
Weiweismart's blog

Have you ever had a moment when you wanted to RS gold just take out the noobs following you with a sly prank. Here are some tricks I've used. Please feel free to share your lil' fun violent time-wasters...
The Shantai pass allows you to enter the Port Sarim Jail and remain there. One thing that works is to find a Bud to bring novices into the prison. I often inform them that they could or offer Donuts to the sleepy guard or even kill rats.

Dress up as something that would look like the image of God, and get a friend with something that a believer of your 'godliness' would wear; get your friend in the cloth of a believer and then lure a novice (no more than lvl 17) into your location. You can then convince the novice to believe that you're the Chosen. You can give him an additional pair. If all goes well you can convince him to believe that you've 'infused him with magical properties'. This prank can be very efficient; I had it for 3 months.

Gather all your friends to create a train with you as the head. Find a rude and unfriendly noob, and start following him, saying "choo!choo!" Or something similar. You should not follow him if he is blocking your actions. Instead you should gather your friends and start screaming. The majority of noobs are so angry they offer to pay you. There is a way to write more!

I am on a quest for 40 range for Ikov to search for treasures in the desert. I was taught by the rock crabs. Due to the cannons at rock crabs I was able to change worlds. I made friends with my buddy and we went across the fence to Kelda. I made new friends there, and we talked about school and crap. I then told them how my husband was the sandwich lady, Ellemaria, who is now divorced, and that Gertrude is my wife. The group logged off and a few more joined in.

We spoke about RuneScape. One guy thought Lilyuffie died. Another person inquired about what Lilyuffie lost after his death.

I tried to convince him that O.N. died IRL, but he kept asking what he lost GP wise. I shook him by telling him that he lost a dragon platebody and black pickaxe. Conversation will be uploaded shortly. My question is: do you think runescape is just as friendly as ever? Or are they more or less welcoming?

Personality: I tend to ignore people and attempt to look at the world from their perspective. They believe they are smart and great looking however in reality, they are stupid. I get mad when they commit stupid acts and I want to kick them. Most people dont realize its an EFFIN GAME! If I get an A2 in algebra 2, and they are receiving a buy RuneScape gold Din the remidial i will be laughing because THEY have 110 combat.
Aug 26 '21 · 0 comments · Tags: runescape gold

Teleporting is now a possibility, instead of the WOW Classic TBC Gold lengthy flight routes. I'll admit that "Pray Come to the Waking Sands" is enough to cause me to suffer from PTSD related to gaming from years ago.

Although I still love playing WoW, I don't think that it will ever be in another MMO. I've tried a few other mmos throughout the years , but they've all failed to keep my interest. There are many aspects such as graphics and gameplay The soundtrack is by far the crucial.

SWTOR is the sole MMO I have found to make me feel anything other than WoW's music. It's Star Wars music, so I'm sure it will be a great game.

I am convinced that Wrath will close my WoW story. I first started my toon in TBC but didn't reach the maximum level until weeks before Wrath launched. Wrath was the time I discovered my feet and was able to master raiding, and my class. It was an awesome expansion that gave me so much joy and I can't not wait to experience it again.

Story writing is at an all-time low. The primary enemy is dull. There are more than 20 currencies in play. Content is mostly bones. PVP is all that is currently available. The highest-end achievements can also be purchased with WoW tokens. It's unconnected and empty.

It was an enormous task to get my character get to a higher level and then decide which place to place my one Talent point and the new spells I could buy. After a subsequent expansion I was astonished to find that the agency where I could buy 1 talent per... 10, was the only one I had. 15? Levels. The skills were automatically learned and there was no real immediate rush from each individual advancement. It was a sad thing. But, it's okay for me.

I'm in agreement with their reasoning for wanting to make changes to their tree of talents (too typical many people just searched for a build and used that one and it was a matter of the 1% increase in damage to targets isn't "exciting") however, they simply substituted them with a few choices which... ended becoming cookie cutters and/or mandatory for cheap WOW TBC Gold the spec feel good and felt even more restrictive
Aug 20 '21 · 0 comments · Tags: wow classic tbc gold

Although Aion Classic has a bigger user base, it's still relatively due to aion classic kinah how Aion retail is. There were only six players last when I looked. Aion Classic is part of the battle patch that was praised or at least acknolwedged by everyone as being the best or the best partly due to its animation-based combat system. Also, the possibility of creep of certain class identities didn't occur yet. Aion Classic offers 1 hour of play for free, which isn't a lot, but it permits players to still play of your favorite games even when the sub has to be stopped (and if your sub has to be paused , that means you're too busy to play for long periods).

Are there any differences in gameplay, graphics or player base? I've played only one character up to level 8 in the F2P edition, and want to know if Classic is worth the price. Maybe what are the pros and cons for each version? That would be incredible!

I'm shocked by how dead the game has become quickly. Since it was the most powerful and most populated faction, I decided to play Siel Asmodian. I had the highest level of enchanted plat gear and had completed the 30e armor and other accessories by week 3. If it's peak hour there aren't any Elyos in the Abyss. I performed a search on players in the abyss to find 50s. We came across 44 Asmodians as well as 11 Elyos at the level 50s. I've used methods of locating the two Elyos in the Abyss. I'm about to get bored due to how boring this game is. Dredgion isn't going to come around soon enough.

Wow, everything you said is the reason the classics of Aion are so terrible. It's because of players just like you , who are in a rush to win without enjoying the grind or rifting. They spend 3000$ just to get Kinnah and have zero remorse about cheating.

This is the reason why EVERYONE is leaving the game. Sir as well as all the players who did the same thing, is the reason. There is no one who wants to be part of PVP pvp, where people put 2 months of their pay into it to get ahead. But, we loved the idea blue shulack pvp. The addition of coins to enchant stones already makes a large portion of the grind curved. However, wow!

We are hard to find due to the buy aion classic kinah eu fact that many of us who have been banned from SR quest repetitions while others, which is why we are scared of doing anything else because of the risk of being banned for doing more useless activities. Many are dissatisfied by the lack of support provided by NCSHiT.
Aug 15 '21 · 0 comments · Tags: cheap aion classic kinah

Also DayBreak, the company that is charge of aion classic kinah EQ2 really doesn't care about its player base as much as Blizzard does to WoW (aka, micro transactions, p2w mechanics etc) which is why they are using it as a cash cow to ensure they stay in business more than it is a method to attract old players or attract new players to the game that is currently riddled with issues on live and plagued by numbers and mechanic bloat.

Though I'm not sure what the limit is I play on Siel server at Aion Classic. It's very busy both day and night (I'm NA East). It's a lot of fun, and it's highly populated with EU and NA players. I would recommend joining us. :

After a closer investigation i am not joining, mainly because of the company behind aion. It wont be fun to keep up with the others as i am not a whale. Even before I could even think of doing so, the result will end in death, most likely.

The Elyos are also sources of trouble for Asmodians in Heiron. They even go as far as gagging the people who cultivate Aether through a gate. If you were to gain an advantage, why not take it.

Retail is now an entirely new game. Anything you played with as when you were a child is still around and I don't recommend it. I've discussed the main differences in my comment history If you're interested in knowing what changed/happened.

Classic is an excellent choice however, since there are only two servers they are still balancing out. Siel is more pop-y and heavy on asmodian, and they control the majority of the abyss. This makes it difficult for them to farm AP often due to it.

Israphel has less pop and is more elyos-heavy. They control about 50% of the abyss, and the remainder comprised of balaur and asmo and balaur, making it more easy to earn AP. NA is my favorite, however I prefer playing during EU times. While it can be sometimes quiet but I've never had difficulty finding groups.

Israphel's dead, as of now. AP farming is easier since forts are spred. However, the same 5-6 players will continue to work every day to farm guards making it difficult to earn AP when you are at level 45+.

That's precisely why I try to breathe some life into it. There are at the very least forts to capture/lose. The only thing I know about Siel is that the asmos have buy aion classic kinah eu a firm hold on them and will not let anyone escape to take a look.
Aug 9 '21 · 0 comments · Tags: cheap aion classic kinah

These teleports are not available to OSRS gold everyone. If you don't have the luxury of this and you don't have the money, walk back to the bank for more. I've found a solution to this depressing image. Banks aren't required. If you do not have one, you can stock with RC tabs and tablets to use as your altar.

Fill in the spaces left with ess. Make your first rune trip as usual, then teleport to the rc guild. Run down to the basement when you've reached the point. Speak to Sedridor (i think that's the name) and then teleport to the rune Ess Mine. Mine a full inventory of ess, and then teleport to the altar of the rc.

Keep going until you're out of tablets. rcxp, miningxp, and almost no running. This method seems simple and fast, although I haven't tried it for myself. To gain access to the fantastic orb and the guild, this method needs 50 runecrafting. Also, it will take some time to earn tokens to buy enough tablets. It is probably better off spending your time on water tallys that can be sold. It's still worth a try. I hope this will help. Best of luck to all ranecrafters regardless of what method you use.

So, I've been playing RuneScape all day trying to raise my Magic level up. Sals CC helped me to learn more about the limits of the Grand Exchange on the items you can purchase. There were many comments which claimed that I was lazy, a fraudster or even a novice.

What I wanted was for a kind person to buy me items off the G.E. I could sell items to them for the same price, or for a 10k profit. I then went to various merchanting clan chats, Runescape C.C, the G.Es of worlds 1, 3 as well as several others, only to get the exact identical response.

After 8 hours of searching for assistance, I found only two people willing to assist me. After eight hours of asking for help, I only found 2 people who were kind enough to assist me. Note: I bought yesterday 3M worth of Green D'Hide corps for the exact same reason and it went smoothly.

Second Note: I can show that I am able to pay for the cost using more than 6M in cash, nature runes, and a Santa Hat. I have buy RS gold been lending 24 hours for no cost to Sals CC players while I was not playing RuneScape. Sals! Why are we so quick to take but so hesistant to give back?
Aug 3 '21 · 0 comments · Tags: runescape 3 gold