
There's a whole lot of Dofus Kamas independance in dofus from 's blog

There's a whole lot of Dofus Kamas independance in dofus.If that you want to be able to obtain everything by yourself from pvm you then don't know how an ecosystem functions. Of course pvm players will purchase pebbles and such. That is how it is supposed to be. You're a pvm participant, you provide things in the shape of gear for pvp players they have to buy from you (if they do not decide to throw it) and after you purchase pebbles from your pvp players (if you do not decide to farm yourself). It is just like real life. You don't make your cheese, your clothes, your furniture. You purchase them from a person who makes you also and them market your work. I would also like MORE pvp rewards as for now kolossokens are essentially the sole pvp related reward that's bad for pvp players. And that comes from pvm participant. You pvm real server that is only since the game relies on the co-existance of both or can't make a pvp only plus they live without each other.

What is the benefit? The benefit is fun and the teritory bonuses. There is ava at teritories for every level so low level alliances can fight for gobball corner for instance. Why no low level friendships are seen by you? Because game is made for high level characters that I sort of like (as you have your entire match before you), but of course it is sad because I miss the times of my lv130 sram expiring to soft oak. Grinding is not solo character friendly!!! Particularly with the fall chances. Why would you go with 4 of your buddies mat hunting after two hours you would have only few of the stuff you want. It is bothersome and discouraging. That is why idols were created, to decrease the grind. I mean excuse me I made less than 7 years to obtain 80 legs because of my own hat.

To answer your queries, the GD Dofus group from Ankama sat around a table! Balancing, dreams and expansion, we take stock! Along with buy Kamas Dofus Retro also a soon date to the beta release date has been awarded! Many topics were discussed for an hour and a half which appeared short, too brief, and there is a little summary welcome!

The Wall

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