nikesasasassa's blog
Aste di governo fuori dai vermi di 2 spie
MARIETTA, Ga., 1 dicembre
I beni meritati di Aldrich H. Ames, uomo di Mosca dell'agenzia centrale di intelligence, sono stati venduti all'asta in un centro commerciale periferico oggi, un incongruo fine alla storia dell'avidità che è stata l'ultima grande storia di spionaggio della guerra fredda.
La curiosa e curiosa offerta di gioielli, gemme e geegie, una volta nascosta tra documenti e file classificati classificati, sequestrati dall'Assessorato dell'Ufficio federale dopo che il signor Ames e sua moglie Rosario sono stati arrestati nove mesi fa nella loro casa ben arredata Un sobborgo di Virginia di Washington.
I frutti dello spionaggio di Mr. Ames sono stati presentati questa mattina prima dell'asta, che è stata detenuta a beneficio del governo federale. Così è stata una cornucopia molto più grande di merci confiscate e oggetti di magazzino.
Potenziali offerenti vagavano tra il kitsch della cultura della droga come un anello d'oro 14 carati con lettere sollevate che leggevano 'I Love Cocaina' e doni da potentati stranieri che i funzionari americani avevano ritenuto formidabile o inesistente. Quest'ultimo comprendeva una piastra d'argento presentata da un generale sudcoreano che commemorava un accordo di armi; Un ritratto imperturbabile, di origine sconosciuta, dell'ex Segretario di Stato George P. Shultz e di una scatola di mogano riempita di sigarette stalle del tardo governatore delle Filippine, Ferdinand Marcos.
Molti si fermarono ad esaminare due casse di vetro dei beni di Ames. La Hazel Austin fu presa, e poi respinta, da una catena di oro, diamanti e perle di costume con un ciondolo di un animale dorato d'oro rosso.
'È un orso russo?' Chiese, facendosi ruggire il naso. Era. Agenti che sono morti dopo i tradimenti di Mr. Ames, per i quali è stato pagato più di 2 milioni di dollari dal servizio di intelligence sovietico e russo.
Il marito della signora Austin, Chet, ha guardato un choker perla. 'Vorrei metterlo intorno al collo e torcerlo duro', ha detto. 'Vendere fuori il suo paese per un mucchio di spazzatura come questo'.
Coleen Radbill di Acworth, Ga., Era singolarmente impreziosito dalle 'gemme' di Ames. 'I rivenditori di droga avevano migliori merci', ha detto.
Il rivenditore, Dean Echols, direttore dei servizi governativi per Manheim Auctions, che fa 300 milioni di dollari di queste vendite una settimana, ha detto con un tono di delusione che non c'era 'nulla con un tema di James Bond' e 'nessun segreto rimasto'.
Il signor Echols si schiarì la gola, marciava sul podio e cominciò a fare l'asta, una skill rarefatta in cui egli ha pochi uguali. Sembrava un uomo che indossava segni di dollaro, ha venduto in fretta i cowboy di cocaina, 'i crocifissi d'oro, i menagerie di cristallo, i pugnali sauditi e il vassoio di porcellana presentato nel 1983 da un generale pakistano a Caspar Weinberger, poi il Segretario alla Difesa.
Poi è arrivata la collezione Ames, 38 lotti in tutto. Il sig. Echols ha annunciato che tutti gli offerenti vincenti avrebbero ricevuto un certificato di autenticità del Governo che avrebbe confermato che le loro merci provenivano dalla densa della spia.
In breve, le scatole di Tiffany, gli orecchini di diamanti, l'orologio Cartier, il braccialetto auricolare, il ciondolo opale, il bicchiere di vetro Lalique e la catena adornata dall'orso russo sono andati tutti all'offerente n. La figura misteriosa ha offerto $ 500 per un coltello svizzero a nove coltelli, $ 700 per una penna stilografica oro, $ 2.000 per un paio di orecchini di diamanti e $ 3.500 per un orologio in acciaio inossidabile dell'uomo, 30.300 dollari per 31 partite.
Il signor Echols si è abbandonato dal blocco d'asta e, rispondendo a una domanda mistificata, ha identificato n. 25 come l'orso polare di un uomo vestito in una maglietta termica, dai jeans blu e dalle scarpe da corsa che stava lasciando in fretta. Ciò, si è rivelato, era Bob Slack, vice presidente di un negozio di Atlanta chiamato Great Gatsby's Auction Gallery, che prevede di offrire le merci per la rivendita a febbraio.
Forse c'è una giustizia poetica in una struttura chiamata Great Gatsby che acquista i beni che Rick e Rosie Ames hanno acquistato con denaro di sangue. I protagonisti di F. Scott Fitzgerald 'The Great Gatsby', Tom e Daisy Buchanan, erano persone che ' Ha distrutto le cose e le creature e poi si è ritirato nel loro denaro o nella loro grande disattenzione, o in qualunque cosa li mantenesse insieme, e lasciare che altre persone ripuliscano il disordine che avevano fatto '.
MARIETTA, Ga., 1 dicembre
I beni meritati di Aldrich H. Ames, uomo di Mosca dell'agenzia centrale di intelligence, sono stati venduti all'asta in un centro commerciale periferico oggi, un incongruo fine alla storia dell'avidità che è stata l'ultima grande storia di spionaggio della guerra fredda.
La curiosa e curiosa offerta di gioielli, gemme e geegie, una volta nascosta tra documenti e file classificati classificati, sequestrati dall'Assessorato dell'Ufficio federale dopo che il signor Ames e sua moglie Rosario sono stati arrestati nove mesi fa nella loro casa ben arredata Un sobborgo di Virginia di Washington.
I frutti dello spionaggio di Mr. Ames sono stati presentati questa mattina prima dell'asta, che è stata detenuta a beneficio del governo federale. Così è stata una cornucopia molto più grande di merci confiscate e oggetti di magazzino.
Potenziali offerenti vagavano tra il kitsch della cultura della droga come un anello d'oro 14 carati con lettere sollevate che leggevano 'I Love Cocaina' e doni da potentati stranieri che i funzionari americani avevano ritenuto formidabile o inesistente. Quest'ultimo comprendeva una piastra d'argento presentata da un generale sudcoreano che commemorava un accordo di armi; Un ritratto imperturbabile, di origine sconosciuta, dell'ex Segretario di Stato George P. Shultz e di una scatola di mogano riempita di sigarette stalle del tardo governatore delle Filippine, Ferdinand Marcos.
Molti si fermarono ad esaminare due casse di vetro dei beni di Ames. La Hazel Austin fu presa, e poi respinta, da una catena di oro, diamanti e perle di costume con un ciondolo di un animale dorato d'oro rosso.
'È un orso russo?' Chiese, facendosi ruggire il naso. Era. Agenti che sono morti dopo i tradimenti di Mr. Ames, per i quali è stato pagato più di 2 milioni di dollari dal servizio di intelligence sovietico e russo.
Il marito della signora Austin, Chet, ha guardato un choker perla. 'Vorrei metterlo intorno al collo e torcerlo duro', ha detto. 'Vendere fuori il suo paese per un mucchio di spazzatura come questo'.
Coleen Radbill di Acworth, Ga., Era singolarmente impreziosito dalle 'gemme' di Ames. 'I rivenditori di droga avevano migliori merci', ha detto.
Il rivenditore, Dean Echols, direttore dei servizi governativi per Manheim Auctions, che fa 300 milioni di dollari di queste vendite una settimana, ha detto con un tono di delusione che non c'era 'nulla con un tema di James Bond' e 'nessun segreto rimasto'.
Il signor Echols si schiarì la gola, marciava sul podio e cominciò a fare l'asta, una skill rarefatta in cui egli ha pochi uguali. Sembrava un uomo che indossava segni di dollaro, ha venduto in fretta i cowboy di cocaina, 'i crocifissi d'oro, i menagerie di cristallo, i pugnali sauditi e il vassoio di porcellana presentato nel 1983 da un generale pakistano a Caspar Weinberger, poi il Segretario alla Difesa.
Poi è arrivata la collezione Ames, 38 lotti in tutto. Il sig. Echols ha annunciato che tutti gli offerenti vincenti avrebbero ricevuto un certificato di autenticità del Governo che avrebbe confermato che le loro merci provenivano dalla densa della spia.
In breve, le scatole di Tiffany, gli orecchini di diamanti, l'orologio Cartier, il braccialetto auricolare, il ciondolo opale, il bicchiere di vetro Lalique e la catena adornata dall'orso russo sono andati tutti all'offerente n. La figura misteriosa ha offerto $ 500 per un coltello svizzero a nove coltelli, $ 700 per una penna stilografica oro, $ 2.000 per un paio di orecchini di diamanti e $ 3.500 per un orologio in acciaio inossidabile dell'uomo, 30.300 dollari per 31 partite.
Il signor Echols si è abbandonato dal blocco d'asta e, rispondendo a una domanda mistificata, ha identificato n. 25 come l'orso polare di un uomo vestito in una maglietta termica, dai jeans blu e dalle scarpe da corsa che stava lasciando in fretta. Ciò, si è rivelato, era Bob Slack, vice presidente di un negozio di Atlanta chiamato Great Gatsby's Auction Gallery, che prevede di offrire le merci per la rivendita a febbraio.
Forse c'è una giustizia poetica in una struttura chiamata Great Gatsby che acquista i beni che Rick e Rosie Ames hanno acquistato con denaro di sangue. I protagonisti di F. Scott Fitzgerald 'The Great Gatsby', Tom e Daisy Buchanan, erano persone che ' Ha distrutto le cose e le creature e poi si è ritirato nel loro denaro o nella loro grande disattenzione, o in qualunque cosa li mantenesse insieme, e lasciare che altre persone ripuliscano il disordine che avevano fatto '.
Jenseits des Strandes in Anguilla
Die meisten Besucher zuAnguillaare schauen, um ernsthaftes shoretime zu protokollieren. Um sicher zu sein, sind die winzigen karibischen Inselstrände mit ihren reinen weißen Schwaden aus zerkleinertem Korallensand schwer zu widerstehen. Aber es gibt weit mehr zu diesem tropischen Paradies der Kleinen Antillen als Surf und Sonne.
Hier sind acht Wege, um über den Strand hinauszugehen:
1. Dann in die Chill Vibe, dank einem Wochenende DJ Spinnerei eine Mischung aus Karibik und Poptunen.
Für einen ganz anderen Satz von leckeren Entscheidungen, versuchen Sie Hungry ein Essen vanwitha verpflichtet folgend.
Abgesehen von dem Versuch und erfinderischen Array von köstlichen Quesadillas (wo sonst können Sie Roastbeef und geräucherter Lachs als Füllstoffe finden), werden hungrige Suppen (Favoriten wie Hummer und Mais sowie Conch) von Einheimischen und Besuchern gleichermaßen geschliffen. In Bezug auf die faszinierend genannte Fußsuppe, wie mein Führer bemerkte, was es heißt, ist es. Niedrige Schlüsselhöhle.
Eine Kolonie von Antillean Obst essen Fledermäuse (sie essen auch Insekten) befindet sich in Cavanaugh Cave. Am Eingang, drückte an einem riesigen Felsblock vorbei, der während eines jüngsten Hurrikans stolperte, um einen Innenraum zu finden, der mit einer Reihe von natürlichen Torbogen geschmückt war.
Über deinem Kopf, Stalaktiten jut von der 30 Fuß hohen Decke, wo Fledermäuse in isolierten Höhlen hängen. Ihre Präsenz bekannt durch quietschende Klänge, mehrere hundert Fledermäuse gruppieren sich in einer herzförmigen Depression an einer Wand.
Thrill-Sucher sind bekannt, um die exponierten Wurzeln eines steigenden Feigenbaums zu verwenden, um eine 20-Fuß-Kluft herabzusteigen. (Von dort verzweigt sich die Höhle in vier Richtungen).
Anguilla kann auch erkundet werden, indem Sie sich für eine Botanik-Tour mit dem Anguilla National Trust, eine Organisation mit dem Schutz der Insel natürliche Ressourcen und die Förderung ihrer kulturellen Erbe.
Der Naturalist Oliver Hodge hat eine enzyklopädische Kenntnis der medizinischen und kulturellen Verwendungen der anguillaischen Pflanzen.
Trek mit ihm entlang einer der Insel viele Naturpfade und Sie kommen mit Einblick in, wie die Einheimischen brauen hausgemachte Tees von der Putz-Rubdown-Pflanze (um eine Erkältung und Fieber zu behandeln) und weißen Terpentin Baum Blätter (um Blasenprobleme zu beheben).
Hodge erklärt auch, wie man das Blatt des Widder-Ziegenbusches zu den Zahnschmerzen zermalmt oder die Rinde der weißen Zeder, die Inselpflanze, kratzt, um die Wundheilung zu nutzen. Auch wenn du irgendwelche Leiden leidest, kommst du fühlte dich entspannt und erfrischt.
Von deinem Tisch bei De Cuisine gibt es keinen Strand in Sicht. Und das ist der Weg Mann und Frau Inhaber Denise Carr der Restaurant Chef und Joash Proctor wollte es. Sollte alles über das Essen, nicht die Ansichten, sagte Proctor mir.
Alles auf der saisonalen und lokal gesammelten Speisekarte ist kreativ, beginnend mit den Vorspeisen, wie die warmen Krebse mit gerösteten Paprika und Avocado-Salat serviert. Und da Deniseis auch ein bildender Künstler ist, profitiert der unprätentiöse Raum von dem Einfluß ihres eklektischen Geschmacks; Die Wände sind geschmückt, die aus Kokosnussbaumfasern gefertigt sind, gemalte königliche Palmwedel und Kupferrohre.
Hibernia Restaurantdoubles als Kunstgalerie. Nach dem Abendessen halt man bei der Nebengebäude an den Speisesaal, um die Gemälde, die Skulptur, die Schmucksachen und die Tapisserien zu schneiden, wobei die Besitzer im Laufe ihrer umfangreichen Reisen durch Asien abgeholt wurden. Die Gerichte werden im französischen Stil mit thailändischem und japanischem Flair zubereitet. Fall in Punkt: Wahoo gewürzt mit Shio Koji und serviert mit Kimchi Reis. Don vermisse das hausgemachte Eis, einschließlich der viel verleumdeten aber würzigen Durian Obst.
Anguilla Ostseite scheinen eine andere Insel insgesamt: windiger und trockener. Das Pflanzenleben, von der Frangipani bis zur Seetraube, wird wegen der nahezu konstanten Brise, die dieser Küste ausgesetzt ist, verkümmert.
Nach dem Fahren entlang eines Netzes von Rutted Dirt Straßen, Park und Wanderung zu Windward Point. (Tip: Bring einen Spazierstock Die Point Rugged Oberfläche ist mit scharfen Kalkstein bedeckt, der mit Löchern und Risse bestückt ist.) Die Landschaft kann wütend aussehen, aber sie hat mit neugierig geformten Stern- und Hirnkorallen, sowie Fass, Mammillaria und anderen gefleckt Arten von Kakteen.
Beobachten Sie die gewundenen Spuren von Gespenstkrebs und Boden Eidechsen sind offensichtlich in den Sand, während braune Boobies über Kopf steigen. Wie Sie die Kalksteinfelsen betrachten, kommt die unbewohnte (noch privat geführte) Scrub Island, ein wichtiges Vogelschutzgebiet, in Sicht.
Am späten Nachmittag ist, wenn Sie ein Paar Fernglas oder ein Spotting-Bereich und Kopf auf die Insel Brackwasser Teiche greifen wollen.
Auf dem Teich bei Mimi Bay, positionieren Sie sich entlang der Küste, wo, jenseits der üppigen Knopfholz Mangrove Laub, grüne Leguane können entdeckt werden Schwimmen. Vogelgespräche sind in Hülle und Fülle, wie sind die Sichtungen der blauen geflügelten Knickenten, gemeinsame Moore und schwarze Halsstollen.
Die Vogelbeobachtungsmöglichkeiten sind bei East End Pond nicht weniger aufregend, obwohl es buchstäblich neben einer belebten Straße steht. Das sandige Ufer ist mit winzigen Löchern übersät, wo der Geiger krabbelt in und aus, während der große Teich selbst von unzähligen Arten bevölkert wird, wie z. B. amerikanische Wurzelküken, kleinere Gelbbeine und weiße Wangenspießen.
Cheddie Richardson fertigt seit rund 30 Jahren Skulpturen aus Treibholz. Ursprünglich beruhte er sich auf schwarzem Mahagoni und rotem Zedernholz, der selbst gelehrte Künstler importiert nun Holz aus Südamerika zu Modestücken, die Aalen, Kolibris und anderen lokalen Kreaturen ähneln, sowie abstrakte Arbeiten, meist in Zedernholz, die sich auf Sandstrahlen verteilen das Getreide.
AtDriftwood Haven, sein Laden und Atelier, er arbeitet auch mit Korallen und Seestrahl, der ein marmorartiges Aussehen hat. Holz bestimmt, was es werden wird, sagt Richardson. Sehen Sie ein Bild im Holz so, wie Sie Bilder in Wolken sehen könnten. Home baseparadise
Die Gäste sind nicht nach Las Esquinas gezogen, eine weiß gewaschene Boutique B Little Harbour, für ihre kleine Wanderung. Stattdessen kommen sie für die ruhige Aura, die ganze Stelle scheint zu strahlen. In Las Esquinas, ahammock Sways im Hof, hausgemachte Kokosnuss-Chips sind für Happy Hour, und Besitzer Robin Ogilvie ist immer verfügbar, um eine Karte zu entfalten und zeigen die Insel versteckte Schätze.
Jedes der vier einzigartig eingerichteten Zimmer transportiert Sie zu DestinationenOgilvie, ein Designer und gebürtiger Kanada, hat entweder gelebt oder besucht: Marokko, Bali, Mexiko und das Mittelmeer. Hängen Sie sich neben dem Pool bei Sonnenuntergang und vielleicht sehen Sie Kolibris, die unter den Blüten der bunten Fasskakteen flitzen.
Die meisten Besucher zuAnguillaare schauen, um ernsthaftes shoretime zu protokollieren. Um sicher zu sein, sind die winzigen karibischen Inselstrände mit ihren reinen weißen Schwaden aus zerkleinertem Korallensand schwer zu widerstehen. Aber es gibt weit mehr zu diesem tropischen Paradies der Kleinen Antillen als Surf und Sonne.
Hier sind acht Wege, um über den Strand hinauszugehen:
1. Dann in die Chill Vibe, dank einem Wochenende DJ Spinnerei eine Mischung aus Karibik und Poptunen.
Für einen ganz anderen Satz von leckeren Entscheidungen, versuchen Sie Hungry ein Essen vanwitha verpflichtet folgend.
Abgesehen von dem Versuch und erfinderischen Array von köstlichen Quesadillas (wo sonst können Sie Roastbeef und geräucherter Lachs als Füllstoffe finden), werden hungrige Suppen (Favoriten wie Hummer und Mais sowie Conch) von Einheimischen und Besuchern gleichermaßen geschliffen. In Bezug auf die faszinierend genannte Fußsuppe, wie mein Führer bemerkte, was es heißt, ist es. Niedrige Schlüsselhöhle.
Eine Kolonie von Antillean Obst essen Fledermäuse (sie essen auch Insekten) befindet sich in Cavanaugh Cave. Am Eingang, drückte an einem riesigen Felsblock vorbei, der während eines jüngsten Hurrikans stolperte, um einen Innenraum zu finden, der mit einer Reihe von natürlichen Torbogen geschmückt war.
Über deinem Kopf, Stalaktiten jut von der 30 Fuß hohen Decke, wo Fledermäuse in isolierten Höhlen hängen. Ihre Präsenz bekannt durch quietschende Klänge, mehrere hundert Fledermäuse gruppieren sich in einer herzförmigen Depression an einer Wand.
Thrill-Sucher sind bekannt, um die exponierten Wurzeln eines steigenden Feigenbaums zu verwenden, um eine 20-Fuß-Kluft herabzusteigen. (Von dort verzweigt sich die Höhle in vier Richtungen).
Anguilla kann auch erkundet werden, indem Sie sich für eine Botanik-Tour mit dem Anguilla National Trust, eine Organisation mit dem Schutz der Insel natürliche Ressourcen und die Förderung ihrer kulturellen Erbe.
Der Naturalist Oliver Hodge hat eine enzyklopädische Kenntnis der medizinischen und kulturellen Verwendungen der anguillaischen Pflanzen.
Trek mit ihm entlang einer der Insel viele Naturpfade und Sie kommen mit Einblick in, wie die Einheimischen brauen hausgemachte Tees von der Putz-Rubdown-Pflanze (um eine Erkältung und Fieber zu behandeln) und weißen Terpentin Baum Blätter (um Blasenprobleme zu beheben).
Hodge erklärt auch, wie man das Blatt des Widder-Ziegenbusches zu den Zahnschmerzen zermalmt oder die Rinde der weißen Zeder, die Inselpflanze, kratzt, um die Wundheilung zu nutzen. Auch wenn du irgendwelche Leiden leidest, kommst du fühlte dich entspannt und erfrischt.
Von deinem Tisch bei De Cuisine gibt es keinen Strand in Sicht. Und das ist der Weg Mann und Frau Inhaber Denise Carr der Restaurant Chef und Joash Proctor wollte es. Sollte alles über das Essen, nicht die Ansichten, sagte Proctor mir.
Alles auf der saisonalen und lokal gesammelten Speisekarte ist kreativ, beginnend mit den Vorspeisen, wie die warmen Krebse mit gerösteten Paprika und Avocado-Salat serviert. Und da Deniseis auch ein bildender Künstler ist, profitiert der unprätentiöse Raum von dem Einfluß ihres eklektischen Geschmacks; Die Wände sind geschmückt, die aus Kokosnussbaumfasern gefertigt sind, gemalte königliche Palmwedel und Kupferrohre.
Hibernia Restaurantdoubles als Kunstgalerie. Nach dem Abendessen halt man bei der Nebengebäude an den Speisesaal, um die Gemälde, die Skulptur, die Schmucksachen und die Tapisserien zu schneiden, wobei die Besitzer im Laufe ihrer umfangreichen Reisen durch Asien abgeholt wurden. Die Gerichte werden im französischen Stil mit thailändischem und japanischem Flair zubereitet. Fall in Punkt: Wahoo gewürzt mit Shio Koji und serviert mit Kimchi Reis. Don vermisse das hausgemachte Eis, einschließlich der viel verleumdeten aber würzigen Durian Obst.
Anguilla Ostseite scheinen eine andere Insel insgesamt: windiger und trockener. Das Pflanzenleben, von der Frangipani bis zur Seetraube, wird wegen der nahezu konstanten Brise, die dieser Küste ausgesetzt ist, verkümmert.
Nach dem Fahren entlang eines Netzes von Rutted Dirt Straßen, Park und Wanderung zu Windward Point. (Tip: Bring einen Spazierstock Die Point Rugged Oberfläche ist mit scharfen Kalkstein bedeckt, der mit Löchern und Risse bestückt ist.) Die Landschaft kann wütend aussehen, aber sie hat mit neugierig geformten Stern- und Hirnkorallen, sowie Fass, Mammillaria und anderen gefleckt Arten von Kakteen.
Beobachten Sie die gewundenen Spuren von Gespenstkrebs und Boden Eidechsen sind offensichtlich in den Sand, während braune Boobies über Kopf steigen. Wie Sie die Kalksteinfelsen betrachten, kommt die unbewohnte (noch privat geführte) Scrub Island, ein wichtiges Vogelschutzgebiet, in Sicht.
Am späten Nachmittag ist, wenn Sie ein Paar Fernglas oder ein Spotting-Bereich und Kopf auf die Insel Brackwasser Teiche greifen wollen.
Auf dem Teich bei Mimi Bay, positionieren Sie sich entlang der Küste, wo, jenseits der üppigen Knopfholz Mangrove Laub, grüne Leguane können entdeckt werden Schwimmen. Vogelgespräche sind in Hülle und Fülle, wie sind die Sichtungen der blauen geflügelten Knickenten, gemeinsame Moore und schwarze Halsstollen.
Die Vogelbeobachtungsmöglichkeiten sind bei East End Pond nicht weniger aufregend, obwohl es buchstäblich neben einer belebten Straße steht. Das sandige Ufer ist mit winzigen Löchern übersät, wo der Geiger krabbelt in und aus, während der große Teich selbst von unzähligen Arten bevölkert wird, wie z. B. amerikanische Wurzelküken, kleinere Gelbbeine und weiße Wangenspießen.
Cheddie Richardson fertigt seit rund 30 Jahren Skulpturen aus Treibholz. Ursprünglich beruhte er sich auf schwarzem Mahagoni und rotem Zedernholz, der selbst gelehrte Künstler importiert nun Holz aus Südamerika zu Modestücken, die Aalen, Kolibris und anderen lokalen Kreaturen ähneln, sowie abstrakte Arbeiten, meist in Zedernholz, die sich auf Sandstrahlen verteilen das Getreide.
AtDriftwood Haven, sein Laden und Atelier, er arbeitet auch mit Korallen und Seestrahl, der ein marmorartiges Aussehen hat. Holz bestimmt, was es werden wird, sagt Richardson. Sehen Sie ein Bild im Holz so, wie Sie Bilder in Wolken sehen könnten. Home baseparadise
Die Gäste sind nicht nach Las Esquinas gezogen, eine weiß gewaschene Boutique B Little Harbour, für ihre kleine Wanderung. Stattdessen kommen sie für die ruhige Aura, die ganze Stelle scheint zu strahlen. In Las Esquinas, ahammock Sways im Hof, hausgemachte Kokosnuss-Chips sind für Happy Hour, und Besitzer Robin Ogilvie ist immer verfügbar, um eine Karte zu entfalten und zeigen die Insel versteckte Schätze.
Jedes der vier einzigartig eingerichteten Zimmer transportiert Sie zu DestinationenOgilvie, ein Designer und gebürtiger Kanada, hat entweder gelebt oder besucht: Marokko, Bali, Mexiko und das Mittelmeer. Hängen Sie sich neben dem Pool bei Sonnenuntergang und vielleicht sehen Sie Kolibris, die unter den Blüten der bunten Fasskakteen flitzen.
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Cars are becoming intelligent computers as they are embraced by the age of information. The day is near when our vehicles will begin to drive themselves while constantly speaking to other cars on the road, effectively reducing traffic, accidents, and commute time. If you have ever dreamed of being driven from home to work and back every day, your wish may be coming true very soon. Even your eye glasses will soon be computerized giving you access to information such as location, alerts, and directions. With computers becoming a more and more human interface, we can expect to see their integration into almost all aspects of human life.
Credit: 20th century foxCredit: 20th century fox
It been long predicted that humanity will one day reach a point in which it will have the knowledge to create artificial intelligences also known as AIs. These AIs will be used in many aspects of society. They will assist you in your daily errands, help you organize your life, even become your friends and companions. Some argue that one day the line between these AIs and humanity will all but blur, leaving one to speculate humans could potentially merge with the very technology it creates, pushing us into a new form of evolution.
AIs will not have the limit of human brains and will far surpass the intelligence of humanity. This is something that many believe could either be the fall of the human race or it ascension. These AIs will be able to solve almost every problem humanity faces, giving us the power to actualize things like more effective space travel, alternative energy solutions, and possibly even the nature of existence. The possibilites are endless in what these super intelligences could help humanity understand better, leading the way for a new age of super information.
NanotechnologyThe field of nanotechnology is starting to become one of the fastest growing in science. The implications of being able to control nano sized computers will be far reaching, effecting life at its very core. Nanotechnology will be able to cure all diseases, reverse the aging process, and even change matter into almost anything imaginable.
Gone will be the days of cancer and other life threatening sicknesses that have plagued humanity for so long. This technology will be able to cure hunger, restore nature, and even implant information directly into your brain. Nano sized transmitters will be able to read your thoughts and link them to others, or even upload them to your computer. One day you will even be able to use this technology to create paintings that will seem as 3 dimensional holographic images, creating new and exciting forms of art.
There are unlimited uses for this branch of technology and it's integration into human culture will forever change the way humans live.
The Future BeyondMany argue that science fiction usually leads up to a day where it becomes science fact. It can appear that we as a society are becoming more aware of the potential these technologies have in terms of changing the way we live. It also important to be aware of the negative implications that could one day be the consequence of technology that begins to supersede the natural world and its influence van cleef and arpels fake butterfly necklace on humanity. Becoming too dependent on any technology is dangerous and it can be all too easy to become detached a world of constant connectivity.
It may very well be that humans using technology will one day transcend their biology, inhabit other star systems, or even find the answers to the most unknown questions known to mankind. What the future holds for us is always uncertain, although, looking at our past we should always take with us the lessons brought on by our mistakes. We should proceed with caution as the technology of the future, in all its glittering beauty, will either make or break our brave new world.
Technological advancement in the 21st century has seen an explosion in growth unlike any other point in human history all brought on by the use of tech that is constantly upgrading and that always leads the way for the next generation. We can expect that almost every 2 years, the rate at which our technologies replica van cleef and arpels turquoise alhambra necklace advance nearly doubles in comparison to the previous 2 years! Something that many big names in replica mother of pearl van cleef necklace the science world claim will not slow down, and will transform the way humans live sooner than you think. With technology on the way that is built into the fibers of your clothing, you will be able to monitor your health through your mobile devices. Your refrigerator will soon recognize your inventory, automatically create lists of things you may need soon, and even order groceries without you even having to lift a finger. Televisions will soon become hubs of communication and connectivity, feeding you information from your phones, emails, and social networks. All of these things will also connect to one another wirelessly and create a local network controllable by almost any device in your home.
Cars are becoming intelligent computers as they are embraced by the age of information. The day is near when our vehicles will begin to drive themselves while constantly speaking to other cars on the road, effectively reducing traffic, accidents, and commute time. If you have ever dreamed of being driven from home to work and back every day, your wish may be coming true very soon. Even your eye glasses will soon be computerized giving you access to information such as location, alerts, and directions. With computers becoming a more and more human interface, we can expect to see their integration into almost all aspects of human life.
Credit: 20th century foxCredit: 20th century fox
It been long predicted that humanity will one day reach a point in which it will have the knowledge to create artificial intelligences also known as AIs. These AIs will be used in many aspects of society. They will assist you in your daily errands, help you organize your life, even become your friends and companions. Some argue that one day the line between these AIs and humanity will all but blur, leaving one to speculate humans could potentially merge with the very technology it creates, pushing us into a new form of evolution.
AIs will not have the limit of human brains and will far surpass the intelligence of humanity. This is something that many believe could either be the fall of the human race or it ascension. These AIs will be able to solve almost every problem humanity faces, giving us the power to actualize things like more effective space travel, alternative energy solutions, and possibly even the nature of existence. The possibilites are endless in what these super intelligences could help humanity understand better, leading the way for a new age of super information.
NanotechnologyThe field of nanotechnology is starting to become one of the fastest growing in science. The implications of being able to control nano sized computers will be far reaching, effecting life at its very core. Nanotechnology will be able to cure all diseases, reverse the aging process, and even change matter into almost anything imaginable.
Gone will be the days of cancer and other life threatening sicknesses that have plagued humanity for so long. This technology will be able to cure hunger, restore nature, and even implant information directly into your brain. Nano sized transmitters will be able to read your thoughts and link them to others, or even upload them to your computer. One day you will even be able to use this technology to create paintings that will seem as 3 dimensional holographic images, creating new and exciting forms of art.
There are unlimited uses for this branch of technology and it's integration into human culture will forever change the way humans live.
The Future BeyondMany argue that science fiction usually leads up to a day where it becomes science fact. It can appear that we as a society are becoming more aware of the potential these technologies have in terms of changing the way we live. It also important to be aware of the negative implications that could one day be the consequence of technology that begins to supersede the natural world and its influence van cleef and arpels fake butterfly necklace on humanity. Becoming too dependent on any technology is dangerous and it can be all too easy to become detached a world of constant connectivity.
It may very well be that humans using technology will one day transcend their biology, inhabit other star systems, or even find the answers to the most unknown questions known to mankind. What the future holds for us is always uncertain, although, looking at our past we should always take with us the lessons brought on by our mistakes. We should proceed with caution as the technology of the future, in all its glittering beauty, will either make or break our brave new world.
Furioso a H su foto scattate foto
Ho letto un post e ho appreso che H ha avvolto Beyonc curve per renderla più carina nei loro annunci. Ironia della sorte, il CEO di H Karl Johan Persson ha appena ammesso che H sta utilizzando modelli troppo sottili e riconosce il problema dell'anoressia. Ecco cosa ha detto:
Alcuni dei modelli che abbiamo avuto sono stati troppo magri. Questo è qualcosa di cui pensiamo molto e stiamo lavorando. Vogliamo mostrare la diversità nella nostra pubblicità e non dare alle persone l'impressione che le ragazze devono guardare in un modo particolare. In generale, credo che siamo riusciti: abbiamo molti diversi tipi di modelli di diverso background etnico. Nella nostra ultima campagna avevamo un modello un po 'più buxom, e ora abbiamo Beyonc, che è anche un po' curvilissimo. Credo che i modelli nella nostra pubblicità dovrebbero sembrare sani e sani.
Ci sono molte contraddizioni in ciò che dice e fa. Egli ammette di usare modelli che sono troppo magri e poi decide di dimostrare che utilizzando modelli curvier come Beyonc. Ma dopo aver usato Beyonc, un modello che non è carnoso come il resto, le sue curve sono sottoposte ad aria per renderla carnosa.
Beyonc troppo grasso per il corso di H, che ha reso la diva furiosa.
'Quando Beyonce scoprì che avevano modificato il modo in cui il suo corpo sembrava veramente, ha colpito il tetto.
'È una vera e propria diva e fu furiosa di essere stata data una tale snobba. La sua gente ha rifiutato di dare le immagini la luce verde così H sono stati costretti a utilizzare gli originali '.
Un ottimo lavoro a Beyoncfor, in piedi sul suo terreno e insistendo sul fatto che gli originali siano messi in piedi, perché qual è il punto di usare un modello a cui non sei contento?
Mr. Persson meglio iniziare a vivere fino alle sue parole di mantenere la diversità nella sua scelta di modelli per H
Airbrush, beyonc, furioso, h photoshop, immagini
Inserito sotto: Blogging
Data: 31 maggio 2013
Lo sai un problema quando attrici come Jennifer Lawrence dicono che a volte non riconoscono la persona sulla copertina di una rivista fino a quando non vedono il loro nome accanto alla foto.
È divertente che da una parte dello spettro che hai dicendo, sono donne così insicure circa il loro modo di guardare ?! (Tosse, colomba, tosse) e d'altra parte hai cose come questo succedendo. È ridicolo!
Non nega che la maggior parte delle persone, uomini e donne, voglia sembrare allettante, impegnativo, intelligente e qualcosa di diverso da altri. Facendo così, visitano centri di esercizi e centri termali, vanno in saloni di eccellenza e indossano indumenti da designer. Per quanto riguarda i capi di abbigliamento, veniamo a sapere che i vestiti assumono una parte indispensabile nella costruzione di tutta la personalità di un individuo. In questi giorni, il tessuto di qualità straordinaria viene utilizzato dalle aziende di abbigliamento mentre la gente sta optando per abiti intriganti come le parti usa e la mascella cadere bikini. Ci sono delle professioni distintive, ad esempio, la modellazione e l'agire, dove gli abiti hanno il proprio spazio particolare. In questo modo, la qualità ei disegni di abbigliamento diventano eccezionalmente convenienti per gli artisti e la modalità cotta calda
Negli antichi tempi i nostri predecessori hanno usato per avvolgere i loro corpi con cannucce e altre erbe accessibili, tuttavia oggi l'idea di abbigliamento ha subito un cambiamento specifico. Vari professioni richiedono stili di abbigliamento distintivo. Ad esempio, un nuotatore ha bisogno di indumenti alternativi di tessuto, mentre un'infermiera ha bisogno di costume dell'infermiera di qualità di Dio. Allo stesso modo, le riunioni sono andate a con parti spumeggianti indossa mentre a casa rimaniamo con indumenti leggeri. Alcune persone si appoggiano verso felice con l'abbigliamento, mentre alcuni favoriscono lo stile per il sollievo. Con tutto ciò che si tiene conto possiamo dire che le persone distinte hanno diverse inclinazioni per l'abbigliamento. Ci sono diverse aziende di abbigliamento che hanno fatto la loro presenza adeguata nel settore aziendale. Attualmente i clienti possono essenzialmente vedere un ambito di abbigliamento designer e acquistarli secondo le loro esigenze. Malgrado il fatto che ci siano diversi tipi di abbigliamento nel settore aziendale che offrono vestiti caldi e sexy, tuttavia Juliana Shopping è la migliore fra tutti, poiché ti offre costumi e abiti sexy a spese eccezionali. L'azienda offre vari tipi di abiti da donna tra cui costumi di animale, bambolette all'ingrosso, costumi da polso, costumi da cartone animato, biancheria intima, biancheria intima senza saldatura, usura da nuoto, accessori e molto altro a costi molto ragionevoli.
L'azienda utilizza il tessuto di qualità migliore per fare alcuni abiti e costumi sexy di classe mondiale per le signore e le vende online a spese molto ragionevoli. L'azienda segue l'etica aziendale e preferisce la soddisfazione del cliente su qualsiasi altra cosa.
Ho letto un post e ho appreso che H ha avvolto Beyonc curve per renderla più carina nei loro annunci. Ironia della sorte, il CEO di H Karl Johan Persson ha appena ammesso che H sta utilizzando modelli troppo sottili e riconosce il problema dell'anoressia. Ecco cosa ha detto:
Alcuni dei modelli che abbiamo avuto sono stati troppo magri. Questo è qualcosa di cui pensiamo molto e stiamo lavorando. Vogliamo mostrare la diversità nella nostra pubblicità e non dare alle persone l'impressione che le ragazze devono guardare in un modo particolare. In generale, credo che siamo riusciti: abbiamo molti diversi tipi di modelli di diverso background etnico. Nella nostra ultima campagna avevamo un modello un po 'più buxom, e ora abbiamo Beyonc, che è anche un po' curvilissimo. Credo che i modelli nella nostra pubblicità dovrebbero sembrare sani e sani.
Ci sono molte contraddizioni in ciò che dice e fa. Egli ammette di usare modelli che sono troppo magri e poi decide di dimostrare che utilizzando modelli curvier come Beyonc. Ma dopo aver usato Beyonc, un modello che non è carnoso come il resto, le sue curve sono sottoposte ad aria per renderla carnosa.
Beyonc troppo grasso per il corso di H, che ha reso la diva furiosa.
'Quando Beyonce scoprì che avevano modificato il modo in cui il suo corpo sembrava veramente, ha colpito il tetto.
'È una vera e propria diva e fu furiosa di essere stata data una tale snobba. La sua gente ha rifiutato di dare le immagini la luce verde così H sono stati costretti a utilizzare gli originali '.
Un ottimo lavoro a Beyoncfor, in piedi sul suo terreno e insistendo sul fatto che gli originali siano messi in piedi, perché qual è il punto di usare un modello a cui non sei contento?
Mr. Persson meglio iniziare a vivere fino alle sue parole di mantenere la diversità nella sua scelta di modelli per H
Airbrush, beyonc, furioso, h photoshop, immagini
Inserito sotto: Blogging
Data: 31 maggio 2013
Lo sai un problema quando attrici come Jennifer Lawrence dicono che a volte non riconoscono la persona sulla copertina di una rivista fino a quando non vedono il loro nome accanto alla foto.
È divertente che da una parte dello spettro che hai dicendo, sono donne così insicure circa il loro modo di guardare ?! (Tosse, colomba, tosse) e d'altra parte hai cose come questo succedendo. È ridicolo!
Non nega che la maggior parte delle persone, uomini e donne, voglia sembrare allettante, impegnativo, intelligente e qualcosa di diverso da altri. Facendo così, visitano centri di esercizi e centri termali, vanno in saloni di eccellenza e indossano indumenti da designer. Per quanto riguarda i capi di abbigliamento, veniamo a sapere che i vestiti assumono una parte indispensabile nella costruzione di tutta la personalità di un individuo. In questi giorni, il tessuto di qualità straordinaria viene utilizzato dalle aziende di abbigliamento mentre la gente sta optando per abiti intriganti come le parti usa e la mascella cadere bikini. Ci sono delle professioni distintive, ad esempio, la modellazione e l'agire, dove gli abiti hanno il proprio spazio particolare. In questo modo, la qualità ei disegni di abbigliamento diventano eccezionalmente convenienti per gli artisti e la modalità cotta calda
Negli antichi tempi i nostri predecessori hanno usato per avvolgere i loro corpi con cannucce e altre erbe accessibili, tuttavia oggi l'idea di abbigliamento ha subito un cambiamento specifico. Vari professioni richiedono stili di abbigliamento distintivo. Ad esempio, un nuotatore ha bisogno di indumenti alternativi di tessuto, mentre un'infermiera ha bisogno di costume dell'infermiera di qualità di Dio. Allo stesso modo, le riunioni sono andate a con parti spumeggianti indossa mentre a casa rimaniamo con indumenti leggeri. Alcune persone si appoggiano verso felice con l'abbigliamento, mentre alcuni favoriscono lo stile per il sollievo. Con tutto ciò che si tiene conto possiamo dire che le persone distinte hanno diverse inclinazioni per l'abbigliamento. Ci sono diverse aziende di abbigliamento che hanno fatto la loro presenza adeguata nel settore aziendale. Attualmente i clienti possono essenzialmente vedere un ambito di abbigliamento designer e acquistarli secondo le loro esigenze. Malgrado il fatto che ci siano diversi tipi di abbigliamento nel settore aziendale che offrono vestiti caldi e sexy, tuttavia Juliana Shopping è la migliore fra tutti, poiché ti offre costumi e abiti sexy a spese eccezionali. L'azienda offre vari tipi di abiti da donna tra cui costumi di animale, bambolette all'ingrosso, costumi da polso, costumi da cartone animato, biancheria intima, biancheria intima senza saldatura, usura da nuoto, accessori e molto altro a costi molto ragionevoli.
L'azienda utilizza il tessuto di qualità migliore per fare alcuni abiti e costumi sexy di classe mondiale per le signore e le vende online a spese molto ragionevoli. L'azienda segue l'etica aziendale e preferisce la soddisfazione del cliente su qualsiasi altra cosa.
Still Close With Their Ex
Think of all the former couples you know. Now think of the ones you know who have managed to remain friends. We're guessing you can count the number who are still close on one hand and even that seems like a stretch.
Yep, it's the rarefied pair who can maintain a civil relationship with one another after a marriage ends, so much so that when a couple does stay close think Courteney Cox and David Arquette we stand back in awe and wonder, "How'd they pull that one off?"
But it is possible. We asked our readers to tell us how they were able to put aside their differences and maintain a close bond with their exes after a split. Scroll down for six real life stories from women who are still friends with their exes, whether for the sake of the kids or out of respect for the love they once shared, then head to the comments and tell us what your relationship is like with your ex today.
"The beginning of my relationship with my ex husband was friendship. We graduated from high school together in 1985, had mutual friends and very similar experiences growing up in a small California town. We have deep connections and I think this is one reason why we are still close, besides the main reason: our beautiful children. We both love our girls. Our divorce did not change that. We want what is the very best for them. That meant redefining parenting. It meant supporting each other in our parenting decisions even if we didn't necessarily agree. It also meant continuing our friendship, showing affection and respect to one another, not just when the kids were around, but always." Mimi Hirstein, Hawaii
"Six years after a brutal divorce (the worst kind of bitter fighting, adultery, jail), my ex and I now live in different apartments in the same building. We talk or text about our kids every day; we travel together to gymnastic meets and hockey games; occasionally call the replica van cleef diamond bracelet other to talk about our romantic lives or personal worries; I even send up cooked meals sometimes. The other day I gave him the name and number of a trusted handyman, and with the contact I said, "Let him know we're family." Because we are, and we always will be.
Why? I'd say it comes down to two things: for me, the saying 'you're only as happy as your least happy child' also applies to my ex husband. If he's not happy, my kids won't be happy. And if my kids aren't happy, I can't be happy. He's a devoted father, and I want to honor that, both for him and for our children. They deserve to feel and know that we will all always love each other. And second: life is too precious to live with hatred. He and I have learned to forgive each other, and in doing that we came to forgive ourselves, and that's a hugely better place to be. You can't have too much love." Nina Collins, New York
"I've been divorced since 2002 but my ex and I have always maintained a close friendship. We were best friends throughout our marriage and even when we knew the marriage wasn't going to last, we didn't want to give up the friendship. We stay in touch primarily through text, but also talk on the phone and are friends on Facebook. We have dinner or lunch on occasion and still exchange Christmas gifts. We discuss current events, his kids, my kid, and the status of our relationships. If I'd ever get re married, he would be the one to give me away. All of this hasn't been easy at times and we had to work through the residual grief and anger of the divorce. But it's been worth it." Brenda Stone, North Carolina
"Don't get me wrong: It didn't start out this way. He walked out on me, with no warning, leaving me with bills, rent to pay and no job (I'm disabled). It took some time for me to forgive him and for my daughter to forgive him as well. But as time passed, we started to text each other, talking about the kids, or something funny we saw, and it just grew back into a friendship from there. Now he comes into the house to get our daughter and he helps me with things around the house. I think our friendship has helped our daughter get along with her dad a little better, too. I find being friends with him takes up a lot less energy than feeling that ache of hatred and anger." Krissy VanNest, New Hampshire
"I hope my ex will always be my friend. After the split, I never slandered or bad mouthed him to others, because I knew doing so would be hurtful, negative and unproductive to moving forward (though some unacceptable behavior did occur during our marriage). We both knew that the most important thing to us was our boys and they are the main reason we remain close. We share holidays and birthdays together. We discuss their expenses openly and calmly, and try to be fair with each other. We've even been able to talk about dating and girlfriends/boyfriends. Our children are happy, calm and have assimilated into our new lives incredibly well, with little drama and resentment. I am so happy that my ex and I are close, and truly couldn't imagine it being any other way!
The only piece of advice I would give to anyone considering divorce is to try to stay friends, for the sake of the kids, if nothing else." Julie Weidenfeld, Florida
"When my ex and I divorced, we both agreed that we would not use the children to get back at each other, and we never strayed from this even when we had a few rough patches. We still talked with each other as friends because we still had a lot in common and actually liked each other. We both remarried and eventually we started celebrating Christmas, Easter and all the birthdays together we thought that our little boy sweet alhambra bracelet fake should be with his siblings at such times, and we all liked each other's company anyway.
Two years ago my ex became very ill and eventually died. For a while he developed dementia and a couple of times I went to stay the day with him when his wife was working long shifts as a nurse and didn't want to leave him alone for too long. At the funeral, my husband, who is an amateur singer and guitarist, was asked to sing and play in the church. We have all felt very privileged to have this extended family and I only wish others could do the same. Of course, my ex and I were lucky that we actually still liked each other and knock off vca alhambra bracelet that there wasn't anyone else involved when we divorced, but we were also very lucky that our new partners were not the jealous types. I know this all sounds like a fairytale, but it is true." Ulla Jessen, Denmark
Think of all the former couples you know. Now think of the ones you know who have managed to remain friends. We're guessing you can count the number who are still close on one hand and even that seems like a stretch.
Yep, it's the rarefied pair who can maintain a civil relationship with one another after a marriage ends, so much so that when a couple does stay close think Courteney Cox and David Arquette we stand back in awe and wonder, "How'd they pull that one off?"
But it is possible. We asked our readers to tell us how they were able to put aside their differences and maintain a close bond with their exes after a split. Scroll down for six real life stories from women who are still friends with their exes, whether for the sake of the kids or out of respect for the love they once shared, then head to the comments and tell us what your relationship is like with your ex today.
"The beginning of my relationship with my ex husband was friendship. We graduated from high school together in 1985, had mutual friends and very similar experiences growing up in a small California town. We have deep connections and I think this is one reason why we are still close, besides the main reason: our beautiful children. We both love our girls. Our divorce did not change that. We want what is the very best for them. That meant redefining parenting. It meant supporting each other in our parenting decisions even if we didn't necessarily agree. It also meant continuing our friendship, showing affection and respect to one another, not just when the kids were around, but always." Mimi Hirstein, Hawaii
"Six years after a brutal divorce (the worst kind of bitter fighting, adultery, jail), my ex and I now live in different apartments in the same building. We talk or text about our kids every day; we travel together to gymnastic meets and hockey games; occasionally call the replica van cleef diamond bracelet other to talk about our romantic lives or personal worries; I even send up cooked meals sometimes. The other day I gave him the name and number of a trusted handyman, and with the contact I said, "Let him know we're family." Because we are, and we always will be.
Why? I'd say it comes down to two things: for me, the saying 'you're only as happy as your least happy child' also applies to my ex husband. If he's not happy, my kids won't be happy. And if my kids aren't happy, I can't be happy. He's a devoted father, and I want to honor that, both for him and for our children. They deserve to feel and know that we will all always love each other. And second: life is too precious to live with hatred. He and I have learned to forgive each other, and in doing that we came to forgive ourselves, and that's a hugely better place to be. You can't have too much love." Nina Collins, New York
"I've been divorced since 2002 but my ex and I have always maintained a close friendship. We were best friends throughout our marriage and even when we knew the marriage wasn't going to last, we didn't want to give up the friendship. We stay in touch primarily through text, but also talk on the phone and are friends on Facebook. We have dinner or lunch on occasion and still exchange Christmas gifts. We discuss current events, his kids, my kid, and the status of our relationships. If I'd ever get re married, he would be the one to give me away. All of this hasn't been easy at times and we had to work through the residual grief and anger of the divorce. But it's been worth it." Brenda Stone, North Carolina
"Don't get me wrong: It didn't start out this way. He walked out on me, with no warning, leaving me with bills, rent to pay and no job (I'm disabled). It took some time for me to forgive him and for my daughter to forgive him as well. But as time passed, we started to text each other, talking about the kids, or something funny we saw, and it just grew back into a friendship from there. Now he comes into the house to get our daughter and he helps me with things around the house. I think our friendship has helped our daughter get along with her dad a little better, too. I find being friends with him takes up a lot less energy than feeling that ache of hatred and anger." Krissy VanNest, New Hampshire
"I hope my ex will always be my friend. After the split, I never slandered or bad mouthed him to others, because I knew doing so would be hurtful, negative and unproductive to moving forward (though some unacceptable behavior did occur during our marriage). We both knew that the most important thing to us was our boys and they are the main reason we remain close. We share holidays and birthdays together. We discuss their expenses openly and calmly, and try to be fair with each other. We've even been able to talk about dating and girlfriends/boyfriends. Our children are happy, calm and have assimilated into our new lives incredibly well, with little drama and resentment. I am so happy that my ex and I are close, and truly couldn't imagine it being any other way!
The only piece of advice I would give to anyone considering divorce is to try to stay friends, for the sake of the kids, if nothing else." Julie Weidenfeld, Florida
"When my ex and I divorced, we both agreed that we would not use the children to get back at each other, and we never strayed from this even when we had a few rough patches. We still talked with each other as friends because we still had a lot in common and actually liked each other. We both remarried and eventually we started celebrating Christmas, Easter and all the birthdays together we thought that our little boy sweet alhambra bracelet fake should be with his siblings at such times, and we all liked each other's company anyway.
Two years ago my ex became very ill and eventually died. For a while he developed dementia and a couple of times I went to stay the day with him when his wife was working long shifts as a nurse and didn't want to leave him alone for too long. At the funeral, my husband, who is an amateur singer and guitarist, was asked to sing and play in the church. We have all felt very privileged to have this extended family and I only wish others could do the same. Of course, my ex and I were lucky that we actually still liked each other and knock off vca alhambra bracelet that there wasn't anyone else involved when we divorced, but we were also very lucky that our new partners were not the jealous types. I know this all sounds like a fairytale, but it is true." Ulla Jessen, Denmark
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Reliability and validity of measures taken during the Chester step test to predict aerobic power and to prescribe aerobic exercise
Objectives: To evaluate the reliability and validity of measures taken during the Chester step test (CST) used to predict VO2max and prescribe subsequent exercise.Methods: The CST was performed twice on separate days by 7 males and 6 females aged 22.4 (SD 4.6) years. Heart rate (HR), ratings of perceived exertion (RPE), and oxygen uptake (VO2) were measured at each stage of the CST.Results: RPE, HR, and actual VO2 were the same at each stage for both trials but each of these measures was significantly different between CST stages (p2 at each CST stage during both trials showed errors ranging between 11% and 19%. Trial 1 underestimated actual VO2max by 2.8 ml/kg/min (p=0.006) and trial 2 by 1.6 ml/kg/min (not significant). The intertrial agreement in predicted VO2max was relatively narrow with a bias 95% LoA of 0.83.7 ml/kg/min. The RPE and %HRmax (actual) correlation improved with a second trial. At all CST stages in trial 2 RPE:%HRmax coefficients were significant with the highest correlations at CST stages III (r=0.78) and IV (r=0.84).Conclusion: CST VO2max prediction validity is questioned but the CST is reliable on a test retest basis. VO2max prediction error is due more to VO2 estimation error at each CST stage compared with error in age estimated HRmax. The HR/RPE relation at >50% VO2max reliably represents the recommended intensity for developing cardiorespiratory fitness, but only when a practice trial of the CST is first performed. The CST is one of many tests designed to provide a safe and practical means of assessing aerobic fitness under submaximal conditions. Examples of other similar tests include the Astrand Ryhming nomogram cycle ergometer protocol,2 the American College of Sports Medicine protocols for cycle ergometry and treadmill,3 and the Canadian standardised step test of fitness.4 The limited equipment needed (step, heart rate monitor, portable cassette or compact disk player, and perceived exertion scale) makes the CST very portable and requirements for space are minimal, which is advantageous compared with similar protocols using treadmills, shuttle walks, or cycle ergometers.To date, the validity of the CST has only been assessed in terms of its ability to predict VO2max compared with an actual VO2max, with the error in this ranging from 5% to 15%.5 The reliability of the CST predicted VO2max, on a test retest basis, has previously been assessed using the bias 95% LoA6 but this study did not assess the CST's validity via analysis of agreement between actual and predicted VO2max. Furthermore, no study to date has performed an in depth analysis of the reliability and validity of each measured component of the CST, which includes: heart rate, rating of perceived exertion (RPE), age estimated maximal heart rate (HRmax), and the estimated oxygen cost (VO2) of each testing stage. Analysing these components may provide clues to the factors that lead to the error in the predicted VO2max and provide information on how reliable these component measures are for prescribing subsequent exercise.The CST prediction of VO2max is based on the extrapolation of a "line of best fit", which passes through the submaximal heart rate responses for each stepping stage, up to a level which equals the participant's age estimated HRmax. At this point a vertical line is dropped down to the x axis of the graph, which represents the estimated VO2 for box stepping exercise. The assumptions of this predictive procedure include the following: that a linear relation exists between each stage of the CST with heart rate and with VO2; that HRmax and VO2max are coinciding events; and that maximal heart rate is equal to 220 minus the participant's age. The stepping intensity is a function of the step height and the stepping rate. Table 1 provides a summary of the estimated oxygen cost (VO2) for each of the five stages of the CST, for four different step heights. Thus, the present CST testing package (1998 onwards) is designed to be flexible in assessing people with a wide range of absolute aerobic fitness levels. This flexibility of the test has been achieved by the testing package having standardised criteria for choosing a step height, which relates to the clients' age and exercise training or physical activity history. Regardless of step height, the stepping rate for each stage is always the same (table 1). The stepping rate is set by a recorded metronome and guided verbal instructions, which are played on a cassette tape or compact disc.View this table:View inlineView popupRPE is used in conjunction with heart rate as an end point of the testing procedure as well as being recommended in the CST manual as a guide to prescribe the intensity of subsequent exercise. When the participant reaches 80% of age estimated HRmax and/or an RPE of 14 on Borg's 6 20 scale,7 he/she is told to stop the test.The CST therefore aims to fulfil two main purposes: (1) to predict VO2max as a means of grading a person's aerobic power, where this score can also act as a baseline against which improvement can be measured, and (2) the CST instruction manual recommends that the intensity component of a subsequent exercise prescription can be set by getting clients to associate their exercise training activities with the RPE they experienced during the CST at 60% and 80% of HRmax. It may even be considered that because the VO2 (estimated) at a given CST stage is known, other activities with a similar VO2 can be gauged in accordance with the estimates outlined by Ainsworth et al.8 These recommendations, however, assume that the relation between RPE, %HRmax, and a given VO2 are reliable, valid, and transferable to other activities.With regard to using CST data to prescribe subsequent exercise, no studies have been performed to assess the transferability of the heart rate RPE relation to other modes of activity. In order to do so, a two stage process is required. Firstly, an assessment of the reliability of the heart rate RPE relation during incremental box stepping activity is required. Secondly, if the first assumption is met, then an assessment can be made to evaluate whether similar exercise intensities for a given heart rate RPE relation during other modes of exercise can be assumed. This study includes the aim to assess the above first assumption, but we feel that the above second assumption is a whole study in itself. It van cleef and arpels gold bracelet fake is already known that for a given RPE during exercise with a variety of exercise modes or machines, there are significant differences in heart rate, %HRmax, VO2, %VO2max, and blood lactate.13 16 Such results might seem to preclude transferability but one must be reminded that these evaluations were performed during production mode RPE (RPE as the independent, controlling variable) and the assessment of RPE within this study is in estimation mode (RPE as dependent, response variable).Other studies still required, which involve box stepping, include assessing the heart rate RPE relation and prescriptive validity in participants being treated with adrenergic blocking medication ( blockers). For these individuals, due to the blunting of normal heart rate response by blockers, VO2max cannot be predicted from the present CST procedure. However, because it is known that at intensities 2max, the relation between RPE and work rate is unaltered by blockade,9 12 this may still allow the CST to show an improvement in fitness from reductions in heart and RPE for a given CST stage.Little has been reported on the reliability of heart rate and RPE, using analysis of agreement, during box stepping exercise. Efficacy and safety problems associated with potential inaccuracies in the reliability and validity of an age estimated HRmax and of RPE during the CST, could include clients either stopping the test prematurely or worse, overexerting themselves. Other problems affected by reliability include results showing an improvement in VO2max, when in fact the measured reduction in heart rate or RPE for a given CST stage that leads to this result is actually a function of a systematic error or bias, owing to factors such as practice or familiarisation with a testing procedure.17The reliability and validity of the estimated VO2 at each of the CST stages has also not been evaluated using analysis of agreement. Collectively, the reliability and validity of heart rate, estimated HRmax, and estimated VO2 for each CST stage all ultimately contribute to the accuracy of the predicted VO2max.The first aim of this study was therefore to assess the reliability of the following CST measures: predicted VO2max, heart rate, RPE, and actual VO2 at each CST stage, and the correlation between RPE and %HRmax and the correlation between RPE and %VO2max at each CST stage. The second aim of this study was to assess the validity of the measures taken from the CST by analysing the following factors: the age estimated versus the actual HRmax; the predicted versus the actual VO2max; the estimated versus actual VO2 at each CST stage, and the ability of a given %VO2max to be associated with its typically recommended RPE and %HRmax.3,18 Together these two aims will evaluate the validity of the CST in predicting VO2max, and provide a first step towards validating the use of the CST's heart rate RPE relation to prescribe aerobic exercise.Participants and study designFollowing formal ethical approval, written informed consent, and completion of a health screening physical activity readiness questionnaire (PAR Q),3 15 university students volunteered to participate. Two participants were unable to complete both trials because of social obligations and thus 13 participants (seven male and six female) completed the full study. Descriptive data on the participants are summarised in table 2. The participants were all active in exercise or recreational sport, with participation frequencies of 1 3 times per week. None was a highly trained competitive athlete. Each participant performed the CST twice on two separate days at the same time of day, with the second test occurring 5 7 days after the first test. Within 24 hours before each test, participants ensured that eating patterns and food types eaten were the same, and that they did not participate in vigorous sport or exercise. Based on the CST manual recommendations1 for age and activity history, a 0.30 m step was chosen for this group of participants. The one procedure that was altered was the end point of the test, which was raised to 90% of age predicted HRmax and/or RPE 17. van cleef arpel bracelet fake This was done in order to get VO2 measures from as many stages of the CST as possible. VO2max was, however, predicted from the CST manual data sheet,1 using the points at or below the 80% of age estimated HRmax and employing the "line of best fit" linear graph extrapolation technique through the heart rates recorded at the end of each completed stage and the age estimated HRmax. All participants performed the CST using the movement techniques described in the CST manual and instructions on the cassette tape.View this table:View inlineView popupOn the third day, less than seven days after the second CST trial, all participants performed an incremental treadmill test to determine actual HRmax and VO2max in line with standardised procedures.3,19 The analysis equipment is explained in next section. Treadmill intensity for the maximal test was graduated in 2 minute intervals so as to reflect the stage intervals of the CST, except that participants continued on until volitional fatigue. It is typical for maximal tests to be performed at the beginning of a study's data collection process. We deliberately chose to test this at the end to prevent the participants from being familiarised with RPE under incremental maximal test conditions. In typical field applications of the CST, participants would not have the opportunity to be familiarised with RPE in this way, nor would it be safe or efficacious in many settings to carry out a maximal test. This aimed to promote the "ecological validity" of the study. Simply omitting the use of RPE in an initial incremental and maximal test would not have been in keeping with recommended practice. Even if RPE measurements were omitted from an initial incremental and maximal exercise test, participants would likely retain a recent experience of relating their psychophysical responses to a wide range of exercise intensities. This could influence their ability to rate exertion with subsequent exercise (for example, performing the CST).Heart rate, monitored via a wireless radiotelemetry chest strap and wristwatch system (Polar Electro, Kempele, Finland) and RPE using Borg's 6 20 scale,7 were recorded in the last 15 seconds of each testing stage. In the interest of participants' comfort and acknowledging their perceived physical state, they were given the option to report an RPE at any time. Heart rate data were kept out of view of the participants so they would not be able to associate these values with their RPE responses, which could influence their RPE heart rate relation in the second test. Participants were instructed in the use of RPE before each test using standardised instructions7,20 according to the following procedure:During each CST trial and during the maximal treadmill test the actual oxygen cost (VO2; ml/kg/min) of each testing stage was measured continuously via an online expired air analysis system (CPX/D Cardiopulmonary Exercise System, Medical Graphics, Minneapolis, MN, USA), which employed a low resistance pneumotach and a Pitot tube flow meter. Sampling frequency was set using an 8 second average technique, which has been shown to optimise acceptable error variability.21 The system was calibrated before testing each subject using a 3 l syringe for flow volumes across a wide range of flow rates and known gases for CO2 and O2. For the CST trials, the reported VO2 was the average over the last 30 seconds of each CST stage. The estimated van cleef bracelet knock off alhambra oxygen cost (VO2 in ml/kg/min) for each stage of the CST was taken from version three of the CST resource manual.1 The source of these VO2 estimations is not reported within the manual but they agree to within 1.5 ml/kg/min of the estimation calculation for stepping outlined by the American College of Sports Medicine.3 In either case, estimated VO2 is a function of the step height (m) and stepping rate (steps/min). The inter CST stage and intertrial differences for each of the three responses (RPE, heart rate, and VO2) were assessed using a two factor (trial by testing stage) repeated measures analysis of variance (ANOVA).
Objectives: To evaluate the reliability and validity of measures taken during the Chester step test (CST) used to predict VO2max and prescribe subsequent exercise.Methods: The CST was performed twice on separate days by 7 males and 6 females aged 22.4 (SD 4.6) years. Heart rate (HR), ratings of perceived exertion (RPE), and oxygen uptake (VO2) were measured at each stage of the CST.Results: RPE, HR, and actual VO2 were the same at each stage for both trials but each of these measures was significantly different between CST stages (p2 at each CST stage during both trials showed errors ranging between 11% and 19%. Trial 1 underestimated actual VO2max by 2.8 ml/kg/min (p=0.006) and trial 2 by 1.6 ml/kg/min (not significant). The intertrial agreement in predicted VO2max was relatively narrow with a bias 95% LoA of 0.83.7 ml/kg/min. The RPE and %HRmax (actual) correlation improved with a second trial. At all CST stages in trial 2 RPE:%HRmax coefficients were significant with the highest correlations at CST stages III (r=0.78) and IV (r=0.84).Conclusion: CST VO2max prediction validity is questioned but the CST is reliable on a test retest basis. VO2max prediction error is due more to VO2 estimation error at each CST stage compared with error in age estimated HRmax. The HR/RPE relation at >50% VO2max reliably represents the recommended intensity for developing cardiorespiratory fitness, but only when a practice trial of the CST is first performed. The CST is one of many tests designed to provide a safe and practical means of assessing aerobic fitness under submaximal conditions. Examples of other similar tests include the Astrand Ryhming nomogram cycle ergometer protocol,2 the American College of Sports Medicine protocols for cycle ergometry and treadmill,3 and the Canadian standardised step test of fitness.4 The limited equipment needed (step, heart rate monitor, portable cassette or compact disk player, and perceived exertion scale) makes the CST very portable and requirements for space are minimal, which is advantageous compared with similar protocols using treadmills, shuttle walks, or cycle ergometers.To date, the validity of the CST has only been assessed in terms of its ability to predict VO2max compared with an actual VO2max, with the error in this ranging from 5% to 15%.5 The reliability of the CST predicted VO2max, on a test retest basis, has previously been assessed using the bias 95% LoA6 but this study did not assess the CST's validity via analysis of agreement between actual and predicted VO2max. Furthermore, no study to date has performed an in depth analysis of the reliability and validity of each measured component of the CST, which includes: heart rate, rating of perceived exertion (RPE), age estimated maximal heart rate (HRmax), and the estimated oxygen cost (VO2) of each testing stage. Analysing these components may provide clues to the factors that lead to the error in the predicted VO2max and provide information on how reliable these component measures are for prescribing subsequent exercise.The CST prediction of VO2max is based on the extrapolation of a "line of best fit", which passes through the submaximal heart rate responses for each stepping stage, up to a level which equals the participant's age estimated HRmax. At this point a vertical line is dropped down to the x axis of the graph, which represents the estimated VO2 for box stepping exercise. The assumptions of this predictive procedure include the following: that a linear relation exists between each stage of the CST with heart rate and with VO2; that HRmax and VO2max are coinciding events; and that maximal heart rate is equal to 220 minus the participant's age. The stepping intensity is a function of the step height and the stepping rate. Table 1 provides a summary of the estimated oxygen cost (VO2) for each of the five stages of the CST, for four different step heights. Thus, the present CST testing package (1998 onwards) is designed to be flexible in assessing people with a wide range of absolute aerobic fitness levels. This flexibility of the test has been achieved by the testing package having standardised criteria for choosing a step height, which relates to the clients' age and exercise training or physical activity history. Regardless of step height, the stepping rate for each stage is always the same (table 1). The stepping rate is set by a recorded metronome and guided verbal instructions, which are played on a cassette tape or compact disc.View this table:View inlineView popupRPE is used in conjunction with heart rate as an end point of the testing procedure as well as being recommended in the CST manual as a guide to prescribe the intensity of subsequent exercise. When the participant reaches 80% of age estimated HRmax and/or an RPE of 14 on Borg's 6 20 scale,7 he/she is told to stop the test.The CST therefore aims to fulfil two main purposes: (1) to predict VO2max as a means of grading a person's aerobic power, where this score can also act as a baseline against which improvement can be measured, and (2) the CST instruction manual recommends that the intensity component of a subsequent exercise prescription can be set by getting clients to associate their exercise training activities with the RPE they experienced during the CST at 60% and 80% of HRmax. It may even be considered that because the VO2 (estimated) at a given CST stage is known, other activities with a similar VO2 can be gauged in accordance with the estimates outlined by Ainsworth et al.8 These recommendations, however, assume that the relation between RPE, %HRmax, and a given VO2 are reliable, valid, and transferable to other activities.With regard to using CST data to prescribe subsequent exercise, no studies have been performed to assess the transferability of the heart rate RPE relation to other modes of activity. In order to do so, a two stage process is required. Firstly, an assessment of the reliability of the heart rate RPE relation during incremental box stepping activity is required. Secondly, if the first assumption is met, then an assessment can be made to evaluate whether similar exercise intensities for a given heart rate RPE relation during other modes of exercise can be assumed. This study includes the aim to assess the above first assumption, but we feel that the above second assumption is a whole study in itself. It van cleef and arpels gold bracelet fake is already known that for a given RPE during exercise with a variety of exercise modes or machines, there are significant differences in heart rate, %HRmax, VO2, %VO2max, and blood lactate.13 16 Such results might seem to preclude transferability but one must be reminded that these evaluations were performed during production mode RPE (RPE as the independent, controlling variable) and the assessment of RPE within this study is in estimation mode (RPE as dependent, response variable).Other studies still required, which involve box stepping, include assessing the heart rate RPE relation and prescriptive validity in participants being treated with adrenergic blocking medication ( blockers). For these individuals, due to the blunting of normal heart rate response by blockers, VO2max cannot be predicted from the present CST procedure. However, because it is known that at intensities 2max, the relation between RPE and work rate is unaltered by blockade,9 12 this may still allow the CST to show an improvement in fitness from reductions in heart and RPE for a given CST stage.Little has been reported on the reliability of heart rate and RPE, using analysis of agreement, during box stepping exercise. Efficacy and safety problems associated with potential inaccuracies in the reliability and validity of an age estimated HRmax and of RPE during the CST, could include clients either stopping the test prematurely or worse, overexerting themselves. Other problems affected by reliability include results showing an improvement in VO2max, when in fact the measured reduction in heart rate or RPE for a given CST stage that leads to this result is actually a function of a systematic error or bias, owing to factors such as practice or familiarisation with a testing procedure.17The reliability and validity of the estimated VO2 at each of the CST stages has also not been evaluated using analysis of agreement. Collectively, the reliability and validity of heart rate, estimated HRmax, and estimated VO2 for each CST stage all ultimately contribute to the accuracy of the predicted VO2max.The first aim of this study was therefore to assess the reliability of the following CST measures: predicted VO2max, heart rate, RPE, and actual VO2 at each CST stage, and the correlation between RPE and %HRmax and the correlation between RPE and %VO2max at each CST stage. The second aim of this study was to assess the validity of the measures taken from the CST by analysing the following factors: the age estimated versus the actual HRmax; the predicted versus the actual VO2max; the estimated versus actual VO2 at each CST stage, and the ability of a given %VO2max to be associated with its typically recommended RPE and %HRmax.3,18 Together these two aims will evaluate the validity of the CST in predicting VO2max, and provide a first step towards validating the use of the CST's heart rate RPE relation to prescribe aerobic exercise.Participants and study designFollowing formal ethical approval, written informed consent, and completion of a health screening physical activity readiness questionnaire (PAR Q),3 15 university students volunteered to participate. Two participants were unable to complete both trials because of social obligations and thus 13 participants (seven male and six female) completed the full study. Descriptive data on the participants are summarised in table 2. The participants were all active in exercise or recreational sport, with participation frequencies of 1 3 times per week. None was a highly trained competitive athlete. Each participant performed the CST twice on two separate days at the same time of day, with the second test occurring 5 7 days after the first test. Within 24 hours before each test, participants ensured that eating patterns and food types eaten were the same, and that they did not participate in vigorous sport or exercise. Based on the CST manual recommendations1 for age and activity history, a 0.30 m step was chosen for this group of participants. The one procedure that was altered was the end point of the test, which was raised to 90% of age predicted HRmax and/or RPE 17. van cleef arpel bracelet fake This was done in order to get VO2 measures from as many stages of the CST as possible. VO2max was, however, predicted from the CST manual data sheet,1 using the points at or below the 80% of age estimated HRmax and employing the "line of best fit" linear graph extrapolation technique through the heart rates recorded at the end of each completed stage and the age estimated HRmax. All participants performed the CST using the movement techniques described in the CST manual and instructions on the cassette tape.View this table:View inlineView popupOn the third day, less than seven days after the second CST trial, all participants performed an incremental treadmill test to determine actual HRmax and VO2max in line with standardised procedures.3,19 The analysis equipment is explained in next section. Treadmill intensity for the maximal test was graduated in 2 minute intervals so as to reflect the stage intervals of the CST, except that participants continued on until volitional fatigue. It is typical for maximal tests to be performed at the beginning of a study's data collection process. We deliberately chose to test this at the end to prevent the participants from being familiarised with RPE under incremental maximal test conditions. In typical field applications of the CST, participants would not have the opportunity to be familiarised with RPE in this way, nor would it be safe or efficacious in many settings to carry out a maximal test. This aimed to promote the "ecological validity" of the study. Simply omitting the use of RPE in an initial incremental and maximal test would not have been in keeping with recommended practice. Even if RPE measurements were omitted from an initial incremental and maximal exercise test, participants would likely retain a recent experience of relating their psychophysical responses to a wide range of exercise intensities. This could influence their ability to rate exertion with subsequent exercise (for example, performing the CST).Heart rate, monitored via a wireless radiotelemetry chest strap and wristwatch system (Polar Electro, Kempele, Finland) and RPE using Borg's 6 20 scale,7 were recorded in the last 15 seconds of each testing stage. In the interest of participants' comfort and acknowledging their perceived physical state, they were given the option to report an RPE at any time. Heart rate data were kept out of view of the participants so they would not be able to associate these values with their RPE responses, which could influence their RPE heart rate relation in the second test. Participants were instructed in the use of RPE before each test using standardised instructions7,20 according to the following procedure:During each CST trial and during the maximal treadmill test the actual oxygen cost (VO2; ml/kg/min) of each testing stage was measured continuously via an online expired air analysis system (CPX/D Cardiopulmonary Exercise System, Medical Graphics, Minneapolis, MN, USA), which employed a low resistance pneumotach and a Pitot tube flow meter. Sampling frequency was set using an 8 second average technique, which has been shown to optimise acceptable error variability.21 The system was calibrated before testing each subject using a 3 l syringe for flow volumes across a wide range of flow rates and known gases for CO2 and O2. For the CST trials, the reported VO2 was the average over the last 30 seconds of each CST stage. The estimated van cleef bracelet knock off alhambra oxygen cost (VO2 in ml/kg/min) for each stage of the CST was taken from version three of the CST resource manual.1 The source of these VO2 estimations is not reported within the manual but they agree to within 1.5 ml/kg/min of the estimation calculation for stepping outlined by the American College of Sports Medicine.3 In either case, estimated VO2 is a function of the step height (m) and stepping rate (steps/min). The inter CST stage and intertrial differences for each of the three responses (RPE, heart rate, and VO2) were assessed using a two factor (trial by testing stage) repeated measures analysis of variance (ANOVA).
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Sona Petroleum stokes interest
EVEN in a suit and tie Datuk Seri Hadian Hashim looks like he would be more at ease in an oil rig out in the middle of the ocean.
A 30 year veteran in oil and gas (O Hadian spent much of the early years of his career as a well site engineer for Sarawak Shell Bhd offshore Sabah and Sarawak.
That experience is paying off for him today. Hadian has banded together with his friends from the industry, most of whom he has either worked with or for, to form Sona Petroleum Bhd, Malaysia third special purpose acquisition companies (SPAC) to list on the stock exchange in as many years.
For Hadian, clearly an operations man who prefers doing to talking, the track record of Sona Petroleum management speaks for itself.
SPACs have no operations, you have to rely on the management expertise. We have 300 years of O experience between us," the managing director of Sona Petroleum tells StarBizWeek in an interview.
"I have compiled an copy van cleef and arpels alhambra diamond necklace international team with skills in both upstream and downstream, across the exploration and production (E value chain, from drilling, reservoir engineering, field studies, greenfield and brownfield development, to contracting and procurement. And not just technical skills, but also banking, legal and corporate finance."
It isn a coincidence that the SPAC board is populated by international faces, including chairman Andreas Johannes Raymundus van Strijp, a Dutchman, as well as an Indonesian and Myanmar national.
Datuk Maznah Abdul Jalil, the company chief financial officer, was a key lieutenant to the late Tan Sri Yahaya Ahmad of DRB Hicom.
This diversity, Hadian notes, is deliberate. will come in handy when we negotiate for assets overseas. Petroleum is scheduled to make its debut on Bursa Malaysia on July 30 a day before Ranhill Energy and Resources Bhd RM753mil initial public offering (IPO), another highly anticipated listing this year.
SPACs are companies with no operations or income generating business at the point of IPO but undertake a listing for the purposes of acquiring operating companies or assets, termed as assets this hasn dented interest in Sona Petroleum.
The IPO, investment bankers say, has been all but a tough sell. StarBizWeek understands that overtures were made by high net worth individuals and several institutions for almost RM3bil worth of shares, far exceeding the RM550mil on offer.
With RM550mil as its fundraising target, Sona Petroleum is easily the most ambitious of all the SPACs. And if the early van cleef copy necklace indications prove to be true, it may also be the most successful.
The launch of its prospectus yesterday saw not only its bankers in attendance but also other luminaries of the financial world. Yvonne Chia, one of the most powerful vca alhambra necklace knock off women in finance and until recently the head of Hong Leong Bank Bhd, was front and centre.
Sona Petroleum, which aims to eventually make the transition to an independent E company, has already secured commitments from six institutions both local and foreign as cornerstone investors, making it the first SPAC to do so.
They are Hong Leong Asset Management Bhd, Hong Kong based hedge fund Segantii Capital and Davidson Kempner European Partners, along with the fund management houses of the three banks backing the listing: CIMB Principal Asset Management Bhd, Kenanga Investors Bhd and RHB Investment Management Sdn Bhd.
The cornerstones, who did not enjoy a discount to the 50 sen IPO price, have been apportioned 275 million shares out of the 959 million shares for institutions.
Industry observers believe Sona Petroleum appeal lay in it being one of the few upstream plays in a stock market dominated by O service providers, in spite of the fact that asset managers typically shun SPACs because of their high risk, unproven nature.
The 1.1 billion shares to be sold under the IPO comprise 959 million shares for institutional investors and 141 million shares for retail investors at 50 sen apiece. Each share comes with a free warrant. The conversion price per warrant is 35 sen, with a five year conversion period.
Book building for the retail shares opened at 10am yesterday and closes on July 12. The institutional offering also began yesterday and closes on July 17.
Post IPO, the management will hold 20% of the firm enlarged share base, the public and institutions 78% and initial investors 2%. The identities of the initial investors were not disclosed in the prospectus.
The moratorium imposed on its promoters shares will also be the strictest so far for a SPAC listing. The key management is barred from selling any of their holdings in Sona Petroleum until the company generates one year of audited revenue from the commercial production of its qualifying asset.
think it raises the level of expectation for SPACs and sets a benchmark for the future, he quips.
For him, the opportunity to start a SPAC couldn have come at a better time.
pitched the idea, and after looking at the business case, I said yes," Hadian explains. "I can name the parties. But it didn take a lot of convincing to get people on board. says he was encouraged by the two earlier SPACs, which, like Sona Petroleum, are E most common route for this kind of business is usually private equity. However, the end game, whether you raise money via private equity or a SPAC, is the same. SPACs give entrepreneurs like us an opportunity to tap the capital market. there are the macro factors. Oil prices are expected to trend upwards on the back of world population and income growth, which would drive energy demand, while oil majors continue to sell their stakes in smaller, less lucrative fields.
Hadian cites the oilfields being hived off by Newfield and Hess as the sort of assets that have become available in recent times.
Sona Petroleum has said it is interested in buying smaller fields in shallow waters with depths of not more than 120m. It believes these assets are abundant in oil producing regions such as the Middle East, Africa and Asia.
While it is prepared to invest in all three lifecycles of an oilfield, Hadian says the firm will prioritise assets that are producing as a jump off point before venturing into earlier stage wells, which naturally come with higher risk and capital cost.
Fields with reserves of between 5 million and 30 million barrels, and production of 2,000 5,000 barrels per day, are preferred, he adds.
intend to acquire a producing asset first, which is more likely to have steady cash flow, a shorter lead time and lower risk because it is in production," Hadian says.
EVEN in a suit and tie Datuk Seri Hadian Hashim looks like he would be more at ease in an oil rig out in the middle of the ocean.
A 30 year veteran in oil and gas (O Hadian spent much of the early years of his career as a well site engineer for Sarawak Shell Bhd offshore Sabah and Sarawak.
That experience is paying off for him today. Hadian has banded together with his friends from the industry, most of whom he has either worked with or for, to form Sona Petroleum Bhd, Malaysia third special purpose acquisition companies (SPAC) to list on the stock exchange in as many years.
For Hadian, clearly an operations man who prefers doing to talking, the track record of Sona Petroleum management speaks for itself.
SPACs have no operations, you have to rely on the management expertise. We have 300 years of O experience between us," the managing director of Sona Petroleum tells StarBizWeek in an interview.
"I have compiled an copy van cleef and arpels alhambra diamond necklace international team with skills in both upstream and downstream, across the exploration and production (E value chain, from drilling, reservoir engineering, field studies, greenfield and brownfield development, to contracting and procurement. And not just technical skills, but also banking, legal and corporate finance."
It isn a coincidence that the SPAC board is populated by international faces, including chairman Andreas Johannes Raymundus van Strijp, a Dutchman, as well as an Indonesian and Myanmar national.
Datuk Maznah Abdul Jalil, the company chief financial officer, was a key lieutenant to the late Tan Sri Yahaya Ahmad of DRB Hicom.
This diversity, Hadian notes, is deliberate. will come in handy when we negotiate for assets overseas. Petroleum is scheduled to make its debut on Bursa Malaysia on July 30 a day before Ranhill Energy and Resources Bhd RM753mil initial public offering (IPO), another highly anticipated listing this year.
SPACs are companies with no operations or income generating business at the point of IPO but undertake a listing for the purposes of acquiring operating companies or assets, termed as assets this hasn dented interest in Sona Petroleum.
The IPO, investment bankers say, has been all but a tough sell. StarBizWeek understands that overtures were made by high net worth individuals and several institutions for almost RM3bil worth of shares, far exceeding the RM550mil on offer.
With RM550mil as its fundraising target, Sona Petroleum is easily the most ambitious of all the SPACs. And if the early van cleef copy necklace indications prove to be true, it may also be the most successful.
The launch of its prospectus yesterday saw not only its bankers in attendance but also other luminaries of the financial world. Yvonne Chia, one of the most powerful vca alhambra necklace knock off women in finance and until recently the head of Hong Leong Bank Bhd, was front and centre.
Sona Petroleum, which aims to eventually make the transition to an independent E company, has already secured commitments from six institutions both local and foreign as cornerstone investors, making it the first SPAC to do so.
They are Hong Leong Asset Management Bhd, Hong Kong based hedge fund Segantii Capital and Davidson Kempner European Partners, along with the fund management houses of the three banks backing the listing: CIMB Principal Asset Management Bhd, Kenanga Investors Bhd and RHB Investment Management Sdn Bhd.
The cornerstones, who did not enjoy a discount to the 50 sen IPO price, have been apportioned 275 million shares out of the 959 million shares for institutions.
Industry observers believe Sona Petroleum appeal lay in it being one of the few upstream plays in a stock market dominated by O service providers, in spite of the fact that asset managers typically shun SPACs because of their high risk, unproven nature.
The 1.1 billion shares to be sold under the IPO comprise 959 million shares for institutional investors and 141 million shares for retail investors at 50 sen apiece. Each share comes with a free warrant. The conversion price per warrant is 35 sen, with a five year conversion period.
Book building for the retail shares opened at 10am yesterday and closes on July 12. The institutional offering also began yesterday and closes on July 17.
Post IPO, the management will hold 20% of the firm enlarged share base, the public and institutions 78% and initial investors 2%. The identities of the initial investors were not disclosed in the prospectus.
The moratorium imposed on its promoters shares will also be the strictest so far for a SPAC listing. The key management is barred from selling any of their holdings in Sona Petroleum until the company generates one year of audited revenue from the commercial production of its qualifying asset.
think it raises the level of expectation for SPACs and sets a benchmark for the future, he quips.
For him, the opportunity to start a SPAC couldn have come at a better time.
pitched the idea, and after looking at the business case, I said yes," Hadian explains. "I can name the parties. But it didn take a lot of convincing to get people on board. says he was encouraged by the two earlier SPACs, which, like Sona Petroleum, are E most common route for this kind of business is usually private equity. However, the end game, whether you raise money via private equity or a SPAC, is the same. SPACs give entrepreneurs like us an opportunity to tap the capital market. there are the macro factors. Oil prices are expected to trend upwards on the back of world population and income growth, which would drive energy demand, while oil majors continue to sell their stakes in smaller, less lucrative fields.
Hadian cites the oilfields being hived off by Newfield and Hess as the sort of assets that have become available in recent times.
Sona Petroleum has said it is interested in buying smaller fields in shallow waters with depths of not more than 120m. It believes these assets are abundant in oil producing regions such as the Middle East, Africa and Asia.
While it is prepared to invest in all three lifecycles of an oilfield, Hadian says the firm will prioritise assets that are producing as a jump off point before venturing into earlier stage wells, which naturally come with higher risk and capital cost.
Fields with reserves of between 5 million and 30 million barrels, and production of 2,000 5,000 barrels per day, are preferred, he adds.
intend to acquire a producing asset first, which is more likely to have steady cash flow, a shorter lead time and lower risk because it is in production," Hadian says.
the Aluminum
A powerful engine in the 1950s went a long way toward captivating the American public, which helped propel General Motors and its engine technology to global automotive dominance.
It was the era when engine designer Ed Cole gained fame for his small block V 8, first used in the 1955 Corvette, an accomplishment that would put him in the GM presidency years later. The design has survived nearly 50 years and is now represented in Corvette's LS1 power plant, an all aluminum 345 horsepower small block.
But what can you make of GM engines today? Is there anything left of that legendary quality and innovation? Is there anything that distinguishes a GM engine from a Ford or Toyota or Chrysler that ordinary car buyers would care about? Can a GM power plant deliver high mileage reliably?
GM engines and their accompanying transmissions have represented some of fake vca alhambra necklace the best and worst engineering in the auto industry over the last several decades. In the latter category, you can include the four cylinder engines that powered the early 1970s Chevrolet Vega and the Oldsmobile diesels a few years later that were ginned up from a gasoline powered V 8. In the 1980s, GM miscalculated again, matching oversized engines with weak transmissions, resulting in widespread transmission failures and a consumer revolt.
Even today, GM is widely criticized by analysts and mechanical experts for its aging technology, which often lags that of it competitors by many years. The company continues to use two valve, cast iron block engines equipped with single camshafts and push rods in many of its vehicles, to the dismay of critics. Even its new LS1 engine in the Corvette defies the standard for modern power plants, eschewing the multivalve, dual overhead camshaft architecture that is standard at many of its competitors.
"They have an aged lineup," said Eric Fedewa, forecast manager for GM's Powertrain Division at CSM Worldwide, a market research firm. "But buyers don't care. The bottom line is that most people shop cost, and GM has been able to hold down cost by making their product last. The current engines are very efficient."
GM engine designers are the first to acknowledge that they won't adopt new technology just for the sake of boasting. The company is aiming to produce low cost, high durability engines that will once again create enough consumer awareness to sell cars.
"The question is, what does a normal customer really need?" said Fritz Indra, executive director of advanced engineering for GM's Powertrain Division. "Does every customer need a four valve engine? Does every customer need an all aluminum engine? A lot of customers are not interested.
"I don't like to say old is bad and new is good," said Indra, a native of Austria with a background in European engineering. "A very old engine can be a very good engine. We have to see how new technologies are fitting together with all of our engines."
For many GM customers, that makes great sense. A lot of new engine technology is unproved, and the customer often pays the price when things go wrong. That's why GM engines of established design have such a strong following. After all, GM did not become the world's largest auto maker by building lousy engines.
Just ask Mike Berezny of Laguna Niguel. He has a Cadillac Sedan DeVille with 270,000 miles that he's trying to sell for $3,600, figuring the original engine and transmission have lots of life left in them.
Potential buyers are dubious.
Three years ago, GM consolidated its worldwide engine and transmission operations into a single division, Powertrain. The company makes 27 different engines in North America alone.
Fedewa, the market researcher, said GM still sets the world standard in terms of automatic transmission quality. Although not widely known, GM Hydramatic transmissions are used by Volvo, BMW and Rolls Royce.
Typical of GM's engine lineup is its 3.8 liter, all cast iron V 6, a design that has been around for copy van cleef and arpels white gold alhambra necklace more than a decade. Its competition includes the Ford 3.8 liter V 6 with an aluminum head copy vca alhambra necklace and a cast iron block. While the GM 3.8 engine routinely runs more than 150,000 miles, Ford owners are lucky to make it to 80,000 miles without a blown head gasket.
"We still produce a lot of cast iron," Indra said. "We are not abandoning our traditional push rod V 8s.".
A powerful engine in the 1950s went a long way toward captivating the American public, which helped propel General Motors and its engine technology to global automotive dominance.
It was the era when engine designer Ed Cole gained fame for his small block V 8, first used in the 1955 Corvette, an accomplishment that would put him in the GM presidency years later. The design has survived nearly 50 years and is now represented in Corvette's LS1 power plant, an all aluminum 345 horsepower small block.
But what can you make of GM engines today? Is there anything left of that legendary quality and innovation? Is there anything that distinguishes a GM engine from a Ford or Toyota or Chrysler that ordinary car buyers would care about? Can a GM power plant deliver high mileage reliably?
GM engines and their accompanying transmissions have represented some of fake vca alhambra necklace the best and worst engineering in the auto industry over the last several decades. In the latter category, you can include the four cylinder engines that powered the early 1970s Chevrolet Vega and the Oldsmobile diesels a few years later that were ginned up from a gasoline powered V 8. In the 1980s, GM miscalculated again, matching oversized engines with weak transmissions, resulting in widespread transmission failures and a consumer revolt.
Even today, GM is widely criticized by analysts and mechanical experts for its aging technology, which often lags that of it competitors by many years. The company continues to use two valve, cast iron block engines equipped with single camshafts and push rods in many of its vehicles, to the dismay of critics. Even its new LS1 engine in the Corvette defies the standard for modern power plants, eschewing the multivalve, dual overhead camshaft architecture that is standard at many of its competitors.
"They have an aged lineup," said Eric Fedewa, forecast manager for GM's Powertrain Division at CSM Worldwide, a market research firm. "But buyers don't care. The bottom line is that most people shop cost, and GM has been able to hold down cost by making their product last. The current engines are very efficient."
GM engine designers are the first to acknowledge that they won't adopt new technology just for the sake of boasting. The company is aiming to produce low cost, high durability engines that will once again create enough consumer awareness to sell cars.
"The question is, what does a normal customer really need?" said Fritz Indra, executive director of advanced engineering for GM's Powertrain Division. "Does every customer need a four valve engine? Does every customer need an all aluminum engine? A lot of customers are not interested.
"I don't like to say old is bad and new is good," said Indra, a native of Austria with a background in European engineering. "A very old engine can be a very good engine. We have to see how new technologies are fitting together with all of our engines."
For many GM customers, that makes great sense. A lot of new engine technology is unproved, and the customer often pays the price when things go wrong. That's why GM engines of established design have such a strong following. After all, GM did not become the world's largest auto maker by building lousy engines.
Just ask Mike Berezny of Laguna Niguel. He has a Cadillac Sedan DeVille with 270,000 miles that he's trying to sell for $3,600, figuring the original engine and transmission have lots of life left in them.
Potential buyers are dubious.
Three years ago, GM consolidated its worldwide engine and transmission operations into a single division, Powertrain. The company makes 27 different engines in North America alone.
Fedewa, the market researcher, said GM still sets the world standard in terms of automatic transmission quality. Although not widely known, GM Hydramatic transmissions are used by Volvo, BMW and Rolls Royce.
Typical of GM's engine lineup is its 3.8 liter, all cast iron V 6, a design that has been around for copy van cleef and arpels white gold alhambra necklace more than a decade. Its competition includes the Ford 3.8 liter V 6 with an aluminum head copy vca alhambra necklace and a cast iron block. While the GM 3.8 engine routinely runs more than 150,000 miles, Ford owners are lucky to make it to 80,000 miles without a blown head gasket.
"We still produce a lot of cast iron," Indra said. "We are not abandoning our traditional push rod V 8s.".
survivor of axe attack pay tribute to murdered parents and brother
'The people I love most': Former Perth schoolgirl who survived axe attack on her family pays tribute to them on social media but still has still not seen brother who 'giggled' as he reported the crime
The young survivor of brutal axe attack breaks her silence on social mediaMarli van Breda, 16, suffered serious head injuries in the horrific attackThree months on, Marli posted two heartwarming photos on InstagramIn one photo, she is pictured with her murdered parents and in another, is an image of her older brother, along with a caption 'The people I love most'Henri escaped with minor injuries, while his parents and brother were killed in axe attack at their South Africa home in JanuaryHenri was staying copy van cleef and arpels diamond bracelet with a friend but his current whereabouts are unknownHenri has been kept away from sister over fears he may traumatise herBy
Marli van Breda, who used to live with her family in Perth, Western Australia, has since been released from hospital after she was struck several times during a brutal attack in January.
Making her first public appearance three months since the incident, the 16 year old took to her Instagram account to post two photographs of her father Martin, 55, mother Teresa, 54 and older brother Rudi, 22.
Along with the photos, which were posted two weeks ago, she included a heart warming caption: 'The people I love the most.'
But notably absent from her posts is her 20 year old brother Henri, who escaped with minor wounds when the attack took place at theirStellenbosch home in South Africa.
It's understood the two surviving siblings have not yet come face to face as it was previously reported Henri was banned from seeing Marli in hospital over fears he may traumatise her.
The revelation follows as police are on the hunt for Henri, who has been reported missing but according toWeekend Argus, he has made his way toJohannesburg.
He has reportedly disappeared from that residence and his current whereabouts are unknown.
According to a statement from a family spokesperson Ben Rootman, Marli has been discharged from her rehabilitation centre, but her recovery still continues.
'She is able to walk, communicates well and, surprisingly, given everything that has happened, has retained her sense of humour,' Mr Rootman told mother of pearl clover bracelet fake the Citizen.
While her health has improved, Marli has not yet been able to make a complete police statement regarding the attack.
Reports in February outlined that visitors had been banned from visiting Marli's hospital room in a bid to keep her surviving brother away.
'They fear she might go into shock, or will be traumatised further if she sees him,' a source told The Sunday Timesnewspaper.
Marli has reportedly been crying when she sees photos of her parents and older brother.
'It is heartbreaking to see tears rolling down her cheeks,' a person close to the family said.
After the incident in January, Henri escaped with light injuries and rang police to report the deaths at imitation van cleef butterfly bracelet the Stellenbosch home, east of Cape Town.
It emerged that an audio recording of the emergency phone call made by Henri,obtained byeNews Channel Africa, seemed to reveal him 'giggling' as he explained the details of the bloody massacre.
'What kind of injuries are there?' a woman can be heard asking Henri, who responds: 'my family and me were attacked by a guy with an axe.'
When asked if they were unconscious, he responded, 'yes, and bleeding from the head', before what sounds like a faint chuckle is heard.
A cleaner who worked for one of the van Breda's neighbours saw the young man, covered in blood, using his phone outside the house shortly after the attack.
The young man's mental health has been under scrutiny sinceNews24reported he had undergone brain scans at an Australian hospital in 2014. However the results were negative and no further testing occurred.
Police leaving he De Zalze housing estate in Stellenbosch, South Africa, where three members of the van Breda family were killed and two injured on January 27
A doctor who examined Henri following the attack revealed his injuries were self inflicted. He was also reportedly addicted to tik and his allowance was cut off before his family were attacked.
Henri was previously living with his uncle, Her Breda, since the attack and believed to have been receiving counselling.
'The people I love most': Former Perth schoolgirl who survived axe attack on her family pays tribute to them on social media but still has still not seen brother who 'giggled' as he reported the crime
The young survivor of brutal axe attack breaks her silence on social mediaMarli van Breda, 16, suffered serious head injuries in the horrific attackThree months on, Marli posted two heartwarming photos on InstagramIn one photo, she is pictured with her murdered parents and in another, is an image of her older brother, along with a caption 'The people I love most'Henri escaped with minor injuries, while his parents and brother were killed in axe attack at their South Africa home in JanuaryHenri was staying copy van cleef and arpels diamond bracelet with a friend but his current whereabouts are unknownHenri has been kept away from sister over fears he may traumatise herBy
Marli van Breda, who used to live with her family in Perth, Western Australia, has since been released from hospital after she was struck several times during a brutal attack in January.
Making her first public appearance three months since the incident, the 16 year old took to her Instagram account to post two photographs of her father Martin, 55, mother Teresa, 54 and older brother Rudi, 22.
Along with the photos, which were posted two weeks ago, she included a heart warming caption: 'The people I love the most.'
But notably absent from her posts is her 20 year old brother Henri, who escaped with minor wounds when the attack took place at theirStellenbosch home in South Africa.
It's understood the two surviving siblings have not yet come face to face as it was previously reported Henri was banned from seeing Marli in hospital over fears he may traumatise her.
The revelation follows as police are on the hunt for Henri, who has been reported missing but according toWeekend Argus, he has made his way toJohannesburg.
He has reportedly disappeared from that residence and his current whereabouts are unknown.
According to a statement from a family spokesperson Ben Rootman, Marli has been discharged from her rehabilitation centre, but her recovery still continues.
'She is able to walk, communicates well and, surprisingly, given everything that has happened, has retained her sense of humour,' Mr Rootman told mother of pearl clover bracelet fake the Citizen.
While her health has improved, Marli has not yet been able to make a complete police statement regarding the attack.
Reports in February outlined that visitors had been banned from visiting Marli's hospital room in a bid to keep her surviving brother away.
'They fear she might go into shock, or will be traumatised further if she sees him,' a source told The Sunday Timesnewspaper.
Marli has reportedly been crying when she sees photos of her parents and older brother.
'It is heartbreaking to see tears rolling down her cheeks,' a person close to the family said.
After the incident in January, Henri escaped with light injuries and rang police to report the deaths at imitation van cleef butterfly bracelet the Stellenbosch home, east of Cape Town.
It emerged that an audio recording of the emergency phone call made by Henri,obtained byeNews Channel Africa, seemed to reveal him 'giggling' as he explained the details of the bloody massacre.
'What kind of injuries are there?' a woman can be heard asking Henri, who responds: 'my family and me were attacked by a guy with an axe.'
When asked if they were unconscious, he responded, 'yes, and bleeding from the head', before what sounds like a faint chuckle is heard.
A cleaner who worked for one of the van Breda's neighbours saw the young man, covered in blood, using his phone outside the house shortly after the attack.
The young man's mental health has been under scrutiny sinceNews24reported he had undergone brain scans at an Australian hospital in 2014. However the results were negative and no further testing occurred.
Police leaving he De Zalze housing estate in Stellenbosch, South Africa, where three members of the van Breda family were killed and two injured on January 27
A doctor who examined Henri following the attack revealed his injuries were self inflicted. He was also reportedly addicted to tik and his allowance was cut off before his family were attacked.
Henri was previously living with his uncle, Her Breda, since the attack and believed to have been receiving counselling.
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The afterglow of the strike on Syria won
I wrote last week that President Donald Trump might be on a roll and maybe he is. But politics is never static: Things change and often they change quickly. Even without a sudden, game changing event, a look at the political horizon offers some difficult, perhaps bleak times ahead for the president and the Republican leadership in Congress. Without having to look too closely, here is the first cut of some of the difficulties that lie ahead:
Repeal and replace hasn't happened and the so called Freedom Caucus is smug in its obstruction. If Republicans can't come together on this issue, it's a bad sign.
Another intra party fight over the budget is imminent. The administration may insist on including funding for the border wall in its supplemental budget request, which would likely tank what could otherwise be a bipartisan effort to fully fund the government. And Trump would celebrate his 100th day in office with the start of a government shutdown.
Nominations and confirmations of overseers to rein in the "deep state" opposition are stalled. Reports of "no one at home" in government departments and agencies are growing.
The prospect of addressing tax reform has been dealt a harsh reality check. No one outside the administration believes it will happen this year. Compared with tax reform, repeal and replace is easy.
The notion of an "infrastructure bill" hasn't moved beyond talking points. Ordinarily, this would amount to a colossal money giveaway that should be relatively easy to pass, but budget hawks in the GOP and "resistance" Democrats don't show signs of wanting to cooperate.
Dark clouds are gathering over North Korea as the denial and neglect of the Obama years are beginning to settle on the president's desk. Kim Jong Un the "crazy, fat kid" ruling North Korea, as Sen. John McCain, R Ariz., labeled him better blink fast or something bad might happen. Regardless of who was elected, our next president was destined to face this problem. But here we are, and it now occupies some of Trump's time every day.
Perhaps apart from the problems caused by President Barack Obama's disastrous foreign policy legacy, the usual suspects of malcontents and know it alls in the Freedom Caucus are at the root of the problems in Washington. According to one House GOP member, Freedom Caucus Chairman Rep.
The Freedom Caucus thinks its judgment is better and insights more valid than those of Speaker Paul D. Ryan, R Wis., Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R Ky., OMB Director Mick Mulvaney, Vice President Mike Pence, HHS Secretary Tom Price and Chief of Staff Reince Priebus just to start. Bush had in copy vintage alhambra bracelet Iraq in 1990 did not last long. In true Churchillian fashion, Bush was voted out in 1992. The afterglow of Trump's strike on Syria is not going to last much longer. The president's pro growth, conservative policy is going to need a lot of help, and it isn't going to come from the left.
Democrats today are lazy, cynical, and above all else, intimidated by their own party's Bernie Sanders wing. As a result, they've sheepishly followed their radicals on a path of "resistance" defined by inaction, obstruction and a nonsensical agenda.
Without much organization or effort expended from Democrats, Republicans have been stifled by a few recalcitrant GOP blowhards who don't appear to be close to an epiphany of self awareness that would make them play a constructive role. So, that's the bad news.
This column first appeared in The Washington Post
I wrote last week that President Donald Trump might be on a roll and maybe he is. But politics is never static: Things change and often they change quickly. Even without a sudden, game changing event, a look at the political horizon offers some difficult, perhaps bleak times ahead for the president and the Republican leadership in Congress. replica van cleef and arpels butterfly bracelet Without having to look too closely, here is the first cut of some of the difficulties that lie ahead:
Repeal and replace hasn't happened and the so called Freedom Caucus is smug in its obstruction. If knock off van cleef sweet alhambra bracelet Republicans can't come together on this issue, it's a bad sign.
Another intra party fight over the budget is imminent. The administration may insist on including funding for the border wall in its supplemental budget request, which would likely tank what could otherwise be a bipartisan effort to fully fund the government. And Trump would celebrate his 100th day in office with the start of a government shutdown.
I wrote last week that President Donald Trump might be on a roll and maybe he is. But politics is never static: Things change and often they change quickly. Even without a sudden, game changing event, a look at the political horizon offers some difficult, perhaps bleak times ahead for the president and the Republican leadership in Congress. Without having to look too closely, here is the first cut of some of the difficulties that lie ahead:
Repeal and replace hasn't happened and the so called Freedom Caucus is smug in its obstruction. If Republicans can't come together on this issue, it's a bad sign.
Another intra party fight over the budget is imminent. The administration may insist on including funding for the border wall in its supplemental budget request, which would likely tank what could otherwise be a bipartisan effort to fully fund the government. And Trump would celebrate his 100th day in office with the start of a government shutdown.
Nominations and confirmations of overseers to rein in the "deep state" opposition are stalled. Reports of "no one at home" in government departments and agencies are growing.
The prospect of addressing tax reform has been dealt a harsh reality check. No one outside the administration believes it will happen this year. Compared with tax reform, repeal and replace is easy.
The notion of an "infrastructure bill" hasn't moved beyond talking points. Ordinarily, this would amount to a colossal money giveaway that should be relatively easy to pass, but budget hawks in the GOP and "resistance" Democrats don't show signs of wanting to cooperate.
Dark clouds are gathering over North Korea as the denial and neglect of the Obama years are beginning to settle on the president's desk. Kim Jong Un the "crazy, fat kid" ruling North Korea, as Sen. John McCain, R Ariz., labeled him better blink fast or something bad might happen. Regardless of who was elected, our next president was destined to face this problem. But here we are, and it now occupies some of Trump's time every day.
Perhaps apart from the problems caused by President Barack Obama's disastrous foreign policy legacy, the usual suspects of malcontents and know it alls in the Freedom Caucus are at the root of the problems in Washington. According to one House GOP member, Freedom Caucus Chairman Rep.
The Freedom Caucus thinks its judgment is better and insights more valid than those of Speaker Paul D. Ryan, R Wis., Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R Ky., OMB Director Mick Mulvaney, Vice President Mike Pence, HHS Secretary Tom Price and Chief of Staff Reince Priebus just to start. Bush had in copy vintage alhambra bracelet Iraq in 1990 did not last long. In true Churchillian fashion, Bush was voted out in 1992. The afterglow of Trump's strike on Syria is not going to last much longer. The president's pro growth, conservative policy is going to need a lot of help, and it isn't going to come from the left.
Democrats today are lazy, cynical, and above all else, intimidated by their own party's Bernie Sanders wing. As a result, they've sheepishly followed their radicals on a path of "resistance" defined by inaction, obstruction and a nonsensical agenda.
Without much organization or effort expended from Democrats, Republicans have been stifled by a few recalcitrant GOP blowhards who don't appear to be close to an epiphany of self awareness that would make them play a constructive role. So, that's the bad news.
This column first appeared in The Washington Post
I wrote last week that President Donald Trump might be on a roll and maybe he is. But politics is never static: Things change and often they change quickly. Even without a sudden, game changing event, a look at the political horizon offers some difficult, perhaps bleak times ahead for the president and the Republican leadership in Congress. replica van cleef and arpels butterfly bracelet Without having to look too closely, here is the first cut of some of the difficulties that lie ahead:
Repeal and replace hasn't happened and the so called Freedom Caucus is smug in its obstruction. If knock off van cleef sweet alhambra bracelet Republicans can't come together on this issue, it's a bad sign.
Another intra party fight over the budget is imminent. The administration may insist on including funding for the border wall in its supplemental budget request, which would likely tank what could otherwise be a bipartisan effort to fully fund the government. And Trump would celebrate his 100th day in office with the start of a government shutdown.
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