nikesasasassa's blog
Negozio di gioielli di Miami ha venduto oggetti contraffatti
MIAMI I proprietari di un negozio di gioielli di Miami sono stati arrestati per la vendita di articoli di lusso contraffatti, ha detto la polizia.
Jimmy Hernandez, 40, e sua madre, Tania Verona, 57 anni, i proprietari di Lord of the Rings Jewelry a 6230 SW Eighth St., furono tutti prenotati con l'accusa di vendere oggetti contraffatti di oltre 20.000 dollari.
I detectives sono stati informati sugli articoli contraffatti e li hanno trovati visualizzati all'interno del negozio. Secondo la relazione della polizia, i monili contraffatti sono stati venduti per un decimo del normale valore al dettaglio.
Il valore normale del gioiello è superiore a 31 milioni di dollari. La polizia ha dichiarato che gli articoli sembrano essere identici ai prodotti autentici alla persona ordinaria.
'Tu stai via dai proprietari di queste aziende che hanno avuto il tempo di marchiare queste proprietà', ha detto il detective Michael Hufnagel Jr..
All'interno del negozio, i detective trovarono elementi contraffatti delle seguenti marche:
'Stavano cercando di dare una difesa di una proprietà ispirata', ha detto Hufnagel. 'Non ha ispirato se la parola è contrassegnata'.
I detrattori hanno affermato che i consumatori dovrebbero essere vigili quando acquistano articoli di designer da parte di fornitori di terze parti e hanno detto che se sembra troppo buono per essere vero, di solito è.
'Essere consapevoli del fatto del tuo valore', ha detto Hufnagel. 'Se stai cercando un bracciale da $ 5,000 Chanel e lo vendono per 25 dollari, dovrebbe essere noto che non è reale'.
MIAMI I proprietari di un negozio di gioielli di Miami sono stati arrestati per la vendita di articoli di lusso contraffatti, ha detto la polizia.
Jimmy Hernandez, 40, e sua madre, Tania Verona, 57 anni, i proprietari di Lord of the Rings Jewelry a 6230 SW Eighth St., furono tutti prenotati con l'accusa di vendere oggetti contraffatti di oltre 20.000 dollari.
I detectives sono stati informati sugli articoli contraffatti e li hanno trovati visualizzati all'interno del negozio. Secondo la relazione della polizia, i monili contraffatti sono stati venduti per un decimo del normale valore al dettaglio.
Il valore normale del gioiello è superiore a 31 milioni di dollari. La polizia ha dichiarato che gli articoli sembrano essere identici ai prodotti autentici alla persona ordinaria.
'Tu stai via dai proprietari di queste aziende che hanno avuto il tempo di marchiare queste proprietà', ha detto il detective Michael Hufnagel Jr..
All'interno del negozio, i detective trovarono elementi contraffatti delle seguenti marche:
'Stavano cercando di dare una difesa di una proprietà ispirata', ha detto Hufnagel. 'Non ha ispirato se la parola è contrassegnata'.
I detrattori hanno affermato che i consumatori dovrebbero essere vigili quando acquistano articoli di designer da parte di fornitori di terze parti e hanno detto che se sembra troppo buono per essere vero, di solito è.
'Essere consapevoli del fatto del tuo valore', ha detto Hufnagel. 'Se stai cercando un bracciale da $ 5,000 Chanel e lo vendono per 25 dollari, dovrebbe essere noto che non è reale'.
Ho venduto un orologio Cartier su eBay
Ho venduto un orologio Cartier su eBay. L'acquirente ha pagato con paypal. L'acquirente afferma che l'orologio è falso. Paypal ha detto all'acquirente di fornire a una terza parte prove che l'orologio è falso. Lo ha fatto anche se non ho visto i documenti come paypal dire che non posso. Ora l'acquirente è stato detto di distruggere l'orologio e di inviare paypal un documento satating che questo è stato fatto.
OK, prima di tutto devi lasciare che il processo Paypal gioca. Al momento non hai perduto alcuna perdita e vuoi farlo a meno che Paypal non tenti di invertire la transazione. A questo punto dovresti indagare se hai una richiesta sotto Paypal Protezione venditore, ma è improbabile che tu probabilmente fallirai almeno uno dei termini. Fornire che Paypal sia conforme ai termini del tuo accordo, non avrai alcuna pretesa nei confronti di Paypal. Ciò ti lascia direttamente a contatto con l'acquirente. Innanzitutto chiedere conferma che l'orologio è stato contraffatto, incluso il riferimento al numero di serie corretto. Informi se questo non viene ricevuto entro 14 giorni sarete costretti a presentare un procedimento contro di loro. Idealmente non si vuole scendere questa strada perché sarà più difficile perseguirli dato che sono in Grecia, ma è possibile citare in giudizio nei tribunali britannici comunque. Se ti fornisce una conferma legittima della conferma e la distruzione, avrai una richiesta contro la persona che l'hai acquistata, invece di averlo acquistato meno di 6 anni fa. Se non avrà bisogno di chiedere ai tribunali britannici l'autorizzazione a uscire dalla giurisdizione e poi rilasciare procedimenti contro il compratore per il recupero dei pagamenti versati.
Non mi hai capito. Tutti i documenti devono essere raccolti e verificati. Come faccio a sapere che l'orologio è stato distrutto e che l'oro non può essere distrutto? Qualcuno ha beneficiato di questo a mio parere.
OK sopra i consigli sopra ancora vale salvo che naturalmente non c'è bisogno di aspettare per Paypal processo di reclamo per giocare come già lo ha. Non è affatto improprio per un terzo provvedere. È normale che i tribunali si basino su prove di esperti di terzi. Fornire che la prova di terze parti sia di qualità adeguata porterà peso. Suggerisco di perseguire una richiesta contro l'acquirente. È opportuno che tu abbia restituito l'orologio che vi permetterà di attenuare la tua perdita vendendo per esempio le materie prime. Fino a quando non è possibile richiedere l'intero importo versato dall'acquirente. Naturalmente può difendere con successo tale affermazione sulla base del fatto che l'orologio fosse in atto di contraffazione, questo sarà per un tribunale decidere. Se decide che è stato falso, allora hai una richiesta a sua volta dal venditore che hai acquistato l'orologio.
Ho venduto un orologio Cartier su eBay. L'acquirente ha pagato con paypal. L'acquirente afferma che l'orologio è falso. Paypal ha detto all'acquirente di fornire a una terza parte prove che l'orologio è falso. Lo ha fatto anche se non ho visto i documenti come paypal dire che non posso. Ora l'acquirente è stato detto di distruggere l'orologio e di inviare paypal un documento satating che questo è stato fatto.
OK, prima di tutto devi lasciare che il processo Paypal gioca. Al momento non hai perduto alcuna perdita e vuoi farlo a meno che Paypal non tenti di invertire la transazione. A questo punto dovresti indagare se hai una richiesta sotto Paypal Protezione venditore, ma è improbabile che tu probabilmente fallirai almeno uno dei termini. Fornire che Paypal sia conforme ai termini del tuo accordo, non avrai alcuna pretesa nei confronti di Paypal. Ciò ti lascia direttamente a contatto con l'acquirente. Innanzitutto chiedere conferma che l'orologio è stato contraffatto, incluso il riferimento al numero di serie corretto. Informi se questo non viene ricevuto entro 14 giorni sarete costretti a presentare un procedimento contro di loro. Idealmente non si vuole scendere questa strada perché sarà più difficile perseguirli dato che sono in Grecia, ma è possibile citare in giudizio nei tribunali britannici comunque. Se ti fornisce una conferma legittima della conferma e la distruzione, avrai una richiesta contro la persona che l'hai acquistata, invece di averlo acquistato meno di 6 anni fa. Se non avrà bisogno di chiedere ai tribunali britannici l'autorizzazione a uscire dalla giurisdizione e poi rilasciare procedimenti contro il compratore per il recupero dei pagamenti versati.
Non mi hai capito. Tutti i documenti devono essere raccolti e verificati. Come faccio a sapere che l'orologio è stato distrutto e che l'oro non può essere distrutto? Qualcuno ha beneficiato di questo a mio parere.
OK sopra i consigli sopra ancora vale salvo che naturalmente non c'è bisogno di aspettare per Paypal processo di reclamo per giocare come già lo ha. Non è affatto improprio per un terzo provvedere. È normale che i tribunali si basino su prove di esperti di terzi. Fornire che la prova di terze parti sia di qualità adeguata porterà peso. Suggerisco di perseguire una richiesta contro l'acquirente. È opportuno che tu abbia restituito l'orologio che vi permetterà di attenuare la tua perdita vendendo per esempio le materie prime. Fino a quando non è possibile richiedere l'intero importo versato dall'acquirente. Naturalmente può difendere con successo tale affermazione sulla base del fatto che l'orologio fosse in atto di contraffazione, questo sarà per un tribunale decidere. Se decide che è stato falso, allora hai una richiesta a sua volta dal venditore che hai acquistato l'orologio.
Mette in evidenza i gioielli del capolavoro
L'estate a Londra è stata illuminata con il Masterpiece 2016, che ospita oggi alcuni dei migliori art, oggetti d'antiquariato, gioielli e design sul mercato. Il suo ambiente glamour è un vero e proprio omaggio agli espositori che mostrano le loro opere d'arte ai più intensi conoscitori e acquirenti d'arte. Come al solito è stato difficile scegliere i miei primi punti, ma questa è una selezione di gioielli che immediatamente mi hanno colto l'occhio.
Simbolico e Chase: JAR color zaffiro e diamante spilla progettato come un tulipano stilizzato cupola, PAV impostato con sfumature graduate da zaffiri viola e rosa, sospendendo Un diamante a forma di pesatura 7.51 carati da due incastro set diamante loop, impreziosita da un motivo mirroring del sormonto , Firmato JAR Paris. Accompagnato da un certificato GIA che afferma che il diamante è il colore D, internamente perfetto e il tipo II A.
Anche mostrando a Symbolic e Chase è una splendida spilla Michelle Ong splendidamente impostata con rubini birmani. La coda articolare del pesce è abilmente con diamanti tagliati a rosa, che dà una sensazione di movimento come se il pesce sta nuotando nell'oceano. Questa attenzione al dettaglio è ciò che rende i gioielli di Michelle Ong distinguersi dalla folla.
Grima: Collana Lei 2011 Modellato dopo l'originale 'Lei' Collana, vincitrice dei Diamanti De Beers International Awards nel 1965 e il Duca di premio Edimburgo per Design elegante nel 1966 e modellate da Bond Girl Ursula Andress, questa collana è stata fatta dal Lo stesso maestro orafo in filo strutturato dorato giallo e impostato con 16,84 carati di diamanti brillanti tagliati. Insieme a questa artigianalità, è la fluidità di questa collana che mi ha colto l'occhio.
Wallace Chan: spilla cicala L'innovativo designer e artigiani cinesi è un nuovo arrivato a Masterpiece. Stand Wallace Chan 's si trasforma in un mondo magico in cui l'arte e la natura incontra gioielli. La cicala è usato come un simbolo culturale significativo nella storia cinese come sono visti come la rappresentazione di carattere nobile agli occhi degli studiosi antichi cinesi. Questa stessa grande spilla / scultura, fatta di giadeite imperiale, lavanda giada, rubino e diamanti colorati di fantasia, è un superbo esempio di dove Wallace ha spinto i confini di artigianato.
Van Cleef Arpels: il brooch del mistero di vitrail Van Cleef Arpels ha eccelluto, come sempre, nelle sue competenze tecniche, sempre sfidando i suoi artigiani a spingere le tecniche esistenti a nuove altezze. Questa spilla è realizzata con una tecnica simile chiamata vitrail mistero, che significa 'vetro colorato', in quanto evoca simili artistiche. Questa volta le pietre scivolano lungo corridori tubolari che non sono in linea retta ma curvi, sfidando l'artigiano e il lapidario a tagliare e adattare le pietre per ottenere una notevole fluidità. Questo è il secondo pezzo che è stato fatto con questa tecnica.
Wartski: Spilla di farfalla di Philippe Wolfers Le farfalle sono un motivo popolare nella mostra quest'anno ma ciò che è così meraviglioso è che sono tutte così diverse. Questo particolare spilla potrebbe essere visto contemporaneo, ma in realtà è stato fatto più di 100 anni fa e viene attribuito a Philippe Wolfers, il gioielleria belga dell'artigianato. Le ali sono il corno intagliato che è stato un gioielliere art nouveau materiale rivolto a, trasformando il materiale più umile e poco costoso in opere d'arte. Viene applicato con diamanti e smalto tagliati a rosa, e il corpo della falena è una forma femminile, un tema ricorrente nel periodo Art Nouveau. Simboleggia la natura che scoppia con la vita nuova, mentre raffigura anche una femmina alato che lotta che riflette l'emancipazione duramente vinta delle donne e il loro ruolo cambiante nella società in quel momento.
Didier:.. Stand collana Adam Paxon Visiting Didier 's, ci si può aspettare di vedere splendidi, gioielli unici che sono completamente diverso da gioielli si è più familiarità con questo anno non delude Questa collana straordinario è un favoloso esempio di anartista pensiero Al di fuori della scatola, utilizzando materiali non convenzionali trasformati in un'opera d'arte indossabile, realizzata da Adam Paxon nel 2009, il pezzo è realizzato in vernice acrilica, lacca, epossidica, smaltata e acrilica Paxon è sempre stata affascinata dal modo in cui l'arte Può connettersi al corpo e ha sempre voluto che i suoi gioielli venissero trattati come couture. In quanto tali, sono tutti uno di un genere e sono certamente gli antipasti di conversazione.
Hemmerle: oro, diamanti e orecchini pearltassel c'è sempre una sensazione di attesa quando si cammina sul piede la Hemmerle, per ogni anno la famiglia Hemmerle non manca di stupire con design innovativi. L'esperienza dei loro artigiani è esemplare: non importa quale sia il materiale, sia organico, concreto, rame o umile ciottolo, viene trasformato insieme con vari metalli preziosi e gemme squisiti in gioielli stravaganti che sono sofisticati e discreti. Si tratta di gioielli che rendono le donne più esigenti e sicure e senza dubbio nessuna collezione è completa senza un gioiello di Hemmerle.
Verdura: braccialetto di zaffiro Il braccialetto di Verdura è un caleidoscopio di colore sontuoso e questo bracciale dimostra un meraviglioso utilizzo di vari zaffiri cabochon colorati naturali che vi parlano veramente, attirando i sensi Fulco Santo Stefano della Cerda, Duca di Verdura (1898 1978) La sua carriera come designer di gioielli è stata lanciata intorno al 1919 quando ha iniziato a collaborare con Coco Chanel. Nel 1934 è partito per New York dove ha iniziato a lavorare con Paul Flato e dal 1939 Verdura ha aperto la sua Il proprio salone, dove clienti consolidati e esigenti cercavano i suoi gioielli in oro multicolore. Il nome di Verdura vive con meravigliosi gioielli che vengono creati oggi, sulla base dei suoi disegni originali.
L'estate a Londra è stata illuminata con il Masterpiece 2016, che ospita oggi alcuni dei migliori art, oggetti d'antiquariato, gioielli e design sul mercato. Il suo ambiente glamour è un vero e proprio omaggio agli espositori che mostrano le loro opere d'arte ai più intensi conoscitori e acquirenti d'arte. Come al solito è stato difficile scegliere i miei primi punti, ma questa è una selezione di gioielli che immediatamente mi hanno colto l'occhio.
Simbolico e Chase: JAR color zaffiro e diamante spilla progettato come un tulipano stilizzato cupola, PAV impostato con sfumature graduate da zaffiri viola e rosa, sospendendo Un diamante a forma di pesatura 7.51 carati da due incastro set diamante loop, impreziosita da un motivo mirroring del sormonto , Firmato JAR Paris. Accompagnato da un certificato GIA che afferma che il diamante è il colore D, internamente perfetto e il tipo II A.
Anche mostrando a Symbolic e Chase è una splendida spilla Michelle Ong splendidamente impostata con rubini birmani. La coda articolare del pesce è abilmente con diamanti tagliati a rosa, che dà una sensazione di movimento come se il pesce sta nuotando nell'oceano. Questa attenzione al dettaglio è ciò che rende i gioielli di Michelle Ong distinguersi dalla folla.
Grima: Collana Lei 2011 Modellato dopo l'originale 'Lei' Collana, vincitrice dei Diamanti De Beers International Awards nel 1965 e il Duca di premio Edimburgo per Design elegante nel 1966 e modellate da Bond Girl Ursula Andress, questa collana è stata fatta dal Lo stesso maestro orafo in filo strutturato dorato giallo e impostato con 16,84 carati di diamanti brillanti tagliati. Insieme a questa artigianalità, è la fluidità di questa collana che mi ha colto l'occhio.
Wallace Chan: spilla cicala L'innovativo designer e artigiani cinesi è un nuovo arrivato a Masterpiece. Stand Wallace Chan 's si trasforma in un mondo magico in cui l'arte e la natura incontra gioielli. La cicala è usato come un simbolo culturale significativo nella storia cinese come sono visti come la rappresentazione di carattere nobile agli occhi degli studiosi antichi cinesi. Questa stessa grande spilla / scultura, fatta di giadeite imperiale, lavanda giada, rubino e diamanti colorati di fantasia, è un superbo esempio di dove Wallace ha spinto i confini di artigianato.
Van Cleef Arpels: il brooch del mistero di vitrail Van Cleef Arpels ha eccelluto, come sempre, nelle sue competenze tecniche, sempre sfidando i suoi artigiani a spingere le tecniche esistenti a nuove altezze. Questa spilla è realizzata con una tecnica simile chiamata vitrail mistero, che significa 'vetro colorato', in quanto evoca simili artistiche. Questa volta le pietre scivolano lungo corridori tubolari che non sono in linea retta ma curvi, sfidando l'artigiano e il lapidario a tagliare e adattare le pietre per ottenere una notevole fluidità. Questo è il secondo pezzo che è stato fatto con questa tecnica.
Wartski: Spilla di farfalla di Philippe Wolfers Le farfalle sono un motivo popolare nella mostra quest'anno ma ciò che è così meraviglioso è che sono tutte così diverse. Questo particolare spilla potrebbe essere visto contemporaneo, ma in realtà è stato fatto più di 100 anni fa e viene attribuito a Philippe Wolfers, il gioielleria belga dell'artigianato. Le ali sono il corno intagliato che è stato un gioielliere art nouveau materiale rivolto a, trasformando il materiale più umile e poco costoso in opere d'arte. Viene applicato con diamanti e smalto tagliati a rosa, e il corpo della falena è una forma femminile, un tema ricorrente nel periodo Art Nouveau. Simboleggia la natura che scoppia con la vita nuova, mentre raffigura anche una femmina alato che lotta che riflette l'emancipazione duramente vinta delle donne e il loro ruolo cambiante nella società in quel momento.
Didier:.. Stand collana Adam Paxon Visiting Didier 's, ci si può aspettare di vedere splendidi, gioielli unici che sono completamente diverso da gioielli si è più familiarità con questo anno non delude Questa collana straordinario è un favoloso esempio di anartista pensiero Al di fuori della scatola, utilizzando materiali non convenzionali trasformati in un'opera d'arte indossabile, realizzata da Adam Paxon nel 2009, il pezzo è realizzato in vernice acrilica, lacca, epossidica, smaltata e acrilica Paxon è sempre stata affascinata dal modo in cui l'arte Può connettersi al corpo e ha sempre voluto che i suoi gioielli venissero trattati come couture. In quanto tali, sono tutti uno di un genere e sono certamente gli antipasti di conversazione.
Hemmerle: oro, diamanti e orecchini pearltassel c'è sempre una sensazione di attesa quando si cammina sul piede la Hemmerle, per ogni anno la famiglia Hemmerle non manca di stupire con design innovativi. L'esperienza dei loro artigiani è esemplare: non importa quale sia il materiale, sia organico, concreto, rame o umile ciottolo, viene trasformato insieme con vari metalli preziosi e gemme squisiti in gioielli stravaganti che sono sofisticati e discreti. Si tratta di gioielli che rendono le donne più esigenti e sicure e senza dubbio nessuna collezione è completa senza un gioiello di Hemmerle.
Verdura: braccialetto di zaffiro Il braccialetto di Verdura è un caleidoscopio di colore sontuoso e questo bracciale dimostra un meraviglioso utilizzo di vari zaffiri cabochon colorati naturali che vi parlano veramente, attirando i sensi Fulco Santo Stefano della Cerda, Duca di Verdura (1898 1978) La sua carriera come designer di gioielli è stata lanciata intorno al 1919 quando ha iniziato a collaborare con Coco Chanel. Nel 1934 è partito per New York dove ha iniziato a lavorare con Paul Flato e dal 1939 Verdura ha aperto la sua Il proprio salone, dove clienti consolidati e esigenti cercavano i suoi gioielli in oro multicolore. Il nome di Verdura vive con meravigliosi gioielli che vengono creati oggi, sulla base dei suoi disegni originali.
the limit for new Argonaut Jamal Campbell
He was tops among all draft eligible players in testing when offensive linemen were asked to run the 40, perform the three cone drill, execute the short shuttle, tops when vertical and broad jump were measured.
And yet, Jamal Campbell wouldn get drafted until the 22nd overall pick when the Argonauts grabbed the Toronto native with their third round pick.
Big, strong, athletic, Campbell has so much potential, so much learning, so enticing that no one really knows how high the ceiling is for this behemoth, a 6 foot 7, 300 pounder who played football at York.
When the Argos ran a mini camp for kids just before the start of the team main camp, Campbell thanked Colero for giving Campbell a chance to pursue football.
phenomenally talented, unbelievably athletic, great size, great motor, he nasty, said head coach Scott Milanovich of Campbell. got a long way to go, but I be surprised if that kid doesn become a player. awaits Campbell, he always remember that day when the Argos introduced him to the game.
was in Grade 11, said Campbell, a gentle giant. until that point, I played basketball my whole life. Argos want to bring football to areas not exposed to the sport, especially to inner city kids.
At Jefferys, Campbell remembers a pep rally that would get organized. Jefferys in Jane and Finch and that what they did, said Campbell. was the greatest opportunity. And without it, I wouldn be here and it feels even better to be drafted by the Toronto Argonauts. story is in its infancy stage, but it a story worth following if he able to realize all this potential so many envision.
His lack of experience is why questions abound, but Campbell works hard and he soaking everything up at camp.
He also lucky to have fellow York grads such as veterans Ricky Foley and Andre Durie to bounce ideas off and fellow rookie Chris Kolankowski, a fellow van cleef butterfly bracelet copy O lineman.
When he was exposed to football, Campbell admits he struggled.
I do, I want to be the best at it, he added. I told myself that I going with it, that what happened. was a 220 pound defensive end when he first strapped on the shoulder pads.
now 300 pounds. It been a long journey. reality, it just the beginning with a lot to learn, painful times that will test Campbell and ultimately make him better, both as a player and as a person.
At York, Campbell played at defensive end before making the switch two years ago.
When he looks around at camp, Campbell sees vintage alhambra bracelet replica some of the game elite offensive linemen in Josh Bourke, Chris Van Zeyl, players Campbell draws knowledge and inspiration.
blessed and so grateful, said Campbell. I can learn from these guys and bring to my game, it can only help me. York connection makes this experience even more surreal.
embraced me. I been leaning on these guys 100% and they been very helpful throughout the process, helping me understand my place on the team, what I need to do to make the team. aren expected to crack the lineup and Campbell is taking vca alhambra bracelet imitation it one day at a time.
goal is to get better each day, he added. it. I just want to be an asset to this team in any way I can. Whatever that means, that what I want to do. never minces words and he was blunt when asked to assess Campbell.
talented, said the veteran rush end. athletic. Right now, he the most athletic in the league. He really is. football, athleticism is measured in recovery.
moves, said Foley when describing recovery on the line. you get beat on a spin move, you overplayed the outside rush. You have to now recover and get back in front of your guy and spin. Very few guys can do that. Campbell, it about learning technique.
got everything, added Foley. just has to get dog in him. He needs to get his confidence and dog in him. He needs to get some Josh Bourke in him, some Chris Van Zeyl in him, some of that (bleep bleep) in him. He gets that and he be on his way for sure. York alumni, Foley and Durie commit part of their time for off season events at the university.
gracious kids, said Foley of Campbell and Kolankowski. definitely going to take them under our wing as much as I can but I can be too good because I got to go up against them.
definitely rooting for him and those guys more because it good for our program, it good for York. I just trying to prepare the guy mentally because once we start games, players will be going for his head. You need to get more of a killer instinct. HAPPY TO BE HERE
TJ Heath can tell you about each and every stop he made in the NFL, recall the many circumstances that led to teams signing him and then ultimately releasing him.
He not alone, Heath path to the CFL similar to the many players who eventually grow tired of the politics of the NFL, the lies, agenda, the double talk and the bad taste that can only be flushed away by playing.
It why he wanted to give the CFL a chance and why the Argos signed the defensive back as a free agent in May.
He was tops among all draft eligible players in testing when offensive linemen were asked to run the 40, perform the three cone drill, execute the short shuttle, tops when vertical and broad jump were measured.
And yet, Jamal Campbell wouldn get drafted until the 22nd overall pick when the Argonauts grabbed the Toronto native with their third round pick.
Big, strong, athletic, Campbell has so much potential, so much learning, so enticing that no one really knows how high the ceiling is for this behemoth, a 6 foot 7, 300 pounder who played football at York.
When the Argos ran a mini camp for kids just before the start of the team main camp, Campbell thanked Colero for giving Campbell a chance to pursue football.
phenomenally talented, unbelievably athletic, great size, great motor, he nasty, said head coach Scott Milanovich of Campbell. got a long way to go, but I be surprised if that kid doesn become a player. awaits Campbell, he always remember that day when the Argos introduced him to the game.
was in Grade 11, said Campbell, a gentle giant. until that point, I played basketball my whole life. Argos want to bring football to areas not exposed to the sport, especially to inner city kids.
At Jefferys, Campbell remembers a pep rally that would get organized. Jefferys in Jane and Finch and that what they did, said Campbell. was the greatest opportunity. And without it, I wouldn be here and it feels even better to be drafted by the Toronto Argonauts. story is in its infancy stage, but it a story worth following if he able to realize all this potential so many envision.
His lack of experience is why questions abound, but Campbell works hard and he soaking everything up at camp.
He also lucky to have fellow York grads such as veterans Ricky Foley and Andre Durie to bounce ideas off and fellow rookie Chris Kolankowski, a fellow van cleef butterfly bracelet copy O lineman.
When he was exposed to football, Campbell admits he struggled.
I do, I want to be the best at it, he added. I told myself that I going with it, that what happened. was a 220 pound defensive end when he first strapped on the shoulder pads.
now 300 pounds. It been a long journey. reality, it just the beginning with a lot to learn, painful times that will test Campbell and ultimately make him better, both as a player and as a person.
At York, Campbell played at defensive end before making the switch two years ago.
When he looks around at camp, Campbell sees vintage alhambra bracelet replica some of the game elite offensive linemen in Josh Bourke, Chris Van Zeyl, players Campbell draws knowledge and inspiration.
blessed and so grateful, said Campbell. I can learn from these guys and bring to my game, it can only help me. York connection makes this experience even more surreal.
embraced me. I been leaning on these guys 100% and they been very helpful throughout the process, helping me understand my place on the team, what I need to do to make the team. aren expected to crack the lineup and Campbell is taking vca alhambra bracelet imitation it one day at a time.
goal is to get better each day, he added. it. I just want to be an asset to this team in any way I can. Whatever that means, that what I want to do. never minces words and he was blunt when asked to assess Campbell.
talented, said the veteran rush end. athletic. Right now, he the most athletic in the league. He really is. football, athleticism is measured in recovery.
moves, said Foley when describing recovery on the line. you get beat on a spin move, you overplayed the outside rush. You have to now recover and get back in front of your guy and spin. Very few guys can do that. Campbell, it about learning technique.
got everything, added Foley. just has to get dog in him. He needs to get his confidence and dog in him. He needs to get some Josh Bourke in him, some Chris Van Zeyl in him, some of that (bleep bleep) in him. He gets that and he be on his way for sure. York alumni, Foley and Durie commit part of their time for off season events at the university.
gracious kids, said Foley of Campbell and Kolankowski. definitely going to take them under our wing as much as I can but I can be too good because I got to go up against them.
definitely rooting for him and those guys more because it good for our program, it good for York. I just trying to prepare the guy mentally because once we start games, players will be going for his head. You need to get more of a killer instinct. HAPPY TO BE HERE
TJ Heath can tell you about each and every stop he made in the NFL, recall the many circumstances that led to teams signing him and then ultimately releasing him.
He not alone, Heath path to the CFL similar to the many players who eventually grow tired of the politics of the NFL, the lies, agenda, the double talk and the bad taste that can only be flushed away by playing.
It why he wanted to give the CFL a chance and why the Argos signed the defensive back as a free agent in May.
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Those influences are subtle but detectable in his new single, "Don't Believe." A soulful serenade to a detached lover, it blends laid back drums, soft guitar and fuzzy, plucky synthesizers to make a smooth '70s sound. "Turn away from the crowd / and the weight on on your chest," he coos. "I suppose you've always known you're inherently alone." Okely's voice trembles like Van Morrison and flirts like Chris Isaak, and he cruises along unhurriedly until the music fades into the crackle of spinning vinyl.
The accompanying video is a fitting trip. Directed by Sam Brumby, it follows two 20 somethings as they dance in skate parks and record stores, sipping fountain sodas and listening to The Everly Brothers on vinyl. It's a soft focus retro playground van cleef and arpels replica alhambra bracelet a haze of mom jeans, disco balls and station wagons but the fake van cleef diamond bracelet exact time and place are left purposefully ambiguous. Is it an Urban Outfitters commercial or a portrait of the 1970s? That we even have to ask proves how deep our cultural obsession with nostalgia runs.
Simon Okely, the former guitarist for the Melbourne band Oh Mercy, is establishing himself as a solo artist under the moniker Slow Dancer. His sound, a delicate blend of folk and indie R is largely vca alhambra bracelet imitation inspired by classic blues from the '60's and '70s he grew up listening to his parents' Otis Redding and Wilson Pickett records before discovering the haunting sounds of Jos Gonzlez and Nick Drake.
Those influences are subtle but detectable in his new single, "Don't Believe." A soulful serenade to a detached lover, it blends laid back drums, soft guitar and fuzzy, plucky synthesizers to make a smooth '70s sound. "Turn away from the crowd / and the weight on on your chest," he coos. "I suppose you've always known you're inherently alone." Okely's voice trembles like Van Morrison and flirts like Chris Isaak, and he cruises along unhurriedly until the music fades into the crackle of spinning vinyl.
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Security Council Hears Briefings by Chairs of Subsidiary Bodies Concerning Islamic State
The Chairs of three terrorism related Security Council subsidiary bodies briefed members this morning, reporting on the activities of its Committee's concerning Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant/Al Qaida and associated groups, counter terrorism and sanctions.
Gerard van Bohemen (New Zealand), Chair of the Committee concerning Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIL/Da'esh), Al Qaida and associated individuals, groups, undertakings and entities, said ISIL had lost control of some territory, and the destruction of significant parts of its oil infrastructure had led to a drop in its internal capacity to generate revenue. In response, the group was looking to increase its revenues through internal taxation, the smuggling of antiquities and kidnapping for ransom. While some foreign terrorist fighters returned from conflict zones disillusioned by what they had experienced, others returned radicalized, battle hardened and well networked.
He went on to warn that such fighters posed a van cleef green bracelet copy great risk to the wider international community. It was difficult to detect their travel because many used broken travel routes to and from conflict zones, which made it much harder to track them. ISIL affiliates were steadily gaining footholds in Libya, Afghanistan and Yemen, becoming increasingly important to the main group's survival. Noting that the movement of funds and fighters outside ISIL controlled territory provided an opportunity for Member States to detect and prevent its spreading further afield, he said that sanctions, when effectively targeted and implemented, could exert pressure on ISIL and its affiliates, preventing them from distributing funds and disrupting further attacks on civilian populations.
Council President Amr Abdellatif Aboulatta (Egypt) then briefed in his capacity as Chair of the Counter Terrorism Committee. "Terrorist groups continue to identify innovative funding methods, and the international community must be equipped with the tools to mount an effective response," he emphasized. The Counter Terrorism Committee had identified good practices in stemming the flow of foreign terrorist fighters while enhancing its cooperation with international and regional organizations. It was also developing new tools to facilitate dialogue among Member States on implementation of resolutions1373(2001) and1624(2005). Guiding principles identified at the Committee's recent special meeting included a focus on helping Member States with detecting, intervening and preventing the recruitment of foreign terrorist fighters, stopping their travel, as well as criminalizing, prosecuting and rehabilitating them, he said.
Romn Oyarzun Marchesi (Spain), Chair of the 1540Committee concerning non proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, said that body had undertaken a steadily increasing number of measures in implementation of resolution1540(2004), but, given the varying capacities of Member States, that was a long term task, requiring continuous attention. ISIL had a chemical weapons programme and was drawing on available technology and materials to develop improvised devices. He warned that advances in science and technology posed a risk of misuse, despite their important humanitarian and economic benefits.
In the ensuing debate, Senegal's representative echoed that sentiment, noting that rapid advances in science and technology, as well as spreading globalization, enabled terrorists to gain access to weapons of mass destruction. He underscored the need to build on the momentum from a February meeting in Cte d'Ivoire on the implementation of resolution1540(2004) and to strengthen cooperation between the Council's subsidiary committees and the continent.
The Russian Federation's representative said the effectiveness of the three committees would determine the Security Council's future counter terrorism efforts. Smuggled artefacts, as well as oil and fighters, were traversing Turkey, he said, stressing that the international community must acknowledge those facts in order to overcome the common threat posed by ISIL.
Japan's representative said that countering the flow of foreign fighters and finances was of key importance in combating terrorism them, noting that his country had provided assistance to some countries in the form of fingerprint and facial recognition technology.
Venezuela's representative said the fight against terrorism should be conducted through international cooperation, with full respect for sovereignty and international law.
Angola's representative said that sanctions alone could not win the fight, emphasizing instead the imperative of strengthening international and local cooperation in seeking creative ways to launch an ideological effort against terrorism.
Also speaking today were representatives of China, United States, Uruguay, Malaysia, France, United Kingdom and Ukraine. The group had lost control of some territory, and the destruction of significant parts of its oil infrastructure had led to a drop in its internal revenue generation. In response, however, ISIL was looking to increase revenues through internal taxation, the smuggling of antiquities and kidnapping for ransom. As reported by the Monitoring Team, ISIL's centre of gravity was shifting, and the threat it posed was expanding geographically as its affiliates sprang van cleef and arpels copy bracelet up around the world. While some foreign terrorist fighters had returned from conflict zones disillusioned by what they had experienced, others returned radicalized, battle hardened and well networked, he said, warning that such fighters posed a great risk to the wider international community. It was also difficult to detect the travel of foreign terrorist fighters, he said, pointing out that many used broken travel routes to and from conflict zones, making it much harder to track them.
It was, therefore, essential that Member States share information to facilitate better detection and disruption of travel by foreign terrorist fighters, he continued. Furthermore, ISIL affiliates were steadily gaining footholds in Libya, Afghanistan and Yemen, becoming increasingly important to the main group's survival. It was crucial that Member States, particularly those neighbouring Iraq and Syria, exercise vigilance in implementing the 1267regime, he emphasized. The movement of funds and fighters outside ISIL controlled territory provided an opportunity for Member States to detect and prevent it from spreading further afield, he said. When effectively targeted and implemented, sanctions could exert pressure on ISIL and its affiliates, preventing the dispersal of funds and disrupting further attacks on civilian populations. Among other things, it was crucial that Member States engage with and provide updated information to the Monitoring Team and the 1267Committee on the nature of threats, listed individuals and entities.
AMR ABDELLATIF ABOULATTA (Egypt), Council President for May, spoke in his capacity as Chair of the Counter Terrorism Committee, established pursuant to resolution1373(2001), on threats to international peace and security caused by terrorist acts.
Providing an overview of the Counter Terrorism Committee's recent activities, he said it had taken a wide range of actions to help Member States address pressing threats, including flows of foreign terrorist fighters. In addressing that threat, the Committee was developing new tools to facilitate dialogue among Member States on implementing resolutions1373(2001) and1624(2005). It had also identified gaps and good practices in stemming the flow of foreign terrorist fighters while enhancing cooperation with international and regional organizations. Guiding principles identified at the Committee's recent special meeting included a focus on helping Member States with detecting, intervening and preventing the recruitment of foreign terrorist fighters, stopping their travel, as well as criminalizing, prosecuting and rehabilitating them, he said. The Committee had presented the results of the related survey of Member States to the Security Council in January, he recalled.
Turning to the use of information and communications technologies for terrorist purposes, he said that a special meeting held in December2015 had considered ways to develop a multistakeholder approach. With support from the Counter Terrorism Committee Executive Directorate (CTED), it would hold another meeting to follow up on partnerships established with key private sector players. As new terrorist financing trends emerged, he said that disrupting those flows presented significant challenges to Member States. "Terrorist groups continue to identify innovative funding methods, and the international community, especially those Member States directly affected, must be equipped with the tools required to mount an effective response," he emphasized. To address that challenge, he said, the Counter Terrorism Committee would convene, in December, bracelet replica van cleef alhambra a joint meeting with the ISIL and Al Qaida Sanctions Committee, in which the Financial Action Task Force would also participate.
He went on to state that participants in a recent joint open briefing had discussed the possibility of granting national financial intelligence units access to personal information in order to ensure more effective sharing of social security and tax records subject to domestic laws. The Counter Terrorism Committee recognized that its effectiveness rested on how rapidly it carried out its work, he said, noting that it had been implementing measures to improve its responsiveness. As such, it had requested that the CTED present findings immediately following visits to Member States, most recently Ghana, Kenya, Sri Lanka and Iraq. The Committee had also met informally with Iraq, the donor community and technical assistance providers to discuss collective efforts to build that country's counter terrorism capacity, thereby marking a significant improvement from previous practices, he said.
ROMN OYARZUN MARCHESI (Spain), Chair of the Security Council Committee established pursuant to resolution1540(2004) concerning the non proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, said extreme violence was stronger than ever. Recent reports by the International Criminal Police Organization (INTERPOL) and discussions in the Council had proven that ISIL had a chemical weapons programme and was developing improvised devices, drawing on available technology and materials. The need to counter the constantly evolving nature of terrorism was complicated by rapid advances in science, technology and commerce, he said, warning that, despite their important humanitarian and economic benefits, they posed a risk of misuse that Member States must address.
Regarding implementation of resolution1540(2004), he noted that, since 2010, there had been a steady increase in the measures undertaken. Due to the varying capacities of Member States, it was clear that full implementation was a long term task, requiring continuous attention. In order to advance effective implementation, it was crucial that the Council further strengthen the Committee's direct interaction with Member States, he emphasized. Among other things, the increase in the development of voluntary national implementation action plans had proven to be important in engaging national stakeholders and improving their internal coordination.
The Committee needed to improve its assistance mechanism, he said, adding that it had decided to take a regional approach. In accordance with that decision, it had held a meeting in Addis Ababa, bringing African States together with providers to discuss the delivery of assistance. On outreach, he said that despite mandate related constraints, the Committee had enjoyed some remarkable successes. Visits to Member States and national round tables had proven successful in promoting the development of voluntary national implementation action plans, he said, highlighting the introduction of training courses for national 1540 points of contact as another innovation in outreach.
JULIO HELDER MOURA LUCAS (Angola) said the briefings had demonstrated the Council's dedication to addressing the pernicious challenge of terrorism. The return of foreign terrorist fighters from Syria posed a great risk to the international community while providing an opportunity to improve the impact of the 1267sanctions regime. However, sanctions alone could not win the fight, he said, emphasizing the imperative of strengthening international to local cooperation in order to find creative ways to launch an ideological effort to combat terrorism. Flows of foreign terrorist fighters and terrorist financing must end, he said, urging increased coordination among global and regional stakeholders. Saying he was worried about terrorists and other non State actors acquiring weapons of mass destruction, he voiced appreciation of the 1540Committee's efforts in that regard.
WU HAITAO (China) said his delegation appreciated the progress made in the three committees. ISIL and other terrorist forces posed a serious threat to the international community, which should use a number of means to counter them on the basis of nationally appropriate approaches. Sanctions lists should be kept up to date and efforts should remain in line with the work of the relevant committee. He noted the Counter Terrorism Committee's country visits, hosting of meetings and sharing of information on tackling the presence of terrorists on the Internet. The 1540Committee would soon focus on a comprehensive review, which would help to further strengthen the capacity of Member States to halt the proliferation of weapons among terrorist groups. It was also important to fight regional threats in all their forms, he said, noting that countermeasures should not target specific ethnicities or religions. Instead, a high intensity campaign must be undertaken to halt terrorism, he said, stressing that China would continue to support the work of the three committees.
EVGENY T. ZAGAYNOV (Russian Federation) said the effectiveness of the three committees would determine the Security Council's future counter terrorism efforts at a time when terrorist groups posed a grave threat. Most serious was ISIL, which had gained a foothold in Libya and other fragile countries. Implementation of the relevant resolutions remained the main problem, and a special responsibility rested with Member States that were neighbours of affected countries. Data demonstrated that smuggled artefacts, oil and fighters were taking routes that traversed Turkey, he said, emphasizing in that regard, that the international community must acknowledge those facts so as to be able to overcome the common threat posed by ISIL. Since the 1540Committee was visiting Member States and undertaking actions, including review of its efforts, it required fine tuning rather than radical changes, he said, stressing in that regard, that Member States could cooperate directly with the 1540Committee while avoiding duplicative efforts that would be detrimental to its work.
MICHELE SISON (United States) said that, despite the progress made in the fight against terrorism, more must be done in light of its spread around the world. Calling attention to the increasing number of terrorist fighters returning home, she said they posed significant problems for their respective societies, adding that it was clear that no country was immune, and calling upon all to take a unified approach. She emphasized the need for full implementation of the relevant Security Council resolutions, saying that was central to counter terrorism efforts. On the Counter Terrorism Committee, she said the implementation of sanctions remained of key importance. She also stressed the need to generate international resources to identify the vulnerabilities of Member States. Turning to the work of the 1540Committee, she said the relevant resolution provided guidance on countering the activities of Da'esh and encouraged Member States to redouble their efforts.
HENRY ALFREDO SUREZ MORENO (Venezuela) said the fight against terrorism should be conducted through international cooperation, with sovereignty and international law taken into account, emphasizing that preventing terrorist financing and training was essential for progress. On ISIL, he noted that although the group was weaker, it remained a source of concern. While commending the work of the ISIL/Al Qaida Sanctions Committee, he stressed the importance of transparency and independence. Venezuela also supported the work of the 1373Committee on counter terrorism, he said, noting that its reports provided great guidance. It was crucial to dismantle the funding sources of terrorist organizations and to address the root causes of extremism, he said in conclusion.
YOSHIFUMI OKAMURA (Japan) said that, with the world facing frequent terrorist attacks, countering the flows of foreign terrorist fighters and finances was of key importance in combating them alongside full implementation of the relevant Council resolutions. Noting national advances in such areas as fingerprint and face recognition technology at borders and airports, he said that because terrorists exploited vulnerable countries lacking such capacities, Japan had provided some of them with assistance, including fingerprint readers that linked to identification databases. It had also taken measures to share information on terrorist finances at the national and regional levels, he said, emphasizing the links between terrorist activities and trafficking in drugs and human beings, as well as oil smuggling. With that in mind, any counter terrorism measures must also consider links with transnational organized crime. Non proliferation was also critical, he said, noting Japan's efforts to share knowledge in that regard.
GORGUI CISS (Senegal) said the timely briefings had taken place as violent terrorist attacks occurred worldwide. A multisectoral approach was needed to combat that trend, with resolution1540(2004) allowing a cohesive approach to facing terrorism around the world. Rapid advances in science and technology, as well as spreading globalization enabled terrorists to gain access to weapons of mass destruction, he said, recalling that February meeting in Cte d'Ivoire on the implementation of resolution1540(2004) had further advanced efforts across Africa. To building on that momentum, there was a need for continued and strengthened cooperation between the committees and the continent. There was also a need to bolster the sharing of information and intelligence so as to halt the recruitment of foreign terrorist fighters, he said, pointing out that they posed a real threat to origin, transit and destination countries. Better border control management was also necessary to address that problem without undermining the free circulation of goods and persons.
The Chairs of three terrorism related Security Council subsidiary bodies briefed members this morning, reporting on the activities of its Committee's concerning Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant/Al Qaida and associated groups, counter terrorism and sanctions.
Gerard van Bohemen (New Zealand), Chair of the Committee concerning Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIL/Da'esh), Al Qaida and associated individuals, groups, undertakings and entities, said ISIL had lost control of some territory, and the destruction of significant parts of its oil infrastructure had led to a drop in its internal capacity to generate revenue. In response, the group was looking to increase its revenues through internal taxation, the smuggling of antiquities and kidnapping for ransom. While some foreign terrorist fighters returned from conflict zones disillusioned by what they had experienced, others returned radicalized, battle hardened and well networked.
He went on to warn that such fighters posed a van cleef green bracelet copy great risk to the wider international community. It was difficult to detect their travel because many used broken travel routes to and from conflict zones, which made it much harder to track them. ISIL affiliates were steadily gaining footholds in Libya, Afghanistan and Yemen, becoming increasingly important to the main group's survival. Noting that the movement of funds and fighters outside ISIL controlled territory provided an opportunity for Member States to detect and prevent its spreading further afield, he said that sanctions, when effectively targeted and implemented, could exert pressure on ISIL and its affiliates, preventing them from distributing funds and disrupting further attacks on civilian populations.
Council President Amr Abdellatif Aboulatta (Egypt) then briefed in his capacity as Chair of the Counter Terrorism Committee. "Terrorist groups continue to identify innovative funding methods, and the international community must be equipped with the tools to mount an effective response," he emphasized. The Counter Terrorism Committee had identified good practices in stemming the flow of foreign terrorist fighters while enhancing its cooperation with international and regional organizations. It was also developing new tools to facilitate dialogue among Member States on implementation of resolutions1373(2001) and1624(2005). Guiding principles identified at the Committee's recent special meeting included a focus on helping Member States with detecting, intervening and preventing the recruitment of foreign terrorist fighters, stopping their travel, as well as criminalizing, prosecuting and rehabilitating them, he said.
Romn Oyarzun Marchesi (Spain), Chair of the 1540Committee concerning non proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, said that body had undertaken a steadily increasing number of measures in implementation of resolution1540(2004), but, given the varying capacities of Member States, that was a long term task, requiring continuous attention. ISIL had a chemical weapons programme and was drawing on available technology and materials to develop improvised devices. He warned that advances in science and technology posed a risk of misuse, despite their important humanitarian and economic benefits.
In the ensuing debate, Senegal's representative echoed that sentiment, noting that rapid advances in science and technology, as well as spreading globalization, enabled terrorists to gain access to weapons of mass destruction. He underscored the need to build on the momentum from a February meeting in Cte d'Ivoire on the implementation of resolution1540(2004) and to strengthen cooperation between the Council's subsidiary committees and the continent.
The Russian Federation's representative said the effectiveness of the three committees would determine the Security Council's future counter terrorism efforts. Smuggled artefacts, as well as oil and fighters, were traversing Turkey, he said, stressing that the international community must acknowledge those facts in order to overcome the common threat posed by ISIL.
Japan's representative said that countering the flow of foreign fighters and finances was of key importance in combating terrorism them, noting that his country had provided assistance to some countries in the form of fingerprint and facial recognition technology.
Venezuela's representative said the fight against terrorism should be conducted through international cooperation, with full respect for sovereignty and international law.
Angola's representative said that sanctions alone could not win the fight, emphasizing instead the imperative of strengthening international and local cooperation in seeking creative ways to launch an ideological effort against terrorism.
Also speaking today were representatives of China, United States, Uruguay, Malaysia, France, United Kingdom and Ukraine. The group had lost control of some territory, and the destruction of significant parts of its oil infrastructure had led to a drop in its internal revenue generation. In response, however, ISIL was looking to increase revenues through internal taxation, the smuggling of antiquities and kidnapping for ransom. As reported by the Monitoring Team, ISIL's centre of gravity was shifting, and the threat it posed was expanding geographically as its affiliates sprang van cleef and arpels copy bracelet up around the world. While some foreign terrorist fighters had returned from conflict zones disillusioned by what they had experienced, others returned radicalized, battle hardened and well networked, he said, warning that such fighters posed a great risk to the wider international community. It was also difficult to detect the travel of foreign terrorist fighters, he said, pointing out that many used broken travel routes to and from conflict zones, making it much harder to track them.
It was, therefore, essential that Member States share information to facilitate better detection and disruption of travel by foreign terrorist fighters, he continued. Furthermore, ISIL affiliates were steadily gaining footholds in Libya, Afghanistan and Yemen, becoming increasingly important to the main group's survival. It was crucial that Member States, particularly those neighbouring Iraq and Syria, exercise vigilance in implementing the 1267regime, he emphasized. The movement of funds and fighters outside ISIL controlled territory provided an opportunity for Member States to detect and prevent it from spreading further afield, he said. When effectively targeted and implemented, sanctions could exert pressure on ISIL and its affiliates, preventing the dispersal of funds and disrupting further attacks on civilian populations. Among other things, it was crucial that Member States engage with and provide updated information to the Monitoring Team and the 1267Committee on the nature of threats, listed individuals and entities.
AMR ABDELLATIF ABOULATTA (Egypt), Council President for May, spoke in his capacity as Chair of the Counter Terrorism Committee, established pursuant to resolution1373(2001), on threats to international peace and security caused by terrorist acts.
Providing an overview of the Counter Terrorism Committee's recent activities, he said it had taken a wide range of actions to help Member States address pressing threats, including flows of foreign terrorist fighters. In addressing that threat, the Committee was developing new tools to facilitate dialogue among Member States on implementing resolutions1373(2001) and1624(2005). It had also identified gaps and good practices in stemming the flow of foreign terrorist fighters while enhancing cooperation with international and regional organizations. Guiding principles identified at the Committee's recent special meeting included a focus on helping Member States with detecting, intervening and preventing the recruitment of foreign terrorist fighters, stopping their travel, as well as criminalizing, prosecuting and rehabilitating them, he said. The Committee had presented the results of the related survey of Member States to the Security Council in January, he recalled.
Turning to the use of information and communications technologies for terrorist purposes, he said that a special meeting held in December2015 had considered ways to develop a multistakeholder approach. With support from the Counter Terrorism Committee Executive Directorate (CTED), it would hold another meeting to follow up on partnerships established with key private sector players. As new terrorist financing trends emerged, he said that disrupting those flows presented significant challenges to Member States. "Terrorist groups continue to identify innovative funding methods, and the international community, especially those Member States directly affected, must be equipped with the tools required to mount an effective response," he emphasized. To address that challenge, he said, the Counter Terrorism Committee would convene, in December, bracelet replica van cleef alhambra a joint meeting with the ISIL and Al Qaida Sanctions Committee, in which the Financial Action Task Force would also participate.
He went on to state that participants in a recent joint open briefing had discussed the possibility of granting national financial intelligence units access to personal information in order to ensure more effective sharing of social security and tax records subject to domestic laws. The Counter Terrorism Committee recognized that its effectiveness rested on how rapidly it carried out its work, he said, noting that it had been implementing measures to improve its responsiveness. As such, it had requested that the CTED present findings immediately following visits to Member States, most recently Ghana, Kenya, Sri Lanka and Iraq. The Committee had also met informally with Iraq, the donor community and technical assistance providers to discuss collective efforts to build that country's counter terrorism capacity, thereby marking a significant improvement from previous practices, he said.
ROMN OYARZUN MARCHESI (Spain), Chair of the Security Council Committee established pursuant to resolution1540(2004) concerning the non proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, said extreme violence was stronger than ever. Recent reports by the International Criminal Police Organization (INTERPOL) and discussions in the Council had proven that ISIL had a chemical weapons programme and was developing improvised devices, drawing on available technology and materials. The need to counter the constantly evolving nature of terrorism was complicated by rapid advances in science, technology and commerce, he said, warning that, despite their important humanitarian and economic benefits, they posed a risk of misuse that Member States must address.
Regarding implementation of resolution1540(2004), he noted that, since 2010, there had been a steady increase in the measures undertaken. Due to the varying capacities of Member States, it was clear that full implementation was a long term task, requiring continuous attention. In order to advance effective implementation, it was crucial that the Council further strengthen the Committee's direct interaction with Member States, he emphasized. Among other things, the increase in the development of voluntary national implementation action plans had proven to be important in engaging national stakeholders and improving their internal coordination.
The Committee needed to improve its assistance mechanism, he said, adding that it had decided to take a regional approach. In accordance with that decision, it had held a meeting in Addis Ababa, bringing African States together with providers to discuss the delivery of assistance. On outreach, he said that despite mandate related constraints, the Committee had enjoyed some remarkable successes. Visits to Member States and national round tables had proven successful in promoting the development of voluntary national implementation action plans, he said, highlighting the introduction of training courses for national 1540 points of contact as another innovation in outreach.
JULIO HELDER MOURA LUCAS (Angola) said the briefings had demonstrated the Council's dedication to addressing the pernicious challenge of terrorism. The return of foreign terrorist fighters from Syria posed a great risk to the international community while providing an opportunity to improve the impact of the 1267sanctions regime. However, sanctions alone could not win the fight, he said, emphasizing the imperative of strengthening international to local cooperation in order to find creative ways to launch an ideological effort to combat terrorism. Flows of foreign terrorist fighters and terrorist financing must end, he said, urging increased coordination among global and regional stakeholders. Saying he was worried about terrorists and other non State actors acquiring weapons of mass destruction, he voiced appreciation of the 1540Committee's efforts in that regard.
WU HAITAO (China) said his delegation appreciated the progress made in the three committees. ISIL and other terrorist forces posed a serious threat to the international community, which should use a number of means to counter them on the basis of nationally appropriate approaches. Sanctions lists should be kept up to date and efforts should remain in line with the work of the relevant committee. He noted the Counter Terrorism Committee's country visits, hosting of meetings and sharing of information on tackling the presence of terrorists on the Internet. The 1540Committee would soon focus on a comprehensive review, which would help to further strengthen the capacity of Member States to halt the proliferation of weapons among terrorist groups. It was also important to fight regional threats in all their forms, he said, noting that countermeasures should not target specific ethnicities or religions. Instead, a high intensity campaign must be undertaken to halt terrorism, he said, stressing that China would continue to support the work of the three committees.
EVGENY T. ZAGAYNOV (Russian Federation) said the effectiveness of the three committees would determine the Security Council's future counter terrorism efforts at a time when terrorist groups posed a grave threat. Most serious was ISIL, which had gained a foothold in Libya and other fragile countries. Implementation of the relevant resolutions remained the main problem, and a special responsibility rested with Member States that were neighbours of affected countries. Data demonstrated that smuggled artefacts, oil and fighters were taking routes that traversed Turkey, he said, emphasizing in that regard, that the international community must acknowledge those facts so as to be able to overcome the common threat posed by ISIL. Since the 1540Committee was visiting Member States and undertaking actions, including review of its efforts, it required fine tuning rather than radical changes, he said, stressing in that regard, that Member States could cooperate directly with the 1540Committee while avoiding duplicative efforts that would be detrimental to its work.
MICHELE SISON (United States) said that, despite the progress made in the fight against terrorism, more must be done in light of its spread around the world. Calling attention to the increasing number of terrorist fighters returning home, she said they posed significant problems for their respective societies, adding that it was clear that no country was immune, and calling upon all to take a unified approach. She emphasized the need for full implementation of the relevant Security Council resolutions, saying that was central to counter terrorism efforts. On the Counter Terrorism Committee, she said the implementation of sanctions remained of key importance. She also stressed the need to generate international resources to identify the vulnerabilities of Member States. Turning to the work of the 1540Committee, she said the relevant resolution provided guidance on countering the activities of Da'esh and encouraged Member States to redouble their efforts.
HENRY ALFREDO SUREZ MORENO (Venezuela) said the fight against terrorism should be conducted through international cooperation, with sovereignty and international law taken into account, emphasizing that preventing terrorist financing and training was essential for progress. On ISIL, he noted that although the group was weaker, it remained a source of concern. While commending the work of the ISIL/Al Qaida Sanctions Committee, he stressed the importance of transparency and independence. Venezuela also supported the work of the 1373Committee on counter terrorism, he said, noting that its reports provided great guidance. It was crucial to dismantle the funding sources of terrorist organizations and to address the root causes of extremism, he said in conclusion.
YOSHIFUMI OKAMURA (Japan) said that, with the world facing frequent terrorist attacks, countering the flows of foreign terrorist fighters and finances was of key importance in combating them alongside full implementation of the relevant Council resolutions. Noting national advances in such areas as fingerprint and face recognition technology at borders and airports, he said that because terrorists exploited vulnerable countries lacking such capacities, Japan had provided some of them with assistance, including fingerprint readers that linked to identification databases. It had also taken measures to share information on terrorist finances at the national and regional levels, he said, emphasizing the links between terrorist activities and trafficking in drugs and human beings, as well as oil smuggling. With that in mind, any counter terrorism measures must also consider links with transnational organized crime. Non proliferation was also critical, he said, noting Japan's efforts to share knowledge in that regard.
GORGUI CISS (Senegal) said the timely briefings had taken place as violent terrorist attacks occurred worldwide. A multisectoral approach was needed to combat that trend, with resolution1540(2004) allowing a cohesive approach to facing terrorism around the world. Rapid advances in science and technology, as well as spreading globalization enabled terrorists to gain access to weapons of mass destruction, he said, recalling that February meeting in Cte d'Ivoire on the implementation of resolution1540(2004) had further advanced efforts across Africa. To building on that momentum, there was a need for continued and strengthened cooperation between the committees and the continent. There was also a need to bolster the sharing of information and intelligence so as to halt the recruitment of foreign terrorist fighters, he said, pointing out that they posed a real threat to origin, transit and destination countries. Better border control management was also necessary to address that problem without undermining the free circulation of goods and persons.
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Ms. Kathleen P. She is the former President and Chief Executive Officer of Four Seasons Hotels and Resorts, where she served in a variety of senior leadership roles from 1989 to 2013. She is a director of the Canada Pension Plan Investment Board. Ms. Taylor is Chair of the Board of SickKids Foundation, a trustee of the Board of the Hospital for Sick Children, a member of the Principal's International Advisory Board of McGill University and a member of the Dean's Advisory Council of the Schulich School of Business at York University. and an Honorary Doctorate of Laws from the Schulich School of Business, a law degree from Osgoode Hall Law School and a Bachelor of Arts (Honours) from the University of Toronto. Ms. Taylor is van cleef flower bracelet replica a member of the Order of Canada.
Mr. David I. (Dave) McKay is President, Chief Executive Officer, Director of Royal Bank of Canada effective August 1, 2014. Prior to his appointment in 2014, he was Group Head, Personal Commercial Banking from 2012 to van cleef replica rose gold bracelet 2014 and Group Head, Canadian Banking from 2008 to 2012. Mr. McKay started his career at RBC over 28 years ago and has held progressively senior roles. Mr. McKay was the 2016 United Way Toronto and York Region Campaign Chair. He serves on the Board of Trustees for the Hospital for Sick Children and is a member of the Catalyst Canada Advisory Board and the Business Council of Canada. from the Richard Ivey School of Business at the University of Western Ontario and a Bachelor of Mathematics from the University of Waterloo.
Mr. Rod Bolger is Chief Financial Officer of the Company effective December 1, 2016. Mr. Bolger joined RBC in 2011 bringing with him significant financial services experience from Bank of America and Citigroup. Mr. from Columbia University. In his current role, Mr. Bolger has developed a strong understanding of RBC's business strategies through his finance responsibility for Wealth Management, Insurance and Investor Treasury Services.
Mr. Andrew Chisholm is Independent Director of the company. He is a corporate director. He was Senior Strategy Officer at Goldman Sachs Co. (a global investment bank) in New York from 2012 to 2014 and subsequently served as an Advisory Director of the firm until his retirement in April 2016. His 30 year career at Goldman Sachs included a variety of progressively senior leadership positions, including Head of the Global Financial Institutions Group in both London and New York from 2002 to 2012. Mr. Chisholm is Chairman of the Advisory Board of the Richard Ivey School of Business. from the Richard Ivey School of Business at the University of Western Ontario and a Bachelor of Commerce from Queen's University.
Ms. Jacynthe Cote is Independent Director of The Royal Bank of Canada effective September 1, 2014. She is a corporate director. She was President and Chief Executive Officer of Rio Tinto Alcan (a metals and mining company) from 2009 to 2014 and served in an advisory role until her retirement in 2014. Prior to that, she served as President and Chief Executive Officer of Rio Tinto Alcan's Primary Metal business group. Ms. Co te joined Alcan Inc. in 1988 and served in a variety of progressively senior leadership roles during her 26 year career. Ms. Co te serves as a member of the Advisory Board of the Montreal Neurological Institute, and is on the Board of Directors of cole des Hautes tudes Commerciales de Montral. She has a Bachelor degree in Chemistry from Laval University.
Mr. Toos Noshir Daruvala is Independent Director of Royal Bank of Canada since January 1, 2015. He is the Co Chief Executive Officer of MIO Partners, Inc. (the in house asset management arm of McKinsey Company). In 2016 he served as Senior Advisor and Director Emeritus for McKinsey Company following his retirement in 2015. During his 33 year career at McKinsey he advised financial institutions on a broad range of strategic and operational matters and led their risk management, and banking and securities practices (both in the Americas). Mr. Daruvala is a member of the Advisory Board of the Ross School of Business at the University of Michigan and the Board of the New York Philharmonic. He is an Executive in Residence at Columbia Business School. from the University of Michigan and a Bachelor of Technology in Electrical Engineering from the Indian Institute of Technology.
Mr. David F. He is a corporate director. He served as President and Chief Executive Officer of the Canada Pension Plan Investment Board from 2005 to 2012. Prior to that, he was President of Fidelity Investments Canada Limited. Mr. Denison is a director of Bell Canada and is Vice Chair of the Board of Sinai Health System. He is also a member of the Investment Board and the International Advisory Committee of the Government of Singapore Investment Corporation, and the International Advisory Council of the China Investment Corporation. Mr. Denison earned Bachelor degrees in mathematics and education from the University of Toronto. He is a Chartered Professional Accountant and a Fellow of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Ontario. He is an Officer of the Order of Canada.
Mr. Richard L. He is a partner of Novo Investment Group (an investment management company). He served as Chief Executive Officer of Suncor Energy Inc. from 1991 to 2012 and was President from 1991 to 2011. Mr. George holds a Bachelor of Science in engineering from Colorado State University, a law degree from the University of Houston Law School and is a graduate of the Harvard Business School Program for Management Development. He is an Officer of the Order of Canada.
Mr. Michael H. McCain is Independent Director of Royal Bank of Canada. He is President and Chief Executive Officer of Maple Leaf Foods Inc. (a food processing company) and President and a director of McCain Capital Inc. He is a director of the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health Foundation and MaRS Discovery District. He is a member of the Business Council of Canada, serves as Honourary Chairman of the Maple Leaf Centre for Action on Food Security and he is on the Advisory Board of the Richard Ivey School of Business. He holds a Bachelor of Business Administration (Honours) from the University of Western Ontario.
Dr. Heather E. L. She is Chairperson of the Canada Pension Plan Investment Board. She is Emerita Principal and Vice Chancellor (President) of McGill University, having served as Principal from 2003 until 2013. Prior to this, she was Vice President (Research and International Relations) at the University of Toronto. She is a director and Vice Chair of the Canada Gairdner Foundation and a member of the Board of Stanford University's Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences. She is a member of the Trilateral Commission. Dr. Munroe Blum received a PhD in Epidemiology from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. She earned a Master of Social Work from Wilfrid Laurier University and Bachelor degrees of arts and social work from McMaster University. She is an Officer of the Order of Canada, an Officer of l'Ordre national du Qubec and a Specially Elected Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada.
Mr. Thomas A. Renyi is Independent Director of Royal Bank of Canada. He is a corporate director. He was Executive Chairman of The Bank of New York Mellon when he retired in 2008. Prior to that, he was Chairman and CEO of The Bank of New York Company, Inc. and the Bank of New York for 10 years. Mr. Renyi's career spanned almost four decades at The Bank of New York Mellon and its predecessor company. Mr. Renyi is a director of RBC USA Holdco Corporation. He is Trustee Emeriti of the Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts and Trustee of Catholic Charities of New York. and a Bachelor of Arts in Business Administration from Rutgers University.
Ms. Bridget Anne van Kralingen is Independent Director of The Royal Bank of Canada. She is Senior Vice President of Industry Platforms at IBM Corporation (an information technology company). Since joining IBM in 2004 she has served in a variety of leadership positions including Senior Vice President of IBM Global Business Services, General Manager of IBM North America, and General Manager of IBM Global Business Services, North East Europe, Middle East and Africa. She holds a Master of Commerce in Industrial and Organisational Psychology from the University of South Africa, a Bachelor of Commerce from the University of the Witwatersrand, South Africa, and an Honours degree in Commerce from the University of Johannesburg.
Mr. Thierry Vandal is Independent Director of the Company. He is President of Axium Infrastructure US Inc. (a portfolio management firm). Mr. Vandal was President and Chief Executive Officer of Hydro Qubec from 2005 until his retirement in 2015. He serves on the board of cole des Hautes tudes Commerciales van cleef green bracelet knock off de Montral and is Chair of the Finance Committee of the McGill University Board of Governors. in Finance from cole des Hautes tudes Commerciales de Montral and an engineering degree from cole Polytechnique de Montral.
Ms. Kathleen P. She is the former President and Chief Executive Officer of Four Seasons Hotels and Resorts, where she served in a variety of senior leadership roles from 1989 to 2013. She is a director of the Canada Pension Plan Investment Board. Ms. Taylor is Chair of the Board of SickKids Foundation, a trustee of the Board of the Hospital for Sick Children, a member of the Principal's International Advisory Board of McGill University and a member of the Dean's Advisory Council of the Schulich School of Business at York University. and an Honorary Doctorate of Laws from the Schulich School of Business, a law degree from Osgoode Hall Law School and a Bachelor of Arts (Honours) from the University of Toronto. Ms. Taylor is van cleef flower bracelet replica a member of the Order of Canada.
Mr. David I. (Dave) McKay is President, Chief Executive Officer, Director of Royal Bank of Canada effective August 1, 2014. Prior to his appointment in 2014, he was Group Head, Personal Commercial Banking from 2012 to van cleef replica rose gold bracelet 2014 and Group Head, Canadian Banking from 2008 to 2012. Mr. McKay started his career at RBC over 28 years ago and has held progressively senior roles. Mr. McKay was the 2016 United Way Toronto and York Region Campaign Chair. He serves on the Board of Trustees for the Hospital for Sick Children and is a member of the Catalyst Canada Advisory Board and the Business Council of Canada. from the Richard Ivey School of Business at the University of Western Ontario and a Bachelor of Mathematics from the University of Waterloo.
Mr. Rod Bolger is Chief Financial Officer of the Company effective December 1, 2016. Mr. Bolger joined RBC in 2011 bringing with him significant financial services experience from Bank of America and Citigroup. Mr. from Columbia University. In his current role, Mr. Bolger has developed a strong understanding of RBC's business strategies through his finance responsibility for Wealth Management, Insurance and Investor Treasury Services.
Mr. Andrew Chisholm is Independent Director of the company. He is a corporate director. He was Senior Strategy Officer at Goldman Sachs Co. (a global investment bank) in New York from 2012 to 2014 and subsequently served as an Advisory Director of the firm until his retirement in April 2016. His 30 year career at Goldman Sachs included a variety of progressively senior leadership positions, including Head of the Global Financial Institutions Group in both London and New York from 2002 to 2012. Mr. Chisholm is Chairman of the Advisory Board of the Richard Ivey School of Business. from the Richard Ivey School of Business at the University of Western Ontario and a Bachelor of Commerce from Queen's University.
Ms. Jacynthe Cote is Independent Director of The Royal Bank of Canada effective September 1, 2014. She is a corporate director. She was President and Chief Executive Officer of Rio Tinto Alcan (a metals and mining company) from 2009 to 2014 and served in an advisory role until her retirement in 2014. Prior to that, she served as President and Chief Executive Officer of Rio Tinto Alcan's Primary Metal business group. Ms. Co te joined Alcan Inc. in 1988 and served in a variety of progressively senior leadership roles during her 26 year career. Ms. Co te serves as a member of the Advisory Board of the Montreal Neurological Institute, and is on the Board of Directors of cole des Hautes tudes Commerciales de Montral. She has a Bachelor degree in Chemistry from Laval University.
Mr. Toos Noshir Daruvala is Independent Director of Royal Bank of Canada since January 1, 2015. He is the Co Chief Executive Officer of MIO Partners, Inc. (the in house asset management arm of McKinsey Company). In 2016 he served as Senior Advisor and Director Emeritus for McKinsey Company following his retirement in 2015. During his 33 year career at McKinsey he advised financial institutions on a broad range of strategic and operational matters and led their risk management, and banking and securities practices (both in the Americas). Mr. Daruvala is a member of the Advisory Board of the Ross School of Business at the University of Michigan and the Board of the New York Philharmonic. He is an Executive in Residence at Columbia Business School. from the University of Michigan and a Bachelor of Technology in Electrical Engineering from the Indian Institute of Technology.
Mr. David F. He is a corporate director. He served as President and Chief Executive Officer of the Canada Pension Plan Investment Board from 2005 to 2012. Prior to that, he was President of Fidelity Investments Canada Limited. Mr. Denison is a director of Bell Canada and is Vice Chair of the Board of Sinai Health System. He is also a member of the Investment Board and the International Advisory Committee of the Government of Singapore Investment Corporation, and the International Advisory Council of the China Investment Corporation. Mr. Denison earned Bachelor degrees in mathematics and education from the University of Toronto. He is a Chartered Professional Accountant and a Fellow of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Ontario. He is an Officer of the Order of Canada.
Mr. Richard L. He is a partner of Novo Investment Group (an investment management company). He served as Chief Executive Officer of Suncor Energy Inc. from 1991 to 2012 and was President from 1991 to 2011. Mr. George holds a Bachelor of Science in engineering from Colorado State University, a law degree from the University of Houston Law School and is a graduate of the Harvard Business School Program for Management Development. He is an Officer of the Order of Canada.
Mr. Michael H. McCain is Independent Director of Royal Bank of Canada. He is President and Chief Executive Officer of Maple Leaf Foods Inc. (a food processing company) and President and a director of McCain Capital Inc. He is a director of the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health Foundation and MaRS Discovery District. He is a member of the Business Council of Canada, serves as Honourary Chairman of the Maple Leaf Centre for Action on Food Security and he is on the Advisory Board of the Richard Ivey School of Business. He holds a Bachelor of Business Administration (Honours) from the University of Western Ontario.
Dr. Heather E. L. She is Chairperson of the Canada Pension Plan Investment Board. She is Emerita Principal and Vice Chancellor (President) of McGill University, having served as Principal from 2003 until 2013. Prior to this, she was Vice President (Research and International Relations) at the University of Toronto. She is a director and Vice Chair of the Canada Gairdner Foundation and a member of the Board of Stanford University's Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences. She is a member of the Trilateral Commission. Dr. Munroe Blum received a PhD in Epidemiology from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. She earned a Master of Social Work from Wilfrid Laurier University and Bachelor degrees of arts and social work from McMaster University. She is an Officer of the Order of Canada, an Officer of l'Ordre national du Qubec and a Specially Elected Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada.
Mr. Thomas A. Renyi is Independent Director of Royal Bank of Canada. He is a corporate director. He was Executive Chairman of The Bank of New York Mellon when he retired in 2008. Prior to that, he was Chairman and CEO of The Bank of New York Company, Inc. and the Bank of New York for 10 years. Mr. Renyi's career spanned almost four decades at The Bank of New York Mellon and its predecessor company. Mr. Renyi is a director of RBC USA Holdco Corporation. He is Trustee Emeriti of the Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts and Trustee of Catholic Charities of New York. and a Bachelor of Arts in Business Administration from Rutgers University.
Ms. Bridget Anne van Kralingen is Independent Director of The Royal Bank of Canada. She is Senior Vice President of Industry Platforms at IBM Corporation (an information technology company). Since joining IBM in 2004 she has served in a variety of leadership positions including Senior Vice President of IBM Global Business Services, General Manager of IBM North America, and General Manager of IBM Global Business Services, North East Europe, Middle East and Africa. She holds a Master of Commerce in Industrial and Organisational Psychology from the University of South Africa, a Bachelor of Commerce from the University of the Witwatersrand, South Africa, and an Honours degree in Commerce from the University of Johannesburg.
Mr. Thierry Vandal is Independent Director of the Company. He is President of Axium Infrastructure US Inc. (a portfolio management firm). Mr. Vandal was President and Chief Executive Officer of Hydro Qubec from 2005 until his retirement in 2015. He serves on the board of cole des Hautes tudes Commerciales van cleef green bracelet knock off de Montral and is Chair of the Finance Committee of the McGill University Board of Governors. in Finance from cole des Hautes tudes Commerciales de Montral and an engineering degree from cole Polytechnique de Montral.
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By RUSSELL GRAYAlthough Irene van Dyk was born and bred in South Africa, she has quickly fake alhambra necklace become one of New Zealand's favourite sporting personalities since she and her family settled in Wellington in 2000.In the words of April Bruce, this charismatic netballer is "gifted with magnificent height, incredible athleticism and uncanny accuracy" and is "one of the best shooters in the world, if not the best".Last year published a biography of Irene called Changing Colours, written by Wellington sports journalist Russell Gray. Not surprisingly, the book was a best seller. It quickly became obvious that there were many young netballers who were also keen to read about their favourite netballer so Whitcoulls persuaded the publishers to have the book adapted for younger readers.Shooting for the Top is that updated version of Changing Colours written especially for readers aged 10 and up. While the adult version concentrates on Irene's adult years, Shooting for the Top focuses on Irene's childhood and school years, when to be an international netballer was only a dream. It also takes Irene's story right up to the Silver Ferns' defeat by the Australians at the 2002 Commonwealth Games.While Irene is utterly gracious in defeat, it is wonderful to know that after the heartbreak at Manchester, Irene and the Silver Ferns have gone on to beat the Australians at this year's world championships in Jamaica.In the last chapter of the book, Irene shares her personal philosophy with her young readers. She tells them that "while body shape and different talents have a role in what sport we play, there are other van cleef necklace knock off wholesale ingredients needed for success".While young fans of Irene van Dyk are clearly the target audience for Shooting for the Top, this breezy, up beat biography will appeal to any child who dreams of having a career in sport. Irene van Dyk is clearly an excellent role model for all young New Zealanders.Age: alhambra necklace knock off 10 plusOur Regional News StoriesThe Northern AdvocateBig haul at Special Olympics Swim CarnivalFar North based swimmers performed well at the Special Olympics Swim Carnival.Our Features Top StoriesDrivenWhat's it like driving James Bond's Lotus Espirit? Never meet your heroes? Well, it's not always the case.
By RUSSELL GRAYAlthough Irene van Dyk was born and bred in South Africa, she has quickly fake alhambra necklace become one of New Zealand's favourite sporting personalities since she and her family settled in Wellington in 2000.In the words of April Bruce, this charismatic netballer is "gifted with magnificent height, incredible athleticism and uncanny accuracy" and is "one of the best shooters in the world, if not the best".Last year published a biography of Irene called Changing Colours, written by Wellington sports journalist Russell Gray. Not surprisingly, the book was a best seller. It quickly became obvious that there were many young netballers who were also keen to read about their favourite netballer so Whitcoulls persuaded the publishers to have the book adapted for younger readers.Shooting for the Top is that updated version of Changing Colours written especially for readers aged 10 and up. While the adult version concentrates on Irene's adult years, Shooting for the Top focuses on Irene's childhood and school years, when to be an international netballer was only a dream. It also takes Irene's story right up to the Silver Ferns' defeat by the Australians at the 2002 Commonwealth Games.While Irene is utterly gracious in defeat, it is wonderful to know that after the heartbreak at Manchester, Irene and the Silver Ferns have gone on to beat the Australians at this year's world championships in Jamaica.In the last chapter of the book, Irene shares her personal philosophy with her young readers. She tells them that "while body shape and different talents have a role in what sport we play, there are other van cleef necklace knock off wholesale ingredients needed for success".While young fans of Irene van Dyk are clearly the target audience for Shooting for the Top, this breezy, up beat biography will appeal to any child who dreams of having a career in sport. Irene van Dyk is clearly an excellent role model for all young New Zealanders.Age: alhambra necklace knock off 10 plusOur Regional News StoriesThe Northern AdvocateBig haul at Special Olympics Swim CarnivalFar North based swimmers performed well at the Special Olympics Swim Carnival.Our Features Top StoriesDrivenWhat's it like driving James Bond's Lotus Espirit? Never meet your heroes? Well, it's not always the case.
Starting Your Own HVAC Company
With summer time hitting hard, air conditioning is a necessity in many parts of the country. Individuals residing in southern states such as Arizona, Texas, and Florida simply cannot make it through without a working AC unit. Due to the fact that these devices are extremely expensive to replace, many homeowners choose to seek repair options before deciding to look into a new unit. Thus, the potential customer base for repair men is vast. Such is why having a place within the AC repair field is so desirable. In this article, we will provide a few tips to help you in starting your own HVAC company.
Step 1 Contact your state board to inquire as to the necessary certifications and licensing that must be obtained in order to engage in HVAC repair. Most areas require certifications in installation and repair techniques for all employees who work in the field. In addition, your company may require a registered contractor's license.
Step 2 Come up with a business name and register it. You should also hire someone to design an eye replica van cleef and arpels turquoise clover necklace catching logo to put on copy van cleef vintage alhambra necklace business cards and flyers.
Step 3 Purchase the equipment you will require for the business to function. You'll likely need a truck or van in addition to the various tools necessary to performing your jobs. Other items include Freon and copy van cleef pendant necklace Puron refrigerant.
Step 4 Consider a price list for your services. Some tasks will obviously cost your clients more than others, and it's important to know just what will be required of each job. Likewise, customers will many times be interested in up front pricing prior to hiring any company.
Step 5 Advertise in your area. Talk to various property management businesses around town in hopes of becoming a part of their vendor list. Also contact commercial property owners in regard to obtaining contracts with their businesses. Home warranty companies are also prime options to look into. Be sure to post flyers, pass out business cards, and list yourself in the local yellow pages.
Step 6 As you get your feet wet, start by yourself. Add employees once the workload becomes larger than you can handle and make sure they are properly trained.
Step 7 Treat your customers like gold. Show up on time, prepared, and well groomed. Word of mouth is effectively the best source of advertisement. Take advantage of this simple aspect, and watch your business flourish.
With summer time hitting hard, air conditioning is a necessity in many parts of the country. Individuals residing in southern states such as Arizona, Texas, and Florida simply cannot make it through without a working AC unit. Due to the fact that these devices are extremely expensive to replace, many homeowners choose to seek repair options before deciding to look into a new unit. Thus, the potential customer base for repair men is vast. Such is why having a place within the AC repair field is so desirable. In this article, we will provide a few tips to help you in starting your own HVAC company.
Step 1 Contact your state board to inquire as to the necessary certifications and licensing that must be obtained in order to engage in HVAC repair. Most areas require certifications in installation and repair techniques for all employees who work in the field. In addition, your company may require a registered contractor's license.
Step 2 Come up with a business name and register it. You should also hire someone to design an eye replica van cleef and arpels turquoise clover necklace catching logo to put on copy van cleef vintage alhambra necklace business cards and flyers.
Step 3 Purchase the equipment you will require for the business to function. You'll likely need a truck or van in addition to the various tools necessary to performing your jobs. Other items include Freon and copy van cleef pendant necklace Puron refrigerant.
Step 4 Consider a price list for your services. Some tasks will obviously cost your clients more than others, and it's important to know just what will be required of each job. Likewise, customers will many times be interested in up front pricing prior to hiring any company.
Step 5 Advertise in your area. Talk to various property management businesses around town in hopes of becoming a part of their vendor list. Also contact commercial property owners in regard to obtaining contracts with their businesses. Home warranty companies are also prime options to look into. Be sure to post flyers, pass out business cards, and list yourself in the local yellow pages.
Step 6 As you get your feet wet, start by yourself. Add employees once the workload becomes larger than you can handle and make sure they are properly trained.
Step 7 Treat your customers like gold. Show up on time, prepared, and well groomed. Word of mouth is effectively the best source of advertisement. Take advantage of this simple aspect, and watch your business flourish.