
freemexy's blog

Pudong International Airport has renovated two of its restrooms with inspiration from the second China International Import Expo.The second China International Import Expo will be held at the National Exhibition and Convention Center in Shanghai from November 5 to 10, 2019.For further information about China International Import Expo, please visit: https://www.shine.cn/China-International-Import-Expo/ or 
https://www.shine.cn/ciie2019/v1.To get more ciie shanghai, you can visit shine news official website.

The two upgraded restrooms feature an automatic seat cleaning system made in Germany, foldable cubicle doors developed in Japan and interior decor from Italian designers, the Shanghai Airport Authority said on Monday.

The renovated "model" facilities are near the departure-entrance and arrival-exit areas for international flights at the airport's T2 terminal.“The first batch of renovated toilets aim to offer good bathroom experiences at the beginning and end of a travelers’ journey,” an official with the airport authority said.

Inside the renovated bathrooms, an automatic cleaning system can wash and sanitize toilet seats within 15 seconds. The German design has won a Red Dot Design Award.The folding door can also provide more space in each cubicle for large baggage. 

In the female restrooms, a dresser has been installed with a professional lighting system that can simulate natural light. Additional hook racks have also been installed beside the basins.

The renovation project will continue to cover more lavatories at the Pudong airport, the airport authority said.“The renovation has included the latest designs from across the world to demonstrate the spirit of the CIIE and share global wisdom,” the airport official said.
Nov 12 '19 · 0 comments

Memiliki kulit wajah yang putih saja tidak cukup. tentunya kamu tidak inginkan memiliki kulit yang belang, wajah putih tetapi tangan hitam. Sehingga tak hanya memutihkan wajah, cara memutihkan kulit tangan kini juga mulai banyak diburu oleh para wanita untuk mempercantik dirinya.cara agar pori pori wajah tertutup

Ada banyak faktor yang dapat membuat kulit tangan terlihat lebih gelap dari pada wajah, salah satunya yaitu karena sering terpapar sinar matahari namun tidak melindunginya dengan tabir surya. Selain itu, kurangnya melakukan perawatan juga dapat membuat kulit tangan menjadi tidak sehat. Jadi, mulai sekarang jangan hanya wajah saja yang perlu dirawat dan dijaga tapi kulit lain seperti tangan juga perlu lho.

Nah, untuk cara memutihkan kulit tangan dengan cepat dan ampuh kalian bisa simak langsung dibawah ya!.Lemon dipercaya dapat menjadi bahan alami utama untuk memutihkan kulit tangan paling ampuh. Hal ini karena Lemon kaya akan kandungan antioksidan dan vitamin C. selain itu, Lemon juga mengandung asam alpha hidroksi yang berfungsi untuk menangkal radikal bebas yang ada didalam kulit.

2. Kunyit

Cara memutihkan kulit tangan yang terbukti ampuh selanjutnya yaitu dengan menggunakan Kunyit. Bumbu dapur yang berwarna kuning ini telah dipercaya bisa memutihkan kulit wanita yang gelap dengan cepat bila digunakan secara benar.
3. Jeruk Nipis

Sama seperti lemon, Jeruk Nipis pun juga kaya akan kandungan vitamin C dan antioksidan. Kandungan tersebut dapat berguna untuk memutihkan kulit serta mencerahkan dan menyehatkan kulitmu.
4. Bengkoang

Telah banyak produk kecantikan yang menggunakan Bengkoang sebagai pemutih alami. Bengkoang mengandung banyak vitamin B dan C yang berperan penting untuk memutihkan dan menjaga kulit agar tetap bersih putih bersinar.
5. Beras

Beras sejak dulu telah dipercaya khasiatnya bisa memutihkan kulit secara aman dan ampuh. Tak hanya efektif untuk memutihkan tangan, tapi juga bisa memutihkan kulit lainnya seperti wajah dan kaki. Untuk mendapatkan khasiat Beras untuk memutihkan tangan kamu bisa menjadikan beras sebagai lulur alami untuk kulit mu.

Nov 12 '19 · 0 comments

Memiliki kulit putih bersinar adalah keinginan semua orang, terutama kaum wanita. Kulit putih bersih adalah cerminan wanita cantik.Banyak metode yang bisa kamu lakukan untuk mendapatkan kulit putih, bahkan dengan cara instan. Tetapi, memutihkan kulit dengan cara instan memiliki banyak dampak negatif. Seperti timbul bintik-bintik hitam dan lain sebagainya, yang sifatnya bisa saja permanen.cara agar kulit tetap putih walau terkena sinar matahari

Selain metode instan dalam memutihkan kulit, ada juga metode secara alami. Metode secara alami ini lebih aman dan sehat bagi kulit kamu. Berikut adalah beberapa cara memutihkan kulit tubuh secara alami dan cepat dalam 1 hari.
Banyak cara yang bisa kamu lakukan untuk memutihkan kulit. Berikut adalah beberapa cara memutihkan kulit tubuh secara alami.

Lidah Buaya
Cara memutihkan kulit tubuh pertama yaitu dengan lidah buaya. Lidah buaya mengandung aloesin, yaitu zat yang berfungsi untuk menghambat pembentukan melanin pada kulit, sehingga mencegah kulit menjadi gelap.
Karena itulah mengapa lidah buaya banyak dimasukkan ke dalam komposisi dari berbagai produsen obat pencerah kulit.Pakai gel lidah buaya, lalu oleskan pada tubuh secara merata. Biarkan selama 15 menit kemudian bilas dengan air bersih.
Minyak Zaitun
Minyak zaitun merupakan minyak yang kaya akan nutrisi, nutrisi yang terdapat didalamnya sangat bermanfaat untuk kesehatan kulit.Vitamin E, vitamin D, vitamin A dan vitamin K yang terkandung didalam minyak zaitun kadarnya cukup tinggi sehingga membantu dalam meningkatkan kecerahan kulit wajah.
Kandungan omega 3, 6 dan 9 serta zat besi yang terdapat dalam minyak zaitun baik dalam menunjang kesehatan kulit, dan mampu meregenerasi sel-sel kulit yang mengalami kerusakan. Maka dari itu, minyak zaitun sangat cocok sebagai cara memutihkan kulit tubuh.
Putih Telur
Putih telur mengandung protein yang tinggi. Fungsinya meregenerasi kulit agar sel kulit mati terkelupas dan diganti sel kulit baru lebih sehat. Maka dari itu putih telur sangat cocok sebagai cara memutihkan kulit tubuh.
Kunyit juga bisa menjadi cara memutihkan kulit tubuh. Kunyit mengandung kurkumin yang berfungsi untuk menetralkan radikal bebas. Caranya cukup mudah, campurkan susu dan bubuk kunyit. Lalu oleskan pada tubuh. Biarkan selama 15 menit kemudian bilas dengan air hangat.
Buah avokad berfungsi untuk menjaga kelembapan kulit sehingga terhindar dari keriput dan mencegah penuaan dini. Karena avokad mengandung banyak karotenoid anti-oksidan, vitamin E, dan vitamin C.Vitamin E berguna untuk mencegah penuaan dini akibat terkena paparan sinar matahari, sedangkan vitamin C merupakan zat yang dibutuhkan untuk membuat elastin dan kolagen pada tubuh. Maka dari itu avokad sangat cocok sebagai cara memutihkan kulit tubuh.

Nov 12 '19 · 0 comments
    Sebagai seorang artis, tentunya Jessica Iskandar selalu memperhatikan penampilannya. Mulai dari gaya berpakaian, gaya rambut, hingga kesehatan kulitnya. Namun baru-baru ini justru Jessica Iskandar atau yang akrab dengan sapaan Jedar menunjukkan penampilannya yang cukup berbeda.cara agar jerawat hilang dan tidak tumbuh lagi Jessica Iskandar mengunggah penampakan wajah yang dipenuhi ruam merah di bagian pipi dan dagu. Dalam Instagram Stories-nya, kekasih Richard Kyle ini menjelaskan bahwa hal tersebut dikarenakan dirinya alergi anestesi (obat bius).
Ruam pada wajahnya tak kunjung membaik meski telah melakukan perawatan. Ia pun meminta saran pada followers untuk mengatasi permasalahan di wajahnya tersebut. Banyak yang memberikan saran agar Jedar segera memeriksakan diri saja ke dokter. Mengalami kondisi wajah memerah, Jedar mencoba beraktivitas seperti biasa. Ia tetap menjalani beberapa syuting. Untuk menutupi ruam di wajahnya, Jedar menggunakan makeup tebal.
 Namun tetap saja, ruam tersebut masih terlihat jelas. "Guys, jadi ini wajah aku udah pake foundation, udah tebel banget, tapi merah-merahnya masih kelihatan. Kalau kalian ada ide atau tips boleh ya ditulis di kolom," ujar Jedar. Terakhir pada unggahan terbarunya, kondisi kulit wajah Jedar terlihat dipenuhi bercak merah. Dalam unggahan tersebut, Jedar juga mengungkapkan bahwa dirinya tidak bisa melanjutkan syuting. Ia mengatakan izin untuk tidak syuting karena kondisi wajahnya.  
Nov 12 '19 · 0 comments
The new Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR) of the Republic Act 10912 or the Continuing Professional Development Law of 2016 is now official.The document from the Professional Regulation Commission (PRC) has now been signed by Chairman Teofilo Pilando Jr., Commissioner Yolanda D. Reyes and Commissioner Jose Y. Cueto Jr. It was published on Wednesday, February 13 at the Official Gazette and will take effect 15 days after.CPD (Continuing Professional development)

Due to the numerous complaints from professionals, the PRC in coordination with several members of professional groups, including the Alliance of Concerned Teachers (ACT) were present at a Senate Committee on Civil Service, Government Reorganization and Professional Regulation last February 4 to find solutions. On February 7, PRC issued Resolution No. 2019-1146 that outlined the new Implementing Regards and Regulations (IRR) of the CPD Law. 

While the senators agreed that majority of the local professionals seek the repeal of the CPD law, it would only take too much time and agreed to make amendments on the rules and regulations instead.

Among the significant provisions under the new IRR include:

CPD is still a mandatory requirement for the renewal of the PRC ID of all registered and licensed professionals.Significant decrease in the number of required CPD units for the renewal of professional license. From 45 units, it’s now down to 15 units every three years.
In-house trainings and capacity-building activities of government agencies and corporations, including local government units and private employers shall be credited and considered as CPD compliance.

A transition period will be implemented while the PRC is working with CPD councils to fulfill the “pre-conditions” required from them.The following will be observed during the transition period:

Professionals working abroad shall not be covered by the CPD requirement during the period of their employment abroad
Newly licensed professionals shall be exempted from CPD requirements for their first renewal
CPD councils shall reduce the required CPD units to a minimum which shall not be more than 15 CPD units
All seminars attended by licensed professionals should be recognized as CPD units and shall be accepted as valid for the renewal of their licenses.Professionals who renewed their PRC ID's by signing an Undertaking shall only comply the required 15 CPD units, in pursuant to the Resolution.PRC Chairman Pilando earlier shared that he is hopeful that the new provisions will help ease the burden on our professionals while they iron out the CPD Law. He said, “Hopefully once all of these things are met then we will be prepared the mandatory character of the law.”
Nov 12 '19 · 0 comments
In a partnership with four local child development centers and the Kauffman Center for the Performing Arts, PNC Bank will reveal the addition of 112 children's handprints to the PNC Grow Up Great Gallery, a visual installation at the Kauffman Center and a gift to the community. The colorful mural now showcases more than 300 handprints of Pre-K students from Saint Mark Child and Family Development Center and Metro Early Learning Center in Missouri, Growing Futures Early Education Center and El Centro Academy for Children in Kansas.Children's performing arts

The wall complements PNC Bank's signature philanthropic initiative, PNC Grow Up Great, which is focused on early childhood education and school readiness for preschoolers in underserved communities. The PNC Grow Up Great Gallery at the Kauffman Center is part of an effort to inspire great futures for local children through memorable arts experiences.

PNC Bank is the Kauffman Center's exclusive bank sponsor for the Kauffman Center's Ensemble business membership program and the Grow Up Great Gallery art installation. In addition, PNC is a key sponsor of the Kauffman Center's programming series Kauffman Center Presents.Reveal of the newest addition of 112 children's handprints the PNC Grow Up Great Gallery, a mural showcase of kids' handprints that creates a special connection between children, their families and the performing arts.
Brandmeyer Great Hall, Helzberg Hall and Plaza Lobby Level at the Kauffman Center for Performing Arts, 1601 Broadway Blvd, Kansas City, MO 64108

Who: More than 100 four-year old children and their families, community leaders, PNC leadership, Kauffman Center for the Performing Arts leadership, Growing Futures Early Education Center, El Centro Academy for Children and UICS St. Mark Center leadership and staff.

Visuals: Participating families and children, Saint Mark Child and Family Development Center, Metro Early Learning Center, Growing Futures Early Education Center and El Centro Academy for Children. Pre-K students proudly showcasing their handprints in a gallery setting. Interactive arts experiences including roving performers by StoneLion Puppets, block-building with Planet Play in Brandmeyer Great Hall and performances in Helzberg Hall by Drum Safari.
Nov 12 '19 · 0 comments
ISB’s Middle School learning environment is designed to develop the whole student — both in and outside of the classroom.ISB’s rigorous inquiry-based curriculum motivates students to be resourceful and imaginative in dealing with everyday challenges and finding creative solutions.International middle school

The Middle School years are full of changes for our students, both physical and emotional. In order to best support our students during these critical stages of their academic and personal growth, a faculty advisor guides each student during the Middle School years. Students meet with their advisors on a daily basis and discuss academic, social, and emotional development, as well as any issues the students wish to share.

The Middle School advisory program is designed and led by our Middle School Counselor, who offers added support to students, parents, and faculty. This support also includes a comprehensive program to assist students with high school applications and placement.

Through this robust, progressive educational program, ISB students become driven explorers and passionate communicators with skills that open up options and opportunities for high school and beyond.
Nov 12 '19 · 0 comments
The second China International Import Expo concluded on Sunday with a total of US$71.13 billion in intended deals signed, an increase of 23 percent from the first expo.The second expo attracted more than 3,800 enterprises as exhibitors from almost every country in the world and over 500,000 buyers came from home and abroad, said Sun Chenghai, deputy director of the expo bureau.The expo's 360,000 square meters were visited by well over 900,000 people.The second China International Import Expo will be held at the National Exhibition and Convention Center in Shanghai from November 5 to 10, 2019.For further information about China International Import Expo, please visit:https://www.shine.cn/China-International-Import-Expo/ or 
https://www.shine.cn/ciie2019/v1.To get more ciie shanghai, you can visit shine news official website.

Each country had its own distinctive style of pavilion with every stripe of technology used to display unique regional cultures and advantageous industries, covering every facet of commerce.The China Pavilion with the 70th anniversary of the People's Republic of China as the main thread, showed the achievements of the past, balanced by new development concepts focused on quality products and services for which the nation can be justly proud.

In terms of the commercial exhibition, the scale, quality and management of the exhibition crystallized the many lessons learned form the success of the first CIIE. As many as 400 new products, technologies or services made their debuts at the expo."The CIIE is becoming the preferred platform for new products and across a wide spectrum of industries," Sun said.

As for buyers, Sun said that "among 500,000 visitors, over 7000 were foreign buyers, far surpassing the first expo."Buyers were also more committed this year, with manufacturing firms accounting for 32 percent of domestic buyers while wholesale and retail companies accounted for 25 percent."

Support activities for buyers and sellers abounded, with clear interpretations of policies for both sides of the negotiating table. As for international organizations, the WTO held several events showcasing its latest reports, while the World Intellectual Property Organization lead discussion in combating property rights violation and counterfeiting.

At supply-demand matchmaking fairs from November 6 to 8, 1,400 exhibitors and 3,300 buyers met for one-to-one talks and reached agreements on 2,200 transactions, figures all higher than last year's.At the opening ceremony on November 5, President Xi Jinping proposed three initiatives for a more open world economy and new measures for China's push toward a higher level of opening-up.

The expo was warmly received by the international community with 126 foreign government delegations attending. French President Emmanuel Macron; Andrew Holness, Prime Minister of Jamaica; Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis; Prime Minister of Serbia Ana Brnabić; Luigi Di Maio, Italian Minister of Foreign Affairs; and Roberto Azevêdo, Director general of the WTO, all addressed the opening ceremony.

As for next year, the exhibition will be divided into four major sections: technology and equipment; consumer goods and smart life; food and agricultural products; and services and health care. Trade in services, automobiles, consumer goods, technical equipment, medical equipment and produce will each have their own exhibition areas. 

More than 230 enterprises have already signed up, among them with more than 50,000 square meters of exhibition space already earmarked for Global Fortune 500 enterprises and leading companies across industries.
Nov 12 '19 · 0 comments
Covestro is expanding its open innovation, or cross industry innovation with various partners starting from its Asia Pacific Innovation Center in Shanghai with the new concept of “Open Innovation Hub.”The move comes as the multi-industry ecosystems in China have evolved through open innovation principles that push the boundaries of the traditional industry sectors as well as for industry upgrade.The second China International Import Expo will be held at the National Exhibition and Convention Center in Shanghai from November 5 to 10, 2019.For further information about China International Import Expo, please visit: https://www.shine.cn/China-International-Import-Expo/ or 
https://www.shine.cn/ciie2019/v1.To get more ciie shanghai, you can visit shine news official website.

“China is setting the pace for technologies and solutions in many areas that address future trends, and we see tremendous potential here to engage with different innovation partners,” said Holly Lei, President of Covestro China. “With the Open Innovation concept we take a step forward in implementing our ‘in China, for the world’ innovation strategy.”

The Open Innovation concept will support experts and partners with an infrastructure to work on five important pillars, for example in engaging with designers, start-ups and established customers to explore potential aesthetic and circular design of products.

The new approach enables experts to reach out into the ecosystems to find partners for sustainability topics and circular economy, and helps to build networks for industries and applications where Chinese developments take a leading role such as mobility, robotics, bio-materials and drones.

“We will bundle our open innovation activities under one umbrella now,” said Dr Michael Schmidt, Head of Innovation, Covestro, Asia Pacific. “We strive for a close and intense collaboration with our partners from all kind of industries with the goal to build a leading innovation ecosystem for our customers.”

Covestro has been active in connecting with start-ups, academia such as Tongji University and cross-industry partners even before implementing a branded open innovation concept in China.Covestro showed its materials for 5G at this year’s K Fair from October 16–23 in Düsseldorf, Germany. The materials are in fact a teamwork fruit, which is benefiting from Covestro’s open innovation concept.

As 5G is going to become the basis for a fully mobile and networked society, it is a key technology for the digitalization of all areas of life and the economy.The new technology enables close networking of devices such as cell phones, tablets, vehicles, household appliances, industrial plants and many others to form an Internet of Things (IoT).

With the installation of 5G, the demand for base stations, active antenna units (AAU) and other equipment will increase dramatically. Covestro is developing innovative and sustainable material solutions and contributing to a smart infrastructure, including sensor technologies and a digital communication environment.

China is leading in 5G network deployment. Covestro’s global 5G team is working with Southeast University of China on the optimization of radio frequency data transmittance.

In Europe, the company is cooperating closely with Deutsche Telekom and the Umeå Institute of Design. Together with its partners, the company is committed to achieving the materials of choice for 5G technology.
Nov 12 '19 · 0 comments
Bintik merah pada bayi memang bukanlah hal yang jarang terjadi. Penyebab munculnya kondisi ini kebanyakan tidaklah berbahaya, seperti jerawat pada bayi atau biang keringat.Namun, pada beberapa kasus, bintik merah pada bayi bisa menjadi penanda suatu penyakit serius, seperti campak hingga meningitis.cara agar jerawat cepat kering
Maka dari itu, ada baiknya Anda mengenali penyebab pasti dari bintik merah pada bayi yang dialami Si Buah Hati, agar perawatan yang dilakukan dapat tepat dan efektif.
1. Jerawat bayi
Jerawat pada bayi umumnya muncul dua hingga empat minggu setelah kelahiran. Jerawat bisa muncul di pipi, hidung, atau dahi. Hingga saat ini, penyebab jerawat pada bayi belum diketahui.
Jerawat pada bayi umumnya dapat hilang dengan sendirinya setelah bayi berusia tiga hingga empat bulan. Jangan gunakan produk jerawat untuk kulit dewasa, pada bayi. Kulit bayi masih sangat sensitif, sehingga penggunaan sembarang produk bisa menyebabkan iritasi.
2. Eksim
Eksim atau eczema bisa menimbulkan bintik merah pada kulit bayi, yang disertai rasa gatal dan nyeri. Kulit bayi juga akan terlihat kering. Eksim umumnya muncul saat bayi berusia enam bulan.
Seringkali, eksim terjadi di pipi atau dahi. Seiring bertambahnya usia, kondisi ini dapat juga meluas hingga lutut, siku, dan area lipatan kulit lainnya.
3. Biang keringat
Biang keringat pada bayi bisa terjadi karena keringat tidak bisa keluar dari kulit akibat tersumbatnya pori-porinya. Kondisi ini umumnya muncul di leher, bahu, dada, ketiak, lipatan siku, dan pangkal paha.
Biang keringat muncul saat cuaca sedang panas. Sehingga, untuk mencegahnya, berikan anak Anda pakaian yang longgar, dan berbahan dingin.Baca Juga: Tips Menangani dan Mencegah Biang Keringat di Wajah Bayi
4. Eritema toksikum
Kondisi lain yang bisa menyebabkan munculnya bintik merah pada bayi adalah eritema toksikum. Meski ada unsur “toksik” pada namanya, bukan berarti kondisi ini toksik atau beracun, dan berbahaya bagi bayi.
Eritema toksikum dapat muncul di semua bagian kulit, kecuali telapak kaki dan telapak tangan. Kondisi ini dapat sembuh dengan sendirinya dalam hitungan hari atau minggu.
5. Campak
Jika Si Kecil terinfeksi campak, selain bintik merah, gejala berupa demam, batuk, mata bengkak, dan munculnya bercak putih di mulut, juga dapat menyertai. Ruam atau bintik merah akan muncul di kepala dan leher bayi Anda, kemudian menyebar ke seluruh tubuh dan bisa menimbulkan rasa gatal.
6. Folikulitis
Folikulitis terjadi saat folikel rambut di bawah kulit terinfeksi. Kondisi ini ditandai dengan kemunculan bintik atau benjolan merah kecil atau jerawat yang berisi cairan di kulit.
Folikulitis bisa muncul di semua bagian tubuh yang memiliki sel rambut, terutama di kaki, tangan, ketiak, atau bokong. Pada kebanyakan kasus, folikulitis bisa sembuh dengan sendirinya, dalam waktu kurang lebih 10 hari.
7. Meningitis
Meningitis atau radang selaput otak adalah suatu infeksi berbahaya yang dapat berkembang dengan cepat. Salah satu ciri khas yang muncul pada bintik merah akibat meningitis adalah jika kulit diberi tekanan, maka bintik merahnya tidak memudar.
Meningitis tidak selalu menimbulkan bintik merah. Jika bintik tersebut sudah mulai muncul, maka infeksi yang dialami sudah cukup parah, dan Anda perlu segera menghubungi dokter.
8. Ruam popok
Ruam popok tidak hanya dapat muncul di area genital dan bokong, tapi juga pada lipatan paha. Bintik merah tersebut dapat terasa hangat jika disentuh. Kondisi ini umum terjadi sampai anak berusia satu tahun.
9. Roseola
Bintik merah pada bayi juga dapat disebabkan oleh roseola. Kondisi ini umumnya diawali dengan munculnya demam, flu, mata bengkak, dan pembengkakan kelenjar di leher.
Demam yang dialami anak dapat muncul hingga tiga atau empat hari, dan kemudian reda secara tiba-tiba. Saat demam reda, bintik merah pada kulit bayi akan mulai muncul di dada, perut, atau punggung, lalu meluas ke seluruh permukaan tubuh.
10. Rubella
Bintik merah di leher dan wajah adalah salah satu gejala awal rubella. Bintik ini juga akan membuat kulit terasa lebih kasar. Pada rubella, bintik yang muncul akan disertai dengan gejala lain seperti demam, hidung berair, mata merah dan bengkak, serta pembengkakan kelenjar.
11. Scabies
Scabies adalah kondisi yang muncul akibat gigitan tungau atau kutu di kulit. Bintik merah akibat scabies rasanya sangat gatal, dan muncul di tangan serta kaki dan dapat menyebar ke bagian tubuh lainnya.
12. Demam scarlet (scarlatina)
Demam scarlet diawali dengan munculnya gejala seperti sakit tenggorokan, pusing, demam, dan mual serta muntah. Dua hari setelah gejala tersebut muncul, bintik merah akan mulai terlihat di kulit.
Bintik merah akibat demam scarlet terlihat seperti ruam akibat terbakar matahari dan terasa kasar.Ruam biasanya dimulai di dada atau perut, kemudian menyebar ke seluruh tubuh.
13. Slapped cheek syndrome
Slapped cheek syndrome atau sindrom pipi tertampar adalah suatu infeksi virus yang membuat bercak-bercak merah muncul di kulit penderitanya, seperti habis ditampar.Kondisi ini ditandai dengan munculnya bercak merah terang di pipi. Tanda tersebut tidak disertai rasa sakit atau nyeri, dan akan muncul pada hari keempat atau ke-14 setelah virus mulai menginfeksi.
Nov 11 '19 · 0 comments
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