
PvP battles that OSRS gold have high from Limm's blog

There is of course the actual 1v1 PvP battles that OSRS gold have high risk on each side, but as you stated, this can be completed in the red portal just as well, and would stop lurers from the wilderness.I'm a wrought iron, been for closer to a year now, and I barely go into the wilderness. Not cause I am scared, just cause the content there is lackluster, and when I really do face a pker who will kill me, it feels like a waste of time as opposed to a punishing death. When I died, trying to get something greater than what the wilderness currently have to offer, having to cover double death cost, it would feel more balanced, and if the pker would actually be rewarded for attempting to hunt me down, and killing me, that might feel good on both sides imo.

Just awarding the reclaims a good idea but that causes issues with articles such as Divine Energy, Lava Strkyewyrms, ect becoming completely lower risk.Drops from resources and dinosaurs should be in the kind of a stackable item which may be opened to get that drop/resource out the wilderness, and while nearly all of your items are safe upon passing as usual. These stackable drops/resources would be lost on passing; fixing the inventory issue for those on the defense and also making it profitable to kill people with the wilderness. But the odds of ANY upgrade coming following BH's collapse is slim to none.

You can definitely combine our ideas with something such as a lootbag, where every drop you pick up is placed from the lootbag, and on death you fall your 200% recover price + the material of the bag. That way that you bring into the wild with you, but in precisely the exact same time you're risking your drops. 

That would also address the inventory option because you say.I agree that the chances of almost any wilderness update are slim, but thats because it's a broken system. I hope that my proposal fixes that the wilderness because a new area to open to Buy Rs gold put content in. So long as folks are devoting months of advancement when they get skulltricked the wilderness will never be as hot as it had been when a BIS was 70k.

The Wall

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