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First Lady Michelle Obama Urges Voters To Support Hillary Clinton After Trump Accusations

senator, Maggie Hassan. I want to thank her for that lovely introduction. I also want to recognize your Congresswoman Annie McKlane Kuster, who's a dear, dear friend. Your soon to be congresswoman once again, Carol Shea Porter all of whom have been just terrific friends to us. And your Executive Council and candidate for governor, Colin Van Ostern.

And, of course, thanks to all of you for taking the time to be here today.

Thanks so much. That's very sweet of you. I love you guys too. I can't believe it's just a few weeks before Election Day, as we come together to support the next President and Vice President of the United States, Hillary Clinton and Tim Kaine! And New Hampshire is going to be important, as always.

So I'm going to get a little serious here, because I think we can all agree that this has been a rough week in an already rough election. This week has been particularly interesting for me personally because it has been a week of profound contrast.

See, on Tuesday,replica mother of pearl van cleef necklace, at the White House, we celebrated the International Day of the Girl and Let Girls Learn, and it was a wonderful celebration. It was the last event that I'm going to be doing as First Lady for Let Girls Learn. and all around the world. And we talked about their hopes and their dreams. We talked about their aspirations. I wanted them to understand that the measure of any society is how it treats its women and girls. And I told them that they deserve to be treated with dignity and respect, and I told them that they should disregard anyone who demeans or devalues them,replica van cleef and arpels sweet alhambra necklace, and that they should make their voices heard in the world. And I walked away feeling so inspired, just like I'm inspired by all the young people here and I was so uplifted by these girls. That was Tuesday.

And now, here I am, out on the campaign trail in an election where we have consistently been hearing hurtful, hateful language about women language that has been painful for so many of us, not just as women, but as parents trying to protect our children and raise them to be caring, respectful adults, and as citizens who think that our nation's leaders should meet basic standards of human decency.

The fact is that in this election, we have a candidate for President of the United States who, over the course of his lifetime and the course of this campaign, has said things about women that are so shocking, so demeaning that I simply will not repeat anything here today. And last week, we saw this candidate actually bragging about sexually assaulting women. And I can't believe that I'm saying that a candidate for President of the United States has bragged about sexually assaulting women.

And I have to tell you that I can't stop thinking about this. It has shaken me to my core in a way that I couldn't have predicted. So while I'd love nothing more than to pretend like this isn't happening, and to come out here and do my normal campaign speech, it would be dishonest and disingenuous to me to just move on to the next thing like this was all just a bad dream.

This is not something that we can ignore. It's not something we can just sweep under the rug as just another disturbing footnote in a sad election season. Because this was not just a "lewd conversation." This wasn't just locker room banter. This was a powerful individual speaking freely and openly about sexually predatory behavior, and actually bragging about kissing and groping women, using language so obscene that many of us were worried about our children hearing it when we turn on the TV.

And to make matters worse, it now seems very clear that this isn't an isolated incident. It's one of countless examples of how he has treated women his whole life. And I have to tell you that I listen to all of this and I feel it so personally, and I'm sure that many of you do too, particularly the women. The shameful comments about our bodies. The disrespect of our ambitions and intellect. The belief that you can do anything you want to a woman.

It is cruel. It's frightening. And the truth is, it hurts. It hurts. It's like that sick, sinking feeling you get when you're walking down the street minding your own business and some guy yells out vulgar words about your body. Or when you see that guy at work that stands just a little too close, stares a little too long, and makes you feel uncomfortable in your own skin.'We Are Better Than That': Clinton Sees An Opening In Voters Turned Off By Trump

It's that feeling of terror and violation that too many women have felt when someone has grabbed them, or forced himself on them and they've said no but he didn't listen something that we know happens on college campuses and countless other places every single day. It reminds us of stories we heard from our mothers and grandmothers about how, back in their day, the boss could say and do whatever he pleased to the women in the office, and even though they worked so hard, jumped over every hurdle to prove themselves, it was never enough.

We thought all of that was ancient history, didn't we? And so many have worked for so many years to end this kind of violence and abuse and disrespect, but here we are in 2016 and we're hearing these exact same things every day on the campaign trail. We are drowning in it. And all of us are doing what women have always done: We're trying to keep our heads above water, just trying to get through it, trying to pretend like this doesn't really bother us maybe because we think that admitting how much it hurts makes us as women look weak.

Maybe we're afraid to be that vulnerable. Maybe we've grown accustomed to swallowing these emotions and staying quiet, because we've seen that people often won't take our word over his. Or maybe we don't want to believe that there are still people out there who think so little of us as women. This is not politics as usual. This is disgraceful. It is intolerable. And it doesn't matter what party you belong to Democrat, Republican,replica van cleef pendant necklace, independent no woman deserves to be treated this way. None of us deserves this kind of abuse.

And I know it's a campaign, but this isn't about politics. It's about basic human decency. It's about right and wrong. And we simply cannot endure this, or expose our children to this any longer not for another minute, and let alone for four years. Now is the time for all of us to stand up and say enough is enough. This has got to stop right now.

Because consider this: If all of this is painful to us as grown women, what do you think this is doing to our children? What message are our little girls hearing about who they should look like, how they should act? What lessons are they learning about their value as professionals, as human beings, about their dreams and aspirations? And how is this affecting men and boys in this country? Because I can tell you that the men in my life do not talk about women like this. And I know that my family is not unusual. And to dismiss this as everyday locker room talk is an insult to decent men everywhere.

The men that you and I know don't treat women this way. They are loving fathers who are sickened by the thought of their daughters being exposed to this kind of vicious language about women. They are husbands and brothers and sons who don't tolerate women being treated and demeaned and disrespected. And like us, these men are worried about the impact this election is having on our boys who are looking for role models of what it means to be a man.

In fact, someone recently told me a story about their six year old son who one day was watching the news they were watching the news together. And the little boy, out of the blue, said, "I think Hillary Clinton will be President." And his mom said, "Well, why do you say that?" And this little six year old said, "Because the other guy called someone a piggy,replica sweet alhambra necklace, and," he said, "you cannot be President if you call someone a piggy."

So even a six year old knows better. A six year old knows that this is not how adults behave. This is not how decent human beings behave. And this is certainly not how someone who wants to be President of the United States behaves.

Because let's be very clear: Strong men men who are truly role models don't need to put down women to make themselves feel powerful. People who are truly strong lift others up. People who are truly powerful bring others together. And that is what we need in our next President. We need someone who is a uniting force in this country. We need someone who will heal the wounds that divide us, someone who truly cares about us and our children, someone with strength and compassion to lead this country forward.
Jun 15 '17 · 0 comments
Health Care Reform Will Increase Costs

A report by economic experts at the Health and Human Services Department (HHS) said the health care remake will achieve Obama's aim of expanding health insurance adding 34 million Americans to the coverage rolls.But the analysis also found that the law falls short of the president's twin goal of controlling runaway costs, raising projected spending by about 1 percent over 10 years. That increase could get bigger, however, since the report also warned that Medicare cuts in the law may be unrealistic and unsustainable, forcing lawmakers to roll them back.The mixed verdict for Obama's signature issue is the first comprehensive look by neutral experts. The report projected that Medicare cuts could drive about 15 percent of hospitals and other institutional providers into the red,replica van cleef and arpels zipper necklace, "possibly jeopardizing access" to care for seniors.The report from Medicare's Office of the Actuary carried a disclaimer saying it does not represent the official position of the Obama administration. White House officials have repeatedly complained that such analyses have been too pessimistic and lowball the law's potential to achieve savings.CBS Radio News correspondent Peter Maer reports the White House was referring questions about the report Friday morning to the HHS."The analysis by the independent Office of the Actuary reaffirms what the Congressional Budget Office has already said: the Affordable Care Act will cover more Americans and strengthen Medicare by cracking down on waste fraud and abuse, modernizing payment systems and improving benefits by providing free preventive services, supporting innovations that help control chronic disease and closing the prescription drug donut hole," HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebeilus said in a written statement.""The Affordable Care Act will improve the health care system for all Americans and we will continue our work to quickly and carefully implement the new law," the statement concluded.The report acknowledged that some of the cost control measures in the bill Medicare cuts, a tax on high cost insurance and a commission to seek ongoing Medicare savings could help reduce the rate of cost increases beyond 2020. But it held out little hope for progress in the first decade."During 2010 2019, however, these effects would be outweighed by the increased costs associated with the expansions of health insurance coverage," wrote Richard S. Foster, Medicare's chief actuary. "Also, the longer term viability of the Medicare . reductions is doubtful." Foster's office is responsible for long range costs estimates.Republicans said the findings validate their concerns about Obama's 10 year, nearly $1 trillion plan to remake the nation's health care system."A trillion dollars gets spent, and it's no surprise health care costs are going to go up," said Rep. Dave Camp, R Mich., a leading Republican on health care issues. Camp added that he's concerned the Medicare cuts will undermine care for seniors.Congress in the past has enacted deeper Medicare cuts without disrupting service, and HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius issued a statement that sought to highlight some positive findings for seniors. For example, the report concluded that Medicare monthly premiums would be lower than otherwise expected, due to the spending reductions."The Affordable Care Act will improve the health care system for all Americans and we will continue our work to quickly and carefully implement the new law," the statement said.Passed by a divided Congress after a year of bitter partisan debate, the law would create new health insurance markets for individuals and small businesses. Starting in 2014, most Americans would be required to carry health insurance except in cases of financial hardship. Tax credits would help many middle class households pay their premiums, while Medicaid would pick up more low income people. Insurers would be required to accept all applicants, regardless of their health.A separate Congressional Budget Office analysis, also released Thursday, estimated that 4 million households would be hit with tax penalties under the law for failing to get insurance. spends $2.5 trillion a year on health care, far more per person than any other developed nation, and for results that aren't clearly better when compared to more frugal countries. could cover all its citizens for about what the nation would spend absent any reforms. The report found that the president's law missed the mark, although not by much. The overhaul will increase national health care spending by $311 billion from 2010 2019,replica vintage alhambra necklace 10 motifs, or nine tenths of 1 percent. To put that in perspective, total health care spending during the decade is estimated to surpass $35 trillion.Administration officials argue the increase is a bargain price for guaranteeing coverage to 95 percent of Americans. They also point out that the law will decrease the federal deficit by $143 billion over the 10 year period,replica cartier clover necklace, even if overall health care spending rises.The report's most sober assessments concerned Medicare.In addition to flagging the cuts to hospitals, nursing homes and other providers as potentially unsustainable, it projected that reductions in payments to private Medicare Advantage plans would trigger an exodus from the popular program. Enrollment would plummet by about 50 percent,replica turquoise van cleef necklace, as the plans reduce extra benefits that they currently offer. Seniors leaving the private plans would still have health insurance under traditional Medicare, but many might face higher out of pocket costs.In another flashing yellow light, the report warned that a new voluntary long term care insurance program created under the law faces "a very serious risk" of insolvency.
Jun 15 '17 · 0 comments
Een paar regels die Timeshare verkoop vertegenwoordigers moeten volgen

In de afgelopen paar jaar, hebben verschillende timeshare bedrijven gemaakt een naam voor zichzelf met ongelooflijke groei. Echter, deze groei werd later gevonden worden deels vanwege de krachtige en agressieve verkoop tactiek. Een flink aantal consumenten die timeshares onder valse verwachtingen zijn verkocht in het verleden zijn gekomen in een situatie waar ze omgaan met een financile ontbering. Na een poging om te verkopen hun timeshares voor vrijstelling van hun hypotheek en onderhoud vergoedingen, zien deze Amerikanen hoe groot van een verlies van hun timesharing zijn geworden. Een flink aantal van deze mensen zijn nu de vraag, "Ik terug kan geven mijn timeshare?". Het antwoord is ja! Echter, voor Amerikanen om hun timeshares terug te geven aan de ontwikkelaars te kunnen,van cleef and arpels necklace sale replica, moeten ze hebben een reden.

Ik weet wat de meerderheid van de mensen zullen denken wanneer ze leest dat laatste verklaring, "Ik heb een reden, ben ik in financile ontbering!". Helaas, financile ontbering is niet een reden in de ogen van de timeshare bedrijven. De consumenten redenen moeten geven timeshares terug die alle draaien rond 52 regels die de verkoop timeshare indusattempt regelen. Hoewel, ik heb niet genoeg ruimte in dit artikel ter dekking van alle 52 regels,replica van cleef and arpels alhambra diamond necklace, zal ik informatie over de 3 meest voorkomende gebroken regels.

Regel 1: Lang Tours: vanwege de overweldigende hoeveelheid mensen die niet gelukkig met hun timesharing zijn, zijn er verschillende studies gedaan om te kijken naar het verkoopproces timeshare en zien wat procedures zijn verlaten klanten ongelukkig. Een van de eerste dingen die werd gevonden was dat toen consumenten keek naar een timeshare eigenschap langer dan 90 minuten, deze mensen voelde meer van een gevoel van urgentie voor de aankoop van de timeshare zonder rationeel denken dan Amerikanen die alleen in reizen voor 90 minuten waren of minder. Daarom is het onwettig voor een timeshare vertegenwoordiger te verkopen een timesharing aan een consument dat in een tour voor langer dan 90 minuten dezelfde dag was.

Regel 2: Urgentie: een van de de meerderheid van de krachtige en agressieve verkoop tactieken gebruikt door timeshare verkoop vertegenwoordigers deze dagen is het verstrekken van een vals gevoel van urgentie. Studies tonen aan dat Amerikanen niet graag te verliezen op producten of een kans missen. Daarom gebruiken veel timeshare verkoop vertegenwoordigers verklaringen zoals "Dit is een once in a lifetime kans." of "Als je niet vandaag kopen kan je nooit krijgen deze aanbieding weer.". Deze uitspraken maken een angst voor verlies in de hoofden van mensen, waardoor ze een vals gevoel van urgentie om te kopen een timeshare dat ze niet normaal zou hebben gekocht. Dit soort agressieve en krachtig verkoop tactiek zijn niet getolereerd door de wet!

Regel 3: Investeringen: de investering woord is een woord dat wordt geleverd met een grote hoeveelheid aansprakelijkheid na het gebruik. Vele timeshare verkoop vertegenwoordigers gebruiken misleidende verkoop tactiek zoals verklaren dat timesharing grote investeringen zijn aan "land een verkoop". Echter,van cleef alhambra necklace replica, wanneer mensen in timesharing kijken,replica vca alhambra necklace, neigen zij om te vinden dat ze giftig investeringen opbrengst geen terugkeer in de overgrote meerderheid van gevallen zijn. Aangezien de meerderheid van timeshare verkoop vertegenwoordigers zijn niet vergunning gegeven financile adviseurs, ze mogen in geen enkele manier te gebruiken het woord investeringen of impliceren dat een timeshare een goede investering tijdens de verkoop van dat bepaalde timeshare is.

Als u n van de vele Amerikanen die het gevoel dat ze hebben zijn slachtoffer van timeshare bedrijven bent, uw beste optie mogelijk timeshare annulering. Timeshare annulering is het proces van deeding een timeshare terug naar de ontwikkelaar op basis van verschillen in het verkoopproces en contracten voor timesharing. Dit is echter iets dat ik zou suggereren een beetje van professionele hulp met krijgen.

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Jun 15 '17 · 0 comments
Driving the world's longest road through the rugged wild west

Standing on the Lake Ontario quayside in Toronto's glitzy downtown district, I could only wonder what Sir George Yonge would have thought of the street named in his honour making it into the Guinness Book of Records.

With its stylish boutiques and historic theatres dwarfed by glass and steel skyscrapers, this end of Yonge (pronounced 'young') Street looked like many other principal shopping arteries in famous cities.

'Thunder Bay,' guessed another. 'You tell me,' said a bemused third. For the record, Canada's most famous (though not best understood) street, is the world's longest. border.

Yonge Street may not be celebrated in song like America's Route 66,van cleef and arpels bracelets replica, but, as the Toronto based friend who invited me to join a four day journey in his Mercedes put it: 'To drive its whole length is to follow the brush strokes of an amazing impression of the real Canada.'

I had always thought of the railways as the sinews of Canada's nationhood,van cleef gold bracelet replica. It was a captivating idea.

Leaving Toronto, Yonge Street morphed first into demented Highway 11, as a phalanx of cars and trucks zigzagged around us. Happily, six lanes soon became four, then two, as the city gave way to expanses of silver birch and sugar maple splintered by swirling rivers.

As the forests and glassy lakes rolled by, I began to sense just how huge Canada is. Ontario just one province is nearly the size of France, Germany and Italy put together.

I tried to picture how this terra incognita must have looked to Sir George Yonge, British Secretary of War and a member of Upper Canada's Parliament in the late 18th century. after independence.

As Canada was settled, Yonge Street advanced east to west, making accessible ever expanding swathes of country preserves, in those days,bracelet alhambra van cleef replica, of the people nowadays referred to as 'First Nation', and a few fearless hunters and beaver trappers.

The road we drove is still the route into wilderness areas such as the Algonquin National Park, though today's fur capped and lumber jacketed folk who come here to hunt, fish and paddle canoes into the wilds, do so for

leisure. As the vastness of Canada unfurled further, I recalled how, years ago when driving a camper van across America with some fellow students, we used to trap locks of our long hair in the window, so we would be woken with a sharp tug when irresponsible young heads began to nod.

The safety features of our swish Mercedes were rather more subtle about keeping us on the straight and narrow: the steering wheel would vibrate in simulation of a rumble strip if it sensed I was straying too far towards the middle of the road.

And when it really reckoned the driver was losing focus, a steaming hot beverage would flash on the dash.

Thank goodness for Tim Hortons. Canada's ubiquitous coffee and doughnut chain punctuates Yonge Street and provided us with tricky choices such as between the sticky Maple Dip or the crunchy Honey Cruller (my tip, have both). The original Mr Horton was a hockey star from the small town of Cochrane, on Yonge Street.

His life is celebrated in a tiny museum at the local rink, where we watched a game between padded giants on ice another spectacle without which no tour of Canada would be complete.

The town's mascot is a polar bear, though the only live specimens are a captive pair Nanuk and Bisitek whom I was lured into 'swimming with', as we eyeballed each other through a glass wall at the Cochrane Polar Bear Habitat and Heritage Village.

We slept that night at the Station Inn, which is also the ticket office for the daily 'Polar Bear Express' that chugs up to Moosonee, a Cree Indian town on the edge of James Bay.

It is a long way north, but in truth still far from the nearest polar bear habitat.

Yonge Street runs close to the Quebec border for a hundred miles or so, so it should not have been such a surprise to me that Ontario towns such as Cochrane are bilingual, while others such as Kapuskasing are almost entirely French speaking.

Just as the Algonquin and Cree communities reminded me this country was once the domain of a different culture altogether, so I mused that a journey through Canada without its French element would be incomplete.

Despite signs warning of 'Moose on the Loose' and hunters with rifles strapped to their quad bikes, the giant creatures and potent symbols of the great Canadian outdoors proved elusive.

The roadside flying saucer and UFO visitor centre in the enchanted sounding town of Moonbeam,replica van cleef and arpels perlee bracelet, on the other hand, were all too real.

Resident Alice Follet told us tales of 'glowing lights hovering in the night sky we have seen them, others in Moonbeam have seen them. We cannot explain it. Whatever anybody believes, these chilling phenomena exist.' Curiouser and curiouser, as another Alice once said.

Then there was the town of Swastika. Yes, Swastika. I did a double take as we approached the workaday blue signboard announcing a place apparently named after the inescapable symbol of the Third Reich.

'No, no, no, nothing of the kind!' laughed resident Melissa Newton. She seemed touchingly proud of this gold mining town 'named before the National Socialists even existed after an ancient Sanskrit symbol.'

Nevertheless, I have since discovered that the miners fought a fierce battle with the Ontario government to retain the name during the 1940s. These days, it is about all the nondescript little town has to attract interest from Yonge Street passers by.
Jun 15 '17 · 0 comments
Ducks eliminate Flames in four straight games

, and scored,replica lucky alhambra bracelet, and the beat the host 3 1 on Wednesday night for a sweep of their first round playoff series.

Anaheim became the first team to advance to the conference semifinals. It was the Ducks first four game sweep since they eliminated Winnipeg in the first round in 2015 and just the fifth in franchise history,van cleef alhambra bracelet replica.

It was a short night for Flames goaltender ,van cleef and arpels diamond bracelet replica, who was pulled for after giving up a soft goal at 5:38 of the first period. Johnson allowed a goal on the second shot he faced, but finished with 20 saves.

Monahan redirection of a feed made it 2 1 at 16:07. Johnson was pulled for an extra attacker with almost 2 minutes remaining, and Getzlaf converted an empty netter in the final seconds.

A sharp angled shot by Eaves slid under Elliott pads on Anaheim third shot of the game. The Ducks quickly scored on Johnson at 6:46,replica van cleef black bracelet, with Thompson banging in a rebound.

Wild 2, Blues 0: Devan Dubnyk made 28 saves, scored in the first period and visiting Minnesota avoided elimination. also scored for Minnesota in the second. Blues goalie made 26 saves. He entered having stopped 114 of the Wild first 117 shots in the series. St. Louis still leads the best of seven series 3 1 heading into Game 5 at Minnesota on Saturday.

Capitals 5, Maple Leafs 4: and each scored two goals, and visiting Washington evened the first round playoff series at 2 2. added his third goal of the playoffs as the top seeded Capitals regained momentum ahead of Game 5 in Washington on Friday night. made 30 saves. , , and Tyler Bozak scored for Toronto.

Senators 1, Bruins 0: scored early in the third period, stopped 22 shots and visiting Ottawa grabbed a 3 1 lead in its first round series. It was Anderson fourth career playoff shutout. made 26 saves for Boston. The Bruins, who were winless in four games against the Senators in the regular season, will try to force the series back to Boston with a victory in Ottawa in Game 5 on Friday night.
Jun 15 '17 · 0 comments
Heavy rainfall warning for Fraser Valley

Environment Canada posted a weather warning early Tuesday morning, saying up to 70 millimetres of rain is expected by Wednesday morning in the Fraser Valley, including Chilliwack.Meanwhile,van cleef clover bracelet replica, parts of the Interior will see up to 30 centimetres of snow Tuesday night and Wednesday morning. If you're going to the Interior by car, you might want to check the DriveBC website before setting out.Environment Canada says the largest accumulations of snowfall will be on the Coquihalla Highway between Hope and Merritt,clover bracelet van cleef and arpels replica, and Highway 3 from Hope to Princeton via Allison Pass.While snow may blanket the Interior over the next couple of days, there's none in the forecast for Metro Vancouver. In fact, forecasters are predicting a warmer and drier than normal winter for the region.The Weather Network has released its winter outlook for Canada and says temperatures will be much like last year,replica van cleef and arpels perlee bracelet, with warmer than normal conditions over the next few months.Chief Meteorologist Chris Scott says British Columbians can expect a repeat of 2013's low precipitation levels and warmer temperatures. However,van cleef arpels bracelet replica, for much of the rest of the country, he's predicting colder than average temperatures from eastern Saskatchewan through to New Brunswick.
Jun 15 '17 · 0 comments
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Etiquetas del artculo: Cavalier king charles spaniel, informacin de Cavalier king charles spaniel

Cavalier King Charles Spaniel y el cuidado que necesitan

Por fin. ha llegado el momento para que traiga a casa uno de los Charles Spaniels Cavalier King criada por un criador de renombre en su rea. Con ella viene la responsabilidad ms emocionante an bastante desafiante cuidando y moldear este poco uno para convertirse en un perro educado que usted puede estar orgulloso de. Por slo pensar de esta responsabilidad, a veces hizo algunos propietarios, especialmente nuevos propietarios, pregunto si desempear el papel de un propietario de perro lo suficientemente bien como para llegar a una mascota muy bien entrenada que es agradable estar alrededor de.

Etiquetas del artculo: Cavalier king Spaniel charles, formacin de King charles spaniel

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Formacin de un Cavalier King Charles Spaniel es algo que debe hacerse a la brevedad posible,van cleef arpels knock off alhambra necklace. Socializacin debe comenzar a alrededor de tres semanas de edad y termina en alrededor de 12 semanas de edad. A continuacin se presentan algunos consejos de entrenamiento que podra resultarle til en la formacin de tu Cavalier King Charles Spaniel.
Jun 15 '17 · 0 comments
George Osborne's speech in full

Reform to improve schools,van cleef and arpels fake clover necklace, investment to build homes and infrastructure because we know that's the only way to deliver real opportunity and social mobility.

And we know that the best way we can help working people is to help them to save and let them keep more of the money they earn.

To make sure they have available to them the best statistics in the world I am today accepting all of the recommendations of Sir Charlie Bean's excellent report.

I also want to take this moment to thank another great public servant, Sir Nicholas Macpherson.

He has served as Permanent Secretary to the Treasury for ten years, under three very different Chancellors, and throughout he has always demonstrated the great British civil service values of integrity and impartiality.

He's here today to watch the last of 34 Budgets he's worked on, and on behalf of the House and the dedicated officials in the Treasury, I thank him for his service.

We saw under the last government what happened when a Chancellor of the Exchequer revised up the trend growth rate, spent money the country didn't have, and left it to the next generation to pick up the bill.

I'm not going to let that happen on my watch.

These days, thanks to the fact we have established independent forecasts,van cleef fake alhambra necklace, our country is confronted with the truth as economic challenges emerge, and can act on them before it's too late.

We fix our plans to fit the figures; we don't fix the figures to fit the plans.

The IMF have warned us this month that the global economy is "at a delicate juncture" and faces a growing "risk of economic derailment".

Eight years ago, Britain was the worst prepared of any of the major economies for the crisis we then faced.

Today,van cleef and arpels fake necklace, Britain is among the best prepared for whatever challenges may lie ahead.

That is what our long term economic plan has been all about,van cleef fake necklace wholesale.

When I became Chancellor we borrowed 1 in every 4 we spent. Next year it will be 1 in every 14. Our banks have doubled their capital ratios.

And we have doubled our foreign exchange reserves.

And we have a clear, consistent and accountable monetary policy framework, admired around the world.

The hard work of fixing our economy is paying off.

In 2014, we were the fastest growing major advanced economy in the world.

In 2015, we were ahead of everyone but America.

So let me give the OBR's latest forecasts for our economic growth in the face of the new assessment of productivity and the slowing global economy.

I can confirm that, in these turbulent times, the latest international forecast expects Britain to grow faster this year than any other major advanced economy in the world.

Mr Deputy Speaker, the OBR are explicit today that their forecasts are predicated on Britain remaining in the European Union.
Jun 15 '17 · 0 comments
Grandson of Manson murder victims speaks out about possible parole

LOS ANGELES A California parole panel made the surprising move Thursday to recommend parole for Leslie Van Houten,van cleef and arpels butterfly knock off necklace, a former Manson family member and convicted killer.

Van Houten took part in the 1969 murder of Leno LaBianca, a Los Feliz grocer,van cleef fake necklace alhambra, and his wife Rosemary. Van Houten stabbed Rosemary 14 times. The La Biancas were chosen by the Manson family at random.

Through a gut wrenching saga,van cleef knock off necklaces, LaMontagne says the stories of the victims like his grandparents have been lost. Leno LaBianca was growing his business when he and wife were killed.

"I've grown up my entire life with this as part of my family. Hearing stories from my grandmother," LaMontagne said, before being overcome with emotion. "Sorry."

LaMontagne said as he as gotten older,clover necklace replica van cleef, he's made a sobering realization.

"My grandfather was 44 years old. His wife was 38. I'm 44. So, I grew up with these stories about how my grandfather was an old man. He had lived a long life. That would be like if I were to die right now," he said.
Jun 15 '17 · 0 comments
free India set for FIH World League Semifinals

India hockey players go through the grind during a training session. Photograph: Hockey India/Facebook

Already assured of a place in next year's Rio Olympics, a relaxed Indian men's hockey team would look to experiment with its strategies in the FIH World League Semifinals. India take on a lowly France in the side's tournament opener in Antwerp on Saturday.

The Indian men's team is the only one in this tournament, which includes reigning World Champions Australia besides former Olympic champions Pakistan and Great Britain, to have already secured its passage to Rio by virtue of winning the gold medal at the Incheon Asian Games in 2014.

Under the stewardship of new chief coach Paul van Ass, the Indian men's team has the rare luxury of trying out new strategies in a major international event.

India hockey coach Paul van Ass. Photograph: Hockey India/Facebook

Van Ass acknowledged that India is now able to match the pace set by the rivals, but his wards need to back their ability of setting the pace to suit their game plan.

"When fit enough, the Indian players are quite good when the rivals make the pace of the contest, but they need to learn to dictate the flow of the contest," said Van Ass, who

took charge of the Indian team two months ago ahead of the Azlan Shah Cup in Malaysia, where the team won the bronze medal.

"We need to be much better in making the speed of the game,van cleef and arpels clover knock off necklace," said the Dutchman, adding that the team also needs to be more coordinated when defending its own goal.

"Defending as a group is important. It is a structure story about getting the angles right,van cleef & arpels fake necklace."

India coach Paul Van Ass speaks with media persons. Photograph: Hockey India

India's qualification for the Olympic Games has provided the former Dutch national coach, some time to implement his strategy and assess the abilities of the players available to him, although a few injuries during the training camp ahead of the Belgian sojourn has put paid to the Team plans.

Three late changes were made to the Indian squad for the World League Semifinals.

India are pooled alongside Australia, thrice World Cup holders, and arch rivals Pakistan, beside Poland and France in Group A.

The French are India's opening day rivals, who have grown in strength in recent years.

"I hope our training on creating early pressure will be evident when we go into the competition," said Van Ass.

India hockey players celebrate a goal. Photograph: Hockey India/Facebook

Having got a feel of France's ability in a warm up game here early this week,van cleef and arpels butterfly replica necklace, India captain, Sardar Singh said: "We'll go out to exert early pressure and retain maximum possession."

It was a runaway victory over France in the qualification tournament's final that secured India's passage to the 2012 Olympic Games,van cleef and arpels butterfly copy necklace, which then turned out to be an embarrassment as the Indians finished at the bottom of the 12 team event in London.

Three spots from each of the World League Semifinals are on offer for the Olympic Games, but even some positions outside the Semifinals have realistic chances of making it to the 2016 Olympics. The multiple qualification routes that allocate five spots to continental tournaments can have some teams securing dual Olympic qualification, and that could allow even teams placed fifth or sixth in the World League Semifinals to make it to Rio.

Men Pool A: Australia, India, Pakistan, Poland and France.

Pool B: Great Britain, Belgium , Malaysia, Ireland and China. Republication or redistribution of PTI content, including by framing or similar means, is expressly prohibited without the prior written consent.
Jun 15 '17 · 0 comments
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