
zroessgs's blog

la respuesta de migrantes de M

Hace dos semanas que lleg a Ciudad Jurez, Chihuahua, con la esperanza de cruzar a El Paso, Texas,bracelet imitation alhambra van cleef, y luego reunirse con sus hermanos en Carolina del Sur.

En esta poblacin fronteriza se enter que el presidente estadounidense orden construir un muro para frenar la migracin irregular.

Donald Trump quiere implantar un arancel de hasta un 20% a las importaciones de Mxico para costear el muro en la fronteraLa noticia no le cay nada bien. "Ese seor est mal. Acabo de estar en la lnea y hay una bardota, un canal, montones de policas".

Guillermo tiene 25 aos de edad y nunca haba antes viajado a la frontera norte. Al llegar Ciudad Jurez se sorprendi.

"Yo saba que hay un muro pero no lo imagin as. Qu nadie le dijo a Trump que ya hay muchas barreras?".

La frontera entre Mxico y Estados Unidos ya cuenta con 1.050 kilmetros de muros y vallas construidas con postes metlicos o de concreto, de hasta 8 metros de altura.

"Quin sabe de su destino"Linares es una de las aproximadamente 400.000 personas sin documentos migratorios que anualmente intentan cruzar a Estados Unidos.

Es un dato del Departamento de Seguridad Interior (DHS por sus siglas en ingls), y se refiere a quienes son detenidos en la frontera con Mxico. tras la cancelacin de la reunin entre Pea Nieto y TrumpLa mayora son centroamericanos, pero tambin existen haitianos, cubanos y africanos.

Los provenientes de Mxico son cada vez menos,van cleef arpels copy bracelet.

Pero quienes deciden emprender el viaje encuentran el mismo escenario que el resto: muros, vallas construidas con postes metlicos o de concreto de hasta 8 metros de altura y la vigilancia permanente de la Patrulla Fronteriza.

En algunos lugares el cerco incluye sensores de movimiento y aviones no tripulados Predator, los mismos utilizados en la Guerra del Golfo y las batallas en Irak.

Pero en los ltimos das a estas barreras se suma la incertidumbre por las rdenes ejecutivas de Trump, y no slo para construir el muro.

En los albergues para migrantes o deportados, y entre organizaciones civiles algunos creen que cancelar la poltica de "capturar y liberar" (catch and release, en ingls), cancelada por el presidente estadounidense, provocar muchos problemas.

Con este programa los indocumentados detenidos, especialmente menores de edad,van cleef arpels copy alhambra bracelet, podan ser liberados para esperar una audiencia con jueces migratorios.

Algo que poda tardar varios aos por la sobrecarga de trabajo en estos tribunales.

Las cifras del muro que Donald Trump quiere construir en la frontera de Estados Unidos con Mxico"Era la esperanza de los chavos (jvenes) centroamericanos, que si atrapaba la migra los dejaban libres o con su familia", le dice a BBC Mundo Mario Castillo, voluntario en un comedor para migrantes en Ciudad Jurez.

"Pero ahora seguro que los regresan, y quien sabe su destino porque muchos se vinieron por la violencia".

"Con Trump ser un gran relajo"se es el miedo de muchos centroamericanos que cruzan Mxico hacia Estados Unidos: volver a sus pases. Y no es slo a la pobreza.

Es tambin a las pandillas, que en los ltimos aos se convirtieron en uno de las principales causas de la migracin de Honduras, El Salvador y Guatemala.

Elmer Neyra es un ejemplo. En la pasada Navidad la pandilla en su barrio de San Pedro Sula asesin a dos de sus amigos.

"Yo corr como diablo y gracias a Dios que no me alcanzaron", le cuenta por telfono a BBC Mundo desde Tapachula,van cleef alhambra imitation bracelet, Chiapas, donde se encuentra.

"Por eso estoy aqu, y ahora con eso del muro no s qu hacer, de verdad. All en el norte no se ponen a pensar que no vamos por gusto, que es para salvar el pellejo".

La misma sensacin en el Centro de Proteccin Internacional para Adolescentes en el Camino, un albergue para adolescentes y jvenes que huyen de amenazas de muerte en sus pases en Ciudad de Mxico.

Donald Trump firm una orden ejecutiva para construir el muro y luego dijo que estableceran un impuesto del 20% a las importaciones de productos mexicanos para financiarlo.

BBC Mundo convers con algunos de ellos. Sus nombres fueron cambiados por seguridad.

Elas, un joven de Honduras, dice que el muro y los decretos de Trump van a perjudicar a los migrantes "de muchos pases".

"No slo los que vamos para all sino los que ya llegaron. La economa de Mxico y Honduras se basa mucho en las remesas, si se ponen a deportar a mucha gente la economa se viene abajo".
Aug 10 '17 · 0 comments
let properties but I haven't deprived other buyers',van cleef alhambra imitation bracelet

The Government is coming under increasing pressure to reverse draconian new taxes applying to buy to let investors, announced in the July 8 Summer Budget.

Landlords argue that not only will the change force them to evict tenants and sell properties en masse, but that it will also prevent the building and development of new homes hindering the Government objective to increase housing supply.

The proposed tax change,van cleef clover copy bracelet, applying in full from 2020, will only hit those landlords with mortgages. Many landlords have calculated that they will have to pay more than 100pc of their profits in tax when the change is fully implemented.

Scroll down for a worked example of the new tax.

Torquay landlord Graham Chilvers owns 75 properties. None of them, he says, could have been bought by first time buyers because in every case he either built or restored them himself.

Under the Government proposed tax changes, the financing of such projects would no longer stack up, he said.

Potential properties would remain derelict or would have to be developed by large commercial companies who are not impacted by the proposed new tax, which only targets private individuals.

Government justifies its attack on buy to let by saying landlords have an unfair advantage over people wanting to buy their own homes, Mr Chilvers said. no homebuyer was competing with me on any of these properties.

Mr Chilvers is pictured in front of a former Victorian hotel which in 2004, when he bought it,van cleef copy rose gold bracelet, was in disrepair and occupied by squatters. He converted the main building into nine two bedroom apartments, and built two three bed homes in the space formerly occupied by a swimming pool.

Many of his other properties were also once hotels or care homes, while some he built from scratch.

'I own most of my street buy to let investor, 26

Nine ways to increase your buy to let profits

Watch:'Here's how I get 35pc yields on buy to let'

He reckons his portfolio is worth 6.4m, against which there is a modest 2.4m borrowing.

Rental income totals 330,000 per year. The cost of mortgage interest is 80,000 with maintenance, insurance and other expenses coming in at 100,000 to 120,sweet alhambra imitation bracelet,000.

That gives a taxable annual profit of between 130,000 and 150,000.

His tax bill today is around 50,000. When the new taxes are fully applied he will pay an extra 32pc in tax, with his bill rising to almost 70,000.

He would then be paying a tax rate of 44pc.

That calculation is based on all other factors rent, expenses, interest rates, and so on remaining the same.

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my gross income goes down, my tax bill goes up

One of Mr Chilvers biggest anxieties is the way the proposed tax will bite when interest rates rise. Because of the perverse way in which the tax operates, landlords will actually pay more tax when their mortgage costs go up even though this will result in their having less gross profit.

only will this tax prevent me from undertaking further development, but it poses real risks to my business just at a time that interest rates could rise, said Mr Chilvers.

His mortgages currently charge an average rate of 3.3pc. He calculates that if this figure lifts by two percentage points to 5.3pc, his mortgage interest bill will be 128,000. At that point the total tax payable will rise to 75,000.

His effective tax rate, expressed as a percentage of his gross profits, will then be 53pc.

An online calculator which other landlords can use to see how the tax change would affect their own circumstances is available here.

Other full time landlords share Mr Chilvers view that mainstream homeowners are not competing for the same properties as landlords.

Cathy Colston, a retired Boots executive who became a full time landlord in 2010, owns around 20 properties in the western centres of Bath, Cardiff and Bristol.
Aug 10 '17 · 0 comments
Inside story of how Melbourne became marvellous all over again

It may be nearing midnight on a Saturday in Swanston Street, but is teeming not with rain, but people and tomorrow at midday, it will be teeming again. The CBD is full of people nearly all the time tourists from abroad,van cleef and arpels fake clover necklace, tourists from the burbs, and a startling number of people who haven't come from anywhere. They live here, upstairs, part of the city's beating heart. How did the city that for decades seemed in a coma become a city that never sleeps?

For starters, it was no Manhattan project is not a wannabe. Rather, a key plank of the strategy for city renewal has been not to mimic others, but to make the most of what makes different (and market the hell out of it). The numbers show it's working, beyond the hopes of even the most optimistic urban planner. As City Council's director of city design Rob Adams reels off facts and figures, the words "game changer" come up. They describe the 116,431 people now living in the CBD, and the 28,099 city residences; the 100,000 pedestrians using Swanston Street on a Saturday night; the average 840,000 people thronging the city every weekday a number that sometimes tops 1 million.

In 1994, City Council embarked on a groundbreaking study of its citizens and their city. Places for People was carried out again in 2004, and is now nearing completion for a third time giving a contemporary record and 20 year archive that only a handful of cities can boast. "Almost unique, especially in that part of the world," says Danish architect and urban design guru Jan Gehl, who pioneered Places for People in Copenhagen. was one of his first foreign experiments. Under Gehl's guidance, started watching its people closely where did they come from, how did they get here, where did they go, how did they go there, where did they linger, where did they sit and where did they stroll?

Out of this attention to the smallest details even the colour of the pavement and the awnings on the buildings the MCC now has 20 years of hard numbers data credited with underpinning all that global praise about Melboume's "liveablity".

Gehl has an oft quoted line that recasts the blandness of that ugly word. A liveable city is not a static place. It's a permanent social gathering, of shifting moods and energy, guests flowing in and out, the buzz changing but never dying. It's Gehl's mantra: "A good city is like a good party. People stay for much longer than is really necessary because they are enjoying themselves."

By this measure, Gehl considers in 2014 close to the global gold standard and that's as much a surprise to him as anybody, given what the CBD was like when he first saw it in 1976.

was a shadow of the grand dame of the 19th century on the back of a mining boom that was, literally, the city's golden age. A brief spurt of 1956 Olympic pride didn't deliver long term transformation. "We had this extraordinary city that had won the Olympic Games and then gone to sleep," McCaughey says.

There was no shortage of emerging leaders, planners and activist residents keen to wake the place up. Cain ended Labor's wilderness years in 1982, and had hopes for a city very different from the one he'd grown up next to in Northcote, at a time when anyone who didn't work in the CBD had very little to do with it. "A visit to town was a big day out." Cain's familiarity with the centre grew when he took an after school job at Myer. No one had any other reason to be there.

The notion that people might live in the CBD was thought batty. "A few that we thought were odd people lived in the lofts in hotels or some exotic accommodation like that."

McCaughey was elected as an independent to a reconstituted city council in late 1982 after years of chaos that had seen the previous MCC sacked. McCaughey had just returned from living in New York, aware of what a vital residential metropolis could be. She had two broad missions: save the heritage buildings, and bring a moribund CBD to life.

"There were only about 100 residents in the CBD. There was nobody there . what we did was say, 'We've got to enable the buildings to house people and we've got to bring the street life back."

Geoff Lawler,replica van cleef and arpels butterfly necklace, a state government expert for 17 years before joining the council in 1996, says benefited from a broadly united approach from Spring Street and town hall. "It's been a mix of state and local government." Gehl agrees this is crucial pointing to Sydney's state versus city conflict as a case study of how not to get things done. "They've been very, very slow. didn't have that."

McCaughey's praise for planning ministers she worked with, Evan Walker in particular, suggests this is true. While she didn't like Cain's "count the cranes" style, they shared a belief that antiquated licensing laws had to go and the streets opened for al fresco dining. Cain calls liquor law reform "the biggest single step in the transformation of the CBD". With pavement dining permitted and booze restrictions loosened, the city had something to build on and it did. There were 604 food and beverage outlets in the CBD in 1982; today, 1978. Even harder to imagine, there were two outdoor cafes in the CBD in the 1980s; today, 534.

But the most significant impact was the arrival in 1983 of a migrant whose planning smarts were snapped up by the MCC. Urban designer RobAdams, of Zimbabwe, found a city whose workday population seemed to be sucked out to the suburbs at 5pm as if by a giant vacuum. "It was deserted. The biggest change was realising that city's didn't have to be like that."

Adams was a believer, and he had high level support. Gehl's Places for People research delivered that element when the MCC brought him out in 1993.

Adams says such detail has enabled change in an age of tight budgets small scale and incremental. Things like building frontages and lighting influence the way people perceive streetsas places to stop,van cleef arpels alhambra imitation necklace, sit or shop and also perceptions of safety. Doyle calls it "the palette of the city" and underfoot, the city is getting durable, attractive bluestone footpaths as a result.

Gehl's research delivered "the human dimension",Lawler says. "You can look at Places for People and look at the importance of detail. And you look at the macro scale and look at the importance of urban design, economic and sustainable use of land, and transport, which is critical."

This is where critics of planning policy take issue with both the MCC and the government, whose vision of a CBD dominated by ever taller towers horrifies many. Cain calls it "very woolly". McCaughey fears we're "building an asylum", driven by greed.

Michael Buxton, RMIT's professor of environment and planning, says the reach for the sky policy violates the essence of Gehl's "human scale" philosophy of urban design. Buxton says Places for People has been invaluable. "But what tends to happen is that public bodies such as the City Council think they've done their job when they come out with a report examining the better use of public space. That's only part of the equation, as [Gehl] himself notes.

If the tower fetish continues unchecked, Buxton warns, the city we now celebrate will be ruined. "It will kill the goose."

Jeff Kennett also has mixed feelings about the dramatic changes to the CBD. "It's now becoming very quickly a city of the world with all the problems and the challenges of the cities of the world." It's less friendly, he says, and traffic congestion is fast becoming a crippling issue".

He wouldn't turn back time, but warns the city should proceed with caution as residential numbers boom. "I don't think the number of people matters so much as whether you can properly provide the infrastructure to accommodate that number or whether you can change the way the city operates."

At town hall, the drivers of CBD policy don't disagree. Lawler says rapid population growth has been "a good problem to have" but has to be carefully managed. "Now as the city grows, it's moving into areas where [infrastructure] doesn't exist. Because of the tightness of space you can't let that get out of whack."

The lord mayor, who will receive the latest People for Places report early next year, looks ahead to a city that builds on the kind of changes the research has already inspired: expanding the "tree canopy" to cover 40 per cent of the CBD,replica van cleef flower necklace, cooling the city by 5 degrees; pedestrian friendly initiatives that build on findings showing 66 per cent of journeys are made on foot; an improved bicycle network. And much else besides but Doyle says that in 10 and 20 years time, "I hope you'd still look at it and say 'Yep, that's . The essential character hasn't changed."

Adams says cities everywhere are facing major challenges over the next half century, with urban populations doubling, "You can't do that by building cities the way we built them in the past. We're going to have to do it by repurposing them, and has gone through one of the biggest repurposing exercises in the last 30 years.

"If that continues on it will set us as an example of what other cities can do."


TO SOME ears, modern 's much trumpeted honour "the world's most liveable city" is a bouquet so bland it doubles as a brickbat. But a backhanded compliment is no big deal. The city's heard worse things.
Aug 10 '17 · 0 comments
'I Am Where I Want To Be'

Mourinho journalists he felt "very well prepared" for the new role but admitted his frustration that the club will not be competing in the Champions League this season.

He said he wanted to "forget" the club's largely unsuccessful last three years under David Moyes and Louis Van Gaal.

Mourinho told reporters: "It is not a dream job,van cleef imitation clover necklace, it is reality as Manchester United manager but it is a job everyone wants and not many have a chance . I have it and I know the responsibility and the expectation."

"I don't want the players to think we need to do better. What is to do better? Finish fourth. Finishing fourth is not the aim. We want to win," he said. 53 year old former Chelsea boss was speaking to media for the first time since his appointment in May.

He admitted his last season in London had been "a disaster" but defended his commitment to developing youth players,replica van cleef and arpels vintage alhambra necklace, insisting he had promoted 49 young players from academies during his managerial career.

Mourinho, who has also enjoyed spells at Real Madrid and Inter Milan,van cleef & arpels imitation necklace, said he was hoping to surpass Sir Alex Ferguson's haul of two Champions League trophies at the club.

"I don't hide. I chase Sir Alex's record in Champions League matches,replica van cleef arpels clover necklace," Mourinho said.

The self proclaimed 'Special One' also strongly hinted that the club has a deal lined up for Borussia Dortmund midfielder Mkhitaryan, and said he was pursuing a fourth target.
Aug 10 '17 · 0 comments
Kodak sacks 600 workers

About 600 Victorian workers have fallen victim to the digital age and will lose their jobs when photographic giant Kodak closes its Coburg film manufacturing plant at the end of November.

The company blamed the rise of digital photography for the closure and said all employees would receive full entitlements.

But the union movement said it had urged Kodak to investigate ways of keeping the plant open in recent years and staff would be left with poor job prospects.

"It's a devastating blow for the workers at Kodak. and a really bad blow for the Victorian manufacturing economy," said Australian Manufacturing Workers Union national secretary Doug Cameron.

"John Howard and Peter Costello should come down here and explain to these workers what this Government will do to support them and why they have not intervened and demanded accountability from this company."

About 400 administrative staff will continue working at the plant's office, but Kodak Australia chairman John Allen said it was too early to say whether there would be more job losses.

"These closures have been caused by the fundamental change in consumer behaviour driven by the increasing popularity of digital photography in Australia and worldwide," he said. "It's a very sad day but I think on site here it's understood that this is a technology driven change."

Workers were told the news at a staff meeting at the factory at 3.30pm yesterday. They were shocked at the company's sudden decision to close the plant.

"It feels like my guts have been wrenched," said Spiros Vasilakis, 40, a father of three, who has worked at Kodak as a machine operator for 20 years. "We knew this would happen, but everybody thought it would be a gradual shutdown, not like this."

He said Kodak had been "great to work for",replica van cleef and arpels diamond necklace. "They've given us skills and training."

John Van Duijneveldt, who worked for 26 years with the company, said he felt "numb" at hearing the news. "There's a lot of emotion for a lot of people at the moment. You get attached to the job and the people,van cleef necklace copy alhambra," he said.

Storeman Pat Reid, 52, said it would be difficult for many older employees to find work again.

"At my age, it would be hard for me to walk into another job. Shock is the only word. Everybody will be going home and sitting in their chair tonight and saying, 'what happened?' "

Earlier this year US parent company Eastman Kodak said it would cut up to 15,000 jobs worldwide by 2006. The cuts are meant to save up to $1.3 billion in costs every year by 2007.

Mr Allen said only on Tuesday did he received final confirmation that the plant would be closed.

The first staff to finish work will be those at the site's wholesale photo processing lab, which will close on October 22. The rest of the plant will stop operating on November 26 and most employees will leave a week later.

Mr Allen said the employees' redundancy package would compare "extremely favourably" with others offered in Australia.

He said the decision was not influenced by the performance of the plant, nor by Australian economic, industrial or political factors. He said one in three Australian households would have a digital camera by the end of this year and 3.5 million mobile phone cameras would be sold this year.

The company would offer counselling and career advice to help employees find new jobs and the state and federal governments had offered to assist with training, he said.

The average employee was male, aged 45, and had worked at Kodak for 15 years.

Mr Cameron said the fight to keep the plant open was not over. The union has asked Kodak for the plant's business plan.

"Our first position is to sit down and talk to this company about whether these jobs can be saved. It's about maximising jobs in Australia and Victoria."

Liquor, Hospitality and Miscellaneous Workers Union state secretary Brian Daley said many Kodak employees worked in specialised areas. "Their job prospects in the special industries that they work in, often for 20 or 30 years, is effectively nil," he said.

While unions said Kodak had opened a plant in China, Mr Allen said it was not a case of jobs going overseas. He said demand for film and paper had declined by 15 per cent annually in Australia in the past two years.

Victorian Manufacturing and Export Minister Tim Holding said employees would have access to State Government programs to retrain. "In 1999 the Victorian Government provided some financial assistance to Kodak," he said. "The grant agreement required Kodak to establish a regional training centre. We expect the company will keep that centre open for its 1250 remaining Australian employees."

Federal Labor's industry spokesman Kim Carr said the closure was a devastating blow for workers,van cleef copy necklace alhambra, their families and the Victorian economy.

Federal Employment Services Minister Fran Bailey expressed disappointment at the job losses and said Centrelink and Job Network representatives were organising meetings with the workers,clover copy necklace van cleef.
Aug 10 '17 · 0 comments
Manson Family Member Should Be Free

Nearly 40 years ago, in August 1969, Charles Manson and his commune of followers, known as "the family," embarked on a gruesome killing spree in California.

The crimes were followed by a sensational trial in which Manson's followers several of whom were young women from middle class families were convicted of murder and sentenced to death. (The sentences were later commuted to life in prison.)

The trial was one of the first big media trials of its kind. Filmmaker John Waters remembers attending it in an effort to find out how Manson's followers could have acted the way they did.

"I wanted to figure out what happened and how these kids, who were very much like my friends from my neighborhoods . ended up doing something [like this]," he tells Madeleine Brand. "It always fascinated me how these people under the control of one real madman could do this."

Waters, who later went on to direct Hairspray and Pink Flamingos,van cleef imitation gold bracelet, admits that he saw certain similarities between himself and Manson's followers. Like the cult members, Waters describes himself as a 1960s radical who took LSD and thought the end of the world was coming. But he adds that unlike the Manson family, filmmaking provided him with "an outlet for all the anti social, angry thoughts I had all the time."

Over the years, Waters returned to the Manson story,van cleef and arpels copy clover bracelet, at one point contacting "family" member Leslie Van Houten in prison in an attempt to interview her for Rolling Stone magazine.

Van Houten, who was 19 at the time of the murders,van cleef imitation bracelet alhambra, refused to comment for Waters' article. She said she had no interest in being in a magazine for what she had done, and that she was greatly ashamed by it. Nonetheless, she and the director struck up a friendship.

"[Van Houten is] well read. She's smart. She cares about people," Waters says of the woman who has spent the past 40 years in prison for the murders of Rosemary and Leno LaBianca.

I do believe in rehabilitation. . Leslie has taken responsibility,van cleef and arpels imitation clover bracelet, and she has followed the rules.

Waters says he was so inspired by Van Houten's patience she has been denied parole 16 times and her intelligence and remorse that he devoted a chapter to her in his upcoming book, Role Models. He recently posted an excerpt of the book in which he argues for Van Houten's release on the Huffington Post.

Waters admits that his position isn't popular and acknowledges the gruesome nature of the murders, but he adds: "Leslie has taken responsibility, and she has followed the rules the rules that they have told her to follow to get parole. . She's the poster girl for the California prison system.
Aug 10 '17 · 0 comments
Lennon's paper legacy to go on show in Melbourne

While Sir Paul McCartney's tour is on hold, Beatles fans will have a chance to survey manuscripts and artwork of his old songwriting partner, John Lennon, at an exhibition in Melbourne.

Imagine: the art of John Lennon will comprise more than 100 of Lennon's whimsical sketches and handwritten song manuscripts, including a new print that makes its world premiere.

Rare, erotic lithographs drawn by Lennon as a wedding gift for his wife Yoko Ono will also be on show. They were seized by police when they were first exhibited in London in 1970 and the gallery owner was charged with obscenity.

The sketches have been selected by Ono, who has an installation of her own work on show at the History of Happiness exhibition at the Australian Centre for Contemporary Art, from her collection of Lennon's original drawings. They include lithography, silkscreens,bracelet imitation van cleef and arpels, copper etching and serigraphy.

The exhibition, which opens almost 22 years to the day after Lennon was shot dead in New York City,van cleef bracelet imitation alhambra, will be exclusive to Melbourne.

Ono says the art reveals an intense relationship with Lennon's family, and a sense of harmony with the world around him.

"Lennon's messages in the drawings about love and human communication echo those in his famous songs, and are as relevant today as they were when drawn over 20 years ago," Ono says in a statement.

Along with Churchill Shakespeare, and Darwin, Lennon was one of the 10 candidates for the greatest Briton ever in a competition convened by Britain's BBC

The collection has toured the United States, Japan, Europe and South East Asia in the past 15 years.

Limited edition prints of the handwritten song manuscripts of 21 Lennon songs, including Imagine, In My Life, Nowhere Man,van cleef arpels copy bracelet, Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds and Woman, will be on sale.

Imagine: The art of John Lennon is at the Grand Hyatt Melbourne from December 11 to 15. Music fans can also check out local artist Tracy Ellerton's A Collection of Impromptu Album Cover Paintings at Fad Gallery, 14 Corrs Lane, until December 10. Harvey, Elvis Presley, Sid Vicious,van cleef gold imitation bracelet, Johnny Cash and Stevie Wonder, and displays them like album covers in 12 inch (30.5 centimetre) plastic album protectors.
Aug 10 '17 · 0 comments
Ireland Out Of World T20 To Netherlands

The Dutch smashed 193 off 13.5 overs to qualify in front of the Irish for the Super 10s.

The Netherlands needed 190 off 14.2 overs to qualify on run rate after Ireland hit 189 4 off their 20 overs, with Andrew Poynter top scoring with 57.

In reply,van cleef and arpels alhambra imitation bracelet, Stephen Myburgh smashed 63 runs off 23 balls and Tom Cooper 45 off 15 balls including four successive 6s off George Dockrell in the tenth over.

But when Cooper was out caught Kevin O'Brien off Tim Murtagh, his younger brother Ben (9no) came in to see his side home with Wesley Barresi (40no) with three balls to spare.

Netherlands, who hit 19 sixes in the victory, progressed into Group One of the Super 10s ahead of Zimbabwe who beat UAE earlier in day and Ireland after all three teams finished on four points.

After losing the toss, Ireland captain William Porterfield had started in convincing fashion, with a four six off Ahsan Malik.

The left hander then found the boundary rope twice more in the same over opening partner Paul Stirling thick edged to point off Timm van der Gugten.

Porterfield then slapped Swart over long on for six,van cleef gold imitation bracelet, but fell for 47 in the 10th over after being bowled advancing down the track to Ahsan.

Ed Joyce contributed 28 off 25 balls before he was run out, but that only brought together Poynter and O'Brien, who put on 101 for the fourth wicket in 7.3 overs.

The two found the boundary rope with alarming regularity, with Poynter plundering four fours and as many sixes in his 57 off 38 balls, while O'Brien smashed 42 off 16 balls.

However, it proved to be all in vain as, with nothing to lose, Dutch courage prevailed and Myburgh was particularly explosive, thumping Andy McBrine for three successive sixes in the second over in reply.

The left hander repeated the trick off Alex Cusack,van cleef & arpels imitation bracelet, whose first three balls sailed over the rope as he conceded 22 in his only over, before Myburgh brought up his half century off just 17 balls with a four down the ground.

Borren was no slouch, but after whacking back to back fours off O'Brien, he fell for 31 after carving the bowler to George Dockrell, who took the catch from over his head while running back from point.

Myburgh then thumped Dockrell for six over midwicket,van cleef arpels copy bracelet, but when attempting to repeat the trick, could only find Ed Joyce on the boundary rope to depart for a sensational 63 off 23 balls, which included four fours and seven maximums.

The Netherlands' challenge looked to be faltering slightly when Logan van Beek gave O'Brien his second wicket, but Tom Cooper amazingly hammered four successive sixes in Dockrell's 11th over.

Cooper's charge was halted five runs shy of a half century when he plugged the 15th ball he faced, off Tim Murtagh, to deep square leg, but by then the result was not in doubt.

Wesley Barresi's powerful six left the Dutch needing seven off six to qualify before the wicketkeeper batsman (40 not out) completed the job with three balls to spare with another crushing maximum.

It was a stunning finish to squash previously unbeaten Ireland's hopes after they had entered the clash knowing they only needed to win to join South Africa, Sri Lanka, England and New Zealand in Group One.
Aug 10 '17 · 0 comments
How to Select Men's Cologne Appropriately

Oh, the vagaries of male mind! The moment you realize you know them totally, they turn into a different, different species. And you thought it's we, women who're mystifying and baffling? Hah, didn't you just contradict the very statement that men are an open book just by dropping down on this page, only to figure out how to select men's cologne? Well, happens. Whether it is a cologne or a car, you really cannot tell what strikes the psyche of males, and what is it that could actually make them go weak on their knees. So, to ease up your situation a bit, as well as for the purpose of this article, a few pointers that I've pitched in here might help you select the best fragrance for the man in your life. Now, personally, I dread gifting perfumes, deodorants, fragrances, and all things on earth that produce an individual odor, since, I'm aware of the very fact that every person has their own set of nostrils, that is to say, their own individual taste (I, eventually, dropped the idea of gifting a cologne!). But if your mind doesn't allow you to switch to anything else, you might as well give a read to the following words.

What's His Personality Like?

If he has hots for Vin Diesel, there's a different set of colognes for men with extreme personality. However, if he admires Edward Cullen (arr!) instead, you need to look for colognes on a different shelf. For example, if the guy is one of those rugged kinds with a macho personality, you could go for Tom Ford Azure Lime that smells woody and musky. On the other hand,van cleef necklace imitation wholesale, a Van Cleef Arpels Midnight In Paris does the tricks for those with subtle,replica van cleef and arpels necklace alhambra, softer personalities. Moreover, you could pick up the latest treatises of any of the chosen cologne brands, if he is trendy and loves to own the newest items on the block. In a nutshell, whichever cologne you choose, pick it up with his personality in mind.

What's His Age?

A cologne for your Dad may not be the best choice for your boyfriend too! Most men who are aged prefer traditional colognes,van cleef and arpels butterfly imitation necklace, and refrain from trying new fragrances. If you find something unusually different, better not gift it to your Dad for chances are, he might never use it at all! Instead,van cleef copy necklace wholesale, if you know your boyfriend has always relished experimenting, and is all for something exotic and new, pick up the newest of colognes from the fragrance shelf. However, if he doesn't love experimenting, you could yourself choose a cologne that is decent enough for him to like, since decent is the safest!

Where Should You Buy From?

We've talked enough about his personality and age now that you have enlisted all the important points of reference about the man you're about to gift a cologne to, select a shopping store that is big, and has all the new fragrances. The bigger the store is, the easier it will be for you to choose the best smelling cologne for your man. Before that, you could do some good research on search engines, make a list of all colognes that suit the personality of your man, and try them out at the shopping store you visit. When you find the ones you're looking for, smell them one by one, and choose the one you think will suit him the best. A cologne is something men don't usually refuse to accept (they're classy and luxurious), and even though your selection fails to match his choice, he will still wear it. It's just upon him to decide when to wear it though.

If it's a present, wrap it up beautifully, make use of some of your gray cells, and gift it to him. If you're stony broke, but still want to gift him a good cologne, you could search for online deals and check out lower prices. However, online purchasing isn't necessarily safe since the products are often low quality. So, when you've figured out everything with regards to selecting a cologne for your man, and have finally bought one, pick up a bottle of wine on the way, and make his day!
Aug 10 '17 · 0 comments
Life under apartheid

A young black man, just trying to get home, was thrown into the back of a police van and taken to jail despite the indignity of presenting a white police officer valid identity papers. The officer crumpled the pass at the man's feet and took him to jail anyway.Thaabo Moorsi, "severely tortured and detained." Soyisile Douse, "shot dead by policemen."Families separated. Races relocated.This was apartheid.For many too young or too distant to remember, apartheid is little more than a distant historical fact, a system of forced segregation to learn about in history class,replica van cleef style necklace, to condemn and to move on.A history of apartheidThough white Europeans had long ruled in South Africa, the formal system of apartheid came into existence after World War II.The country's National Party led by the descendants of European settlers known as Afrikaners ushered it into existence after sweeping into power on a campaign calling for stricter racial controls amid the heavy inflow of blacks into South African cities.Between 1949 and 1953, South African lawmakers passed a series of increasingly oppressive laws,replica van cleef and arpels necklace sale, beginning with prohibitions on blacks and whites marrying in 1949 and culminating with laws dividing the population by race, reserving the best public facilities for whites and creating a separate, and inferior, education system for blacks.One of the laws, the Group Areas Act, forced blacks, Indians,replica vintage alhambra necklace, Asians and people of mixed heritage to live in separate areas, sometimes dividing families.Blacks had to live in often barren tribal homelands or townships near cities,replica alhambra necklace, often in polluted industrial areas. Whites got the best agricultural areas, the choicest city addresses.
Aug 10 '17 · 0 comments
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