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What Makes a Vehicle Attain Vintage Status

The makings of 'classic cars' is often a source of debate. Oftentimes, a car is considered to be classic if the public deems it to be 'collectable.' Some, however, may seem to contend that there is only a certain period for classic cars that the 'real classics' were only up to 1940's hermes bracelet replica cheap for example.

Still, some may even try to categorize car models into eras. Thus, we have the muscle car era, the bullet era, the box type era, and so on. A more precise classification h bracelet replica is one which sets up three categories according to which year the cars were manufactured. These are the antique cars, manufactured from 1880 up to the start of WWI; vintage cars, made between 1916 to 1924, and was the start of the real 'automobiles;' and classic cars, from 1925 up to the near past.

This is the easiest measure of whether a car is classic or not. You can easily know what year the car is manufactured by checking the Vehicle Identification Number (VIN). Several sites on the Internet could produce all a car's details simply by entering its VIN.

If you are new to the concept of classic cars and would want to simply start your own collection, deal with the year loosely. What I mean is, don't listen to those uptight talks from car enthusiasts about the 'real' era for classics. If you find a sweet looking 10 year old car, you might as well treat it as a vintage vehicle. The reason for this is simple: car values appreciate over time. Well, that is, if you find a right car.

2. Number of Units

An important measure of a car's "classic ness" is the number of units that were manufactured and are still in existence. An 80's to 90's Corolla could hardly be replica hermes jewelry defined as a classic, since it was mass produced and proliferated all over the globe. But a first generation Corolla could have some value somehow, since very few people still have it.

A '55 T bird is an example of a high valued classic car, both for the year in which it is manufactured and the number of units released. Ford released only a little more than 10,000 models.

3. Relevance

Not all old cars could be considered as vintage. I personally believe that the title of 'classic' could only be conferred to those cars that have represented a generation. A Volkswagen Beetle, though many people may have it, is a good classic car simply because it carries so much history with it. Along with the Type 2 (the VW Van), it represented the hippie generation. And in contrast to that, the Beetle was also the most popular car for the Nazi elite. Those two contradicting layers simply create a very historic vehicle.

Cars could also be considered relevant if they are seen in TV and movies, as they tend to carry some fond memories of a generation. An 80's Pontiac Trans Am is not just another high performance car it will always be seen as KITT in Knight Rider.

If you have an old car in your garage, you might want to research a bit about its history. You hermes jewelry replica might be holding a valuable gem, and you're just letting it rust away. And if you just love vehicles and automobiles, maybe you ought to go retro and collect classic cars. Not only do they appreciate in value, they also carry great pieces of history.
Sep 16 '17 · 0 comments
way takes place April 28 at county parks

A diverse selection of native trees will be available including fourteen different species native to the Mid Atlantic region of the United States offered free of charge while supplies last.The event will occur at two separate Somerset County Park locations: The Environmental Education Center in Basking Ridge, located at 190 Lord Stirling Road, and the Rudolf W. van der Goot Rose Garden in Colonial Park in Somerset (Franklin Hermes Handbags Replica Township), Parking Lot A at 156 Mettlers Road.Horticultural advice and guided Arboretum tours will hermes replicas also be offered at 10 am and 1 pm at the Rudolf W. van der Goot Rose Garden at Colonial Park Gardens. hermes bags replica The Arboretum is a veritable living tree museum containing labeled specimens of flowering trees, evergreen shade trees, dwarf conifers and flowering shrubs.At the EEC, staff will lead a walking tour of the experimental American Chestnut Grove at 2 pm. The EEC has partnered with The American Chestnut Foundation to plant the first Restoration 1.0 hybrid blight resistant chestnut trees in New Jersey.Arbor Day activities at both locations will also include day long planting demonstrations, advice on selection of the best trees for specific planting sites, and instruction on appropriate cultural care. One tree per person or two trees per family will hermes replica bag be given away.This event is sponsored by the Somerset County Park Foundation and Go Green Committee of the Somerset County Park Commission. The Park Foundation is a non profit 501c3 created to preserve, support, and promote Somerset County Park Commission programs, facilities, and open space through advocacy and fundraising.
Sep 16 '17 · 0 comments
Viis huvitavaid fakte seoses Vincent Van Gogh maalid

Vincent Van Gogh sndis 30. mrtsil 1853, loodud mned heksasada maalid lisaks 1100 joonised, valdav enamus, hermes kelly bag faux mis oli toodetud oma elu viimase 10 aasta jooksul. Halvenemise emotsionaalne haigus, Van Gogh tulistas ennast suri kahe peva prast 29. juuli 1890. Tema maalid elu, nagu ka tema lugu. Allpool on leitud viis ksikasjad mrkida seoses see pnev themrk.

1. See oli kogu aja, kui ta oli kuulutas kaevetde ttajate eest ei ole palka, mille Van Gogh hakkas tootma ssi joonised. Aastal 1880, prast tema noorem vend Theo, nu ta asus tsiselt maal. Seal oli lhikese aja jooksul kogu selle aja, kui Van Gogh oli vetud lugu Anton Mauve haagis.

2. Van Gogh proovis pib kunsti koolis, Antwerp, Belgia. Ta oli phimtteliselt lpetada prast vaid kelly bag price faux paar lhikest kalendrikuu jooksul. See oli sel ajal, vttes tles, et ta leidis Jaapani kunst ja kirg, mis ta tegelikult algas seeria tsiselt, tundma ppida, eredad vrvid ja ruumikasutus.

3. Van Gogh oli teada vaid on ms vaid hte maali kogu oma elu. Vrvitud 1888, "Red Vineyard" lpuks oleks Moskva Venemaa Pukini muuseumi nitus.

4. Vincent Van Gogh ja tema vend Theo oli olnud parimad sbrad, hermes kelly bag fake kelle suhe on hsti dokumenteeritud arv thti, hermes kelly price Knockoff mis olid avastatud umbes 1914.

5. Et seekord legend of Van Gogh liigub. 30. Mrtsil 1987 hsti tuntud New Yorgi avalikul enampakkumisel maja, tema maal "Iirise" kirje, milles 53,9 miljoni dollari eest ostetud. 1990 Ta purustas kirjed teist korda, kuna tema "portree, doktor Gachet", sattus mgi teel Christie's jaoks tohutu $82,5 miljonit.

Vhe tuntud vi hinnatud oma elu ajal, Vincent Van Gogh kahekmnenda sajandi kunsti mju vib olla kaugeleulatuvad. Peamiselt seetttu, et ta ei ole oma lapsi, Van Gogh leidis oma td tema lapsed. Kahtlemata oleks uhke, kuidas nad on seni teinud oma nime.

Vincent Van Gogh prand jtkub tnase pevani ja paljud tema kuulsaim maalid on laialdaselt kogutud eraomanikule, samuti kuulus muuseum. Peaaegu iga raamatuid, kunsti ja ajaloo nimetatud Van Gogh nimi ja kindlasti kige kuulsam kik kunstnik eelmisel sajandil.

Kes on huvitatud eespool nimetatud artiklis on ka nendega seotud tooted allpool loetletud huvitatud:

Elu lugu, Vincent Van Gogh

Vincent van Gogh oli Hollandi post Impressionist kunstnik, kes rohkem kui 2000 teoseid, sealhulgas umbes 900 maalid. Van Gogh kasutamine eredad vrvid ja tema teose emotsionaalne mju tulemusena oma ts on suur mju 20. sajandi kunsti. 30. Mrts 1853 kohta sndis Vincent van Gogh Luna Madalmaadesse, on kla, Groot Zundert, mis on Phja Brabanti provints. Tal oli kaks venda ja kolm de. Vincent oli lbimeldud, vaikses ja tsise laps.

Salvador Dali elu

Salvador Dali sndis 11. mai 1904 Figueras Kataloonias, Hispaania suunas. Dali alustatud joonisele kooli lheb ja oli oma esimese avaliku nituse, 1919, Figueras Theater olmejtmete. Dali tema ema suri Rinnavhi, veebruar 1921, kui ta oli kuusteist aastat vana. See oli suur lk, et ta kogenud oma elu.
Sep 16 '17 · 0 comments
'What was wrong was the bland version of Indian history'

'Even apart from the Bengal famine, there was a great deal more bloodshed and deceit than I was prepared for.'

'Almost every one of the acquisitions was won by extreme extortionate methods and what came out was that these relatively honest officers found themselves doing very dishonest things.'

IMAGE: Circa 1940: Soldiers manning a wireless van during Mahatma Gandhi's 73 hour fast, receive news about the riots from police headquarters at Lalbazar, Calcutta. This splendid history, evoking the kaleidoscopic world of heat, dust, blood, gore, disease, betrayal and wheeling dealing that was the British Raj, is a universe away from the tranquil, if formidable post modern opulence of this hotel.

We're catching lunch at K3, its multi cuisine restaurant, between Mount's arrival from the Chennai lit fest that afternoon and his departure to the Jaipur lit fest that evening.

We miss each other in the vast lobby so I find Mount waiting at K3, nursing, I am secretly delighted to note, a tall glass of beer, which means I can order a glass of wine.

We briskly opt for the buffet but Mount frugally confines himself to the vegetables, saying he prefers to be vegetarian. I load up on salmon, slices of roast pork, sauted bell peppers, arugula leaves and asparagus regulation items in a five star buffet today that would have been scarce just 15 years ago.

The Tears Of The Rajas, a 600 odd page door stopper that will shortly be published in paperback, is an unusual history hermes kelly price replica on several counts. It is narrated through the story of Mount's ancestors, quintessential Lowland Scots who endured chronic ill health and physical danger to serve the Empire and, of course, make their fortunes.

It speaks volumes for his family's ubiquity in the empire that Mount covers a pretty broad canvas of British rule in India, dredging up memories of half forgotten incidents and highlighting hitherto unknown ones between 1805 and 1905.

More to the point, The Tears Of The Rajas is a refreshing departure from the mawkish The Jewel In The Crown brand of nostalgia that has informed popular Raj histories, a perspective that somehow segued into the view of some academics that the Empire was a force of modernity.

Mount, a journalist by profession who says he is 'easing' his way into history writing for the London Review Of Books and The Times Literary Supplement, takes no sides, so there are no heroes in his kelly bag price copy book. I am surprised, though, when he says it was well received in the UK because I recall the hostility that greeted William Dalrymple's 2002 book White Mughals, an account of liaisons between senior British officers and Indian women.

"When Willy first started publishing you did have that kind of resistance," he acknowledges. "But now most people in Britain are ready to take a cooler and more dispassionate look at those two centuries of British rule. I spoke to Scottish audiences, the children and grandchildren of old India hands Indian army, tea and indigo planters and when I describe some of the atrocities and counter atrocities, people didn't say that didn't happen."

I tell him that despite his even handed approach, the book made me freshly indignant. "You are meant to be indignant," he replies. "What was wrong was the bland version of Indian history that we taught in school, which made it all sound very smooth. Even apart from the Bengal famine, there was a great deal more bloodshed and deceit than I was prepared for. Almost every one of the acquisitions was won by extreme extortionate methods and what came out was that these relatively honest officers found themselves doing very dishonest things."

The takeover of part of Hyderabad comes readily to mind because he had explored the former British Residency, now under restoration, on this trip. "I crept into it at twilight. I knew it very fine architecturally but I wasn't prepared for the size of it it made the Charminar look like a rather large suburban villa."

That episode was 'particularly shameful on my ancestor John Low's part because he had been on record saying we treated the Nizam very badly and he was only in debt because we forced him to maintain this huge army and it would have been perfectly possible to arrange for his debts to be rolled over." But Dalhousie (the governor general) wasn't having any of that. kelly bag price replica And because Low was himself in debt he took the job and imposed this extremely oppressive treaty."

Mount's ancestors saw service in the Raj rather than other parts of the Empire, but there was an exception about whom he says he would like to write about some day.

This was a character called William Shakespear, who joined the Indian Civil Service but was seconded to West Asia where he became a district officer in Arabia.

Captain Shakespear was the first person to make contact with the Wahhabi influenced House of Saud at the end of the 19th century. "He was fascinating because he said to his bosses, 'These Wahhabis are wonderful, they are austere, honest, children of the desert and we should ally with them.' His was the pioneering role of giving them the seal of British government approval."

Now we know who to blame for the mess in West Asia, I joke, as we head for the main course. There's a wide choice but Mount skips all of it for a plateful of Indian dessert rabri, pedas and so on which he says he adores. I help myself to a desultory Chinese spread of dim sums and spicy sauted prawns.

Mount may have been born too late to serve the Raj, but his life was no less unusual, facts I glean from reviews of his well received memoir Cold Cream. It was upper class Establishment certainly his first cousin Mary is British Prime Minister David Cameron's mother but unconventional in that his father was a gentleman jockey.

The upshot of that was that he "absolutely hated horses, I regarded them as nasty, dangerous animals." but he enjoyed his "ramshackle country upbringing."

The education, though, was regulation upper class. School at Eton "now something to keep quiet about," he says with self deprecating humour then ChristChurch, Oxford, where he read French and German.

I say I am struck by the fact that many Britons opted to read German and mention John le Carre, the pen name of David Cornwell whose biography I had just read, when he tells me the novelist taught him at Eton.

How marvellous, how lucky, was he a good teacher? "He was absolutely wonderful, a teacher of genius," Mount says, but he was also a brilliant mimic. "So when these spoilt, naughty, boys at the back started trying to tease him in their languid voices, he would imitate them perfectly and make them feel very foolish."

Mount remembers everyone being very sad when they heard "Corns has gone off to be a spy though I don't kelly bag hermes replica know how we knew that."

Mount had also worked in Margaret Thatcher's policy unit, but that was actually his second stint with the Iron Lady. His first was when he was assigned her assistant as a newly elected Tory MP.

"I thought we got on very badly. She thought I was idle she wasn't wrong however, 20 years later when she became prime minister, she invited me to join the unit."

Did he like her personally? "Frankly, I don't think I knew her any more than you do. In fact, I don't think she wanted to be liked. She was very nice to her staff, but horribly rude to her Cabinet colleagues very unvarnished and direct."
Sep 16 '17 · 0 comments
Why car title loans are a bad idea

At times, the best of us get strapped for cash; we may have no credit or bad credit (just like they say in the commercials), which keeps us from getting small loans from a bank or some other more traditional means.

A title loan offers you cash from the lender, in return you sign over the title of your paid for car to secure the loan. Typically, these loans are due back in full 30 days later. There's no credit check and only minimal income verification.

It sounds pretty straightforward, but borrowing from these places can lead cheap mens gold bracelets to a repossession of your car and a whole lot of financial trouble.

Interest rates that make credit card companies blush

Car title loans have been lumped into the "predatory lending" category by many consumers. Non profit organizations such as Consumer Federation of America (CFA) and the Center for Responsible Lending have issued detailed reports outlining some of the title loan issues that the public should be leery about.

One of the biggest issues with these loans is interest rates. Many people dislike credit card interest rates, which average between the mid to high teens for most Americans. Car title loan interest rates make complaining about credit rates seem ludicrous.

Car title lenders are in a different category than credit card companies or banks and work around usury laws. Thus, title loan lenders are able to charge hermes bag replica triple digit annual percentage rates (APRs). Yes, triple digits. It's not an exaggeration to see 250% APR and higher on these car tile loans and only a handful of states have passed strict laws that prohibit exorbitant percentage rates.

Even if your credit card company is charging you a high interest of 25% APR, it's nothing compared to car title loans. AOL Autos: Most popular used cars

By federal law, title loan lenders have to disclose the interest rates in terms of the annual percentage. If you have to get a title loan, make sure they don't just give you a quote of the monthly percentage rate, they have to give it to you as an APR. If they are unclear about the rates, which many can be, just know that a monthly rate of 25% is equivalent to a 300% APR.

Fees and interest only payments

In addition to high interest, these car title loans usually include a number of fees that add up quickly. These include processing fees, document fees, late fees, origination fees and lien fees. AOL Autos: Safest cars

Sometimes there is also a roadside assistance program that borrowers can purchase for another small fee. Some lenders have even gone so far as to make the roadside assistance mandatory. The cost of all these fees can be anywhere from $80 to $115, even for a $500 loan.

Most of these fees are legal, except one that lenders sometimes charge, the repossession fee. Lenders are not allowed to charge you to repossess your vehicle, but some still do. AOL Autos: Top minivans

As if high interest rates and a mountain of fees weren't enough, lenders also give borrowers the option of interest only payments for a set period of time. In these cases, the loans are usually set up for a longer period of time (compared to the typical 30 days) and the borrower can pay the interest only on the loan.

These types of payments are called "balloon payments" where the borrower pays the interest of the loan each month and at the end of the term they still owe the full amount of the loan.

The CFA reported that one woman paid $400 a month for seven months on an interest only payment term for a $3,000 loan. After paying $2,800 in interest, she still owed the original $3,000 in the eighth month. AOL Autos: Most popular crossover vehicles

Rolling over and repossession

If you think most of the people who take out these loans pay them back in full after one month, think again. Because of the high interest and the fact that these lenders cater to low income borrowers, many people aren't able to pay back their loans in the 30 day period. This is called "rolling over" the loan.

The terms of these loans are crafted to keep borrowers in a cycle of debt and bring customers either to the verge of repossession or to actual repossession. Not being able pay off the initial loan and then renewing it the next month costs borrowers even more money in interest, on top hermes replica bracelet of the original amount they've already borrowed. AOL Autos: Used luxury cars

Let's talk about repossession for minute. The CFA reported that, of the people they interviewed in their 2004 study, 75% had to give the title loan lenders a copy of their car keys. Some companies started the cars to see if they worked and took pictures of the vehicle even before a customer filled out the loan application.

A company based in Arizona said they have GPS systems installed on the cars so they can track the cars and shut them off remotely if they don't receive payment on time. That may be an extreme case, but these lenders take a customer's promissory signature very seriously. If you can't pay, they will come looking for you and your car.

The concerns for having your car repossessed are obvious. How do you get to work, drop off the kids at school, pick up groceries or go out on the weekends without a car? As if those scenarios weren't bad enough, owning a car can be some people's biggest financial asset. If the car is taken away, so goes the money it was worth.

Some states have laws that force the lenders to pay you the difference of the loan once a lender has repossessed and sold your car, but hermes h bracelet replica some don't. It is possible to default on the loan and not get any money back for your car, even if you only borrowed a few hundred dollars.

This occurs because car title loans are also over secured. Typically, the maximum amount most lenders will give you is 25 to 50 percent of what your car is actually worth. However, if you can't pay back the loan they may be able to sell your car and keep 100% of the profit. Some lenders won't take possession of a vehicle but instead take the customer to court for the money. Although this may be partly true, signing over one of your most valuable assets for several hundred dollars is not the only option.
Sep 16 '17 · 0 comments
Why American politics is stuck in the 1980s

The 2012 campaign promises to be a debate about bold and contrasting ideas. Unfortunately, they are mostly the bold and contrasting ideas of the 1980s.

Whoever the eventual Republican nominee proves to be will recycle the claims of Ronald Reagan in 1984 that the formula for prosperity is more tax cuts for the rich and corporations. Meanwhile, Barack Obama combines the emphasis on deficit reduction of Walter Mondale in 1984 with the claim to cool technocratic expertise of Michael Dukakis in 1988.

Meanwhile, most of the new ideas put forth by pundits and policy wonks are actually the stale ideas of a generation ago. No doubt there are fresh waves of college students who, for example, find the idea of improving our educational system by means of charter schools and national testing unfamiliar and provocative. But those of us over 30 remember that the bold new ideas about school reform were also the bold new ideas of 2001 and 1991 and 1981.

If you went to sleep in the Carter years and woke up in the Obama years, you find many of the same people making the same argument about solar and wind power, which somehow are always only 30 years away from providing a major chunk of the nation energy. In the words of Yogi Berra, it d vu all over again.

The right is no different. A conservative Rip van Winkle who found he had overslept since 1980 and hurried to a meeting of the Federalist Society or read National Review would discover to his relief that he hadn missed any new developments in right wing thought in the past generation. is at war in three Muslim countries that might be a surprise. But the right support for more military spending, more free trade and more cuts to social programs hasn changed since the Age of Disco.

On the basis of prolonged, up close observation of politicians, I concluded long ago that few of them are any more likely than other human beings to reconsider their basic values or opinions after the age of 25 or 30. The cement of the mind starts to harden in the late 20s, freezing whatever was written on it in adolescence and early adulthood.

This would not be a problem, if young adults immediately came to power. But in all but the most unsettled, revolutionary societies, for very good reasons political leaders must undergo a long period of probation before reaching the pinnacles of their careers. This means, however, that on becoming president or prime minister the leader is likely to act on an understanding of the times and the world that is out of date, even though it might have been valid a quarter of century earlier.

The 25 year lag has existed throughout American history. When Abraham Lincoln and his fellow Republicans dominated the government during the Civil War and Reconstruction in the 1860s, they rammed through Congress a version of Henry Clay System of tariff based protectionism, federal aid to internal improvements and national banking, which Clay had promoted decades before.

By the 1900s, the Clay Lincoln program was obsolete. would have been served by a turn replica hermes bracelet enamel toward more liberalized trade. But the Old Guard Republicans defended the old policy for three decades after it had become obsolete, until they were dislodged from power in the Roosevelt revolution of 1932. In the 1920s the Old Guard was still stuck in the mind set of the McKinley era of the 1890s.

And so it goes. When Lyndon Johnson, an idealistic young liberal of the 1930s, became president in the 1960s, he naturally tried to finish the New Deal of his mentor Franklin Roosevelt. American foreign policymakers of his generation tended to act on the basis of the they believed that they had learned from the 1930s: the Lesson of Munich (appeasement doesn pay) and the Lesson of Smoot Hawley (free trade is always good, tariffs it was claimed cause depressions and world wars).

Ronald Reagan was elected president in 1980. Exactly 25 years earlier, in 1955, William F. Buckley Jr. had founded National Review, the magazine that became the center of conservatism. The movement right rallied behind Barry Goldwater in 1964, when Reagan launched his political career, first as governor of California and then as president of the United States, by giving what was called Speech, a rehash of the themes of the 1950s conservative movement.

When Buckley Goldwater conservatism triumphed with Reagan, it was already a generation out of date. The conservative policies of the 1980s reflected the ideas and values of the right wing in the 1950s.

Which brings us to the present. Obama and most of his staff and advisors are products of the 1980s and 1990s, in the same way that Reagan and the Reaganites were shaped by the 1950s and the early 1960s. Obama is the latest some may hope the last of the Democrats, foreshadowed by Jimmy Carter and symbolized by Bill Clinton.

The neoliberalism of the New Democrats was and remains a strategic response to the declining popularity of the New Deal in the eras of Nixon and Reagan. In the 1970s and the 1980s, Republicans successfully portrayed Democrats as soft on defense; therefore New Democrats must replica hermes enamel bracelet be hawks. The Reagan conservatives made gains among swing voters between the 1960s and the 1980s by denouncing big spending liberalism; therefore, New Democrats must be fiscal conservatives who publicly obsess about deficit reduction. Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton were center right figures who won the presidency in spite of the distrust of the Democratic left; therefore, being denounced by the Democratic left is something that a New Democrat should welcome.

What about today Republican politicians, activists and thinkers? Many of them in their youth were hero worshipping acolytes of Reagan, in the same way that replica hermes bags price an earlier generation of Democratic liberals idolized Franklin Roosevelt. But the Reaganism of today right is not the Buckley Goldwater conservatism that in many ways peaked with Reagan election in 1980. Today so called Reaganism has more to do with the peculiar shape that conservatism took between 1980 and 2008, when the Republican right adopted its program of perpetual deficits funded by tax cuts, with painful spending cuts postponed to the future.

This kind of free lunch tax cut politics was possible only during the debt fueled (the term is George Soros between the stagflation of the 1970s and the Great Recession that began in 2008. But like the Republican Old Guard of the 2000s, who kept pushing infant industry tariffs long after they were useful, today Republican conservatives mindlessly keep pushing tax cuts as the panacea for all problems, in a world that has radically changed.

Very few individuals, particularly hard pressed decision makers who lack the time to study and reflect, are capable of acknowledging that the policies that they have long favored may have made sense once only to become anachronistic or may have been wrong all along. To be sure, the younger generation can always be converted. Unfortunately, they are likely to undergo hardening of the mental arteries at the same rate as their elders, so that by the time the Generation of 2008 comes to power in 2033, they may be prepared to solve the problems we face today in a situation with completely different and new problems.

men, who believe themselves to be quite exempt from any intellectual influence, are usually the slaves of some defunct economist, wrote the economist John Maynard Keynes, who recognized the problem of the intellectual time lag. is said to have replied to a critic: the facts change, I change my mind. What do you do, sir? Of all of Keynes heresies, the idea that people should reconsider their opinions when the world hermes handbags replicas has changed may be the most radical.
Sep 16 '17 · 0 comments
wife plead guilty to tax evasion in US

An Indian doctor and his wife have pleaded guilty to charges of federal tax evasion and to illegally distributing weight loss medicines to patients, agreeing to pay nearly USD 5.2 million in restitution.

Rakesh Anand, 57, a licensed physician in Indiana and Illinois and Meena Anand, 53, entered their guilty pleas on Tuesday before US District Judge Joseph Van Bokkelen in federal court in Hammond.

The couple would remain free on bond while awaiting sentencing, which was scheduled for March 20, but the judge ordered electronic monitoring for Anand.

According to the plea agreement, Anand, who owned weight loss clinics in northwest Indiana and south suburban Chicago, could serve over four years in prison while his wife could face a grace kelly purse replica jail term of three years.

The tax evasion charge carries a maximum penalty of five years in prison and a USD 250,000 fine. Anand also faces a maximum of 10 years in prison and a USD 500,000 fine for conspiracy to distribute controlled substances.

The Anands have agreed to pay restitution of over USD 740,000 to the Internal Revenue Service for taxes they owed on nearly USD 2 million of unreported income between 2005 and 2008.

In addition, they agreed to forfeit more than USD 4.45 million in additional funds that were frozen or seized during the investigation, bringing to nearly USD 5.2 million the total amount of funds being applied kelly hermes bag imitation to forfeiture and restitution.

Anand admitted that between January 2002 and February 2010, he and another physician Dinesh Saraiya, purchased and dispensed more than four million pills containing controlled substances and grossed more than USD 5 million from their operation of the weight loss clinics.

Anand had hired Saraiya, who agreed with him to illegally dispense the controlled substances as weight loss medications to patients without performing physical examinations or any medical tests, and without reviewing patients' records, obtaining a complete medical history, or providing any subsequent monitoring.

In return, Anand paid Saraiya based on how many patients he saw and how many pills he dispensed vintage kelly bag replica to patients on a daily basis.

In prescribing the medications, Anand and Saraiya failed to determine whether patients had first made efforts to lose weight through diet and exercise, a prerequisite to prescribing controlled substances for weight loss.

During the course of the investigation, several undercover law enforcement agents purchased controlled substances at the clinics without any of the appropriate medical protocols. Republication or redistribution of PTI content, including by framing or similar means, is expressly prohibited grace kelly purse faux without the prior written consent.
Sep 16 '17 · 0 comments
Which cars cost least to repair

The report, released Monday, shows which companies' cars have both the fewest and hermes kelly bag cost fake the least expensive repairs. mechanics. Rounding out the top 5 were Honda, Ford and General Motors followed by Mitsubishi, Nissan, Kia, Volkswagen and Chrysler.

The report covers a wide range of model years, from 2001 to 2011, but focuses on repairs made only in the most recent year ending Oct. 1. While ranking individual car models, the CarMD Vehicle Health Index also grades manufacturers on a combination of all their brands. For example, the Toyota ranking includes Lexus and Scion cars, while General Motors includes Chevrolet, Buick, Cadillac and GMC.

Based on data from mechanics, the CarMD report differs from car owner surveys, such as the Consumer Reports reliability survey. The CarMD index hermes kelly bags fake ranks individual car models as well as manufacturers, combining both frequency of repairs and repair cost for an overall rating.

The top ranked model, the 2009 Toyota Corolla, had not only infrequent trips to the shop but an average repair cost of just $45.84. (Repairs picked up by this system cover everything with a check engine light sensor, including engine, transmission and pollution control devices. Only items like belts and tires are not included.)

Hyundai has made great strides in low repair frequency. The company originally launched its 10 year, 100,000 mile warranty to reassure potential buyers. But Hyundai's rating was boosted by strong performances from recent models of the Elantra and the 2011 Sonata, which ranked sixth among all models. Ford got an especially strong performance from its Edge crossover SUV, which grace kelly purse cheap had three different model years ranked among the top 100 vehicles. But Ford's Windstar minivan, discontinued in 2003 but still going to repair shops, hurt its ranking. Among General Motors brands, Buick was a standout. If Buick had been ranked individually instead of wrapped into GM, it would have topped the list. Its Lucerne model had three different years in the top 100 cars.

As part of hermes kelly pochette imitation its Vehicle Health Index package, CarMD also cites which repair problems occur most frequently for individual car brands. If you want to check your car, go to this CarMD page and put in the make and year.
Sep 16 '17 · 0 comments
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Not until you reach retirement age. Typically that's 65, fake black enamel bracelet though many pension plans allow you to start collecting early retirement benefits as early as age 55. If you decide to start receiving benefits before you reach full retirement age, the size of your monthly payout will be less than it would have been if you'd waited. Ask the folks who run your plan to create a simple table showing you how your payments will vary depending on when you start.
Sep 16 '17 · 0 comments
Was MH17 shot down by a Ukrainian fighter jet

New evidence suggests that the downing of the Malaysian Airlines plane MH17 was caused by a shot from a Ukranian fighter jet rather than a ground to air missile (file photo)

The fresh allegations come as three Ukrainian soldiers were killed and six injured in an upsurge of fighting between pro Russian rebels and government forces in the country's separatist east, today.

Although the official report states that the plane was hit by a Russian made Buk missile fired from an area of the Ukraine that was under the control of Russian backed rebels, the programme notes that people saw the aircraft being shot down by a fighter jet.

Speaking in the documentary, Natasha Beronina, said: 'It was summer, harvest time. We heard a bang.

'At first we thought we saw black smoke and two planes, little ones like silver Knockoff hermes handbags price toys. One flew straight on and the other one turned round when the bang happened and flew back from where it had come.'

Another witness even said that they saw a jet launch a missile before hearing a big boom.

The Sunday Expressnoted that German Knockoff hermes bag for sale investigative journalist, Billy Six, interviewed 100 witnesses for the programme, seven of which said they saw a fighter jet.

They believed that two jets were present and that one fired an air to air missile, while the other fired a canon from the back into MH17's cockpit.

However, this was something that was profusely denied by pilot, Captain Vladislav Voloshin, who was accused of beingresponsible.

In the interview, Voloshin said that there were no flights on that day and there were also no air to air missiles, as they Knockoff hermes bags prices were carrying air to surface missiles for ground targets.

Another extraordinary theory mentioned in the programme is that the aircraft was detonated in a CIA backed 'terrorist operation', where two bombs were planted on the airliner.

This allegation was put forward by private investigator, Sergey Sokolov, who claimed that the CIA were helped by the Ukrainian secret service and Dutch security service, to place the bombs on the plane in Holland.

He said: 'This terrorist act was a pretext for firstly intensifying sanctions on Russia, secondly to show the world that Russia is a barbarian country and thirdly to strengthen the presence of Nato in Europe, particularly Ukraine.'

Speaking after the death of three Ukrainian soldiers today, Military spokesman Oleksandr Motuzyanyk said: 'As a result of hostilities, three Ukrainian soldiers have been killed and another six wounded over the past 24 hours'.'

According to Motuzyanyk, the situation along the frontline 'had escalated again', accusing separatists of ramping up attacks against the Kiev military and using heavy weapons.

He said: 'The invaders are actively using mortars and armoured vehicles along the entire frontline.'

The damning allegations will be revealed in a BBC documentary and put forward a number of theories as to why the aircraft exploded (file photo)

Speaking to MailOnline, the BBC clarified that the documentary came to no firm conclusion about the theories and there was only a slim chance that a fighter jet had been involved.

A Knockoff hermes orange bag spokesperson, said:'This impartial documentary takes a balanced viewpoint in reporting the competing theories surrounding the fate of MH17, including the evidence for and against those involving Russia, Ukraine and the CIA.

'It also examines in detail the findings of the official Dutch inquiry into the incident, which provide compelling evidence that the plane was brought down by a powerful ground to air missile.'

The new casualties came after three Ukrainian soldiers were killed by pro Russian rebels in a mortar attack earlier this week, in the deadliest attack in nearly two months, the Kiev military said.

A series of truce agreements have helped reduce the violence, although sporadic clashes continue and prevent the sides from reaching a firm political reconciliation deal.

Around 9,200 people have died and more than 21,000 been injured since the revolt against Ukraine's pro Western leadership erupted in eastern Ukraine in April 2014.

Kiev and the West accuse Russia of supporting the insurgents and sending regular troops across the border, claims that Moscow denies.

Earlier this week, Ukraine's defence minister Stepan Poltorak warned it may take years to end a war that plunged Moscow's relations with the West to a post Cold War low.

The documentary, Conspiracy Files: Who Shot Down MH17? Will be aired on BBC Two on May 3 at 9pm

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