cepat. Namun tahukah kamu? Bahwa krim-krim pemutih yang beredar di pasaran belum tentu aman dan cocok untuk kulitmu lho!. Bisa jadi krim pemutih yang kamu beli sembarangan mengandung bahan kimia berbahaya yang bisa menimbulkan efek samping. Untuk menghindari resiko, kamu bisa membuat wajah glowing menggunakan cara alami, aman dan efektif yaitu dengan menggunakan baby oil.cara ampuh memutihkan kulit

Cara Membuat Wajah Glowing dengan Baby Oil

Manfaat Baby Oil untuk wajah glowing sudah tidak usah diragukan lagi. Namun agar hasil yang diperoleh lebih maksimal, sebaiknya ikuti panduan langkah demi langkah berikut ini.

Gunakan Baby Oil Sebagai Pembersih Wajah

Cara yang pertama, yaitu dengan menjadikan baby oil sebagai pembersih wajah. Pilihlah baby oil tanpa alkohol untuk menghindari resiko alergi dan kulit kering. Carilah baby oil yang mengandung ekstrak almond. Vitamin E yang ada didalam minyak almond baik untuk mencerahkan dan membuat wajah glowing.Cara lain untuk membuat wajah glowing dengan baby oil yaitu dengan menjadikannya sebagai bahan tambahan pada masker. Baby oil dapat dicampurkan sebagai bahan tambahan pada masker buah untuk memutihkan wajah, seperti buah tomat, alpukat, kentang, stroberi dan lain sebagainya.

Campuran baby oil pada bahan-bahan masker tersebut dapat membantu memberikan tambahan glowing pada kulitmu. Sehingga wajah tak hanya terlihat putih, tapi juga akan terlihat glowing atau cerah bercahaya.

Nov 12 '19 · 0 comments

Liputan6.com, Jakarta Siapa sih yang nggak mau memiliki wajah mulus dan berseri? Semua orang pasti mendambakan memiliki kulit wajah yang bersih dan berseri, termasuk kaum Hawa. Namun terkadang sebagian perempuan memiliki kulit wajah yang kusam. Kulit kusam adalah salah satu masalah yang dihindari namun banyak dialami. Memiliki wajah yang kusam pastinya akan sangat mengurangi rasa percaya dirimu. Oleh karena itu penting untuk mengetahui cara merawat wajah agar tidak kusam dan kembali berseri.

Wajah kusam membuat kulit terlihat lelah dan tidak menarik. Wajah terlihat kusam karena penumpukan sel-sel kulit mati sehingga membuat wajah jadi tidak bercahaya. Sebenarnya, wajah kusam bisa disebabkan karena berbagai faktor. Beberapa di antaranya karena gaya hidup atau faktor lingkungan seperti malas cuci wajah sebelum tidur, terlalu sering terpapar sinar matahari dan tidak menggunakan sunscreen, atau kebiasaan merokok dan begadang.cara agar wajah tidak berminyak seharian
Jika kulit wajah kusam, maka orang-orang akan berfikir kalau kamu adalah orang yang tidak memperhatikan kebersihan dan penampilan. Nggak mau itu terjadi kan? Nah, berikut ini liputan6.com rangkum dari berbagai sumber Sabtu (27/10/2018) cara merawat wajah agar tidak kusam dan kembali berseri secara alami.

1. Bersihkan wajah 2 - 3 kali sehari

Cara merawat wajah agar tidak kusam yang pertama adalah membersihkan wajah. Kegunaannya bukan hanya untuk menjaga kebersihan kulit, tapi mengurangi minyak di kulit. Membersihkan wajah memang ritual yang nggak boleh kamu lewati, selain untuk mendapatkan kulit wajah yang bersih, juga akan mendapatkan wajah yang cerah dan segar. Namun jangan terlalu sering membersihkan wajah. Pasalnya, membersihkan wajah secara berlebihan dapat mengurangi kadar minyak yang ada. Sebenarnya minyak pada wajah juga memiliki fungsi untuk menjaga kelembapan keseimbangan kadar minyak dan air jadi penentu kondisi kelembaban kulit wajah. Jadi, sebagai cara merawat wajah agar tidak kusam yang baik, sebaiknya bersihkan wajah 2-3 kali sehari saja.
2. Masker alami putih telur dan madu

Cara merawat wajah selanjutnya adalah dengan memanfaatkan putih telur dan madu. Gunakan putih telur dan madu sebagai masker untuk merawat wajah kusam. Putih telur yang dipercaya bisa mengencangkan kulit, sedangkan madu mengandung vitamin dan mineral yang cukup untuk menambah nutrisi kulitmu.

Pakai masker putih telur dan madu ini seminggu sekali sebelum tidur. Caranya sangat mudah, campur putih telur dengan madu, kemudian oleskan ke permukaan kulit wajah. Diamkan semalaman. Cuci wajah setelah bangun keesokan harinya. Lakukan perawawatan ini secara rutin demi wajah yang kembali halus dan bersinar.
3. Telur dan lemon

Wajah kusam tidak saja dialami oleh mereka dengan tipe kulit berminyak. Kamu yang memiliki tipe kulit kering juga bisa mengalami wajah kusam. Nah, jika kamu memiliki wajah yang kering, manfaatkanlah telur yang bisa menjadi pelembab dan pemutih alami untuk wajah. Gunakan juga lemon untuk membersihkan pori-pori dan noda.

Cara merawat wajah kusam dengan telur dan lemon adalah, campurkan 2 butir telur dengan seperempat cup sari perasan lemon. Oleskan ke wajah dan diamkan sekitar 15 menit hingga mengering. Bilas dengan air hangat.
4. Beras

Meski sederhana, beras ternyata memiliki kemampuan untuk mengelupas sel-sel kulit mati, memberikan kelembaban alami, dan mencerahkan kulit. Oleh karena itu beras dapat digunakan sebagai cara merawat wajah agar tidak kusam. Cara meraciknya, rendam setengah cup beras dalam satu cup air selama 60 menit hingga air memutih, lalu saringlah airnya. Ambil sebuah handuk kertas dan buatlah lubang untuk area mata dan mulut. Rendam handuk kertas di air beras selama 10 menit lalu peras sedikit agar air tidak menetes. Letakkan pada wajah dan diamkan masker selama 15 menit. Masker beras cocok untuk semua jenis kulit.

Nov 12 '19 · 0 comments
Salah satu impian terbesar wanita adalah memiliki kulit yang putih, bersih dan sehat. pasalnya, memiliki kulit yang putih, bersih dan sehat dapat meningkat rasa percaya diri setiap wanita. berbagai cara dilakukan hanya untuk memutihkan kulit, salah satu cara yang banyak dilakukan dan digunakan wanita yaitu dengan melakukan perawatan.
Salah satu perawatan memutihkan kulit yang paling banyak digunakan oleh para wanita yaitu dengan menggunakan bahan alami. Selain aman dicoba, memutihkan kulit secara alami juga tergolong lebih murah dan minim efek samping.cara agar tidak jerawatan lagi
So, bagaimana cara ampuh memutihkan kulit secara alami? Simak dibawah ini untuk mengetahuinya!.
1. Dengan Bengkoang
Cara memutihkan kulit secara alami yang pertama yaitu dengan menggunakan Bengkoang. Sudah tidak bisa diragukan lagi manfaat Bengkoang untuk memutihkan kulit. hal ini karena sudah banyaknya produk kecantikan yang menggunakan bengkoang sebagai bahan pemutih. Bengkoang mengandung banyak vitamin B dan C yang berperan penting untuk memutihkan dan menjaga kulit agar tetap putih, bersih dan sehat.
2. Lemon
Lemon kaya akan antioksidan dan vitamin C yang dipercaya sangat ampuh untuk memutihkan kulit secara alami selanjutnya.
3. Kentang
Tak hanya dipercaya ampuh untuk memutihkan kulit secara cepat dan ampuh, tetapi Kentang juga dipercaya bisa memperlambat penuaan kulit dan membantu mempercepat proses regenerasi kulit. selain itu, kandungan antioksidan alaminya juga dipercaya bisa untuk menghilangkan atau menyamarkan belas luka yang menganggu.
4. Susu
Begitu banyak manfaat Susu untuk kecantikan, salah satunya yang paling dipercaya yaitu dapat memutihkan kulit dengan cepat. Susu mengandung vitamin D yang juga bisa meningkatkan produksi kolagen yang berguna untuk merawat dan menjaga kesehatan dan kelembaban kulit.

5. Lidah Buaya
Gel Lidah Buaya mengandung antrakuinon yang dipercaya dapat memutihkan kulit secara alami berikutnya yang paling aman untuk dicoba. Lidah Buaya sangat cocok digunakan untuk memutihkan kulit yang habis terbakar atau terpapar oleh sinar matahari.

6. Air beras
Cara memutihkan kulit selanjutnya yaitu dengan menggunakan air beras. Siapa sangka bila air beras yang terbilang cukup sepele ini ternyata memiliki begitu banyak manfaat untuk kecantikan kulit. air beras mengandung asam ferullic serta allatoin yang berfungsi untuk melindung dan memutihkan kulit secara alami dengan cepat dan aman bila digunakan secara benar.

7. Alpukat
Buah alpukat mengandung banyak karotenoid antioksidan, vitamin E , dan Vitamin C. dimana vitamin E ini berfungsi untuk mencegah penuaan dini akibat paparan sinar matahri. Sementara vitamin C nya dapat berfungsi untuk membuat kulit tampak lebih cerah, putih dan sehat. sehingga kamu tak hanya akan mendapatkan kulit yang putih, tapi juga awet muda.

8. Kunyit
Kunyit mengandung curcumin yang dipercaya sangat ampuh untuk mencerahkan kulit serta memutihkan kulit yang belang secara alami.
Nov 12 '19 · 0 comments
Change is constant, and in the ever-changing world we live in, it becomes almost imperative to keep progressing in our professional endeavours. The best option to keep up with this is to use continuing professional development (CPD) programmes to stay ahead of the curve. Continuous learning results in superior growth, so if you want to achieve greater success in your professional career, CPD is the way forward.CPD (Continuing Professional development)

What is continuing professional development?
Continuous professional development refers to the process of training and developing professional knowledge and skills through independent, participation-based or interactive learning. This form of learning allows professionals to improve their capabilities with the help of certified learning. CPD courses for professionals should reflect their current expectations as well as future ambitions. As your career develops, the knowledge and skills you require will also evolve. This is where CPD will come to your rescue and help you steer your career in the future.

CPD can only be effective when:
It is part of a planned process;
There is a clear perspective on the improvement required;
It is tailored individually to each professional;
It is taught by people who have the necessary expertise, experience and skills.
In addition, professionals have to set their short-term and long-term objectives while implementing a structured learning plan. They may also be required to record what they are learning and the progress they make in order to keep track of the skills and knowledge they obtain. CPD training helps professionals to:
Stay up to date with the latest trends and learn new skills;
Improve their performance at work;
Boost their self-confidence;
Enhance their professional reputation and future job prospects;
Obtain concrete proof of their professionalism and commitment.
Types of continuing professional development
Formal CPD: This type of CPD involves active and structured learning that is usually done outside the organisation for which you work. Formal CPD usually consists of more than one professional, however in some cases it could just involve a single professional. Some activities in this form of structured learning include:
Offline and online training programmes;
Learning-focused seminars and conferences;
Workshops and events;
Informal CPD: Informal CPD is also known as self-directed learning, in which the professionals carry out development activities according to their own choice and without a structured syllabus. This form of learning usually consists of:
Studying publications written by industry experts;
Perusing relevant case studies and articles;
Listening to industry-specific podcasts and following industry-specific news;
Studying and revising for professional exams.
Importance of continuing professional development
“Education is not the learning of facts, but the training of the mind to think” – Albert Einstein.
In order to improve their skills and knowledge while working, professionals usually opt for continuous professional development programmes. This is because at this level, they have already earned academic qualifications and are now working in the industry of their choice. CDP helps business professionals learn in a structured and practical format that boosts their overall skills and knowledge. It also helps them ascertain the knowledge and skills they need to obtain within a short time period, so the improvement can be recognisable.
Benefits of continuous professional development
Continuous professional development programmes provide two-fold benefits — for the learner and for the employer. Let’s take a look at the benefits of CPD for the learner:
Improves intellect, personal skills and confidence;Opens doors to excellent future employment opportunities;Improves learning ability;
Promotes independent learning;
Demonstrates ambition and commitment to professional self-improvement;Relevant practical qualifications that will impress current and prospective employers.Now, take a look at the benefits of CPD for the employer:Sets a high standard across the company for staff development;Improves productivity with the help of motivated and skilled employees;Endorses a learning culture in the organisation;

Enhances the reputation of the company among prospective employees and clients;Increases employee retention;Allows the company to keep up with the latest trends and changes in the industry.A company can only bring in these benefits if it supports the professional development of its employees.

If you are a working professional who wants to keep up with the changes in your field, taking up a continuous professional development course could help you revitalise your career and improve future employment prospects. London School of Business and Finance offers a variety of continuous professional development courses that are suited to a number of industries.
Nov 12 '19 · 0 comments
Do you have a student who has done some acting and wants to do more? Is your child interested in learning more about theatre, but hasn’t had the chance to experience acting in school? Can’t afford some of the programs that are offered? Yuba Sutter Arts is pleased to announce its newest Arts in Education program – Applause KIDS!Children's performing arts

Applause KIDS! is a free program being offered at Yuba Sutter Arts this fall that encourages young people from 8 – 13 to either get up on stage for the first time or work on any performance skills they may already have. Led by two Marysville Charter Academy for the Arts graduates, Julian Barkley-Brinson and Megan Molly O’Shea Enderton, Applause KIDS! will provide students with a safe, enriching educational environment.

“I am passionate about arts education in this community, and it is my goal to be able to provide quality programs to our youth for free,” said Julian, Founder of Rise Up! Youth Program for the Performing Arts. Julian, Megan, and an entire group of hard working volunteer artists are contributing their time and talents to get the much-needed program off the ground.

Tryouts will be held at the Burrows Theater at 630 E Street in Marysville on Thursday, August 30 and Friday August 31 from 5:30 to 8pm. Classes will be held on Mondays and Thursdays starting on Thursday September 6 from 6 – 7:30pm through November 13th. Four public performances will be held between November 15thand 18th.

Students will learn character development through voice and movement work, develop fundamental acting skills, practice singing and dancing and help create whole scenes with other students.

Applause KIDS! will be held indoors and outdoors in a beautiful setting at Yuba Sutter Arts’ main campus in Marysville. Students will enjoy playing theatre games and learning theatre exercises.
Nov 12 '19 · 0 comments
It’s no surprise that anything employing the word baccalaureate and its built-in suggestion of academic excellence usually catches an admiring glance. But add “international” to that and our minds soar to what must be the Mt. Everest of academia.International middle school

Apparently surviving the thin air of educational high pursuit, Kyrene Middle School has planted its own flag of super-achievement in the form of the prestigious International Baccalaureate program, meaning that students promoted there can be recognized worldwide at any school they attend.Incoming principal Scott Maxwell explained that KMS’s IB certification represents an offshoot of the 51-year-old international organization’s mission to maximize multidisciplinary student learning within a global context, which emphasizes cross-cultural influences.

That perspective, says Maxwell, fits the school’s regional identity perfectly. Maxwell, who takes his new job starting July 1 following former principal Julio Martinez, says achieving such prestigious recognition was no cakewalk.

“Getting this designation was a demanding two-year process that involved every aspect of what we do at the school,” says Maxwell, noting that the school will operate under the auspices of IB’s Middle Years Programme.“Leading up to the final designation, IB personnel came onsite to visit classrooms, meet with parents and students, talk to teachers and take a look at our course offerings, to confirm we were ‘IB ready,’” Maxwell said.“The actual certification also required a major reconfiguration of our curriculum.”

“In all my years in education, I don’t know that I’ve ever encountered a school and area that’s so unique,” Maxwell declared.“We have kids from the Guadalupe neighborhoods, the African-American, Asian, and Native American communities, and others from fairly affluent areas, all learning together under the globally defined umbrella that IB provides.”

Fluent in Mandarin Chinese, Maxwell grew up in Boston, studied in Beijing, taught in China and South Africa, and went on to earn a master’s degree in International Studies and Special Education from Middlebury Institute of International studies in Monterey, Calif.His international background in education makes Maxwell particularly enthusiastic to oversee the implementation of the IB program at the school.

“I’m so glad we were able to bring Mandarin into our language offerings, which now also include American Sign Language and Spanish,” Maxwell says, adding the IB system’s international perspective makes it unique in the world of education.

“What I’ve been delighted to learn about IB is that it’s universal,” Maxwell notes.“You can take it anywhere, in any local context, and succeed with it.”Founded in 1968 in Geneva, Switzerland, the program now operates in 3,460 schools across 143 countries at 1,370 public and private schools, and emphasizes creative and critical thinking as its educational core.The organization’s Middle Years Programme was first offered in 1994, and by 1999 was operating in 51 countries.

Instituting the IB program at KMS is part of what Kyrene Unified School District Superintendent Dr. Jan Vesely calls a “redesign” of the district’s schools and curricula, aimed at enhancing enrollment. That new curricular perspective, Maxwell notes, is not narrowly conceptual, but encourages students to find real-world applications for their classroom discoveries.“Students in the program must complete what we call ‘Service Learning’ projects,” he explains— projects that take them out of the school and into the community.

“Participants take the skills they’ve learned in the classroom and apply them to a project. So you might see kids helping clean up a neighborhood, raising money for a community need, or helping out at an area that needs work—things like that.” Even routine classroom skills, within the IB concept, Maxwell insists have a practical application.“Consider something like note-taking: the IB curriculum has units on even that—you know, what’s the most effective way to do that—but the most important, the unique thing IB does is apply that lesson in a practical way. It teaches how to utilize the notes you’ve taken, such as writing a paper.”The new principal declares the school’s success in achieving the IB certification lies squarely with the years-long work put in by the teachers and administrators involved.
Nov 12 '19 · 0 comments
Though the second China International Import Expo wrapped up for professional visitors on Sunday, the National Pavilion will be open from November 13 to 20 to those who made reservations in advance.The second China International Import Expo will be held at the National Exhibition and Convention Center in Shanghai from November 5 to 10, 2019.For further information about China International Import Expo, please visit: https://www.shine.cn/China-International-Import-Expo/ or 
https://www.shine.cn/ciie2019/v1.To get more ciie china 2019, you can visit shine news official website.

According to officials, the reservation window has expired and about 400,000 people have booked visits already.A total of 64 countries in the National Pavilion will offer exciting and abundant cultural experiences to visitors.

The China booth covers 1,500 square meters and focuses on the dramatic changes the country has accomplished over the 70 years since the founding of the People’s Republic of China. The France booth has several large screens and VR equipment for visitors to experience French culture. The Greece booth recalls ancient splendor with wine and Greek goat cheese.

Apart from the National Pavilion, some of the intangible cultural heritage exhibitions, introduced as a first at this year's expo, will open to the visitors as well. During the extended exhibition, people can enjoy intangible cultural heritage from Zhejiang, Shandong, Fujian and Shaanxi provinces as well as Shanghai.

The two plazas of the National Exhibition and Convention Center also offer great fun. The south plaza of the center shows off the grand architecture of the expo venue and a glorious display of flowers and greenery.The north plaza has an ice and snow experience zone to promote the upcoming Winter Olympics in 2022. Visitors can ski or play curling in this area.

After leaving the expo, visitors can go to the Greenland Global Merchandise Trade Center or the Hongqiao Import Commodity Exhibition and Trade Center to do some shopping. Here visitors will find most of the items showcased by exhibitors at the CIIE.
Nov 12 '19 · 0 comments
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