zroessgs's blog
Lovable Protective and a True Mate
Our Personal ExperienceBlue Heeler Dogs are all of the above and much more. I will explain something weird that happened to prove our dogs dedication or understanding of our needs.
Titan is such a smart dog and what he did last night goes to prove this more than ever. I have to tell you this story although you may not believe me but it is true.
My husband turned off the TV and told me he was going to bed. As usual I was typing on my computer. Suddenly the power went off and it was pitch black. No moonlight or anything just complete blackness,copy van cleef alhambra necklace. My husband asked where the torches were and I said in the cupboard. He found his way to the cupboard and found one.
The power was out in the whole street. So my husband returned inside with the help of his torch and walked towards the kitchen. Then he called to me, you gotta see this! I followed him, and standing there as pleased as punch was Titan (our blue heeler) tail wagging profusely with our other torch in his mouth.
We could not believe it. How did he know we needed the other torch? He must have gone to the cupboard and found it. These cupboards had press release catches so he opens them easy. He seems to sense when we want things, it is not the first time he has done this, although I believe this one takes the cake. And yes he got a treat for being so smart.
We just cannot understand how he does it, although he does do heaps of things for us. I took him to obedience school as a pup. I did this to have a little bit of control over him, because as a pup he was a real terror. He chewed up our whole cane lounge. Chewed the newly upholstered cushions on the lounge and dug holes everywhere. As we both worked I blamed most of this on boredom, and being left home on his own. Beware when placing pellets in your garden as they can kill your dog. There are some more improved snail pellets on the market these days that dogs will not eat. Make sure you buy those ones.
Dangers of throwing sticks for your dog
The second time our son took him to the beach and because he left his ball home he threw sticks for him. As you can imagine blue heelers don't do anything by half measures it is full pelt or nothing. We rushed him to the vet and after explaining what had happened he thought the stick may have been used to stab a poisonous fish or something. It was the only explanation any of us could come up with.
Then a few years later he developed a large lump on his neck. Luckily it was benign. They operated and after a long while they removed most of it. But they could not get it all as it was right on his jugular vein. Again he was saved, thank goodness. So he has sure had his ups and downs. This same protective true mate, gets our mail from the letterbox, helps to carry in the shopping. He is pretty gentle with it although one day he decided to shake a loaf of bread and we had to rescue it. Since then we just give him things in solid packets. But he runs in with it and then back out to the car for something else.
Blue Heelers Need Jobs to keep them Active
Dogs need to be buckled up into their own seat belt like humans, they need your help with this.
My husband tells Titan to grab his thongs. And off he runs and brings one. My husband then says get the other one and away Titan runs and brings the other one. Sometimes he gets an odd shoe, but hey we can't be too fussy.
This wonderful dog would protect either one of us with his life. We know that for sure and certain. Even when we are playing around he lets us know in no uncertain terms. He growls letting us know he is watching us.
Beware of snakes
We were camping in our caravan next to a lake. One afternoon my husband was having a nap and I was sitting outside reading a book and Titan started snapping under our van. I couldn't work out what he was doing. Then when I crawled underneath I spotted the problem. I freaked out and screamed to my husband. Tiger snake Titan is trying to get it.
I grabbed Titan,copy van cleef butterfly necklace. Luckily for him the snake was stretched out and where he was snapping was in the middle so it didn't bite him. We tried to get rid of it. Eventually the rangers came and after two hours they got it out. Oh boy I was freaking out. I hate snakes,copy van cleef clover necklace sale. We were very grateful to the rangers that is for sure they took it away and let it go somewhere else thank goodness.
When Titan wants to sit on one of our lounge chairs at night, he sits in front of it and waits. If we take no notice he will whimper,copy necklace van cleef arpels, and when we say ok, he jumps up and make himself comfortable.
I hope I am not boring you with this but honest to goodness. could give you literally hundreds of little snippets of things he does for us, and we think the world of him. Not that you can tell I suppose.
Oh, Just one more thing. When we were traveling around Australia, we met so many people that would come up to us and ask about Titan. They would share all their stories about their wonderful Blue or Red Heelers. In thirteen months we never met one of those dog owners that had a bad word to say about Heelers. They all said how wonderful Blue Heeler dogs are. And it is true.
Blue Heelers would give their lives for their owners if they could. So I think it is time to say "Drink up! And cheers to Titan, hopefully we will have this blue heeler dog for another ten years!"
Our Personal ExperienceBlue Heeler Dogs are all of the above and much more. I will explain something weird that happened to prove our dogs dedication or understanding of our needs.
Titan is such a smart dog and what he did last night goes to prove this more than ever. I have to tell you this story although you may not believe me but it is true.
My husband turned off the TV and told me he was going to bed. As usual I was typing on my computer. Suddenly the power went off and it was pitch black. No moonlight or anything just complete blackness,copy van cleef alhambra necklace. My husband asked where the torches were and I said in the cupboard. He found his way to the cupboard and found one.
The power was out in the whole street. So my husband returned inside with the help of his torch and walked towards the kitchen. Then he called to me, you gotta see this! I followed him, and standing there as pleased as punch was Titan (our blue heeler) tail wagging profusely with our other torch in his mouth.
We could not believe it. How did he know we needed the other torch? He must have gone to the cupboard and found it. These cupboards had press release catches so he opens them easy. He seems to sense when we want things, it is not the first time he has done this, although I believe this one takes the cake. And yes he got a treat for being so smart.
We just cannot understand how he does it, although he does do heaps of things for us. I took him to obedience school as a pup. I did this to have a little bit of control over him, because as a pup he was a real terror. He chewed up our whole cane lounge. Chewed the newly upholstered cushions on the lounge and dug holes everywhere. As we both worked I blamed most of this on boredom, and being left home on his own. Beware when placing pellets in your garden as they can kill your dog. There are some more improved snail pellets on the market these days that dogs will not eat. Make sure you buy those ones.
Dangers of throwing sticks for your dog
The second time our son took him to the beach and because he left his ball home he threw sticks for him. As you can imagine blue heelers don't do anything by half measures it is full pelt or nothing. We rushed him to the vet and after explaining what had happened he thought the stick may have been used to stab a poisonous fish or something. It was the only explanation any of us could come up with.
Then a few years later he developed a large lump on his neck. Luckily it was benign. They operated and after a long while they removed most of it. But they could not get it all as it was right on his jugular vein. Again he was saved, thank goodness. So he has sure had his ups and downs. This same protective true mate, gets our mail from the letterbox, helps to carry in the shopping. He is pretty gentle with it although one day he decided to shake a loaf of bread and we had to rescue it. Since then we just give him things in solid packets. But he runs in with it and then back out to the car for something else.
Blue Heelers Need Jobs to keep them Active
Dogs need to be buckled up into their own seat belt like humans, they need your help with this.
My husband tells Titan to grab his thongs. And off he runs and brings one. My husband then says get the other one and away Titan runs and brings the other one. Sometimes he gets an odd shoe, but hey we can't be too fussy.
This wonderful dog would protect either one of us with his life. We know that for sure and certain. Even when we are playing around he lets us know in no uncertain terms. He growls letting us know he is watching us.
Beware of snakes
We were camping in our caravan next to a lake. One afternoon my husband was having a nap and I was sitting outside reading a book and Titan started snapping under our van. I couldn't work out what he was doing. Then when I crawled underneath I spotted the problem. I freaked out and screamed to my husband. Tiger snake Titan is trying to get it.
I grabbed Titan,copy van cleef butterfly necklace. Luckily for him the snake was stretched out and where he was snapping was in the middle so it didn't bite him. We tried to get rid of it. Eventually the rangers came and after two hours they got it out. Oh boy I was freaking out. I hate snakes,copy van cleef clover necklace sale. We were very grateful to the rangers that is for sure they took it away and let it go somewhere else thank goodness.
When Titan wants to sit on one of our lounge chairs at night, he sits in front of it and waits. If we take no notice he will whimper,copy necklace van cleef arpels, and when we say ok, he jumps up and make himself comfortable.
I hope I am not boring you with this but honest to goodness. could give you literally hundreds of little snippets of things he does for us, and we think the world of him. Not that you can tell I suppose.
Oh, Just one more thing. When we were traveling around Australia, we met so many people that would come up to us and ask about Titan. They would share all their stories about their wonderful Blue or Red Heelers. In thirteen months we never met one of those dog owners that had a bad word to say about Heelers. They all said how wonderful Blue Heeler dogs are. And it is true.
Blue Heelers would give their lives for their owners if they could. So I think it is time to say "Drink up! And cheers to Titan, hopefully we will have this blue heeler dog for another ten years!"
Last reunion for war heroes who came home to fight the fascists
They returned from war hailed as heroes. But the demobbed British Jews who won medals defeating Hitler were horrified to see fascist salutes on the streets of Britain.
Oswald Mosley, whose British Union of Fascists preached anti Semitism before the war, was released from internment in 1946. His Blackshirts, dressed like Nazi stormtroopers, were revived. Jewish houses were daubed with the letters PJ Perish Judah. Jews were beaten and taunted in the streets: "Not enough Jews were burned in Belsen." Something had to be done.
In April 1946, 43 men and women war heroes including Gerry Flamberg, who won the Military Medal at Arnhem, and Tommy Gould, a submariner who won the Victoria Cross formed the 43 Group.
Morris Beckman, another founder member,van cleef long necklace fake, now 88, explained. We decided that as trained troops we would 'out fascist the fascists'."
Last week, around 40 of the surviving street fighters who fought British fascism to a standstill in a five year guerrilla war held a last reunion to consider their achievements.
At a Jewish cultural centre in west London they displayed memorabilia, including Mosley's prized personal standard and some of the graffiti that appeared on synagogues.
Mr Beckman recalled bloody battles in Ridley Road market, in what was then a Jewish area of Hackney, in east London. Mosley would stand on a van, nicknamed "the Elephant" because of its two massive ear like loudspeakers, and stir up crowds with talk of the "alien" menace. "We would salt the crowd with groups who would fight among themselves, the police would be diverted and two wedges of commandos, the tough guys ex marines, guards and paras would make for the platform and overturn it."
By 1947 the group had more than 1,000 members: mainly in London,van cleef and arpels necklace butterfly fake, but also in Manchester, Birmingham, and Newcastle.
Maurice Podrow, 81, who was still in the RAF when he joined the group, admitted that at the time he was "very violent". "At a meeting at Hyde Park Corner we couldn't get at Mosley, so we picked on this big South African, one of his right hand men,vca sweet alhambra necklace fake," he said. "I was pictured on the front of the Daily Mail punching him. My wing commander wasn't very pleased."
He wore a Polish army belt with a thick brass buckle "sharpened so it was a four sided blade". Knuckledusters, coshes, steel capped boots and knives were used on both sides. The Blackshirts threw potatoes studded with razor blades.
Prominent Jews such as the boxing promoter Jack Solomons,van cleef black necklace fake, who could not be seen to support street fighting, sent donations. Every month the comedian Bud Flanagan sent a cheque for 30. Mr Beckman added that the actor Sydney Tafler helped the cause by mimicking Mosley's hate rhetoric on a recording played to a group of Jewish businessmen. "They reached for their chequebooks, some of them donating 1,000."
The group even considered kidnapping Mosley, stripping him and dumping him in Piccadilly Circus. Some non Jewish supporters helped by infiltrating Mosley's headquarters so the group knew in advance of his next meetings. Mr Beckman estimates that hundreds of meetings were broken up as a result. With support for Mosley dwindling, the 43 Group was disbanded in 1950.
The group was not without its critics, however. Some said its tactics perpetuated fascism and suggested that by ignoring Mosley his support would have faded sooner. But Mr Beckman is insistent: "In 1946 there were only two countries in Europe that allowed fascist parties us and Franco's Spain.
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They returned from war hailed as heroes. But the demobbed British Jews who won medals defeating Hitler were horrified to see fascist salutes on the streets of Britain.
Oswald Mosley, whose British Union of Fascists preached anti Semitism before the war, was released from internment in 1946. His Blackshirts, dressed like Nazi stormtroopers, were revived. Jewish houses were daubed with the letters PJ Perish Judah. Jews were beaten and taunted in the streets: "Not enough Jews were burned in Belsen." Something had to be done.
In April 1946, 43 men and women war heroes including Gerry Flamberg, who won the Military Medal at Arnhem, and Tommy Gould, a submariner who won the Victoria Cross formed the 43 Group.
Morris Beckman, another founder member,van cleef long necklace fake, now 88, explained. We decided that as trained troops we would 'out fascist the fascists'."
Last week, around 40 of the surviving street fighters who fought British fascism to a standstill in a five year guerrilla war held a last reunion to consider their achievements.
At a Jewish cultural centre in west London they displayed memorabilia, including Mosley's prized personal standard and some of the graffiti that appeared on synagogues.
Mr Beckman recalled bloody battles in Ridley Road market, in what was then a Jewish area of Hackney, in east London. Mosley would stand on a van, nicknamed "the Elephant" because of its two massive ear like loudspeakers, and stir up crowds with talk of the "alien" menace. "We would salt the crowd with groups who would fight among themselves, the police would be diverted and two wedges of commandos, the tough guys ex marines, guards and paras would make for the platform and overturn it."
By 1947 the group had more than 1,000 members: mainly in London,van cleef and arpels necklace butterfly fake, but also in Manchester, Birmingham, and Newcastle.
Maurice Podrow, 81, who was still in the RAF when he joined the group, admitted that at the time he was "very violent". "At a meeting at Hyde Park Corner we couldn't get at Mosley, so we picked on this big South African, one of his right hand men,vca sweet alhambra necklace fake," he said. "I was pictured on the front of the Daily Mail punching him. My wing commander wasn't very pleased."
He wore a Polish army belt with a thick brass buckle "sharpened so it was a four sided blade". Knuckledusters, coshes, steel capped boots and knives were used on both sides. The Blackshirts threw potatoes studded with razor blades.
Prominent Jews such as the boxing promoter Jack Solomons,van cleef black necklace fake, who could not be seen to support street fighting, sent donations. Every month the comedian Bud Flanagan sent a cheque for 30. Mr Beckman added that the actor Sydney Tafler helped the cause by mimicking Mosley's hate rhetoric on a recording played to a group of Jewish businessmen. "They reached for their chequebooks, some of them donating 1,000."
The group even considered kidnapping Mosley, stripping him and dumping him in Piccadilly Circus. Some non Jewish supporters helped by infiltrating Mosley's headquarters so the group knew in advance of his next meetings. Mr Beckman estimates that hundreds of meetings were broken up as a result. With support for Mosley dwindling, the 43 Group was disbanded in 1950.
The group was not without its critics, however. Some said its tactics perpetuated fascism and suggested that by ignoring Mosley his support would have faded sooner. But Mr Beckman is insistent: "In 1946 there were only two countries in Europe that allowed fascist parties us and Franco's Spain.
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Dorothy Lamour
Hollywood's "sarong girl" Dorothy Lamour made no claims to be a great actress, but few stars of the screen's vintage years are regarded with greater affection. She is remembered with such warmth for three reasons: as star of a string of jungle pictures, clad in the sarong that was to become her trademark; as one of the four most popular pin ups of the Second World War (along with Betty Grable, Lana Turner and Rita Hayworth); and as co star with Bing Crosby and Bob Hope of the phenomenally successful "Road" films only the James Bond movies have been more profitable as a lengthy sequence. Taking her stepfather's surname Lambour, she moved to Chicago and worked in a department store as an elevator girl while trying to break into show business. Singing in a talent contest she was spotted by the band leader Herbie Kaye, who signed her as vocalist and changed her name to Lamour.
In 1935 they were married. Kaye's former college chum Rudy Vallee introduced Lamour to the owner of the famed New York nightspot the Stork Club and she was signed to sing there. This led to more club work, radio performances and her screen debut in a two reel short, The Stars Can't Be Wrong (1936). Moving to Hollywood for a regular spot (billed as "the sultry songstress of the airwaves") on NBC Radio, she was given a screen test by Paramount and cast in The Jungle Princess (1936). As a naive native girl, with only a tiger and a chimpanzee as friends, she rescues a stranded hunter (Ray Milland) who teaches her English and saves her from villainous natives. Lamour introduced a song hit, Frederick Hollander and Leo Robin's "Moonlight and Shadows", and clothed only in a sarong, her long black hair caressing her shoulders, scored an instant hit with the public, who made the modest film a surprising smash hit.
Lamour's next role was a supporting one in Swing High, Swing Low (1937) but her song in it, "Panamania" , was another hit. In Mamoulian's High, Wide and Handsome (1937) she again had a minor role but sang Kern and Hammerstein's "The Things I Want". The director John Ford, preparing to film The Hurricane for the producer Sam Goldwyn, suggested Lamour for the role of Samura, daughter of a native chief, and Goldwyn traded his contract star Joel McCrea with Paramount to secure her. She again scored a great personal success and had another hit song with her recording of the film's theme tune, "The Moon of Manakoora".
Paramount, now convinced that Lamour and a sarong were a winning combination, starred her in Her Jungle Love (1938), as a native girl who rescues a stranded aviator (Milland again). He teaches her English ("What is this word Kiss'?" she asks him) and rescues her from crocodiles, an earthquake and a power crazy villain. Though Lamour's jungle films were fantastic and formulaic they were colourful, amusing pieces of pure escapism which the public loved.
Now a top star, Lamour was borrowed by Fox to star with Tyrone Power in the gangster melodrama Johnny Apollo (1940), singing two fine songs with lyrics by Frank Loesser, "This is the Beginning of the End" and "Dancing for Nickels and Dimes", the latter perform ed in a fetching urchin outfit that Lamour hated. Paramount next put her back in the jungle for Typhoon (1940) with Robert Preston, another enormous hit.
Then came one of the most fortuitous pieces of casting in screen history. George Burns and Gracie Allen also rejected it before the producer William LeBaron thought of Hope and Crosby, who already had a well publicised comic feud going on their respective radio shows. The tropical setting made Lamour the perfect choice for heroine. Retitled Road to Singapore (1940), the first of a legendary series went into production. "I was trying to follow the script but just couldn't get my lines out," she said later. "Finally, I realised that I should just get the general idea of a scene rather than learn the words by heart, then go along with the boys." Said Hope, "Dottie is one of the bravest gals in pictures. She stands there before the camera and ad libs with Crosby and me knowing that the way the script is written she'll come second or third best, but she fears nothing."
The mixture of ad libs, asides to the audience and irreverent in jokes plus the songs of Crosby and Lamour and wisecracks of Hope made the films irresistible. Though not initially planned as the first of a series, the film was swiftly followed by Road to Zanzibar (1941), which was even funnier and had the New York Post commenting: "Dorothy Lamour, ceasing her feverish efforts to become An Actress, begins to shine in a new light."
Lamour next partnererd Hope in Caught in the Draft (1941), proving again what an admirable foil she was becoming as she adopted a bemused,copy alhambra style necklace, somewhat acerbic reaction to Hope's frantic shenanigans. She was reunited with her Hurricane co star Jon Hall in the vividly coloured Aloma of the South Seas (1941), singing "White Blossoms of Rah ni" and dealing with the wicked high priests and an erupting volcano in another box office hit.
She followed this with one of the finest wartime musicals, The Fleet's In (1942), playing an aloof night club singer whose heart is melted by William Holden, and introducing the Victor Schertzinger Johnny Mercer standard "I Remember You".
Road to Morocco (1942) is considered by many the best of the "Road" films, its surreal pleasures incuding a talking camel and a version of the hit tune "Moonlight Becomes You" in which the three stars sing with each other's voices.
Lamour's role opposite Crosby in Dixie (1943), a loose biography of the minstrel star and composer Dan Emmett, was a disappointing one in which she had no song solos, but in And The Angels Sing (1944), she introduced the Johnny Burke Jimmy Van Heusen standard, "It Should Happen to You".
During the war, besides being a favourite pin up of the forces, Lamour made many tours to promote the sale of war bonds. Road to Utopia (made in 1944 but released two years later) was another gem, this time set in the Yukon during gold rush days. Lamour had a further hit song with the Burke Van Heusen "Personality" though she stormed off the set one day after waiting hours in costume for her leading men then finding they had gone to play golf. "They always joked about my temperament after that," she stated, "but they never did that to me again!"
Two demanding roles in an adaptation of John Steinbeck's scathing portrait of wartime hypocrisy A Medal for Benny (1945) and in Claudette Colbert's former role in an ineffectual remake of Midnight entitled Masquerade in Mexico (1945) exposed Lamour's thespian limitations, but in My Favourite Brunette (1947) she again proved a splendid foil for Hope, while in the all star Variety Girl (1947) she engagingly partnered tough guy Alan Ladd as he made his singing debut duetting "Telahassee".
When Paramount had announced that Road to Utopia would be the last of the series they received over 75,000 letters of protest, so in 1947 Road to Rio was released, another hit though it would mark the end of Lamour's golden period. Paramount were shedding many of its stars including Lamour, and as a freelance her films and performances met with mild response, though Slightly French (1949) was an amusing farce in which Lamour got laughs as a carnival dancer masquerading as a French cabaret star.
In 1950 and again in 1958 she triumphed at the London Palladium (the audience roaring its approval when she donned her sarong) and in 1952 played in two major films. She was a circus performer in De Mille's The Greatest Show on Earth a small part but it included a brief Hawaiian song and dance and Road to Bali, the sixth film in the series. Night clubs and television were now her main professional outlets,alhambra pendant necklace fake, but she was once more international news in 1961 when Hope and Crosby announced that they would be making Road to Hong Kong but (at Crosby's insistence) with a younger leading lady.
The public outcry that ensued led to Lamour being offered a cameo role which, with the encouragement of Hope, she accepted. In a generally dire film, Lamour was to have the brightest moment when, asked by the two stars to help them hide from gangsters, she listen to their summary of the plot so far then replies, "OK, boys, I'll hide you." "From the gangsters?" they ask. "No," she says, "From the critics."
Her feeling for Crosby was cool after this,copy alhambra van cleef necklace, particularly when he failed to use her in publicising the film. John Ford gave her a small role in Donovan's Reef (1963) and in 1967 she had a great success with a lengthy tour of Hello, Dolly on stage. She published an autobiography, My Side of the Road, in 1980 and continued to appear in clubs and nostalgic stage shows (including a charity show in London a few years ago) until ill health forced her retirement.
Mary Leta Dorothy Slaton (Dorothy Lamour), actress: born New Orleans 10 December 1914; married 1935 Herbie Kaye (marriage dissolved 1939), 1943 William Ross Howard (died 1978; two sons); died Los Angeles 22 September 1996.
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Hollywood's "sarong girl" Dorothy Lamour made no claims to be a great actress, but few stars of the screen's vintage years are regarded with greater affection. She is remembered with such warmth for three reasons: as star of a string of jungle pictures, clad in the sarong that was to become her trademark; as one of the four most popular pin ups of the Second World War (along with Betty Grable, Lana Turner and Rita Hayworth); and as co star with Bing Crosby and Bob Hope of the phenomenally successful "Road" films only the James Bond movies have been more profitable as a lengthy sequence. Taking her stepfather's surname Lambour, she moved to Chicago and worked in a department store as an elevator girl while trying to break into show business. Singing in a talent contest she was spotted by the band leader Herbie Kaye, who signed her as vocalist and changed her name to Lamour.
In 1935 they were married. Kaye's former college chum Rudy Vallee introduced Lamour to the owner of the famed New York nightspot the Stork Club and she was signed to sing there. This led to more club work, radio performances and her screen debut in a two reel short, The Stars Can't Be Wrong (1936). Moving to Hollywood for a regular spot (billed as "the sultry songstress of the airwaves") on NBC Radio, she was given a screen test by Paramount and cast in The Jungle Princess (1936). As a naive native girl, with only a tiger and a chimpanzee as friends, she rescues a stranded hunter (Ray Milland) who teaches her English and saves her from villainous natives. Lamour introduced a song hit, Frederick Hollander and Leo Robin's "Moonlight and Shadows", and clothed only in a sarong, her long black hair caressing her shoulders, scored an instant hit with the public, who made the modest film a surprising smash hit.
Lamour's next role was a supporting one in Swing High, Swing Low (1937) but her song in it, "Panamania" , was another hit. In Mamoulian's High, Wide and Handsome (1937) she again had a minor role but sang Kern and Hammerstein's "The Things I Want". The director John Ford, preparing to film The Hurricane for the producer Sam Goldwyn, suggested Lamour for the role of Samura, daughter of a native chief, and Goldwyn traded his contract star Joel McCrea with Paramount to secure her. She again scored a great personal success and had another hit song with her recording of the film's theme tune, "The Moon of Manakoora".
Paramount, now convinced that Lamour and a sarong were a winning combination, starred her in Her Jungle Love (1938), as a native girl who rescues a stranded aviator (Milland again). He teaches her English ("What is this word Kiss'?" she asks him) and rescues her from crocodiles, an earthquake and a power crazy villain. Though Lamour's jungle films were fantastic and formulaic they were colourful, amusing pieces of pure escapism which the public loved.
Now a top star, Lamour was borrowed by Fox to star with Tyrone Power in the gangster melodrama Johnny Apollo (1940), singing two fine songs with lyrics by Frank Loesser, "This is the Beginning of the End" and "Dancing for Nickels and Dimes", the latter perform ed in a fetching urchin outfit that Lamour hated. Paramount next put her back in the jungle for Typhoon (1940) with Robert Preston, another enormous hit.
Then came one of the most fortuitous pieces of casting in screen history. George Burns and Gracie Allen also rejected it before the producer William LeBaron thought of Hope and Crosby, who already had a well publicised comic feud going on their respective radio shows. The tropical setting made Lamour the perfect choice for heroine. Retitled Road to Singapore (1940), the first of a legendary series went into production. "I was trying to follow the script but just couldn't get my lines out," she said later. "Finally, I realised that I should just get the general idea of a scene rather than learn the words by heart, then go along with the boys." Said Hope, "Dottie is one of the bravest gals in pictures. She stands there before the camera and ad libs with Crosby and me knowing that the way the script is written she'll come second or third best, but she fears nothing."
The mixture of ad libs, asides to the audience and irreverent in jokes plus the songs of Crosby and Lamour and wisecracks of Hope made the films irresistible. Though not initially planned as the first of a series, the film was swiftly followed by Road to Zanzibar (1941), which was even funnier and had the New York Post commenting: "Dorothy Lamour, ceasing her feverish efforts to become An Actress, begins to shine in a new light."
Lamour next partnererd Hope in Caught in the Draft (1941), proving again what an admirable foil she was becoming as she adopted a bemused,copy alhambra style necklace, somewhat acerbic reaction to Hope's frantic shenanigans. She was reunited with her Hurricane co star Jon Hall in the vividly coloured Aloma of the South Seas (1941), singing "White Blossoms of Rah ni" and dealing with the wicked high priests and an erupting volcano in another box office hit.
She followed this with one of the finest wartime musicals, The Fleet's In (1942), playing an aloof night club singer whose heart is melted by William Holden, and introducing the Victor Schertzinger Johnny Mercer standard "I Remember You".
Road to Morocco (1942) is considered by many the best of the "Road" films, its surreal pleasures incuding a talking camel and a version of the hit tune "Moonlight Becomes You" in which the three stars sing with each other's voices.
Lamour's role opposite Crosby in Dixie (1943), a loose biography of the minstrel star and composer Dan Emmett, was a disappointing one in which she had no song solos, but in And The Angels Sing (1944), she introduced the Johnny Burke Jimmy Van Heusen standard, "It Should Happen to You".
During the war, besides being a favourite pin up of the forces, Lamour made many tours to promote the sale of war bonds. Road to Utopia (made in 1944 but released two years later) was another gem, this time set in the Yukon during gold rush days. Lamour had a further hit song with the Burke Van Heusen "Personality" though she stormed off the set one day after waiting hours in costume for her leading men then finding they had gone to play golf. "They always joked about my temperament after that," she stated, "but they never did that to me again!"
Two demanding roles in an adaptation of John Steinbeck's scathing portrait of wartime hypocrisy A Medal for Benny (1945) and in Claudette Colbert's former role in an ineffectual remake of Midnight entitled Masquerade in Mexico (1945) exposed Lamour's thespian limitations, but in My Favourite Brunette (1947) she again proved a splendid foil for Hope, while in the all star Variety Girl (1947) she engagingly partnered tough guy Alan Ladd as he made his singing debut duetting "Telahassee".
When Paramount had announced that Road to Utopia would be the last of the series they received over 75,000 letters of protest, so in 1947 Road to Rio was released, another hit though it would mark the end of Lamour's golden period. Paramount were shedding many of its stars including Lamour, and as a freelance her films and performances met with mild response, though Slightly French (1949) was an amusing farce in which Lamour got laughs as a carnival dancer masquerading as a French cabaret star.
In 1950 and again in 1958 she triumphed at the London Palladium (the audience roaring its approval when she donned her sarong) and in 1952 played in two major films. She was a circus performer in De Mille's The Greatest Show on Earth a small part but it included a brief Hawaiian song and dance and Road to Bali, the sixth film in the series. Night clubs and television were now her main professional outlets,alhambra pendant necklace fake, but she was once more international news in 1961 when Hope and Crosby announced that they would be making Road to Hong Kong but (at Crosby's insistence) with a younger leading lady.
The public outcry that ensued led to Lamour being offered a cameo role which, with the encouragement of Hope, she accepted. In a generally dire film, Lamour was to have the brightest moment when, asked by the two stars to help them hide from gangsters, she listen to their summary of the plot so far then replies, "OK, boys, I'll hide you." "From the gangsters?" they ask. "No," she says, "From the critics."
Her feeling for Crosby was cool after this,copy alhambra van cleef necklace, particularly when he failed to use her in publicising the film. John Ford gave her a small role in Donovan's Reef (1963) and in 1967 she had a great success with a lengthy tour of Hello, Dolly on stage. She published an autobiography, My Side of the Road, in 1980 and continued to appear in clubs and nostalgic stage shows (including a charity show in London a few years ago) until ill health forced her retirement.
Mary Leta Dorothy Slaton (Dorothy Lamour), actress: born New Orleans 10 December 1914; married 1935 Herbie Kaye (marriage dissolved 1939), 1943 William Ross Howard (died 1978; two sons); died Los Angeles 22 September 1996.
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Watch Manchester United vs Newcastle live stream. Watch this game live and online for free. Barclays Premier League: August 22, 2015.
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2015/16 Barclays Premier League Saturday Evening Show .
2 days ago 2015/16 Barclays Premier League Saturday Evening Show: Manchester United vs Newcastle United Live Football Match Streaming Online Manchester United vs .
Manchester United vs Newcastle Live Stream 22 Aug 2015
Watch Manchester United vs Newcastle live stream free online and highlights video Premier League match on 22 August 2015 at Old Trafford, Manchester.
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Manchester United vs Newcastle United (Premier League 2015 16) Date: Saturday, 22 August . So bookmark this page for every United live match online free ].
Manchester United vs Newcastle United, Premier League .
1 hour ago Manchester United face Newcastle United in the Premier League clash on Saturday. Find out how to follow the match live in the UK.
The game is played at Old Trafford.
Manchester United Win one knows this 2015. He won by Tottenham and Aston Villa Premier League, and recently defeated Bruges in the first leg of the qualifying round of the Champions League. Van Gaal's good time pass.
Newcastle, however, knows no victories. They drew 2 2 against Southampton and lost 2 0 to Swansea City in the Premier League. Although everything is just beginning, there are pressures on the coach Steve McClaren.
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Manchester United vs Newcastle United, Premier League 2015/16: Where to watch live, preview,replica van cleef and arpels stud earrings, betting odds and .
International Business Times UK 1 hour ago
More news for Manchester United vs Newcastle United Live Online
Watch Manchester United vs Newcastle live stream free
Watch Manchester United vs Newcastle live stream. Watch this game live and online for free. Barclays Premier League: August 22, 2015.
You've visited this page 3 times. Last visit: 10/2/14
2015/16 Barclays Premier League Saturday Evening Show .
2 days ago 2015/16 Barclays Premier League Saturday Evening Show: Manchester United vs Newcastle United Live Football Match Streaming Online Manchester United vs .
Manchester United vs Newcastle Live Stream 22 Aug 2015
Watch Manchester United vs Newcastle live stream free online and highlights video Premier League match on 22 August 2015 at Old Trafford, Manchester.
Manchester United v Newcastle: Live online Premier .20 hours ago Everything you need to know about how to stream the Premier League clash between Manchester United and Newcastle live online on .
Manchester United vs Newcastle Live Stream Free
Manchester United vs Newcastle United (Premier League 2015 16) Date: Saturday, 22 August . So bookmark this page for every United live match online free ].
Manchester United vs Newcastle United, Premier League .
1 hour ago Manchester United face Newcastle United in the Premier League clash on Saturday. Find out how to follow the match live in the UK.
Kate Middleton appears in public
Kate Middleton appeared in public for the first time in more than three months yesterday as she and William attended his friend Harry Meade's wedding.
Speculation that the Royal couple are about to announce their engagement was fuelled when they walked through the porch of the church together.
A source at St Peter and St Paul's church in Northleach, Gloucestershire, said: 'When they turned up together and went through the front where there were obviously photographers, no one could believe it. It's very unusual and very significant.'
Yesterday was the first time that Kate, 28, had stepped out with William since July 10, when she watched him play polo at the Beaufort club in Gloucestershire.
Sources say she has been kept in the background ahead of an engagement announcement. In recent months Kate and William, also 28, have been living as man and wife on the island of Anglesey, in Wales, where he is training as a search and rescue pilot.
Friends say they are 'road testing' married life. Yesterday was the eleventh wedding of friends that Kate has attended in the past five years seven of them with William, her boyfriend of eight years.
Happy and relaxed looking William and Kate sent a ripple of excitement through the congregation at the village church when they arrived together to see showjumper Mr Meade, 27, marry primary schoolteacher Rosie Bradford,van cleef mother of pearl earrings replica, 30.
Mr Meade is also a friend of Prince Harry, who was not at the wedding. The Prince had been criticised for wearing a Nazi uniform at Mr Meade's 22nd birthday party.
Kate, in a stunning royal blue dress,replica van cleef and arpels clover earrings, sported tanned legs from the recent Kenyan safari she and William have enjoyed at the family home of his former girlfriend Jecca Craig.
Jecca, whom William met when he first visited the Craigs' estate at 16, was also at the wedding.
A young William was said to have been so besotted with heiress Jecca that they staged a mock engagement ceremony when he returned to work in Kenya during his gap year.
William's three old flames: From left Olivia Hunt, Jecca Craig and Rose Farquhar at the wedding
William's other old flames, Rose Farquhar and Olivia Hunt, were also at the ceremony. Rose, daughter of Captain Ian Farquhar, Master of the Beaufort Hunt, was William's first serious girlfriend, dating him shortly after he left Eton.
Then when he was in his first year at St Andrews University, where Kate also studied, he reportedly dallied with Olivia. The relationship fizzled out and she went on to date William's best friend William Van Cutsem.
Kate wore a chunky silver band on her small finger yesterday. When she was seen in July,replica van cleef and arpels alhambra earrings, she wore nothing. But previously she has worn a delicate silver band with a stone on her middle finger. It had been rumoured that William and Kate became engaged during a trip to Balmoral last month.
But Palace aides yesterday dismissed that as 'categorically untrue'. A source close to the couple said: 'They have had ups and downs and come through rough patches. But Kate dotes on William and he adores her. They really are the perfect match and they will certainly be married soon.'
Last week The Mail on Sunday revealed that the Royal Mint is making a commemorative coin in anticipation of a wedding.
The mould of the coin, featuring William and 'Catherine' is in the early stages of design. Several caterers and events organisers are also known to be compiling plans ahead of an announcement.
When he does eventually marry,replica vans earrings, William wants to stay out of the limelight and is said to be keen to continue living on Anglesey where he and Kate enjoy peace and quiet.
'No one bothers them in Anglesey. They are left to their own devices and they love the freedom and nature up there,' said a friend.
'They plan to make Wales their home for the next couple of years.' St James's Palace said: 'Only Prince William and Kate Middleton know what their plans are.'
Most watched News videos EXCLUSIVE: Ariana Grande plane arrives back in the US Homeless man describes how he helped after Manchester attack Moment bomb explodes at Ariana Grande concert Eye witness describes spotting the Manchester attacker Armed police prepare to raid of Manchester suicide bomber Blood seen dripping from victim leg after Manchester Threat level now CRITICAL: PM raises terror level Forensic officers raid of Manchester suicide bomber Moment armed police storm of Manchester suicide bomber Man is arrested by police outside Buckingham Palace Mum of Manchester attack victim Georgina Callander releases balloons Sickening video warns of more attacks after Manchester
EXCLUSIVE: First photos of Ariana Grande since Manchester. Help for the homeless heroes: Millionaire West Ham owner. The schoolgirls massacred by ISIS coward: Five teenagers. Revealed: Manchester bomber returned to Britain from. Theresa May warns a fresh terror attack is feared to be. 'Our little princess has been so lucky': Father's joy as. Britain on lockdown: Army deploys 1,000 heavily armed. Horror on the M6: Lorry driver is arrested after four. Tourists watch in horror as armed police arrest man. Mother of child actress pictured hugging a female police. Aaron Hernandez's hell behind bars: NFL star killed. More than 24 hours on, desperate families still search. BREAKING NEWS: My son is innocent, insists father of. 'I won't forget what you said!' Trump tells Pope after. Comedian Jason Manford deletes Twitter after being. Terrorist's brother arrested: Dramatic moment armed. Grisly photos of scorched remnants of suicide bomber's. Bomber from a red brick semi who 'knew an ISIS. MOST READ NEWS Previous.
Kate Middleton appeared in public for the first time in more than three months yesterday as she and William attended his friend Harry Meade's wedding.
Speculation that the Royal couple are about to announce their engagement was fuelled when they walked through the porch of the church together.
A source at St Peter and St Paul's church in Northleach, Gloucestershire, said: 'When they turned up together and went through the front where there were obviously photographers, no one could believe it. It's very unusual and very significant.'
Yesterday was the first time that Kate, 28, had stepped out with William since July 10, when she watched him play polo at the Beaufort club in Gloucestershire.
Sources say she has been kept in the background ahead of an engagement announcement. In recent months Kate and William, also 28, have been living as man and wife on the island of Anglesey, in Wales, where he is training as a search and rescue pilot.
Friends say they are 'road testing' married life. Yesterday was the eleventh wedding of friends that Kate has attended in the past five years seven of them with William, her boyfriend of eight years.
Happy and relaxed looking William and Kate sent a ripple of excitement through the congregation at the village church when they arrived together to see showjumper Mr Meade, 27, marry primary schoolteacher Rosie Bradford,van cleef mother of pearl earrings replica, 30.
Mr Meade is also a friend of Prince Harry, who was not at the wedding. The Prince had been criticised for wearing a Nazi uniform at Mr Meade's 22nd birthday party.
Kate, in a stunning royal blue dress,replica van cleef and arpels clover earrings, sported tanned legs from the recent Kenyan safari she and William have enjoyed at the family home of his former girlfriend Jecca Craig.
Jecca, whom William met when he first visited the Craigs' estate at 16, was also at the wedding.
A young William was said to have been so besotted with heiress Jecca that they staged a mock engagement ceremony when he returned to work in Kenya during his gap year.
William's three old flames: From left Olivia Hunt, Jecca Craig and Rose Farquhar at the wedding
William's other old flames, Rose Farquhar and Olivia Hunt, were also at the ceremony. Rose, daughter of Captain Ian Farquhar, Master of the Beaufort Hunt, was William's first serious girlfriend, dating him shortly after he left Eton.
Then when he was in his first year at St Andrews University, where Kate also studied, he reportedly dallied with Olivia. The relationship fizzled out and she went on to date William's best friend William Van Cutsem.
Kate wore a chunky silver band on her small finger yesterday. When she was seen in July,replica van cleef and arpels alhambra earrings, she wore nothing. But previously she has worn a delicate silver band with a stone on her middle finger. It had been rumoured that William and Kate became engaged during a trip to Balmoral last month.
But Palace aides yesterday dismissed that as 'categorically untrue'. A source close to the couple said: 'They have had ups and downs and come through rough patches. But Kate dotes on William and he adores her. They really are the perfect match and they will certainly be married soon.'
Last week The Mail on Sunday revealed that the Royal Mint is making a commemorative coin in anticipation of a wedding.
The mould of the coin, featuring William and 'Catherine' is in the early stages of design. Several caterers and events organisers are also known to be compiling plans ahead of an announcement.
When he does eventually marry,replica vans earrings, William wants to stay out of the limelight and is said to be keen to continue living on Anglesey where he and Kate enjoy peace and quiet.
'No one bothers them in Anglesey. They are left to their own devices and they love the freedom and nature up there,' said a friend.
'They plan to make Wales their home for the next couple of years.' St James's Palace said: 'Only Prince William and Kate Middleton know what their plans are.'
Most watched News videos EXCLUSIVE: Ariana Grande plane arrives back in the US Homeless man describes how he helped after Manchester attack Moment bomb explodes at Ariana Grande concert Eye witness describes spotting the Manchester attacker Armed police prepare to raid of Manchester suicide bomber Blood seen dripping from victim leg after Manchester Threat level now CRITICAL: PM raises terror level Forensic officers raid of Manchester suicide bomber Moment armed police storm of Manchester suicide bomber Man is arrested by police outside Buckingham Palace Mum of Manchester attack victim Georgina Callander releases balloons Sickening video warns of more attacks after Manchester
EXCLUSIVE: First photos of Ariana Grande since Manchester. Help for the homeless heroes: Millionaire West Ham owner. The schoolgirls massacred by ISIS coward: Five teenagers. Revealed: Manchester bomber returned to Britain from. Theresa May warns a fresh terror attack is feared to be. 'Our little princess has been so lucky': Father's joy as. Britain on lockdown: Army deploys 1,000 heavily armed. Horror on the M6: Lorry driver is arrested after four. Tourists watch in horror as armed police arrest man. Mother of child actress pictured hugging a female police. Aaron Hernandez's hell behind bars: NFL star killed. More than 24 hours on, desperate families still search. BREAKING NEWS: My son is innocent, insists father of. 'I won't forget what you said!' Trump tells Pope after. Comedian Jason Manford deletes Twitter after being. Terrorist's brother arrested: Dramatic moment armed. Grisly photos of scorched remnants of suicide bomber's. Bomber from a red brick semi who 'knew an ISIS. MOST READ NEWS Previous.
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Wij hebben gekozen voor een achtbaan met een heuveltje. Je kunt je eigen ontwerp maken door meerder vierkanten op of naast elkaar te plaatsen.
Bevestig twee stroken flexibel hout over de satprikkers. Houd tussen de stroken de ruimte vrij zodat de wielen van het karretje op de stroken kunnen rijden. Zorg ervoor dat de twee stroken op elke plek gelijk lopen. Dit is belangrijk anders zal het karretje niet goed rijden. Om op elke plek dezelfde afstand te houden, gebruikten wij een mal die precies even breed was als de wielen.
Bevestig nog een extra strook op de twee stroken van de vorige stap. Gebruik ook hier weer de mal. Bevestig deze stroken heel precies, want op deze stroken gaat het karretje rijden. Als de ruimte te groot of te klein is, zal het karretje niet goed rijden.
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Wat voor cijfer hebben jullie gekregen voor deze enorme inspanning en knutsel vreugde?PS: En wat een BRILJANT idee om de I ook in het Nederlands te plaatsen : DWe hebben de g krachten berekend met formules. We hadden eerst het plan om de g krachten te meten met een versnellingsmeter, maar dit bleek niet te werken.
Legendary Montreal delis
Smoked meat the food that made Montreal deli famous. Made from a special recipe for aging, spicing and smoking meat that Eastern European immigrants brought with them at the turn of the 20th century, the Montreal delicatessens that have been serving this tasty treat, as well as other specialties, are legendary. Benita BakerWhy it's worth the drive: Opened in 1928, Schwartz's bills itself as "the oldest deli in Canada." Its famous smoked meat, made from the original recipe of herbs and spices brought over from Romania by founder Reuben Schwartz, is smoked daily and contains no preservatives. It's so good that there is a perpetual lineup on the sidewalk outside the entrance waiting to get in, regardless of the weather or the time of day. Once inside the jam packed restaurant, expect to be seated next to a stranger at one of the several long, narrow tables. It is just too small and too busy in this Montreal landmark to have a table to yourself. There are other items on the menu steak, chicken, liver, smoked turkey but if you don't have the smoked meat, you are not taking a bite of history.Where: 3895 Saint Laurent Blvd.How to get there: Exit Highway 40 at Boul. St Laurent. Head south on Boul. St Laurent. Turn left on Rue de Castelnau West., left onto Rue Clark, left on Rue Cuthbert and left again on Boul. St Laurent.Cost: A smoked meat sandwich is $6.15. Mustard is a must, as the hand lettered sign on the wall declares. Top it off with a cherry coke, made the old fashioned way with syrup added to seltzer water. The only place to sit is at the lunch counter on the nine wooden stools that are warped from the thousands of bodies that have sat on them. There are no tables, no dishes,replica van cleef turquoise alhambra necklace, no cutlery. Sandwiches are served on a napkin.Founder Moe's widow, 92 year old Ruth, continues to preside over the restaurant. A favourite haunt of Montrealer Mordecai Richler, who immortalized Wilensky's in his novel The Apprenticeship of Duddy Kravitz. Scenes from the film version of the book were shot inside the restaurant.Where: 34 Fairmount Ave. West (corner of Clark)How to get there: Follow Highway 15 (Autoroute Dcarie) south. Exit at Rue Jean Talon/Ave. Van Horne (Exit 69). Follow Jean Talon until Ave. du Park. Turn right. Turn left on Fairmount.Cost: A Wilensky Special is $3.90. Seventy years later, Hyman is still there to greet you at the door. Breakfast is king here. Besides eggs, pancakes and French toast made from challah bread, there are 12 different kinds of omelets, including the famous hot dog, salami, green pepper and onion Mish Mash. Smoothies,van cleef and arpel imitation necklace, available in flavours like blueberry and apple pie, are delicious and big enough to share.With its padded booths, stainless steel back wall and lunch counter overlooking the short order cooks, there is a distinctly 1950s diner feel to the restaurant. The Beauty's logo, the posters on the wall and the black and white postcards at the cash of a very young Hymie and Freda, add to the nostalgia.Where: 93 Ave. du Mont Royal West (corner St. Urbain)How to get there: Exit Highway 40 at Boul. St Laurent. Follow Boul. St Laurent until Boul. Jean Talon. Turn right,replica van cleef arpel necklace, then left on Rue Clark and left again on Ave. du Mont Royal.Cost: Omelets are $12; French toast is $7; Smoothies are $6Why it's worth the drive: The smoked meat at this family owned deli, which has been around since 1951, is made from a distinctly different secret old country recipe. There is an ongoing debate among Montreal's stanch smoked meat aficionados as to whose is better Lester's or Schwartz's. Try it yourself and weigh in on the question. Because this delicacy is best served warm, Lester's takeout smoked meat is available in reheatable vacuum sealed packages.The deli counter, stacked with mustards,van cleef & arpels imitation necklace, spices, pickle jars, rye breads and plates waiting to be served, runs the full length of the cluttered and homey restaurant, with a giant menu taking up the entire back wall. If you don't bump into someone you know when you walk in here, you will certainly leave having made friends with the genial staff or the people sitting beside you.
Smoked meat the food that made Montreal deli famous. Made from a special recipe for aging, spicing and smoking meat that Eastern European immigrants brought with them at the turn of the 20th century, the Montreal delicatessens that have been serving this tasty treat, as well as other specialties, are legendary. Benita BakerWhy it's worth the drive: Opened in 1928, Schwartz's bills itself as "the oldest deli in Canada." Its famous smoked meat, made from the original recipe of herbs and spices brought over from Romania by founder Reuben Schwartz, is smoked daily and contains no preservatives. It's so good that there is a perpetual lineup on the sidewalk outside the entrance waiting to get in, regardless of the weather or the time of day. Once inside the jam packed restaurant, expect to be seated next to a stranger at one of the several long, narrow tables. It is just too small and too busy in this Montreal landmark to have a table to yourself. There are other items on the menu steak, chicken, liver, smoked turkey but if you don't have the smoked meat, you are not taking a bite of history.Where: 3895 Saint Laurent Blvd.How to get there: Exit Highway 40 at Boul. St Laurent. Head south on Boul. St Laurent. Turn left on Rue de Castelnau West., left onto Rue Clark, left on Rue Cuthbert and left again on Boul. St Laurent.Cost: A smoked meat sandwich is $6.15. Mustard is a must, as the hand lettered sign on the wall declares. Top it off with a cherry coke, made the old fashioned way with syrup added to seltzer water. The only place to sit is at the lunch counter on the nine wooden stools that are warped from the thousands of bodies that have sat on them. There are no tables, no dishes,replica van cleef turquoise alhambra necklace, no cutlery. Sandwiches are served on a napkin.Founder Moe's widow, 92 year old Ruth, continues to preside over the restaurant. A favourite haunt of Montrealer Mordecai Richler, who immortalized Wilensky's in his novel The Apprenticeship of Duddy Kravitz. Scenes from the film version of the book were shot inside the restaurant.Where: 34 Fairmount Ave. West (corner of Clark)How to get there: Follow Highway 15 (Autoroute Dcarie) south. Exit at Rue Jean Talon/Ave. Van Horne (Exit 69). Follow Jean Talon until Ave. du Park. Turn right. Turn left on Fairmount.Cost: A Wilensky Special is $3.90. Seventy years later, Hyman is still there to greet you at the door. Breakfast is king here. Besides eggs, pancakes and French toast made from challah bread, there are 12 different kinds of omelets, including the famous hot dog, salami, green pepper and onion Mish Mash. Smoothies,van cleef and arpel imitation necklace, available in flavours like blueberry and apple pie, are delicious and big enough to share.With its padded booths, stainless steel back wall and lunch counter overlooking the short order cooks, there is a distinctly 1950s diner feel to the restaurant. The Beauty's logo, the posters on the wall and the black and white postcards at the cash of a very young Hymie and Freda, add to the nostalgia.Where: 93 Ave. du Mont Royal West (corner St. Urbain)How to get there: Exit Highway 40 at Boul. St Laurent. Follow Boul. St Laurent until Boul. Jean Talon. Turn right,replica van cleef arpel necklace, then left on Rue Clark and left again on Ave. du Mont Royal.Cost: Omelets are $12; French toast is $7; Smoothies are $6Why it's worth the drive: The smoked meat at this family owned deli, which has been around since 1951, is made from a distinctly different secret old country recipe. There is an ongoing debate among Montreal's stanch smoked meat aficionados as to whose is better Lester's or Schwartz's. Try it yourself and weigh in on the question. Because this delicacy is best served warm, Lester's takeout smoked meat is available in reheatable vacuum sealed packages.The deli counter, stacked with mustards,van cleef & arpels imitation necklace, spices, pickle jars, rye breads and plates waiting to be served, runs the full length of the cluttered and homey restaurant, with a giant menu taking up the entire back wall. If you don't bump into someone you know when you walk in here, you will certainly leave having made friends with the genial staff or the people sitting beside you.
l'ouverture de la 58e session de la Commission de la condition de la femme
Cette session, qui se poursuit jusqu'au 21 mars, devrait examiner les rsultats obtenus et les difficults rencontres dans la ralisation des Objectifs du Millnaire pour le dveloppement (OMD) en faveur des femmes et des filles.Le Secrtaire gnral, M. Ban Ki moon, a encourag les gouvernements adopter des mesures plus fortes en faveur de l'galit entre les hommes et les femmes. Comme il l'explique dans sonLes Nations Unies se sont aussi engages avec les gouvernements donner une ducation sexuelle de qualit et offrir des services de sant reproductive aux femmes et aux jeunes filles, a soulign M. Ban. Comme l'a fait observer la Directrice excutive d'ONU Femmes, Mme Phumzile Mlambo Ngcuka, il reste encore de grands progrs faire dans ce domaine.Mme Mlambo Ngcuka a galement interpel les garons et les hommes pour qu'ils fassent entendre leurs voix en faveur des femmes, en rappelant cet gard la campagne HeforShe, lance il y a trois jours et qui a dj touch 18millions de personnes par le biais des mdias sociaux.En prsence du Secrtaire gnral adjoint charg du Dpartement de l' et de la gestion des confrences, M. Tegegnework Gettu, les dlgations ont entam, ce matin, le dbat gnral. Tout en reconnaissant les progrs raliss en faveur des femmes et des filles au cours des 20 dernires annes, depuis l'adoption de la Dclaration et du Programme d'action de Beijing,van cleef and arpel imitation necklace, elles ont dbattu des efforts poursuivre et des priorits tablir pour atteindre les Objectifs du Millnaire pour le dveloppement pertinents.L'galit entre les sexes et l'autonomisation des femmes sont non seulement un objectif de dveloppement en tant que tel, mais aussi un aspect crucial de la ralisation de tous les autres objectifs de dveloppement, a fait remarquer le reprsentant de la Guine Bissau, qui s'exprimait au nom du Groupe des tats d'Afrique. Quel sens aurait le dveloppement s'il ne servait pas l'galit des chances? s'est d'ailleurs interroge la Prsidente du Comit pour l'limination de la discrimination l'gard des femmes, Mme Nicole Ameline.Dans la rgion des Carabes, les dfis majeurs auxquels sont confrontes les femmes sont notamment la violence sexiste et les grossesses prcoces, a indiqu la reprsentante du Guyana, qui s'exprimait au nom de la Communaut des Carabes (CARICOM). Son homologue du Costa Rica, qui intervenait au nom de la Communaut des tats d'Amrique latine et des Carabes (CELAC), a recens plusieurs sujets de proccupations comme la fminisation de la pauvret, le fardeau ingal du travail non rmunr, les ingalits que subissent les femmes ges, la violence contre les femmes et la traite des femmes et des filles.La reprsentante de l'Union europenne a, quant elle, dplor le fait que prs de 140 millions de femmes travers le monde subissent des mutilations gnitales et qu'une fille sur 9 ge de moins de 15 ans soit marie. Le Secrtaire gnral s'est dit mu, la semaine dernire Londres, par le fort plaidoyer d'une jeune femme, Fahma Mohammad, qui fait campagne contre cette pratique et a assur qu'il continuera, pour sa part, la dnoncer.La reprsentante de la Bolivie, qui s'exprimait au nom du Groupe des 77 et de la Chine (G77),van cleef and arpels imitation clover necklace, s'est plainte des violences infliges aux travailleuses domestiques immigres, ainsi qu'aux femmes en milieu rural. Elle a plaid notamment en faveur de la promotion des capacits des femmes gnrer des revenus, y compris pour celles qui vivent dans les zones rurales.Dans l'aprs midi, deux tables rondes de haut niveau ont eu lieu en parallle pour dbattre des enseignements tirs et des expriences et pratiques ayant fait leurs preuves dans la ralisation des OMD en faveur des femmes et des filles. Les dlgations se sont montres unanimes pour donner la priorit aux questions d'galit entre les sexes et d'autonomisation des femmes dans le futur programme de dveloppement pour l'aprs 2015.La Commission a galement adopt, ce matin, son . L'accs et la participation des femmes et des filles l'ducation,replica van cleef flower necklace, aux formations,van cleef imitation necklace, la science et la technologie y compris la promotion de l'gal accs des femmes au plein emploi et un travail dcent sera, cette anne, le thme de l'valuation des progrs raliss.Outre son Prsident, elle a aussi lu MM. Mohamed Ibrahim Mohamed Elbahi, du Soudan, et Carlos Enrique Garca Gonzlez, d'El Salvador, aux postes de vice prsidents pour ses cinquante huitime et cinquante neuvime sessions. M. Elbahi assumera en outre le rle de Rapporteur pour la mme priode. Mustafizur Rahman (Bangladesh). cette session, l'engagement de la communaut internationale en faveur de rsultats pour les femmes et les filles est plus urgent que jamais, a t il indiqu. Il a aussi appel dfinir les principaux problmes de parit qui doivent tre rgls par la communaut internationale et concevoir le cadre commun pour l'aprs 2015. Il a mis l'accent sur les prparatifs importants engags en vue de la prsente session et rappel notamment la tenue, en dcembre dernier, d'un forum qui avait permis de forger des alliances pour obtenir des rsultats positifs. Cette anne, nous passerons en revue les progrs raliss en matire d'accs des filles et des femmes aux sciences et aux technologies, a t il indiqu, avant d'ajouter que l'accs des femmes aux ressources productives sera galement l'ordre du jour de la prsente session. Le Prsident a en outre encourag les dlgations participer aux vnements parallles la session. La Commission est un lieu qui permet d'changer des ides, a t il dclar, avant de demander aux dlgations de faire preuve d'engagement politique.M. BAN KI MOON, Secrtaire gnral des Nations Unies, a dclar que la nouvelle Directrice excutive d'ONU Femmes, Mme Phumzile Mlambo Ngcuka jouait un rle essentiel dans la promotion de la parit hommes femmes et l'autonomisation des femmes et des filles au sein du systme des Nations Unies et dans le monde. Ces domaines figurent parmi mes priorits, a ajout le Secrtaire gnral, en prcisant qu'ils taient importants dans la ralisation des Objectifs du Millnaire pour le dveloppement et le succs du programme de dveloppement pour l'aprs 2015. De plus en plus de filles vont l'cole mais la disparit entre les sexes tous les niveaux de l'ducation est encore loin d'tre limine. L'cart des rmunrations est particulirement lev surtout en milieu rural et pour les personnes handicapes, les peuples autochtones et autres groupes marginaliss. Nous devons nous focaliser sur une ducation de qualit, a suggr le Secrtaire gnral et prparer les filles et les femmes au march du travail du XXIe sicle.Tout en reconnaissant que des progrs avaient permis de rduire l'cart dans l'emploi entre les femmes et les hommes, le Secrtaire gnral a fait remarquer que les femmes continuaient d'tre trs vulnrables. Elles reoivent souvent un salaire plus faible, ne bnficient pas de conditions de travail appropries, d'une protection en matire de sant et de pension de retraite. Les femmes sont aussi sous reprsentes aux postes de direction en dpit des recherches qui ont montr que les socits diriges par des femmes sont plus performantes. De mme, les pays qui assurent la parit ont une meilleure croissance conomique. C'est pourquoi, a soulign le Secrtaire gnral, nous devons prendre des actions qui encouragent et tiennent compte des talents et des comptences des femmes, tant dans les ateliers des usines qu'au sein des conseils d'administration. Nous avons aussi besoin de plus de femmes dans les gouvernements, a t il estim.
Cette session, qui se poursuit jusqu'au 21 mars, devrait examiner les rsultats obtenus et les difficults rencontres dans la ralisation des Objectifs du Millnaire pour le dveloppement (OMD) en faveur des femmes et des filles.Le Secrtaire gnral, M. Ban Ki moon, a encourag les gouvernements adopter des mesures plus fortes en faveur de l'galit entre les hommes et les femmes. Comme il l'explique dans sonLes Nations Unies se sont aussi engages avec les gouvernements donner une ducation sexuelle de qualit et offrir des services de sant reproductive aux femmes et aux jeunes filles, a soulign M. Ban. Comme l'a fait observer la Directrice excutive d'ONU Femmes, Mme Phumzile Mlambo Ngcuka, il reste encore de grands progrs faire dans ce domaine.Mme Mlambo Ngcuka a galement interpel les garons et les hommes pour qu'ils fassent entendre leurs voix en faveur des femmes, en rappelant cet gard la campagne HeforShe, lance il y a trois jours et qui a dj touch 18millions de personnes par le biais des mdias sociaux.En prsence du Secrtaire gnral adjoint charg du Dpartement de l' et de la gestion des confrences, M. Tegegnework Gettu, les dlgations ont entam, ce matin, le dbat gnral. Tout en reconnaissant les progrs raliss en faveur des femmes et des filles au cours des 20 dernires annes, depuis l'adoption de la Dclaration et du Programme d'action de Beijing,van cleef and arpel imitation necklace, elles ont dbattu des efforts poursuivre et des priorits tablir pour atteindre les Objectifs du Millnaire pour le dveloppement pertinents.L'galit entre les sexes et l'autonomisation des femmes sont non seulement un objectif de dveloppement en tant que tel, mais aussi un aspect crucial de la ralisation de tous les autres objectifs de dveloppement, a fait remarquer le reprsentant de la Guine Bissau, qui s'exprimait au nom du Groupe des tats d'Afrique. Quel sens aurait le dveloppement s'il ne servait pas l'galit des chances? s'est d'ailleurs interroge la Prsidente du Comit pour l'limination de la discrimination l'gard des femmes, Mme Nicole Ameline.Dans la rgion des Carabes, les dfis majeurs auxquels sont confrontes les femmes sont notamment la violence sexiste et les grossesses prcoces, a indiqu la reprsentante du Guyana, qui s'exprimait au nom de la Communaut des Carabes (CARICOM). Son homologue du Costa Rica, qui intervenait au nom de la Communaut des tats d'Amrique latine et des Carabes (CELAC), a recens plusieurs sujets de proccupations comme la fminisation de la pauvret, le fardeau ingal du travail non rmunr, les ingalits que subissent les femmes ges, la violence contre les femmes et la traite des femmes et des filles.La reprsentante de l'Union europenne a, quant elle, dplor le fait que prs de 140 millions de femmes travers le monde subissent des mutilations gnitales et qu'une fille sur 9 ge de moins de 15 ans soit marie. Le Secrtaire gnral s'est dit mu, la semaine dernire Londres, par le fort plaidoyer d'une jeune femme, Fahma Mohammad, qui fait campagne contre cette pratique et a assur qu'il continuera, pour sa part, la dnoncer.La reprsentante de la Bolivie, qui s'exprimait au nom du Groupe des 77 et de la Chine (G77),van cleef and arpels imitation clover necklace, s'est plainte des violences infliges aux travailleuses domestiques immigres, ainsi qu'aux femmes en milieu rural. Elle a plaid notamment en faveur de la promotion des capacits des femmes gnrer des revenus, y compris pour celles qui vivent dans les zones rurales.Dans l'aprs midi, deux tables rondes de haut niveau ont eu lieu en parallle pour dbattre des enseignements tirs et des expriences et pratiques ayant fait leurs preuves dans la ralisation des OMD en faveur des femmes et des filles. Les dlgations se sont montres unanimes pour donner la priorit aux questions d'galit entre les sexes et d'autonomisation des femmes dans le futur programme de dveloppement pour l'aprs 2015.La Commission a galement adopt, ce matin, son . L'accs et la participation des femmes et des filles l'ducation,replica van cleef flower necklace, aux formations,van cleef imitation necklace, la science et la technologie y compris la promotion de l'gal accs des femmes au plein emploi et un travail dcent sera, cette anne, le thme de l'valuation des progrs raliss.Outre son Prsident, elle a aussi lu MM. Mohamed Ibrahim Mohamed Elbahi, du Soudan, et Carlos Enrique Garca Gonzlez, d'El Salvador, aux postes de vice prsidents pour ses cinquante huitime et cinquante neuvime sessions. M. Elbahi assumera en outre le rle de Rapporteur pour la mme priode. Mustafizur Rahman (Bangladesh). cette session, l'engagement de la communaut internationale en faveur de rsultats pour les femmes et les filles est plus urgent que jamais, a t il indiqu. Il a aussi appel dfinir les principaux problmes de parit qui doivent tre rgls par la communaut internationale et concevoir le cadre commun pour l'aprs 2015. Il a mis l'accent sur les prparatifs importants engags en vue de la prsente session et rappel notamment la tenue, en dcembre dernier, d'un forum qui avait permis de forger des alliances pour obtenir des rsultats positifs. Cette anne, nous passerons en revue les progrs raliss en matire d'accs des filles et des femmes aux sciences et aux technologies, a t il indiqu, avant d'ajouter que l'accs des femmes aux ressources productives sera galement l'ordre du jour de la prsente session. Le Prsident a en outre encourag les dlgations participer aux vnements parallles la session. La Commission est un lieu qui permet d'changer des ides, a t il dclar, avant de demander aux dlgations de faire preuve d'engagement politique.M. BAN KI MOON, Secrtaire gnral des Nations Unies, a dclar que la nouvelle Directrice excutive d'ONU Femmes, Mme Phumzile Mlambo Ngcuka jouait un rle essentiel dans la promotion de la parit hommes femmes et l'autonomisation des femmes et des filles au sein du systme des Nations Unies et dans le monde. Ces domaines figurent parmi mes priorits, a ajout le Secrtaire gnral, en prcisant qu'ils taient importants dans la ralisation des Objectifs du Millnaire pour le dveloppement et le succs du programme de dveloppement pour l'aprs 2015. De plus en plus de filles vont l'cole mais la disparit entre les sexes tous les niveaux de l'ducation est encore loin d'tre limine. L'cart des rmunrations est particulirement lev surtout en milieu rural et pour les personnes handicapes, les peuples autochtones et autres groupes marginaliss. Nous devons nous focaliser sur une ducation de qualit, a suggr le Secrtaire gnral et prparer les filles et les femmes au march du travail du XXIe sicle.Tout en reconnaissant que des progrs avaient permis de rduire l'cart dans l'emploi entre les femmes et les hommes, le Secrtaire gnral a fait remarquer que les femmes continuaient d'tre trs vulnrables. Elles reoivent souvent un salaire plus faible, ne bnficient pas de conditions de travail appropries, d'une protection en matire de sant et de pension de retraite. Les femmes sont aussi sous reprsentes aux postes de direction en dpit des recherches qui ont montr que les socits diriges par des femmes sont plus performantes. De mme, les pays qui assurent la parit ont une meilleure croissance conomique. C'est pourquoi, a soulign le Secrtaire gnral, nous devons prendre des actions qui encouragent et tiennent compte des talents et des comptences des femmes, tant dans les ateliers des usines qu'au sein des conseils d'administration. Nous avons aussi besoin de plus de femmes dans les gouvernements, a t il estim.
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Yeah,vca imitation necklace. Illegal immigrant what do you think I see it do rise to back to Mexico. But not without a fight,replica van cleef clover necklace. Dozens of protesters rallied in Phoenix Wednesday night several rested as they tried to block the van transporting the mother of two minimum back Benson. And people. Her children both US citizens Blaine president trump for her deportation. It's unjust suspension of classes Hendry sadly he says because he stereotypes. As Mexicans went as Mexicans haven't done anything not all of us thank criminals. But according to court records the 36 year old who came to the US when she was fourteen is a convicted criminals. Procedure right dose was charged with felony impersonation. Rested in the 2009 workplace race for attorney says was later deemed unconstitutional,van cleef and arpels imitation butterfly necklace. I tells ABC news who. Ordered to leave the US and 2013. C appealed and lost and in the country. Her attorney says the court mandated that she checking in at this immigration and customs enforcement office once a year. She did that would no problems under the Obama administration check in at least three times,van cleef clover imitation necklace. And when she went and checked in yesterday gets normal check in the centuries taken into custody. Including the undocumented immigrants considered nonviolent criminals like Garcia deride him. And no comment on her case yet from the White House but I says in a statement that Garcia a riot that didn't have a legal basis to stay in the US and that they'll continue to remove other felons who've been ordered to leave. RC Gonzales ABC news Los Angeles.
This transcript has been automatically generated and may not be 100% accurate.
Yeah,vca imitation necklace. Illegal immigrant what do you think I see it do rise to back to Mexico. But not without a fight,replica van cleef clover necklace. Dozens of protesters rallied in Phoenix Wednesday night several rested as they tried to block the van transporting the mother of two minimum back Benson. And people. Her children both US citizens Blaine president trump for her deportation. It's unjust suspension of classes Hendry sadly he says because he stereotypes. As Mexicans went as Mexicans haven't done anything not all of us thank criminals. But according to court records the 36 year old who came to the US when she was fourteen is a convicted criminals. Procedure right dose was charged with felony impersonation. Rested in the 2009 workplace race for attorney says was later deemed unconstitutional,van cleef and arpels imitation butterfly necklace. I tells ABC news who. Ordered to leave the US and 2013. C appealed and lost and in the country. Her attorney says the court mandated that she checking in at this immigration and customs enforcement office once a year. She did that would no problems under the Obama administration check in at least three times,van cleef clover imitation necklace. And when she went and checked in yesterday gets normal check in the centuries taken into custody. Including the undocumented immigrants considered nonviolent criminals like Garcia deride him. And no comment on her case yet from the White House but I says in a statement that Garcia a riot that didn't have a legal basis to stay in the US and that they'll continue to remove other felons who've been ordered to leave. RC Gonzales ABC news Los Angeles.
This transcript has been automatically generated and may not be 100% accurate.
Man dead and seven children hurt on Hawke's Bay roads over the weekend,van cleef arpels copy alhambra bracelet
Police, Fire Service and St John Ambulance attended a two vehicle collision on Omahu Rd on Saturday, from which seven children were taken to Hawke's Bay Hospital. Photo / SuppliedTen people were involved in a crash when a car and a van collided head on near the Omahu Rd Caltex service station,van cleef arpels alhambra copy bracelet, several hundred metres west of Omahu Rd's intersection with Wilson Rd.Hastings Fire Service senior station officer Bryan Dunphy said that on arrival all those involved in the crash were out of the vehicles except for a woman who needed assistance to exit the van."Until we got more vehicles there we assisted the medics with first aid and made sure the scene was safe," he said.A Hawke's Bay Hospital spokesperson said all taken to hospital were discharged apart from a woman in her 30s who was in a stable condition.The seven children in the crash were four girls and three boys.A man in his 40s was also discharged.Police said they still had several witnesses to interview and asked any witnesses who had not spoken to police to contact them.Two hours later another head on collision occurred in Hastings on Railway Rd in Longlands.Police said one person received minor injuries and a 66 year old man is due to appear in Hastings District Court today charged with careless driving causing injury.No deaths occurred in the Eastern District during the Christmas holiday period.For more articles from this region,sweet imitation alhambra bracelet, go to Hawkes Bay TodayThank you for sharing your views. Your comment has been received, you need to verify your registration before the comment can be moderatedPlease check your inbox and click the verification link to complete the registration. Once you login, you can post further comments and view comments made in your profile.There may be a delay before it appears on the site due to high volumes and comment moderation on some articles; however we endeavour to post all your views, within reason,van cleef and arpels alhambra imitation bracelet, so please check back laterOur Regional News StoriesThe Northern AdvocateBig haul at Special Olympics Swim CarnivalFar North based swimmers performed well at the Special Olympics Swim Carnival.
Police, Fire Service and St John Ambulance attended a two vehicle collision on Omahu Rd on Saturday, from which seven children were taken to Hawke's Bay Hospital. Photo / SuppliedTen people were involved in a crash when a car and a van collided head on near the Omahu Rd Caltex service station,van cleef arpels alhambra copy bracelet, several hundred metres west of Omahu Rd's intersection with Wilson Rd.Hastings Fire Service senior station officer Bryan Dunphy said that on arrival all those involved in the crash were out of the vehicles except for a woman who needed assistance to exit the van."Until we got more vehicles there we assisted the medics with first aid and made sure the scene was safe," he said.A Hawke's Bay Hospital spokesperson said all taken to hospital were discharged apart from a woman in her 30s who was in a stable condition.The seven children in the crash were four girls and three boys.A man in his 40s was also discharged.Police said they still had several witnesses to interview and asked any witnesses who had not spoken to police to contact them.Two hours later another head on collision occurred in Hastings on Railway Rd in Longlands.Police said one person received minor injuries and a 66 year old man is due to appear in Hastings District Court today charged with careless driving causing injury.No deaths occurred in the Eastern District during the Christmas holiday period.For more articles from this region,sweet imitation alhambra bracelet, go to Hawkes Bay TodayThank you for sharing your views. Your comment has been received, you need to verify your registration before the comment can be moderatedPlease check your inbox and click the verification link to complete the registration. Once you login, you can post further comments and view comments made in your profile.There may be a delay before it appears on the site due to high volumes and comment moderation on some articles; however we endeavour to post all your views, within reason,van cleef and arpels alhambra imitation bracelet, so please check back laterOur Regional News StoriesThe Northern AdvocateBig haul at Special Olympics Swim CarnivalFar North based swimmers performed well at the Special Olympics Swim Carnival.