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Preterm Birth and Childhood Psychiatric Disorders

Samantha Johnson1 and Neil Marlow2Received 11 November 2010; Accepted 14 December 2010

Top of pageAbstractEpidemiologic studies have, for many years, identified preterm birth as a significant risk factor for psychiatric disorders. There has been a recent resurgence of interest in neurobehavioral outcomes after preterm birth. In this article, we review clinical cohort studies of the prevalence, etiology, and risk factors for psychiatric sequelae in ex preterm children. Studies using diagnostic psychiatric evaluations are few in number but typically report a 3 to 4 fold increased risk for disorders in middle childhood. Our review of studies reveals a behavioral phenotype characterized by an increased risk for symptoms and disorders associated with inattention, anxiety, and social difficulties. The most contemporary studies have also reported a markedly increased prevalence of autism spectrum disorders (ASD) in preterm populations. Our examination of the correlates and comorbidities of psychiatric disorders is indicative of a different causative pathway that may be associated with altered brain development after preterm birth. For a long time, a range of biological insults, including preterm birth and LBW, were considered nonspecific triggers for later disorders (1). More recently, epidemiologic studies in the general population have identified significant inverse incremental associations with birthweight and/or GA at birth: the risk and prevalence of psychiatric morbidity increase as birthweight and GA decrease (2). Although these associations are not confined to those with very LBW (VLBW; birthweight g) or very preterm birth (VPT; wk gestation), the risk is greatest for these groups (2,3).

The casual pathway to these disorders must be interpreted in the context of the known neurologic sequelae of preterm birth, namely focal brain injury and altered brain development (11). These are manifest in the relationship between immaturity and CP (12) and low intelligent quotient (IQ) (13,14)/learning difficulties (15), respectively. The prevalence of impaired outcomes rises more steeply as GA falls below 32 wk and thus one might predict that psychiatric morbidity would be most prevalent in such populations. Where birthweight has been used to define populations, there may be differences in outcomes stemming from the excess of children born after fetal growth restriction, which have independent effects on psychiatric morbidity (16).

Several studies have now followed the progress of very immature cohorts born in the 1980s and 1990s through to adolescence and adult life, and have sought to define the full spectrum of impairment, including psychiatric disorders. We place emphasis on population based studies, particularly for cohorts born in the 1990s, because these reflect the Hermes birkin bags fake most contemporaneous outcomes relevant to current public health concerns. In this article, we review clinical studies of outcomes in middle childhood and beyond and present an overview of behavioral and psychiatric morbidity in relation to neurodevelopmental correlates and early predictors of disorders in preterm populations.

Top of pagePrevalence and Profile of Behavior ProblemsThe majority of studies investigating morbidity for preterm ( wk)/LBW ( g) cohorts have used behavioral screening questionnaires, such as the widely used Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL) (17). These provide cost and time efficient measures for large scale use. There is less consensus for children born moderate to late preterm (32 wk of gestation); some report an excess of behavior problems (31,32), whereas others report no significant difference from term peers (33). A GA related gradient in outcomes is supported by a number of studies in which the prevalence of behavior problems was greater in those born at lower gestations or with LBW (26,34).

Variable findings are reported regarding the risk for internalizing and externalizing problems. In a meta analysis of 16 case control studies of school aged VPT/VLBW children published in 1980 9 of 13 studies reported an increase in internalizing symptoms and 9 of 12 in externalizing symptoms (18). In a later meta analysis of nine case control studies of VPT (here defined as birth wk)/VLBW children published between 1998 and 2008, parents rated their children as having more internalizing problems but combined effect sizes for parent and teacher rated externalizing problems were nonsignificant (35). More recent studies continue to report conflicting results regarding the risk for internalizing (28,31,34) and externalizing problems (23). Given the inverse relationship with maturity, some of this difference may be due simply to heterogeneity in population definitions.

There is greater consensus at the narrowband level in terms of behavioral profiles identified. Hille et al. (36) report cross cultural outcomes in four population based ELBW cohorts born in 1977 and assessed using the CBCL. Externalizing scores were not elevated in any cohort and internalizing scores were increased only in one. In contrast, all four cohorts had significantly increased scores for social, thought, and attention scales (elevated by 0.5 SD relative to country specific controls) and there was a marked absence of aggressive/delinquent behavior. In one cohort, scores for somatic complaints and anxiety/depression were also elevated. Similarly, in a more contemporary population of Swedish EPT children born 1990 social, thought, and attention scales were 0.75 SD higher than controls (28). Studies using other popular screening tools, such as the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (37), typically reveal a similar profile of increased risk for attention/hyperactivity, social, and emotional problems in preterm/LBW populations (19,24,29,38,39).

It is notable that the majority of studies report higher group mean scores on both broadband and narrowband scales, even where the proportion of children scoring in the abnormal range is not significantly increased. This implies that many children may have symptoms that fail to reach clinical significance. This is a consistent finding in studies using dimensional measures of symptomatology in VPT/VLBW populations, particularly for ADHD and ASD.

Although differences in screening tools, population definitions and age at assessment make direct comparisons of prevalence rates difficult, consistencies confirm a behavioral phenotype characterized by inattention/hyperactivity, social, and emotional difficulties and, in general, a greater risk for internalizing rather than externalizing problems, which are more frequent at lower GAs. In the next section, we provide evidence to show that these findings are mirrored in diagnostic studies of psychiatric morbidity in preterm populations, which are characterized by significantly increased rates of ADHD, ASD, and emotional disorders.

Top of pagePrevalence and Prediction of Psychiatric DisordersStudies using diagnostic evaluations are required to provide definitive evidence of an increased prevalence of disorders in preterm/LBW populations. There is a relative paucity of such studies as psychiatric evaluations are costly and difficult to implement in large scale investigations. Although the majority of those that exist have used questionnaires that yield symptom data corresponding with Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) diagnostic criteria (40), a small number have used more rigorous evaluations. Despite very different methodologies, these report similar prevalence estimates across a range of different populations (Table 1). (41,42) reported 24 to 27% prevalence of disorders in ELBW children. These rates were not significantly increased compared with controls, and in both studies, the risk of disorders was specific to ADHD. In the first study of psychopathology in ELBW children born in the 1990s, Hack et al. (43) reported a significant excess of psychiatric morbidity compared with controls with 32% prevalence of disorders in ELBW children. In all three studies, the prevalence of disorders in the control group (15 was higher than the 10% typically observed in the general population (44) and may thus reflect that the measures were essentially screening tools.

We are aware of only five diagnostic studies (Table 1), of which four have reported 22 to 27% prevalence of disorders in LBW/VLBW children born in the 1980s (16,19,45,46). In the UK EPICure Study, a national prospective cohort study of all births wk of gestation in the UK and replica hermes bag Ireland in 1995, we have reported that 23% met criteria for DSM IV TR (40) defined psychiatric disorders, rising to 25% after imputation to account for selective loss to follow up of more impaired survivors (Fig. 1) (47). Overall, these five studies have reported remarkably similar prevalence estimates and ORs indicating a 3 to 4 fold increased risk for psychiatric disorders in childhood. In VPT populations, males have typically been found to be at greater risk for neuro cognitive impairment compared with females and may therefore be at increased risk for psychiatric sequelae (48,49). However, results regarding gender differences for psychiatric disorders are more equivocal with some reporting a increased risk of disorders for ELBW boys (45) and not others (16,19,46,47). However, variation in the pattern of comorbidities is of greater theoretical significance and is described in the following sections.

Early identification of those at risk for psychiatric disorders would facilitate timely psychiatric referral and provision of support for children and their families. Studies attempting to identify early predictors of psychiatric disorders have produced inconsistent findings. Some report no associations with neonatal variables (19,46), whereas others have reported significant associations with LBW, decreasing GA and smaller head circumference (50). Among EPT children at 11 y of age, we observed no significant univariate associations with any neonatal variables although there was marginally greater risk for boys and vaginal breech deliveries and, in some analyses, neonatal necrotizing enterocolitis. In contrast, we found greater predictive accuracy using later neurodevelopmental measures; in particular, parent reported internalizing behavior problems at 2.5 y and conduct and attentional problems, and neurocognitive impairment at 6 y were associated with psychiatric disorders at 11 y (47). In all these studies, significant associations were found after adjustment for socioeconomic factors and thus highlight the overwhelming effect of perinatal risk (50). Thus, longitudinal neurodevelopmental assessments and behavioral screening may highlight those children who are at risk for later psychiatric morbidity, providing the opportunity for early diagnosis and intervention. Early predictors of specific psychiatric disorders are discussed in the following sections.

Top of pageAttention Deficit/Hyperactivity DisorderADHD is the most prevalent and frequently studied psychiatric disorder in preterm/LBW populations. All but one (51) of the earliest studies using DSM based questionnaires reported a significant excess of ADHD with prevalence rates ranging 16 to 19% and ORs of 2 to 3 in VLBW/ELBW children (41,42,52). More recent studies report prevalence estimates of 9 to 11% in VPT/VLBW (26,53) and 17 to 20% in EPT/ELBW children (26,27), indicating a GA related gradient (26). The pooled relative risk (RR) for ADHD in VPT/VLBW survivors in six studies was 2.64 (95% CI, 1.85 (18) and a recent epidemiological study has reported an RR of 2.7 (95% CI, 1.8 in children born wk (6).

Of the five diagnostic studies, four reported varying prevalence estimates ranging from 7 to 23% in LBW/VLBW children born in the 1980s (Table 2) (16,19,45,46). Increased risk has also been described in cohorts born in the 1990s: 11.5% prevalence in EPT children (Fig. 1) (47) and 17% in those with ELBW (43). Although these two studies used measures with different diagnostic accuracy, the ORs of 4.3 and 4.2, respectively, are remarkably similar. Thus, existing reports indicate a 2 to 3 fold increased risk for ADHD in VPT/VLBW children and a 4 fold increased risk in those born EPT/ELBW (Table 2). First, the male predominance in ADHD in the general population (44) is typically not observed in preterm cohorts (16,19,47).

Finally, VLBW/VPT birth appears to be associated with a greater risk for symptoms of inattention than hyperactivity/impulsivity. Using rating scales that differentiate these Hermes bag season with the main color coordination two dimensions, preterm children were found to have significantly higher mean scores than controls for inattention but not hyperactivity (16). In more recent studies of VPT, EPT, and ELBW children, there are markedly larger effect sizes for inattention compared with hyperactivity as rated by both parents and teachers (43,55). Parallel findings are reported in diagnostic studies using DSM IV based definitions (Table 2). In an early study, Botting et al. found higher rates of ADHD/inattentive (ADHD/I) compared with ADHD/hyperactive (ADHD/H) subtype disorders in VLBW children. In two more recent studies, the excess risk for ADHD in EPT/ELBW children was accounted for by a specific risk for ADHD/I and ADHD/H were not significantly increased in comparison with term children (43,47). We also observed that there was no significant increase in hyperkinetic disorders classified using International Classification of Diseases (ICD) 10 (56) criteria, in which features of hyperactivity are required for diagnosis (47). It thus seems preferable to use DSM IV TR (40) classifications in preterm children.

These converging strands of evidence are indicative of a different causative pathway for ADHD in preterm populations. VPT/VLBW birth is associated with cognitive impairment and impaired brain growth, evidenced by structural abnormalities on MRI (11,57,58). A number of studies have provided evidence indicative of a mediating role of neurodevelopmental factors in the relationship between preterm birth and ADHD, with significant group differences being accounted for by the high prevalence of cognitive impairment in EPT/ELBW children (41,42,47). Indredavik et al. (62) found that ADHD symptoms were associated with reduction in white matter volumes and thinning of the corpus callosum in VLBW adolescents after adjustment for sex and socioeconomic factors. The correlation between symptoms and white matter volume was due to a specific association with inattention scores. Skranes et al. (63) also found that inattention but not hyperactivity scores were associated with fractional anisotropy measurements of white matter in VLBW adolescents. They also found that ADHD was associated with lower fractional anisotropy values in six different anatomical areas and speculate that this may be indicative of disturbed white matter connectivity in extensive areas throughout the fake hermes leather handbags brain. In contrast to classical ADHD, children with ADHD/I can be considered as having a childhood onset dysexecutive syndrome that is characterized by social difficulties related to shyness and withdrawal, internalizing problems, an absence of aggression/delinquent behavior, academic difficulties, and primary deficits in working memory and processing speed (67). Hyperactivity in preterm survivors may be accounted for by poor general cognitive ability, but inattention may be a specific feature of development after preterm birth that is associated with specific executive deficits. This is supported by Nadeau et al. (71) who observed that general cognitive ability mediated the relationship between EPT birth and hyperactivity, whereas the relationship between EPT birth and inattention was mediated specifically by working memory.
Aug 20 '17 · 0 comments
Parents Demand Transparency and Overhaul of Maspeth High School Enrollment Process After Mix

After a mix up earlier this month left out all private school students and many priority students from Maspeth High School's admissions lottery, parents and elected officials are calling for changes to the process as NY1's Van Tieu reports.

Tempers flared as parents demanded answers and reform to Maspeth High School's enrollment process during a community meeting Tuesday night.

This after parents say a mix up earlier this month left out all private school students and many priority students from the school's admissions lottery. Education officials clarify, saying a number of students were not properly marked with priority status in its lottery.

Parents from area parochial schools say they feel like they were discriminated against.

Officials at the Department of Education say no school was treated differently, and blames the mix up on a clerical error.

"How do you do that to kids? An error? I mean that's a major error not putting catholic schools in the lottery. A major error. I mean a lot of kids are heartbroken," says parent, Alicia Vaichunas.

Alicia Vaichunas's son,a public school student who had priority status. To get priority status, students living in District 24 must sign up at an open house or information session. Vaichunas says he went to multiple sessions and listed Maspeth as his top choice. After the lottery mix up left him out, he now plans on going somewhere else. He's crossed out Maspeth high School as his dream school. His protest in Hermes birkin bags fake the form of a Maspeth High School sweater emblazoned with the word "Liar."

"I feel like they're lying to us saying that oh this is a school that's for us. It's right next door and we can't even go to it," he says.

Angered parents at the meeting say it's unfair students who may not live in the district or did not go through the steps to earn priority status received offers.

"Four kids in his class didn't even go to the open houses put [Maspeth] as third and fourth on the replica hermes bag list, and they got in. Something is wrong. Something is wrong with the system," Vaichunas says.

Enrollment officials refute the claim that neighborhood students lost out to others outside of District 24. Only one student that received an offer lives outside of District 24, and was given an offer on a special needs track, officials say.

"Every student who should have received an offer at Maspeth High School according to its admissions priorities has received an offer. We are continuously working to improve the high school admissions process, and value feedback from the community," says Will Mantell, Spokesman for the Department of Education.

Officials at the meeting explain that the mistake was fixed when an additional 207 students were marked for priority, and 66 of those students received offers.

The most difficult factor boils down to supply and demand. About 4,000 students applied, and the school only has about 250 seats available. School officials give out more offers than seats expecting many of them to turn it down. Parents say that's unfair to those who are Hermes bag season with the main color coordination fighting to get in.

Council Member Elizabeth Crowley says the mistake was a failure on the school's part and is calling for changes to the priority zone process.

"It's very difficult for parents to understand because it's invisible to them," fake hermes leather handbags she says.

Crowley says the process needs to be a public process, with the lottery drawn with families present. She also wants to see the responsibility of running the lottery out of the school's hands.

"It's completely unacceptable the school needs to be held accountable the person responsible for making this error and excluding this group of students needs to be held accountable," Crowley says.

During Tuesday night's community meeting, parents turned their frustration on her.

Many parents saying Crowley hasn't done enough. One man, whose child did receive an offer, says he's grateful but the lottery mix up isn't one mistake, but a completely flawed system that needs to be overhauled.
Aug 20 '17 · 0 comments
Police recount journey of 71 migrants who died in Austria as investigation ends

BUDAPEST In late August of last year, 71 refugees from Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan were crammed into the back of a small lorry that left the Serbian Hungarian border and drove towards Budapest.

The migrants had about two square feet of space each. The back doors of the truck were wired shut. The truck body had no vents or working ventilation equipment.

Their deaths shocked Europe as it struggled to cope with the biggest influx of migrants since World War Two. It was the worst incident seen on the overland route across the Balkans, where hundreds of thousands of people were making their way from the Middle East, Africa and southern Asia up to Austria and Germany.

On Wednesday, Hungarian and European police concluded an investigation into the deaths, senior officers told a news briefing on Wednesday as they prepared to hand the case over to prosecutors.

"The unscrupulous greed of the crime syndicate's leader led to this tragedy," Boross said. "Tellingly, the day after this first Hermes bag season with the main color coordination vanful of corpses was found, the same syndicate crammed 67 migrants into another van just like that."

Police caught the second van in Gols, Austria, in time to save the migrants, but "the smugglers would have kept at their Hermes birkin bags fake business despite the tragedy," Boross said.

The European police agency Europol sees such cases often; the 71 deaths were the worst but far from the only time human smuggling claimed casualties, Robert Crepinko, the chief of Europol's human smuggling unit, told reporters.

"It's a booming criminal market," he said. "More than 12,000 new suspects on migrant smuggling have been identified this year. We estimate that 5 billion euros to 6 billion euros (4.59 billion pound to 5.49 billion pound) were made in this criminal market in Europe last year."

Syndicates often have both European and non European members, sometimes from 20 separate countries, he said.

The syndicate behind the 71 deaths included an Afghan ring leader, nine Bulgarians who ran the actual driving and a Bulgarian Lebanese who purchased trucks, Boross said. The process took weeks.

Tracking down the smugglers took much less time. Thanks to a purchase contract for the van left in the driver's booth, several members were found within 24 hours of the incident. Eight of them are under arrest, four for murder and four for human trafficking. Three more are on the run.

The ring leader had been in Hungary since 2013 and had smuggled migrants since February 2015. He made about 1.5 million euros in this particular syndicate, active from May until August, and several times as much in the months before, transferring the money back to Afghanistan, Boross said.

According to Boross, the journey that ended in the 71 deaths began when the Afghani ring leader liaised with an accomplice in Serbia, who sent him migrants grouped by how much is a hermes bag destination across Hungary's border. They would arrive at dawn and board trucks headed west in what had become a well oiled operation. on Aug. 27, 2015, a Bulgarian driver left the city of Kecskemet in a Hungarian Volvo truck and travelled south. He picked up the 71 migrants near a highway crossing on the Serbian Hungarian border and headed for Budapest.

Within 100 km (60 miles), oxygen in the back was dangerously low. The driver of the lorry and spotters following him in an Audi and a BMW made several stops, but they pressed ahead fake hermes leather handbags despite the brewing catastrophe.

The oxygen ran out as the van and the cars used a highway ring to skirt Budapest. According to medical experts and vehicle experts, the migrants died right around the time the van took the off ramp for the M1 motorway to Vienna.

Still the van pressed on. It crossed into Austria, where it stopped by the road and the Audi picked up the lorry's drivers. The lorry was found around midday the next day with the entangled bodies in the hold.
Aug 20 '17 · 0 comments
Prisoner charged with alleged murder of elderly man in Rye

Homicide squad detectives have charged a man who had been in an interstate fake herme bag prison with the murder of a retiree on the Mornington Peninsula more than a year ago.

Police allege John Woodruff murdered Barry Gray in his Rye home in May last year.

Detectives applied to both the Victorian and New South Wales Attorney General's Departments for Mr Woodruff's movement into the Victorian corrections system.

Mr Woodruff, 23, appeared before the fake hermes leather handbags NSW Local Court in August where it was determined he would serve his current sentence, in relation to other matters, in Victoria. He is currently in a correctional facility in Victoria.

Mr Woodruff will appear in the Melbourne Magistrates Court on Friday in relation to the murder charge.

"Homicide Squad detectives would like to thank Albury Crime Investigation Unit and Crime Scene Unit, the Victorian and NSW Attorney General's fake hermes kelly bagd Department, Corrections Victoria and NSW for their assistance," a police spokeswoman said.

Mr Gray, a long time resident of the area who lived alone, was found dead near a broken front window in his house. A carer discovered his body.

Mr Gray's white Volkswagen Caddy van was taken after his death, with a police appeal resulting in it being discovered four days later. Police did not reveal where the van was Hermes Kelly bag replica found.

"What we're talking about here is an apparent forced entry into a home and an elderly man being brutally killed," Detective Inspector John Potter said shortly after the death.
Aug 20 '17 · 0 comments
Pedro Set To Conclude Deal With Chelsea

Sky Sports' La Liga expert Guillem Balague says negotiations between Chelsea and Barca began as late as Tuesday but were concluded swiftly and Pedro is likely to undergo fake herme bag a medical in the capital on Thursday.

The Premier League champions had expressed an interest in the player for more than a week, but unlike Manchester United and Manchester City, had not placed a bid. claim they had the option of signing Pedro earlier how much is a hermes handbag in the window but, after long consideration, manager Louis van Gaal decided to end their pursuit of the player.

Balague earlier reported that Pedro had agreed personal terms with United and that the 28 year old was just waiting for the clubs to agree on fake hermes kelly bagd a transfer fee.

United's chief executive Ed Woodward is understood to have visited Barcelona for talks but it is believed the European champions would not budge from the release clause, which was never met by United.

Sky Sports first reported United's interest on 6 August and Barca boss Luis Enrique subsequently hermes replica admitted his player's future was in question as they stepped up their pre season preparations.

Barcelona were keen to keep Pedro and offered him a new contract, but they could not give him the assurances he needed over regular first team football and he has sought a move away from the Nou Camp.

Van Gaal said on 14 August that the ball was in Pedro's court only to eventually decide against the deal.

Balague said: "United do not want to pay what Barcelona want because Van Gaal decided, despite contact with the player, that he was now not needed."

Pedro has featured in Barcelona's three most recent games in the UEFA Super Cup and the two legged Spanish Super Cup, which they lost to Athletic Bilbao.
Aug 20 '17 · 0 comments
Professor Janeen Baxter

Janeen Baxter is Director of the Australian Research Council Centre of Excellence for Children and Families over the Life Course in the Institute copy Hermes bag for Social Science Research.

Janeen conducts research in the areas of gender, families, households, social disadvantage and the life course.

Janeen is a Fellow of the Academy of Social Sciences in Australia and a member of its Executive Committee. She has recently held an Australian Research Council Professorial Fellowship and is a former Chair of the Social, Behavioural and Economic Sciences panel for the ARC College of Experts.

Journal Article: Does parenthood change attitudes to fathering? Evidence from Australia and Britain

Buchler, Sandra, Perales, Francisco and Baxter, Janeen (2017) Does parenthood change attitudes to fathering? Evidence from Australia and Britain.

Sex Roles,Journal Article: Developmental network structure and support: gendered consequences for work family strain and work parenting strain in the Australian mining industry

Parker, Polly, Cotton, Richard D., Yates, Miriam S., Baxter, Janeen and Arend, Susan (2017) imitation Hermes Kelly handbag Developmental network structure and support: gendered consequences for work family strain and work parenting strain in the Australian mining industry.

The International Journal of Human Resource Management,Other Outputs: Birth cohort, replica handbag Hermes ageing and gender ideology: lessons from British and Australian panel data

Perales, Francisco, Philipp M., Lersch and Baxter, Janeen (2017).

Birth cohort, ageing and gender ideology: lessons from British and Australian panel data. LCC Working Paper Series 2017 01, Institute for Social Science Research, The University of Queensland.

PPL Final Report: Name of project: Paid Parental Leave EvaluationPPL Final Report: Name of project: Paid Parental Leave Evaluation Brisbane, QLD Australia: Institute for Social Science Research

Intergenerational income support dependency: report to the bag Hermes imitation Federal Government Department of Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs

Perales, F., Higginson, A., Baxter, J., Western, M., Zubrick, S. and Mitrou, F. (2013)

Intergenerational income support dependency: report to the Federal Government Department of Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs St. Lucia, QLD, Australia: UniQuest

Negotiating the Life Course: Stability and Change in Life Pathways

Negotiating the Life Course: Stability and Change in Life Pathways. Edited by Ann Evans and Janeen Baxter Dordrecht,The Netherlands: Springer, 2013.

Negotiating the life course: stability and change in life pathways

Negotiating the life course: stability and change in life pathways. Edited by Ann Evans and Janeen Baxter Dordrecht, Netherlands: Springer Netherlands, 2013. doi:10.1007/978 90 481 8912 0

Baxter, Janeen (2011). Gender. InAustralia: Casual employment, part time employment and the resilience of the male breadwinner model

Campbell, Iain, Whitehouse, Gillian and Baxter, Janeen (2009). Australia: Casual employment, part time employment and the resilience of the male breadwinner model. In Leah F. Vosko, Martha MacDonald and Iain Campbell (Ed.),
Aug 20 '17 · 0 comments
Previous managers to tackle Spain

Tony Adams' shock appointment at Granada makes him the latest Hermes handbag fake in a long line of Brits to try their hand at managing in Spain.

Indeed, English managers Fred Pentland (Athletic Bilbao), Robert Firth (Madrid FC) and William Garbutt (Athletic Bilbao) accounted for four of the first eight title winning teams following the formation of the Spanish league in the years leading up to the Second World War.

However, in recent years British bosses have had mixed fortunes managing in La Liga. Here we look at eight of the biggest names to have made the move to Spain in the last 30 years

Valencia's head coach Gary Neville looks on as his side move into the last 16 of the Europa League

The most recent British manager to try his hand in Spain's top flight is Sky Sports' very own Gary Neville. Having forged a reputation as an expert pundit, the former Manchester United defender was handed fake Hermes Kelly handbag his chance by Valencia owner Peter Lim, a business partner of Neville's.

Neville looked on from the stands in December 2015 as Valencia put in a battling display to hold Barcelona to a 1 1 draw; it looked as though his new team were determined to climb the table.

Adams named Granada boss Former Arsenal captain Tony Adams appointed coach of Granada

Yet defeat to Lyon in his dugout debut Hermes bag copy and draws against Eibar and Getafe indicated turning around this talented but young and inexperienced set of players was going to be harder than it looked.

The arrival of brother Phil in the dugout couldn't instigate a revival. Following a 2 0 defeat to Celta Vigo just under four months into his reign, the 11th loss in 28 games, Neville parted company with Lim and Valencia.

David Moyes

Moyes was sacked as Real Sociedad coach in 2015

Having seen the reputation he'd built at Preston and Everton tarnished during a difficult 11 months at Manchester United, David Moyes replaced Jagoba Arrasate at Real Sociedad in November 2014 insisting he had "an opportunity to show British coaches can manage abroad."

He took over a side in 15th in La Liga and despite a 1 0 win over Barcelona a few weeks into his reign, he struggled to make an impact in the Basque Country and Sociedad finished 12th in the table.

Moyes' record at Real Sociedad

In an interview with Sky Sports, the Scot was adamant he was going to stay in the knock off Hermes bag job for the long term despite wrestling with the club's policy of bringing though Basque players and being discouraged from bringing in imports from markets he knew better.

However, things didn't improve and with Sociedad 16th in the table he was sacked in November 2015 after winning just 12 of his 38 games in charge. had an unsuccessful spell at Real Sociedad

is currently enjoying one of the highest points of his managerial career after guiding Wales to the Euro 2016 semi finals, but one of the lowest points came in 2007/08 when he took charge of Real Sociedad for seven months following their relegation to the Segunda Division.

After four seasons in charge of Fulham, Coleman was recommended to Sociedad by John Toshack, but won just four of his opening 10 matches and his position was thrown into jeopardy when the club president Maria de la Pena, who had been instrumental in appointing him, stood down.

Shortly afterwards he made headlines for arriving 90 minutes late at a press conference after partying at a nightclub into the early hours of the morning and was forced to make a public apology.

However, results improved and when he announced he was stepping down in January it was a surprise to many. The club had lost only one of his last 11 games and had risen to fifth in the league, but Coleman struggled to build a relationship with new president Inaki Badiola and left Spain behind.

Bobby Robson

Bobby Robson had a successful season in charge of Barcelona

Bobby Robson set off on a managerial adventure across Europe after leading England to the semi finals of the 1990 World Cup. First up, PSV in the Netherlands, where he won back to back Eredivisie titles. Then he headed to Portugal where he took Sporting Lisbon to a third placed finish before being sacked with the club top of the table. A switch to Sporting's rivals Porto brought two titles in a row and a Portuguese cup. In 1996 he got the call to join Barcelona.

Robson and his interpreter Jose Mourinho headed to Spain and promptly signed Brazil ace Ronaldo. The striker fired Robson's side to the Spanish Cup, Spanish Super Cup and European Cup Winners' Cup in 1996/97 and declared his boss named European manager of the year the "greatest in the world".

The following season Robson took up the role of general manager at Barcelona, to accommodate the arrival of a certain Louis van Gaal. However, shortly afterwards Robson headed back to England via a season back at PSV, where he won the Dutch Super Cup to take charge Newcastle, where he would become a club icon. took over at Athletic Bilbao after leaving Everton
Aug 20 '17 · 0 comments
Professor Peter Gray

Professor Peter Gray is a pioneer of biotechnology research and development in Australia. In 2003 he was appointed AIBN's inaugural Director and has since overseen the institute's growth to 450 people and an annual turnover of $40million. Before joining AIBN, he was Professor and Head of Biotechnology at UNSW.

Professor Gray has held academic positions at University College London and the University of California, Berkeley. He has had commercial experience in the US, working for Eli Lilly and Co and the Cetus Corporation. His research collaborations include groups at Stanford University; the University of California, Berkeley; and the University of British Columbia, Vancouver.

He serves on several boards and government committees. He is on the board of Engineering Conferences International, New York, a group that runs global, multi disciplinary engineering conferences, many of which have played key roles in developing emerging industry sectors. The conferences include cell culture engineering; vaccine technology; and scale up and manufacturing of cell based therapies. Professor Gray also serves on the board of Biopharmaceuticals Australia Pty Ltd, the company established to build a GMP grade biopharmaceuticals manufacturing facility in Brisbane, and has been heavily involved in negotiations that led to DSM Biologics becoming the facility's operator.

Professor Gray is a Fellow and Vice President of the Australian Academy of Technological Sciences and Engineering and a Fellow of the Australian Institute of Company Directors. He has chaired, served on organising committees for, and given plenary and keynote addresses at many key international conferences. In 2006 he attracted to Sydney and chaired the International Biotechnology Symposium the first time a conference in the four yearly series was held in the southern hemisphere. Professor Gray is a founder and past president of the Australian Biotechnology Association (Ausbiotech).

Professor Gray has graduated more than 60 PhD students from his research group, in fields including secondary metabolite bioprocesses; bioconversion of cellulosic substrates; mammalian cell expression of complex proteins; nanoparticles for drug delivery; and the development of stem cell based bioprocesses. He has twice been listed by Engineers Australia among the top 100 most influential engineers in Australia, and in 2001 was awarded the Australian Government's Centenary Medal.

Professor Peter Gray leads a research group with a focus on bioengineering of mammalian cell protein expression and stem cell systems. The research group is growing a strategic link with DSM Biologics, a contract manufacturer that takes early stage projects to the next stage of commercial development. AIBN is developing mammalian cell lines, which form the basis of biologics, medicines based on natural proteins, and DSM will produce and commercialise them at a $65 million scale up facility at Brisbane's Princess Alexandra Hospital in Brisbane.

Professor Gray's research group is collaborating with Sydney based Biosceptre International Ltd in a partnership aiming to develop a bio process for producing monoclonal antibodies to treat cancer. AIBN researchers will characterise candidate therapeutic monoclonal antibodies that bind to Biosceptre's novel cancer target, known as nf P2X7. Research and development will include antibody and cell line development; bioprocess development; and recombinant protein production in pre commercial quantities ahead of preclinical trials. The Biosceptre collaboration is a critical step towards preclinical and human clinical trials. The long term goal is to develop a therapeutic monoclonal antibody capable of specifically detecting nf P2X7 and inducing cancer cell death without affecting normal healthy cells.

Ongoing research in Professor Gray's research group and Australian Animal Health Laboratory in Victoria with a Hendra virus antibody aims to determine its shelf life, to see how long it can be stored. The AIBN research group has developed a process to produce large amounts of high quality antibody. The research group has produce batches of the experimental antibody for Queensland Health and collaborators at the Hermes white gold necklace knock off CSIRO Australian Animal Health Laboratory in Geelong for testing in animal trials.

Professor Gray has graduated more than 60 PhD students from his research group, in fields including secondary metabolite bioprocesses; bioconversion of cellulosic substrates; mammalian cell expression of complex proteins; nanoparticles for drug delivery; and the development of stem cell based bioprocesses.

Conference Publication: 3D neuronal differentiation: using a thermo responsive polymer for expansion and release of differentiated hESC

Harkness, Linda, Chen, Xiaoli, Davies, Anthony M., Jia, Zhongfan, Monteiro, Michael J., Pera, Martin and Gray, Peter P. (2016). 3D neuronal differentiation: using a thermo responsive polymer for expansion and release of differentiated hESC. In:

Conference on Changing the Face of Modern Medicine Stem Cells and Hermes white gold necklace imitation Gene Therapy, Florence, Italy, (). 18 21 October 2016.

Conference Publication: 3D neuronal differentiation: using a thermo responsive polymer for expansion and release of differentiated hESC

Harkness, Linda, Chen, Xiaoli, Davies, Anthony M., Jia, Zhongfan, Monteiro, Michael J., Pera, Martin and Gray, Peter P. (2016). 3D neuronal differentiation: using a thermo responsive polymer for expansion and release of differentiated hESC. In:

EMBO/EMBL Symposium: Organoids: Modelling organ development and disease in 3D culture, Heidelberg, Germany, (). 12 15 October 2016.

Conference Publication: Methods and analysis of pluripotency markers and cell viability in hESC cultured as 3D aggregates

Harkness, Linda, Chen, Xiaoli, Gray, Peter P. and Davies, Anthony M. (2016). Methods and analysis of pluripotency markers and cell viability in hESC cultured as 3D aggregates. In:

14th Annual Meeting of the International Society for Stem Cell Research, San Francisco, CA, United States, (). 22 25 June 2016.

Gray, P., Barnard, R. T., Franco, C., Rifkin, W., Hine, D. C. and Young, F.

Review of Australian Biotechnology Education. Canberra: Commonwealth of Australia, 2003.

Review of Australian Biotechnology Education, Australian relica Hermes jewelry Universities Teaching Committee, Department of Education Science and Training

Gray, P., Barnard, R., Franco, C, Rifkin, W., Hine, D and Young, F (2003)

Review of Australian Biotechnology Education, Australian Universities Teaching Committee, Department of Education Science and Training Not available:

An optimised transfection platform for the Epi CHO transient expression system in serum free media

Codamo, Joe, Munro, Trent P., Hughes, Benjamin S., Song, Michael and Gray, Peter P. (2012). An optimised transfection platform for the Epi CHO transient expression system in serum free media. In Nigel Jenkins, Niall Barron and Paula Alves (Ed.),Analysis of protein expression Hermes enamel necklace replica via alternate 3' Untranslated Region (UTR) signals through the use of site specific recombination

Hou, Jeff Jia Cheng, Song, Michael, Munro, Trent P. and Gray, Peter P. (2012). Analysis of protein expression via alternate 3' Untranslated Region (UTR) signals through the use of site specific recombination. In Nigel Jenkins, Niall Barron and Paula Alves (Ed.),

Proceedings of the 21st Annual Meeting of the European Society for Animal Cell Technology (ESACT), Dublin, Ireland, June 7 10, 2009 (pp. 47 51) Dordrecht, Netherlands: Springer.
Aug 19 '17 · 0 comments
Other amenities include a meeting room

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