
Weiweismart's blog

I think we're all skeptical of their money shop and aion classic kinah combat pass, we are going to have to see how it ends up and hope they do not begin allowing people to cover free AP crowns.

Individuals who whine about such thing will be the same men and women who will leave the match 1 month after launch since they had sufficient getting their ass clapped by actual jobless tryharder farming them everytime they step outside of a city (or even getting farmed within a town ).

Depends in class also. And probably not, but I could see why even to some normal player the exp grind could become old and bothersome.

I suppose the"decent amount of time is relative for every player" anyhow I just hope they do not make it so you can reach LVL 50 in  2 weeks, I Wish to enjoy the older days a bit before they slaughter the classic also

From what I've heard speaking to KR players, it is essentially"the speed of leveling in 2.7 but minus some of the content (like solo cases ) that make it quite fast" I would call it a good upgrade from 1.x without making it fly by if it is true.As a variety gamer I played pretty much all of the release in the previous 15 years. If you make me name a top 10 most of these will probably be matches 10 years of age. Old matches had charm, were more difficult, much more engaging. That is why folks go back to older games. It's not just the nostalgia.

It is like shooters, how there hasn't been a respectable shooter really since Halo 3. Embarrassing in the game companies to be honest. Folks like Bungie, Blizzard, when they had not previously, have now completely sold their spirits

The genre includes a large playerbase, but it is creatively stagnant and lifeless. The favorite MMOs are all 5years old, so they're from the PS3 era. The genre is efficiently 2 generations behind.

Shows you how idiotic Broadsword/EA would be to not just release a DAOC classic. Personal servers have more players than the live ones because the private servers try to emulate classic with some modern conveniences.

The game will also feature a conflict pass (called"Daeva Pass") which includes both free and paid reward monitors. While we do not understand what the pass includes in NA yet, the KR version of the pass comprised minor levels of game play advantage such as extra pvp currency that may be used towards acquiring better gear.

That's why I said it might just work for the most casual of the casual--you've got complete access for just 1 hour per day during which you can make everything so if you're so casual that you only play a max of one hour every dayyou can skip it.

Sub is not really optional. The free version is just a trial. You can not do anything about it and it is really just meant for people to try out the game or super ultra casual players, since you get 1 hr/day of free sub-par with it.

Game is more PvPvE so you'll do a lot of PvE since the sport intertwines both. Still a PvP focused game, though, but there is a great deal of PvE and buy aion classic kinah eu 4 roles, not 3 (game has a full support in the Chanter class and after spots introduced Songweaver, however we are not getting that in Classic).
Jul 6 '21 · 0 comments · Tags: buy aion classic kinah

The second fact is that they're doing it on purpose, they intentionally emphasise QOL changes and noticeable improvements so as to artificially extend gametime and WOW TBC Classic Gold boost performance metrics without needing to produce new content but rather just making present content take longer.

It is not only classes, it's everything. Gotta create that new healthier part with all the new peace blossom along with the brand new vial. What is it gonna seem like? Oh it is a red bottle with some gold shit onto it or something.

I remember in Legion when I first had this thought. I'd been frustrated with the feeling as I was wasting time in WoD (I chalked that up to coming in late and needing to'catch up'). Two months into Legion I was playing along following the narrative in Legion and unexpectedly to last a questline I had to perform a mythic dungeon of a specific difficulty. It was not designed to be a casual encounter.

It stinks because I recall when they implemented raid finder for a way of creating lower problem content so people could experience the story without having to be more of a'hardcore' player. Suddenly basic outdoor quests required content that is competitive.

It had been an un-ashamed, blatantly designed step meant to halt my progress in experiencing the narrative. I got it completed after two weeks of trying while doing other things, but two weeks later I stopped logging in and have not looked back since.

Once I perished in Torgast due to some random assassin debuff item I logged out for the last time. All this anger to just get 10 min of story. It's better for the mental health to just watch some YouTube summary or walkthrough. WoW just isn't something for a casual such as me.

I changed to ESO. It is not ideal, but at least I could have as much story as I want within my own pace along with the dialogs are even voice acted.

If they just gave us crazy power in there where we mow down groups it wouldn't be so bad. Instead it is mostly crap, a few that are crap if you don't get the right a couple of skills, and a few more thay are good. Nothing actually spec shifting either.

The crazy part about WoW for me personally is the usage of the PTR to check expansions and stains using gamers. It is basically free labour by players. But how often do the devs really take the critiques given to them? I am aware that Torghast from the alpha was quite popular among pretty much ever WoW content founder I followed. Yet they instead carved out most of the interesting bits, forced players to go through it for yet another cheap Burning Crusade Classic Gold currency, and then still had to return and nerf it since they'd added in arbitrary affixes that were very unpopular.
Jun 30 '21 · 0 comments · Tags: wow classic tbc gold

This usually means fixing inconsistencies and problems in which highly rated players were inexplicably less valued by CPU teams. By way of Madden nfl 22 coins instance, a gifted player who wasn't a newcomer on his old group, but are a starter on the one being provided, was viewed as a backup-level worth by the older trade logic. It should work in reverse, too. Middling-rated players could occasionally find one-for-one trade value with stars simply because both were in the top of their various teams' depth charts. Now the CPU will expect more in the transaction, or simply refuse such offers.

In other circumstances, players whose archetype didn't fit with the playbook scheme of their present team (a power running back, by way of instance, in a system built for receiving backs) are undervalued when put on the trading block, also. Both of these incongruities are resolved with the patch, EA Tiburon explained.

The transaction logic overhaul will also address assets whose commerce value is marginally unique to professional American football: draft selections. Madden's franchise mode has had the means of trading upcoming draft picks since Madden NFL 13 in 2012. EA Tiburon says it has"completely realigned the base value of Draft choices to operate with new Player Value changes" Additionally,"teams will have more nuanced perspectives of valuing players and draft selections from their own and opponents."

A note from developers expanded on this concept using an example: A star player might objectively be well worth a first-round draft selection in a one-for-one trade. But the fact he's an older star who could possibly retire shortly lowers the return value to some second-round pick, because the team who gets the celebrity won't have him .

Another major change is that a quality-of-life characteristic that Madden lifers have long requested: A record of all award winners, Super Bowl participants, champions, and other data, over the lifespan of a Franchise playthrough. In Maddens to date, players' career entire figures were retained, but not divided by person. And, unless someone was writing down it in a three-ring binder, the results of this alternate reality that consumers had created were missing as soon as they began a new year.

Madden NFL 21 started in August on PlayStation 4, Windows PC, and Xbox One, and has been so underwhelming on that generation of cheap Mut 22 coins hardware as to make the lowest review scores in series history. On the PlayStation 5 and Xbox collection X, though, more powerful visuals and much more real player motion and gameplay (especially in the game) gave the match a little lift. It was bought and played in record-breaking numbers.
Jun 24 '21 · 0 comments · Tags: buy madden nfl 22 coins

GATES, Ore. (KTVZ) -- Bend resident Dave Ewing was heading home on condition Highway 22 in the Valley on Monday night, such as WOW Burning Crusade Classic Gold many vacation weekend travelers, even when he started visiting and dodging fallen trees.

Amid a slowed line of traffic came the unmistakable sound of one tree after another snapping and falling.

"Trees were falling left and right," Ewing said, after he parked at a nearby rest area. "Everybody's being flipped around.

Ewing shared photos on Facebook of the nearby fire's orange glow, and trees going up on a nearby hillside -- just how nearby was hard to tell in the dark.

"Wow -- it is a nightmare," he wrote, watching fire crews head up the street. State Highway 126 was closed by a wildfire, four kilometers west of McKenzie Bridge.

"Evacuations are underway in the two areas," they counseled. "Watch for fire teams."

Forecasters and fire officers had warned the"wind event" was going to cause destruction -- and it did, with downed trees stranding many motorists until the roads could be cleared, together with the spreading wildfires.

Ewing said Tuesday that after the Highway 22 closed amid Level 3 evacuations from the region -- including Idanha, Gates and Detroit -- motorists were turned back to Salem and could head over Santiam Pass on U.S. Highway 20. Originally announced at BlizzCon 2019, Shadowlands will have us trace Sylvanas Windrunner into the afterlife as she wreak havoc in the realm of the dead.

As with any new World of Warcraft expansion, we could expect a whole host of fresh features to keep us occupied, but Shadowlands also has big changes lined up to its residents of Azeroth. The max level is going to probably be squished from 120 down to 60, different character customization choices will be made accessible for the very first time, and there will be a completely new levelling experience to enjoy.

There is a whole lot to get through, so below we've broken down some of the most important things you will need to know before the release of Shadowlands.

But before you dive into, treat yourself to the magnificent World of Warcraft: Shadowlands cinematic preview below.

Shadowlands will take players away from cheap WOW TBC Classic Gold Azeroth as we know it and place us in the world of the deceased. Sylvanas Windrunner has ruined the Helm of Domination, along with the current Lich King Bolvar Fordragon. In doing so, she has torn the barrier separating Azeroth and the Shadowlands beyond.
Jun 18 '21 · 0 comments · Tags: burning crusade classic gold

One funny element of this video is that the Madden nfl 21 coins two teams going against each other were the New York Jets and the Cleveland Browns, teams that have been in NFL purgatory for a long time. It perhaps shouldn't be a surprise that the group supporting the fumble (Jets) also showboated too early and lost the match in an online match. The Browns, however, look to be turning it around using a strong brand new trainer, a powerful running back duo, and even a player who could one day be a Madden NFL cover celebrity using Baker Mayfield.

Madden 21's last round of Franchise fixes rebalances trade logic

Madden NFL 21's developers will start, on March 4, the final of 3 rounds of upgrades promised for the match's Franchise mode. Although very granular and specialized in the areas they address and improve, the updates still answer long-running demands from Franchise lifers who believed that the latest game did little to improve the core manner.

Central to the fluctuations on deck is a reworking of the game's player-trading logic, and the overall player valuation that behavior rests on. The changes EA Tiburon's designers explained in a blog article on Wednesday are meant to make trades for superstars"closer to what we have seen [in real life] predicated on changing perceptions of'realistic' transactions over recent years."

This means fixing inconsistencies and issues where highly rated players were strangely less valued by CPU teams. By way of example, a gifted player who was not a newcomer on his old group, but are a newcomer to the one being provided, was viewed as a backup-level worth by the older trade logic. It should work in reverse, too. Middling-rated players could sometimes find one-for-one trade value with celebrities only because both were at the top of their various teams' depth graphs. Now the CPU will expect more in the trade, or simply refuse such offers.

In other cases, gamers whose archetype did not fit with the playbook scheme of their current team (a power running , for instance, in a system built for getting backs) are undervalued when placed on the trading block, also. Both of these incongruities are resolved with the patch, EA Tiburon said.

The transaction logic overhaul will also address assets whose trade worth is somewhat unique to professional American football: draft selections. Madden's franchise mode has had the means of trading approaching draft picks since Madden NFL 13 in 2012. EA Tiburon says it's"completely realigned the base value of Draft picks to operate with fresh Player Value changes" Moreover,"teams will have more nuanced perspectives of valuing players and draft picks in buy Mut 21 coins their own and opponents."
Jun 6 '21 · 0 comments · Tags: madden nfl 21 coins

The magic attacks are low-level stat decreasing attacks, such as RuneScape gold weaken and confuse. NOTE: YOU CAN DEFEAT THE UNHOLY GHOST WITHOUT RUNE! If You're ABOVE LEVEL 60 AND CAN EASILY KILL THE GHOST, BY ALL MEANS DO SO!!! The ghost, upon defeat, will drop unholy leather. Go into the next chamber where there will ber a large fire beneath the roots of these trees. Proceed into the west end of the chamber and you willl see a crate comprising father uhrney. Utilize the first unholy key on the lock and the key will melt.

Talk to dad uhrney and he will inform you that you need to cover the key. (If you accidentally burn the crucial, there'll be a respawn in a chest at the east corner of the area ) This will free father uhrney, who will then extinguish the flame using a prayer. Speak to dad uhrney and he'll tell you that they captured him to get a special package that he had for the priest in lumbridge, and he will also tell him that he delivered the package to his great friend wizard mizgog in the wizard tower once he heard that his captors were coming for him.

He will provide you his promised 2k plusd another 30 for vessel fares. Talk to wizard mizgog and he will tell you father uhrney said you were coming. He will give you"wrapped Package. Duplicates cost 7.5k. Bring the package safely to the priest, that will be awaiting you at the church. He'll then ask you that god you support; Guthix, Saradomin, or Zamorak.

If you answer no, then you simply acquire 10k prayer xp and 5k mining xp. However, if you say yes, then he'll tell you to go into town and get black priest robes (top and bottom, found in clothes stores) a green cape (guthix), cape of winners (blue cape, champions guild) or crimson cape (Zamorak, clothing store) and a team of atmosphere (Saradomin) water (guthix) or fire (Zamorak), which can all be found in Zaff's Staff store. Bring these goodies back to the priest and he'll bless them in the name of this god of your choice.

He will return them and you will get (for example, Saradomin) Saradomin priest gown top and underside, Saradomin priest cape, and buy RS gold saradomin priest staff. He'll also give you a prayer book of your god. (The priest robes and team and cape will alter appearance to coincide.)
May 25 '21 · 0 comments · Tags: runescape gold

This is true. You do not even have to talk to the Animal Crossing Items person with the bubble. If it's that the"go out" bubble, it is going to pick a random villager every single day. It may be the exact same villager or a villager that is"within" (so you do not find the bubble), but it will still be a randomly selected villager, and all them are eligible (technically there is a few exceptions related to house moving and birthdays).

The move-out bubble itself is on a cooldown that is two weeks since you last had a move-out dialog, so in the event that you've got the dialogue (no matter what you inform the villager to perform ) it resets. But if you dismiss it, then it'll hop around daily.

Do you have to induce you to move out or simply reject an older one's move out petition? I am like 99% sure that I received my latest villager to move out after, but I think maybe 2-3 villagers requested to go out (but I advised them not to) before she did. I came back in January after not playing because around this time this past year and was frustrated purchase the deficiency of things added, and notably the lack of"fresh to the series" things added. The ocean upgrade was cool, the art upgrade was nice but the absence of QoL updates is what killed the game for me. Fishing Bait still merely being able to be produced one at a time.

Sad that they hit us with that ocean diving update a couple months after launch since it got my hopes up that fresh large changes would be coming. Still awaiting my coffee store.

I mean that they can totally still release big upgrades but it's kinda getting to late for that. After nothing really happened after the 1 year anniversary, I don't really anticipate Anthony but I figure Nintendo does like to surprise us.

Dialogue is only half of the equation there though. I believe it's just as important that the villagers do not do as much. They do not visit your home anymore or schedule times to meet. They do not visit as many areas because there are fewer in the game.

Adding Brewster's Café into Animal Crossing: New Horizons won't make up for all that is lacking in characterization alone, but they do need to buy Animal Crossing New Horizons Items add more activities that flesh from the'life' of their villagers. You have to begin somewhere. It's not nearly wether they express preferences or perspective, but also they can do sufficient verbs that they seem to have culture and lives.
May 18 '21 · 0 comments · Tags: animal crossing items

Coming from somebody who has played every Animal Crossing, I agree it feels somewhat lifeless, they gutted the game and have been slowly trickling in Animal Crossing Items old features/characters through upgrades, you can't even update the Nook store that was a staple of previous games, I could absolutely admit that they fucked up, despite me having 500+ hours in New Horizons.

Also, the hardcore players will absolutely buy it twice only to have several islands. I purchased ACNL twice (one physical, one digital) for this reason and I currently have digital ACNH and am thinking about picking up a physical copy only for a fuck-around island.

I purchased it due to the hype. That is famous to saybut the game is really boring. Once you get your three of four important buildings done along with a handful of island residents, all you do is gather materials and craft materials at a work bench. Or you can buy things at the general store. Like I can't even spend a complete hour on the match at a time.

That said, I really do think it's an wonderful game but I would not have put so much time into it when I wasn't playing with family and friends. Throughout the pandemic, we'd get on and enjoy each others company, Chat about what fish we obtained, any trendy things we had in the shop, commerce and gift items to each other etc..

My buddies dropped it and that I kept going but it was just a daily zen garden kind of item. Checkout what is popped up. At this point I was already a couple of hundred hrs in. Haven't touched it in a while, but I know I can jump back at any time.

I totally agree. I gave it a try, but the gameplay is way too slow to the rewards you get. You get an entire day to do things, but most of this is just collecting materials and nothing happens before a full 24hrs later. The slow gameplay simply doesn't appeal to me personally.

The only real way I can describe it's like the Animal Crossing New Horizons Nook Miles Ticket sims with critters. I mean, I could see the allure of world building matches for some people but there's no overarching objective, no end, no overarching plot. It is just more of the same with no eventual payoff.
May 12 '21 · 0 comments · Tags: cheap animal crossing items

Trusting the path is really a ne minigame to OSRS gold make up for teh elimination of this true wilderness. This is open to f2p and could hopefully fill in the strain which bounty hunter has eliminated. The mini game would not be safe, it might work in another way, which will be clarified afterwards. The entrance to trusting that the path would be found at a portalbehind north of this grandexchange. This area is rarely explored and members have a simple teleport to it.

The teams are determined by the average combat level and the amount of players. The sport (if this is possible) would try and get thesame number of people and the same amount of individuals and same combat levels spread evenly over every team. The team doesn't make a difference apart from the outfit.

Once enough players have gathered each team will be placed to a pod, this allows them disscuss tatics for 2 minutes before the pod is inserted to some spawn pod. You are subsequently released into the game.

Players of another team can't be passed . Once everyone is released from the pods, the 16th pod will glow yellow. Everyone will find a minimap arrow pointing into the pod. The intention of the game is to reach the pod. Getting into the shredder requires you to either traverse the trails or take a short cut during the"mira". While from the mira you slowly take damage, and risk being attacked by creatures the"Isigies".

As soon as you arrive at the pod it is possible to attempt to enter it. When it's empty and you have defeated other groups to it, you input it and immediatly profit 5 percent defence, strength and attack bonus. If another group is already in you can strike them, upon defeating them you gain control of the bunny. Whoever has control of the pod by the end counts as the winning team. The winning team also receives a hat and cape of your group to maintain.

Dieing in the sport. Upon dieing from the game, ALL your items (apart from one if"protect itm" prayer is on) will be dropped. All these are then scattered around the game to other spawn pods. Only you can pick these up, as soon as you see one of cheap RuneScape gold them you can pick this up. Any items not picked up from the end of the match are instantly sold for expansive exchange cost, the cash is then shared out among the winning team who control the bunny.
May 6 '21 · 0 comments · Tags: runescape gold

Sorry if that which I kind is not easy to read because of RuneScape gold punctuation mistakes. But I only have about 2 minutes then I am off the pc. My initial idea is to lock clan chat. Just the clan owner can achieve so, and what occurs is the moment the lock clan chat button is clicked, nobody can input the clan conversation. This really is a ways where you can invite your friend's friend in your conversation without permitting everybody in or just one person.

My next idea is when you see somebody in your clan conversation, their scatter is a different colour, and in the case of clan wars that your staff becomes that color and opponet's team is a different colour. This is to help people so that they dont always have to try and attack their group mates to find out if they are on that individual's side or not.

My last idea is that a clan chat owner can select"inviters" that can invite people in clan proprietor clan chat. The inviters acts the same manner as that can kick in the clan chat(I meen if you pull up the clan chat alternative, clan proprietor can select who has to be able to kick). Example: dawgsaysftw invites chaosor in zezima's clan conversation. Zezima can take the invite so chaosor can enterhe or she can deny it, so chaosor can't join.

Another Entirely Random Mini-quest. To start with, once a player has finished the Sheild of Arrav quest, then they talk to Reldo who asks them if they wish to read the narrative of the Sheild of Arrav. When they close it, Reldo informs them that the Museum Curator needed a job for someone. They go to the Museum Curator who tells them of an insane scientist who resides in Draynor Manor and has built a TIME MACHINE! He explains he would like someone to go back in time and try and retreive the Sheild of Arrav before it is lost. You go and talk to the scientist who tells you that you've got 10 mins for back or your stuck!

So you go back in time and find Arrav and describe him your own situation. He then tells you that he cant surrender the sheild to someone like you. ("a weakling" he predicts you since he is similar to level 300. Then you say you will help him prevent the invasion when he lets you keep the sheild afterwards. So he agrees and then you go off and buy OSRS gold fight (and kill) 10 zombies and then it states you have stopped the invasion. (in all this you never stopped to think what might happen into the future!?) Arrav gives you the shield and you return. However, when you arrive, there's not any more a scientist.
Apr 29 '21 · 0 comments · Tags: rs gold
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