
How to apply false lashes for beginners from freemexy's blog

’m not a regular false lash wearer, but I’ve found that it’s nice to know how to apply them if you ever need or want to wear them!

There is a huge range of options for false lashes, from super dramatic to very natural. I tend to choose the natural looking lashes because I don’t like a dramatic look nor do I like the weight of thicker false lashes.eyelash vendors

In the video I’m using very natural looking lashes, but the technique would be the exact same if you were using a thicker or more dramatic lash. You simply may need to hold the lash on the lid a bit longer to make sure the glue sticks since it may weigh a bit more.
I like to apply one thin coat of mascara to my lashes before applying the false lash. I find that this helps the lashes look more “realistic” from the side view. You’ll see in the video that I also like to apply mascara to the false lashes after the glue has set as well. It keeps them from looking so obvious, I’ve found.

Practice makes perfect, so don’t save your first attempt at applying the lash for the night of a big event. Try it a few times beforehand so you can really get a feel of where the lash needs to be set on the lid.

To remove the lashes, I simply wash my face with my typical cleaner, applying plenty of warm water to my eye area. The water is usually enough to soften up the glue and allow the lashes to simply fall off (I save them and reuse them), but sometimes I need to pull them off slightly. It never feels harsh or damaging on my eyes because the water does so much of the work initially.

The Wall

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