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n es realmente
El hipnotizador famoso mundial Paul McKenna naci en Middlesex, Reino Unido el 06 de noviembre de 1963. Desde entonces se ha convertido en una mejor venta autor y uno de los hijos ms famosos de Inglaterra.
Era un programa de televisin llamado "El hipntico mundo de Paul McKenna" que introdujo a Paul McKenna en el mundo. En esta serie hipntica Paul McKenna pedira para voluntarios de la audiencia televisiva a aceptar ser hipnotizado por lo general con resultados hilarantes. Paul McKenna sera contar con la ayuda de la gente famosa para crear historias para el pueblo hipnotizado interactuar con.
Estos das Paul McKenna es mejor conocido por sus libros, videos y grabaciones de audio. Tambin ha participado en muchos Paul McKenna televisados producciones que van desde el Paul McKenna escaparate "Puedo cambiar tu vida" a "Puedo hacerte fina". En el ltimo programa Paul McKenna utiliza la audiencia de la televisin britnica como casos de prueba en su sistema de prdida de peso revolucionario.
En la actualidad Paul McKenna puede encontrarse de gira con su espectculo hipntico o dando charlas sobre la PNL y la hipnosis o su sistema de prdida de peso.
Paul McKenna tena 16 aos cuando comenz su carrera trabajando como DJ en una tienda minorista. Dentro de 7 aos haba progresado a trabajar como DJ en la radio local y su futuro pareca brillante.
Durante este tiempo Paul McKenna invit a un hipnotizador como invitado en su programa de radio. Despus el hipnotizador haba relajado a Paul McKenna y le mostr los beneficios de un estado hipntico, l no poda esperar para intentarlo de nuevo. As comenz la fascinacin larga vida con hipnosis para Paul McKenna.
Pronto Paul McKenna haba progresado a usar sus habilidades recin adquiridas hipnticos para entretener en pubs y discotecas. Tener una aptitud natural para la hipnosis Paul McKenna encontr con peticiones para sesiones de hipnoterapia sobre una base uno a uno.
Durante este tiempo Paul McKenna encontr trabajo con la mayor emisora de radio en Gran Bretaa, obteniendo un spot en Radio One como sus habilidades de DJ eran cada vez ms reconocido. Sin embargo, Paul McKenna quera proseguir la hipnosis y no permanecer largo.
Esto fue un acierto para McKenna porque en 1993 el canal britnico ITV emiti su primer espectculo hipntico que se hizo tan popular que fue visto en 42 pases.
Aunque necklace van cleef arpels replica Paul McKenna fue convirtiendo el animador hipntico ms popular de su poca tena una pasin por la superacin. Despus de estudiar neuro lingstica programacin con su co fundador Richard Bandler lanz productos bajo el nombre de McKenna Breen Ltd con Michael Breen, quien era un experto PNL. Desde ese momento ha publicado muchos libros, cintas, cds y cursos, as como hacer varias series de televisin.
Paul McKenna demand el tabloide UK, el Daily Mirror, en 2006 despus de afirm que obtuvo un ttulo falso para defraudar al pblico britnico y fue premiado con daos.
El doctorado en cuestin fue premiado por la Universidad de LaSalle (Louisiana) Paul McKenna transcurridos 2 aos estudiando y producido una tesis de 50.000 palabras. Poco hizo Paul McKenna, o cualquiera de los estudiantes, saber que la Universidad no estaba acreditada y todos ellos recibieron una indemnizacin del Gobierno de Estados Unidos.
Adems de ser un participante desconocimiento de la saga de La Salle en el daily que Mirror sealar no que ya haba alcanzado otro Reino Unido de McKenna acreditados doctorado en 2004 por el trabajo realizado sobre "Los efectos de imitation van cleef and arpels necklace sale fijo accin patrones y Neuro lingstica programacin en determinar los resultados en comportamiento humano"!
Articulos relacionados en hipnosis PNL
Personas interesadas en el artculo anterior tambin estn interesadas en los artculos relacionados que se enumeran a continuacin:
Por qu son tan miedos payasos
Con ataques de payaso golpear los encabezados, muchas personas estn aprendiendo a temer el maquillaje chilln y nariz roja del circo de pirofagia. Pero la fobia de los payasos ha existido durante muchos aos. Qu es hay payasos que asustan tanto para tanta gente? En este artculo informativo, psicoterapeuta UK lder discute por qu payasos pueden producir sentimientos de aversin y miedo.
Cmo la hipnosis puede cambiar tu vida
Cuando utilizo para tomar de la hipnosis, yo no olvidara buscando en tv y viendo los doctores con sus pacientes swinging pndulos frente a ellos. Soy bastante positivo, que no soy la nica persona que recuerda fotografas y pelculas que representan estas imgenes. S que eres curioso acerca de la hipnosis qu es y cmo funciona para las personas y mucho ms importante cmo le ayudar. La hipnosis se utiliza estos das para ayudar a impulso de vida y para detener los malos hbitos. La ciencia mdica es nomenclatura hipnosis como una tcnica alternativa de superacin.
Hice una bsqueda en Google y encontr tu sitio. Era exactamente lo que estaba buscando y fue exaltado a encontrar una amplia gama de artculos. Estoy lanzando una revista gratuita en una pequea ciudad en Florida, y quera ser tan ingeniosos como sea posible mientras que todava siendo capaces de proporcionar algn contenido que sea interesante y bien escrito. Su sitio tiene todas las variables de la mezcla. Excelente sitio golpear todas las notas knock off van cleef and arpels necklace en el tipo de escala de habla.
El hipnotizador famoso mundial Paul McKenna naci en Middlesex, Reino Unido el 06 de noviembre de 1963. Desde entonces se ha convertido en una mejor venta autor y uno de los hijos ms famosos de Inglaterra.
Era un programa de televisin llamado "El hipntico mundo de Paul McKenna" que introdujo a Paul McKenna en el mundo. En esta serie hipntica Paul McKenna pedira para voluntarios de la audiencia televisiva a aceptar ser hipnotizado por lo general con resultados hilarantes. Paul McKenna sera contar con la ayuda de la gente famosa para crear historias para el pueblo hipnotizado interactuar con.
Estos das Paul McKenna es mejor conocido por sus libros, videos y grabaciones de audio. Tambin ha participado en muchos Paul McKenna televisados producciones que van desde el Paul McKenna escaparate "Puedo cambiar tu vida" a "Puedo hacerte fina". En el ltimo programa Paul McKenna utiliza la audiencia de la televisin britnica como casos de prueba en su sistema de prdida de peso revolucionario.
En la actualidad Paul McKenna puede encontrarse de gira con su espectculo hipntico o dando charlas sobre la PNL y la hipnosis o su sistema de prdida de peso.
Paul McKenna tena 16 aos cuando comenz su carrera trabajando como DJ en una tienda minorista. Dentro de 7 aos haba progresado a trabajar como DJ en la radio local y su futuro pareca brillante.
Durante este tiempo Paul McKenna invit a un hipnotizador como invitado en su programa de radio. Despus el hipnotizador haba relajado a Paul McKenna y le mostr los beneficios de un estado hipntico, l no poda esperar para intentarlo de nuevo. As comenz la fascinacin larga vida con hipnosis para Paul McKenna.
Pronto Paul McKenna haba progresado a usar sus habilidades recin adquiridas hipnticos para entretener en pubs y discotecas. Tener una aptitud natural para la hipnosis Paul McKenna encontr con peticiones para sesiones de hipnoterapia sobre una base uno a uno.
Durante este tiempo Paul McKenna encontr trabajo con la mayor emisora de radio en Gran Bretaa, obteniendo un spot en Radio One como sus habilidades de DJ eran cada vez ms reconocido. Sin embargo, Paul McKenna quera proseguir la hipnosis y no permanecer largo.
Esto fue un acierto para McKenna porque en 1993 el canal britnico ITV emiti su primer espectculo hipntico que se hizo tan popular que fue visto en 42 pases.
Aunque necklace van cleef arpels replica Paul McKenna fue convirtiendo el animador hipntico ms popular de su poca tena una pasin por la superacin. Despus de estudiar neuro lingstica programacin con su co fundador Richard Bandler lanz productos bajo el nombre de McKenna Breen Ltd con Michael Breen, quien era un experto PNL. Desde ese momento ha publicado muchos libros, cintas, cds y cursos, as como hacer varias series de televisin.
Paul McKenna demand el tabloide UK, el Daily Mirror, en 2006 despus de afirm que obtuvo un ttulo falso para defraudar al pblico britnico y fue premiado con daos.
El doctorado en cuestin fue premiado por la Universidad de LaSalle (Louisiana) Paul McKenna transcurridos 2 aos estudiando y producido una tesis de 50.000 palabras. Poco hizo Paul McKenna, o cualquiera de los estudiantes, saber que la Universidad no estaba acreditada y todos ellos recibieron una indemnizacin del Gobierno de Estados Unidos.
Adems de ser un participante desconocimiento de la saga de La Salle en el daily que Mirror sealar no que ya haba alcanzado otro Reino Unido de McKenna acreditados doctorado en 2004 por el trabajo realizado sobre "Los efectos de imitation van cleef and arpels necklace sale fijo accin patrones y Neuro lingstica programacin en determinar los resultados en comportamiento humano"!
Articulos relacionados en hipnosis PNL
Personas interesadas en el artculo anterior tambin estn interesadas en los artculos relacionados que se enumeran a continuacin:
Por qu son tan miedos payasos
Con ataques de payaso golpear los encabezados, muchas personas estn aprendiendo a temer el maquillaje chilln y nariz roja del circo de pirofagia. Pero la fobia de los payasos ha existido durante muchos aos. Qu es hay payasos que asustan tanto para tanta gente? En este artculo informativo, psicoterapeuta UK lder discute por qu payasos pueden producir sentimientos de aversin y miedo.
Cmo la hipnosis puede cambiar tu vida
Cuando utilizo para tomar de la hipnosis, yo no olvidara buscando en tv y viendo los doctores con sus pacientes swinging pndulos frente a ellos. Soy bastante positivo, que no soy la nica persona que recuerda fotografas y pelculas que representan estas imgenes. S que eres curioso acerca de la hipnosis qu es y cmo funciona para las personas y mucho ms importante cmo le ayudar. La hipnosis se utiliza estos das para ayudar a impulso de vida y para detener los malos hbitos. La ciencia mdica es nomenclatura hipnosis como una tcnica alternativa de superacin.
Hice una bsqueda en Google y encontr tu sitio. Era exactamente lo que estaba buscando y fue exaltado a encontrar una amplia gama de artculos. Estoy lanzando una revista gratuita en una pequea ciudad en Florida, y quera ser tan ingeniosos como sea posible mientras que todava siendo capaces de proporcionar algn contenido que sea interesante y bien escrito. Su sitio tiene todas las variables de la mezcla. Excelente sitio golpear todas las notas knock off van cleef and arpels necklace en el tipo de escala de habla.
Motorhome renting guide
was more than a motorhome. it was a car I could go to the bathroom in. Wise words from Homer Simpson, which will be especially apt if you planning on visiting a festival this summer with its overflowing WCs or, frankly, if you travelling anywhere at all with small children.
The convenience (if you pardon the pun) of a motorhome, camper van or RV (recreational vehicle) isn restricted to bathroom habits you also never more than a few feet away from a cup of tea or a cold drink from the fridge. Your clothes will never be soaked in a downpour, you sleep in a bed not on a leaky blow up mattress, and you got a constant source of power for your iPod or mobile phone.
Campervans and motorhomes, unlike caravans, are cool. And, importantly given the vagaries of the typical British summer, they also warm. With a RV you got the freedom of the road and the comforts of home, but buying and owning one can be an expensive business, and they hardly practical daily transport trust me, I van cleef and arpels alhambra earrings copy owned a 1972 Volkswagen Westfalia for two years.
Fortunately, there a growing number of companies renting motorhomes of all shapes and sizes. Whether copy van cleef & arpels earrings you fancy a classic VW or a Meet the Fockers style behemoth, and whether it just for few days or several weeks at home or abroad, there plenty of choice.
Should you decide to take a holiday on four (or even six) wheels this is what you need to know before you go.
What to hire what to pay?
Size matters. The bigger the RV, the bigger the bill. A two berth camper, based on an MPV such as a Toyota Previa or the amusingly named Mazda Bongo can be had for as little as around 30 per day.
Classic VWs and modern Danbury conversions, which can sleep four, cost from about 300 for a festival weekend and a replica van necklace modern six berth motorhome with a shower and loo starts at around 70 per day. For the full Formula One luxury experience, you be looking at 2,000 for a festival weekend.
What are they like to drive?
try to warn customers in advance that these vehicles are between 33 to 38 years old and to be realistic about the vintage driving experience, says Deb Rampton of Nomad Living, which runs a fleet of classic VW camper vans imported from California. That means left hand drive, no power steering and a cruising speed of 50 60mph.
Modern converted MPVs will drive pretty much like you expect and larger vans are based on commercial vehicles, so while they not perhaps as refined as a car they easy to handle once you get used to the size.
Stingray RV rents enormous American RVs which, as they under 7.5 tonnes, can be driven on a regular car licence. Sensibly, the company offers a driving lesson to anyone who renting one.
What to pack?
Don worry if you haven even got a sleeping bag, most of the rental companies will provide the basics (some at extra cost). Also provided will be water and gas, so all you need are just your clothes, your food and a plan.
Where to go?
A motorhome makes the mudbath of a typical music festival far more appealing imagine your own shower and a warm bed at the end of each day. Most festivals have designated areas for live in vehicles and you can expect to find everything from converted fire engines and horse boxes to conventional RVs in the paddock. In most cases you need an additional pass for the vehicle and the numbers are limited, so book early.
Do I have to go to a campsite?
Ah, the freedom of the open road. Almost. In the UK and much of Europe free overnight parking is permitted in more places than you might expect (such as certain Tesco car parks, although quite why you want to is another matter). Make sure that you check the signs or ask permission.
If you do camp then bear in mind that you won have the luxury of mains electricity, showers and other facilities of a modern campsite. It might also be a condition of the rental that you stay in designated campsites, so read the small print.
was more than a motorhome. it was a car I could go to the bathroom in. Wise words from Homer Simpson, which will be especially apt if you planning on visiting a festival this summer with its overflowing WCs or, frankly, if you travelling anywhere at all with small children.
The convenience (if you pardon the pun) of a motorhome, camper van or RV (recreational vehicle) isn restricted to bathroom habits you also never more than a few feet away from a cup of tea or a cold drink from the fridge. Your clothes will never be soaked in a downpour, you sleep in a bed not on a leaky blow up mattress, and you got a constant source of power for your iPod or mobile phone.
Campervans and motorhomes, unlike caravans, are cool. And, importantly given the vagaries of the typical British summer, they also warm. With a RV you got the freedom of the road and the comforts of home, but buying and owning one can be an expensive business, and they hardly practical daily transport trust me, I van cleef and arpels alhambra earrings copy owned a 1972 Volkswagen Westfalia for two years.
Fortunately, there a growing number of companies renting motorhomes of all shapes and sizes. Whether copy van cleef & arpels earrings you fancy a classic VW or a Meet the Fockers style behemoth, and whether it just for few days or several weeks at home or abroad, there plenty of choice.
Should you decide to take a holiday on four (or even six) wheels this is what you need to know before you go.
What to hire what to pay?
Size matters. The bigger the RV, the bigger the bill. A two berth camper, based on an MPV such as a Toyota Previa or the amusingly named Mazda Bongo can be had for as little as around 30 per day.
Classic VWs and modern Danbury conversions, which can sleep four, cost from about 300 for a festival weekend and a replica van necklace modern six berth motorhome with a shower and loo starts at around 70 per day. For the full Formula One luxury experience, you be looking at 2,000 for a festival weekend.
What are they like to drive?
try to warn customers in advance that these vehicles are between 33 to 38 years old and to be realistic about the vintage driving experience, says Deb Rampton of Nomad Living, which runs a fleet of classic VW camper vans imported from California. That means left hand drive, no power steering and a cruising speed of 50 60mph.
Modern converted MPVs will drive pretty much like you expect and larger vans are based on commercial vehicles, so while they not perhaps as refined as a car they easy to handle once you get used to the size.
Stingray RV rents enormous American RVs which, as they under 7.5 tonnes, can be driven on a regular car licence. Sensibly, the company offers a driving lesson to anyone who renting one.
What to pack?
Don worry if you haven even got a sleeping bag, most of the rental companies will provide the basics (some at extra cost). Also provided will be water and gas, so all you need are just your clothes, your food and a plan.
Where to go?
A motorhome makes the mudbath of a typical music festival far more appealing imagine your own shower and a warm bed at the end of each day. Most festivals have designated areas for live in vehicles and you can expect to find everything from converted fire engines and horse boxes to conventional RVs in the paddock. In most cases you need an additional pass for the vehicle and the numbers are limited, so book early.
Do I have to go to a campsite?
Ah, the freedom of the open road. Almost. In the UK and much of Europe free overnight parking is permitted in more places than you might expect (such as certain Tesco car parks, although quite why you want to is another matter). Make sure that you check the signs or ask permission.
If you do camp then bear in mind that you won have the luxury of mains electricity, showers and other facilities of a modern campsite. It might also be a condition of the rental that you stay in designated campsites, so read the small print.
Maria Josefina 'Josie' Jimenez 'murdered' by Ricardo 'Rick' Jimenez who pushed her out of moving car in LA
Ms Jimenez was fatally struck numerous times by oncoming traffic after tumbling from the front passenger seat of the wildly careening car, being driven by Mr Jimenez, onto the Foothill (210) Freeway in Sylmar, Los Angeles.'We have multiple sources who have come forward putting Rick and Josie at a local tattoo parlor before midnight, with Rick causing a disturbance and berating Josie in front of others,' Los Angeles Police Department spokesman, Lieutenant Paul Vernon, told NBC 4.'We know Rick was driving Josie's red Toyota Corolla when the two left the parlor.'According to theLos Angeles Times, detectives pieced together the night's events when a resident near the tattoo parlor reported to police that a woman had come alhambra earrings replica to her front door about midnight asking for a ride downtown.same friend who also attended the parlor but left when the couple'sargument got out of hand.Police said in a tweet that a key factor in deciding to arrest Mr Jimenez, from North Hollywood, was the amount of blood present on the passenger side of car, found abandoned in the northeast San Fernando Valley.The blood is now being tested.Police also believe the victim may have been physically abused the night before her death, Los Angeles Times reports.Ms Jimenez's estranged husband reported her missing and is not believed to be involved in her death, police said.Bail has been set at $1 million for Mr Jimenez, who is being held at Van Nuys jail.Most watched News videos EXCLUSIVE: Ariana Grande plane arrives back in the US Homeless man describes how he helped after Manchester attack Moment bomb explodes at Ariana Grande concert Moment armed police storm of Manchester suicide bomber Eye witness describes spotting the Manchester attacker Blood seen dripping from victim leg after Manchester Armed police prepare to raid of Manchester suicide bomber Forensic officers raid of Manchester suicide bomber Threat level now CRITICAL: PM raises terror level Mum of Manchester attack victim Georgina Callander releases balloons Sickening video warns of more attacks after Manchester Man is arrested by police outside Buckingham PalaceEXCLUSIVE: First photos of Ariana Grande since Manchester. Help for the homeless heroes: Millionaire West Ham owner. The schoolgirls massacred by ISIS coward: Five teenagers. Revealed: Manchester bomber returned to Britain from. knock off van cleef flower earrings Theresa May warns a fresh terror attack is feared to be. 'Our little princess has been so lucky': Father's joy as. Britain on lockdown: Army deploys 1,000 heavily armed. Mother of child actress pictured hugging a female police. Horror on the M6: Lorry driver is arrested after four. Tourists watch in horror as armed police arrest man. Aaron Hernandez's hell behind bars: NFL star killed. More than 24 hours on, desperate families still search. BREAKING NEWS: My son is innocent, insists father of. Grisly photos of scorched remnants of replica van cleef arpels earrings suicide bomber's. Comedian Jason Manford deletes Twitter after being. 'I won't forget what you said!' Trump tells Pope after. Terrorist's brother arrested: Dramatic moment armed. Melania and Ivanka wear black veils to meet the Pope at. MOST READ NEWS Previous.
Ms Jimenez was fatally struck numerous times by oncoming traffic after tumbling from the front passenger seat of the wildly careening car, being driven by Mr Jimenez, onto the Foothill (210) Freeway in Sylmar, Los Angeles.'We have multiple sources who have come forward putting Rick and Josie at a local tattoo parlor before midnight, with Rick causing a disturbance and berating Josie in front of others,' Los Angeles Police Department spokesman, Lieutenant Paul Vernon, told NBC 4.'We know Rick was driving Josie's red Toyota Corolla when the two left the parlor.'According to theLos Angeles Times, detectives pieced together the night's events when a resident near the tattoo parlor reported to police that a woman had come alhambra earrings replica to her front door about midnight asking for a ride downtown.same friend who also attended the parlor but left when the couple'sargument got out of hand.Police said in a tweet that a key factor in deciding to arrest Mr Jimenez, from North Hollywood, was the amount of blood present on the passenger side of car, found abandoned in the northeast San Fernando Valley.The blood is now being tested.Police also believe the victim may have been physically abused the night before her death, Los Angeles Times reports.Ms Jimenez's estranged husband reported her missing and is not believed to be involved in her death, police said.Bail has been set at $1 million for Mr Jimenez, who is being held at Van Nuys jail.Most watched News videos EXCLUSIVE: Ariana Grande plane arrives back in the US Homeless man describes how he helped after Manchester attack Moment bomb explodes at Ariana Grande concert Moment armed police storm of Manchester suicide bomber Eye witness describes spotting the Manchester attacker Blood seen dripping from victim leg after Manchester Armed police prepare to raid of Manchester suicide bomber Forensic officers raid of Manchester suicide bomber Threat level now CRITICAL: PM raises terror level Mum of Manchester attack victim Georgina Callander releases balloons Sickening video warns of more attacks after Manchester Man is arrested by police outside Buckingham PalaceEXCLUSIVE: First photos of Ariana Grande since Manchester. Help for the homeless heroes: Millionaire West Ham owner. The schoolgirls massacred by ISIS coward: Five teenagers. Revealed: Manchester bomber returned to Britain from. knock off van cleef flower earrings Theresa May warns a fresh terror attack is feared to be. 'Our little princess has been so lucky': Father's joy as. Britain on lockdown: Army deploys 1,000 heavily armed. Mother of child actress pictured hugging a female police. Horror on the M6: Lorry driver is arrested after four. Tourists watch in horror as armed police arrest man. Aaron Hernandez's hell behind bars: NFL star killed. More than 24 hours on, desperate families still search. BREAKING NEWS: My son is innocent, insists father of. Grisly photos of scorched remnants of replica van cleef arpels earrings suicide bomber's. Comedian Jason Manford deletes Twitter after being. 'I won't forget what you said!' Trump tells Pope after. Terrorist's brother arrested: Dramatic moment armed. Melania and Ivanka wear black veils to meet the Pope at. MOST READ NEWS Previous.
Moment terrorist is shot dead after killing a police officer and wounding two others in attack on Champs
A terrified family caught up in the attack have revealed today how they looked the gunman "in the eyes" before running for their lives as fake van cleef arpels necklace he opened fire on police.
John Finney, 51, shielded his wife and children as they fled the attacker.
The Finney family, replica van cleef jewelry tourists visiting Paris en route to London from their home in Kentucky. were walking down the famous boulevard when a series of blasts rang out.
Mr Finney told the Standard: "My wife and I looked him in the eye. It was like slow motion. We are blessed to be alive."
His 16 year old son Jack said: "There was a single gunman in black clothes on the sidewalk in replica van cleef gold necklace between a hotel and a police van. Three rounds of machine gun fire were shot off.
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A terrified family caught up in the attack have revealed today how they looked the gunman "in the eyes" before running for their lives as fake van cleef arpels necklace he opened fire on police.
John Finney, 51, shielded his wife and children as they fled the attacker.
The Finney family, replica van cleef jewelry tourists visiting Paris en route to London from their home in Kentucky. were walking down the famous boulevard when a series of blasts rang out.
Mr Finney told the Standard: "My wife and I looked him in the eye. It was like slow motion. We are blessed to be alive."
His 16 year old son Jack said: "There was a single gunman in black clothes on the sidewalk in replica van cleef gold necklace between a hotel and a police van. Three rounds of machine gun fire were shot off.
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On Adblock click "Don't run on pages on this domain".
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mouthed rant at fans after arriving late to Manchester gig
Diva behaviour? The 57 year old singer was in Manchester for the latest stop on her Rebel Heart tour, but fans were left unimpressed as they were kept waiting for the star
'I don't like to be late by the way, alright? And all you bs who keep complaining about it can shut the fk up,' she shouted.
'I'm not back copy van cleef and arpels necklace there eating chocolate, filing my nails and getting my extensions done alright?' she added before explaining that the delay was due to a malfunction with video for the gig.
'The video crashed. We had no video and we had to wait until we could reboot. No selfish diva b reason. If you diva bes want to keep complaining about it don't come to my show,' she said.
Some gig goers reportedly walked out of the gig before Madonna even took to the stage, with many angry about the late finish and worried being able to get home from the venue.
Unacceptable: Fans at the gig were soon taking to Twitter to voice their anger at the late start
'Over 50mins late at Manchester Arena and no announcements. Not acceptable.
It's not the first time the superstar has turned on her fans during a gig. Back in 2012 she was performing a sound check at an outdoor arena in Santiago in Chile when she spotted some people smoking.
In a video posted on YouTube Madonna told the audience: 'No fume. If you're going to smoke cigarettes I'm not doing the show. You don't care about me? I don't care about you. All right? Are we going to play that game?
'I'm not kidding. I can't sing if you smoke. Entiendes? There are people smoking right now. No smoking!'
Most watched News videos EXCLUSIVE: Ariana Grande plane arrives back in the van cleef arpels necklace copy US Homeless man describes how he helped after Manchester attack Eye witness describes spotting the Manchester attacker Moment bomb explodes at Ariana Grande concert Man is arrested by police outside Buckingham Palace Forensic officers raid of Manchester suicide bomber Blood seen dripping from victim leg after Manchester Huge tailbacks on M6 as police after crash between lorry and car Armed police prepare to raid of Manchester suicide bomber Threat level now CRITICAL: PM raises terror level Sickening video warns of more attacks after Manchester Mum of Manchester attack victim Georgina Callander releases balloons
Help for the homeless heroes: Millionaire West Ham owner. Was bomber's family in global terror network? Killer. 'Our little princess has been so lucky': Father's joy as. Mother of child actress pictured hugging a female police. Britain on lockdown: Army deploys 1,000 heavily armed. Grisly photos of scorched remnants of suicide bomber's. Heartwrenching scenes as the mother of 15 year old. Horror on the M6: Lorry driver is arrested after four. Tourists watch in horror as armed police arrest man. Aaron Hernandez's hell behind bars: NFL star killed. More than 24 hours on, desperate families still search. Comedian Jason Manford deletes Twitter after being. White women's burrito shop is forced to close after. BREAKING NEWS: My son is innocent, insists father of. 'I won't forget what you said!' Trump tells Pope after. Melania and Ivanka wear black veils to meet the Pope at. Armed police arrest Manchester bomb suspect 'with. Armed police and soldiers raid Manchester city imitation van cleef and arpels necklace centre. MOST READ NEWS Previous.
Diva behaviour? The 57 year old singer was in Manchester for the latest stop on her Rebel Heart tour, but fans were left unimpressed as they were kept waiting for the star
'I don't like to be late by the way, alright? And all you bs who keep complaining about it can shut the fk up,' she shouted.
'I'm not back copy van cleef and arpels necklace there eating chocolate, filing my nails and getting my extensions done alright?' she added before explaining that the delay was due to a malfunction with video for the gig.
'The video crashed. We had no video and we had to wait until we could reboot. No selfish diva b reason. If you diva bes want to keep complaining about it don't come to my show,' she said.
Some gig goers reportedly walked out of the gig before Madonna even took to the stage, with many angry about the late finish and worried being able to get home from the venue.
Unacceptable: Fans at the gig were soon taking to Twitter to voice their anger at the late start
'Over 50mins late at Manchester Arena and no announcements. Not acceptable.
It's not the first time the superstar has turned on her fans during a gig. Back in 2012 she was performing a sound check at an outdoor arena in Santiago in Chile when she spotted some people smoking.
In a video posted on YouTube Madonna told the audience: 'No fume. If you're going to smoke cigarettes I'm not doing the show. You don't care about me? I don't care about you. All right? Are we going to play that game?
'I'm not kidding. I can't sing if you smoke. Entiendes? There are people smoking right now. No smoking!'
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My Voter ID awakening
This piece originally appeared on TomDispatch.
Democrats are frustrated: Why can't Republican voters see that Republicans pass voter ID laws to suppress voting, not fraud?
Democrats know who tends to lack ID. They know that the threat of in person voter fraud is wildlyexaggerated. Besides, Republican officials could hardly have been clearer about the real purpose behind these laws and courts keep striking them down as unconstitutional. Still, Republican support remainssky high, with onlyonethirdof Republicans recognizing that they are primarily intended to boost the GOP prospects.
How can Republican voters go on believing that the latest wave of voter ID laws is about fraud and that it's theoppositionto the laws that's being partisan?
To help frustrated non Republicans, I offer up my own experience as a case study. Iwasa Republican for most of my life, and during those years I had no doubt that such laws were indeed truly about fraud. Please join me on a tour of my old outlook on voter ID laws and what caused it to change.
Fraud on the Brain
I grew up in a wealthy Republican suburb of Chicago, where we worried about election fraud all the time. Showing our IDs at the polls seemed like a minor act of political rebellion against the legendary Democratic political machine that ran the city replica van cleef and arpels white gold alhambra necklace and county. "Vote early and often!" was the catchphrase we used for how that machine worked. Those were its instructions to its minions, we semi jokingly believed, and it called up an image of mass in person voter fraud.
We hated the "Democrat" machine, seeing it as inherently corrupt, and its power, fake van cleef and arpels necklace we had no doubt, derived from fraud. When it wasn't bribing voters or destroying ballots, it was manipulating election laws creating, for instance, a signature collecting requirement so onerous that only a massive organization like itself could easily gather enough John Hancocks to put its candidates on the ballot.
Republicans with long memories still wonder if Richard Nixon lost Illinois and the 1960 election thanks to Chicago Mayor Richard Daley's ability to make dead Republicans vote for John F. Kennedy. For us, any new report of voter fraud, wrapped in rumor and historical memory, just hammered home what we already knew: it was rampant in our county thanks to the machine.
And it wasn't just Chicago. We assumed that all cities were run by similarly corrupt Democratic organizations. As for stories of rural corruption and vote tampering? You can guess which party we blamed. Corruption, election fraud, and Democrats: they went hand in hand in hand.
Sure, we were aware of the occasional accusation of corruption against one or another Republican fake van cleef and arpels pendant official. Normally, we assumed that such accusations were politically motivated. If they turned out to be true, then you were obviously talking about a "bad apple."
I must admit that I did occasionally wonder whether there were any Republican machines out there, and the more I heard about the dominating one in neighboring DuPage County, the less I wanted to know. (Ditto Florida in 2000.) Still, I knew Iknew that the Dems would use any crooked tool in the box to steal elections. Therefore America needed cleaner elections, and cleaner elections meant voter ID laws.
Doesn't Everyone Have an ID?
Every once in a while I'd hear the complaint usually from a Democrat that such laws were "racist." Racist? How could they be when they were so commonsensical? The complainers, I figured, were talking nonsense, just another instance of the tiresome PC brigade slapping the race card on the table for partisan advantage. If only they would scrap their tedious, tendentious identity and victim politics and come join the rest of us in the business of America.
All this held until one night in 2006. At the time, my roommate worked at a local bank branch, and that evening when we got into a conversation, he mentioned to me that the bank required two forms of identification to open an account. Of course, who wouldn't? But then he told me this crazy thing: customers would show up with only one ID or none at all and it wasn't like they had left them at home. As I've writtenelsewhere, this was one of the moments that opened my eyes to a broader reality which, in the end, caused me to quit the Republican Party.
I had no idea. I had naturally assumed to the extent that I even gave it a thought that every adult had to have at least one ID. Like most everyone in my world, I've had two or three at any given time since the day I turned 16 and begged my parents to take me to the DMV.
Until then, I couldn't imagine how voter ID laws might be about anything but fraud. That no longer held up for the simple reason that, in the minds of Republican operators and voters alike, there is a pretty simple equation: Black + Poor = Democrat. And if that was the case, and the poor and black were more likely to lack IDs, then how could those lawsnotbe aimed at them?
Whenever I tell people this story, most Republicans and some Democrats are shocked. Like me, they had no idea that there are significant numbers of adults out there who don't have IDs.
A recentstudyby other researchers focusing on the swing state of Pennsylvania found that one in seven voters there lack an ID one in three in Philadelphia with minorities far more likely than whites to fall into this category. By definition, a law that intentionally imposes more burdens on minorities than on whites is racist, even if that imposition is indirect. Seeing these laws as distant relatives of literacy tests and poll taxes no longer seemed so outrageous to me.
After I became a Democrat, I tried explaining this to some of the Republicans in my life, but I quickly saw that I had crossed an invisible tripwire. You see, if you ever want to get a Republican to stop listening to you, just say the "R" word: racism. In my Republican days, any time a Democrat started talking about how some Republican policy or act was racist, I rolled my eyes and thought Reagan esquely,there they go again
We loathed identity politics, which we viewed as invidious as well as harmful to minorities. And the "race card" was so simplistic, so partisan, so boring. Besides, what about all that reverse discrimination? Nowthatwas racist.
We also hated any accusation that made it sound like we were personally racist. It's a big insult to call someone a racist or a bigot, and we loathed it when Democrats associated the rest of us Republicans with the bigots in the party. At least in my world, we rejected racism, which we defined (in what I now see as a conveniently narrow way) as intentional and mean spirited acts or attitudes like the laws passed by segregationistDemocrats.
This will undoubtedly amaze non Republicans, but given all of the above, Republican voters continue to hear the many remarkably blunt statements by those leading the Republican drive to pass voter ID laws not as racist but at the very worstDemocratist. That includes comments like that of Pennsylvania House majority leaderMike Turzaiwho spoke of "voter ID, which is going to allow Governor Romney to win the state of Pennsylvania: done." Or state Representative Alan Clemmons, the principal sponsor of South Carolina's voter ID law, who handed out bags of peanuts with thisnoteattached: "Stop Obama's nutty agenda and support voter ID."
This piece originally appeared on TomDispatch.
Democrats are frustrated: Why can't Republican voters see that Republicans pass voter ID laws to suppress voting, not fraud?
Democrats know who tends to lack ID. They know that the threat of in person voter fraud is wildlyexaggerated. Besides, Republican officials could hardly have been clearer about the real purpose behind these laws and courts keep striking them down as unconstitutional. Still, Republican support remainssky high, with onlyonethirdof Republicans recognizing that they are primarily intended to boost the GOP prospects.
How can Republican voters go on believing that the latest wave of voter ID laws is about fraud and that it's theoppositionto the laws that's being partisan?
To help frustrated non Republicans, I offer up my own experience as a case study. Iwasa Republican for most of my life, and during those years I had no doubt that such laws were indeed truly about fraud. Please join me on a tour of my old outlook on voter ID laws and what caused it to change.
Fraud on the Brain
I grew up in a wealthy Republican suburb of Chicago, where we worried about election fraud all the time. Showing our IDs at the polls seemed like a minor act of political rebellion against the legendary Democratic political machine that ran the city replica van cleef and arpels white gold alhambra necklace and county. "Vote early and often!" was the catchphrase we used for how that machine worked. Those were its instructions to its minions, we semi jokingly believed, and it called up an image of mass in person voter fraud.
We hated the "Democrat" machine, seeing it as inherently corrupt, and its power, fake van cleef and arpels necklace we had no doubt, derived from fraud. When it wasn't bribing voters or destroying ballots, it was manipulating election laws creating, for instance, a signature collecting requirement so onerous that only a massive organization like itself could easily gather enough John Hancocks to put its candidates on the ballot.
Republicans with long memories still wonder if Richard Nixon lost Illinois and the 1960 election thanks to Chicago Mayor Richard Daley's ability to make dead Republicans vote for John F. Kennedy. For us, any new report of voter fraud, wrapped in rumor and historical memory, just hammered home what we already knew: it was rampant in our county thanks to the machine.
And it wasn't just Chicago. We assumed that all cities were run by similarly corrupt Democratic organizations. As for stories of rural corruption and vote tampering? You can guess which party we blamed. Corruption, election fraud, and Democrats: they went hand in hand in hand.
Sure, we were aware of the occasional accusation of corruption against one or another Republican fake van cleef and arpels pendant official. Normally, we assumed that such accusations were politically motivated. If they turned out to be true, then you were obviously talking about a "bad apple."
I must admit that I did occasionally wonder whether there were any Republican machines out there, and the more I heard about the dominating one in neighboring DuPage County, the less I wanted to know. (Ditto Florida in 2000.) Still, I knew Iknew that the Dems would use any crooked tool in the box to steal elections. Therefore America needed cleaner elections, and cleaner elections meant voter ID laws.
Doesn't Everyone Have an ID?
Every once in a while I'd hear the complaint usually from a Democrat that such laws were "racist." Racist? How could they be when they were so commonsensical? The complainers, I figured, were talking nonsense, just another instance of the tiresome PC brigade slapping the race card on the table for partisan advantage. If only they would scrap their tedious, tendentious identity and victim politics and come join the rest of us in the business of America.
All this held until one night in 2006. At the time, my roommate worked at a local bank branch, and that evening when we got into a conversation, he mentioned to me that the bank required two forms of identification to open an account. Of course, who wouldn't? But then he told me this crazy thing: customers would show up with only one ID or none at all and it wasn't like they had left them at home. As I've writtenelsewhere, this was one of the moments that opened my eyes to a broader reality which, in the end, caused me to quit the Republican Party.
I had no idea. I had naturally assumed to the extent that I even gave it a thought that every adult had to have at least one ID. Like most everyone in my world, I've had two or three at any given time since the day I turned 16 and begged my parents to take me to the DMV.
Until then, I couldn't imagine how voter ID laws might be about anything but fraud. That no longer held up for the simple reason that, in the minds of Republican operators and voters alike, there is a pretty simple equation: Black + Poor = Democrat. And if that was the case, and the poor and black were more likely to lack IDs, then how could those lawsnotbe aimed at them?
Whenever I tell people this story, most Republicans and some Democrats are shocked. Like me, they had no idea that there are significant numbers of adults out there who don't have IDs.
A recentstudyby other researchers focusing on the swing state of Pennsylvania found that one in seven voters there lack an ID one in three in Philadelphia with minorities far more likely than whites to fall into this category. By definition, a law that intentionally imposes more burdens on minorities than on whites is racist, even if that imposition is indirect. Seeing these laws as distant relatives of literacy tests and poll taxes no longer seemed so outrageous to me.
After I became a Democrat, I tried explaining this to some of the Republicans in my life, but I quickly saw that I had crossed an invisible tripwire. You see, if you ever want to get a Republican to stop listening to you, just say the "R" word: racism. In my Republican days, any time a Democrat started talking about how some Republican policy or act was racist, I rolled my eyes and thought Reagan esquely,there they go again
We loathed identity politics, which we viewed as invidious as well as harmful to minorities. And the "race card" was so simplistic, so partisan, so boring. Besides, what about all that reverse discrimination? Nowthatwas racist.
We also hated any accusation that made it sound like we were personally racist. It's a big insult to call someone a racist or a bigot, and we loathed it when Democrats associated the rest of us Republicans with the bigots in the party. At least in my world, we rejected racism, which we defined (in what I now see as a conveniently narrow way) as intentional and mean spirited acts or attitudes like the laws passed by segregationistDemocrats.
This will undoubtedly amaze non Republicans, but given all of the above, Republican voters continue to hear the many remarkably blunt statements by those leading the Republican drive to pass voter ID laws not as racist but at the very worstDemocratist. That includes comments like that of Pennsylvania House majority leaderMike Turzaiwho spoke of "voter ID, which is going to allow Governor Romney to win the state of Pennsylvania: done." Or state Representative Alan Clemmons, the principal sponsor of South Carolina's voter ID law, who handed out bags of peanuts with thisnoteattached: "Stop Obama's nutty agenda and support voter ID."
No second series syndrome for the superb Happy Valley
Serial murder. Sexual mutilation. Blackmail. Prostitution. Spiked drinks. Poisoned dogs. A dying sheep smashed in the skull with a rock. Welcome imitation van cleef & arpels necklace back toHappyValley, BBC One's deceptively named cop drama.
The most compellingly rounded, richly drawn creation of all, though, was Sarah Lancashire's flawed heroine inHappyValley: strong willed, battle scarred Sergeant Catherine Cawood, who introduced herself to a local hoodlum thus: "I'm Catherine. I'm 47, divorced and live with my sister, who's a recovering heroin addict. I've got two grown up children one dead, one who doesn't speak to me and a grandson. Why doesn't my son speak to me? It's complicated. Now, let's talk about you."
At the centre of a plot involving a botched kidnapping, rape, murder and suicide that hit very close to home, Cawood's all too human copper drew viewers to a drama that became a word of mouth hit, attracting an audience of 8m and winning two well deserved Baftas.
The corpse turned out to be the junkie mother of the imprisoned Royce. And Cawood was a suspect, having made threatening phone calls to the fake van cleef and arpels necklace victim. Royce, viewers familiar with the drama would know, is the father of Cawood's grandson Ryan, having raped her daughter, who had later committed suicide, before the events of the first series.
Despite a court order, Royce's mother had made contact with Ryan. Cawood had rung to warn her off and was now being asked to provide an alibi for her movements. When two more killings were linked to the case, it escalated into serial murder. "What do I have to do?" asked our heroine. "I've got the Queen's Police Medal for Bravery. I've been to Buckingham Palace and shook the woman's hand. Now they're accusing me of this." Wainwright's down to earth dialogue, in the mouth of Lancashire, remains one of the series' greatest strengths.
The plot is already full of suspense and possibilities. Performances were uniformly excellent. Informed about his mother's death and quick to blame "that bitch" Cawood, Royce went from wobbly lipped little boy lost to nostril flaring psycho. Lancashire was charismatic: fast talking and teak tough at van cleef and arpels white gold alhambra necklace fake work, bursting into tears of anguish when she got home. The cast additions were promisingly classy, too.
A mysterious admirer (played with neurotic intensity by Shirley Henderson) visited Royce in prison and seemed keen to do his bidding. Meanwhile, an unsettling sub plot saw a married detective (Kevin Doyle, best known as Molesley from Downton Abbey) have his drink spiked by his spurned mistress, who photographed him in compromising positions to blackmail him. Oh Mr Molesley, what would Carson say? These woozy scenes gender reversed the more common man drugs woman scenario in classic Wainwright style.
There was no sign yet of the violence of the first series, in which Royce kidnapped and brutally raped local businessman's daughter Ann Gallagher (Irish actress Charlie Murphy) now a new police recruit and severely beat his vengeful nemesis Catherine, in scenes which prompted complaints to the BBC. But as night fell and Pennine rain lashed the windows, the atmosphere grew so ominous that suddenly everyone seemed sinister.
Was there more to Cawood's sister's old school friend (Con O'Neill) or that hapless van driver (Matthew Lewis) than met the eye? Could they be the killer?
Comeback series of acclaimed crime dramas have tended to disappoint recently. ITV's Broadchurch and HBO import True Detective both suffered disastrous cases of second series syndrome. WouldHappyValleyfall victim to the same drop off in quality? On the evidence of this superlative opener, absolutely not.
Serial murder. Sexual mutilation. Blackmail. Prostitution. Spiked drinks. Poisoned dogs. A dying sheep smashed in the skull with a rock. Welcome imitation van cleef & arpels necklace back toHappyValley, BBC One's deceptively named cop drama.
The most compellingly rounded, richly drawn creation of all, though, was Sarah Lancashire's flawed heroine inHappyValley: strong willed, battle scarred Sergeant Catherine Cawood, who introduced herself to a local hoodlum thus: "I'm Catherine. I'm 47, divorced and live with my sister, who's a recovering heroin addict. I've got two grown up children one dead, one who doesn't speak to me and a grandson. Why doesn't my son speak to me? It's complicated. Now, let's talk about you."
At the centre of a plot involving a botched kidnapping, rape, murder and suicide that hit very close to home, Cawood's all too human copper drew viewers to a drama that became a word of mouth hit, attracting an audience of 8m and winning two well deserved Baftas.
The corpse turned out to be the junkie mother of the imprisoned Royce. And Cawood was a suspect, having made threatening phone calls to the fake van cleef and arpels necklace victim. Royce, viewers familiar with the drama would know, is the father of Cawood's grandson Ryan, having raped her daughter, who had later committed suicide, before the events of the first series.
Despite a court order, Royce's mother had made contact with Ryan. Cawood had rung to warn her off and was now being asked to provide an alibi for her movements. When two more killings were linked to the case, it escalated into serial murder. "What do I have to do?" asked our heroine. "I've got the Queen's Police Medal for Bravery. I've been to Buckingham Palace and shook the woman's hand. Now they're accusing me of this." Wainwright's down to earth dialogue, in the mouth of Lancashire, remains one of the series' greatest strengths.
The plot is already full of suspense and possibilities. Performances were uniformly excellent. Informed about his mother's death and quick to blame "that bitch" Cawood, Royce went from wobbly lipped little boy lost to nostril flaring psycho. Lancashire was charismatic: fast talking and teak tough at van cleef and arpels white gold alhambra necklace fake work, bursting into tears of anguish when she got home. The cast additions were promisingly classy, too.
A mysterious admirer (played with neurotic intensity by Shirley Henderson) visited Royce in prison and seemed keen to do his bidding. Meanwhile, an unsettling sub plot saw a married detective (Kevin Doyle, best known as Molesley from Downton Abbey) have his drink spiked by his spurned mistress, who photographed him in compromising positions to blackmail him. Oh Mr Molesley, what would Carson say? These woozy scenes gender reversed the more common man drugs woman scenario in classic Wainwright style.
There was no sign yet of the violence of the first series, in which Royce kidnapped and brutally raped local businessman's daughter Ann Gallagher (Irish actress Charlie Murphy) now a new police recruit and severely beat his vengeful nemesis Catherine, in scenes which prompted complaints to the BBC. But as night fell and Pennine rain lashed the windows, the atmosphere grew so ominous that suddenly everyone seemed sinister.
Was there more to Cawood's sister's old school friend (Con O'Neill) or that hapless van driver (Matthew Lewis) than met the eye? Could they be the killer?
Comeback series of acclaimed crime dramas have tended to disappoint recently. ITV's Broadchurch and HBO import True Detective both suffered disastrous cases of second series syndrome. WouldHappyValleyfall victim to the same drop off in quality? On the evidence of this superlative opener, absolutely not.
Justice minister unfit for role in new cabinet
Justice Minister Michael Keenan tried to defame the Labor candidate in the WA seat of Cowan, stating that Anne Aly had written a letter of support for a known terrorist. This statement was untrue and a blatant misrepresentation of the role of Dr Aly, who was acting entirely in line with his own government's policy on national security.
As Justice Minister, Michael Keenan is responsible for matters in the Attorney General's portfolio, including law enforcement, and for key agencies including the Australian Federal Police and Australian Crime Commission. Is a person who is prepared to put perceived party interests ahead of fact checking, fairness or national security fit to hold the role of justice minister? Sadly, minister Keenan's comments were also supported by the Foreign Minister Julie Bishop and Treasurer Scott Morrison, so the probity of all three is now in question. Mr Turnbull would do well to reflect on these issues as he selects his new cabinet.
Mike Reece, Balwyn NorthHow quaint. Foreign Minister Julie Bishop waxes lyrical about the Hague Tribunal's decision regarding the South China Sea, saying that China needs to honour the ruling. Yet when the UN High Commissioner for Refugees takes Australia to task for illegally jailing asylum seekers, Ms Bishop blithely ignores it.
Kim van fake van cleef and arpels gold bracelet den Berghe, Highton
Australia falls short on human rights
Earlier this week the Cambodian activist and government critic Kem Ley was shot and killed, most likely at the hands of Hun Sen's government. Yet not a word from the Australian government. In Papua New Guinea, student protesters have been shot and many are in fear for their lives. Yet barely a word from the Australian government.
Corrupt and brutal political leaders in our region need not fear a stern word from Australia, let alone anything of real consequence, so long as we rely on them to deal with the "problem" of those seeking asylum here in Australia. Australia should be a positive voice for democracy and rule of law in the region. At least we can't be accused of saying one thing and doing another.
Christina Hill, Woodend
Please work together to end toxic policy
The government is calling for a more productive Parliament, one that works together for the good of the country. Mr Turnbull has an opportunity to demonstrate his commitment by ending the toxic debate about asylum seekers and take up Labor's offer to work towards resettling those refugees still held in detention on Nauru and Manus, including children and families, end the secrecy around what is being done in our name and introduce independent oversight while a workable solution to end detention is being developed.
Marg D'Arcy, Kew East
Shrewd in business but a dud in politics
To Mr Turnbull, the election was just another deal he broke even on. In business that's better than losing and you get to fight another day. Malcolm is business savvy not politically savvy. The Coalition may have just sneaked in a win in the election. But Malcolm lost it decisively.
Gary Sayer, Warrnambool
Compulsory voting not set in stone
Compulsory voting is not in fact enshrined in the constitution (Letters, 13/7). At the federal level, it was introduced in 1924 by means of an amendment to the Electoral Act. It could be changed tomorrow, without any need for a referendum.
Paul replica bracelet van cleef alhambra Rodan, Malvern East
A crime unfolds daily
It's bone chillingly cold, isn't it? Last night, I walked along Swanston Street to attend an event at the Town Hall. Just a hundred metres from the Town Hall a young woman was sleeping on the pavement. She had a sign stating that her art supplies had been stolen. She uses her art to make money. I gave her $20 and asked how she was going. She told me she'd had a terrible fortnight; her father had died. Then she started to cry. I looked around, seeking someone who might help. There were plenty of people, but no one to give assistance. I felt like a crime was unfolding, but only I could knock off van cleef & arpels bracelet see it. What has happened to us, Australia? When did we become these people? When did we decide it was OK to ignore the fallen members of our community? Wrapped in my warm coat, I felt ashamed. No matter how our politicians spin it, I will never accept that we can't find the resources to fix this problem.
Kate Filkin, Upwey
We abandon the needy
Access to secure, affordable housing is absolutely a basic human right, but access to tax breaks for housing investment is not (Comment, 13/7). In the CBD we see stark evidence of the failure to deliver stable housing to our most vulnerable growing numbers of people huddled in doorways, living under bridges and camping in our parks.
Public housing is vital for low income Australians, who pay 25 per cent of their income in rent and as long as they do so will have stable tenancy. But such housing is increasingly scarce. Waiting lists are decades long and getting longer with governments failing to increase supply. This is because we as a nation stopped funding large scale public housing construction in favour of delivering negative gearing tax breaks worth tens of billions of dollars to Australians described by the Taxation Office as being largely in the top or second top tax bracket.
A civilised society is one that looks after its most vulnerable; it's not one that lines the pockets of the rich.
Justice Minister Michael Keenan tried to defame the Labor candidate in the WA seat of Cowan, stating that Anne Aly had written a letter of support for a known terrorist. This statement was untrue and a blatant misrepresentation of the role of Dr Aly, who was acting entirely in line with his own government's policy on national security.
As Justice Minister, Michael Keenan is responsible for matters in the Attorney General's portfolio, including law enforcement, and for key agencies including the Australian Federal Police and Australian Crime Commission. Is a person who is prepared to put perceived party interests ahead of fact checking, fairness or national security fit to hold the role of justice minister? Sadly, minister Keenan's comments were also supported by the Foreign Minister Julie Bishop and Treasurer Scott Morrison, so the probity of all three is now in question. Mr Turnbull would do well to reflect on these issues as he selects his new cabinet.
Mike Reece, Balwyn NorthHow quaint. Foreign Minister Julie Bishop waxes lyrical about the Hague Tribunal's decision regarding the South China Sea, saying that China needs to honour the ruling. Yet when the UN High Commissioner for Refugees takes Australia to task for illegally jailing asylum seekers, Ms Bishop blithely ignores it.
Kim van fake van cleef and arpels gold bracelet den Berghe, Highton
Australia falls short on human rights
Earlier this week the Cambodian activist and government critic Kem Ley was shot and killed, most likely at the hands of Hun Sen's government. Yet not a word from the Australian government. In Papua New Guinea, student protesters have been shot and many are in fear for their lives. Yet barely a word from the Australian government.
Corrupt and brutal political leaders in our region need not fear a stern word from Australia, let alone anything of real consequence, so long as we rely on them to deal with the "problem" of those seeking asylum here in Australia. Australia should be a positive voice for democracy and rule of law in the region. At least we can't be accused of saying one thing and doing another.
Christina Hill, Woodend
Please work together to end toxic policy
The government is calling for a more productive Parliament, one that works together for the good of the country. Mr Turnbull has an opportunity to demonstrate his commitment by ending the toxic debate about asylum seekers and take up Labor's offer to work towards resettling those refugees still held in detention on Nauru and Manus, including children and families, end the secrecy around what is being done in our name and introduce independent oversight while a workable solution to end detention is being developed.
Marg D'Arcy, Kew East
Shrewd in business but a dud in politics
To Mr Turnbull, the election was just another deal he broke even on. In business that's better than losing and you get to fight another day. Malcolm is business savvy not politically savvy. The Coalition may have just sneaked in a win in the election. But Malcolm lost it decisively.
Gary Sayer, Warrnambool
Compulsory voting not set in stone
Compulsory voting is not in fact enshrined in the constitution (Letters, 13/7). At the federal level, it was introduced in 1924 by means of an amendment to the Electoral Act. It could be changed tomorrow, without any need for a referendum.
Paul replica bracelet van cleef alhambra Rodan, Malvern East
A crime unfolds daily
It's bone chillingly cold, isn't it? Last night, I walked along Swanston Street to attend an event at the Town Hall. Just a hundred metres from the Town Hall a young woman was sleeping on the pavement. She had a sign stating that her art supplies had been stolen. She uses her art to make money. I gave her $20 and asked how she was going. She told me she'd had a terrible fortnight; her father had died. Then she started to cry. I looked around, seeking someone who might help. There were plenty of people, but no one to give assistance. I felt like a crime was unfolding, but only I could knock off van cleef & arpels bracelet see it. What has happened to us, Australia? When did we become these people? When did we decide it was OK to ignore the fallen members of our community? Wrapped in my warm coat, I felt ashamed. No matter how our politicians spin it, I will never accept that we can't find the resources to fix this problem.
Kate Filkin, Upwey
We abandon the needy
Access to secure, affordable housing is absolutely a basic human right, but access to tax breaks for housing investment is not (Comment, 13/7). In the CBD we see stark evidence of the failure to deliver stable housing to our most vulnerable growing numbers of people huddled in doorways, living under bridges and camping in our parks.
Public housing is vital for low income Australians, who pay 25 per cent of their income in rent and as long as they do so will have stable tenancy. But such housing is increasingly scarce. Waiting lists are decades long and getting longer with governments failing to increase supply. This is because we as a nation stopped funding large scale public housing construction in favour of delivering negative gearing tax breaks worth tens of billions of dollars to Australians described by the Taxation Office as being largely in the top or second top tax bracket.
A civilised society is one that looks after its most vulnerable; it's not one that lines the pockets of the rich.
Night shifts
MANIMEGALAI, A night conservancy worker of the city Corporation, division 108, has a painful limp. While cleaning the median opposite Palm Grove in the early hours last month she was hit by a two wheeler from behind. Her co workers found an auto and took her to the Royapettah Hospital. "I have to get back to work as I am a daily wage earner," she says. "I am not entitled to medical aid. I have earned no wages for the period I couldn't work. The man who hit me has promised to help."
A young sweeper at division 39 was knocked down by an MTC bus and spent a week at the Government General Hospital. "My husband accompanies me during the night shift leaving three children at home," she cries. "If he is awake all night how can he work in the morning?" At Kilpauk and Villivakkam, two women workers were accosted by scooter riders. One attacker threw the woman to the ground injuring her and a passer by.
As more women joined the work force and more avenues of work opened up for them, the Act began to lose its protective' sheen to reveal a restrictive' tint. Women job seekers wanted to be allowed to work at nights. The Act stood in the way of their promotions and better remuneration. This duel between the demand for night shifts and the ban on it, between the right to work and the restriction on it found echoes in various states in different industries. An engineer from L a chemist in EB and workers in FACT and Cochin Shipping claimed freedom to choose the shift. For EP Zones and their fully export oriented clothing units, night shifts by women became a necessity. Garment factories in MEPZ had the tacit support of labour unions, which asked why rules against all woman night shifts should not be relaxed. Individuals and factory owners filed a case in 1994. The argument was simple: "Don't deny us employment, we have a right to occupation. Just give us safeguards." The case went on from 1994 to 2000.
Labour laws concerning night shifts have been reviewed from time to time. The Labour Commission Report of 1969, review of the status of women in the International Women's Year 1974 and the National Perspective Plan for Women 1988 2000 saw no need to recommend night shifts for women. In 1999, however, the Labour Commission appointed Ravindra Verma to go into the issue and submit recommendations.
The report of the National Commission on Labour 2002 said, "On the question of night work for women, there need copy van cleef & arpels alhambra bracelet not be any restriction if the number of women workers in a shift in an establishment is not less than five and if the management is able to provide satisfactory arrangements for their transport, safety and rest after or before shift hours."
Says advocate Chandru of the Madras High Court, "Law making bodies take their own time for modifications. Still amendment of the Factories Act is under preparation."
"Tamil Nadu is a pioneer in dealing with the issue," says Mr. Chandru. "It covered night employment of women by regulating the opening and closing hours of shops. We had two sets of legislation for traditional unskilled women and qualified skilled women. In between are midwives and employees in hospitals and telephone exchanges. There have been no problems so far."
In an April 24, 2000 GO concerning Labour and Employment, the Governor of Tamil Nadu exempted the Software Industries in the State from the Chapter II provisions of Tamil Nadu Shops and Establishments Act, 1947. Essentially, it meant the rule on opening and closing hours of the shop did not apply to software outfits. They had to maintain a record showing hours of work, including overtime work.
The yes or no question was set to rest in the landmark R. Vasantha vs. Union imitation bracelet van cleef and arpels of India case decided in the High Court of Madras in 2001. The petitioner was a woman worker of a textile mill employing a substantial number of women. She claimed that the Factories Act restricted women from carrying on their lawful employment. She challenged the validity of the particular provision on grounds that it was in violation of the Constitution. Significantly, many of the petitioners were on the management of factories and mills where the FA had been implemented. The judge agreed with the petitioners. He contended that "in the field of employment in a factory as in any other field, the third shift should be thrown open to women and it is for women to decide which shift they would work."
Denying night shift for women amounted to depriving them of chances of fair employment and equal opportunity. It was discrimination on the basis of sex and gender and therefore unconstitutional. The judge also noted that the legislation so far had been based on stereotyped thinking of the role of women in family life. It was an instance of romantic paternalism' by which men wanted to restrict women to household activities so they could retain economic superiority. He declared women were being recruited in the police, army and airforce. Why not in night shifts? Respondents AIDWA (All India Democratic Women's Association) TN, and CITU pleaded for retention of the ban. They were worried about working conditions and safeguards for women employees at night.
Advocate Chandru appearing for the Association argued that the prohibition made in the impugned provision was valid because India was a signatory to the ILO convention prohibiting night shifts. Socio economic standards of Indian women workforce were not suited for night shift. Employers operated mills in rural areas where transport facilities were rare. Safeguards were rarely implemented. Changes, he stated, should be brought about by legislation, not through judiciary. The petitioners conceded one major point. Nalini Chidambaram admitted that by allowing the factories to engage female workers in the night shift without any regulatory rules or enactment would amount to exposing them to unforeseen factors till the legal position got settled.
The removal of prohibition came with guidelines: women employees should be protected from sexual harassment and provided with replica van cleef white gold bracelet appropriate working conditions in respect of work, leisure, health and hygiene. The employer shall provide proper lighting in and around the factory where the female workers may move, security at entry and exit points, all female transportation facility where it is provided, separate canteen facility, at least 12 consecutive hours of rest or gap between shifts, two female wardens and a fortnightly report to the Inspector of Factories about the details of female night shift employees. "There are nearly 500 stay orders on the Factory Act," says Chandru. "Are the guidelines being followed? The Central Government and the states have appealed against the judgment. NGOs are confused and have not taken a clear stand. The judgment has justified business outsourcing. Where does the law stand on all night banking? STD booths? Government employment?"
The Red Flag Association met at the Chennaipuri Andhra Maha Sabha some afternoons ago to discuss the problems of women conservancy workers. The women said without confirmation and statutory benefits, even after three years of work, they are pushed into late hours as it ensures regular income. Day jobs are erratic. They are beset with every problem anticipated by the lawyers in the Vasantha case. "There are no toilet facilities near the streets we clean," they say. "We are not allowed to move away from the broom even for a minute. We sleep in shop fronts. Sometimes our male co workers are a problem. We leave small kids at home at night." We need protection' is the common cry. Coats with reflector strips to avoid being hit is one suggestion.
Lata and Bagwathi, vice presidents of the association, would like to do away with night shifts for conservancy workers. Among other things they are agitating for representation on the grievances committees of all sectors. Women accept this job only because they are daily wage earners. "This is exploitation," says Latha. "Job security first and night shift later. There is no comparison between these workers and those working in offices."
Mythili Sivaraman of AIDWA adds, "I am worried about their security. They are exposed to anti social elements at night. These women do not get rest during the day and have kids to look after. Most have to stand in queues for water. Who will address these issues?"
Meanwhile, hundreds of women in Chennai think nothing of boarding the company van at midnight to their call, medical transcription and other IT enabled services centres for mid night shifts to air conditioned offices, coffee breaks and fat pay checks. And a group of girls preparing for their law exams go through the Factories Act and exclaim: "What nonsense!"
MANIMEGALAI, A night conservancy worker of the city Corporation, division 108, has a painful limp. While cleaning the median opposite Palm Grove in the early hours last month she was hit by a two wheeler from behind. Her co workers found an auto and took her to the Royapettah Hospital. "I have to get back to work as I am a daily wage earner," she says. "I am not entitled to medical aid. I have earned no wages for the period I couldn't work. The man who hit me has promised to help."
A young sweeper at division 39 was knocked down by an MTC bus and spent a week at the Government General Hospital. "My husband accompanies me during the night shift leaving three children at home," she cries. "If he is awake all night how can he work in the morning?" At Kilpauk and Villivakkam, two women workers were accosted by scooter riders. One attacker threw the woman to the ground injuring her and a passer by.
As more women joined the work force and more avenues of work opened up for them, the Act began to lose its protective' sheen to reveal a restrictive' tint. Women job seekers wanted to be allowed to work at nights. The Act stood in the way of their promotions and better remuneration. This duel between the demand for night shifts and the ban on it, between the right to work and the restriction on it found echoes in various states in different industries. An engineer from L a chemist in EB and workers in FACT and Cochin Shipping claimed freedom to choose the shift. For EP Zones and their fully export oriented clothing units, night shifts by women became a necessity. Garment factories in MEPZ had the tacit support of labour unions, which asked why rules against all woman night shifts should not be relaxed. Individuals and factory owners filed a case in 1994. The argument was simple: "Don't deny us employment, we have a right to occupation. Just give us safeguards." The case went on from 1994 to 2000.
Labour laws concerning night shifts have been reviewed from time to time. The Labour Commission Report of 1969, review of the status of women in the International Women's Year 1974 and the National Perspective Plan for Women 1988 2000 saw no need to recommend night shifts for women. In 1999, however, the Labour Commission appointed Ravindra Verma to go into the issue and submit recommendations.
The report of the National Commission on Labour 2002 said, "On the question of night work for women, there need copy van cleef & arpels alhambra bracelet not be any restriction if the number of women workers in a shift in an establishment is not less than five and if the management is able to provide satisfactory arrangements for their transport, safety and rest after or before shift hours."
Says advocate Chandru of the Madras High Court, "Law making bodies take their own time for modifications. Still amendment of the Factories Act is under preparation."
"Tamil Nadu is a pioneer in dealing with the issue," says Mr. Chandru. "It covered night employment of women by regulating the opening and closing hours of shops. We had two sets of legislation for traditional unskilled women and qualified skilled women. In between are midwives and employees in hospitals and telephone exchanges. There have been no problems so far."
In an April 24, 2000 GO concerning Labour and Employment, the Governor of Tamil Nadu exempted the Software Industries in the State from the Chapter II provisions of Tamil Nadu Shops and Establishments Act, 1947. Essentially, it meant the rule on opening and closing hours of the shop did not apply to software outfits. They had to maintain a record showing hours of work, including overtime work.
The yes or no question was set to rest in the landmark R. Vasantha vs. Union imitation bracelet van cleef and arpels of India case decided in the High Court of Madras in 2001. The petitioner was a woman worker of a textile mill employing a substantial number of women. She claimed that the Factories Act restricted women from carrying on their lawful employment. She challenged the validity of the particular provision on grounds that it was in violation of the Constitution. Significantly, many of the petitioners were on the management of factories and mills where the FA had been implemented. The judge agreed with the petitioners. He contended that "in the field of employment in a factory as in any other field, the third shift should be thrown open to women and it is for women to decide which shift they would work."
Denying night shift for women amounted to depriving them of chances of fair employment and equal opportunity. It was discrimination on the basis of sex and gender and therefore unconstitutional. The judge also noted that the legislation so far had been based on stereotyped thinking of the role of women in family life. It was an instance of romantic paternalism' by which men wanted to restrict women to household activities so they could retain economic superiority. He declared women were being recruited in the police, army and airforce. Why not in night shifts? Respondents AIDWA (All India Democratic Women's Association) TN, and CITU pleaded for retention of the ban. They were worried about working conditions and safeguards for women employees at night.
Advocate Chandru appearing for the Association argued that the prohibition made in the impugned provision was valid because India was a signatory to the ILO convention prohibiting night shifts. Socio economic standards of Indian women workforce were not suited for night shift. Employers operated mills in rural areas where transport facilities were rare. Safeguards were rarely implemented. Changes, he stated, should be brought about by legislation, not through judiciary. The petitioners conceded one major point. Nalini Chidambaram admitted that by allowing the factories to engage female workers in the night shift without any regulatory rules or enactment would amount to exposing them to unforeseen factors till the legal position got settled.
The removal of prohibition came with guidelines: women employees should be protected from sexual harassment and provided with replica van cleef white gold bracelet appropriate working conditions in respect of work, leisure, health and hygiene. The employer shall provide proper lighting in and around the factory where the female workers may move, security at entry and exit points, all female transportation facility where it is provided, separate canteen facility, at least 12 consecutive hours of rest or gap between shifts, two female wardens and a fortnightly report to the Inspector of Factories about the details of female night shift employees. "There are nearly 500 stay orders on the Factory Act," says Chandru. "Are the guidelines being followed? The Central Government and the states have appealed against the judgment. NGOs are confused and have not taken a clear stand. The judgment has justified business outsourcing. Where does the law stand on all night banking? STD booths? Government employment?"
The Red Flag Association met at the Chennaipuri Andhra Maha Sabha some afternoons ago to discuss the problems of women conservancy workers. The women said without confirmation and statutory benefits, even after three years of work, they are pushed into late hours as it ensures regular income. Day jobs are erratic. They are beset with every problem anticipated by the lawyers in the Vasantha case. "There are no toilet facilities near the streets we clean," they say. "We are not allowed to move away from the broom even for a minute. We sleep in shop fronts. Sometimes our male co workers are a problem. We leave small kids at home at night." We need protection' is the common cry. Coats with reflector strips to avoid being hit is one suggestion.
Lata and Bagwathi, vice presidents of the association, would like to do away with night shifts for conservancy workers. Among other things they are agitating for representation on the grievances committees of all sectors. Women accept this job only because they are daily wage earners. "This is exploitation," says Latha. "Job security first and night shift later. There is no comparison between these workers and those working in offices."
Mythili Sivaraman of AIDWA adds, "I am worried about their security. They are exposed to anti social elements at night. These women do not get rest during the day and have kids to look after. Most have to stand in queues for water. Who will address these issues?"
Meanwhile, hundreds of women in Chennai think nothing of boarding the company van at midnight to their call, medical transcription and other IT enabled services centres for mid night shifts to air conditioned offices, coffee breaks and fat pay checks. And a group of girls preparing for their law exams go through the Factories Act and exclaim: "What nonsense!"
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junior men's championship semi final Saturday night.
Up 3 0 after four ends of play, Henderson and his crew of third Duncan Silversides, second Benton Boychuk Chorney and lead Timothy Henderson failed to hang on, giving up replica van cleef & arpels necklace alhambra a pivotal three ender in the fifth and deuces in the seventh and eighth ends.
McCrady downed Vernon's Thomas Love 10 6 in the Page 3 4 playoff game in the afternoon to advance to the semi against Henderson. to be broadcast on Sportsnet One. The winner will represent the province at the Canadian junior in Stratford, Ont., Jan. 23 31. Henderson's loss snapped a run of four straight years that a VCC rink claimed the junior men's crown.
In junior women's play, Mariah Coulombe of the VCC was eliminated in the Page 3 4 game, losing 8 6 in an extra end to Sarah Loken of Delta. Both teams had finished 4 3 in round robin play to secure the final two playoff spots.
Loken butterfly copy van cleef necklace had also edged Coulombe with Bailey Tinkler at third, second Jordan Koster and lead Sydney Brilz 6 5, earlier in the week.
The Daniels rink, which features Nanaimo's Marika Van Osch at third, then defeated Loken 9 4 in the semi.
EXTRA ENDS: Two Victorians were honoured at replica van cleef and arpels sweet alhambra necklace the event. Brilz was voted the most sportsmanlike player among the women and Todd Troyer, of Team Henderson, was presented the Asham coaching award.
junior men's championship semi final Saturday night.
Up 3 0 after four ends of play, Henderson and his crew of third Duncan Silversides, second Benton Boychuk Chorney and lead Timothy Henderson failed to hang on, giving up replica van cleef & arpels necklace alhambra a pivotal three ender in the fifth and deuces in the seventh and eighth ends.
McCrady downed Vernon's Thomas Love 10 6 in the Page 3 4 playoff game in the afternoon to advance to the semi against Henderson. to be broadcast on Sportsnet One. The winner will represent the province at the Canadian junior in Stratford, Ont., Jan. 23 31. Henderson's loss snapped a run of four straight years that a VCC rink claimed the junior men's crown.
In junior women's play, Mariah Coulombe of the VCC was eliminated in the Page 3 4 game, losing 8 6 in an extra end to Sarah Loken of Delta. Both teams had finished 4 3 in round robin play to secure the final two playoff spots.
Loken butterfly copy van cleef necklace had also edged Coulombe with Bailey Tinkler at third, second Jordan Koster and lead Sydney Brilz 6 5, earlier in the week.
The Daniels rink, which features Nanaimo's Marika Van Osch at third, then defeated Loken 9 4 in the semi.
EXTRA ENDS: Two Victorians were honoured at replica van cleef and arpels sweet alhambra necklace the event. Brilz was voted the most sportsmanlike player among the women and Todd Troyer, of Team Henderson, was presented the Asham coaching award.