
freemexy's blog

Wajah Jessica Iskandar sempat mengalami ruam merah. Rupanya Jessica mengalami alergi anestesi saat melakukan perawatan kecantikan Ulthera.
"Sudah mulai hilang, jadikan aku ke klinik kecantikan, Aku mau perawatan Ulthera, terus sama dokternya dianestesi dulu biar enggak sakit katanya," kata Jessica saat ditemui di kawasan Darmawangsa, Jakarta Selatan, Selasa (3/9/2019).brand make up
"Terus ya sudah dianestesi, aku udah bilang 'dok ini perih loh dok, ini enggak apa-apa perih begini?' terus kata dokternya 'Iya enggak apa-apa apa itu memang normal, kadang anestesi memang bikin perih'," sambungnya.
Tapi pas 50 menit pakai krim anestesi pas dihapus semuanya merah, ngeblok-ngeblok merahnya. Ya sudah kirain besok nya hilang, enggak tahunya 'Wah kok enggak hilang-hilang ya, udah mulai stres deh," ucapnya.
Ibu satu anak itu tak menyangka bahwa dirinya alergi krim anestesi.
"Kalau awalnya kan paling yang tesnya dari darah kan, di situ enggak ada alergi apa-apa, tapi ternyata kemarin alergi krim anestesi. Jadi ya tidak disangka-sangka ya tapi apapun itu aku sudah belajar kalau sekarang harus dites dulu."
Calon istri artis Richard Kyle itu awalnya berniat untuk menghilangkan kerutan di wajahnya karena sering menggunakan kosmetik.
"Ulthera itu buat mengurangi kerutan dini. Jadi sebenarnya Ulthera ini dibutuhkannya untuk usia 40 tahun tapi aku mencoba untuk lebih dini aja," tutur Jessica.
"Karena aku kan setiap hari make up mungkin perawatan nya harus lebih ekstra daripada orang yang enggak make up setiap hari. Jadi aku pikir aku mau melakukan Ulthera supaya nggak ada kerutan halus," lanjutnya.
Nov 11 '19 · 0 comments
Jakarta Penampilan merupakan salah satu hal yang penting bagi seorang selebriti. Oleh karena itu, Jessica Iskandar pun selalu memperhatikan penampilannya. Mulai dari gaya rambut hingga kulitnya.bintik merah di wajah

Akan tetapi baru-baru ini, perempuan yang akrab disapa Jedar ini memperlihatkan penampilan yang sangat berbeda. Pada wajah cantik Jedar terlihat ruam merah di bagian pipi dan dagu.Dalam Instagram Stories-nya, Jedar menjelaskan jika hal tersebut terjadi karena ia alergi dengan anestesi. "Alergi habis anestesi," tulis Jessica Iskandar.

Ruam pada wajahnya tidak kunjung membaik walaupun sudah melakukan perawatan. Ia pun meminta saran pada followers-nya untuk mengatasi permasalahan di wajahnya.

Banyak warganet yang menyarankan agar Jedar segera memeriksakan diri ke dokter. Mengalami kondisi wajah memerah, Jedar masih mencoba untuk beraktivitas seperti biasa.Jessica Iskandar pun masih menjalani beberapa syuting. Untuk menutupi ruam di wajahnya, ia pun menggunakan makeup yang tebal namun tetap terlihat jelas.

Dalam postingan terbarunya, kondisi kulit Jedar tampak dipenuhi dengan bercak merah. Dalam postingan tersebut, ia mengungkapkan jika dirinya tak bisa syuting. Ia izin tak syuting karena kondisi wajahnya.

Jessica Iskandar mengaku jika sementara waktu ia tak boleh kena sinar matahari dan tak boleh menggunakan makeup. "Aku ijin dari kerja, ga boleh kena make up, ga boleh kena matahari semenjak tragedi muka aku bercak merah.. doain cepat kembali normal ya," tulis Jedar.
Nov 11 '19 · 0 comments
When your email gets hacked, it’s likely you don’t even know it until you get strange calls from your friends and family telling them they got a strange email from you.

Although most people are by now aware of what kind of emails appear authentic and what kinds do not, you shouldn’t take this lightly. A compromised email means that the hacker is one step closer to stealing a lot of your personal information.

Think about what kind of information you usually store in your emails: passwords, personal photos and videos, sensitive work details, sometimes even passwords to other sites. If your email account has been hacked, you should act quickly to make sure they don’t get your other important information.

Follow these steps to keep yourself safe and ensure it won’t happen again.

#1: Get back into your email
When your email has been hacked, there’s usually two options: either the hacker left your password unchanged, or you’re now blocked out of your own account.

For the most part, hackers leave the passwords unchanged, so the first important step for you to do is to log inside your own email account. For the second choice, simply click on ‘Forgot Password’ and reset your password.

Now that you’ve got your own account, immediately change your password. It shouldn’t be ‘password’ or ‘mommylovespuppy.’ Your password needs to be strong. Try this trick: if you agree with the statement “I love to take my dog for a walk every morning” and can remember it, turn it into 1l2tmd4awEVm (replacing I with 1, to with 2, and for with 4). Or you can use any variation thereof that mixes uppercase, lowercase and numbers.

Even more, use two-step authentication, so that whenever you enter a site from a new location, your email client will send you a code by text message or through an app. That way, if you’re in Chicago and someone tries to log in from Moscow, they won’t get in without your code.>

#2: Make sure nothing else has been compromised
Immediately after you get control back of your hacked email account, change the passwords on all your other accounts. That includes Facebook, Amazon, Twitter, LinkedIn, and of course your banking accounts. This is especially important considering that the hacker can use your email account to gain access to your other accounts. They just use the ‘Forgot Password’ feature on those accounts, which will send a verification to your email account.

In order to check this, go through your Spam and Trash folders on your hacked email account and see if there’s been any password reset emails.

#3: Check your email settings for spam
It’s possible that, even after you’ve recovered your email, hackers altered your settings in various ways. One way is to automatically forward your emails to another account, so that the hacker can see what emails you’re receiving. You’ll need to go through your forward settings and see if anything has been altered.

Another thing hackers may do is change your signature or out-of-office reply. They may have added a link to your signature or out-of-office reply, so that anyone you send emails to will click on the links and visit those malicious sites.

#4: Ensure it won’t happen again
Now that you’ve recovered your hacked email account, you want to make sure it doesn’t happen again. As I mentioned above, the first good defense is a really strong password. The best passwords are a random string of characters totaling 16 or more—but of course, they are extremely hard to remember. For great security with not much memory required, get a password manager like LastPass or 1Password.

Besides that, you should use only private networks. Many people get their information stolen while on holiday. They log in into the free wifi in the hotel lobby or at a coffee shop, library, or other public places and get compromised. Read our earlier blog post here about how to protect yourself from what’s known as Evil Twin Hotspots, fake wifi hotspots set up to steal your data.

Related: How to send an anonymous email 

Another option, instead of avoiding all free wifi, is to use a VPN, such as NordVPN’s. It has great features with flexible pricing. It works by creating a secure connection to a server in a location of your choice, so that all your communications go through there. That means, even if someone is snooping to catch your data, seeing as all your information is encrypted, they’ll just end up getting gibberish.

Remember, however, all the best tools and services are available to help you. However, they can’t help you if you have easy, weak passwords or engaging in risky behavior, such as posting too much personal information on social media.

The best way to protect your personal information is to practice vigilance.
When comes to the issue of online privacy and security, we suggest to use a VPN, and our recommendation is RitaVPN. RitaVPN is an excellent tool for protecting your online privacy and security. And with the using of RitaVPN, you can also access your favorite geo-blocked content. It allows P2P connections on all servers and offers specialized servers for Netflix and other favorite streaming channels. RitaVPN is a relatively new VPN service, but it’s already making a name for itself,which makes it one of the best VPN in 2019.
Nov 11 '19 · 0 comments
The internet can be a wonderful place to learn about anything at all and be entertained for hours on end. However, it can also be a dangerous place, one where you can get all your sensitive information stolen. You may think that you are visiting a safe website, but in fact it could be one designed to steal all your information—and money.

Because of this situation, websites are required more and more to have certificates to prove that they are 100% secure. In fact, Google has already given warning that any site without HTTPS will be marked as ‘unsafe.’ HTTPS is a safer version of HTTP.

Where HTTP is simply a way for a browser to talk to a server (and thereby show you a website), HTTPS will make sure that communication is first encrypted. You can see whether a website is secure by checking if there’s a green padlock at the top next to the site address.

If a site wants to be marked as ‘safe,’ it needs to have a certificate from a trusted source.

What are website certificates?
An HTTPS website means that the site is being secured with SSL (Secure Socket Layer). This means that any data that is being sent between your browser and the server is encrypted and that the website is what it claims to be. This helps protect your private information (such as bank account or credit card information, password, social security numbers, etc.) from any prying eyes.

The website has to prove that it is legitimate to your browser. It presents its security certificate, and the browser (which has a list of trusted certification bodies) will accept this certificate or reject it. If the site’s security certificate is rejected, that means that the website is probably a fake. This happens a lot in phishing scams or other methods used to steal your information.

Where do certificates come from?
There are many Certificate Authorities (CAs) to choose from. E-commerce website owners have to pay these CAs to verify that they are the owners of the website. CAs need to first set up a trusted infrastructure on the destination site and validate the identity. To validate the site owner’s identity, they will ask to have the site’s DNS (Domain Name Server) settings updated, or confirm through the site’s email address.

This, of course, involves a certain cost, and depending on the level of security and certification, the costs can be in the thousands of dollars. Some popular CAs are Norton, Microsoft, GoDaddy and others. Each web browser, such as Chrome, Internet Explorer, Safar, Firefox and others, keep their own lists of trusted CAs.

There are also free CAs, but they may not be trusted by the various web browsers.

What should you do if you see a certificate warning?
From time to time, you’ll see a certificate warning stating that “the site’s security certificate is not trusted.” You should by no means just carry on and enter the site.

Instead, first try to determine exactly why the certificate was rejected. With this information, you can decide whether or not you’d like to continue on to the site. This could be because the site received its certificate from a free CA. For the most part, however, you shouldn’t continue.

This is especially true if the site’s certificate is revoked. This means that the certificate used by the site is fraudulent, and you should definitely not trust it.

As with everything else on the internet, you should always be vigilant when going to sites that require you to input sensitive information. This will save you a lot of stress and tears later on.

When comes to the issue of online privacy and security, we suggest to use a VPN, and our recommendation is RitaVPN. RitaVPN is an excellent tool for protecting your online privacy and security. And with the using of RitaVPN, you can also access your favorite geo-blocked content. It allows P2P connections on all servers and offers specialized servers for Netflix and other favorite streaming channels. RitaVPN is a relatively new VPN service, but it’s already making a name for itself,which makes it one of the best VPN in 2019.
Nov 11 '19 · 0 comments
Using a public computer is becoming less common. However, imagine needing to access your work emails or your social media accounts – and your laptop’s at home and your phone just died.

A public computer would be a reasonable choice, but it’s risky. Did you know that it could put your private information at risk?

Using a public computer presents similar threats as using public Wi-Fi (find out how to stay safe on public Wi-Fi). That’s why we put together a few tips that will help you protect your data and use a public computer safely.

1: Delete downloaded files
If you need to download anything to a public computer (i.e. your flight tickets or your booking confirmations), always make sure to delete these files and empty the Recycle Bin.

It’s even better to use memory stick for your files. Instead of saving downloads on the computer, just save them on your USB.

2: Delete your browser history
Right after you’ve finished browsing, delete all of your history, cookies, and temporary Internet files.

Usually, you can do this by clicking ‘History’ or ‘Privacy’ tabs on your browser. If you’re using Chrome, click on the three-dash icon on the upper right-hand corner and select ‘History’. From here, it’s easy to clear your browsing data. For Firefox, go to ‘Settings’, click on ‘Privacy & Security’, and then choose ‘Clear private data’.

3: Don’t save passwords
If you need to access a website that requires your login details and/or your password, never click ‘remember me’ or ‘save password’. This might seem obvious, but most people are so used to clicking these buttons that they automatically do so on public computers.

If you do accidentally end up saving your password, don’t panic. You can delete this information too. It is a bit more complicated, but if you ever need to, follow these instructions.

4: Don’t enter highly sensitive information
A public computer is not the best place to check your bank account or shop online, nor should you use it with your work network. Not only could hackers compromise your credentials, they could also get into your work network and access your company’s information.

The same goes for sensitive personal data, like bank account logins or anything that requires your government ID information.

5: Restart the computer
One way to make sure that your private information is safe is to restart your computer when you’re done with it. The next guy in line may not like it, but it might save you from a massive headache.

Restarting your computer will not only clear out temporary files, it will also clear the public computer’s physical memory (RAM).

6: Apply the same security rules as you would at home
Just because you are using a public computer doesn’t mean that you should use the internet carelessly. You should still avoid accessing unknown websites or downloading suspicious files. (If you are unsure how to avoid bad internet behaviors or how to fix them, check out this post)

7: Don’t forget to sign out
You would be surprised to see how many people forget to sign out of their accounts. Make sure you don’t , because the next person to use the computer might accidentally open your account. Don’t leave your data in the hands of a stranger.

8: Watch your surroundings
Watch what’s happening around you. Pay attention. Is someone looking over your shoulder? How about security cameras? Someone might be snooping over you in the physical world and collecting your data.

9: Use your common sense
Lastly, you should always use your common sense. Keep an eye out for things that might feel odd. For example, if your connection speed suddenly drops, that might mean that someone is leaking your data. If in doubt, it’s better to disconnect the internet, or at least to avoid visiting websites that ask for your personal information.
When comes to the issue of online privacy and security, we suggest to use a VPN, and our recommendation is RitaVPN. RitaVPN is an excellent tool for protecting your online privacy and security. And with the using of RitaVPN, you can also access your favorite geo-blocked content. It allows P2P connections on all servers and offers specialized servers for Netflix and other favorite streaming channels. RitaVPN is a relatively new VPN service, but it’s already making a name for itself,which makes it one of the best VPN in 2019.
Nov 11 '19 · 0 comments

Everyone probably thinks they’re too clever to fall for a scam – even the people who fall for them. Social engineering is a powerful set of techniques that hackers, scammers, and thieves use to compromise your security and steal valuable data. Learn their strategies so you don’t fall into their trap.
Social engineering definition
Social engineering is the art of convincing a person to do what you want, even when it’s against their interests. Trust, stress and greed are natural feelings that social engineers use against you to cloud your judgment. When it comes to the digital world, it may or may not involve code or malware.

Read on to learn more about the most common techniques and how to protect yourself against them.

Types and examples of social engineering

Phishing happens when a cybercriminal uses emails to impersonate someone else. Usually they’ll pretend to be your bank, the government, a delivery company, or any other organization you trust. ). Their goal is to have you open that email and download a suspicious attachment or click on the link they provide. They want to trick you into disclosing sensitive information such as your login details, social security number or your bank card number.

Phishing can take different forms and use different methods. The most common ones include:

A spoofed display name. The email will appear to have been sent from a legitimate organization but the domain name will be entirely different. For example, it might look like Netflix sent you an email asking to confirm your account details, but if you hover over ‘Sender’, you’ll see that the email came from netflix@gmail.com (a hypothetical example).
Embedded links. You might receive an email asking you to click on the link and log back into your account (even though you haven’t changed your activity on that site). The embedded link will lead to an infected website that will steal your sensitive information. One way to protect yourself is to right-click on the link and check if it looks legit. The other more foolproof way is to type the original website into your URL bar to see if what the message said is true.
Email attachments. Invoices, order confirmations, event invitations, etc. can be used to disguise viruses or malware. Don’t open them or reply to the sender if they seem suspicious. Draft a new email to the person you think emailed you.
Spear phishing
Spear phishing

Spear phishing is a type of phishing that requires more effort but also has a higher success rate. Phishing emails can be sent to thousands of people, while spear phishing hackers target individuals or small groups. They usually pretend to be a specific person you trust or, in a work environment, report to.

For spear phishing to work, hackers need to do some research about their victim(s) and use that information against them. Social media is a gold mine for this task. Hackers can gather almost any information, i.e., email address, the brands you trust and follow, your friends, etc. Once the research is done, the hacker will email the victim with a realistic pretext to get their sensitive information.

For example, on an individual level, hackers might pretend to be your best friend and ask for access to your Facebook account. On a business level, they could pretend to be a CEO of a company you work for and request to immediately transfer funds for a “new project.”

Spear-phishing attacks are difficult but not impossible to recognize. To protect yourself:

Check the source of the email. Has your friend or manager used that email before?
Ask yourself whether it sounds like a normal request. Have you previously spoken about this?
If it sounds suspicious, do not reply to the email and contact the person directly. Do this by sending them a separate email, giving them a call, or waiting to speak to them directly.

Vishing is yet another type of phishing. These scammers will pretend to be contacting you from a trustworthy organization using an old-fashioned route – the phone.First, they will spoof their phone number to impersonate you or a company you trust – it all depends on who they’re calling. Such hackers might use pre-recorded voice messages, text messages, or voice-to-text synthesizers to mask their identities. Others will even use humans from scam call centers to make the attack more convincing.

Vishing hackers will use a compelling pretext, such as suspicious activity on your bank account, overpaid/underpaid taxes, contest winnings, etc. Regardless of the technique or the pretext, their primary goal is to get your sensitive information, which can then be used for other attacks or to steal your identity. Check out this great example on Youtube.

To determine if the call you’re receiving is a vishing attempt, follow these tips:

Question the company and the reason they are calling. Have you ever heard of this company or have you ever done any business with it?
Are they offering unrealistic financial gains from contests you’ve never entered or are they offering to help you with debt you’ve never heard of?
Are they using hostile language to pressure you to give up your personal information?
All of these are warning signs of vishing.


Pretexting is a similar technique to phishing, and it uses a catchy and exciting pretext to get one’s sensitive information. However, if phishing is based on fear and urgency, then pretexting is the opposite – it’s based on trust and rapport.

Contact spamming

Contact spamming is the oldest trick in the book. A cybercriminal who uses this technique will hack into your email or your social media account and reach out to your friends with a message such as “I’ve seen this amazing video, check it out!”

Unfortunately, we tend to trust messages that seem to come from our close friends. But if you click on this link you will end up infecting your device with malware. What’s even worse is that once these viruses spread to your device, they can spread the same message to your contacts, too.

How to protect yourself
Learn about different types of social engineering attacks. If you know what to expect, it will be easier to avoid the trap. If you run a company or manage a team, it’s essential to educate your team about such attacks too.
Be vigilant. Double check the identity of whoever you’re communicating with, especially if it’s an email, text or call you weren’t expecting. Remember that if it sounds odd or too good to be true, it might be a scam.
Keep an eye out for mistakes. Legitimate businesses tend to triple-check their content before sending it out. Hackers, on the other hand, leave countless grammatical and spelling errors.
Don’t be afraid to ask questions. If you think someone is trying to scam you over the phone, feel free to question their friendliness or their authority. Most importantly, listen for answers that don’t match their story.
Practise good internet behavior.
Limit the information you share online. Leaving easily accessible information out there can help someone gather information about you and use it for a social engineering attack.
Take care of your software – install regular updates, invest in a good antivirus, install spam filters, and use browser extensions.
Use a VPN. A VPN service will help mask your identity and prevent would-be hackers from intercepting your communications, especially on public WiFi.
VPN download

Nov 11 '19 · 0 comments
People want to be unique and stand out from the crowd in the real world, but when going online, privacy and anonymity is what they strive for. However, it is not that easy to achieve due to device fingerprinting, as every website you visit can be tracked, leaving the trace all over the Internet and building up your digital profile.

What is device fingerprinting?
Device fingerprinting, also known as browser fingerprinting, is a technique used to identify individual web users by collecting information about their browser settings and system configuration. The “fingerprint” includes screen resolution, supported fonts, timezone, operating system, browser version, plug-ins installed and other specs, building up a unique set, which is compared to other Internet users’. There will hardly be someone using a browser identically customized to yours, so here it is – your unique online “fingerprint”.

Once you’re fingerprinted, it gets even easier for third parties to gather more information about you from your behavior online. Simply speaking, every website you visit, every product you view, TV shows you stream, news you read and basically every other move you make on the Internet leaves a trace, this way building up your detailed profile around your interests.

If privacy-concerned online users would delete their browser cookies on a regular basis to prevent giving up their data for websites, device fingerprinting does not work that way. It actually goes far beyond – the fingerprinting technology relies on JavaScript rather than cookies to collect data and is able to track users’ activity even when cookies are disabled. No wonder it has earned the name of “cookieless monsters”.

What is more, until recently, device fingerprinting worked under the assumption that a person is using the same single browser all the time, while switching between two or more different browsers would have ruined the “fingerprint” algorithm or impede tracking. The newly developed method, cross-browser fingerprinting, is sophisticated enough to identify and track users across multiple browsers and more accurately than ever before – 99,2 % of users were successfully fingerprinted by this new technique. It’s a win for computer science, but the online privacy gets a punch in the back.

Are there any good uses for browser-fingerprinting?
Uses of browser fingerprinting range from constructive to destructive.

Initially, browser fingerprinting technique was developed for banks and supposed to serve as an online fraud prevention measure by detecting suspicious behavior of individuals. Nowadays, becoming available for set-up on any website, device fingerprinting threatens the privacy of every user across the Internet.

Advertising companies and online merchants are the biggest players in this game. Detailed consumer profiling is extremely valuable for precise targeting and the delivery of customized ads, which bring high profits. That is, marketers and advertisers have the power to use your personal data to earn money.

Even more threatening, if accessed by hackers, digital “fingerprint” may expose your sensitive data, which, in the worst case scenario, may result in identity theft or hijacked accounts.

Can you stop browser fingerprinting?
Unfortunately, you can’t make your online “fingerprint” disappear completely, but there are certain measures that can at least blur it a little bit. As the new cross-browser technique makes it nearly impossible to avoid fingerprinting, the following techniques are helpful steps to make it harder for web browsers to track you:

#1: Use a popular browser
The rule is, the less you stand out from the crowd on the Internet, the more privacy you will have. A choice of unmodified (that means, no plug-ins installed) version of a popular browser, such as Chrome for newly installed Windows 10 operating system, would blend you in among less tech-savvy Internet users.

#2 Keep system and browser updated
Enabling automatic updates will ensure that you are using the latest version of your operating system and browser. Therefore, you will join the pool of look-alike users and keep up to date with system’s security fixes and improvements.

#3: Disable Javascript and Flash
Device fingerprinting software runs on JavaScript or Flash, so disabling them would be one of the strongest defenses against tracking. However, be prepared that by doing this your browsing experience will go worse, as many websites won’t work properly without JavaScript and also user-friendly features that typically run on Flash will be lost.

#4: Browse in Private mode
Browsing in Private or Incognito mode or clearing cookies after each session would slightly reduce the amount of information added to your “fingerprint”. Nevertheless, your browser properties can still be monitored.

#5: Use a VPN service
Browsing with a VPN (virtual private network) service enabled will keep your real IP address from being added to your online “fingerprint”. As many users with different browsing habits and backgrounds connect to the VPN servers, individual identification in terms of association to IP address becomes impossible. For this reason, a widely-used VPN service is preferable: it has a bigger crowd of users to get lost in, and a variety of servers to connect in order to obtain a different IP addressfrequently. RitaVPN is a smart choice for those who cherish their privacy and security, want to enjoy the Internet without restrictions, and to feel safe whenever going online.

Time will tell what device fingerprinting will evolve into and how (fingers crossed) it will be impeded by privacy laws. As for now, the best thing you can do is to take extra security measures on your own to make your digital “fingerprint” more obscure.
Nov 11 '19 · 0 comments
As the first half term of the academic year draws to a close, many teachers are beginning to review their practice. Ongoing training can be a vital tool in improving teaching standards, which is why many teachers consider Continuing Professional Development (CPD).CPD (Continuing Professional development)

However, it shouldn’t just be teachers considering CPD. As well as traditional school education, further education and higher education are also key components of the industry, with the entire education sector responsible for teaching skills, values and knowledge to people of all ages. This makes attending accredited CPD events a vital form of training for professionals across the industry.

What are CPD Events?

At The CPD Certification Service, we’re often asked: “what are CPD events and how can they help me?” Well, CPD courses for teachers help those involved in education stay up-to-date with the latest trends, topics and information.

CPD events combine different methodologies, such as training workshops, conferences, events, e-learning programs, best practice techniques and idea sharing forums. Attending these CPD events can help you and your colleagues improve as education providers, continuing your professional development and improving your practice. 
Helping learning become conscious and proactive, CPD courses for teachers create a structured, practical and methodological approach to learning, ensuring academic and practical qualifications do not become outdated or obsolete.

This is particularly important in education, where not only can the level of support provided be inefficient, but where standards can change continually. Fortunately, a new Standard for Teachers’ Professional Development was introduced by the Department of Education in 2016. This highlights what counts as CPD for teachers, outlining how it should be implemented within schools and organisations that provide teachers with professional development opportunities.

An Essential Business Education Resource

Accredited CPD events remain an invaluable educational resource for businesses and individuals alike. This is because they show that the training and learning activity undertaken have reached the required CPD qualities and benchmarks, ensuring integrity and quality.For individuals, attending accredited events helps show you how to become a more competent and effective professional. In addition, training and learning can increase confidence and capability, as well as complimenting any career aspirations, showing a commitment to self-development and professionalism.

For organisations such as schools, CPD provision produces a healthy learning culture, leading to a more fulfilled workforce and higher staff retention rates. By attending accredited CPD events, your staff members are learning from experts in their field, providing practical learning opportunities. Timescales can suit your employees, too. Some courses are only an hour long while others can take up to ten weeks (these are split into modules).

One example that shows the impact accredited events can have on attendees, the organisations they work for and the company delivering the training is Capita Conferences.

Successfully delivering topical and incisive events to the public sector for over 20 years (including the education sector), Capita Conferences have found that CPD events accreditation has made their conferences more valuable, with attendees remarking that coming to these conferences increases their ‘professionalism’. It also allows them to network with like-minded individuals, learning from shared experiences in the process.

As well as this, having the training accredited for CPD allows attendees to use the learning time towards individual CPD requirements, helping them to up-skill. Providing CPD to all delegates helps support individual CPD obligations at professional bodies, such as teachers at schools, improving their best practice and teaching standards. This shows us that CPD events accreditation helps not only the learning provider but the attendee and their employer, too.

Events in Education

There are a number of CPD events available throughout the calendar year, with many options to suit each role in the workplace. Whether you work for a school, academic institution, art gallery or museum, you are sure to find a relevant course and provider. 
If you’re looking to improve your assertiveness at work, searching for anti-bullying training, or aiming for the effective delivery of Tacpac, you will find a course that meets your needs and requirements in our directory today.
Nov 11 '19 · 0 comments
The Performing Arts play a hugely significant role in helping children to develop their creative skills. Educational theorists are increasingly emphasising the importance of “emotional intelligence”, developing a creative mind and fostering personalities and imaginations as children make their journey through school, to become happy and well rounded individuals.Children's performing arts

While Performing Arts allow children to develop creative passions, they simultaneously teach children language and communication skills, helping them to communicate effectively with others with confidence.

Performing Arts are all about self expression, exploring alternative options and embracing individuality. It’s not black and white, or about right or wrong answers, and this allows children to develop self confidence and belief in themselves. With improved self confidence and self belief, comes a natural pathway for children to go on to master many more skills that will equip them for life.Studies have also indicated that children who participate in Performing Arts can enjoy improved performance in more traditionally academic subject such as mathematics and English.
Here we discuss how teachers can use Performing Arts in primary schools, and how Performing Arts can boost children’s overall performance throughout EYFS, KS1 and KS2.
Using Performing Arts in School

It is evident that Performing Arts form an important part of a broad and liberal education. They can embrace all subject disciplines as well as social activities, and because of the confidence and communication skills that they equip children with, children become empowered in whatever career path they decide to follow as they become adults.

Performing Arts in schools, whether studied and enjoyed by children as it’s own dedicated subject, to build on English language and literacy lessons, or as a cross-curricular medium to support other subjects such as history or science, allow children to experiment.

They can explore so as to better understand ideas and concepts, and try out different points of view. It’s an opportunity to recreate and reenact situations using different perspectives to reach conclusions.

Perhaps most importantly, Performing Arts allow children to be playful and creative. To explore their curiosity and try out new things, and new ways of thinking or behaving.Children learn to trust others and build relationships as they learn to share their thoughts and ideas with confidence, to listen to others and to learn about respect for one another through positive, constructive criticism. This is why Performing Arts are so important in developing “the whole child” and helping children to enjoy and make the most out of school life.

Used regularly as part of school life, Performing Arts can really help to strengthen the school community. Children develop a sense of individuality, perform well and as such are happier within themselves in the school environment.Being involved with music, drama and dance builds strong relationships between pupils and with their teachers, and this reinforces their identity within the school community.

When children from different backgrounds and cultures come together to put on a production, they learn to work together, develop an understanding and tolerance of different ideas and attitudes and a greater awareness and understanding of the world around them. As these children become adults they are more willing and able to work with other people who are different from them, and can enjoy the many benefits of the strong communities they have built.
Nov 11 '19 · 0 comments
This ranking of the best middle schools in the United States focuses on grades 7 and 8. By a "middle school" we mean a school that includes those grades. Because regions (states, districts, etc.) set their own standards, in some places grades 7 and 8 may be combined with the high school, while in others they may be found together with elementary grades. Another alternative has been to place 7th and 8th grades in a separate school by themselves or together with 6th grade (these are usually called "middle schools" or less frequently now "junior high schools").International middle school

Whatever the combination, the schools in this ranking have both 7th and 8th grade housed together within the same building (which is nearly always the case). Where 7th and 8th graders were housed with other grades, achievement scores for the 7th and 8th graders were evaluated individually, rather than for the school as a whole. The schools in this ranking have found a way to provide 7th and 8th graders with a rich school experience that prepares them superbly well for high school, college, and life.

Recent research indicates that it is beneficial to put 7th and 8th graders together with the elementary grades, creating a single school for K through 8. There are significant studies which show that junior high/middle school students perform better when educated in a K through 8 setting. However, in large urban or suburban areas this option may create space, staffing, and safety issues. For this reason, it is not always feasible to make one school for nine grades.

For this study, the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) results in science, math, and reading for 8th graders were used as a principal (but not the sole) basis for comparison of schools. The NAEP administers the same test nationally so that one standard is applied to each student no matter which state they live in.

In the case of other common standardized test assessments, each state creates and administers its own tests, which makes cross-state comparisons difficult. That is the reason why we emphasize the NAEP. However, state assessment scores were also examined, where available, and weighed together with the NAEP scores.Finally, other factors such as awards and rankings and geographical diversity were also taken into account.
Community Day Charter School
Community Day Charter was founded in 1995 and was one of the first charter schools in Massachusetts. It began with grades K--3 and added a grade every year thereafter until it had all grades K--8.

Teachers work together in teams to identify areas of weakness and formulate action plans for students who are not succeeding as well as they should. All students are given the opportunity to succeed with school support and the belief that all students are capable of meeting the demands of challenging standards.An extended day and extended year is offered to students who wish to develop their skills or participate in extracurricular activities.
Stowe Middle School
Stowe Middle School is a school for grades 6--8. The program at Stowe is rigorous, but the school recognizes the importance of more than just academics. All students are required to perform four hours of community service and many perform more service than is required. Personalized classes are provided so that students can build relationships with other students, as well as staff and faculty.

An online free library is provided to all students in addition to the regular library, which has a website that assists students in finding books that they will enjoy and to keep them updated on what is new and what is popular. The school also prepares a newsletter that gives suggestions to parents on things they can do to help their children to be successful both socially and academically.

Each grade in middle school is separated into teams so that students on the same team share the same teachers. Likewise, teachers on a team share the same students. There is a math, social studies, and science teacher for each team, and each teacher also teaches language arts across the curriculum.

Electives include life skills, band, choir, art, Technology Design Education, and Family and Consumer Sciences Education (FACS). A theater group performs plays and musicals and the school hosts informative seminars on drug awareness and prevention tips for parents on subjects like Abduction and Harm.Friday wellness classes allow students to participate in snowboarding, snowshoeing, skiing, swimming, and skating. Team sports include field hockey, soccer, track, and cross country skiing.
Nov 11 '19 · 0 comments
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