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Nick Rojas is a freelance journalist who has written for Entrepreneur, TechCrunch, and Yahoo. Today he joins us to discuss App Store SEO techniques that can increase your downloads and app revenue.
App Store Optimization (ASO) is an essential element for growing the success of your mobile apps. If you're bringing a new app to market, or need an ASO update, you can certainly increase your downloads with a little App Store SEO.To get more news about App Store Optimization, you can visit aso700.com official website.

Publishers and developers often believe that their latest app is the perfect new utility, game, or source of information for the public. But in truth, there's probably already an app like yours in Google Play or the Apple Store. It may not be half as good as the product you've developed, but with an extended history and presence, it will be more easily discovered by users.

In fact, there are more than 6.5 million apps ready to be installed across the major app stores. According to Think with Google, the average number of apps a mobile user has in his or her smartphone is 36, and only 26% of them are used on a daily basis.
1. Have an Eye-Catching App Icon
Icons are often a second thought when it comes to marketing an app, but this is a tremendous mistake. People are motivated by images, and your icon is often the first exposure they will have to your product. So what better way to entice mobile users than putting in the effort to design a catchy icon?

Tayasui Sketches Pro is a great example of an app with an eye-catching icon. Not only is it powerful and interesting, but it's relevant to the app's function. Users browsing an app store will quickly recognize what the app does, and why it might suit their needs.

2. Make the Most of Your Title Tag
The second most valuable app store SEO tactic is a title tag that sells. To maximize rankings with ASO, you want to ensure your app title is as enticing as your website’s 3. Develop a Robust App Description<br /> The biggest mistake many app publishers make when bringing a new app to market is not having a robust description that tells potential users exactly what they need to know. Like website SEO, you should make your above the fold content descriptive, following it with an information-packed, authoritative description below.<br />
4. Use Actionable Graphics<br />
If you browse an app store, you may notice a number of apps with simple screenshots showcasing their features. This is great, but you should take your images one step further by creating actionable graphics.<p>To improve your install chances and increase your user base, take screenshots of your app in action, then add arrows, text, and other exciting, actionable images to highlight certain features.<br />
5. Take Keyword Optimization to the Next Level<br />
Like SEO, keyword optimization for your app is a very important element of ASO. In fact, keyword optimization is slightly harder for apps since you have limited space to place them.<p>For instance, a user may only see the first 600 or so characters of your description on their mobile devices. Another key factor in ranking when optimizing app keywords is that the first 167 characters are the most important, according to Mobile Action.

Jun 25 '21 · 0 comments

As companies transition into a digitized, service-based economy, they have incorporated apps into their product offerings, and this includes many of our clients. We’ve outlined some best practices for app store optimization (ASO) in this article so you don’t have to search everywhere for the right answers. Why? Because we’re nice like that. To get more news about Aso Optimization, you can visit aso700.com official website.

At Archetype Solutions Group, our marketing team optimizes social media, web and email marketing, as well as app marketing and optimization efforts for our clients. When we work with apps our first focus is always ASO. By focusing on this first we create a foundation for the rest of our marketing efforts that fosters growth and enables our partners to succeed in the future.

Searching in the app stores (Apple and Google Play), browsing app store top charts, and using app store features are still three of the top five ways people discover new apps for potential purchase. Therefore, it is important for app owners to pay special attention to how their products are presented in the app stores and strategically plan their product presentations to optimize visibility. Such efforts need to be deliberate and require an understanding of each app store’s ranking algorithms.
In this guide, we will introduce the ways in which your app’s visibility is determined in the app stores, as well as some best practices to keep in mind in order to capitalize on these algorithms and maximize your app’s presence from a marketing perspective.

These underlying mechanisms of both app stores should dictate your strategic plan and approach to presenting your app. Taking them into account, we recommend targeting keyword optimization, ranking, impressions (number of views on the app store), engagement (reviews and ratings) and downloads as key performance indicators for your app’s visibility in the store.

Now that we have given you some background information, how exactly do you start improving? Below we have laid out some easy optimization steps you can take to improve on the KPIs we just listed.

In addition to the app title and subtitle, the Apple App Store specifically uses a 100-character keyword field to determine which search strings your app shows up for. It is important to use all allotted characters and fill the space with carefully researched keywords to maximize organic traffic to your app.

Unlike the App Store, Google Play does not have a designated keyword field. Instead, Google Play’s search engine automatically pulls keywords from the title, subtitle (short description), and long description to index your app. It is especially important to include relevant keywords in these sections when you are optimizing your app in Google Play.

You can discover the most relevant keywords by doing a deep dive into your data and developing consumer profiles. With those profiles you can craft short and long-tail keywords by thinking through what consumers will likely type in the search bar when looking for an app.

Jun 25 '21 · 0 comments

In the prevailing situations where there are more than 2 million apps in the current market. Making your app discover-able is a task for many businesses. To make your app visible in the app market, people should be made aware with your app which will be possible only if you will market your app in an effective manner. Marketing your app will then require you to work on App Store Optimization.To get more news about Specialty Android Keyword Ranking, you can visit aso700.com official website.

App Store Optimization popular as ASO, enables your app to meet the requirements of app store ranking. ASO also enhances your apps visibility taking it to the top of the search result page. On the increased visibility of your app in the app store, it is likely to be visible to majority of the potential customers which will ultimately drag more traffic to your app’s page in your app store.

Following certain techniques and tricks can help you with an effective optimization of your app in the app store. Let’s now go through all those tips and techniques:
Analysis of the App Market before launching your app in the market is important as it will give you a better understanding on the competition in the market and the customers a well. Analysing the Customers will give you an idea about their preferences for using an app. It will make you aware with the attributes that attracts the customers towards using the app. analysing the competition in the market will give you clarity on the set of keywords used. Avoiding the use of those set of keywords and using your own unique keywords you can attract the potential customers in the market.

Many apps are downloaded on daily basis by the users, but hardly 2% of all those downloaded apps are used on regular basis. Making the user download your app is not the ultimate objective, Engaging and retaining the customers in the app will matter the most. Making them use your app on regular basis is what will help your app gain popularity in the market. Video Tutorials, Messages can help to make the users aware with the latest updates in the app.

The name and the icon will be the face of your app. Name/Title of your app can contain 50 characters maximum. Name of your app needs to be unique not because of the branding requirements, but because it includes certain keywords creating an impact on the search results of the app store. Not only this even the icon of your app is expected to be attractive enough to get hold of the eyes of the users on your app. Visualisation often gets imprinted in our minds for a longer time. The more visually attractive your app icon and name is the more users will start turning back to your app on regular basis.

People often prefer to proceed towards downloading of an app after taking advices from the ones who have already used it. Majority of the app users never forgets to go through the reviews of the existing users of the app to get an idea of how good the usability of the app is? Ask the users to rate your app after they are done with their purpose of using your app. In order to attract the users to positively rate your app, they can be rewarded with something that forces them to rate your app with the best they can.

Description of the app, its functions, features, characteristics and uses needs to be delivered accurately. Brief description of your app will give the users clarity on the usage of app making it easier for them to make a choice on its download. With some specific list of keywords and précis description of the app is sure to drag a major proportion of traffic to your app.

A well designed page with creativity added to it never fails to grab the attention of the customers. The page of your app needs to be displayed and designed with lot of visualisation and creativity added to it, as it can make it look engaging. Adding Screenshots of your app and videos pertaining to your app can make it visually strong and prepossessing. Showing of the most distinctive features and latest updates of your app in form of the screenshots is sure to keep your user engaged in your app.

Jun 25 '21 · 0 comments

App Store Optimization is all about improving the visibility of a particular app on the App Store. Is that all it is? Of course not, The term “ASO” also harnesses all the techniques which drive user behavior towards the desired action, an app install. In this article, you will be shown what we did to improve app installs by 140%.To get more news about Ios App Store Optimization, you can visit aso700.com official website.

This part of App Store Optimization focuses on adjusting the name of the app and its keywords. When it comes to App Store, each app is described by keywords, packed into a 100 character string. These keywords affect search rankings. The better the keywords, the higher the possibility for the app to appear in App Store search results.

The reason for keyword adjustment is to feed App Store’s Search Engine with data, optimized towards the most lucrative search terms and phrases.Keywords used for ASO purposes cannot be considered separately, as just comma separated words. If we want to have them work for our app, they have to connect with each other to form phrases. These phrases should, of course, be those that people use for search purposes in the App Store… and that’s not a trivial thing.

We were experimenting with several techniques and chose one that works the best. This means we needed less iterations to form the best performing keywords. So what did we do? Here is a detailed, step by step list which shows how we create keywords that optimize App Store search results.

Images of the app and its content play an important role on the way towards a new install. Screenshots are the most visible elements on the App Store’s application page. In the case of magazine apps, the best performing screenshots provide information about content: covers, photos, posters and interesting content with written descriptions.

App description

This piece of text explains what the app is all about and should be written in a very easy to understand way. As a matter of fact, 99% of the text is collapsed so the first two sentences are the most important. What to write about? It should be valued building text with a clear call to action. It’s also good to have the app description translated into several languages to influence a wider range of people who will land on an app page.

During our approach into App Store Optimization procedures, we tested several apps and several optimization tactics. We were measuring the impact of every single aspect which was optimizable. After all this, we aimed at one of our magazine apps with high-quality content and poor statistics. Here are some insights:

Jun 25 '21 · 0 comments

The diamond ring we’re talking about is a stunner from the Capital Region-based Hannoush Jewelers, which won Best Jewelry Store in Best of 2021. Albert Hannoush, who is the co-owner and president of the retailer, posted the custom creation to social media last week. To get more news about custom ring, you can visit koalaprint.com official website.

Followers took notice – sharing the ring, tagging friends, husbands, boyfriends, girlfriends, potential fiancees and others, asking for all the details. The comments and reactions were up in the hundreds, across all platforms.

Here’s what we know: it’s a 5.43 carat “super ideal cut,” Gemological Institute of America-certified triple excellent diamond. The custom setting is 18 carat white gold with 2.80 carats of round diamonds, for a total of 8.23 carats.

“We purchased the center diamond from one of our overseas diamond suppliers that was here recently,” says Hannoush. “While it was one of many diamonds that we purchased that day, it was by far the nicest.”It is what’s called a halo-style setting, something we see fairly often on celebrities. For those of you who are jewelry (or celebrity)-savvy, you may know Heidi Klum, Olivia Wilde, Sofia Vergara and Cardi B are just a few of the well-known women sporting a version of this setting.

“I have always loved halo-style rings, especially for round diamonds,” says Hannoush. “The cushion-shaped halo with a round diamond in the center gives a squarish look, but demonstrates the beauty and brilliance of the round brilliant center diamond.”He says when he saw this diamond he knew the cushion halo would make this stone “even more sensational.”

“The diamonds in the halo and throughout the setting are just the right size to add more brilliance to the overall look, without taking any attention away from the quality of the center diamond,” he adds. “Finally, I wanted a setting that is heavy enough (for) everyday wear and tear. I think we achieved all of my objectives with this ring.”

As you may imagine, the piece of jewelry is not inexpensive. While the average engagement ring costs just shy of $6,000, according to a 2019 survey from The Knot, the price tag on this ring is $127,900. The largest diamond the jeweler has sold was a GIA-certified, 14.25 carat, radiant-cut natural fancy yellow diamond in October 2020. Since that ring has already sold to a client, the sale price is not public information. It’s also not hanging out in the display case on the showroom floor. It’s locked in a vault and will remain there. Customers who are interested in trying it on, need to make an appointment.

“The response has been amazing,” says the second-generation jeweler. “This is my passion. What I love doing is creating unique and beautiful pieces of jewelry. I am flattered and truly appreciate the fact that so many people like my design.”

Jun 25 '21 · 0 comments

As admired as Michelle Obama's Democratic National Convention speech was Monday night, it was her gold VOTE necklace that took center stage and set the internet on fire. To get more news about number necklace, you can visit koalaprint.com official website.

The former First Lady gave an impassioned keynote speech on Day 1 of the DNC, telling Americans to 'vote like we did in 2008 and 2012,' subtly underscoring the point by wearing a gold necklace that spelled out the word 'vote.'

It went viral almost immediately, and became a top-trending search during last hour of the convention, Google Trends tweeted.'Someone find me Michelle Obama's VOTE necklace immediately please, I need to wear it every day for the rest of my life,' one Twitter user wrote.Where can I find Forever FLOTUS Michelle Obama's V-O-T--E necklace? Asking for a friend,' another tweeter wrote. 'The DNC convention was 95% cringe worthy and 5% Michelle Obama's necklace,' joked another Twitter user.

'I have now counted FIVE tweets in one quick scroll about Ms. Michelle Obama's gold vote necklace,' a Twitter user said, adding: 'It's bout to be 1) sold out from the original 2) targeted to every woman by rando DTC companies 3) Forever 21, Zara, and H&M are already mass producing this.' Obama's VOTE necklace was custom-made by ByChari, a female-owned company based in Los Angeles.

Company owner Chari Cuthbert, 36, told the Daily Beast that she had no idea Obama would sport the necklace during the DNC speech until she saw it around her neck in a clip from the video that her mother spotted on CNN Monday afternoon.

'It was surreal,' Cuthbert said. 'I sat at my desk and cried.'Still, Cuthbert said, she didn't trumpet the fact that Obama was wearing one of her designs on social media 'out of respect' because she 'didn't want to take advantage.'

Miami-born Cuthbert, whose parents are Jamaican, said that Obama's stylist had called to order the $430 necklace several weeks ahead to the convention, but hadn't specified when or where it would be worn. Cuthbert said that before Obama's stylist came calling, she'd actually created a VOTE necklace for herself and posted it on the ByChari Instagram page.

'I rarely voice my political views on social media, but there is too much at risk for us as women and individuals to not do our part,' reads the caption for a post featuring a the necklace, dated November 5, 2018. 'I encourage everyone to go out and vote tomorrow. Make your voice heard.'

Cuthbert said that she wasn't sure if Obama's stylist saw the VOTE necklace when it was posted back then or if the stylist came up with the idea to customize the necklace on their own. Cuthbert said that prior to the necklace going viral, she had actually planned to use them to promote social activism and was already in the process of having several VOTE necklaces made to give to celebrities ahead of the 2020 Presidential Election.

Cuthbert called Obama her 'ideal dinner guest' and added 'to see her wearing my necklace, it's insane.'

Jun 25 '21 · 0 comments

Technavio has been monitoring the non-photo personalized gifts market and it is poised to grow by USD 8.75 billion during 2021-2025, progressing at a CAGR of over 9% during the forecast period. The report offers an up-to-date analysis regarding the current market scenario, the latest trends and drivers, and the overall market environment.To get more news about personalized gifts, you can visit koalaprint.com official website.
The COVID-19 pandemic continues to transform the growth of various industries, however, the immediate impact of the outbreak is varied. While a few industries will register a drop in demand, numerous others will continue to remain unscathed and show promising growth opportunities. COVID-19 will have a low impact on the non-photo personalized gifts market. The market growth in 2021 is likely to increase compared to market growth in 2019.

The market is fragmented, and the degree of fragmentation will accelerate during the forecast period. The Walt Disney Co., and Zazzle Inc. are some of the major market participants. Although the growing gifting culture and increasing demand for seasonal decorations will offer immense growth opportunities, factors such as the availability of alternate products for social expression is likely to pose a challenge for the market vendors. In a bid to help players strengthen their market foothold, this non-photo personalized gifts market forecast report provides a detailed analysis of the leading market vendors. The report also empowers industry honchos with information on the competitive landscape and insights into the different product offerings offered by various companies.

Jun 25 '21 · 0 comments

You do what Marc Rosson did Saturday morning — take them out to see some of the NFL's best players get ready for the 2018 season.To buy more Houston Texans Jerseys with cheap price, you can visit texans365 official website.

Rosson, a Physical education teacher and coach at Liberty Point Behavioral Healthcare in Staunton, took a half-dozen of his students to the Greenbrier to watch the Houston Texans practice during their annual preseason camp.The young men, talking up a storm and looking starry-eyed at players such as J.J. Watt, Andre Johnson, Jadeveon Clowney and DeAndre Hopkins, were part of a huge turnout at the camp who watched the team work out for a little over two hours.

It was a chance, Rosson said, to provide a pat on the back for the young men for improving their behavior and working toward being discharged from the facility, which treats adolescent males with psychiatric conditions and neurodevelopmental disorders.These guys have worked so hard to improve themselves and it's a great way to reward them," he said. "It's great to watch the Texans practice and the kids have loved every minute of it."

There were plenty of adults and families who thought the experience was a blast, too, and several of them traveled a long way to come to the camp in the middle of the West Virginia hills.Decked out in a Texans jersey emblazoned with Watt's No. 99, Jennifer Lefever was there with her husband Jeremy and daughters Madeline, 12, and Ava, 6, who was wearing a Watt jersey of her own.

With the Texans headquartered 1,400 miles away from Yorktown, it was a golden opportunity for the Lefevers to make the four-hour drive up I-64 to get a close-up look at their favorite team, just as they did last summer.The people in the town are great and the players have all been spectacularly nice with the kids," Jennifer said. "They posed for pictures and talked with the girls, and they signed autographs. "It's been a wonderful experience."

The practice session Saturday was only the preliminary. When the final horn sounded on the field at 12:25 p.m., the players gravitated toward the fans, who were lining the barriers surrounding the main practice field.

May 26 '21 · 0 comments

Running back Mark Ingram II probably won't be karate kicking the Texans logo anymore.To buy more Houston Texans Jersey with cheap price, you can visit texans365 official website.

The former Raven has found a new home in Houston with a one-year deal, as first reported by ESPN's Adam Schefter.Ingram was a productive and beloved member of the Ravens for two seasons but was released on Jan. 19 after rookie J.K. Dobbins and Gus Edwards leapfrogged him as Baltimore's lead backs.

After his release, the 31-year-old Ingram thanked the Ravens, his teammates, and fans, and said, "I'm looking forward to my next opportunity because the best is still ahead."The last time Ingram was in Houston was Sept. 20 (Week 2) when he ripped off a 30-yard touchdown run on fourth-and-1 in the fourth quarter to essentially seal the Ravens' 33-16 win.

Ingram celebrated with a roundhouse kick to the Texans logo and later revealed to teammates and fans that he actually was a black belt.

Ingram would reunite with new Texans Head Coach David Culley, who helped coordinate Baltimore's offense the past two seasons. As of now, Ingram would be in a rotation with fellow veteran running back David Johnson.

May 26 '21 · 0 comments

Lelands has announced a partnership with the Pittsburgh Steelers to serve as the team’s official auction house of game-worn jerseys and memorabilia. The first official auction of game-worn Steelers jerseys – “The Pittsburgh Steelers Archive of Exceptional Jerseys”.To buy more Steelers Jerseys with cheap price, you can visit steelerjersey.com official website.

Portions of the proceeds from the sale of Steelers Archive Jerseys will be donated to the Chuck Noll Foundation, which was launched last November and supports continued research and education regarding brain injuries and treatment of sports-related concussions.Game-worn jerseys available for auction and via catalog include Steelers Hall of Famers and legends: quarterback Terry Bradshaw, running back Franco Harris, defensive back Mel Blount, cornerback Rod Woodson, defensive ends L.C. Greenwood and Dwight White, running back Rocky Bleier, tight end Heath Miller and wide receiver Hines Ward.

“The Pittsburgh Steelers are one of the most storied franchises in all of sports, and their game-worn jerseys are the NFL’s rarest and most desirable,” said Lelands founder and chairman Joshua Evans. “We are honored to partner with the Steelers and to offer up for auction ‘The Pittsburgh Steelers Archive of Exceptional Jerseys.

May 26 '21 · 0 comments
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