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Single and dual stage series rotary vane pumps provide a wide range of pumping speeds and configurations. These pumps are ideal as backing pumps for turbo or diffusion pumps, or for standalone use in laboratory, analytical, or industrial applications.
The surface of the part may have a waxy feel until it is fully dry. Some resins, noted below, may have additional surface waxiness for up to a week if they are not post-cured. When post-curing, follow the recommendations in the support article Form Cure time and temperature settings for each resin. Printed parts washed in TPM will feel indistinguishable from parts washed in IPA once they are post-cured.
TPM can dissolve roughly three times the amount of resin as IPA before losing efficacy. If a thin film of resin remains on printed parts after washing with TPM, the solvent is overly contaminated with resin and should be replaced. Replace the TPM in your Finish Kit rinse bucket or the Form Wash as you would replace IPA.
The water bath will eventually have too much TPM dissolved in it to be effective and will need to be replaced. Water and TPM that have been exposed to resin should be disposed of in accordance with local regulations.
When purchasing a hydrometer to measure the resin concentration of TPM, consider the following recommendations:
The Form Cure does not vent air while operating, so any evaporated solvent will condense on the heater, fan, and internal surfaces. If a print that still has TPM on it is placed in the Form Cure, the TPM will evaporate off the print and condense on the inner surfaces of the Form Cure and Form Cure L. This can occasionally cause clouding on the reflective surfaces. Always let prints fully dry (whether they have been washed with IPA, TPM, or water) before placing them in the Form Cure or Form Cure L.
Cold extrusion is to place the metal blank in the cold extrusion die cavity, at room temperature, through the punch fixed on the press to exert pressure on the blank, making the metal blank produce plastic deformation and the processing method of parts. Obviously, the cold extrusion process depends on the mold to control the metal flow, and relies on a large number of metal volume transfer to form parts. In terms of extrusion equipment, China has the ability to design and manufacture various tonnage extrusion presses. In addition to the general mechanical press, hydraulic press and cold extrusion press, the friction press and high-speed and high-energy equipment are successfully used for cold extrusion production.
If the blank is extruded without heating, it is called cold extrusion. Cold extrusion is one of the processing technologies of no chip and less chip parts, so it is an advanced technology in the plastic processing of metal chips. If the blank is heated to the temperature below the recrystallization temperature for extrusion, it is called warm extrusion. Warm extrusion still has the advantage of less chips.
Cold extrusion technology is an advanced production technology with high precision, high efficiency, high quality and low consumption, which is widely used in large-scale production of medium and small forgings. Compared with hot forging and warm forging, it can save 30% ~ 50% of material and 40% ~ 80% of energy. Moreover, it can improve the quality of forgings and improve the working environment.
At present, cold extrusion technology has been widely used in fastener, machinery, instrumentation, electrical appliances, light industry, aerospace, shipbuilding, military industry and other industrial sectors, and has become one of the indispensable important processing methods in metal plastic bulk forming technology. With the progress of science and technology and the continuous improvement of product technical requirements in automobile, motorcycle, household appliances and other industries, cold extrusion production technology has gradually become the development direction of refined production of small and medium-sized forgings.
What is cold heading?
Cold heading process is one of the new technologies of less cutting metal pressure machining. It is a kind of processing method that uses the plastic deformation of metal under the action of external force and makes the metal volume redistributed and transferred with the help of mould, so as to form the required parts or blank. The cold heading process is most suitable for the production of bolts, screws, nuts, rivets, pins and other standard fasteners. The equipment commonly used in cold heading process is a special cold heading machine. If the production is not too large, it can also be replaced by crank press or friction press.
Because of its high productivity, good product quality, greatly reducing material consumption, reducing production cost and improving working conditions, cold heading technology is more and more widely used in mechanical manufacturing, especially in the production of standard fasteners. The most representative products produced by multi station cold heading machine are bolts, screws and nuts.
Cold block and cold extrusion are basically the same deformation processing conditions, but the operation mode is different. Cold pier is a kind of forging deformation of small workpiece, which is often used in fastener industry. Cold extrusion belongs to the extrusion deformation of larger workpieces and is widely used; cold upsetting is equivalent to a branch of cold extrusion. Simply speaking, in the process of bolt making, hexagon head forming belongs to cold upsetting, and rod diameter reduction belongs to cold extrusion (forward extrusion). There are both cold upsetting and cold extrusion for non chamfered hexagon flange bolts (multi position forming). The front side shaping of hexagon nut is only cold upsetting, while the hole extruding in the later process belongs to cold extrusion (forward and backward extrusion).
That said, track workouts can seem intimidating. Each has its own code of conduct, which can leave even runners with years of experience feeling like outsiders. Plus, you can't ignore the lingering impact of negative experiences in high school gym classes (all those boring laps).
However, running track can be a great way to boost your fitness, improve your speed and endurance, and even gain greater confidence in your running ability. Whether you are training for a race or just want to beat your own personal record, putting in some track time can be both a convenient and highly effective way to achieve your goals.The distance you choose to run should be something you are comfortable with based upon your current ability level. Most running tracks are 400 meters around in lane 1 (the inside lane). The distance around the track increases in each lane; the distance you would run once around in lane 8 is 453 meters.
Knowing common distances on a track can help you ensure that you are getting what you expect from your track run.There is a pecking order for lanes. The inner lanes are usually reserved for fast runners or those doing speed workouts. The inner track allows them to pass slower runners more easily. Never walk or stop in lanes 1 or 2, or you might end up becoming a speed bump. Some tracks may even reserve the three inside lanes for their fastest runners.
The slower you are relative to others using the track, the higher number lane you should use. Walkers and those who are doing their cooldown should move to the outermost lanes (lanes 7 and 8).The typical direction for most tracks is counterclockwise, but it can vary. Look for posted signs indicating which direction to run. This rule helps prevent collisions between runners.
Some tracks alternate directions daily or weekly so runners who use the track frequently don't get a lopsided workout.
When in doubt, follow the lead of others on the track. After all, if everyone is going the 'wrong' way, it becomes the right way. Going with the flow reduces the chances of a collision.Never stand on the track. Get your gear all set before you step onto the track so you aren't standing there adjusting your earbuds or running watch, for example, as others are trying to pass. If you feel a cramp coming on, need to tie your shoelace, or get a phone call, move off the track. If you recognize another runner you haven't seen in years, move off the track to have your reunion.
Track etiquette generally calls for runners to pass others on the right if running in a counterclockwise direction, or on left if you're running clockwise. Note that this is not a universal rule, so you might have to adjust to what other track users tell you is appropriate for their track.
Most tracks have times when the track is off-limits to recreational runners, and you should check to see what is allowed for each track you use. Some restrict use during school hours unless you are associated with the school, for the safety of the students. Other schools allow recreational runners to run in the outer lanes while teams are doing their workouts. Many restrict use after dark.
It's great to get the kids into running by having them run on the track, but it's important that they follow the rules as well. If they can't (as is often the case with younger children), it may be best to wait until they can.
If you do bring your child, don't allow him or her to stop or stand on the track. Check to see if you can use a jogging stroller on the track if you have little ones.
While you might park your child in a stroller while you circle the track, be courteous if your child begins to cry. Especially, be alert so your child doesn't wander onto the track.
Running with your dog can be fun, but the close quarters of a track is not a good place to bring your dog for a run or walk. Even if your dog is on a leash, he or she could easily run into another lane where someone else is running. Plus, the other runners should not have to deal with your dog's barking or "potty breaks."
Original Crush Roller arcade game circuit board that is missing its IC at 6P and a cap at C4 (from what we can see). We haven't tested this one, consider it needing work since it is missing a component and has been sitting for many years. Board uses a unique pinout and a vertical monitor.Get more news about Pcb Board Roller Leveller,you can vist our website!
Offered is an original Nichibutsu Roller Jammer CPU PCB Board untested. Sold as-is. If your interested in other boards I have listed, email me before you buy for possible discounts on multiple purchases, especially on boards that need repair or untested boards.
A printed circuit board, or PCB, is a self-contained module of interconnected electronic components found in devices ranging from common beepers, or pagers, and radios to sophisticated radar and computer systems. The circuits are formed by a thin layer of conducting material deposited, or "printed," on the surface of an insulating board known as the substrate. Individual electronic components are placed on the surface of the substrate and soldered to the interconnecting circuits. Contact fingers along one or more edges of the substrate act as connectors to other PCBs or to external electrical devices such as on-off switches. A printed circuit board may have circuits that perform a single function, such as a signal amplifier, or multiple functions.
There are three major types of printed circuit board construction: single-sided, double-sided, and multi-layered. Single-sided boards have the components on one side of the substrate. When the number of components becomes too much for a single-sided board, a double-sided board may be used. Electrical connections between the circuits on each side are made by drilling holes through the substrate in appropriate locations and plating the inside of the holes with a conducting material. The third type, a multi-layered board, has a substrate made up of layers of printed circuits separated by layers of insulation. The components on the surface connect through plated holes drilled down to the appropriate circuit layer. This greatly simplifies the circuit pattern.
Components on a printed circuit board are electrically connected to the circuits by two different methods: the older "through hole technology" and the newer "surface mount technology." With through hole technology, each component has thin wires, or leads, which are pushed through small holes in the substrate and soldered to connection pads in the circuits on the opposite side. Gravity and friction between the leads and the sides of the holes keeps the components in place until they are soldered. With surface mount technology, stubby J-shaped or L-shaped legs on each component contact the printed circuits directly. A solder paste consisting of glue, flux, and solder are applied at the point of contact to hold the components in place until the solder is melted, or "reflowed," in an oven to make the final connection. Although surface mount technology requires greater care in the placement of the components, it eliminates the time-consuming drilling process and the space-consuming connection pads inherent with through hole technology. Both technologies are used today.
Two other types of circuit assemblies are related to the printed circuit board. An integrated circuit, sometimes called an IC or microchip, performs similar functions to a printed circuit board except the IC contains many more circuits and components that are electrochemically "grown" in place on the surface of a very small chip of silicon. A hybrid circuit, as the name implies, looks like a printed circuit board, but contains some components that are grown onto the surface of the substrate rather than being placed on the surface and soldered.
A number of viable methods exist for the production of ODFs. Hot-melt extrusion is one of the most recommended of these as a continuous process with good reproducibility which is effective without the need for added solvents.Get more news about Oral Disintegrating Film Making Machine,you can vist our website!
It is possible to manufacture high quality ODFs at either a lab or production scale with the help of Thermo ScientificTM pharmaceutical extruders and down-stream equipment.Two of the most common methods of production for ODFs are solvent casting and hot-melt extrusion (HME)1. For initial studies and excipient screening, solvent casting is a frequently selected option. However, while it is highly appropriate for thermolabile APIs, it does require the use of a solvent and problems may be experienced during scale-up.
An improved alternative exists in HME. Unlike solvent casting, HME is an environmentally friendly technology with no need for solvents. It offers high reproducibility, as well as demonstrating superior uniformity of content with a lower number of production stages and decreased costs2.
In addition to this, with HME, API and excipients are mixed on a molecular level, which leads to a more uniform dispersion of the API in the ODF, subsequently increasing the drug's bioavailability.
Scale-up in HME has been well established4, and is easily carried out with Thermo Scientific extruders. With an appropriate choice of excipients, HME is the most highly recommended method for pioneering ODF formulation2.HME is a well understood and established method of production which has a lengthy history in plastic and food processing and is experiencing increasing popularity in the pharmaceutical industry. Pharmaceutical formulations for HME typically consist of combinations of API, polymers and largely, plasticizers or other excipients.
HME works by melting the polymer in a twin-screw extruder. All ingredients are mixed together and kneaded. As such, intense compounding occurs. The die is positioned at the end of the twin-screw extruder and dictates the shape of the extrudate. The melt is squeezed through the hole in the die.
Additional continuous processing can be provided by down-stream equipment, including conveyors, pelletizers or take-off systems and cutters. With HME granules, it is possible to produce tablets with a modified drug release profile, in addition to transdermal, transmucosal or subcutaneous drug delivery systems3.
A sheet-die is employed to determine the width and thickness of the film for the production of ODFs. Since the majority of pharmaceutical polymers are somewhat brittle, it is vital that appropriate plasticizing excipients are chosen.The extruded film should be flexible and stretchable. The extruded film is pulled at a fixed speed to ensure a homogenous thickness, with the help of a take-off and wind-up system.
A standard benchtop system (Figure 1) is comprised of a gravimetric twin-screw feeder which feeds the pre-blended material into a Thermo ScientificTM Pharma 11 Twin-Screw Extruder. The extruded film is continuously pulled by the sheet take-off. To finish, the film is wound up on a roll (Figure 2).
This process allows thin films to be produced at a consistent thickness of 100 μm. Adjusting the slit of the sheet die, alongside the pulling speed and throughput, allows for alteration of the thickness of the film.
DONGNAN ELECTRONICS CO.,LTD established in 1987, with more than 30 years manufacturing experience in making switches. Mainly produce micro switches, water proof micro switches, power switches, gate control switches, rotary switches, voltage-selected switches etc. We are a national-level new and high-tech switch manufacturing enterprise that has R&D, producing, marketing and after-sales service, and our switches are widely used in whole China and oversea countries.
The smaller the switch size, the smaller its stroke and the current that can be broken. In addition, the shape of the switch also affects the operating force. Ideally, engineers need a switch with low operating force and high current capacity.
Environmental requirements have a strong impact on the choice of microswitches, especially in applications such as industrial controls and medical devices that require high reliability and criticality. Understand the environmental conditions of the application, including contaminants in the air that can enter the switch, the liquid in which the switch is located, and the obligatory temperature requirements.
How many electrical and mechanical operating lifes do you need to understand for an application? Different switches have different contact materials, housings and terminals to meet the electrical and mechanical life requirements of different applications.
The use of a socket extension on a ratchet, the device used to turn the socket, and a socket wrench are not always to reach a fastener in a hard-to-reach location. Often, a socket extension is used simply to reposition the ratchet to a more comfortable position for turning. By using the extension, the ratchet is placed in a position a short or long distance away from the socket and away from other components that might make turning a ratchet difficult. An example of this might be using a socket extension when removing a water pump from a vehicle's engine in order to reposition the ratchet away from the cooling fan.
In many cases, the use of an extension between the ratchet and the socket diminishes the amount of torque that is applied to the fastener. The extension commonly twists under great load, thereby reducing applied torque from the ratchet to the socket. A common remedy for this reduction in power is to use a socket in a larger drive size to implement a thicker and stronger extension. The drive size refers to the size of the connection between the ratchet and the socket wrench, with a larger drive size utilizing larger components than a smaller drive size.
While the typical design of an extension is that of a solid steel makeup, there are also flexible socket extension designs that allow the socket to be turned on a great angle from the ratchet. This type of tool is capable of turning a fastener around a corner, however, it is not capable of breaking a stuck fastener loose. The fastener must be broken loose with a solid tool, such as a hand wrench, prior to the flexible socket extension coming into play. Consisting of a spring-like body, the flexible socket extension would simply twist and bind under severe torque situations.
CO2 laser machines function by essentially bouncing light emissions between mirrors until the beam is strong enough to penetrate a partially transparent mirror at the tip of the laser head.
Laguna Tools’s CO2 laser cutting machines include working area options of 24″ x 40″, 36″ x 52″. We offer CO2 lasers with a locating accuracy of +.01 mm, as well as cutting speeds of 236 in/min and engraving speeds of 700 in/min. This allows you to create highly precise engravings in a short period of time.
Each of our CO2 laser engraving machines comes with a DSP Control System. This user-friendly controller includes a USB port, which you can connect to your PC.
Browse our wide collection of laser machines! From laser cutters to fiber laser engravers, find your new laser engraving machine here. OMTech Laser Machines deliver incredible laser cutting and engraving quality.
Epilog's high-speed CO2 laser systems are an affordable, easy-to-use, and versatile tool that can help you begin a new startup venture or increase the profits of your well-established company. The best way to describe how our laser engraver and cutter machines work is to compare the laser systems to a desktop ink printer. Using similar motion control technology, we take the images you typically print to paper, and instead of printing dots of ink, we fire a CO2 laser beam that laser engraves, cuts, and etches your design into a wide variety of materials.
If you want to enhance your riding experience with your favorite music, audiobooks, or podcasts, then purchasing the best motorcycle speakers is a must. Plus, some motorcycle speaker systems even include a built-in microphone so you can stay connected to your companion bikers while you drive.
Continue reading on to learn more about the best motorcycle speakers, what top features you should consider, and what steps you should take to find the right option for you.The Kuryakin 2720 MTX Road Thunder Weather Resistant Motorcycle speaker is a perfect companion for anyone who fancies some good music whenever they’re going for a long road trip. It is designed as a soundbar that is to be placed on the motorcycle’s handlebars and measures about 10.6 inches in length. Inside, there are four high-frequency 1-inch silk dome tweeters, and they stay free of distortion even when the speaker is turned up to the loudest volume. The soundbar can handle up to 300 watts and comes with an integrated USB port for easy charging. It also features a built-in radio, however, some users have felt that its radio is hard to tune or set presets.
The 2720 MTX supports Bluetooth connectivity, so owners will be able to play music from their phones, tablets, or other smart devices through it. It also features Auxiliary input and output ports, so owners will also be able to connect their standard devices through a 3.5mm cable. The speaker is also quite durable and is designed to be both waterproof and weather resistant. It also features a built-in heat sink to function well even under excessive heat conditions.
The MC440B weatherproof speaker from Boss Audio systems is a set of two 3-inch full-range speakers that are available in either black or chrome. The speakers have a 3.5mm AUX input that owners can use to connect the audio output of an external device such as an MP3 player or smartphone. Alternatively, owners also have the option of streaming their music to the speakers through Bluetooth, and since they are also certified as weatherproof, elements such as rain or fog shouldn’t have any effect on their functioning. Still, some previous users have complained about not being too happy with the sound quality.
The speakers have a wired remote volume control that can be placed anywhere the rider sees fit, and it also includes mounting hardware that makes it very easy to do self installations. Included is also a 600 Watt Max Amplifier, and weighing only 4.7 pounds, they will hardly have any effect on the motorcycle’s handling. The speakers measure about 5.43 inches by 4.45 inches each, and the amplifier is also pretty small at 3.62 inches by 2.36 inches.
This four-channel speaker set from GoHawk TJ4-Q is arguably one of the most powerful stereo speakers in the market. The set includes a 1000W amplifier and allows for Bluetooth connectivity with a wireless transmission range of up to 15m. The set features a built-in FM radio and also comes with hardware for easy handlebar mounting. The mounting clamp on the speakers will support bars that are 1 to 1.5-inches in diameter, and the speakers also have an IP56 waterproof rating. However, the amplifier is not waterproof, so it will have to be mounted in such a way that splashes or dust won’t get to it.
The amplifier on this set has a small LCD display that shows details such as volume, and to its right, there’s a set of volume, playback, and mode buttons for easy adjusting. The amplifier also houses a USB port and a Micro SD card slot to allow playback from external devices. There’s also a 3.5mm AUX-in port and a wired controller that comes with a mounting clamp for easy placement.
The Rockville RocknRide 3-inch Bluetooth-powered handlebar speakers are a set of elegant-looking speakers that have the R logo right in the middle and are housed in a durable metallic housing. They can handle up to 150 watts of power and a frequency response of 20Hz to 20kHz. Riders will also be able to tune in to their favorite radio station, but if they already have a playlist saved on their device, they can also connect to the speakers through Bluetooth and stream their audio. Unfortunately, its radio does not allow for manual tuning.
The speakers have an IPX67 rating, which means they’ll be able to handle some light rain or dust without their functionality getting affected. In terms of connectivity, the speakers have a 3.5mm AUX input for connecting a wired source and a USB port that riders can use to plug in a thumb drive that’s got their favorite music. Mounting the speakers is pretty easy to do, and their mounting bracket allows for free 360° rotation.
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