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Retrospective aims for deeper understanding of an abstract master

Had he lived longer, might painter Jock Macdonald have become a cultural superstar like Lawren Harris or Emily Carr?

"I think so, absolutely Jock gets overlooked," said Michelle Jacques, chief curator of the Art Gallery of Greater Victoria. She has co assembled a major retrospective of Macdonald's work (and the gallery's largest show of the year), which opens Saturday.

With 80 plus works, Jock Macdonald: Evolving Form is the most comprehensive exhibition of the artist's work in 30 plus years. Jacques, who wrote an essay for the accompanying 207 page catalogue, says she hopes this show will lead to a deeper understanding and perhaps a reappraisal of Macdonald's artistic contributions.

Although admired as an artist and teacher, Scottish born Macdonald (who died in 1960 at age 63) never became a household name like some of his peers. Jacques believes that's because he didn't come fully into his own artistically until the final few years of his life. During that period, the late blooming Macdonald painted such abstract masterworks as Fleeting Breath (1959), Clarion Call (1958) and Drifting Forms (1959).

These paintings mark the achievement of Macdonald's lifelong artistic quest; that is, to combine the natural and spiritual worlds in a powerful, cohesive manner.

Victoria artist Henri van Bentum, a former student of Macdonald's, agrees with the notion that his mentor truly found himself toward the end of his life.

"His canvases become softer and more spiritual in quality. You only have to look at his later work how confident, strong and mature they are. He had found himself a 'handwriting' style for all to see, only to be taken away by going over the horizon at the height of his career," van Bentum said.

Jock Macdonald: Evolving Form arrives in Victoria after a stop at the Vancouver Art Gallery last year and then at the Robert McLaughlin Gallery in Oshawa. It traces his artistic development, including early landscape paintings (including some from Nootka Sound, where he lived for a time), so called "automatics" (paintings intended to reflect the unconscious mind) and Macdonald's evolution to pure abstractionism.

A designer by trade, he immigrated to Vancouver in 1926 to teach at the Vancouver School of Decorative and Applied Arts. It was artist Frederick Varley, who also taught there, who encouraged Macdonald to become a painter.

Creating art from a spiritual perspective was important to Macdonald. In this regard, he was influenced by another new friend, Lawren Harris. Macdonald was also deeply influenced by surrealist artist/psychiatrist Dr. Grace Pailthorpe and her partner Reuben Mednikoff, also a painter. An eccentric and sometimes controversial twosome (Britain's Telegraph newspaper once dubbed them the "creepiest couple in art"), they encouraged Macdonald to pursue automatism, a surrealist technique in which works are produced during a state of visual free association.

Macdonald eventually settled in Toronto, where he was an influential and popular teacher at the Ontario College of Art. He also belonged to Painters Eleven, a group of abstract artists.

At that time, in the 1950s, most people's notion of Canadian art was the representational landscapes produced by the Group of Seven. Jacques says Macdonald's influence as a teacher and painter were "the two big motivators for changing people's tastes in Toronto towards van cleef stud earrings imitation abstract art."

In the summer of 1952, Macdonald was artist in residence at the Art Gallery of Greater Victoria, where he exhibited his automatic paintings and taught art classes. Another Vancouver Island connection was his one year sojourn at Nootka Sound off the Island's isolated west coast.

Macdonald, who moved to Nootka Sound with his wife, child and three colleagues, wanted to immerse himself in nature. He appears to have had a vague ambition of starting a utopian artists' community, something that ultimately didn't pan out.

The harsh reality of living at Nootka Sound is captured in Macdonald's diary about the experience, published for the first time in the exhibition catalogue.

In one entry, dated June 1 to June 15, 1936, the artist complains about the back injury that ultimately forced him to return to Vancouver. He adds: "Our position is worse than ever. I have only sold sweet alhambra earrings imitation a $30 sketch since February, we have no money, no means of leaving here, no sign of money in the near future."

In a May 1936 entry, an almost penniless Macdonald writes gratefully of his friend John giving him a present: "his largest cigarette end, which he had saved. So this is our plight birthday presents are marvellous, even when it is only a cigarette butt."

He was to become a successful artist. Macdonald's accomplishments include having a solo show at the Vancouver Art Gallery and a retrospective at the Art Gallery of Toronto (now the Art Gallery of Ontario). The latter was the only solo show offered to a living artist who was not in the Group of Seven.

Macdonald's latter day success was captured by critic Robert Fulford, who reviewed Macdonald's 1957 exhibition at Toronto's Hart House. He deemed Macdonald "the best young abstract or non objective painting in Canada, even though 61 years old."

Jacques thinks Macdonald's achievements are downplayed in some quarters because the majority of his imitation vintage alhambra earrings work reflects the struggle of an artist searching for himself. "By the time he gets to full resolution, it's four years before he dies."
Oct 12 '17 · 0 comments
The Best Apps for Viewing and Editing Excel Files on Android

Non App Solution for Viewing and Editing Excel Files on Android

Although this article is about apps capable of Excel support, it is worth noticing that there is a simple way of accessing XLS file types on your Android device. This is done through Google Docs, and requires an Internet connection. Your XLS documents can be uploaded to Google Docs on your desktop or laptop. Afterwards use the browser of the Android phone and go to the following address:Through this link you can access your Excel files and view them within the browser. It is also possible to edit the document within the same browser, without having to download the file. Although limited, this option is free and doesn't require an external app.

Using Documents to Go on Android

Documents to Go is perhaps the most advanced office suite on Android. Besides Excel it supports Word, PowerPoint and PDF files as well. Documents to GO has a large set of features that make it worthwhile. First of all, you are able to edit your XLS and XLSX documents as well as create new ones from scratch. Furthermore, the application syncs with the before mentioned Google Docs and even offers a desktop synchronization option (Windows only).

Documents to Go offers much of the basic Excel functionality to get you going in editing mode. Touching a cell will trigger the editing mode for it, whereas through the menu button the interaction can be selected. Basic tools such as equations, cell formatting and cell altering are all available amongst other features. Documents to Go van cleef alhambra earrings imitation is an excellent tool for Excel editing and is worth the $14.99. A free trial version is also available in the Android Market.

Quickoffice Connect Mobile Suite for Android

Quickoffice for Android is fairly similar in functionality to Documents to GO. It too supports Excel files amongst other popular file formats. It even has a built in file manager as well.

In terms of functionality Quickoffice is not that much different from Documents to Go and most of the other office suites on Android. Excel is supported as well with many editing options. With large Excel files, however, there is an obvious slowdown of the app noticeable, which is worse than with similar apps. A copy and paste feature is also missing, making this application perhaps not as versatile as others. However, with a $9.99 price point it is cheaper than Documents van cleef arpels earrings imitation to Go. Unfortunately there is no trial version available.

Thinkfree Office Mobile for Android

Thinkfree Office Mobile for Android does not differ much in functionality as compared to the above mentioned office suites. The major exception, and this is why Thinkfree is worth considering, is that the app is a lot faster in tasks. This is a big advantage for Excel, because files can be pretty demanding. Especially with larger files with a lot of graphical elements Thinkfree for Android is really fast to render them. Also in the scrolling, zooming or editing the app is fast, which is very pleasant if you are serious about mobile Excel. Thinkfree also supports the XLSX format, which was incorporated in Office 2007, so the application is definitely future proof.

The layout of Thinkfree is a bit more basic than the other two options. As the user interface consists of no more than four tabs (Home/My Docs/Online/Google) there are limited options for navigating around. The My Docs tab is where saved documents can be found, but the application doesn't scan the SD card. Instead you have to navigate to the right folder each time, which can be a bit tedious at times.

The application does have its own online service for backing up your documents and even supports Google Docs integration. Strangely, opening a Google Doc Excel file will trigger the web browser and not the app and downloading the app doesn't open it straight away. A search through the folders van cleef stud earrings imitation will find it later. The Google Docs integration, therefore, isn't always fluent. If you can look past these few annoyances Thinkfree is a good application for viewing and editing Excel files. It takes a bit of getting used too, but once you do it is definitely worth the effort. Thinkfree Office Mobile for Android is $14.99 in the Android Market.

The Definitive Office Suite for Working With Excel on Android

There are many office suites in the market that all do a similar job with Excel files. There are quite a few further options besides the three mentioned here, but in the end there isn't too much of a difference between them. Of the three described here Documents to Go is probably the best value for money. It provides an all round offering that is worth the money and comes closest to an Office suite as you would expect on your desktop. Excel files are easy accessible and editable with it and can be synchronized with various services both on and offline. Although the other apps are definitely worth mentioning it is Documents to Go which seems to really understand the limitations of the phone as a platform for Excel files.
Oct 12 '17 · 0 comments
Rugby e il dilemma della demenza

Non era una domanda che Sir Wilson Whineray, allora semplicemente vecchio Willie, aveva mai incontrato prima nella sua carriera di rugby.

Ma nei camerini di Eden Park, durante il primo tempo della prima prova tra All Blacks e France nel 1961, il primo ottavo Neil Wolfe, debuttante adolescente, si avvicinò al capitano di All Blacks venerato.

'Sono andato a Whineray e ho detto:' Mi scusi, cosa faccio qui? '' Ricorda Wolfe. 'Ha detto,' stai giocando una partita di prova Wolfey '. Dissi: 'Davvero? Come faccio?' Disse: 'Abbastanza bene'.

'C'erano 60.000 persone, così ho giocato la seconda metà e abbiamo realmente vinto il gioco. Sono finito in ospedale in seguito'.

A 19 anni e 275 giorni, Wolfe era appena diventato il più giovane All Black. Venti minuti dopo, era partito su un giro di scorrimento prima di essere stato abbattuto da un 'tackle' che probabilmente era anche un po 'troppo tardi '. E 'stato eliminato e anche se in qualche modo ha giocato, deve essere stato attraverso la memoria muscolare pura, perché letteralmente 'si è svegliato' al tempo di fermo.

Come un adolescente All Black, Wolfe era una flotta di cinque primi.

'Il secondo test è stato due settimane più tardi e stavo ripetendo. Il brivido non è stato preso sul serio come quello che è ora. Era solo una di quelle cose che sono accadute '.

Solo una di quelle cose che sono avvenute, di nuovo e ancora.

Cinquantanove cinque anni, quando Wolfe è in vena e, di solito, è in vena, i vecchi racconti di rugby scorrono con l'energia frenetica di una performance stand up. Elencato nei suoi giorni di gioco come 1.63m cinque piedi quattro in vecchi soldi Wolfe si alza a piena altezza per consegnare il suo pezzo: una perfetta rappresentazione del discorso di pre-match di Fred Allen prima che tutti i Blacks giocassero il New South Wales Country nel 1968.

Wolfe passa attorno al suo salotto, come le stanze da spogliatoio di Newcastle, trascinando una sigaretta immaginaria.

'Ora Fungo', dice nella sua migliore voce di Allen. 'Mi stai davvero pisciando. Ti sto dicendo, mi ascolti, se non giochi meglio e sconfiggerai i tuoi obiettivi oggi, tu lo farai mai più per me '.

La caricatura di Allen si accende sul tallone dopo aver affilato Fergie 'Fungus' McCormick e concentra il suo bagliore sul simpatico Wolfe.

Un altro trascinamento sulla sigaretta.

'Wolfey, ti stai pisciando. Non ti ho mai scelto di battere la sanguinosa palla, passare, ma se ti vedo calci la palla oggi, non giocherai più per tutti i Blacks. Mi senti?'

Quando Wolfe si sveglia il giorno successivo, non ricorderà di aver fatto il discorso, non ricorderà di aver invitato l'Herald alla sua casa e che, , Se è una cosa molto dura, non ricorderà quel giorno.

'Ho un po 'di demenza', dice.

Wolfe, 74 anni, presenta i classici sintomi della malattia di Alzheimer, il ramo più comune dell'albero familiare contorto della demenza. Lui è attento e coinvolgente, ancora. E 'attivo, adatto e, come scopriamo, ha un impeccabile richiamo dei suoi giorni di gioco. Quello che non ha è la capacità di elaborare nuove informazioni.

Mentre invecchia, lo farà circondato da coloro che lo amano, ma solo dentro una mente disfunzionale. È un paradosso vizioso.

Non richiede alcuna piccola quantità di coraggio per Wolfe e la sua famiglia ad aprire il suo presente e il futuro. Come gli altri uomini che si incontreranno in questa storia, Wolfe è un orgoglioso uomo con un lungo elenco di risultati sportivi e di business. Una medaglia dalla regina prende l'orgoglio di posto nella stanza anteriore.

Queste famiglie non vogliono che i legati di questi uomini siano diminuiti da questa crudele malattia. Hanno in alcuni casi agonizzati oltre a raccontare le loro storie, ma tutti riconoscono la sua importanza.

Wolfe è venuto ad un accordo disagio con la sua condizione. Ha riconosciuto la sua presenza e si è confortato, in un modo strano, da quello che crede è la causa principale della malattia: il rugby, il gioco che gli ha dato tanto e con cui ha servito così con impazienza.

Wolfe ritiene che gli innumerevoli sconvolgimenti e concussioni che ha sofferto come un whippet come cinque ottavo o centro sono il motivo per cui il suo cervello sta deteriorando più rapidamente del suo corpo.

La prova della Francia non è stata la prima volta che è stato bussato senza senso e non sarebbe l'ultimo.

Per un po 'i suoi compagni di squadra lo chiamarono Ingemar, dopo il campione del mondo il pesi massimi svedese Johannson, che fu abbattuto dal gonfiore sinistro di Floyd Patterson nel giugno 1960. Johannson è stato lasciato soggetto alla tela, i suoi movimenti sono solo il tentativo involontario della sua Piede sinistro, ancora oggi, rende visibile la visualizzazione grottesca di YouTube.

Tale era la gravità della concorrenza di Wolfe in una partita diversamente impersonata tra Victoria University e una Hawkes Bay Invitational XV a Takapau, che era rimasto a strisciare per terra, una la Johannson.

In un'altra occasione, giocando per Taranaki contro Wellington, ha trascorso una notte in ospedale dopo essere stato eliminato dal freddo.

'Suppongo che [la demenza] si riferisce al tempo in cui ho giocato a rugby e sono stato eliminato', dice Wolfe.

Chieda a Wolfe se, sapendo che cosa fa ora, avrebbe lasciato il gioco dopo il primo colpo di colpo e la sua risposta è in linea con la sensibilità del giorno.

'Non è affatto, non è affatto, è stata solo una di quelle cose che è successo: era come tirare un cricco, a meno che tu abbia fatto un bussare al dado', spiega.
Oct 12 '17 · 0 comments
Il gregge di Madoff

Il rivestimento di baseball di New York Mets in raso blu con il suo cognome cucito sulla schiena, stimato fino a $ 720, venduto per 14.500 dollari. La giacca ha il suo significato speciale: i membri del team Fred Wilpon e Saul Katz sono stati tra le vittime di La frode di Madoff. L'assedio ha riempito una sala da ballo di Manhattan, mentre le persone che hanno partecipato all'asta, gestite da Pflugerville, Texas, con sede a Gaston Sheehan, hanno offerto oggetti che potevano permettersi senza essere ricchi quanto Madoff. Criare Blumenkehl alzò la mano per una serie di I ferri da golf di Madoff, che li associavano a $ 3.600, contro una stima di $ 350 a $ 400. 'Volevo solo il nome di Bernie nei club', ha detto il fondatore del New Jersey con una risata, aggiungendo 'ma non voglio Le sue vibrazioni da trasmettere il mio fondo sta facendo meglio del suo '. Due coppie di diamanti di Ruth Madoff ciondolano gli orecchini venduti per 70.000 dollari ciascuno, contro una stima di pre-vendita di non più di $ 9.800 e $ 21.400. Ma l'articolo più prezioso della vendita, uno dei 17 orologi Rolex di Bernard Madoff, ha recuperato solo $ 65.000, pagato da un acquirente sconosciuto. L'orologio è stato valutato tra $ 75.000 e $ 85.000. Nelle case erano alcuni degli elementi sul blocco Sabato, ordinato perduto come parte della condanna di Madoff dopo che si è dichiarato colpevole in una frode di milioni di dollari che ha bruciato migliaia di investitori. I ricavi dell'asta verranno divisi tra le sue vittime. I lotti sono andati da piatti, penne e cancelleria alle anatre, alle pellicce e al Rolex, soprannominato l'orologio del prigioniero. L'orologio svizzero del cronografo è stato modellato su quelli fatti per gli aerei alleati della seconda guerra mondiale imprigionati In Germania, che li ha utilizzati per pattuglie di prigione e pianifica una possibile fuga. Questa ha graffeggiato il polso di Madoff, ora un prigioniero di 71 anni in prigione di North Carolina, che serve da 150 anni per aver depredato gli investitori per decenni. La vendita riassume i Madoff in poche parole, osserva l'osservatore Lark Mason. Per mostrare il loro stile di vita con grandi case, yacht, gioielli ', ha detto. 'Non hanno acquistato cose che erano appassionate, ma volevano sempre di più.' I quasi 200 lotti erano una linea di assemblaggio di cospicuo consumo, alimentata dai proventi delle decine di miliardi di dollari che il programma di Ponce di Madoff costava gli investitori. Alcuni investitori sono stati spazzati finanziariamente mentre i Madoffi prosperarono, acquistando orologi e gioielli. Maduth non è stato accusato di alcun crimine. Ma lei ha accettato di rinunciare ai suoi beni in cambio di una promessa che i pubblici ministeri federali non avrebbero perseguito 2,5 milioni di dollari non legati alla frode del marito. Lo scandalo lo ha costretto a spostarsi dall'attico di 7 milioni di dollari in cui viveva lei e suo marito. All'asta, una serie di altri modelli Rolex e Cartier riempivano uno schermo gigante, vendendo fino a 30.000 dollari ciascuno. Ma i gusti delle coppie potrebbero essere altrettanto comuni: sette orologi Swatch sono andati a $ 850, contro una stima di $ 100 a $ 150.
Oct 12 '17 · 0 comments
Pawnshops segnalano un afflusso di vacanza come acquirenti cercano i dollari veloci per fare acquisti di Natale e finiscono per acquistare gli articoli in pegno

Jeff Bernard riconosce che c'è un buon dibattito umoristico sul significato delle tre sfere che appendono al di sopra della porta del Palazzo Pawnbrokers.

Alcune persone dicono che le palle, lungo il simbolo dell'industria dei pedoni, sono di Buy, Sell and Trade, ha dichiarato Bernard, responsabile del negozio di San Diego. Altri suggeriscono che, se si prendono in prestito denaro in un negozio di pedone, lasciando i tuoi oggetti di valore come garanzia, le tre palle sono un promemoria che 'due a uno, non li hai riesaminati'.

Ma, lunedì, i pegni dei soldati in giro per la contea hanno detto che le tre sfere potrebbero anche essere state ornamenti di Natale. Da El Cajon a Lemon Grove a Oceanside, i proprietari di hock shop hanno segnalato un aumento di vacanza in affari sicuramente rendere più rivenditori convenzionali diventare rosso e verde con invidia.

Nei banchieri 'i banchi prestiti ben illuminati, le persone allineate a scambiare le loro cose per i soldi di acquisto dell'ultimo minuto solitamente dal 10% al 25% di un valore di vendita di un articolo. E, come spesso, molti si sono voltati e hanno speso il loro nuovo denaro trovato prima di lasciare i negozi, sorseggiando nella selezione insolita e nei prezzi bassi.

'Faccio tutti i miei acquisti di Natale qui', ha detto Kathy Carpenter, un segretario esecutivo di Mission Valley che ha trascorso parte della vigilia di Natale navigando attorno a Royal Loan Pawnbrokers a Hillcrest. Ha mostrato orgogliosamente un braccialetto della catena d'oro che lei aveva comprato per il suo ragazzo un valore di $ 400, ha detto, per soli 185 dollari.

'L'oro è oro, i diamanti sono diamanti, ma cosa conta se è stato usato?' Chiese. 'Non tornerò mai a un regolare gioielleria'.

Infatti, poiché i grandi magazzini e negozi di articoli da regalo riportano più leggeri rispetto al solito acquisto di feste, l'allegria di Natale è viva e bene nelle bancarelle locali. Secondo i proprietari di negozi, tra cui molti che hanno prolungato le proprie ore per ospitare la nuova attività, la recente crisi economica sembra aver allargato la propria base di clienti.

'Stiamo colpendo di più la classe media rispetto al più basso al medio', ha dichiarato Marc Vogel, proprietario di We Lend More Inc. nella città nazionale, che afferma che gli ultimi 90 giorni hanno portato più richieste per prestiti ad alta fine '. Orologi Rolex e Cartier (che sono in pegno). Diamanti più grandi, prestiti più grandi. . . . Sapevamo della recessione prima che la recessione avvenisse '.

'Sembrano venire in busload', ha dichiarato Donny Kaufman, proprietario del negozio di pegno East County in El Cajon, che pretende di acquistare, prestare, vendere o vendere 'praticamente nulla' di valore. Kaufman ha anche riferito di fare più prestiti su tutto da computer a dischi compatti. 'La gente ha bisogno di soldi, tanto più quest'anno che lo scorso anno', ha detto.

Bernard, che stava servendo champagne al suo negozio lunedì, attribuisce una certa fretta al fatto che i grandi magazzini, disperati per le vendite, hanno tenuto le loro consuete vendite di Natale Natale prima delle vacanze.

'I negozi stanno costringendo le persone a spendere ora', ha detto. Ma, pur trovandosi in contanti, non si fa mai male per guardare attorno all'autoharps, ai tamburi di conga, alle enciclopedie, ai bagagli, alle radio a corto raggio, alle erbacce e agli anelli di nozze.

'Devi dare qualcuno un gioco di Nintendo usato di qualcos'altro nuovo che non avrebbe usato, giusto?' Disse Bernard. 'Devi mettere le cose in prospettiva: se funziona, funziona. La qualità è di qualità nuova, usata o indifferente'.

Inoltre, non è necessariamente per sempre quattro mesi per recuperare i tuoi beni. E 'divertente guidare un affare. Il pettegolezzo è generalmente aggrovigliato in Robinson o in Nordstrom, ma in un pegno, è incoraggiato soprattutto se si dispone di denaro.

'Questo sarebbe di $ 2.500 nuovo', ha detto Bernard di un anello di pinkie d'oro che sportiva un diamante da 3/4 carati. 'Ecco, è di $ 1,600. E se un cliente avesse contanti, potevano uscire dal negozio con questo anello per $ 1.200 o $ 1.300. '

Jerry, il direttore di Royal Loan Pawnbrokers, dice che ha avuto clienti quest'anno che hanno caricato oggetti costosi nei loro depositi di magazzino per venderli a Jerry per contanti. Ecco come ha ottenuto la nuova videocamera nella finestra di soli 895 dollari, completa di garanzia del produttore.

Jerry non vuole vedere il suo cognome sul giornale, dice che vuole che i suoi clienti lo visitino al negozio di 4,000 metri quadrati, non a casa.

Jerry, che chiama il suo negozio la banca del povero uomo, ama distribuire un volantino a tre colori che comanda: 'Visita il tuo negozio di pegno per una giornata di shopping emozionante'. Indica la relativa impossibilità di ottenere un periodo da 30 a 90 giorni Prestito di 300 dollari da un istituto finanziario più grande e nota che le bancarelle sono imprese legittime, concesse in licenza dallo Stato.

'Forse stai chiedendo:' Non c'è molto la merce in un negozio di pedone rubata? ' 'Legge il flyer, che usa il termine' merce precedentemente posseduta 'invece di' usata '. La risposta è no, dice.' Il broker di pegno non è qui oggi e andrà domani come il mercato delle pulci, vendita di asta, vendita di garage, O il ragazzo che vende fuori da un furgoncino sul lato della strada '.

Sul muro di Royal Loan è una viva pittura di LeRoy Neiman, l'artista più noto per i suoi dipinti sportivi e la sua stretta collaborazione con l'editore Playboy Hugh Hefner.
Oct 12 '17 · 0 comments
Rousing start to YSR's

The Congress leader,Y. S. Rajasekhara Reddy, on Monday launched the party campaign with an appeal to people to vote out a regime that "behaved worse'' than the British using bullets to "silence'' the voice of those who merely demanded reduction in power tariff and subsidised seed.

Dr. Reddy compared the police firing on Left party agitators at Bashirbagh in Hyderabad a few years ago, with the famous Jallianwala Bagh incident and said no other Government could "unleash such terror'' against its own people. The Government again showed its "cruelty'' by firing at farmers here when they were demanding subsidised seed and lathicharged anganwadi women, demanding hike in their wages.

In contrast, the Congress, in the event of coming to power, would ensure free power to the farm sector, crop loan at knock off van cleef and arpel necklace 3 per cent interest, construct eight lakh houses every year and register them in the names of women and remove unemployment. Revolving fund would be released to DWCRA groups and loans provided at 3 per cent. "As the Congress president, Sonia Gandhi, has been promising, we will ensure that the long lost smiles on the faces of people return."

Dr. Reddy's "Jaitra Yatra" (a mass contact programme) atop the "Congress Vijaya Ratham," an improvised van, was flagged off by Ghulam Nabi Azad, All India Congress Committee general secretary, and D. Srinivas, president of the AP Congress van cleef and arpels necklace alhambra imitation Committee at Gandhi Bhavan in Hyderabad in the morning. Lambada women stopped the "ratham" for a while, demanding party ticket from Chandrayangutta, to their leader who is on fast on the Gandhi Bhavan premises. Before proceeding to Gandhi Bhavan, he garlanded the statues of Rajiv Gandhi, Dr. B. R. Ambedkar and Babu Jagjivan Ram. Then he sought blessings at Dargah Yousufian at Nampally and at Sai Baba Temple at Dilsukhnagar. G. Muddukrishnama Naidu, the party spokesperson, joined him at the Ambedkar Statue.

At Chevella, braving a scorching sun, a large number of people welcomed him a kilometre away from the Sri Venkateswara Temple grounds, the venue of meeting, with groups beating drums and shouting slogans of "Rajashekar Reddy, kaboye mukhyamantri (would be Chief Minister), zindabad." They brought Dr. Reddy, standing atop the "ratham" knock off van cleef arpel necklace along with P. Sabitha Indra Reddy and Konda Laxma Reddy, party candidates for the the Chevella Assembly and Hyderabad Parliament constituencies respectively, in a procession. There was enthusiastic response from people and they kept cheering Dr. Reddy every time he criticised the Telugu Desam Government and told them how the Congress Government would bring about a change.

Referring to the Union Minister, Bandaru Dattatreya's reported remark that the farmers were not committing suicide but dying of indigestion, Dr. Reddy said there could no other "shameful and inhuman" observation at a time when farmers were reeling under worst ever drought, unable to get employment and remunerative price for their farm produce. "It is not farmers who are suffering indigestion, but ruling party leaders from earning a lot. There is a Minister hailing from Ranga Reddy district, who has officially declared Rs. 77 crores as his assets. Unofficial assets could be much more." He said his "Praja Prasthanam Padayatra" last year was to rouse the Government from "deep slumber,'' while the present "yatra" was to seek support from people. He had chosen Chevella, because of the affection showed by the people earlier.

For Dr. Reddy, this would be his second "yatra" within a year's time, after his highly successful walkathon of 1,500 km between April and June last year.
Oct 12 '17 · 0 comments
The Costa Rica Extradition

My name is William Freeman, Jr. In April of 2000 Interpol arrested me at my home in Guadalupe, Costa Rica for charges that stemmed out of Wyoming in 1991. The charges were Conspiracy to Distribute Cocaine. They wanted the clothes I had brought with knock off van cleef arpels clover necklace me. I did sleep on the floor for the first couple of days until I was able to purchase a bed for $200. The prison does not supply you with clothing, dishes, hygiene products or bedding. This, you must have delivered to you from the outside if you, in fact, have someone to do this for you. The prison does not have hot water, nor does it have water for toilets. There were two faucets with cold running water which the inmates used for showers. I made arrangements to have bedding delivered to me, along with the many other items I needed, including the delivery of food. Without this outside assistance, I would never have survived the 15 months I spent there. According to her, it was just a formality that I must go through and we must wait the formal filing of charges by the United States Embassy. She was certain that they would not file these charges in 60 day time period allotted by the courts in accordance with the Bi lateral Extradition treaty between the United States and Costa Rica. Late in the afternoon of day 60, the United States Embassy did file the formal charges. I decided that I would continue to fight the Extradition to the United States. I knew that the court would be rendering a decision at any moment and my attorney's failure to communicate with me had me quite concerned. It was at this time I decided to write my own appeal for a court decision I had not yet received. I feared that the court would decide against me and allow the United States to extradite me and that my attorney was working in conjunction with the United States Embassy. I was correct in this assumption, as the Court had in fact decided in favor of the United States to extradite me. But because I had anticipated this, I had a friend of mine hand deliver the blanket appeal I had prepared to the court. This allowed me time to prepare another appeal van cleef and arpel clover necklace fake that would answer the court's decision. To be extradited from another country, both countries must have the same exact law. According to the laws of Extradition, if the country you are residing in does not have a similar law, then you are not extraditable. Due to the fact that Costa Rica does not have conspiracy laws, I would not have been found. I was doing a much better job than the attorney I had and my appeal had been accepted. This allowed me more time to study and submit another appeal. I am fluent in Spanish and this was of great assistance to me in my studies of the law and preparation of legal briefs. I then learned some very important things that directly related to my case. The first one was that my rights had been violated because all the documents I had received to date were in Spanish. Due to the fact that I am American and my native language is English, the court violated my rights by not having an interpreter present during the court proceedings and that the documents I had been receiving were not translated into English. I filed an appeal with the Tribunal Appeals Court which decided in my favor and had the Extradition proceedings suspended until an interpreter was appointed and all the documents were translated and prepared in the English language. This bought me time to prepare my case on appeal. I also learned that due to the fact that I was looking at a sentence of ten years to life, it was a violation of the Costa Rican Constitution. Costa Rica does not allow indeterminate sentences. This now required that the United States provide the Costa Rican Government a judicial promise the I would not receive an indeterminate sentence. The problem with this is that the judicial system in the United States will not allow a judge to make any type of promise to another country, nor can he make a promise on a case that has not yet been tried in a United States court of law. I had the United States in a "Catch 22" on this point. Under Costa Rican law, there is a five year statute of limitations to arrest and convict a person. My charges stemmed from a 1991 charge so I was protected under this law. It was at this time that I noticed that Article 16b of the Extradition Treaty was unconstitutional under the Costa Rican Constitution which states that once a person is extradited, the United States can also charge a person with other crimes that were not included in the request for Extradition. With this information at hand, I began to prepare my defense what I believed to be a winning defense. I also decided that I needed a defense attorney to present my arguments. It was at this time that I hired my own attorney to do this for me. When he came to visit me at San Sebastian Prison and read the documents I had prepared, he was confidant the I would be set free. My new attorney accompanied me before a panel of a three judge appeals court tribunal. The United States Embassy was also present for these proceedings. As I began to present my arguments, it was very apparent that the Judges were not listening to me and that they, in fact, were once again trying to twist the laws. When I argued that the statute of limitations had expired, they responded by saying that there is no statute of limitations in the United States. But Extradition laws clearly state that Extradition laws of the country of residence shall govern the Extradition proceedings. I could see that I was not being listened to and, therefore, finished presenting the arguments I had prepared. Once again, I ran into the prior problem I had with my public defender; he would not answer my calls. I had a friend of mine try to call him and his calls also went unanswered. I then had someone go to his office, only to find that he had moved. When a friend on mine finally located him at his new office, he informed my friend that he had been confronted and told to drop my case if he had any political ambitions for he future. Once again, I found myself without an attorney. It was at this time that I decided to file an appeal with the Supreme Court of Costa Rica. I filed the appeal stating that (1) the statute of limitations had lapsed; (2) the United States had to provide a judicial promise, stating that I would not receive a indeterminate sentence; and (3) that conspiracy does not exist in Costa Rica; therefore, these proceedings should be dropped. But I had been studying the law that pertained to Article 16b of the Treaty that allowed other charges to be filed against a person that was extradited. I had been visiting with another private attorney who was knowledgeable in Extradition law and together we prepared an argument to submit to the Sala IV, the Costa Rican Supreme Court, challenging the Bi Lateral Extradition Treaty between the United States and Costa Rica, stating that Article 16b of the Treaty was unconstitutional and that the Treaty needed to be ratified to reflect this unconstitutional article. I had van cleef and arpels butterfly necklace imitation to submit the argument two times. The first time, the Sala IV returned my argument, stating that the argument had merit but I lacked the proper stamps that must be submitted with a brief and that I must follow their established format. They asked me to rewrite the brief and resubmit it, at which time they would make their decision. Legally, I had won on every point of the law and I was not extraditable. I was put into a prison van and brought to the airport, where two United States Marshals were waiting for me, along with a judge I had never seen, and representatives from the United States Embassy. With my Supreme Court order in hand and under protest, I was illegally taken from Costa Rica and brought to the United States, where I was eventually sentenced to five years in a federal prison for Conspiracy To Posses With Intent to Distribute and to Distribute Cocaine.
Oct 12 '17 · 0 comments
The Bangladesh poor selling organs to pay vintage alhambra necklace fake debts

Kalai, like many other villages in Bangladesh, appears a rural idyll at first sight. But several villagers here have resorted to selling organs to pay back microcredit loans that were meant to lift them out of poverty. Journalist Sophie Cousins reports on an alarming consequence of the microfinance revolution.

Green rice paddies surround the dusty, narrow road to the heart of Kalai, a village six hours north of Dhaka, in Bangladesh's Jotpurhat district. Children play naked, hanging off stringy bits of bamboo that hold up the makeshift hut they live in.

They, like millions of other rural Bangladeshis, grow up facing a life of hardship. In an attempt to alleviate poverty, countless numbers take on debt with microcredit lenders, only to find themselves in a difficult situation when they are unable to repay the loan.

Some have even turned to selling their organs as a last resort to repay the loans and escape the vicious cycle of poverty.

The idea of selling organs is not new and those in poverty throughout South Asia have resorted to it for years. But what is knock off van cleef necklace alhambra less known, is that more people are turning to the trade because of feeling under pressure to pay back microcredit lenders.

These lenders were originally set up to help lift people out of poverty by offering small loans to people who do not qualify for traditional banking credit, to encourage entrepreneurship and empower women.

Selling a kidneyMohammad Akhtar Alam, 33, bears a 15 inch scar on his stomach where he had a kidney removed. The organ removal which is illegal in Bangladesh unless the organ is being given to a spouse or family member combined with the inadequate post operative care he received, has left him partially paralysed, with only one eye working and unable to do any heavy lifting. It has been one of the most successful tools for social development, but also with a great deal of controversy attached to it.

Its supporters point out that, in addition to the big players such as Grameen Bank, BRAC and ASA, nearly 700 smaller non governmental organisations are engaged in micro finance activities across Bangladesh. Together they serve in excess of 30 million rural people, mostly women. These organisations employ well over 100,000 people.

In theory, these loans are expected to provide rural families with some seed capital to start and sustain small businesses, thus giving them money to spend which would help stimulate the rural economy. But critics say, in reality the small amounts of loans are not always used to invest in income generating activities. They are often too small to create any serious capital base, and can force borrowers into a cycle of debt. They borrow more as soon as they have paid off one loan, and often they borrow from a second or third lender to pay off earlier loans.

It is not uncommon to find people who have borrowed for more than a decade without being able to break out of the cycle. There are widespread allegations that borrowers are often harassed and shamed. Stories of households selling off stuff to vintage alhambra necklace copy keep up with payment is not uncommon. Lenders however, deny they put undue pressure on borrowers.

A couple of years ago Mr Alam's income from driving a van was not enough to make the weekly loan repayments he was required to make from up to eight different non governmental organisations (NGOs) which lend microcredit.

"One day [a man] rode in my van and asked me why I was doing this," he recalls.

"I told him that I was very poor and that I had loans from seven or eight NGOs. I owed about 100,000 taka [$1,442; 900] and I could not return the money to the NGOs. I used to try and sell furniture and things for cooking to try to repay the money."

Mr Alam had got caught in a web of loans in which he first borrowed money from one NGO and, when he was unable to pay it off, he borrowed from other NGOs.

His passenger worked as a middleman between organ seller and recipient and persuaded him to sell a kidney, promising 400,000 taka ($6,360; 4,000).

Seventeen days later, Mr Alam says he returned home from a private hospital in Dhaka, barely alive and carrying only a fraction of the money he was promised.

"I agreed to sell my kidney because I couldn't return the money to the NGOs. As we are poor and helpless, that is why we are bound to do this. I regret it," he says.

Mohammad Moqarram Hossen, also from Kalai, is another victim.

"I took the decision to return the money I borrowed from NGOs," he says as he reveals the scar he has been left following an operation in India to remove his kidney.
Oct 12 '17 · 0 comments
Sir Kenneth MacMillan

A product of the Royal Ballet organisation, schooled in what is regarded always as an establishment art, he used his choreographic genius to illuminate in dance themes of great contemporary significance fear and oppression in The Burrow (1958), sexual abuse in The Invitation (1960), the waste of war in Gloria (1980), the tragedies of Romeo and Juliet (1965), Isadora (1981) and Mayerling (1978), which I consider his greatest work. In this way he extended enormous influence upon younger choreographers van cleef turquoise necklace fake who followed him, upon audiences and upon the German Opera Berlin and American Ballet Theatre, where he worked as well as in Britain. He was the greatest choreographic communicator of his time in classical ballet.

This position developed out of a personal struggle of many kinds. Growing up in poor circumstances in Scotland, he escaped from a background he hated by guile and by a letter to Ninette de Valois, seeking an audition at Sadler's Wells School. He became one of the original members of Sadler's Wells Theatre Ballet when it was created in 1946, moved two years later to Sadler's Wells Ballet at Covent Garden, then returned to the Theatre Ballet in 1952. I met him there through the company's director, Peggy van Praagh, who was the first to encourage his choreographic talents. My own first MacMillan memory is of a tall, obviously talented dancer with a terrific jump who was notable also as a convincing Sherlock Holmes in Margaret Dale's The Great Detective, a moving actor dancer in John Cranko's The Lady and the Fool and other ballets in the early 1950s. I remember, too, a set design he created for a ballet, I think by Peter Darrell, at Ballet Workshop, the first and fruitful attempt by the Rambert family to create a platform for new choreography at the Mercury Theatre in Notting Hill Gate, west London. MacMillan had the talent of a visual artist as well as a choreographer.

The first proof of choreographic talent, Somnambulism, was presented at a dancers' choreographic group at Sadler's Wells Theatre in 1953. It introduced to us a new choreographer, seemingly ready formed, without any long induction of trial and error. The choreography was clear cut, precise, highly original in construction and very demanding on the dancers. Straightaway, he joined his friend John Cranko as a maker of ballets for Sadler's Wells Theatre Ballet and for Covent Garden. It was an extraordinary event that the comparatively young British ballet should produce within a short time two choreographers who would achieve international stature as major artists.

MacMillan's early work showed the theme he would pursue most often: the outsider, the rebel, the downtrodden and the unhappy. His choice of jazz music by Stan Kenton for Somnambulism, unique at the time as ballet music, indicated also that his creative practice would depart from accepted norms. So it turned out. The Invitation (1960) was the first time sex and sexuality were treated so openly in classical ballet. He collaborated with Gillian Freeman as librettist for Mayerling and Isadora, where most choreographers nowadays insist on devising the plot as well as the choreography. He translated his inheritance of Petipa's three and four act ballets of princes and princesses into evening long dramas of human characters appropriate to today's world.

This went down well in Europe, less well in the United States; and was a source of argument and friction at Covent Garden. Everybody, I am sure, will point out the coincidence that MacMillan died on a night when Birmingham Royal Ballet was presenting his Romeo and Juliet in Birmingham, and when Mayerling, the finest example of achievement in his three act genre, was revived at Covent Garden after a long break.

MacMillan's emphasis on the human state, though, goes back to the beginning, often mixing the zany, eccentric or fantastic. Somnambulism's three characters apparently suffer from anxiety, monotony and premonition, but wake up to find they have been dreaming. Five years later, The Burrow, recently revived by the Birmingham Royal Ballet, explored the tensions of persecuted people in a situation resembling the story of Anne Frank. Its many characters imprisoned in one room are defined precisely in the choreography although the effect is of improvisation. Their sudden outbursts of fear, temper, arise from the tension of their situation.

MacMillan is, therefore, a poet of the oppressed whose expose of polite society, or establishment morals, is presented not in words but in movement drawn from his classical training. The academic dance is his resource van cleef turquoise necklace imitation and inspiration so that, parallel with his social concern, runs also a concern for movement, exploring the possibilities of the human body. Early on in his career, in Agon (1958) and Le baiser de la fee (1960, to Stravinsky's music) the movements were angular, astringent and abstract. Gradually, as his own attitudes matured, they acquired a more plastic quality. 'In The Invitation,' he said to me in 1960, 'the movement is not nearly so broken, angular or sharp as it used to be, not sharp at all for the principals.'

In Romeo and Juliet, in Manon (1974), his great Gloria about the stupidity of war, in Song of the Earth (1965), Mayerling and other later works, the line of the body became more used, running unbroken time and again through the whole length of stretched arms, legs and feet. The images flowed unhurriedly one from another. The vocabulary became economical and self assured.

For me, this became apparent first in MacMillan's The Rite of Spring in 1962. The ballet had none of the sharpness and spikiness of his earlier movements, however angular its sculptural effects. The assault was on the mind rather than the heart, indicating an intellectual quality underpinning the emotion in his work. Intellect and emotion seemed to run side by side in his creative process and his assessment of the outside world. 'There is a class system,' he said in an interview on BBC 2 in April 1990, 'an old boy network to which I've never belonged and I never will . . . I'm very interested in people . . . in portraying the dilemma of people living and working with each other. That was not a very popular approach to ballet in the 1950s.'

Consequently, when MacMillan succeeded Ashton as Director of the Royal Ballet in 1970 he found his ideas resisted not only within the Royal Ballet and some British audiences, but by American audiences in the United States. Perhaps he recalled then the reception the board of Covent Garden gave in 1964 to his idea for a ballet to Mahler's Das Lied von der Erde. It was rejected. He took it to John Cranko in Stuttgart, where there emerged in November 1965 Song of the Earth, among MacMillan's finest works and one of the ballets which caught best the changing mood of post war Europe.

'I prefer to explore the human psyche', he continued to the BBC, 'I try to make people sometimes feel uncomfortable in the theatre. . . I have always been drawn to the narrative, to real people and what they feel.' This means addressing reality head on, a collision course particularly with the Thatcher philosophy of the 1980s and its lack of concern for those who lose out, the underdogs and, as MacMillan said, 'people at odds with the world'.

Such attitudes were not immediately apparent when you met him. The tall, shy figure with hair prematurely grey and a fey voice did not suggest the artist who could be brutal when necessary with dancers who did not measure up to professional standards. As director of the Royal Ballet from 1970 to 1976 he was my van cleef mother of pearl necklace replica boss at the beginning of this time when I was running the Royal Ballet's Ballet for All group. I saw and learned from the way he handled dancers and noted also, incidentally, the effect on his creative work of having to direct a large company as well as be its principal choreographer. He made the right decision to return to full time choreography in 1977.

At work, almost with whatever ballet, he started with the principal pas de deux. This would set the tone of what he planned and be the emotional climax, influencing what came before and what would come after. Always he was inspired by dancers' bodies as well as by the music, by what dancers themselves could contribute. 'I like my artists to find themselves in their roles.' Consequently, early on he did not dictate to the dancers. Lynn Seymour, for example, his muse and the dancer he worked with most closely, contributed greatly in the creation of her roles. So, too, did Christopher Gable with Seymour in Romeo and Juliet and David Wall in Mayerling. It was the same with his other collaborators, Nicholas Georgiadis especially for design and Richard Rodney Bennett for the music of Isadora. He drew on their ideas and shared ideas. Ideas came from many other sources too, not only music but reading and films and just talking with friends. Yet fundamentally it was the dancers and their bodies which counted. 'As a choreographer,' he said once to Clement Crisp and Mary Clarke, 'I look in the main for musicality and expressiveness of the body rather than a great technique, though I am grateful if it is there of course.'

Attitudes manifest in the rehearsal studio were replicated outside in his concern for dancers and their work. 'He used to come out to see us on tour,' said Werdon Anglin, general manager of Ballet for All. 'He would ask me always how things were with our dancers. And he was generous in letting us use his work 'if the dancers can use it'.' As always, standards came first.

People say he was a master of pas de deux and of dances for small numbers, less good in orchestrating large numbers of corps de ballet. To a point this is true. I was never impressed by the crowd scenes of his Romeo and Juliet. Then I think of the crowd scenes, the corps, in Mayerling, his extraordinary portrait of the corrupt Austrian court around the Emperor Franz Josef and Crown Prince Rudolf of Austria Hungary. On a smaller scale I think of The Burrow, also a remarkable orchestration of group movement. It was not true he could not orchestrate a corps. What moved him was the idea.

The idea, the importance of content and communication, dominated his creative process. Either he started with the music which suggested an idea or, as in The Invitation, Solitaire (1956) and Anastasia (1966) he found the music to fit and realise the idea. He might draw from any source, including popular culture, as he did in Elite Syncopations (1974) to Scott Joplin music. Thus he was classical ballet's effective answer to those trends in post modern dance which emphasised movement over content.

One can be moved greatly by an evening of works by Merce Cunningham, the leading exponent of these trends, and by Cunningham's mastery of human movement shown recently in the present Dance Umbrella festival. Such works, though, seem unlikely to remain long after their creator, however profound his influence on other choreographers. More to the point, they rarely illuminate the human condition, move the soul or inflame the mind, not to my mind anyway. MacMillan's mastery of movement and penetration of human emotion does just that. I feel often that he pours the emotions of humanity into his pas de deux, strengthened by the experience and success of his marriage. Certainly they will live after him, and as long as classical ballet.

His exploration of emotions and human relationships, those areas of communication which cannot be expressed in words, pushed back the boundaries of dance art and strengthened its place in contemporary society. He was not alone in doing this. Others like Martha Graham and Cunningham, or dancers from other cultures like Shobana Jeyasingh, have done so in other ways. MacMillan did so for classical ballet. In doing so he challenged the established forms and ideology of classicism.

Kenneth MacMillan's legacy of a deep humanity expressed through the beauty of human movement changed the nature of classical ballet and is his lasting memorial.

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Oct 12 '17 · 0 comments
SpartanNash Co SPTN

Mr. Dennis Eidson is Chairman of the Board of the Company. He is no longer Chief Executive Officer of the Company, with effect from May 23, 2017. He has been a director of SpartanNash since October 2007, Chief Executive Officer since October 2008, President of SpartanNash since October 2007, and was our Chief Operating Officer from February 2007 to October 2008, and our Executive Vice President Marketing and Merchandising from March 2003 to February 2007. Prior to joining SpartanNash, Mr. Eidson served as the Divisional President and Chief Executive Officer of A Midwest region from October 2000 to July 2002, as the Executive Vice President Sales and Merchandising of A Midwest region from March 2000 to October 2000, and as the Vice President of Merchandising of A Farmer Jack division from June 1997 to March 2000.

Mr. David M. Staples has been appointed as President, Chief Executive Officer, Chief Operating Officer, Director of the Company, with effect from May 23, 2017. He has served as Executive Vice President Chief Operating Officer since March 2015. Prior to his promotion, Mr. Staples served as Executive Vice President since November 2000 and Chief Financial Officer since January 2000. Mr. Staples also served as Vice replica van cleef perlee bangle President Finance from January 2000 to November 2000. Mr. Staples oversees the Company's Food Distribution, Retail, and Military segments. In addition, he oversees information technology, real estate, finance, treasury, and risk management. From December 1998 to January 2000, Mr. Staples served as Divisional Vice President Strategic Planning and Reporting of Kmart Corporation and from June 1997 to December 1998 he served as Divisional Vice President Accounting Operations. He is a certified public accountant.

Mr. Christopher P. Meyers is Chief Financial Officer, Executive Vice President of the Company, effective 11 April 2016. Mr. Meyers was Chief Financial and Development Officer at KeHE Distributors, a leading distributor of natural and specialty products, since 2007. At KeHE, Mr. Meyers was responsible for executive oversight of mergers and acquisitions, pricing, purchasing, supply chain, vendor management, and shared services. From 2001 to 2007, Mr. Meyers served in positions of increasing responsibility for Navigant Capital Advisors, the corporate finance and restructuring practice of Navigant Consulting, a global consulting and professional services firm. Mr. Meyers is a Certified Public Accountant.

Ms. Kathleen M. Mahoney is Executive Vice President, Chief Legal Officer, Secretary of the Company. She previously served as Executive Vice President General Counsel from the Merger to November 2015. Ms. Mahoney oversees the Company's legal, aviation, corporate communications, community development, and government relations functions. Prior to the Merger, Ms. Mahoney served as Executive Vice President General Counsel and Secretary for Nash Finch, where she oversaw legal, aviation, risk management, asset protection, safety, environmental, and insurance procurement and claims management. Ms. Mahoney served in several executive and managerial positions with Nash Finch since joining the company in 2004. Prior to working at Nash Finch, she was the Managing Partner of the St. Paul office of Larson King, LLP. Previously, she spent 13 years with the law firm of Oppenheimer, Wolff Donnelly, LLP, where she served in a number of capacities including Chair of the Labor and Employment Practice Group and Managing Partner of the St. Paul office. Ms. Mahoney served as Special Assistant Attorney General in the Minnesota Attorney General's office for six years. She clerked for the Honorable Douglas K. Amdahl, Minnesota Supreme Court Justice and the Honorable Neal P. McCurn, United States District Court Judge for the Northern District of New York.

Mr. Theodore C. Adornato is Executive Vice President Retail Operations of the Company. Mr. Adornato served as Executive Vice President Wholesale Operations, as part of an effort to promote bracelet fake van cleef alhambra a greater exchange of knowledge and perspective between the Company's retail and distribution operations, and provide new leadership opportunities for members of its executive team. Before joining the Company, Mr. Previously, Mr. Adornato held various management positions with Tops Markets and Acme Markets, Inc.

Mr. Edward L. Brunot is Executive Vice President, President MDV of the Company. Mr. Brunot served with Nash Finch as Executive Vice President and President and Chief Operating Officer of MDV since March 2012. Mr. Brunot served as Nash Finch's Senior Vice President and President and Chief Operating Officer of MDV from February 2009 to March 2012. Mr. Brunot joined Nash Finch in July 2006 imitation van cleef perlee bangle as Senior Vice President, Military. Mr. Brunot previously served as Senior Vice President, Operations for AmeriCold Logistics, LLC from December 2002 to May 2006, where he was responsible for 29 distribution facilities in the Western Region. Before that, Mr. Brunot was Vice President of Operations for CS Integrated from 1999 to 2002. Mr. Brunot served as a Captain in the United States Army and holds a BS degree from the United States Military Academy, West Point and an MS degree from the University of Scranton.

Mr. Tom Lee is Senior Vice President Supply Chain of the Company. He will be responsible for developing and implementing strategies for supply chain management, with a focus on enhancing and expanding the company's network to support customers' growth initiatives while improving efficiency and reducing cost. Mr. Lee will oversee SpartanNash's supply chain, logistics, transportation and inventory management departments, From 2015 to 2017, Mr. e Commerce for Walmart. In the role, he built out supply chain and merchandising operational functions for the global e commerce division, overseeing the planning and replenishment for both owned and drop ship vendors with more than 10,000 suppliers and 26 million unique SKUs across a $1 billion inventory. Prior to that, Mr. Lee served as Vice President, Supply Chain Innovations, Global e Commerce for Walmart. He has also held supply chain leadership positions for Henry Schein and Office Depot and has been a senior level consultant for both Ernst Young and KPMG. Mr. Lee holds a master's degree in executive managerial business administration from Vanderbilt University and a bachelor's degree in economics from Emory University.

Mr. David DeS. Couch is Chief Information Officer, Vice President of the Company. Mr. Couch was our Director of Information Technology. Prior to joining SpartanNash in 1987, Mr. Couch was a Product Manager for the Colorado Telecommunication Division of Hewlett Packard Corporation, Technical Services Manager for the Loveland Instrument Division of Hewlett Packard Corporation, and Manager of Computer Services at General Foods Corporation in Battle Creek Michigan, and on the Processing Facilities Design Team for General Foods in White Plains, New York. Mr. Couch has taught college classes in communications and data center management. He holds a BS degree in Business Administration and a MS degree in Computer Science from University of Arizona.

Mr. Timothy J. O'Donovan is Lead Independent Director of the Company. Mr. O'Donovan is the retired Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer of Wolverine Worldwide, Inc., a footwear and apparel company. Mr. O'Donovan served as Chairman of the Board of Wolverine from 2005 through 2009. In April 2007, Mr. O'Donovan retired as Chief Executive Officer of Wolverine, a position which he held since April 2000. Mr. O'Donovan also previously served as a director of Kaydon Corporation until it was acquired in October 2013.

Ms. M. Shan Atkins, CPA, is Independent Director of the Company. She is an independent business executive with extensive experience in finance, private investment, and retail strategy. Ms. Atkins is a director of Darden Restaurants, Inc., an owner and operator of full service restaurant brands, where she serves on the Audit Committee. She is also a director of SunOpta, Inc., a manufacturer of healthy beverages and snacks, where she chairs the Compensation Committee. She was previously a director of The Pep Boys Manny, Moe and Jack, until 2015, Tim Hortons, Inc. until 2014, and Shoppers Drug Mart until 2012. Ms. Atkins also serves as a director of True Value Company, a retailer owned hardware cooperative. Ms. Atkins previously served as a partner in the global consumer and retail practice at Bain Company, an executive with Sears Roebuck Company, and an accountant with Price Waterhouse. She has been a member of the Canadian Institute of Chartered Accountants since 1981 and is a certified public accountant.

Mr. Mickey P. Foret is Independent Director of the Company. Mr. Foret served as a director of Nash Finch since 2005. Mr. Foret served until 2002 as Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer of Northwest Airlines, Inc., an airline company, and Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Northwest Airlines Cargo, Inc., a transportation and logistics company. Mr. Foret previously served as President and Chief Operating Officer of Atlas Air Cargo, Inc. and as President and Chief Operating Officer, as well as in other management positions, at Continental Airlines, Inc. Mr. Foret has served as a director of Delta Air Lines, Inc. since October 2008, and as a director of the URS Corporation, an engineering design services firm, from March 2003 to October 2014.

Dr. Frank M. Gambino is Independent Director of the Company. Dr. Gambino is a Professor of Marketing and the Director of the Food Consumer Packaged Goods Marketing Program at Western Michigan University. He has been on the WMU faculty since 1984. Prior to joining WMU, he had over 15 years of experience in the retail food industry. Dr. Gambino remains active within the food and consumer packaged goods industries at both the national and regional level. He is a frequent speaker, trainer and consultant to a diverse group of industry organizations. Currently, he serves on the Retail Site Development Committee for Wakefern Food Corporation (a grocery retailer cooperative). Dr. Gambino is the current Chair of the Food Industry University Coalition for the National Grocers Association and a member of the Higher Education Council for the Category Management Association.

Mr. Douglas A. Hacker is Independent Director of the Company. Mr. Hacker is currently an independent business executive and formerly served as Executive Vice President, Strategy for UAL Corporation, an airline holding company, from December 2002 to May 2006. Prior to this position, he served with UAL Corporation as President, UAL Loyalty Services from September 2001 to December 2002, and as Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer from July 1999 to September 2001. Mr. Hacker also serves as a director and member of the compensation committee of Aircastle Limited, a commercial aircraft leasing company, and Travelport Worldwide Ltd., where he chairs the Compensation Committee and serves on the Audit Committee.

Ms. Yvonne R. Jackson is Independent Director of the Company. Ms. Jackson is President and Principal of BeecherJackson, Inc., a human resources management consulting firm that she co founded in 2006. From 2002 to 2005, she served as Senior Vice President, Corporate Human Resources of Pfizer, Inc. From 2006 to 2012, Ms. Jackson served as a director of Winn Dixie Stores, Inc., a regional grocery retailer, including service as chairperson of Winn Dixie's Compensation Committee. Ms. Jackson is a former director and member of the Compensation and Nominating and Corporate Governance Committees of Best Buy Co., Inc. Ms. Jackson has over 30 years of experience in human resources, including experience as the most senior human resources executive.

Ms. Elizabeth A. Nickels is Independent Director of the Company. Ms. Nickels is an accomplished senior executive and board member with extensive leadership experience in both emerging and mature business segments. Ms. Nickels served as Executive Director of Herman Miller Foundation from 2012 to 2014. From February 2000 to May 2012, Ms. Nickels served as an executive at Herman Miller, Inc., an office furniture manufacturing company. Ms. Nickels served as Chief Financial Officer of Herman Miller from February 2000 to August 2007 and President of Herman Miller Healthcare from 2007 to 2012. Since October 2015, Ms. Nickels has served as a director of Principal Funds, a leading provider of mutual funds. Ms. Nickels served as a director of PetSmart, Inc. from November 2013 to March 2015, and was a director for Charlotte Russe from November 2013 until April 2016, a clothing retailer,. Ms.

Maj. Gen. (Retd.) Hawthorne L. Proctor is Independent Director of the Company. Major General (Ret.) Proctor currently serves as Managing Partner of Proctor Boone LLC Consulting, and Senior Logistics Consultant in the Department of Defense Business Group of Intelligent Decisions, Inc., where he has worked since 2006. Major General (Ret.) Proctor served for nearly 35 years in the United States Army, where he performed with distinction in numerous senior logistics management roles including Commander, Defense Personnel Support Center and later Commander, Defense Supply Center, Philadelphia, 46th Quartermaster General of the United States Army, and J3, or Chief Operating Officer (COO) Defense Logistics Agency.

Mr. William R. Voss is Independent Director of the Company. Mr. Voss was the Chairman of the Nash Finch Board of Directors since 2006. Mr. Voss has served for more than 10 years as Managing Director of Lake Pacific Partners, LLC, a private equity investment firm specializing in consumer products and services. He previously served as Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Natural Nutrition Group, Inc., a food processor; as Chief Executive Officer of McCain Foods, Inc.; and as President and a Director of Pilgrim's Pride Corporation.
Oct 12 '17 · 0 comments
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