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FMT4/MT5のプログラムであるEAを利用しFX取引を自動的に行う事ができ、前回MT4を利用する事ができる国内のFX会社を紹介させていただきました。今回は独自のFX取引ツール/チャートツールで自動売買を利用する事ができる国内のFX会社について紹介させていただきます。To get more news about FX自動売買, you can visit wikifx.com official website.





Apr 26 '21 · 0 comments

Tidak jarang pedagang valas melakukan pendekatan perdagangan dengan tujuan mengumpulkan 'x banyak pips sehari dari pasar. Beberapa bahkan mungkin mempertimbangkan untuk mengadopsi strategi yang hanya menghasilkan X jumlah pip per hari. Namun, ada komplikasi yang muncul dari pendekatan ini dan penetapan tujuan yang tidak realistis tersebut.To get more news about Target Harian Trading, you can visit wikifx.com official website.

  Artikel ini akan menjawab pertanyaan: “berapa banyak pip per hari?” dan mengeksplorasi pendekatan terbaik untuk menggunakan pip - mempertimbangkan fluktuasi pasar yang memengaruhi pergerakan pip harian dan bagaimana memanfaatkannya dengan strategi perdagangan yang solid.


  Pedagang profesional tidak berdagang dengan mempertimbangkan jumlah pip tertentu. Ini karena pasar tidak bergerak dengan cara yang dapat diprediksi, sehingga pedagang tidak dapat mengandalkan jumlah pip yang ditargetkan per perdagangan.

  Jumlah pip per hari bervariasi tergantung pada strategi yang diadopsi serta tujuan unik yang ditetapkan oleh individu. Strategi tertentu menargetkan keuntungan yang lebih kecil lebih sering selama beberapa perdagangan (scalping), sementara yang lain mencari peluang pengambilan keuntungan besar dengan cakrawala waktu yang lebih lama (perdagangan posisi).


  Pedagang harus menerima bahwa tidak semua perdagangan akan menghasilkan pengembalian yang positif. Oleh karena itu, mencoba mencapai tujuan pip harian adalah menyiapkan kegagalan. Target pip harian tidak efektif karena mendorong perdagangan lebih banyak pada saat strategi tidak efektif dan perdagangan kurang pada saat strategi lebih efektif. Ini kebalikan dari apa yang seharusnya kita coba capai.

  Misalnya, jika seorang pedagang melakukan perdagangan cepat di pagi hari dan mencapai “tujuan pip” yang ditentukan, pedagang tersebut melupakan potensi perdagangan tambahan yang dapat terjadi selama kondisi pasar yang ideal. Setiap strategi memiliki kondisi pasar yang ideal; dengan demikian, pedagang ini pada akhirnya akan membatasi apa yang bisa dilakukan strategi untuk mereka.

  Bagan di bawah ini menunjukkan contoh tipikal pengembalian yang hilang dalam kondisi pasar yang tidak menguntungkan. Grafik EUR / USD menunjukkan trader menargetkan 20 pips per perdagangan pada strategi perdagangan persilangan harga rata-rata bergerak (MA) seperti yang disorot oleh lingkaran yang menunjukkan titik masuk. Ketika harga melintasi ke atas MA, pedagang akan membeli dan ketika harga melintasi ke bawah garis MA, ini menandakan entri pendek. Lingkaran merah menunjukkan perdagangan yang tidak akan berhasil sesuai dengan strategi sementara lingkaran hijau menunjukkan perdagangan yang berhasil dengan pergerakan 20 pip ke arah perdagangan. Contoh ini mengilustrasikan contoh umum dari seorang pedagang yang menargetkan jumlah pip 'x' dalam kondisi buruk yang sering kali mengarah pada perdagangan balas dendam dan perdagangan yang merugi.
Daripada berfokus untuk mendapatkan jumlah pip tertentu per hari, trader perlu fokus pada apa yang dapat dikontrol. Dalam istilah perdagangan, ini berkaitan dengan mengikuti strategi dengan sempurna, tanpa emosi atau keraguan. Setelah strategi dirumuskan, langkah terpenting adalah pelaksanaan strategi itu sendiri.

  Pedagang harus berpegang pada rencana dengan tidak terlalu percaya diri saat sukses, dan tidak menghindar dari menempatkan perdagangan berikutnya saat kalah. Berfokus pada strategi memungkinkan pedagang untuk menjauh dari perdagangan balas dendam. Revenge trading adalah teman alami untuk menargetkan sejumlah pips setiap hari. Ini karena ketika pedagang tertinggal pada suatu tujuan, ini dapat menyebabkan overtrading untuk “menebusnya”. Overtrading itu biasanya menyebabkan semakin banyak kerugian. Jika pedagang memiliki kepercayaan pada strategi; menang atau kalah dari setiap perdagangan individu tidak masalah. Pedagang harus menghindari perdagangan balas dendam atau menyesuaikan ukuran perdagangan untuk mengganti kerugian.
  Mengejar sejumlah pip per hari kedengarannya seperti rencana yang bagus saat berdagang valas, tetapi itu adalah tujuan yang tidak realistis. Kondisi pasar sering berubah memaksa strategi Anda masuk dan keluar dari kondisi idealnya tanpa pemberitahuan. Yang dibutuhkan adalah tujuan untuk faktor-faktor yang dapat dikontrol, seperti mengikuti strategi dan mengeksekusinya dengan sempurna. Direkomendasikan untuk memulai dengan akun demo bebas risiko yang memiliki data harga real-time.

Apr 26 '21 · 0 comments

Rất nhiều Trader sử dụng chỉ báo RSI trong hệ thống giao dịch của mình nhằm tạo nên một hệ thống giao dịch có hiệu quả cao. Vậy RSI là gì? Cùng WikiFX tìm hiểu thêm qua bài viết sau.To get more news about chỉ báo rsi là gì, you can visit wikifx.com official website.

  1. Chỉ báo RSI là gì?

  RSI (Relative Strength Index – Chỉ số sức mạnh tương đối) là một chỉ báo động lượng đo lường mức độ thay đổi giá để đánh giá các điều kiện QUÁ MUA hoặc QUÁ BÁN của thị trường. Chỉ báo RSI được hiển thị dưới dạng bộ dao động (Oscillator) – là biểu đồ đường di chuyển giữa hai mức giới hạn được đo theo thang điểm từ 0 đến 100.Theo lý thuyết, chỉ báo RSI cho bạn biết khi nào thị trường đã bị mua quá mức (tức là tăng quá nhiều) hoặc bị bán quá mức (tức giảm quá nhiều) và cho bạn dấu hiệu khi nào xu hướng thị trường có thể quay đầu. Chỉ báo RSI thường được sử dụng nhiều nhất với chu kỳ 14 phiên, giá trị cũng được chuẩn hóa thành phạm vi từ 0 đến 100 và các đường biên tiêu chuẩn được vẽ ở mức 30 và 70.

  • Vùng quá mua (overbought): Khi đường RSI vượt ngưỡng 70, lúc này tín hiệu đường RSI cho thấy nhà đầu tư là muốn mua quá nhiều, đẩy vượt quá xa so với ngưỡng cân bằng.

  • Vùng quá bán (oversold): Khi đường RSI dưới ngưỡng 30, lúc này đường RSI cho thấy nhà đầu tư bán quá nhiều, đẩy giá quá thấp so với ngưỡng cân bằng.
2.1. Overbought – Quá mua RSI là gì?

  Khi RSI lớn hơn 70, nó báo hiệu thị trường đang QUÁ MUA. Điều này thường xảy ra trong một xu hướng tăng và là tín hiệu dự báo thị trường đảo chiều giảm trở lại.

  Chỉ báo RSI đưa ra tín hiệu QUÁ MUA khi đường RSI đi vào vùng 70-100. Nếu bạn muốn sử dụng tín hiệu ở vùng QUÁ MUA mạnh hơn, bạn có thể sử dụng vùng 80-100 hoặc cao hơn nữa. Điều này làm tín hiệu RSI mạnh mẽ hơn nhưng số tín hiệu QUÁ MUA ít hơn đáng kể.

  2.2. Oversold – Quá bán RSI là gì?

  Khi RSI nhỏ hơn 30, nó báo hiệu thị trường đang QUÁ BÁN. Điều này thường xảy ra trong một xu hướng giảm và là tín hiệu dự báo thị trường đảo chiều tăng trở lại.

  Chỉ báo RSI đưa ra tín hiệu QUÁ BÁN khi đường RSI đi vào vùng 30-0. Nếu bạn muốn sử dụng tín hiệu ở vùng QUÁ BÁN mạnh hơn, bạn có thể sử dụng vùng 20-0 hoặc thấp hơn nữa. Điều này làm tín hiệu RSI mạnh mẽ hơn nhưng số tín hiệu QUÁ MUA ít hơn đáng kể.

  2.3. Divergence – Phân kỳ RSI là gì?

  Tương tự những chỉ báo động lượng khác như MACD hay Stochastic, chỉ báo RSI có thể hành động ngược lại với hành động giá (hiện tượng phân kỳ) để báo hiệu cho chúng ta thấy sự đảo chiều của thị trường. Phân kỳ RSI Bullish: Thị trường tạo đáy mới thấp hơn trong khi đường RSI đang tăng cho thấy một dấu hiệu đảo chiều tăng của thị trường.

• Phân kỳ RSI Bearish: Thị trường tạo đỉnh mới cao hơn trong khi đường RSI đang giảm cho thấy một dấu hiệu đảo chiều giảm của thị trường.

Apr 26 '21 · 0 comments

WikiFX ‘แอปตรวจสอบโบรกเกอร์ Forex ทั่วโลก’ กลับมาประกาศรายชื่อโบรกเกอร์ Forex ที่มีการเปลี่ยนแปลง และถูกเพิกถอนใบอนุญาตกันเช่นเคย อย่างที่รู้กัน ‘ใบอนุญาต’ เป็นสิ่งที่จะการันตีความน่าเชื่อถือภายใต้การกำกับดูแลที่ถูกกฎหมายของโบรกเกอร์ Forex การเพิกถอนใบอนุญาต เกิดจากการทำงานไม่ได้มาตรฐาน หรือมีพฤติกรรมที่นำไปสู่การฉ้อโกง ใบอนุญาตจึงเป็นส่วนสำคัญที่จะช่วยให้คุณพิจารณาโบรกเกอร์ Forex ได้ง่ายขึ้น สัปดาห์นี้มีใครถูกเพิกถอนใบอนุญาตกันบ้างไปดูกัน.To get more news about โบรกเกอร์ Forex, you can visit wikifx.com official website.

  โบรกเกอร์ Forex จากออสเตรเลีย ถือครองใบอนุญาตใบเดียวจาก ASIC ซึ่งในตอนนี้ถูกเพิกถอนไปแล้ว จากการตรวจสอบของ WikiFX พบว่า AGCAP FX เป็นโบรกเกอร์ Forex ที่เปิดมา 2-5 ปี ก่อนหน้านี้ได้มีดำเนินงานเกินขอบเขตของใบอนุญาต จนล่าสุดได้ถูกเพิกถอนออกไปด้วยสถานะของข้อบังคับไม่ปกติ จากการตรวจสอบสำนักงานก็ไม่พบว่ามีอยู่จริง ทั้งนี้ยังเคยถูกร้องเรียนเกี่ยวกับปัญหาการถอนเงิน ทำให้ตอนนี้ AGCAP FX ได้คะแนนจาก WikiFX ไปเพียง 1.43/10 เท่านั้น

โบรกเกอร์ Forex จากวานูอาตู เคยถือครองใบอนุญาตจาก VFSC ซึ่งขณะนี้ถูกเพิกถอนไปแล้ว

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  โบรกเกอร์ Forex จากนิวซีแลนด์ เคยถือครองใบอนุญาตมากถึง 2 ใบจาก 2 ประเทศ ซึ่งขณะนี้ถูกเพิกถอนทุกใบ จากการตรวจสอบของ WikiFX พบว่า Wdpra เปิดทำการมา 2-5 ปี ก่อนนี้เคยดำเนินงานเกินขอบข่ายของหน่วยกำกับดูแล และด้วยสถานะของข้อบังคับไม่ปกติจึงได้มีประกาศเพิกถอนใบอนุญาตจาก 2 หน่วยงาน ได้แก่ FSPR และ NFA ขณะนี้ไม่มีการควบคุมดูแลอย่างมีประสิทธิภาพ จึงได้คะแนนจาก WikiFX ไปเพียง 1.33/10 เท่านั้น

  หากคุณเป็นลูกค้าของโบรกเกอร์เหล่านี้ เราขอเตือนว่าให้พิจารณาให้ดีอีกรอบ เพราะถ้าเกิดถูกโกงมา ตอนนี้ไม่มีหน่วยงานไหนมารับผิดชอบให้คุณแล้วนะ และที่สำคัญใบอนุญาตมีการเปลี่ยนแปลงตลอด คุณไว้ใจโบรกเกอร์ตลอดไปไม่ได้ ดังนั้นต้องตรวจสอบบ่อย ๆ ห้ามพลาดเลย เราแนะนำให้โหลด Application WikiFX เอาไว้ มันสามารถตรวจสอบโบรกเกอร์ Forex ได้ทั่วโลก หาไม่ได้ที่ไหนแล้ว โหลดฟรี!!!!

  ถ้าโดนโบรกเกอร์ Forex โกงมาแนะนำให้คุณเข้าไปที่ การเปิดเผย ของแอพ WikiFX เพื่อแฉโบรกเกอร์ อย่าปล่อยให้คนโกงลอยนวล ยิ่งคุณแฉโบรกเกอร์จะยิ่งกลัว รีบบบบเลย

Apr 25 '21 · 0 comments

The update from the Energy Information Administration (EIA) showed crude inventories increasing 594K in the week ending April 16 versus forecasts for a 2.975M contraction, and it remains to be seen of OPEC+ will respond to the recent rise in US stockpiles as the group plans to “assess market conditions and decide on production level adjustments for the following month, with every adjustment being no more than 0.5 mb/d.”To get more news about WikiFX, you can visit wikifx.com official website.

  However, separate figures from the EIA showed weekly field production holding steady at 11,000K for the second week, and the weakness in US output may keep oil prices afloat as OPECs most recent Monthly Oil Market Report (MOMR)emphasizes that “oil demand in the 2H21 is projected to be positively impacted by a stronger economic rebound than assumed last month.”

  With that said, the decline from the March high ($67.98) may turn out to be a correction in the broader trend rather than a change in market behavior as US crude production remains below pre-pandemic levels, and recent developments in the Relative Strength Index (RSI) instill a constructive outlook for the price of oil as the indicator breaks out of the downward trend from earlier this year.Keep in mind, crude broke out of the range bound price action from the third quarter of 2020 following the failed attempt to close below the Fibonacci overlap around $34.80 (61.8% expansion) to $35.90 (50% retracement), with the price of oil taking out the 2019 high ($66.60)as both the 50-Day SMA ($61.54) and 200-Day SMA($48.18)still reflect a positive slope.

  · At the same time, recent developments in the Relative Strength Index (RSI) suggest the decline from the March high ($67.98) may turn out to be a correction in the broader trend rather than a change in market behavior as the indicator breaks out of the downward trend from this year.

  · However, the price of oil bounces along the 50-Day SMA ($61.55) as it fails to retain the upward trend from November, and crude may continue to track the March range as it struggles to push back above the $64.20 (61.8% expansion) region.

  · In turn, a close below $61.80 (50% expansion) may push the price of oil towards the $59.40 (38.2% expansion) region, with the next area of interest coming in around $58.00 (50% expansion) to $58.40 (23.6% expansion).

Apr 25 '21 · 0 comments

It is obvious how the rate of traders and investors are becoming increasingly every day around the world, but the question is doe they mostly succeed in escaping from scammers ? As well for the investors do they really get their ROI and the profits from the trading company ?. Absolutely not, rather only few traders are escaped and are safe from scammers which is mostly as a result of their carefulness and and knowledge of the field. Such traders or investors doesnt just begins any investment as the case of investors with any ponzi investing company or trading with any brokers as the case of forex f traders unless they are verify and confirmed legitimacy of that company or brokers.To get more news about WikiFX, you can visit wikifx.com official website.

  Forex trading or marketing is a legitimate trading where the world‘s currencies are traded. It’s not a scam in itself. Without the forex market it would be difficult to trade the currencies needed to buy imports, sell exports, to go ok holidays or do some other online business. However, with high leverage, options which, in theory have the potential to make traders a lot of money and because there is lack of centralised / regulated exchange, scammers take advantage of the situation and the inexperienced traders.
In the case of traders, scammers take many advantages to win against them by claiming to be an expert traders Capable of making huge profits to traders and therefore requesting Forex traders to give their MT4 or MT5 trading accounts to them, also traders get scammed by fake brokers.

  In the case of investors, majority get scammed after confirming their first profit of investment from the company and therefore that will draw their attention to invest more and that may lead to getting their money hold by the scammers, investing is not scam in itself, but getting a verified and legit investing company is the key to successful investment. While some investors couldnt even get the chance of getting their shares after investing and therefore become the victims of the scam company.

  But all these scam cases are in most times as a result of Forex traders or investors negligence and poor experience with lack of consultation also. To know more about the brokers information, legitimacy and identity or investment company before transaction with any, in order to prevent yourself from becoming victim of scammers, its recommended to always consult, check and also make an inquiry about the company or the brokers at WikiFX (Global Forex Broker Regulatory Inquiry App ) with over 26000 plus brokers listed and collaborating with 30 regulators.

Apr 25 '21 · 0 comments

The British Pound is positioned to gain ground against its major counterparts in the near term, as a series of bullish technical patterns take shape across multiple GBP crosses. Here are the key levels to watch for GBP/USD, GBP/JPY and EUR/GBP in the weeks ahead.To get more news about WikiFX, you can visit wikifx.com official website.

The British Pound looks set to extend recent gains against the US Dollar, as prices breaches Descending Triangle resistance and remains constructively positioned above psychological support at 1.3900.

  Bullish moving average stacking, in tandem with the RSI and MACD tracking above their respective neutral midpoints, suggests that the path of least resistance is higher.

  A retest of the monthly high (1.4009) looks likely in the near term, with a break above needed to carve a path for the exchange rate to challenge the yearly high (1.4241).

  Alternatively, a daily close below 1.3900 could neutralize short-term buying pressure and precipitate a short-term pullback towards the 21-EMA (1.3841).GBP also appears poised to climb higher against the Japanese Yen in the coming days, as prices continue to track within the confines of an Ascending Channel and hold above the psychologically imposing 150.00 handle.

  Once again, with the RSI and MACD tracking firmly above their neutral midpoints, bullish momentum seems to be building and could drive price higher in the short term.

  A daily close back above the 8-EMA (150.55) probably opens the door to a retest of the April 20 high (151.98), with a convincing push above bringing the yearly high (153.41) into the crosshairs.

  However, if Ascending Channel support and the 34-EMA (150.18) gives way, a pullback to the 78.6% Fibonacci (148.51) could be on the cards.The technical outlook for EUR/GBP rates continues to point to further downside, as prices break back below the trend-defining 55-EMA (0.8660) and Andrews Pitchfork median line.

  Indeed, with RSI and MACD appearing to rollover in a bearish fashion, the primary downtrend extending from the September 2020 high may reassert itself in the coming weeks.

  Slipping back below the 21-EMA (0.8624) likely triggers a push back towards the April 19 low (0.8589), with a convincing push below carving a path to challenge the yearly low (0.8472).

  However, if prices can clamber back above the 55-EMA (0.8660), a retest of the monthly high (0.8719) could be on offer.

Apr 25 '21 · 0 comments

It may be the default metal forming method for many manufacturers, but the disadvantages of die stamping are worth considering. As manufacturers search for ways to bring new products to market as quickly as possible, it’s easy to lose sight of the importance of quality, accuracy, and repeatability. In this article, we’ll touch on a few of the most significant disadvantages of die stamping. To get more news about progressive stamping, you can visit tenral.com official website.

Although progressive die stamping can yield accurate parts with complex shapes, material thinning is highly likely and part repeatability is poor. It also requires incredibly expensive permanent, progressive steel tooling. 

Advantage of FluidForming: Thanks to incredibly high forming pressures, FluidForming is a Six Sigma metal forming process that uses a single die to produce components with minimal warping, unparalleled accuracy, and high repeatability rates. 

Die stamping requires significant upfront, hard tool and die costs. Not to mention ongoing tool maintenance. Because both a punch and a die are required, tooling costs are significant with die stamping. If tooling changes are required or tools are damaged, additional costs are inevitable. Where possible, designs should be based on the use of existing dies for standard shapes and bends. The need to create a custom die for stamping will further increase initial tooling costs (Thomas).

Advantage of FluidForming: Because just one tool is needed from prototype through production, tooling costs are reduced by 50-90%. And, with 3D printed tooling, it’s easy to make changes to your product design without incurring significant delays or prohibitive expenses. Furthermore, because water is the forming force, tool wear is also minimized.

Outdated metal stamping methods — like die stamping — require costly and time-consuming tool development. Because of this, rapid prototyping is prohibitively expensive and ineffective with die stamping. 

Advantage of FluidForming: All of FluidForming Americas’ FormBalancer metal forming machines are compatible with 3D printed, metal sintered, steel, aluminum, and composite tools. In other words, it’s possible to move from design to production in a matter of days.

For the same reasons die stamping isn’t suitable for rapid prototyping, it just doesn’t cut it for low-volume, or short-run productions, either. It’s simply too expensive and tooling development and set-up take too much time.

Advantage of FluidForming: FluidForming is ideal for low- to medium- volume production runs. Our process can easily accommodate anywhere from 1 to a million parts per year. Because just one tool is needed, tooling costs are slashed. And as an added benefit, FluidForming uses the same tool from prototyping through production — which saves time and money.

Product developers and product innovators are hampered by the inherent restraints that die stamping metal forming process imposes. Because tool development is so time-consuming and costly, product designers cannot innovate and iterate products as freely as they should.

Advantage of FluidForming: Not only do 3D printed tools save time, but they’re dramatically less expensive. Plus, FluidForming Americas offers customers detailed pre-production Finite Element Analysis (FEA) reports which means we’re iterating before production even begins. 

Although die stamping produces less scrap than machining, for example, scrap rates and non-conforming rates are high with die stamping. 

nested toolingAdvantage of FluidForming: More and more manufacturers are focusing on reducing scrap because it’s better for the environment, lowers production costs, and because it can result in faster turnaround times. FluidForming’s 99.996% accuracy rate virtually eliminates non-conforming scrap and our nested tooling capabilities make the most of every inch of sheet metal. 

Die stamping is a primitive stamping process that relies on brute force to deform metal into a predetermined shape. The process requires substantial post fixturing work like deburring, clamping, painting, and polishing. All of which adds time and cost to the process.
Apr 25 '21 · 0 comments
Progressive Die Stamping Process

Progressive Die Stamping is a cutting and forming process that utilizes a “Die” that contains a series of stamping stations to perform simultaneous operations on sheet metal that has been supplied on coiled strip. The final metal work piece is developed as the strip of metal is processed through the stamping die. This transformation is performed incrementally, or progressively, by a series of stations that cut and form the material into the desired shape. A Progressive Stamping Die ("Die") is a metalworking device that is designed and built to convert a flat strip of metal raw material into completed parts which conform to print specifications.To get more news about progressive die, you can visit tenral.com official website.

The Die is placed into a stamping press. As the stamping press moves up, the die opens. As the stamping press moves down, the die closes. The metal moves through the die while the die is open, being fed into the die a precise amount with each stroke of the press. The stamping die can modify the raw material in several ways, such as cutting, bending, coining, shaving, burnishing, extruding, lancing, embossing and drawing. When the die closes, the die performs its work on the metal and one or more finished parts are ejected from the die. The finished parts may either be separate (discrete) or connected to a carrier strip and supplied on disposable or returnable reels.

The linear travel of the strip stock at each press stroke is called the “feed progression” or “pitch” and is equal to the distance between stations.
The unwanted parts of the strip are cut out as it advances through the die and one or more ribbons or tabs (carrier strips) are left connected to each partially completed part to carry it through the remaining stations of the die.

In a progressive die, the part remains connected to the stock strip which is fed through the die with automatic feeds and positioned by pilots with speed and accuracy. Since additional work is done in each "station" of the die, it is important that the strip be advanced very precisely so that it aligns within thousandths of an inch as it moves from station to station. Bullet shaped or conical "pilots" enter previously pierced round holes in the strip to assure this alignment since the feeding mechanism usually cannot provide the necessary precision in feed length.
Apr 25 '21 · 0 comments
Top teams to compete in WoW Mythic Dungeon International Global Finals

The World of Warcraft Mythic Dungeon International Global Season 1 Finals will begin Friday, April 23. From April 23 to 25, the world’s top teams will compete for the World Champions title and a share of the $300,000 prize pool. To get more news about Best Place Buy WoW Gold, you can visit lootwowgold official website.

The event will start off with four matches. Echo faces Stygia first. Last month, Echo secured their spot in the event by taking the Cup 4 tournament crown.Obey Alliance will go up against Does Gargoyle Stream? in the second match, while Perplexed will face Just So So. As for PI Me, they will first compete with the Golden Guardians. 

Each of these teams will participate in a series of best-of-three and double-elimination matches. However, the final match will be a best-of-five. The maps in play for the last series of matches will be Necrotic Wake, Halls of Atonement, Mists of Tirna Scithe, De Other Side and Halls of Atonement once again. Keystones will also be set to level 20. Dan “AutomaticJak” Anzenberger said he is curious about PI Me’s performance, since the team achieved wins through out-innovating their opponents and quickly adjusting to the meta. 

Meanwhile, Tristan “Dratnos” Killeen said he cannot wait to see how the game and format changes will shake things up. He noted that Echo is a favorite, but there are several teams that could prove to be a challenge against them. 

“PI Me has been ramping HARD in the past few cups and if that trajectory continues, we could see an impressive upset from them,” Dratnos said. “It’d also be irresponsible to count out Perplexed who have taken cups off Echo this season and last season!”As for Caroline “Naguura” Forer, she is looking forward to possible upsets because of the keystone changes and shifts in meta. 

“Perplexed has a big chance of winning too, since they were a team that also performed well in the first Shadowlands cup, proving that they are also really good at innovating routes,” Naguura added. “Many times, they have had better or more efficient routes than Echo, so I am really looking forward to seeing those two teams competing.”

Similar to AutomaticJak and Dratnos, Peyton “Tettles” Tettleton also had thoughts on Pi Me. Tettles noted that the team could end up with compositions that others haven’t seen yet.
Apr 25 '21 · 0 comments
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