nikesasasassa's blog
Never Give Up On Trying To Reach Trump Voters
Van Jones delivered a profoundly Van Cleef rose gold ring fake heart wrenching speech amidst the chaos during election night and his words on Monday's "Daily Show with Trevor Noah" were just as poignant.
Jones greeted Noah by saying, "Welcome to hell," imploring viewers to recognize that Donald Trump's presidency is not just a "ratings bonanza" for talk show hosts, but it means suffering "for the rest of us."
The discourse that follows breaks down who exactly the Trump supporters were and how we haven't understood them properly, with Jones indicating that not all those who voted Trump did so for "racially negative reasons."
Jones says he's inspired by Nelson Mandela, Martin Luther King Jr., and Ella Jo Baker who've been through "much worse" than him but never give up.
"I have one bad election fake Van Cleef Alhambra ring and Van Cleef butterfly Ring fake some bad tweets and quit? I can't do that. And I will tell you: You cannot, especially this younger generation. They can't quit either. I am a ninth generation American. A ninth generation American," Jones says, emphatically. "I'm the first one in my family born with all my rights. My relatives didn't quit and I'm not going either and neither should these young people. We're just getting started."
In conjunction with these statements, Jones said a recent interview with Esquire that we need to have "more authentic conversation."
"Disagreement is fine. Conflict is fine. But let it be authentic. Let it be true, which starts off with: nobody is perfect. None of these candidates are perfect. None of these political parties are perfect," he says. "It's this whole mess that we're in. You know, what can we honestly discover together? That's a constructive conversation. That's the conversation I want to have."
Van Jones delivered a profoundly Van Cleef rose gold ring fake heart wrenching speech amidst the chaos during election night and his words on Monday's "Daily Show with Trevor Noah" were just as poignant.
Jones greeted Noah by saying, "Welcome to hell," imploring viewers to recognize that Donald Trump's presidency is not just a "ratings bonanza" for talk show hosts, but it means suffering "for the rest of us."
The discourse that follows breaks down who exactly the Trump supporters were and how we haven't understood them properly, with Jones indicating that not all those who voted Trump did so for "racially negative reasons."
Jones says he's inspired by Nelson Mandela, Martin Luther King Jr., and Ella Jo Baker who've been through "much worse" than him but never give up.
"I have one bad election fake Van Cleef Alhambra ring and Van Cleef butterfly Ring fake some bad tweets and quit? I can't do that. And I will tell you: You cannot, especially this younger generation. They can't quit either. I am a ninth generation American. A ninth generation American," Jones says, emphatically. "I'm the first one in my family born with all my rights. My relatives didn't quit and I'm not going either and neither should these young people. We're just getting started."
In conjunction with these statements, Jones said a recent interview with Esquire that we need to have "more authentic conversation."
"Disagreement is fine. Conflict is fine. But let it be authentic. Let it be true, which starts off with: nobody is perfect. None of these candidates are perfect. None of these political parties are perfect," he says. "It's this whole mess that we're in. You know, what can we honestly discover together? That's a constructive conversation. That's the conversation I want to have."
Jennifer Wilkinson
I completed my PhD in 1992 at the University of Melbourne. I began my post doctoral research career in the Department of Anatomy and Cell Biology and later joined the Department of Physiology. I have been awarded the Sir Colin and Lady MacKenzie Fellowship in Comparative Anatomy and been a NHMRC research fellow. My primary interest is research, and I am a Principal Research Fellow and Associate Professor. I head the Diabetes and Vascular Biology Laboratory.My primary focus is to understand the contribution of vasoactive and growth factor systems to the development of diabetic microvascular complications. I have a background in diabetic nephropathy, and in recent times have also become also interested in diabetic retinopathy; the major cause of blindness in the working population. In collaboration with Dr Erica Fletcher from the Department of Anatomy and Cell Biology, we are able to use a multidisciplinary approach (endocrinology, neuroscience, pathology, biochemistry, replica Van Cleef and Arpels ring molecular biology) to investigate progressive alterations to the retinal vasculature and neuro glia. This is possible due to the development of a unique model of diabetic retinopathy, the streptozotocin diabetic Ren 2 rat. Strong links with industry allow testing of novel pharmacological and gene therapies against specific vasoactive and growth factor pathways. My intention is to develop new, safe and effective treatment regimens for patients with diabetic retinopathy. If successful, this would be a major advance over current invasive therapies such as laser treatment.Wilkinson Berka JL, Tan Van Cleef & Arpels ring fake G, Jaworski K, Ninkovic S. Valsartan but not Atenolol Improves Vascular Pathology in Diabetic Ren 2 Rat Retina. Am J Hypertens. 2007;20(4):423 30.Phipps JA, Wilkinson Berka JL, Fletcher EL. Retinal dysfunction in diabetic ren 2 rats is ameliorated by treatment with valsartan but not atenolol. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2007;48(2):927 34.Wilkinson Berka JL, Wraight C, Werther G. The role of growth hormone, insulin like growth factor and somatostatin in diabetic retinopathy. Curr Med Chem. 2006;13(27):3307 17. Review.Wilkinson Berka JL, Jones D, Taylor G, Jaworski K, Kelly DJ, Ludbrook SB, Willette RN, Kumar S, Gilbert RE. SB 267268, a nonpeptidic antagonist of alpha(v)beta3 and alpha(v)beta5 integrins, reduces angiogenesis and VEGF expression in a mouse model of retinopathy of prematurity. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2006 Apr;47(4):1600 5.Wilkinson Berka JL. Angiotensin and diabetic retinopathy. Int J Biochem Cell Biol. 2006;38(5 6):752 65. Epub 2005 Sep 1. Review. Fletcher EL, Phipps JA, Wilkinson Berka JL. Dysfunction of retinal neurons and glia during diabetes. Clin Exp Optom. 2005 May;88(3):132 45. Review.Sarlos S, Wilkinson Berka JL. The renin angiotensin system and Van Cleef and Arpels replica ring the developing retinal vasculature. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2005 Mar;46(3):1069 77.Wilkinson Berka JL, Babic S, De Gooyer TE, Stitt AW, Jaworski K, Ong GT, Kelly DJ, Gilbert RE. Inhibition of platelet derived growth factor promotes pericyte loss and angiogenesis in ischaemic retinopathy. Am J Pathol. 2004;164:1263 1273Wilkinson Berka JL, Fletcher EL. Angiotensin and bradykinin: targets for the treatment of vascular and neuro glial pathology in diabetic retinopathy. Curr Pharm Des. 2004;10:3313 3330Wilkinson Berka JL. Diabetes and retinal vascular disorders: role of the reninangiotensin system. Expert Rev Mol Med. 2004 Jul 23;6(15):1 18.Sarlos S, Rizkalla B, Moravski CJ, Cao Z, Cooper ME, Wilkinson Berka JL. Retinal angiogenesis is mediated by an interaction between the angiotensin type 2 receptor, VEGF, and angiopoietin. Am J Pathol. 2003;163:879 887Moravski CJ, Skinner SL, Stubbs AJ, Sarlos S, Kelly DJ, Cooper ME, Gilbert RE, Wilkinson Berka JL. The renin angiotensin system influences ocular endothelial cell proliferation in diabetes: transgenic and interventional studies. Am J Pathol. 2003;162:151 160Wilkinson Berka JL, Kelly SJ, Koerner SM, Jaworski K, Davis B, Thallas V, Cooper ME. ALT 946 and aminoguanidine, inhibitors of advanced glycation, improve severe nephropathy in the diabetic transgenic (mREN 2)27 rat. Diabetes. 2002;51:3283 289
I completed my PhD in 1992 at the University of Melbourne. I began my post doctoral research career in the Department of Anatomy and Cell Biology and later joined the Department of Physiology. I have been awarded the Sir Colin and Lady MacKenzie Fellowship in Comparative Anatomy and been a NHMRC research fellow. My primary interest is research, and I am a Principal Research Fellow and Associate Professor. I head the Diabetes and Vascular Biology Laboratory.My primary focus is to understand the contribution of vasoactive and growth factor systems to the development of diabetic microvascular complications. I have a background in diabetic nephropathy, and in recent times have also become also interested in diabetic retinopathy; the major cause of blindness in the working population. In collaboration with Dr Erica Fletcher from the Department of Anatomy and Cell Biology, we are able to use a multidisciplinary approach (endocrinology, neuroscience, pathology, biochemistry, replica Van Cleef and Arpels ring molecular biology) to investigate progressive alterations to the retinal vasculature and neuro glia. This is possible due to the development of a unique model of diabetic retinopathy, the streptozotocin diabetic Ren 2 rat. Strong links with industry allow testing of novel pharmacological and gene therapies against specific vasoactive and growth factor pathways. My intention is to develop new, safe and effective treatment regimens for patients with diabetic retinopathy. If successful, this would be a major advance over current invasive therapies such as laser treatment.Wilkinson Berka JL, Tan Van Cleef & Arpels ring fake G, Jaworski K, Ninkovic S. Valsartan but not Atenolol Improves Vascular Pathology in Diabetic Ren 2 Rat Retina. Am J Hypertens. 2007;20(4):423 30.Phipps JA, Wilkinson Berka JL, Fletcher EL. Retinal dysfunction in diabetic ren 2 rats is ameliorated by treatment with valsartan but not atenolol. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2007;48(2):927 34.Wilkinson Berka JL, Wraight C, Werther G. The role of growth hormone, insulin like growth factor and somatostatin in diabetic retinopathy. Curr Med Chem. 2006;13(27):3307 17. Review.Wilkinson Berka JL, Jones D, Taylor G, Jaworski K, Kelly DJ, Ludbrook SB, Willette RN, Kumar S, Gilbert RE. SB 267268, a nonpeptidic antagonist of alpha(v)beta3 and alpha(v)beta5 integrins, reduces angiogenesis and VEGF expression in a mouse model of retinopathy of prematurity. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2006 Apr;47(4):1600 5.Wilkinson Berka JL. Angiotensin and diabetic retinopathy. Int J Biochem Cell Biol. 2006;38(5 6):752 65. Epub 2005 Sep 1. Review. Fletcher EL, Phipps JA, Wilkinson Berka JL. Dysfunction of retinal neurons and glia during diabetes. Clin Exp Optom. 2005 May;88(3):132 45. Review.Sarlos S, Wilkinson Berka JL. The renin angiotensin system and Van Cleef and Arpels replica ring the developing retinal vasculature. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2005 Mar;46(3):1069 77.Wilkinson Berka JL, Babic S, De Gooyer TE, Stitt AW, Jaworski K, Ong GT, Kelly DJ, Gilbert RE. Inhibition of platelet derived growth factor promotes pericyte loss and angiogenesis in ischaemic retinopathy. Am J Pathol. 2004;164:1263 1273Wilkinson Berka JL, Fletcher EL. Angiotensin and bradykinin: targets for the treatment of vascular and neuro glial pathology in diabetic retinopathy. Curr Pharm Des. 2004;10:3313 3330Wilkinson Berka JL. Diabetes and retinal vascular disorders: role of the reninangiotensin system. Expert Rev Mol Med. 2004 Jul 23;6(15):1 18.Sarlos S, Rizkalla B, Moravski CJ, Cao Z, Cooper ME, Wilkinson Berka JL. Retinal angiogenesis is mediated by an interaction between the angiotensin type 2 receptor, VEGF, and angiopoietin. Am J Pathol. 2003;163:879 887Moravski CJ, Skinner SL, Stubbs AJ, Sarlos S, Kelly DJ, Cooper ME, Gilbert RE, Wilkinson Berka JL. The renin angiotensin system influences ocular endothelial cell proliferation in diabetes: transgenic and interventional studies. Am J Pathol. 2003;162:151 160Wilkinson Berka JL, Kelly SJ, Koerner SM, Jaworski K, Davis B, Thallas V, Cooper ME. ALT 946 and aminoguanidine, inhibitors of advanced glycation, improve severe nephropathy in the diabetic transgenic (mREN 2)27 rat. Diabetes. 2002;51:3283 289
mo funciona la mente de un ladr
Mi cmplice, Claire Nee, me seala una chaqueta que cuelga en una silla, dentro de la que hay una cartera con tarjetas de crdito y llaves que hubiera podido llevarme fcilmente.
Luego, seala el iPad que dej en la silla y los pasaportes en los cajones. Estoy destrozado: pens que iba a ser un ladrn bastante bueno.
Al menos no tengo que preocuparme porque me descubra la polica. La casa que estamos robando no es real; est en la pantalla de la computadora y forma parte de un programa de realidad virtual que puedo controlar con un ratn.
Es la ltima herramienta que Nee, una psicloga forense de la Universidad de Portsmouth (Reino Unido), ha estado utilizando para intentar meterse en la mente de los ladrones.
"En el pasado, la gente pensaba que los ladrones eran impulsivos, indiscriminados y oportunistas. No pensaban que fuesen muy listos porque normalmente no tienen gran educacin", dice.
Y esto ha sido un error. Nee ha visto que los ladrones tienen una compleja caja de herramientas cognitivas, con habilidades desarrolladas y automticas, muy similar a la de un jugador de ajedrez o una estrella del tenis.
Piloto automticoNee empez su investigacin en crceles, donde pregunt detalladamente a los delincuentes sobre sus fechoras.
Investig en sus recuerdos con entrevistas y cuestionarios, y mostrndoles fotos y mapas de casas y de calles para intentar que recordaran sus estrategias.
Podramos pensar que los delincuentes condenados son desconfiados o tienen una actitud hostil hacia alguien que intenta descubrir sus secretos. Pero, en realidad, les gusta.
"La mayor parte del tiempo estn muy aburridos. As que estn encantados con que alguien se interese por van cleef & arpels copy necklace lo que hacen", dice Nee.
En sus experimentos, la investigadora ha mostrado que la mayor parte de los ladrones trabajan con un habilidoso "piloto automtico" que les permite aprovechar rpido las oportunidades que encuentran.
Todo empieza mucho antes del da en que cometen el delito. Cuando el ladrn empieza a necesitar dinero, comienza a fijarse en objetivos potenciales durante sus actividades diarias, como pasear al perro, por poner un ejemplo.
Pero son sorprendentemente flexibles y pueden cambiar rpidamente de idea el mismo da si ven otra casa que es de ms fcil acceso, porque alguien ha dejado la puerta o una ventana abiertas o porque los propietarios estn fuera.
Una vez dentro, el piloto automtico es esencial para que el delincuente no pierda la cabeza, tal y como experiment yo mismo en mi intento chapucero de robo.
En el subconscienteNee tambin utiliza una simulacin de realidad virtual para pedir a ladrones convictos que demuestren cmo procederan en un robo.
A pesar de lo artificial de la situacin, tienden a tomrselo en serio y muestran un comportamiento igual al que tendran en una casa real.
"Qu tan complicado puede ser?", me pregunt a m mismo mientras entraba en esa casa virtual.
Aunque saba que deba fijarme en los objetos pequeos, fcilmente transportables y fake van alhambra long necklace de mucho valor, de alguna forma mis ojos no se fijaron en ellos.
Mi mente iba de prisa, pero no pude encontrar nada, as que acab decidindome por los objetos grandes y difciles de manejar.
Mi confusin ofrece un gran contraste con el comportamiento de los ladrones en las simulaciones de Nee, que desarroll junto con Martin White en la Universidad de Sussex (Reino Unido).
Los ladrones experimentados siguieron en su mayora la misma ruta por la casa, yendo primero a las habitaciones de arriba y luego a las de abajo.
Encontraron fcilmente los bolsillos con las carteras y las tarjetas de crdito, as como las ropas de diseo, van cleef alhambra copy necklace las joyas y otros pequeos objetos de valor, dejando atrs los aparatos electrnicos que se quedarn obsoletos rpidamente.
Con una media de solo cuatro minutos en la casa, los profesionales acumularon objetos por un valor de cerca de US$1.560 ms que el grupo de control con estudiantes que utiliz Nee como comparacin.
Sorprendentemente, la mayor parte de los procesos mentales parecieron llevarse a cabo en el subconsciente, dejando ms espacio mental al ladrn para lidiar con el riesgo de ser descubierto.
Trucos para defendersePor este comportamiento rpido, sistemtico e inconsciente, Nee compara los robos con otras formas actividades que exigen pericia, desde la msica al tenis o el ajedrez.
Los mejores en estas reas dicen entrar en un estado similar de "fluidez" en el que toman la mayora de decisiones cruciales sin ser conscientes.
Y al igual que con esos otros tipos de expertos, Nee cree que los robos dependen de complejos "esquemas psicolgicos".
Puede que la teora de Nee parezca un poco abstracta, pero ella espera que sirva para indicar formas prcticas para luchar contra la delincuencia.
Teniendo en cuenta las conclusiones de sus investigaciones, no le sorprende que las alarmas ya no sirvan mucho para disuadir a los ladrones; al or una alarma, la mayora de los vecinos tardan unos 20 minutos en llamar a la polica, as que no son una gran amenaza.
Mi cmplice, Claire Nee, me seala una chaqueta que cuelga en una silla, dentro de la que hay una cartera con tarjetas de crdito y llaves que hubiera podido llevarme fcilmente.
Luego, seala el iPad que dej en la silla y los pasaportes en los cajones. Estoy destrozado: pens que iba a ser un ladrn bastante bueno.
Al menos no tengo que preocuparme porque me descubra la polica. La casa que estamos robando no es real; est en la pantalla de la computadora y forma parte de un programa de realidad virtual que puedo controlar con un ratn.
Es la ltima herramienta que Nee, una psicloga forense de la Universidad de Portsmouth (Reino Unido), ha estado utilizando para intentar meterse en la mente de los ladrones.
"En el pasado, la gente pensaba que los ladrones eran impulsivos, indiscriminados y oportunistas. No pensaban que fuesen muy listos porque normalmente no tienen gran educacin", dice.
Y esto ha sido un error. Nee ha visto que los ladrones tienen una compleja caja de herramientas cognitivas, con habilidades desarrolladas y automticas, muy similar a la de un jugador de ajedrez o una estrella del tenis.
Piloto automticoNee empez su investigacin en crceles, donde pregunt detalladamente a los delincuentes sobre sus fechoras.
Investig en sus recuerdos con entrevistas y cuestionarios, y mostrndoles fotos y mapas de casas y de calles para intentar que recordaran sus estrategias.
Podramos pensar que los delincuentes condenados son desconfiados o tienen una actitud hostil hacia alguien que intenta descubrir sus secretos. Pero, en realidad, les gusta.
"La mayor parte del tiempo estn muy aburridos. As que estn encantados con que alguien se interese por van cleef & arpels copy necklace lo que hacen", dice Nee.
En sus experimentos, la investigadora ha mostrado que la mayor parte de los ladrones trabajan con un habilidoso "piloto automtico" que les permite aprovechar rpido las oportunidades que encuentran.
Todo empieza mucho antes del da en que cometen el delito. Cuando el ladrn empieza a necesitar dinero, comienza a fijarse en objetivos potenciales durante sus actividades diarias, como pasear al perro, por poner un ejemplo.
Pero son sorprendentemente flexibles y pueden cambiar rpidamente de idea el mismo da si ven otra casa que es de ms fcil acceso, porque alguien ha dejado la puerta o una ventana abiertas o porque los propietarios estn fuera.
Una vez dentro, el piloto automtico es esencial para que el delincuente no pierda la cabeza, tal y como experiment yo mismo en mi intento chapucero de robo.
En el subconscienteNee tambin utiliza una simulacin de realidad virtual para pedir a ladrones convictos que demuestren cmo procederan en un robo.
A pesar de lo artificial de la situacin, tienden a tomrselo en serio y muestran un comportamiento igual al que tendran en una casa real.
"Qu tan complicado puede ser?", me pregunt a m mismo mientras entraba en esa casa virtual.
Aunque saba que deba fijarme en los objetos pequeos, fcilmente transportables y fake van alhambra long necklace de mucho valor, de alguna forma mis ojos no se fijaron en ellos.
Mi mente iba de prisa, pero no pude encontrar nada, as que acab decidindome por los objetos grandes y difciles de manejar.
Mi confusin ofrece un gran contraste con el comportamiento de los ladrones en las simulaciones de Nee, que desarroll junto con Martin White en la Universidad de Sussex (Reino Unido).
Los ladrones experimentados siguieron en su mayora la misma ruta por la casa, yendo primero a las habitaciones de arriba y luego a las de abajo.
Encontraron fcilmente los bolsillos con las carteras y las tarjetas de crdito, as como las ropas de diseo, van cleef alhambra copy necklace las joyas y otros pequeos objetos de valor, dejando atrs los aparatos electrnicos que se quedarn obsoletos rpidamente.
Con una media de solo cuatro minutos en la casa, los profesionales acumularon objetos por un valor de cerca de US$1.560 ms que el grupo de control con estudiantes que utiliz Nee como comparacin.
Sorprendentemente, la mayor parte de los procesos mentales parecieron llevarse a cabo en el subconsciente, dejando ms espacio mental al ladrn para lidiar con el riesgo de ser descubierto.
Trucos para defendersePor este comportamiento rpido, sistemtico e inconsciente, Nee compara los robos con otras formas actividades que exigen pericia, desde la msica al tenis o el ajedrez.
Los mejores en estas reas dicen entrar en un estado similar de "fluidez" en el que toman la mayora de decisiones cruciales sin ser conscientes.
Y al igual que con esos otros tipos de expertos, Nee cree que los robos dependen de complejos "esquemas psicolgicos".
Puede que la teora de Nee parezca un poco abstracta, pero ella espera que sirva para indicar formas prcticas para luchar contra la delincuencia.
Teniendo en cuenta las conclusiones de sus investigaciones, no le sorprende que las alarmas ya no sirvan mucho para disuadir a los ladrones; al or una alarma, la mayora de los vecinos tardan unos 20 minutos en llamar a la polica, as que no son una gran amenaza.
Nibali Completes Tour De France Triumph
Vincenzo Nibali completed overall victory of the Tour de France by safely negotiating a tense final stage into Paris won by Marcel Kittel.
Nibali crossed the finish line on the Champs Elysees in the peloton to seal a dominant 7min 52sec victory over Jean Christophe Peraud, who recovered from a crash with 43km remaining to consolidate second place overall.
Kittel claimed his second consecutive victory on the Champs Elysees widely regarded as cycling most prestigious sprint and fourth win of this year Tour after beating Alexander Kristoff into second and Ramunas Navardauskas into third.
Kittel said: tried to pass Kristoff at the end and at one moment he couldn accelerate any more, and that was my moment to pass him just before the finish line. I am super proud and very happy. his victory speech, Nibali said: that I am here on the top step of the podium, it is more beautiful than I could ever have imagined. I have worked towards this for a very long time. Now I have managed to achieve this goal. 137.5km final stage began in Evry and was largely processional up until the riders reached the finishing circuit in Paris, with Nibali posing for photos with his Astana team mates and receiving the congratulations of his fellow riders.
However, when racing began with 56km to go, the stage suddenly became treacherous as teams looked to put riders in the breakaway, ramping the pace up in the process and stringing the bunch out in a long line.
All of the general classification riders were merely looking to stay safe and preserve their places in the overall standings, but Peraud crashed heavily and became cut adrift of the marauding peloton.
Nibali rode to the front of the bunch to ask the pace setters to slow down and van cleef ans arpels clover diamond necklace replica wait for Peraud, and although riders continued to attack, the main body of the peloton backed off sufficiently to let the Frenchman rejoin around 6km after his fall.
Things settled down further when a four man breakaway moved clear shortly after, and although Richie Porte then attacked from that group with 13.5km to go, his was reeled in by the main pack 6km later as the sprint teams successfully set up their desired bunch finish.
Kittel Giant Shimano team turned the last corner in pole position, but Katusha Kristoff fake van cleef alhambra White Gold Pendant launched his sprint early and surged past and into the lead. It looked like he would narrowly hold off Kittel, only for the German to find a second kick in the last 75m and win by a half a wheel.
Nibali puffed out his cheeks in relief as he followed them over the line in the main bunch, while Rafal Majka, Peter Sagan and Thibaut Pinot all also managed to stay safe to seal victory in the mountains, points and best young rider classifications respectively.
Stage 21 result
1 Marcel Kittel (Ger) Giant Shimano, 3:20:502 Alexander Kristoff (Nor)Katusha, same time3 Ramunas Navardauskas (Lth) Garmin Sharp, st4 Andr imitation Van Cleef & Arpels Clover necklace Greipel (Ger) Lotto Belisol, st5 Mark Renshaw (Aus) Omega Pharma Quick Step, st6 Bernhard Eisel (Aut) Team Sky, st7 Bryan Coquard (Fra) Europcar, st8 Alessandro Petacchi (Ita) Omega Pharma Quick Step, st9 Peter Sagan (Svk) Cannondale, st10 Romain Feillu (Fra) Bretagne S Environnement, st1 Vincenzo Nibali (Ita) Astana, 89:58:462 Jean Christophe Peraud (Fra) Ag2r La Mondiale, +7:523 Thibaut Pinot (Fra) FDJ, +8:244 Alejandro Valverde (Spa) Movistar, +9:555 Tejay Van Garderen (USA) BMC, +11:446 Romain Bardet (Fra) Ag2r La Mondiale, +11:467 Leopold Konig (Cze) NetApp Endura, +14:418 Haimar Zubeldia (Spa) Trek Factory Racing, +18:129 Laurens Ten Dam (Ned) Belkin, +18:2010 Bauke Mollema (Ned) Belkin, +21:24
Vincenzo Nibali completed overall victory of the Tour de France by safely negotiating a tense final stage into Paris won by Marcel Kittel.
Nibali crossed the finish line on the Champs Elysees in the peloton to seal a dominant 7min 52sec victory over Jean Christophe Peraud, who recovered from a crash with 43km remaining to consolidate second place overall.
Kittel claimed his second consecutive victory on the Champs Elysees widely regarded as cycling most prestigious sprint and fourth win of this year Tour after beating Alexander Kristoff into second and Ramunas Navardauskas into third.
Kittel said: tried to pass Kristoff at the end and at one moment he couldn accelerate any more, and that was my moment to pass him just before the finish line. I am super proud and very happy. his victory speech, Nibali said: that I am here on the top step of the podium, it is more beautiful than I could ever have imagined. I have worked towards this for a very long time. Now I have managed to achieve this goal. 137.5km final stage began in Evry and was largely processional up until the riders reached the finishing circuit in Paris, with Nibali posing for photos with his Astana team mates and receiving the congratulations of his fellow riders.
However, when racing began with 56km to go, the stage suddenly became treacherous as teams looked to put riders in the breakaway, ramping the pace up in the process and stringing the bunch out in a long line.
All of the general classification riders were merely looking to stay safe and preserve their places in the overall standings, but Peraud crashed heavily and became cut adrift of the marauding peloton.
Nibali rode to the front of the bunch to ask the pace setters to slow down and van cleef ans arpels clover diamond necklace replica wait for Peraud, and although riders continued to attack, the main body of the peloton backed off sufficiently to let the Frenchman rejoin around 6km after his fall.
Things settled down further when a four man breakaway moved clear shortly after, and although Richie Porte then attacked from that group with 13.5km to go, his was reeled in by the main pack 6km later as the sprint teams successfully set up their desired bunch finish.
Kittel Giant Shimano team turned the last corner in pole position, but Katusha Kristoff fake van cleef alhambra White Gold Pendant launched his sprint early and surged past and into the lead. It looked like he would narrowly hold off Kittel, only for the German to find a second kick in the last 75m and win by a half a wheel.
Nibali puffed out his cheeks in relief as he followed them over the line in the main bunch, while Rafal Majka, Peter Sagan and Thibaut Pinot all also managed to stay safe to seal victory in the mountains, points and best young rider classifications respectively.
Stage 21 result
1 Marcel Kittel (Ger) Giant Shimano, 3:20:502 Alexander Kristoff (Nor)Katusha, same time3 Ramunas Navardauskas (Lth) Garmin Sharp, st4 Andr imitation Van Cleef & Arpels Clover necklace Greipel (Ger) Lotto Belisol, st5 Mark Renshaw (Aus) Omega Pharma Quick Step, st6 Bernhard Eisel (Aut) Team Sky, st7 Bryan Coquard (Fra) Europcar, st8 Alessandro Petacchi (Ita) Omega Pharma Quick Step, st9 Peter Sagan (Svk) Cannondale, st10 Romain Feillu (Fra) Bretagne S Environnement, st1 Vincenzo Nibali (Ita) Astana, 89:58:462 Jean Christophe Peraud (Fra) Ag2r La Mondiale, +7:523 Thibaut Pinot (Fra) FDJ, +8:244 Alejandro Valverde (Spa) Movistar, +9:555 Tejay Van Garderen (USA) BMC, +11:446 Romain Bardet (Fra) Ag2r La Mondiale, +11:467 Leopold Konig (Cze) NetApp Endura, +14:418 Haimar Zubeldia (Spa) Trek Factory Racing, +18:129 Laurens Ten Dam (Ned) Belkin, +18:2010 Bauke Mollema (Ned) Belkin, +21:24
Meet The 13 Youngest Legislators In America That We Could Find
Blair became a media sensation in November 2014, after the 18 year old Republican won a seat in the West Virginia House of Delegates. The college freshman at West Virginia University was interviewed by outlets ranging from The Washington Post and Time magazine to Teen Vogue. "I've taken more criticism in the past year doing this than I would have in 10 years if I wasn't doing this," Blair told HuffPost, "but it's worth it."
Her father, Craig Blair, is a Republican lawmaker, too, in the state Senate. But in some respects the daughter, who represents a rural district, is actually more conservative. He supports access to the morning after pill, for example, while she opposes it. The current legislative session has only been going since January and hasn't yet afforded them the opportunity to cast opposing votes, though she said with a laugh, "It will probably happen soon!"
Blair said the most difficult part of her new role so far is living full time in the state capital of Charleston, five hours away from her hometown of Martinsburg. Her favorite part is learning about so many different areas of public policy that she wouldn't have even considered previously. "We were just dealing with a bill regarding regulation of barbers and cosmetologists, which I didn't know anything about before," Blair said. She added that it will definitely give her a different perspective the next time she gets a haircut.
Bumgardner was the only Republican on the ballot to win in his blue Connecticut district. "I had to knock on over five thousand doors," the 20 year old said. "A lot of people didn't think I had the life experience to be a legislator, but it doesn't require experience per se. Rep. Rob Simmons (R Conn.), Bumgardner made his first foray into politics volunteering for the latter Simmons' unsuccessful 2010 Senate run. His first bill as a state representative himself proposes a water taxi to link several attractions along the Thames River in his tourism dependent district.
"I don't meet the litmus test for your conventional Republican, whether by my race or my age," acknowledged Bumgardner, who attended Stetson University in Florida before moving back to Connecticut and is now a part time student. "But since my district is historically blue, I can't be a partisan zealot or create more problems in the statehouse than I solve. Because of that, Democrats so far have actually welcomed me with open arms."
Bumgardner paused and then added, "And of course, the Republicans think it's great they have the young guy on their side."
Now the third youngest legislator in the country, Sweeney was the youngest when he was first elected in 2012. "I'm not certain what it is now, but the average age of a New Hampshire state representative at the time was around 67," said Sweeney.
The Republican lawmaker believes his youth gives him a different perspective, citing as an example a bill he introduced last year for "medical amnesty." People under 21 may hesitate to seek medical help in an emergency for fear of being prosecuted for underage drinking. Sweeney's proposal would have removed that threat. "I had a friend who had an asthma attack when she was drinking at 19," he said, "but didn't want to call medical services because she was afraid she would be kicked out of university housing." The bill passed the state House unanimously but stalled in the Senate, though Sweeney remains optimistic about its chances this year.
Another measure he introduced would move the state's primary election for state offices not the famed presidential primary from September to June. It's been held in September since the 1950s, largely to protect incumbents so that their challengers wouldn't have much time to mobilize for the general election. "There are ways of doing things in New Hampshire that are way older than me, but because I'm young, I'm not necessarily beholden to traditions," Sweeney said.
A junior at the University of New Hampshire, Sweeney is a political science major. "I've asked them to count my legislative experience for course credit, but they haven't," he lamented. "I think replica van cleef & arpels alhambra clover bracelet my parents actually have more of an interest in making that happen than I do!"
Edgecomb decided he needed to run for office in Maine and represent young GOP voices after he tried to start a conservative group on his college campus. "They had a Democratic Club [at the University of Maine Presque Isle] so I wanted to start a Republican Club," he said. "I got two other people."
His grandfather, Peter Edgecomb, was a state representative and is now a state senator, so the younger Edgecomb had a model. But he noted there are challenges at his age. "I've lived through only three governors, but during the first two I wasn't paying attention to politics yet, so really I only know one governor. Unlike the 60 or 70 year olds, I haven't seen firsthand what works and what doesn't work."
Still, he's ready to make his mark in the state House of Representatives. His first bill would allow fishermen to take home their catch from Webster Stream, a waterway that currently only permits catch and release.
Christensen had to defeat opponents in their 60s for both the Republican Party nomination and the general election to win a seat in the Minnesota House of Representatives. "Certainly they had more life experience than I did, so I had to make the case to voters that I would bring a different perspective," the 21 year old said.
For example, his current status as a senior at the University of Minnesota informs his positions on the Higher Education Committee, although he noted that his legislative service means "I definitely have to take a reduced course load this semester." His first bill aims to reform the practice of "school shift," in which state funding for local school districts is only partially provided on time as a gimmick to make the state budget appear balanced.
Kessinger, who had long been politically active, was inspired to run for the West Virginia House of Delegates after looking at its demographics. "The legislature is supposed to represent the people," the 22 year old Republican said, "but how could they fully represent the people if there were nobody around my age?"
She won her seat by a mere 83 votes, but that didn't restrain her ambitions. Her first bill aimed to reform the state judiciary by requiring nonpartisan elections. It passed the House and then, with only fake van cleef Alhambra bracelet one dissenting vote, the Senate.
Now working in human resources for the coal industry contracting company Green Leaf Services while attending Concord University as a public relations major, Kessinger has a message for people her age. "Our generation has been jaded by the political process. We see a lot of division primarily between the political parties, so we're reluctant to get involved because we've lost faith," she said. "But that's why it's important to get involved. If you've grown jaded by the political process, then change the political process."
"Maine has the oldest population in the country, all the young people leave, so I wanted a voice in Augusta to represent young people," said Fecteau, a Democrat and a Catholic University graduate. Senior citizens are always a legislative priority, he said, "but we need the population to sustain those programs, a young workforce to create labor and act entrepreneurial." For that reason, he said, his focus on the young serves not only his generation: "If we don't talk about the young, we'll be missing the boat on both the young and the old."
In the Maine House of Representatives Fecteau's first introduced bill would tweak an existing tax credit program to make it easier for young people to qualify for a home mortgage. He said that Matthew Pouliot, another 20 something lawmaker from the other side of the aisle, has proposed a similar bill, demonstrating the shared priorities of younger legislators.
New Hampshire famously has the nation's largest House of Representatives with 400 members, nearly double the size of the second largest in Pennsylvania. "I wasn't sure if I should go for this, but my local town committee was having a hard time finding enough people to fill all the spots," said Bennett, a 22 year old Democrat.
He called it "an amazing opportunity" but also took issue with institutional hurdles that make it difficult for young people to serve, particularly the meager compensation. New Hampshire has one of the lowest rates of legislative pay, according to the National Conference of State Legislatures.
"There are bills being introduced this session to limit college students' right to vote," said Bennett, a student at Plymouth State University, of the Republican dominated legislature. "I think that sends the wrong message to young people who might want to get involved in the political process."
Bourne hasn't been serving for too long yet . in fact, only since Wednesday. Appointed to a seat in the Illinois House of Representatives by county party leaders after her predecessor left to head the state Department of Natural Resources, Bourne was the youngest of the 10 candidates to apply. "I've lived in this rural district in downstate Illinois for my entire life, and my family's been farming corn and soybeans here for generations," the 22 year old Republican said.
Now a first year law student at Washington University in St. Reps. "As a young female legislator," Bourne said, "I can bring a different voice than my predecessors might have been able to and hopefully bring new attention to the 95th District."
"Most of my colleagues in the legislature see me as like their son or their grandson," Anderson said. He paused. "Or their great grandson."
Now a senior at a Tulane University branch campus, the Mississippi Democrat said the most difficult part is balancing private life with the demands of political life. "How do you continue to really be a 23 year old while also being held to such a high standard in politics?" Anderson asked rhetorically. "I'm still trying to figure that out."
His proudest accomplishment so far is leading the replica Van Cleef yellow gold bracelet fight to defeat a bill that would have capped Mississippi scholarships for students scoring above a 30 on the ACT if they had accumulated a certain amount in outside scholarships. Anderson talked to low income and single parent households who needed all the funding they could get. The bill actually passed its first time around but was brought up for reconsideration. Anderson passionately spoke against it on the floor, a handful of other representatives switched their votes, and the measure was defeated.
Blair became a media sensation in November 2014, after the 18 year old Republican won a seat in the West Virginia House of Delegates. The college freshman at West Virginia University was interviewed by outlets ranging from The Washington Post and Time magazine to Teen Vogue. "I've taken more criticism in the past year doing this than I would have in 10 years if I wasn't doing this," Blair told HuffPost, "but it's worth it."
Her father, Craig Blair, is a Republican lawmaker, too, in the state Senate. But in some respects the daughter, who represents a rural district, is actually more conservative. He supports access to the morning after pill, for example, while she opposes it. The current legislative session has only been going since January and hasn't yet afforded them the opportunity to cast opposing votes, though she said with a laugh, "It will probably happen soon!"
Blair said the most difficult part of her new role so far is living full time in the state capital of Charleston, five hours away from her hometown of Martinsburg. Her favorite part is learning about so many different areas of public policy that she wouldn't have even considered previously. "We were just dealing with a bill regarding regulation of barbers and cosmetologists, which I didn't know anything about before," Blair said. She added that it will definitely give her a different perspective the next time she gets a haircut.
Bumgardner was the only Republican on the ballot to win in his blue Connecticut district. "I had to knock on over five thousand doors," the 20 year old said. "A lot of people didn't think I had the life experience to be a legislator, but it doesn't require experience per se. Rep. Rob Simmons (R Conn.), Bumgardner made his first foray into politics volunteering for the latter Simmons' unsuccessful 2010 Senate run. His first bill as a state representative himself proposes a water taxi to link several attractions along the Thames River in his tourism dependent district.
"I don't meet the litmus test for your conventional Republican, whether by my race or my age," acknowledged Bumgardner, who attended Stetson University in Florida before moving back to Connecticut and is now a part time student. "But since my district is historically blue, I can't be a partisan zealot or create more problems in the statehouse than I solve. Because of that, Democrats so far have actually welcomed me with open arms."
Bumgardner paused and then added, "And of course, the Republicans think it's great they have the young guy on their side."
Now the third youngest legislator in the country, Sweeney was the youngest when he was first elected in 2012. "I'm not certain what it is now, but the average age of a New Hampshire state representative at the time was around 67," said Sweeney.
The Republican lawmaker believes his youth gives him a different perspective, citing as an example a bill he introduced last year for "medical amnesty." People under 21 may hesitate to seek medical help in an emergency for fear of being prosecuted for underage drinking. Sweeney's proposal would have removed that threat. "I had a friend who had an asthma attack when she was drinking at 19," he said, "but didn't want to call medical services because she was afraid she would be kicked out of university housing." The bill passed the state House unanimously but stalled in the Senate, though Sweeney remains optimistic about its chances this year.
Another measure he introduced would move the state's primary election for state offices not the famed presidential primary from September to June. It's been held in September since the 1950s, largely to protect incumbents so that their challengers wouldn't have much time to mobilize for the general election. "There are ways of doing things in New Hampshire that are way older than me, but because I'm young, I'm not necessarily beholden to traditions," Sweeney said.
A junior at the University of New Hampshire, Sweeney is a political science major. "I've asked them to count my legislative experience for course credit, but they haven't," he lamented. "I think replica van cleef & arpels alhambra clover bracelet my parents actually have more of an interest in making that happen than I do!"
Edgecomb decided he needed to run for office in Maine and represent young GOP voices after he tried to start a conservative group on his college campus. "They had a Democratic Club [at the University of Maine Presque Isle] so I wanted to start a Republican Club," he said. "I got two other people."
His grandfather, Peter Edgecomb, was a state representative and is now a state senator, so the younger Edgecomb had a model. But he noted there are challenges at his age. "I've lived through only three governors, but during the first two I wasn't paying attention to politics yet, so really I only know one governor. Unlike the 60 or 70 year olds, I haven't seen firsthand what works and what doesn't work."
Still, he's ready to make his mark in the state House of Representatives. His first bill would allow fishermen to take home their catch from Webster Stream, a waterway that currently only permits catch and release.
Christensen had to defeat opponents in their 60s for both the Republican Party nomination and the general election to win a seat in the Minnesota House of Representatives. "Certainly they had more life experience than I did, so I had to make the case to voters that I would bring a different perspective," the 21 year old said.
For example, his current status as a senior at the University of Minnesota informs his positions on the Higher Education Committee, although he noted that his legislative service means "I definitely have to take a reduced course load this semester." His first bill aims to reform the practice of "school shift," in which state funding for local school districts is only partially provided on time as a gimmick to make the state budget appear balanced.
Kessinger, who had long been politically active, was inspired to run for the West Virginia House of Delegates after looking at its demographics. "The legislature is supposed to represent the people," the 22 year old Republican said, "but how could they fully represent the people if there were nobody around my age?"
She won her seat by a mere 83 votes, but that didn't restrain her ambitions. Her first bill aimed to reform the state judiciary by requiring nonpartisan elections. It passed the House and then, with only fake van cleef Alhambra bracelet one dissenting vote, the Senate.
Now working in human resources for the coal industry contracting company Green Leaf Services while attending Concord University as a public relations major, Kessinger has a message for people her age. "Our generation has been jaded by the political process. We see a lot of division primarily between the political parties, so we're reluctant to get involved because we've lost faith," she said. "But that's why it's important to get involved. If you've grown jaded by the political process, then change the political process."
"Maine has the oldest population in the country, all the young people leave, so I wanted a voice in Augusta to represent young people," said Fecteau, a Democrat and a Catholic University graduate. Senior citizens are always a legislative priority, he said, "but we need the population to sustain those programs, a young workforce to create labor and act entrepreneurial." For that reason, he said, his focus on the young serves not only his generation: "If we don't talk about the young, we'll be missing the boat on both the young and the old."
In the Maine House of Representatives Fecteau's first introduced bill would tweak an existing tax credit program to make it easier for young people to qualify for a home mortgage. He said that Matthew Pouliot, another 20 something lawmaker from the other side of the aisle, has proposed a similar bill, demonstrating the shared priorities of younger legislators.
New Hampshire famously has the nation's largest House of Representatives with 400 members, nearly double the size of the second largest in Pennsylvania. "I wasn't sure if I should go for this, but my local town committee was having a hard time finding enough people to fill all the spots," said Bennett, a 22 year old Democrat.
He called it "an amazing opportunity" but also took issue with institutional hurdles that make it difficult for young people to serve, particularly the meager compensation. New Hampshire has one of the lowest rates of legislative pay, according to the National Conference of State Legislatures.
"There are bills being introduced this session to limit college students' right to vote," said Bennett, a student at Plymouth State University, of the Republican dominated legislature. "I think that sends the wrong message to young people who might want to get involved in the political process."
Bourne hasn't been serving for too long yet . in fact, only since Wednesday. Appointed to a seat in the Illinois House of Representatives by county party leaders after her predecessor left to head the state Department of Natural Resources, Bourne was the youngest of the 10 candidates to apply. "I've lived in this rural district in downstate Illinois for my entire life, and my family's been farming corn and soybeans here for generations," the 22 year old Republican said.
Now a first year law student at Washington University in St. Reps. "As a young female legislator," Bourne said, "I can bring a different voice than my predecessors might have been able to and hopefully bring new attention to the 95th District."
"Most of my colleagues in the legislature see me as like their son or their grandson," Anderson said. He paused. "Or their great grandson."
Now a senior at a Tulane University branch campus, the Mississippi Democrat said the most difficult part is balancing private life with the demands of political life. "How do you continue to really be a 23 year old while also being held to such a high standard in politics?" Anderson asked rhetorically. "I'm still trying to figure that out."
His proudest accomplishment so far is leading the replica Van Cleef yellow gold bracelet fight to defeat a bill that would have capped Mississippi scholarships for students scoring above a 30 on the ACT if they had accumulated a certain amount in outside scholarships. Anderson talked to low income and single parent households who needed all the funding they could get. The bill actually passed its first time around but was brought up for reconsideration. Anderson passionately spoke against it on the floor, a handful of other representatives switched their votes, and the measure was defeated.
Mover or Van Line
A moving company, removalist, mover or van line is a company that helps people and businesses relocate their goods from one place to another. Typically they use moving vans, but for international moves or where storage is required they may use special containerised vans or shipping containers.
National companies are typically organized with local branches or affiliated agents. That affiliation may be in the form of a franchise, replica Van bracelet yellow gold wherein the local agent is a franchise of a national company, or a cooperative, wherein the local agent owns a share of the national company. There are also many small independent moving companies who operate within any given local area. In the United States all legitimate moving companies must be licensed with the Federal Highway Administration and / or their State Commerce Commission.
Household removals replica Van Cleef yellow gold bracelet require careful wrapping and packing to avoid damage to furniture and effects, so many household policies do not cover goods in transit unless they are being packed, carried and unpacked by a professional remover. In the moving industry, when a customer packs and unpacks his own boxes it is referred to as PBO (packed by owner) and policies do not insure these goods. On PBO moves it can become a point of huge contention between the mover and the customer as to who is at fault regarding damaged items within a fake van cleef Alhambra bracelet box. Was it packed improperly by the customer or did the mover mishandle the box?
The process of packing a van or container for a removal requires that polished surfaces are protected (usually with special blankets or cardboard). China and other fragile effects are packed in rigid boxes, originally wooden tea chests but now usually cardboard, with layers of bunched up blank newsprint commonly used to protect against scratches and chips in transit. Soft materials may be packed in bags, suitcases or boxes.
Removal vans will often have a Luton body, internal wooden wall bars to which tall or heavy furniture can be secured with webbing, and a ramp or tail lift to assist in loading. Space on trucks is at a premium, so an experienced loader will pack into voids in furniture and use awkward shaped items such as ironing boards to fill narrow gaps.
Moving furniture in and out of houses, especially older properties, presents challenges; in areas where there are many older properties, furniture movers may be adept at removing and reinstalling sash window panes. Most double bed bases can be split, folded or dismantled.
Pianos are a particular problem; removals contractors will usually have specialist piano trolleys and there is a device colloquially known as a shoe which is strapped to the side of a grand piano to allow it to be rested on edge on the trolley without damaging the polish or applying excessive force to the sides of the instrument.
A moving company, removalist, mover or van line is a company that helps people and businesses relocate their goods from one place to another. Typically they use moving vans, but for international moves or where storage is required they may use special containerised vans or shipping containers.
National companies are typically organized with local branches or affiliated agents. That affiliation may be in the form of a franchise, replica Van bracelet yellow gold wherein the local agent is a franchise of a national company, or a cooperative, wherein the local agent owns a share of the national company. There are also many small independent moving companies who operate within any given local area. In the United States all legitimate moving companies must be licensed with the Federal Highway Administration and / or their State Commerce Commission.
Household removals replica Van Cleef yellow gold bracelet require careful wrapping and packing to avoid damage to furniture and effects, so many household policies do not cover goods in transit unless they are being packed, carried and unpacked by a professional remover. In the moving industry, when a customer packs and unpacks his own boxes it is referred to as PBO (packed by owner) and policies do not insure these goods. On PBO moves it can become a point of huge contention between the mover and the customer as to who is at fault regarding damaged items within a fake van cleef Alhambra bracelet box. Was it packed improperly by the customer or did the mover mishandle the box?
The process of packing a van or container for a removal requires that polished surfaces are protected (usually with special blankets or cardboard). China and other fragile effects are packed in rigid boxes, originally wooden tea chests but now usually cardboard, with layers of bunched up blank newsprint commonly used to protect against scratches and chips in transit. Soft materials may be packed in bags, suitcases or boxes.
Removal vans will often have a Luton body, internal wooden wall bars to which tall or heavy furniture can be secured with webbing, and a ramp or tail lift to assist in loading. Space on trucks is at a premium, so an experienced loader will pack into voids in furniture and use awkward shaped items such as ironing boards to fill narrow gaps.
Moving furniture in and out of houses, especially older properties, presents challenges; in areas where there are many older properties, furniture movers may be adept at removing and reinstalling sash window panes. Most double bed bases can be split, folded or dismantled.
Pianos are a particular problem; removals contractors will usually have specialist piano trolleys and there is a device colloquially known as a shoe which is strapped to the side of a grand piano to allow it to be rested on edge on the trolley without damaging the polish or applying excessive force to the sides of the instrument.
'Memphis' at Oaklyn's Ritz Theatre
Almost two hundred years ago, German composer Ludwig van Beethoven wrote, "Music should strike fire from the heart of man and bring tears from the eyes of woman," but the thrillingly energetic musical "Memphis," directed by Bruce A. Curless now playing at Oaklyn's Ritz Theatre through February 5, shows that music may bring both fire and tears to people of either sex.
The show by David Bryan and Joe DiPietro, which won four Tony Awards including best musical and had a Broadway run of over 1100 performances, tells the love story of Felicia Farrell (played alternately by Vedra Chandler and Tiara Greene) and Huey Calhoun (played by both Matt Reher and Abia Johnson), a character based loosely on the career of a real life DJ named Dewey Phillips, but the progress of their love story is complicated by society's segregationist rules and racial prejudices as well as who they are and how they face the changes that time brings.
Huey, an illiterate stock boy at a department store in Memphis in the 1950's, is driven by his love of music and a need to share his music with others. What he loves best is rock and roll that he's heard at Delray's black bar on Beale Street where he meets and flirts with Felicia, an aspiring singer and the owner's younger sister. To impress her, Huey promises to get Felicia on the radio. His first objective then is to find a DJ job.
Most station managers aren't interested in breaking barriers or hiring newcomers who advocate black music, however enthusiastic they may be, but Mr. Simmons (Glen Funkhouser) agrees to give Huey a trial. When teenagers call in demanding more of Huey's music and an advertiser realizes Huey's overwhelming success at selling his beer, Huey sees his chance to keep his promise to Felicia.
Meanwhile, Delray (Darryl Thompson, Jr.) has saved enough money to cover recording Felicia's first single, but Huey's racially prejudiced mother Gladys (Tasha Waters) breaks the record, and Huey risks all by having Felicia perform live on his station. She becomes an instant hit. Her acceptance could be the first stirrings of musical and racial change, but that won't be easy since both Huey and Felicia face opposition at home, and society never accepts change without struggle.
In Act Two, Huey and Felicia are both enjoying popularity but have given up on their plans to marry. Huey's the host of a teen TV music show featuring all black dancers and a new singer named Bobby (Devon Sinclair) who ignites the crowd with his song called "Big Love," but Huey resists Felicia's suggestion that they go to New Yok where their chances of success are greater. From there, the story continues to illustrate the tradition of true love never running smooth.
This bright, brash musical, which replica Van Cleef & Arpels Clover Necklace white diamond actually began its national tour in Memphis, demanded performers who had both musical and dramatic skills, so casting wasn't easy. Benita Famer who acted as the production's vocal music director participated in the auditions which had a hefty turnout. Musical styles required by Bryan's varied score, which has a best selling original Broadway cast recording on the Rhino label and a London cast version on First Night Records, range from blues, rock, gospel and ballads to girl group pop, and it was Famer's job to be sure that every performer in the cast of over twenty was comfortable whatever musical styles their roles demanded. Creating a solid ensemble sound was her greatest responsibility. As Famer put it, "The sound must be solid because, in this show, the music comes from the heart, and the songs are part of the plot. The show goes forward rather than stops because of each song.
"I teach music and voice, and I'm always on the lookout for opportunities like auditions for my own pupils since many of them are so talented, but the characters in this show are all older than my students who are in grades six to twelve," said Famer, "although some of my kids have actually sung a few of the songs from the score in class or as audition pieces. Numbers like 'Someday,' or 'Colored Woman' are good, solid songs that can show off a singer's ability and deserve a life outside the show."
Famer and most of the cast members in this production, like Vedra Chandler who plays Felicia, are new to the Ritz. Camden born Chandler, who has a degree in government from Harvard University, is no stranger to vibrant musicals and her resume lists shows like "Hairspray," "Aida," "All Shook Up," "High School Musical" and "Cirque du Soleil."
"I saw the show in London's West End when I was with one of the shows I toured with, and although the dancing was amazing and the set gorgeous, there was something missing. This is a very American show, and I can certainly understand why people get excited about beautiful van cleef necklace clover replica it and why it won so many awards like the Tony. Yes, it has its negative aspects like segregation and prejudice, but it's also very much a celebration of possibilities and those even greater possibilities when changes happen," said Chandler who is really enjoying playing Felicia.
"Felicia is a sincere, talented woman who feels safe in her brother's nightclub where her work is appreciated, but, because of her time and place, she realizes that her choices are few. Her brother Delray is really trying his best to get her more career options, but, in the beginning, there's not a lot of polish to her singing although there's a Clover flower van cleef necklace replica great amount of heart," said Chandler who explained that Felicia has difficult career choices to make in the second act that her previous experiences may not have prepared her for.
"I've been listening to songs that tell stories my whole life," said Chandler, "and that's why my favorite song in the score is 'Love Will Stand When All Else Fails" in act two. My dad was always a fan of the blues and didn't like disco or many of the other musical forms that came along over the years, so I'm right at home with Felicia's music."
Almost two hundred years ago, German composer Ludwig van Beethoven wrote, "Music should strike fire from the heart of man and bring tears from the eyes of woman," but the thrillingly energetic musical "Memphis," directed by Bruce A. Curless now playing at Oaklyn's Ritz Theatre through February 5, shows that music may bring both fire and tears to people of either sex.
The show by David Bryan and Joe DiPietro, which won four Tony Awards including best musical and had a Broadway run of over 1100 performances, tells the love story of Felicia Farrell (played alternately by Vedra Chandler and Tiara Greene) and Huey Calhoun (played by both Matt Reher and Abia Johnson), a character based loosely on the career of a real life DJ named Dewey Phillips, but the progress of their love story is complicated by society's segregationist rules and racial prejudices as well as who they are and how they face the changes that time brings.
Huey, an illiterate stock boy at a department store in Memphis in the 1950's, is driven by his love of music and a need to share his music with others. What he loves best is rock and roll that he's heard at Delray's black bar on Beale Street where he meets and flirts with Felicia, an aspiring singer and the owner's younger sister. To impress her, Huey promises to get Felicia on the radio. His first objective then is to find a DJ job.
Most station managers aren't interested in breaking barriers or hiring newcomers who advocate black music, however enthusiastic they may be, but Mr. Simmons (Glen Funkhouser) agrees to give Huey a trial. When teenagers call in demanding more of Huey's music and an advertiser realizes Huey's overwhelming success at selling his beer, Huey sees his chance to keep his promise to Felicia.
Meanwhile, Delray (Darryl Thompson, Jr.) has saved enough money to cover recording Felicia's first single, but Huey's racially prejudiced mother Gladys (Tasha Waters) breaks the record, and Huey risks all by having Felicia perform live on his station. She becomes an instant hit. Her acceptance could be the first stirrings of musical and racial change, but that won't be easy since both Huey and Felicia face opposition at home, and society never accepts change without struggle.
In Act Two, Huey and Felicia are both enjoying popularity but have given up on their plans to marry. Huey's the host of a teen TV music show featuring all black dancers and a new singer named Bobby (Devon Sinclair) who ignites the crowd with his song called "Big Love," but Huey resists Felicia's suggestion that they go to New Yok where their chances of success are greater. From there, the story continues to illustrate the tradition of true love never running smooth.
This bright, brash musical, which replica Van Cleef & Arpels Clover Necklace white diamond actually began its national tour in Memphis, demanded performers who had both musical and dramatic skills, so casting wasn't easy. Benita Famer who acted as the production's vocal music director participated in the auditions which had a hefty turnout. Musical styles required by Bryan's varied score, which has a best selling original Broadway cast recording on the Rhino label and a London cast version on First Night Records, range from blues, rock, gospel and ballads to girl group pop, and it was Famer's job to be sure that every performer in the cast of over twenty was comfortable whatever musical styles their roles demanded. Creating a solid ensemble sound was her greatest responsibility. As Famer put it, "The sound must be solid because, in this show, the music comes from the heart, and the songs are part of the plot. The show goes forward rather than stops because of each song.
"I teach music and voice, and I'm always on the lookout for opportunities like auditions for my own pupils since many of them are so talented, but the characters in this show are all older than my students who are in grades six to twelve," said Famer, "although some of my kids have actually sung a few of the songs from the score in class or as audition pieces. Numbers like 'Someday,' or 'Colored Woman' are good, solid songs that can show off a singer's ability and deserve a life outside the show."
Famer and most of the cast members in this production, like Vedra Chandler who plays Felicia, are new to the Ritz. Camden born Chandler, who has a degree in government from Harvard University, is no stranger to vibrant musicals and her resume lists shows like "Hairspray," "Aida," "All Shook Up," "High School Musical" and "Cirque du Soleil."
"I saw the show in London's West End when I was with one of the shows I toured with, and although the dancing was amazing and the set gorgeous, there was something missing. This is a very American show, and I can certainly understand why people get excited about beautiful van cleef necklace clover replica it and why it won so many awards like the Tony. Yes, it has its negative aspects like segregation and prejudice, but it's also very much a celebration of possibilities and those even greater possibilities when changes happen," said Chandler who is really enjoying playing Felicia.
"Felicia is a sincere, talented woman who feels safe in her brother's nightclub where her work is appreciated, but, because of her time and place, she realizes that her choices are few. Her brother Delray is really trying his best to get her more career options, but, in the beginning, there's not a lot of polish to her singing although there's a Clover flower van cleef necklace replica great amount of heart," said Chandler who explained that Felicia has difficult career choices to make in the second act that her previous experiences may not have prepared her for.
"I've been listening to songs that tell stories my whole life," said Chandler, "and that's why my favorite song in the score is 'Love Will Stand When All Else Fails" in act two. My dad was always a fan of the blues and didn't like disco or many of the other musical forms that came along over the years, so I'm right at home with Felicia's music."
My Ongoing Plasma Speaker singing Arc Project
This instructable will show you how to make a simple plasma speaker. A plasma speaker (or singing arc) is a device that generates a high voltage electrical discharge when we modulate to emit audible music. All the sound comes from the arc!The advantages of using an arc to create audio is that it makes it possible (with the correct driving circuitry) to create really high fidelity tweeters. Conventional speakers use directional diaphragms to push and pull air. However, when they need to move back and forth as much as 22 thousand times per second, it can become quite challenging. They have quite a bit of mass and it is difficult to get them to oscillate that fast. This leads to large power consumption, distorted audio, and overall poor performance. The arc generated by this circuit does not rely on moving massive things to create audio, and instead varies the "thickness" and size of the arc, which displaces air. We can similarly control the amount of plasma being generated to control the temperature of the air, therefore controlling the expansion and contraction of said air, and then these oscillations can ripple out and away to your ears as acoustic waves! Also, it is really cool! Why not?? ;)
How It Works:
In the 555 version, we will use the magic of PWM to create audible sparks. An Astable 555 timer circuit is the heart of this design. It makes a high frequency square wave of approximately 48,000 Hz and the pulse width is controlled by the audio source.
We can also accomplish audio replica Van Cleef & Arpels Clover Necklace with flower modulation by injecting an audio signal into the power supply rail, causing the output power of the flyback to change relative to the music! This method is used in the ZVS version flyback driver.
So what is PWM?
Well, imagine it sort of like flipping a light switch "ON" and "OFF". (only 50,000 times a second!) If you leave the switch "ON" longer than you leave it "OFF", the light will be brighter than halfway. and if it is left "OFF" for longer than it is "ON", the light would be dimmer. That's PWM in a nutshell. How we just need a way to control how long each pulse is "ON" in proportion to "OFF" based on the signal from a audio source, and now your light will flicker to the music! Now obviously, we cannot use a physical switch, it is too slow, and it needs to be controlled electronically!
Why 2 versions of this instructable?
Well, it is a really, REALLY long story. My original 555 circuit using cheap MOSFETs never really worked. It worked well enough for me to publish it, but it would always fail. Eventually I gave up on the unreliable circuit and built a much easier ZVS circuit, which did work a LOT more summer replica Van Cleef & Arpels Clover necklace reliably, but the audio modulation was done poorly, by simply injecting an audio signal into the series ballast of the flyback transformer. This worked well enough but I eventually returned to the 555 version, and this time with better transistors, more knowledge of electronics, and a tank capacitor to smooth out reactive power from the coil, I got HUGE performance! For the longest time I had 2 separate copies of the instructable that was the same except one was a copy of the other but only referred to the ZVS circuit. I merged the 2 together into this one long instructable. Sorry for the confusion.
Which driver is better?
This is really a matter of opinion. The ZVS version is very robust, almost never fails, and is very efficient. The arcs produced, however, are relatively short and very hot compared to the input voltage, and likewise the sound is very quiet. You would not be able to hear it in a noise environment. The sound quality though can be very good depending on the amplifier used to modulate the power supply, and the amount of ripple/noise on the beautiful van cleef necklace clover replica power supply.
On the other hand, the 555 can produce much longer arcs, but the since it is only a 555, we cannot achieve a true PWM modulation without also affecting frequency, and the sound quality is comparable to a telephone music, because the frequency of PWM is within audible range. The PWM frequency is comparable to a sampling rate, and a 15KHz sampling rate is really bad. You can of course increase the frequency of the driver, but you will lose performance as it becomes further and further out of resonance with the flyback transformer. It is a tradeoff. This circuit is better for impressing people with long, epic arcs. However, although sound quality is not the best in this driver, it can get a bit louder than the ZVS version and does not put nearly as much stress of the amplifier as the ZVS version!
Step 1: Disclaimers and Dangers!
If you have not messed around with high voltages before, Please don't attempt to make this circuit. These drivers I built are easily capable of delivering 25,000 volts (25 KV) or more depending on the input voltage, at 5 50 mA of current. This output current can cause serious problems such as loss of muscular control, involuntary spasms, heart fibrillation, cardiac arrest, death, and perhaps worst of all, involuntary self urination. You definitely would not want any of that!
Show All ItemsStep 5: 555 Circuit Diagram and Prototyping / Troubleshooting
The circuitry is very simple. it is just your standard astable 555 with an audio input connected to pin 5 as you see in the schematic. The 555 drives a high power MOSFET, which drives a resonant tank circuit and the primary of the flyback. Often, components will burn out, but not always lead to magic smoke. Here is a list of what to check:
Thou Shalt check voltages! Test your power supply output with a multimeter while the circuit is turned ON, and while it is OFF or disconnected. If you do not have one, I recommend you get one, you can find cheap used one's on craigslist and eBay. It is just too easy to exceed the maximum Vgs and Vds ratings. Often, the failure mode is a internal short circuit (and shorted gate.) From my experience, if it dies in this failure mode, it will stress your power supply or batteries, and the MOSFET may then catastrophically fail, possibly exploding! Also, when this fails, the shorted gate will also take the 555 down with it. To test this, replace the flyback transformer with a lamp, and connect gate to +Vcc, and the lamp should light up full brightness. When the gate is grounded, the lamp should go fully out. If not, replace the MOSFET.
One of the most popular circuit for flyback drivers is the ZVS flyback driver. This circuit is essentially a Royer oscillator, that uses two MOSFETS to drive an LC tank circuit (C1 and L1). This circuit relies on resonance rather than the flyback mode of operation. Think of resonance like pushing some fat kid on a swing, and the transistors like 2 huge bullies on either side pushing that poor fatso kid back and forth real hard at just the right time, and as they do so he gains momentum (like the voltage). causing the voltage to rise almost 4 times the input voltage, unloaded!.
This instructable will show you how to make a simple plasma speaker. A plasma speaker (or singing arc) is a device that generates a high voltage electrical discharge when we modulate to emit audible music. All the sound comes from the arc!The advantages of using an arc to create audio is that it makes it possible (with the correct driving circuitry) to create really high fidelity tweeters. Conventional speakers use directional diaphragms to push and pull air. However, when they need to move back and forth as much as 22 thousand times per second, it can become quite challenging. They have quite a bit of mass and it is difficult to get them to oscillate that fast. This leads to large power consumption, distorted audio, and overall poor performance. The arc generated by this circuit does not rely on moving massive things to create audio, and instead varies the "thickness" and size of the arc, which displaces air. We can similarly control the amount of plasma being generated to control the temperature of the air, therefore controlling the expansion and contraction of said air, and then these oscillations can ripple out and away to your ears as acoustic waves! Also, it is really cool! Why not?? ;)
How It Works:
In the 555 version, we will use the magic of PWM to create audible sparks. An Astable 555 timer circuit is the heart of this design. It makes a high frequency square wave of approximately 48,000 Hz and the pulse width is controlled by the audio source.
We can also accomplish audio replica Van Cleef & Arpels Clover Necklace with flower modulation by injecting an audio signal into the power supply rail, causing the output power of the flyback to change relative to the music! This method is used in the ZVS version flyback driver.
So what is PWM?
Well, imagine it sort of like flipping a light switch "ON" and "OFF". (only 50,000 times a second!) If you leave the switch "ON" longer than you leave it "OFF", the light will be brighter than halfway. and if it is left "OFF" for longer than it is "ON", the light would be dimmer. That's PWM in a nutshell. How we just need a way to control how long each pulse is "ON" in proportion to "OFF" based on the signal from a audio source, and now your light will flicker to the music! Now obviously, we cannot use a physical switch, it is too slow, and it needs to be controlled electronically!
Why 2 versions of this instructable?
Well, it is a really, REALLY long story. My original 555 circuit using cheap MOSFETs never really worked. It worked well enough for me to publish it, but it would always fail. Eventually I gave up on the unreliable circuit and built a much easier ZVS circuit, which did work a LOT more summer replica Van Cleef & Arpels Clover necklace reliably, but the audio modulation was done poorly, by simply injecting an audio signal into the series ballast of the flyback transformer. This worked well enough but I eventually returned to the 555 version, and this time with better transistors, more knowledge of electronics, and a tank capacitor to smooth out reactive power from the coil, I got HUGE performance! For the longest time I had 2 separate copies of the instructable that was the same except one was a copy of the other but only referred to the ZVS circuit. I merged the 2 together into this one long instructable. Sorry for the confusion.
Which driver is better?
This is really a matter of opinion. The ZVS version is very robust, almost never fails, and is very efficient. The arcs produced, however, are relatively short and very hot compared to the input voltage, and likewise the sound is very quiet. You would not be able to hear it in a noise environment. The sound quality though can be very good depending on the amplifier used to modulate the power supply, and the amount of ripple/noise on the beautiful van cleef necklace clover replica power supply.
On the other hand, the 555 can produce much longer arcs, but the since it is only a 555, we cannot achieve a true PWM modulation without also affecting frequency, and the sound quality is comparable to a telephone music, because the frequency of PWM is within audible range. The PWM frequency is comparable to a sampling rate, and a 15KHz sampling rate is really bad. You can of course increase the frequency of the driver, but you will lose performance as it becomes further and further out of resonance with the flyback transformer. It is a tradeoff. This circuit is better for impressing people with long, epic arcs. However, although sound quality is not the best in this driver, it can get a bit louder than the ZVS version and does not put nearly as much stress of the amplifier as the ZVS version!
Step 1: Disclaimers and Dangers!
If you have not messed around with high voltages before, Please don't attempt to make this circuit. These drivers I built are easily capable of delivering 25,000 volts (25 KV) or more depending on the input voltage, at 5 50 mA of current. This output current can cause serious problems such as loss of muscular control, involuntary spasms, heart fibrillation, cardiac arrest, death, and perhaps worst of all, involuntary self urination. You definitely would not want any of that!
Show All ItemsStep 5: 555 Circuit Diagram and Prototyping / Troubleshooting
The circuitry is very simple. it is just your standard astable 555 with an audio input connected to pin 5 as you see in the schematic. The 555 drives a high power MOSFET, which drives a resonant tank circuit and the primary of the flyback. Often, components will burn out, but not always lead to magic smoke. Here is a list of what to check:
Thou Shalt check voltages! Test your power supply output with a multimeter while the circuit is turned ON, and while it is OFF or disconnected. If you do not have one, I recommend you get one, you can find cheap used one's on craigslist and eBay. It is just too easy to exceed the maximum Vgs and Vds ratings. Often, the failure mode is a internal short circuit (and shorted gate.) From my experience, if it dies in this failure mode, it will stress your power supply or batteries, and the MOSFET may then catastrophically fail, possibly exploding! Also, when this fails, the shorted gate will also take the 555 down with it. To test this, replace the flyback transformer with a lamp, and connect gate to +Vcc, and the lamp should light up full brightness. When the gate is grounded, the lamp should go fully out. If not, replace the MOSFET.
One of the most popular circuit for flyback drivers is the ZVS flyback driver. This circuit is essentially a Royer oscillator, that uses two MOSFETS to drive an LC tank circuit (C1 and L1). This circuit relies on resonance rather than the flyback mode of operation. Think of resonance like pushing some fat kid on a swing, and the transistors like 2 huge bullies on either side pushing that poor fatso kid back and forth real hard at just the right time, and as they do so he gains momentum (like the voltage). causing the voltage to rise almost 4 times the input voltage, unloaded!.
Jodi Picoult and daughter Samantha van Leer on new novel
Jodi Picoult is teaming up with daughter Samantha van Leer once again for a new young van cleef and arpels necklace knock off adult novel called "Off the Page." The fake van cleef and arpel necklace mother and daughter duo explained how they worked together on the project on "CBS This Morning" Thursday.
Van Leer first had the idea for the novel when she was 13 years old, daydreaming in a French class.
"I was starting to think about books and what happens when we close a book, because I just couldn't believe that the characters stay frozen in time and waiting for us to return to breathe the life back into them," van Leer said. "When she told me I thought, my daughter is just brilliant," Picoult said.
Picoult and van Leer worked together to write the book. "We sat side by side and would speak the entire book outloud," van Leer said.
Back and forth, countering each other Van Cleef necklace white gold fake with ideas, they wrote every line together. "There were moments when we were both stumbling over each other to get out this brilliant idea we had, and then we'd realize we were saying the exact same thing," van Leer said.
But, as can be expected, working together could be challenging and occasionally tense. "She would really challenge me," Picoult said. "And I think I challenged her, too."
While Picoult knows she has more experience, but she had to respect the strong instincts of her daughter. She calls the novel tighter and more emotional than their first collaboration.
Jodi Picoult is teaming up with daughter Samantha van Leer once again for a new young van cleef and arpels necklace knock off adult novel called "Off the Page." The fake van cleef and arpel necklace mother and daughter duo explained how they worked together on the project on "CBS This Morning" Thursday.
Van Leer first had the idea for the novel when she was 13 years old, daydreaming in a French class.
"I was starting to think about books and what happens when we close a book, because I just couldn't believe that the characters stay frozen in time and waiting for us to return to breathe the life back into them," van Leer said. "When she told me I thought, my daughter is just brilliant," Picoult said.
Picoult and van Leer worked together to write the book. "We sat side by side and would speak the entire book outloud," van Leer said.
Back and forth, countering each other Van Cleef necklace white gold fake with ideas, they wrote every line together. "There were moments when we were both stumbling over each other to get out this brilliant idea we had, and then we'd realize we were saying the exact same thing," van Leer said.
But, as can be expected, working together could be challenging and occasionally tense. "She would really challenge me," Picoult said. "And I think I challenged her, too."
While Picoult knows she has more experience, but she had to respect the strong instincts of her daughter. She calls the novel tighter and more emotional than their first collaboration.
Northern Territory Elections
All results to be reported on election night are now in. The ABC election website has been switched to post election night mode, which means the fancier predictive tools have been turned off.
There will be no counting on Sunday. New figures will begin to be published on Monday and will be updated on the ABC site.
Informal voting The introduction of optional preferential voting has substantially copy van cleef necklace cut the rate of informal voting. Across the Territory the rate is down from 3.2% in 2012 to 2.0% in 2016. In the six electorates with majority indigenous populatikns the rate of informal voting fell from 4.6% to 1.9%.
(Updated with Monday and Tuesday additional counting, CLP retain Daly, Labor retain Barkly.)
(Wednesday update Labor wins Karama, Terry Mills wins Blain. Braitling, Katherine and Nhulunbuy can not yet be called. The current definite seat totals are Labor 16, Country Liberal 2, Independents 4. )
(Thursday no counting in close electorates today. Any additional postal votes received will be added to the count on Friday. Today updates mainly updated safely Darwin seats. Latest figurs ate the link below.)
(Friday Additional postal counting has seen leads narrow in the remaining doubtful seats of Braitling, Katherine and Nhulunbuy.)
On Monday 5 September re counts will be conducted in replica Van Cleef & Arpels necklace the seats under 100 votes, Blain, Braitling, Karama, Katherine and Nhulunbuy. There will be no counting of new votes in these seats until after the cut off date for postals on Friday 9 September. Unless a significant error is found in the re count, Braitling, Katherine and Nhulunbuy will not be formally decided until next Friday evening.
(FINAL FIGURES Friday 9 September Labor wins Katherine and Braitling, defeating Willem Westra van Holthe and former Chief Minister Adam Giles. This is the first time Labor has won Katherine or an Alice Springs based seat. However, Labor Deputy Leader Lynne Walker has been defeated by seven votes in Nhulunbuy. There is the fake Van Cleef & Arpels necklace possibility that Labor will challenge the result.
With three day to go until polling day in the Northern Territory, there have already been more Early Votes cast than in the entire 2012 pre election period.
(Check out my full NT guide here.)
As at close of business on Tuesday 23 August, a total of 22,234 early votes have been cast at the Territory early voting centres, up 69.9% on votes cast at early voting centres in 2012.
(Update Wednesday 24 August, 25,640 early votes have been cast, up 96%.)
(Update Thursday 25 August, 29,740 early votes have been cast, up 127%.)
In 2012 Early Votes cast within the Territory at early voting centres represented 10.6% of enrolled voters, which turned out to be 13.7% of all votes.
As at 23 August, Early Votes represent 16.4% of enrolled voters, which on the same turnout as in 2016 would represent around 21% of total votes.
(Update 24 August, Early votes represent 18.9% of enrolled voters.)
(Update 25 August, Early votes represent 21.9% of enrolled voters.)
A record number of candidates have nominated to contest this year's Northern Territory election.
A total of 115 candidates will contest the 25 Legislative Assembly electorates, an average of 4.6 candidates per contest.
This is more than the 88 candidates that contested the 2001 elections, and is a new record for average candidates per seat, beating 3.8 when 72 candidates nominated for 19 seats in 1977.
Both Labor and the Country Liberals have nominated 25 candidates, the new 1 Territory Party 13, the Greens 6, Citizens Electoral Council four, Shooters and Fishers Party two, with 39 Independents and one candidate with no affiliation.
The 2016 election will also be the first where the average enrolment per electorate exceeds five thousand voters. enrolment for the election is 135,506, up 11,701 from the 123,805 enrolled voters in 2012. enrolment per electorate rises from 4,952 to 5,420.
Eight candidates have nominated for Daly, beating the previous record of seven for an electorate at a general election. Two electorates have seven candidates (Braitling, Karama) while Casuarina is the only electorate with two candidates.
More details on the nominations below, but a full summary of election results at Northern Territory elections can be found at this page on my ABC election guide.
The table below summarises the nominations per party since the first NT Legislative Assembly election in 1974.
All results to be reported on election night are now in. The ABC election website has been switched to post election night mode, which means the fancier predictive tools have been turned off.
There will be no counting on Sunday. New figures will begin to be published on Monday and will be updated on the ABC site.
Informal voting The introduction of optional preferential voting has substantially copy van cleef necklace cut the rate of informal voting. Across the Territory the rate is down from 3.2% in 2012 to 2.0% in 2016. In the six electorates with majority indigenous populatikns the rate of informal voting fell from 4.6% to 1.9%.
(Updated with Monday and Tuesday additional counting, CLP retain Daly, Labor retain Barkly.)
(Wednesday update Labor wins Karama, Terry Mills wins Blain. Braitling, Katherine and Nhulunbuy can not yet be called. The current definite seat totals are Labor 16, Country Liberal 2, Independents 4. )
(Thursday no counting in close electorates today. Any additional postal votes received will be added to the count on Friday. Today updates mainly updated safely Darwin seats. Latest figurs ate the link below.)
(Friday Additional postal counting has seen leads narrow in the remaining doubtful seats of Braitling, Katherine and Nhulunbuy.)
On Monday 5 September re counts will be conducted in replica Van Cleef & Arpels necklace the seats under 100 votes, Blain, Braitling, Karama, Katherine and Nhulunbuy. There will be no counting of new votes in these seats until after the cut off date for postals on Friday 9 September. Unless a significant error is found in the re count, Braitling, Katherine and Nhulunbuy will not be formally decided until next Friday evening.
(FINAL FIGURES Friday 9 September Labor wins Katherine and Braitling, defeating Willem Westra van Holthe and former Chief Minister Adam Giles. This is the first time Labor has won Katherine or an Alice Springs based seat. However, Labor Deputy Leader Lynne Walker has been defeated by seven votes in Nhulunbuy. There is the fake Van Cleef & Arpels necklace possibility that Labor will challenge the result.
With three day to go until polling day in the Northern Territory, there have already been more Early Votes cast than in the entire 2012 pre election period.
(Check out my full NT guide here.)
As at close of business on Tuesday 23 August, a total of 22,234 early votes have been cast at the Territory early voting centres, up 69.9% on votes cast at early voting centres in 2012.
(Update Wednesday 24 August, 25,640 early votes have been cast, up 96%.)
(Update Thursday 25 August, 29,740 early votes have been cast, up 127%.)
In 2012 Early Votes cast within the Territory at early voting centres represented 10.6% of enrolled voters, which turned out to be 13.7% of all votes.
As at 23 August, Early Votes represent 16.4% of enrolled voters, which on the same turnout as in 2016 would represent around 21% of total votes.
(Update 24 August, Early votes represent 18.9% of enrolled voters.)
(Update 25 August, Early votes represent 21.9% of enrolled voters.)
A record number of candidates have nominated to contest this year's Northern Territory election.
A total of 115 candidates will contest the 25 Legislative Assembly electorates, an average of 4.6 candidates per contest.
This is more than the 88 candidates that contested the 2001 elections, and is a new record for average candidates per seat, beating 3.8 when 72 candidates nominated for 19 seats in 1977.
Both Labor and the Country Liberals have nominated 25 candidates, the new 1 Territory Party 13, the Greens 6, Citizens Electoral Council four, Shooters and Fishers Party two, with 39 Independents and one candidate with no affiliation.
The 2016 election will also be the first where the average enrolment per electorate exceeds five thousand voters. enrolment for the election is 135,506, up 11,701 from the 123,805 enrolled voters in 2012. enrolment per electorate rises from 4,952 to 5,420.
Eight candidates have nominated for Daly, beating the previous record of seven for an electorate at a general election. Two electorates have seven candidates (Braitling, Karama) while Casuarina is the only electorate with two candidates.
More details on the nominations below, but a full summary of election results at Northern Territory elections can be found at this page on my ABC election guide.
The table below summarises the nominations per party since the first NT Legislative Assembly election in 1974.