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Portal de Apoyo a las V

Ayuda gubernamental para las vctimas

El Gobierno Nacional canaliza la atencin a las victimas mediante la Unidad para la Atencin y Reparacin Integral a las Victimas, que tiene la misin de liderar las acciones del Estado y la sociedad para atender y reparar integralmente a las vctimas, para contribuir a la inclusin social y la paz. La Unidad busca acercar el Estado a las vctimas mediante coordinacin eficiente y acciones transformadoras que promuevan la participacin efectiva de las vctimas en su proceso de reparacin. Esta surgi en el 2012 buscando formar al equipo de profesionales de la Direcci6n de Reparaciones para implementar la ruta de reparacin Integral individual en todo el pas. La Escuela ha desarrollado procesos de formaci6n presencial y virtual a los funcionarios de la Unidad y de diversas entidades pblicas, privadas, integrantes del Sistema Nacional de Atencin y Reparacin Integral a las Victimas (SNARIV) y de la sociedad civil, para brindar un enfoque psicosocial para la atencin y reparacin integral a las vctimas. Lo anterior para contribuir a la adecuada interiorizaci6n de los derechos de las vctimas del conflicto con el propsito de informar, sensibilizar, comprometer y formar para la intervencin adecuada en la reparacin integral a las vctimas en Colombia. En la Escuela se ofrecen cursos acerca de Reparacin para la Paz, DIH y Derechos Humanos, Conocimiento de la Institucionalidad, Normatividad y Justicia Transicional, Sensibilizacin para la Intervencin, y Participacin de las Victimas. Con el objetivo de garantizar este proceso, el Gobierno Nacional ha encomendado a la Fiscala General de la Nacin para garantizar el acceso de Idas vctimas de terrorismo al sistema de justicia penal. Bajo esta instruccin, la Fiscala constituyo la Sub Unidad de Registro, Atencin Integral y Orientacin a Victimas de Grupos Armados Organizados al Margen de la Ley.

Aunque mantiene atencin constante a las vctimas, para acercar su accionar a la comunidad, la Sub Unidad realiza constantemente 3 tipos de jomadas:

1. Jomadas de atencin a vctimas en el marco del proceso especial de justicia y paz.

2. Jomadas especiales de atencin a vctimas para casos de violencia basada en gnero.

3. Apoyo psicosocial a vctimas en las audiencias que se adelantan en el Proceso Especial de Justicia y Paz.

Los vnculos y acuerdos entre las entidades gubernamentales del orden nacional con Ias Organizaciones no Gubernamentales y Comunitarias que cubren diversos temas de atencin, que incluyen aspectos mdicos, sociales, sindicales, culturales, de atencin y de justicia, entre muchos otros, que fake hermes H bracelet black han permitido que las victimas inicien su proceso de reparacin con el apoyo de entidades temticas que cuentan con el respaldo institucional del Estado y de otras Organizaciones de naturaleza similar.

Dentro de estas entidades es posible destacar las siguientes:

Redepaz: La Red Nacional de Iniciativas Ciudadanas por la Paz y contra la Guerra REDEPAZ es un espacio de encuentro, convergencia y articulacin de experiencias locales, regionales y nacionales de paz, desde la sociedad civil con el propsito de "tejer la paz con mano ciudadana" y defender el derecho a la paz como un derecho fundamental de los colombianos y colombianas. Experiencias como "Derrotemos la Guerra" en Santander, "Iniciativa Ciudadana por la Paz" en Bogot y la "Mesa de trabajo por la Vida" en Medelln, entre muchas otras convergieron en la necesidad de construir un espacio de encuentro en todo el territorio nacional, que les diera fuerza y resonancia a las diversas experiencias de gestin ciudadana por la paz. Redepaz busca ampliar y consolidar el movimiento social por la paz, como iniciativa de poder ciudadano, con sentido poltico, cultural y tico. Sus ejes de trabajo son Territorial y Constituyentes para la Paz, Eje Humanitario y Atencin Integral a Victimas, y Eje Agenda y Cabildeo para Ia Paz. As, luego de una bsqueda intensiva se lleg a El Salado, un corregimiento de los Montes de Mara donde la violencia paramilitar dejo una huella profunda en la poblacin destruyendo el tejido social, la infraestructura y las estructuras econmicas. La Fundacin Semana, a travs de la elaboracin de un Plan de Desarrollo con la comunidad defini una ruta de accin y emprendi la creacin de una Alianza pblico privada que puso sobre la mesa la necesidad de que la solidaridad del sector privado y las responsabilidades del estado convergieran en un proyecto. Esta Alianza ha convertido a El Salado en un smbolo para demostrar que la reconciliacin es posible convocando a todos los sectores y que con voluntad poltica el panorama del pas puede comenzar a cambiar. Hoy en da hermes jewelry replica El Salado se ve diferente que en 2009, las personas van recuperado la confianza y las obras de infraestructura apoyan procesos sociales de transformacin profundos. Su principal objetivo es lograr la inclusin social en el mundo y garantizar para las futuras generaciones un mundo inclusivo y sostenible. Dentro de las actividades que realiza la Fundacin se incluyen el mejoramiento transversal de las condiciones de vida de las personas mediante procesos de habilitacin y rehabilitacin interdisciplinarios que involucran a la familia y a la comunidad y las iniciativas por la inclusin social y el mejoramiento de la calidad de vida de los participantes por medio del deporte, la actividad fsica y la recreacin. As mismo, trabajan por el cambio de imaginarios y paradigmas errneos a travs del uso de una comunicacin socialmente responsable, y las acciones en pro del empoderamiento de comunidades vulnerables a travs de procesos de participacin comunitaria y dinmicas sociales responsables y sostenibles, procurando escenarios imitation hermes bracelet sale de inclusin social.

La CCN es una entidad independiente y autnoma, convocada por Ia Iglesia Catlica e integrada por ciudadanos de diversos sectores y vertientes de pensamiento, que contribuye a Ia bsqueda de salidas polticas al conflicto social y armado incluyendo a todos los actores en el mismo; aporta a la toma de conciencia por el respeto de los Derechos Humanos y el Derecho Internacional Humanitario; apoya una educacin integral para la convivencia pacfica e incide en el diseo de las polticas pblicas de paz y reconciliacin. Ejemplo de estas iniciativas es la adelantada por la YMCA (Asociacin Cristiana de Jvenes) de Colombia, en el marco de la cual ha empezado a trabajar con los jvenes en el tema de atencin a vctimas y posconflicto. Para desarrollar este tema, la YMCA ha organizado el encuentro "Recuperando la voz de los jvenes en el Posconflicto en Colombia", con el que se busca conocer la opinin, Collier de Chien hermes bracelet replica el sentir y la proyeccin de los jvenes que han sido parte del conflicto como vctimas, quienes ahora se enfrentan a un contexto cambiante y deben plantear el rumbo de su proyecto de vida y el de las comunidades.

Con este objetivo se han movilizado diversas instituciones sociales, educativas y organizaciones relacionadas con el tema, logrando convocar a 300 jvenes vctimas del conflicto en Colombia. Estos jvenes se encontraron con miembros de la Alta Consejera para los derechos de ms vctimas, la paz y la reconciliacin, la Directora de Justicia Transicional del Ministerio de Justicia y del Derecho y personal de la Oficina del Alto comisionado para la paz, entre otras autoridades, que utilizar los resultados del evento para la formulacin de las polticas pblicas de atencin de vctimas y de posconflicto. La mayora de iniciativas se circunscribe a los programas de Responsabilidad Social Empresarial establecidos por las empresas buscando garantizar el desarrollo sostenible del pas y especialmente de las comunidades en donde mantienen sus unidades operativas. Dentro de los cooperantes internacionales se destacan los siguientes:

ACDI VOCA. ACNUR. Agencia Espaola de Coopemci6n Intencional para el Desarrollo AECID . Banco Mundial. Comit International de la Cruz Roja CICR. FUPAD. GIZ Agencia Alemana para la Cooperaci6n International. Global Communities CHF International. JICA Agencia Japonesa de Cooperaci6n International. MAPP Misi6n de Apoyo al Proceso de Paz. Merey Corps. OCHA Oficina de las Naciones Unidas para la Coordinacin de Asuntos Humanitarios OIM Organizacin Internacional para las Migraciones. ONU Mujeres. PNUD Fondo de Justicia Transicional FTJ. Union Europea en Colombia. USAID Agencia de Estados Unidos para el Desarrollo Internacional.

v) Esfuerzos regionales y/o multilaterales para abordar Ia solidaridad con las vctimas del terrorismo y/o apoyar la rehabilitaci6n de las vctimas del terrorismo
Aug 17 '17 · 0 comments
Psalm 139 Used

NEW YORK (RNS) Saralee Howard remembers the woman who walked into the Shared Pregnancy Women's Center in Lansing, Mich., last year and asked for an ultrasound even though she was leaning toward an abortion.

Howard sat with her during the ultrasound, and together they listened to the fetal heartbeat. When the woman identified herself as Christian, Howard talked about "God valuing this precious unborn child made in his image." The woman, with little money and two children, said she thought God would understand her decision.

As the woman stood to leave, Howard slipped her a Bible bookmarked to a prayer that H bracelet replica sings of God's prenatal involvement in the swelling rhythms of sacred poetry:

"For it was you who formed my inward parts," it read; "You knit me together in my mother's womb. I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made."

The next day the woman canceled her abortion.

The Rev. Rebecca Voelkel, who coordinates religious programs for the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force, recalls a gay pride parade some years ago where she noticed a simple white poster bearing only the words "FEARFULLY AND WONDERFULLY MADE."

She smiled at the public display of a phrase that had, privately, played a huge role in her own coming out.

Howard is ardently anti abortion and feels active homosexuality is a sin, if no worse than many others. Voelkel, meanwhile, supports abortion rights and is an out lesbian. But the women were citing the same hermes clic h bracelet replica verses from Psalm 139.

For decades, Psalm 139 has been a byword of the anti abortion movement, printed on posters in crisis pregnancy centers. More recently, it's been tied to high resolution ultrasounds, the movement's most potent technological persuader.

At the same time, the famous Psalm has also "come out" as a source of strength for gay and lesbian Christians.

Together, the two uses illustrate how great verses particularly the Psalms attract diverse constituencies.

All Collier de Chien hermes bracelet copy the Psalms assume intimacy with God, in petition, complaint or praise: It is why the Psalms remain one of the Bible's most indispensable and beloved books. Psalm 139 portrays that intimacy in precise yet lyrical detail.

It probably started as a kernel of a legal oath of innocence an ancient Hebrew version of "As God is my witness" and blossomed into a hymn to God's nearness to believers, wherever they roam.

"You know me when I sit down and when I rise up . I ascend to heaven, you are there," it declares. "If I make my bed in Sheol (hell) you are there . If I . settle at the farthest limits of the sea, Even there your hand shall hold me fast."

It would be wonderful affirmation enough if it ended right there. But instead, Psalm 139 extends God's familiarity backwards in time into the womb, with the stanza culminating: "I am fearfully and wonderfully made."

The womb verses arrived in the anti abortion discourse in the late 1970s, along with conservative Protestants. Sermons on Psalm 139 helped establish an anti abortion biblical bridge between Scripture minded evangelicals and Roman Catholics who are motivated by official church teaching.

When crisis pregnancy clinics arrived in commercial districts to compete with abortion clinics, the Psalm came too: often as calligraphy, on a poster over a photo of a fetus floating in a soft red light, and in counseling sessions.

Bob Foust, a longtime pregnancy center activist from Alabama, calls the verses "foundational to my life." He recalls how the elegant weave of strands of DNA reminded him of the Psalm's "knitting" language.

"It just made me go, 'wow,'" he said.

The wow factor mushroomed in the 1990s, when high tech prenatal ultrasounds struck some as Psalm on a screen.

The Southern Baptist Convention even titled its funding program for ultrasounds in pregnancy centers the "Psalm 139 Project."

Meanwhile, Psalm 139 was establishing itself in a very different context.

Initially, gay Christians looked to Bible verses privately, a kind of scriptural "sanctuary, a safe space," Voelkel said. She recalled a 1992 retreat in Puget Sound where the Sunday sermon was based on Psalm 139.

"You discern my thought from afar," she recites. "You know my lying down and my rising up.'" She paused. "There's no explicit talk about sexuality, but it's 'You know every single piece of me in my totality.' And then, 'I am fearfully and wonderfully made' this ultimate blessing.

"When people have gone their whole lives thinking there was this fight between their very flesh and their hermes bracelet sale replica identity as Christians . Everyone was in tears."

Gradually the verses surfaced in the public rhetoric of activists and those who support the "personhood" of gays and lesbians. The Rev.
Aug 17 '17 · 0 comments
Realtors Drive Message Home

Personalized license plates can pay when it comes to selling real estate.

Just ask Bob Lampert, an agent with Jerry Berns Associates of Sherman Oaks.

As he tells it, he was driving along one day when he came to a stoplight, looked in his rear view mirror and noticed a couple in the car behind his, trying phonetically to figure out Lampert's YRENT BY license plate.

Lampert continued to watch, waiting for the smile that comes with recognition. It takes a minute, after all, to decipher a couple of sentences seven characters long without punctuation.

Made License Plate Worthwhile

"A few times before, I jumped out of my car when the other drivers laughed as they realized what YRENT BY (Why rent? Buy) means, and I gave them my business card," he said, "but this time, I gave the couple my card, they called me, and I sold them a house."

It wasn't a huge sale about $150,000 and it was the only sale he has made through his license plate, though he has passed out 50 to 75 business cards to people on the road. "But one sale was enough to make the license plate worthwhile," he said.

Since Jan. 1, it has cost car owners $36 to buy a pair of personalized license plates, also known as environmental plates, for the state fund the fees support.

Judging from the revenues for that fund, which is used for projects to protect and conserve the state's environment, personalized license plates are about as popular now as they have ever been since they were started 17 years ago.

The total received by the California Resources Agency for the fund for this fiscal year to date is $24.2 million, in contrast with $23.6 million in 1986 87, although $24.97 million was received in 1985 86. That probably reflected the sale of special Olympics plates. The total received in 1984 '85 was only $22 million.

Personalized license plates are also known as vanity plates. One definition of "vanity" is "excessive personal pride." In terms of real estate, this also could be translated into good business.

Consider Jerry Berns' company van plates, which might have been conceived to promote teamwork and a sense of loyalty. They say: R OFFICE.

Tie Plates to Business

Or Berns' own classic Rolls Royce, which he uses to chauffeur special clients to exclusive homes for private showings. Its license plate reads: JBANDA, which stands for Jerry Berns Associates.

Many real estate people have their initials, names or variations of their names on their plates, but some, like Berns, tie these into their field as well.

The husband wife team, Chuck and Carolyn Lamb, is another example. Bill Thompson fake hermes H bracelet black of Coldwell Banker Commercial Real Estate, the Lambs' neighbor, calls the Collier de Chien hermes bracelet replica Lambs' license plates bookends.

Chuck, past president of the San Fernando Valley Board of Realtors and president of a Century 21 franchise, has 21LAMB. Carolyn, a top salesperson in his Northridge office, has LAMB21.

Another variation of letters and numbers is on the license plate of Jeff hermes mens bracelet replica B. Rhodes, who works out of Fred Sands Realtors' Beverly Hills office. Rhodes has JBR 1. JBR are his initials, but he says the plate can also be interpreted as Jeff, Broker No. 1.

Sandra Deel, in the Westwood office of Merrill Lynch Realty, also has a double meaning plate, which reads: RE DEEL.

Diane Sharp, of Sands' Beverly Hills office, has OSHARPO, which stands for her name and, she says, "sharpest broker."

Marcella Dibble, in the Department of Motor Vehicles' Sacramento office, deals nearly every day with license plates having double entendres. Her office screens personalized license plates for meanings that are deemed offensive. Only a few are rejected each year."We try to catch them before a plate gets out," she said. Often, although some people try to get a sexy or suggestive plate, many applicants are grateful for having an objectionable double meaning pointed out. "They often just don't realize it," she explained.

Dibble estimates that there are 2 million personalized license plates in the state. How many of those are real estate related? "There's no way to tell."

In the Los Angeles area, though, there are a number, like Lampert's, that have to do strictly with real estate.

Maggie Diamond, another top producer in the Century 21 Northridge office, has 4 RE GAL.

Leha Steuer, head of the Merrill Lynch Realty relocation department and imitation hermes gold bracelet a Brentwood office broker, has the plate BY A HOUS.
Aug 17 '17 · 0 comments
Paul Scholes slams Louis van Gaal's tactics as reason for Wayne Rooney's woes

Paul Scholes has laid the blame for Wayne Rooney's poor season squarely at the door of the Manchester United manager, Louis van Gaal, saying that the Dutchman's football philosophy would leave any centre forward "tearing his hair out".

Scholes said that some of Sir Alex Ferguson's greatest centre forwards Ruud fake hermes H bracelet pink van Nistelrooy, Andy Cole, Teddy Sheringham and Dwight Yorke would be unable to operate within the strictures imposed upon them by Van Gaal, and argued that no midfielder was being encouraged to seek out Rooney with penetrative passes.

Reacting to the Spanish midfielder Xavi's suggestions that Rooney should be playing in midfield, the former United player said: "I was at the Manchester derby and I watched him [Rooney] for the first 20 minutes. His movement was brilliant. H bracelet replica He was coming, he was spinning.

"But when he's playing in that team there's no one prepared to pass to him and I think after 20 minutes you'd be tearing your hair out as a centre forward.

"I played with some brilliant centre forwards and I don't think they could play in this team. It's very difficult being a centre forward in this team. You don't get crosses into the box. You don't get midfielders looking for you, looking for runs.

"He has had a lot of criticism and we know he can do better. Wayne will know himself when he's on the ball he should be doing better. I think it's a very difficult team to be a centre forward in."

Van Gaal admitted two months ago that Rooney and United's vice captain, Michael Carrick, had approached him privately to tell him the dressing room was "flat". He would not disclose whether the Dutchman discouraging intuitive play was a part of their complaint.

Scholes told BBC Manchester: "I actually think the team is brilliantly coached to defend and not to give goals away, not to give the ball away. I'm not saying it as a coach but I think the hardest thing to do is to coach scoring goals, creativity and to have players who are off the cuff and can be creative.

"United are coached brilliantly, probably a bit too well, where they don't look like conceding goals. I would almost say now it's a team you wouldn't want to play against because they are tight and organised and difficult to score goals against.

"And it's probably a team you wouldn't want to play in either. There's a lack of creativity and risk in playing. It seems he [Van Gaal] doesn't want players to beat men and score goals it's probably not a team I would have enjoyed playing in."

Van Gaal will be asked to address Scholes' concerns at a press conference to discuss Saturday's match at Crystal Palace but is likely to give them short shrift.

When Scholes warned in The Independent last December that Manchester City were developing a superior academy to United's, Van Gaal replied: " I think he has to pay attention to his words."

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Aug 17 '17 · 0 comments
pension reform vote reveals unusual political alliances

Senate votes for landmark hermes enamel bracelet replica pension and benefits reform for public workers

After heated debate, state senators passed controversial legislation today that would force public workers to pay more for their pension and healthcare benefits. The bill (S2937) passed 24 15 with support hermes clic clac replica from a handful of Democrats, but was decried by unions as rolling back workers rights to collective bargaining. Speaking after the vote, Senate President Stephen Sweeney (D Gloucester) said the bill was a painful concession but critical to address the state's fiscal crisis. (Video by Nyier Abdou/The Star Ledger)

TRENTON Senators divided along unfamiliar lines to pass a landmark piece of legislation that shifts more pension and health insurance costs to New Jersey's more than 500,000 public workers.

Relying on the Republican minority instead of his own caucus, Senate President Stephen Sweeney (D Gloucester) secured passage of the controversial bill, which would double what most teachers, firefighters and police officers must pay toward their health benefits and, in many cases, triples those costs.

It would also shift the retirement age from 60 to 65 for people entering the workforce. It would eliminate cost of living increases that help workers offset inflation and property tax hikes.

And it would break off insurance plans into two options: one for treatment primarily from in state hospitals, and one that would allow workers to get out of state care presumably at a higher cost, though Sweeney could not say whether one plan would be cheaper than the other.

"We're not sure whether it's going to save money or not, we've got to design it," Sweeney said at a news conference after the vote.

With the bill's passage, Sweeney delivered a major victory to Gov. Chris Christie, who has been calling for structural reform to the pension and benefits system for months. He also accomplished a longtime goal of his own by overhauling pensions. Meanwhile, protesters decrying the legislation outside the Statehouse could be heard inside the Senate chamber.

"No one in the last 10 years has passed more pro union legislation than myself," Sweeney said on the floor of the Senate, citing laws that ensured paid family leave and minimum wage increases. But the state's pension liabilities have replica hermes h enamel bracelet spiraled out of control and legislators had a duty to act, he said.

"How will history judge us if we fail to take action today?" he asked.

The legislation (S2937) passed 24 15 with support from a handful of Democrats: Teresa Ruiz, Jeff Van Drew, Fred Madden, Jim Whelan, James Beach, Brian Stack and Donald Norcross.

Other Democrats gave floor speech after floor speech condemning the bill, saying it curtailed the rights workers won during the Civil Rights struggle, drawing applause and cheers from the audience in the gallery.

Senate Majority Leader Barbara Buono said undermining the collective bargaining process "erodes our identity as a nation."

"Today is all about politics," she said. The bill was a result of "back room deals" instead of open debate. It restricts competition, "an affront to free market principles," she said.

The state's fiscal mess was triggered by poor decisions made on Wall Street, said Sen. Linda Greenstein (D Middlesex), not by public workers' health benefits and pensions.

"Collective bargaining is a basic human right," she said. "If Gov. Dannel Malloy could use persuasion to save $1.6 billion dollars in Connecticut, we can do the same here in New Jersey."

Sen. Paul Sarlo (D Bergen), chairman of the Budget Committee, said he had yet to see any research showing costs would actually decrease. The figures cited at a Budget Committee hearing Thursday projecting that the state would save $9 million in the first year while towns saved $5 million were "made up" and "thrown as a carrot."

"No one has been able to back that up," Sarlo said.

Democrats also criticized the bundling of both bills into one. A pension overhaul by itself would have been doable, they said, and added they were dismayed Sweeney bowed to pressure from Christie, who wanted one bill instead of two.

"I find that an offensive reason not to split the bill," said Sen. Loretta Weinberg (D Bergen).

Sweeney's defenders were mostly on the Republican side of the chamber. Sen. Joseph Kyrillos (R Monmouth), a close friend of Christie's, called it a "historic day" and praised Sweeney's leadership.

Sen. Joseph Pennacchio (R Morris), the bill's co sponsor, said most increases to workers' health benefits have been legislated over the years not negotiated and New Jersey could not afford to kick the can down the road anymore.

New Jersey faces a $53.9 billion pension deficit. Health care costs have also soared, and there are $66.8 billion in unfunded liabilities. Christie has said the system is barreling toward insolvency by 2020.

"Today, the taxpayers are victors," said Senate Minority Leader Tom Kean Jr. (R Union).

Before the vote, the Senate passed an eleventh hour bill also proposed by Sweeney that loosened restrictions on public workers seeking out of state treatment.

A majority of Democrats opposed that provision, too, even though they acknowledged it was better than what Sweeney was proposing on Friday.

The provision, as it was passed today, lets public workers choose whether replica hermes bracelets to buy health insurance that covers out of state treatment or a cheaper option that directs workers to New Jersey hospitals unless a doctor decided that no one here could handle their case.

Sen. Joseph Vitale (D Middlesex) said that still puts world class medical care in New York and Philadelphia out of reach for many public workers, who will not be able to afford their share of the costs if they enrolled in the out of state plan.

Many people will be forced to take the cheaper in state plan, said Vitale and Sen. Shirley Turner (D Mercer).
Aug 17 '17 · 0 comments
Oklahoma inmate Richard Glossip set to die for 1997 killing

OKLAHOMA CITY Attorneys for an Oklahoma death row inmate are making a last minute effort to spare their client's life just hours before his scheduled execution, arguing they hermes bracelets replica have new evidence to support his claim that he was framed.

Richard Eugene Glossip's attorneys asked the Oklahoma Court of Criminal Appeals late Tuesday to stop his lethal injection, saying they uncovered new details in the case, including a signed affidavit from an inmate who served time with Justin Sneed, who also was convicted of the killing and is serving a life sentence.

"We're asking for a stay of execution to give the court more time to review this new evidence, which we think casts grave doubt on Richard's guilt," said Mark Henricksen, one of Glossip's attorneys.

Glossip, 52, is scheduled to be executed Wednesday afternoon at the Oklahoma State Penitentiary in McAlester. He was convicted of ordering the 1997 beating death of Barry Van Treese, who owned the motel where Glossip worked.

Sneed was the prosecution's key witness and testified that Glossip masterminded the killing because he was afraid Van Treese was about to fire him for embezzling money and poorly managing the motel. "I'll hope for the best. I won't let it bring me down. If you've got to go out. you don't want to be bitter and angry about it."

Glossip's case has drawn attention from death penalty opponents, and his family and supporters rallied Tuesday at the Oklahoma Capitol. They want Republican Gov.

Among his supporters is Hollywood actress Susan Sarandon, who played a nun in the movie "Dead Man Walking." The woman Sarandon portrayed, anti death penalty advocate Sister Helen Prejean, serves as Glossip's spiritual adviser and plans to attend his execution Wednesday. Wednesday.

The protocol maintains that Glossip will be moved to a special cell as he awaits execution at the Oklahoma State Penitentiary. He is allowed to have a pen and paper, religious items, a book hermes clic clac h bracelet replica or magazine, and toiletries including soap, toothpaste, a toothbrush and a comb.

Department of Corrections spokeswoman Terri Watkins says Glossip received a special last meal on Tuesday, but that he'll hermes bracelet fake have his normal breakfast and lunch Wednesday. Watkins says Glossip's last meal was chicken fried steak, mashed potatoes and a hermes clic clac replica dinner roll from Chili's; two orders of fish and chips from Long John Silver's; and a strawberry malt and Baconator cheeseburger from Wendy's.
Aug 17 '17 · 0 comments
PHOTOS of the month

President Barack Obama and Vice President Joe Biden, along with members of the national security team, receive an update on the mission against Osama bin Laden in the Situation Room of the White House, May 1, 2011.

Seated, from left, are: Brigadier General Marshall B 'Brad' Webb, Assistant Commanding General, Joint Special Operations Command; Deputy National Security Advisor Denis McDonough; Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton; and Secretary of Defense Robert Gates.

Standing, from left, are: Admiral Mike Mullen, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff; National Security Advisor Tom Donilon; Chief of Staff Bill Daley; Tony Blinken, National Security Advisor to the Vice President; Audrey Tomason Director for Counterterrorism; John Brennan, Assistant to the President for Homeland Security and Counterterrorism; and Director of National Intelligence James Clapper.

A home is seen protected from encroaching floodwaters by a levee near Yazoo City, Mississippi on May 18. Floodwater from a key Mississippi River spillway surged through the Louisiana bayou, and levees protecting the state's two biggest cities held as river flows neared their peak.

Weeks of heavy rains and runoff from an unusually snowy winter caused the Mississippi River to rise, flooding thousands of homes and buy Hermes bags replica 3 million acres (1.2 million hectares) of farmland in Mississippi, Tennessee and Arkansas and evoking comparisons to historic floods in 1927 and 1937.

Full face transplant patient Dallas Wiens (Right) is seen with his four year old daughter Scarlette in this undated handout image.

The 25 year old Texas man has received the first full face transplant done in the United States, Boston's Brigham and Women's Hospital said on May 9.

More than 30 physicians, nurses, anesthesiologists and residents worked for more than 15 hours to replace the nose, lips, facial skin, muscles of facial animation and nerves of Dallas Wiens, disfigured in an electrical accident in 2008

A US Army soldier with the 10th hermes bag black replica Special Forces Group and his military working dog jump off the ramp of a CH 47 Chinook helicopter from the 160th Special Operations Aviation Regiment during water training over the Gulf of Mexico as part of exercise Emerald Warrior 2011 in this US military handout image from March copy hermes bag blue 1.

The New York Times and other United States media have reported that a military canine accompanied Navy SEAL Team Six commandos into a compound in Abbottabad, Pakistan in a raid that killed Al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden

Ivan Stoiljkovic (Right) carries an iron stuck to his chest in front of his home in Heresin near Koprivnica, some hermes bag replica 100 km (62 miles) north of the capital Zagreb May 12.

Ivan, 6, has an extraordinary talent: the ability to attract metallic objects from spoons to heavy frying pans to his body.

He is said to be able to carry up to 25 kg of metal stuck to his torso. Ivan's family also claims that his hands can emit heat and his mysterious ability has also given him healing powers. Medical checkups so far have reaped inconclusive results.
Aug 17 '17 · 0 comments
Physicians' evaluations of patients' decisions to refuse oncological treatment

Objective: To gain insight into the standards of rationality that physicians use when evaluating patients' treatment refusals.

Design of the study: Qualitative design with indepth interviews.

: The study sample included 30 patients with cancer and 16 physicians (oncologists and general practitioners). All patients had refused a recommended oncological treatment.

Results: Patients base their treatment refusals mainly on personal values and/or experience. Physicians mainly emphasise the medical perspective when evaluating patients' treatment refusals. From a medical perspective, a patient's treatment refusal based on personal values and experience is generally evaluated as irrational and difficult to accept, especially when it concerns a curative treatment. Physicians have a different attitude towards non curative treatments and have less difficulty accepting a patient's refusal of these treatments. Thus, an important factor in the physician's evaluation of a treatment refusal is whether the treatment refused is curative or non curative.

Conclusion: Physicians mainly use goal oriented and patients mainly value oriented rationality, but in the case of non curative treatment refusal, physicians give more emphasis to value oriented rationality. A consensus between the value oriented approaches of patient and physician may then emerge, leading to the patient's decision being understood and accepted by the physician. The physician's acceptance is crucial to his or her attitude towards the patient. The physician has to evaluate the patient's decision: Is it sensible, responsible, and judicious? Often the evaluation is then directed to the question: Is the patient's decision rational or not?1,2 The actual standards of rationality in these cases, however, are not clear. The question therefore arises: On what basis do physicians distinguish between their patients' rational and irrational arguments?

In medical ethical literature, rationality is described in various ways. Rational choice has for example, been described as the choice that maximises expected utility or that satisfies the patient's aims and values most.1 In other cases, having "good reasons" is at the centre of the evaluation of rationality.2 4 Savulescu and Momeyer state that "It is rational for a person to perform some act if there would be a good reason to perform that act if the facts were as he/she believes them to be."2 A pilot study revealed that a physician's evaluation of the rationality of the patient's decision is crucial to their attitude towards the patient: if a physician thinks the patient's refusal is not based on good reasons, he or she is often inclined to consider the decision as irrational and will keep trying to convince the patient to accept the treatment.4 The evaluation of "good reasons", however, raises another question: What makes a reason a good reason "good" in a medical context, "good" in a patient context, or "good" in both?

The purpose of this article is to gain insight into the standards of rationality used by physicians. We focus on two aspects of this issue. Firstly, we describe what is meant in daily medical practice by rational decision making and discuss what physicians understand by "good reasons" to refuse recommended oncological treatment. All patients had refused a recommended oncological treatment. In this study refusal meant the patient did not start treatment at all; or stopped during treatment; or refused a part of a recommended treatment but accepted another (for example, accepted surgery but refused chemotherapy). A qualitative research method was adopted to explore patients' deliberations that led to refusal of a recommended oncological treatment and to determine physicians' evaluations of the treatment refusals. The study was approved by the medical ethics committees at the study sites. Another reason may be that after their withdrawal, patients no longer want to be involved in medical research, either because they do not want to be confronted by hospitals or doctors again or because they are too ill to be interviewed. The patients included in this study form a rather unique hermes bag replica sample and deserve our gratitude.

A total of 30 patients (mean age 58 years, range 23 91) were interviewed. The inclusion criteria were: (a) age more than 18 years; (b) able to speak and understand Dutch: (c) having cancer; (d) life expectancy of more than three months; and (e) having refused a recommended oncological treatment. The patients were asked to participate by general practitioners (n=5) and by specialists in a university hospital (n=6) or in general hospitals (n=2) in the Netherlands. Dutch associations for patients with cancer were willing to spread information about the study. Patient members of these associations (n=17) responded themselves to the call to participate. All patients recruited by the physicians or those who responded themselves between January 2001 and April 2002 were included in the study if they met the inclusion criteria. We included both patients who had refused a recommended treatment imitation hermes Birkin bag price with higher potential benefit (curative treatment, n=10) and patients who had refused a recommended treatment with lower potential benefit (non curative treatment, n=20). Demographic and clinical characteristics of the patients are given in table 1.

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A total of 16 physicians were interviewed from among the physicians who recruited the patients. Eight general practitioners (50%) and eight (general) oncologists (50%) were selected, including younger and older (mean age 49 years, range 29 60), male (n=11, 69%) and female (n=5, 31%) physicians with few to many years of working experience (mean 18 years, range 2 29), and from different settings (general practice, university hospital, and general hospital). We used indepth interview techniques that is, the interviews contained some general topics and no close ended questions.5 The interview topics covered demographic and clinical characteristics of the patient; the course of the disease; communication with physicians about the recommended treatment; the patient's attitude to the recommended treatment; and the patient's perspectives of the future. The interview topics were formulated after examining the relevant literature and undertaking preliminary observational studies. In these studies, 72 patients were observed during their visits to five different oncologists at an oncological outpatient clinic in the Netherlands. From the transcripts, various aspects of the discussions between physicians and patients about recommendations for treatment were noted and converted into interview topics.

Each physician was interviewed at their office. The interview lasted between 30 and 60 minutes. The indepth interview topics covered the characteristics of the physician; working experience; curative versus non curative treatment and palliative care in oncology; the physician patient relationship, especially concerning treatment decisions; patient autonomy; physician's beneficence; and treatment refusals and their rationality. At the end of the interview, the medical history of one patient who participated in the study was presented as a case (see box 1), and the physicians were asked to give their opinion about the rationality of the patient's decision.

The case of Mrs S

Mrs S is 54 years old. After a period of fever and pneumonia, she was diagnosed as having bronchial carcinoma (non small cell lung cancer in the upper right pulmonary lobe). The attending physician recommended surgery in which part of the lung would be removed (lobectomy). Mrs S decided to refuse the recommended surgery.

Mrs S: "I was afraid, and this fear was based on the mediastinoscopy [a diagnostic procedure carried out behind the sternum in the upper part of the chest cavity, which she recently had undergone; TvK]. I awoke when I was still in the operating room. I think something was not timed very well. A tube was still in my throat. I don't know if the tube was in my trachea or in my throat. I don't know, but I heard someone say that the surgery had been successful. And I was choking, I pulled out the tube and immediately afterwards I was transferred to the recovery room and there, for one and a half hours, I had terrible shortness of breath. I really thought I would suffocate."

"At that moment I thought: What if Hermes classic Kelly bag replica I had to undergo such a lobectomy? Then I would be in intensive care for three or four days. What if I keep getting that suffocating feeling. I know that they may make it technically possible for me not to really suffocate, but the feeling is terrible. I took three days to reflect on that, and then I decided for myself, no surgery. I am afraid. It is fear, fear of the surgery, and what may come afterwards."All the patient and physician interviews were audiotaped and transcribed. A descriptive qualitative approach was used to analyse the interviews.6 During the analysis, we used computer software (Kwalitan hermes bag black replica 5.0; VAM Peters, Radboud University, Nijmegen) for multiple text management, including coding, locating, and retrieving key materials, phrases, and words. Each interview was divided into several segments. The segments were coded and the codes were organised into categories and put into a tree structure. A second independent researcher supervised the process of data management.

The medical perspective

Mrs S's case (see box 1) was presented to all the physicians in the study. They were asked whether they would judge her decision as rational or as irrational.

Physician 1: If it is related to previous communication breakdown combined with an enormous amount of fear thus preventing the patient from forming a good idea of what that cancer can do if it is not treated, and no good decisions are made, then I find it irrational. But when I have the feeling that it is not based on facts, I find it very irrational.
Aug 17 '17 · 0 comments
Pacific hermes bag black replica great blue herons return to Stanley Park courting grounds

They've been hunkered down all winter, but now Pacific great blue herons have returned to Stanley Park looking for love.

"The males are out there claiming nests and they're doing all kinds of awesome visual displays," urban wildlife specialist Greg Hart said Tuesday. "They're holding their beaks up, showing off their long chest plumes."

The Mick Jagger with feathers act fake hermes bag blue is all in the interest of breedingthe next generation of herons. Herons were first documented breeding in the park in 1921 near Brockton Point. They later moved to a spot near the old zoo, and have been nesting in a stand of trees near the park's Beach Avenue tennis courts since 2001.

Hart, who works with the Stanley Park Ecological Society, said heron colonies change their nesting spots every 20 or 30 years.

The population of these herons has declined steadily since the 1980s. Disruptions by bald eagles and by human development takes a toll during breeding season. Last year, Stanley Park had 83 active nests and an estimated 138 fledglings were raised.

As many as 5,000 Pacific great blue herons call Canada home, of which 3,300 live around theSalish Sea. The global populations stands at between 9,500 and 11,000 adults.

Hart said the birds are fun to watch at this time of year, but he cautioned spectators against feeding the birds.

The birds don't fly south for the winter, instead feeding on fish in the shallow intertidal eel grass beds along the Fraser River and the mudflats of Boundary Bay. Females bulk up on fish to give them the energy to lay eggs.

The birds were spotted in the Stanley Park trees at the beginning of March, but headed back to their fishing grounds when the snows returned. They didn't come back for good this year until March 11. music festival bubble burst?The 2017 Pemberton Music Festival was cancelled this week after organizers went bankrupt, leavingthousands.

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