
tokkoyurte's blog

O que poderia prejudicar o poder e a glória do Amor Divino de Deus? Um Amor que não conhece o oposto não tem oponente ou 'inimigo'. Este é o significado da Verdadeira Força. Não tendo nenhum inimigo, o conceito de “avassalador” não tem sentido para o Amor. Pois o Amor só pode olhar para o Amor e ver Sua Perfeição irradiando Eternamente.O ego é a crença na vulnerabilidade. É a crença de que algo (qualquer coisa) pode ser atacado ou enfraquecido ou destruído. Tal crença é apenas uma tentativa vã de negar a União Eterna do Espírito, que está muito além do mundo imaginado do temporário. Na fantasia, o ataque parece possível e as defesas justificadas, mas o que é fantasia senão um jogo imaginário que uma criança sonolenta joga por um momento de diversão.

Há um momento em que a desilusão vem à mente que lida com fantasias. E além deste ponto todo um novo mundo de luz cintilante emerge dentro um curso em milagres. A Visão do Santo é revelada quando o véu da dualidade se abre, e raios de Luz radiantes substituem o mundo da percepção. Nos Grandes Raios do Entendimento Deus e o Eu são lembrados, inteiros, unificados, perfeitos e completos.

Tal é o valor do perdão. O perdão abre o véu feito para esconder a Face do Amor. O perdão traz cura a uma mente cansada de fantasias. O perdão traz gentileza a um mundo feito de mentiras. E o perdão traz as boas novas do Despertar, anunciando o alvorecer da Sabedoria Eterna. "Quando você conhecer alguém, lembre-se que é um encontro sagrado. Ao vê-lo, você se verá. Ao tratá-lo, você se tratará. Ao pensar nele, você pensará em você. Nunca esqueça isso, pois nele você você se encontrará ou se perderá. Sempre que dois Filhos de Deus se encontrarem, eles terão outra chance de salvação. Não deixe ninguém sem dar a salvação a ele e recebê-la você mesmo. Pois eu estou sempre com você, em memória de você.

Obrigado Deus por abrir o caminho e conduzir um rebanho perdido de volta à Consciência da Unidade Eterna. Glória a Deus nas Alturas e Boa Vontade a todos!

Trecho de Um vislumbre da graça.

Mar 21 '22 · 0 comments

Este artículo acerca de cómo tener una relación con Jesús está basado en una charla del místico cristiano David Hoffmeister. ¡Mira el video completo aquí!

Mucha gente siente curiosidad acerca de cómo tener una relación más profunda con Jesús. Sin embargo, cuando piensas en cómo profundizar tu conexión o tu relación con Jesús, creo que es importante hacer primero una pregunta más profunda: ¿Qué quieres decir con relación? ¿Qué significa esa palabra para ti? Lo que los seres humanos consideran relaciones en última instancia, no son relaciones. No existen verdaderas relaciones en el planeta tierra o en el tiempo y el espacio. Y sin embargo, eso es en lo que se cree, por lo que el Espíritu Santo y Jesús tienen que usar lo que la mente dormida cree para llegar a ella.

La verdadera relación

Todo el mundo ha oído hablar de la Trinidad. El Padre, el Hijo, el Espíritu Santo. En el cielo, no hay distinciones en términos de Espíritu. Todos son Espíritu. Todos son eternos. No tienen diferencias en apariencia, porque no hay apariencias. Todo es pura Luz ucdm. No se puede notar la diferencia en términos de la esencia de lo que son porque todos son Espíritu. Todos están en relación y todos se comunican a través de la Mente Divina, a través de los pensamientos de Dios. Todos los pensamientos de Dios se comparten por completo. Cristo tiene todos los pensamientos de Dios, el Espíritu Santo tiene todos los pensamientos de Dios. Todos comparten los pensamientos de Dios porque Dios es el Creador y el Creador comparte todo.

Esto no es como los padres terrestres, quienes parecen darte vida como un bebé. Luego te alimentan y, en el mejor de los casos, te reconfortan y te dan cierto sustento. Pero luego, por lo general, estás solo. Ellos están felices de cortar los lazos. Dios no piensa así. Dios nunca corta las cuerdas. Cada pensamiento que Dios ha pensado siempre se comparte libremente en el Espíritu. Ese es el Reino de los Cielos. Está aumentando, no en tamaño ni en forma, porque no hay tamaño ni forma. Está en constante aumento, la luz se extiende, irradia y se irradia sin fin. Entonces, hay un aumento sin dimensiones de tiempo, porque no hay tiempo en la eternidad. No hay cortes ni desheredación. Todo está conectado. Todo es Espíritu puro. La única distinción que podría haber en términos de Luz es que Dios creó a Cristo. Todos son seres eternos, por lo que no es un sentido temporal de creación. En la eternidad, Dios fue primero. Dios creó primero, y para siempre y para siempre. En el mundo, lo que viene primero viene antes. Bueno, en cierto sentido, el Creador es la Causa, la Gran Causa con una C mayúscula. Cristo es un Efecto de esa Causa.

La relación con Jesús

Cuando pensamos en nuestra relación con Jesús, lo primero que me viene a la mente es si me identifico como una criatura terrestre, si me identifico como una criatura del tiempo, si me identifico como una personalidad y la esencia de Jesús es el Cristo… Jeshua es solo un nombre de la tierra. Jeshua se despertó y se dio cuenta de que el Cristo es real y que Jeshua era parte del sueño. Cuando los cristianos dicen que quieren una relación personal con Jesús, mi primera pregunta es, está bien si crees que eres una persona, ya establecimos eso. Pero, ¿qué pasa si esta persona quiere tener una relación con un ser eterno llamado Cristo? Creo que ambos están en diferentes niveles. Uno es la figura de un sueño y el otro es el Cristo viviente. Viviendo en la Mente de Dios. Esa es una relación interesante.

Una personalidad relacionada con un ser eterno. ¿Cómo se hace eso? Bueno, yo diría que el que cree que es un ser personal debe estar abierto y receptivo a la guía e instrucción que viene del ser eterno, a través del Espíritu Santo. Porque este ser eterno es tan puro que está en la Mente de Dios y este ser eterno es tan prístino que es Espíritu puro. Cristo es Espíritu puro y también lo es Dios. Ahora el Espíritu Santo asume una función de enseñanza en la que puede ver el error, pero sabe que el error no es real. Tiene la memoria del Amor de Dios, pero también puede ver el error. Por eso al Espíritu Santo se lo llama el consolador o puente, porque el Espíritu Santo asume una función que puede llegar a tu mente donde cree que se encuentra. Donde hemos creído que estamos. Si realmente tenemos vida y estamos en el cielo, pero creemos que estamos en el tiempo y el espacio, ahora el Espíritu Santo tiene que llegar a esa mente dormida con palabras y símbolos para enseñarle que no está donde cree que está, de hecho, nunca ha estado allí.

Ahora, ¿qué pasa con Jesús y tu relación con él? Si Jesús ya ascendió, ahora Jesús se ha ido y el Cristo está viviendo en la Mente de Dios, ¿qué paso con Jesús? Hay una parte en el Curso en donde dice que Jesús compartió tus sueños y aún los comparte. Esa conexión con Jesús es realmente sinónimo del Espíritu Santo, porque recuerda que el Espíritu Santo puede ver el error, puede ver el sueño, pero sabe que el sueño no es real. Por eso el Espíritu Santo es el maestro, por eso el Espíritu Santo es el consolador, por eso el Espíritu Santo es el puente. Ese es el tipo de relación que quieres tener con Jesús. Quieres tener una relación con una presencia que sabe que la enfermedad es imposible, que sabe que el dolor es imposible, que sabe que la culpa es imposible, que sabe que tu inocencia divina es la realidad, y que no te ve culpable nunca en ninguna circunstancia aparente o en cualquier situación aparente. Eso es un amigo. Alguien que sea siempre accesible, que siempre vea tu inocencia, te conozca como realmente eres y comparta tus sueños para sacarte de los sueños.

Mar 21 '22 · 0 comments

Somebody once wrote me, asking, “There are always a large amount of teachers and students of A Course in Miracles available, but there should be something which you've hooked into, or caught onto? Something which triggered a transformation or a major healing. So, the thing that was it?”

“Trust,” I said.

Consider your life because it seems to be these days with regards to the story. How do we answer the question; “Who do I trust? Where do I think my safety lies? How will I be sustained? Who is my source?” So whenever we speak about the past stage to the awakening being pure trust, it's simply about disengaging and withdrawing our faith and trust in many of these made-up concepts, beliefs and ideas in the world. It's kind of like making a big house of cards, stacking on one card following the other. A good wind arrives and poof, it's only blown over acim author. It can't even stand a little gust of wind. It's so frail. It's so temporary. It's so transitory; It had been this sense of placing trust in the Spirit and withdrawing trust in anything else; dozens of items that were identified and learned as worldly accomplishments. Why should we trust in those? Have they ever brought us lasting peace and happiness? Are they really trustworthy?It certainly comes down seriously to the essence of who is my cousin? Could it be Spirit or matter? Could it be Spirit or form? Furthermore how most of us have tried trusting people? Has anybody tried that one?So you are asking the question, “When someone dies or seems to be dying of starvation, what does that say about their mind?” Where all this is heading is to the awareness that everything is mental. What this awakening can tell you is that everything is mental and that everything is a hallucination. This really is a world of ideas and what we call manifest reality, isn't reality at all. There is no distinction between thought and form. Jesus has to construct his whole workbook in A Course In Miracles on making the bond between thought and form. His lessons start off with, “Nothing I see means anything,” (W-1) and, “I have given everything I see all the meaning it has for me.” (W-2) Then, He works his way as much as number 4, “These thoughts do not mean anything&rdquo ;.Now, He's speaking about thoughts. First He's speaking about perception, then about our thoughts, then He returns with lessons 5,6,7,8,9 ... perception, perception, perception, perception, perception ... and then number 10, “My thoughts do not mean anything.” You will see he's trying to melt everything together and show the past veil or stage of awakening, that will be trust.

The Holy Spirit uses time to teach us there is no such thing as time, to take us back to that particular timeless moment that is the gateway to eternity. He uses symbols to instruct us they are all illusions and they are all equally meaningless. That's exactly the way of operation of Holy Spirit. The Spirit has to utilize your head to loosen the attachments from the investment in all kinds of things. What kind of things do you invest in, these days?

This Moment Is Your Miracle brings you tools to reverse all fearful thoughts and beliefs. Using these tools makes it possible to obtain the complete sense of freedom and peace you've been yearning for.

Click this link if you'd prefer to order the book!

Read more David Hoffmeister ACIM blog posts like this.

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Mar 21 '22 · 0 comments

Homeowners in Houston must face many difficulties in selling homes fast as you will find inadequate buyers available in the market. And the buyers who are seriously buying homes either maintain a careful approach or are extremely particular about their purchase needs. As well as this, the number of home sellers far exceeds the number of home buyers as more individuals are now seeking to sell a house for money fast for various reasons.

Almost every homeowner has experienced these problems while attempting to sell a house on the open market. However, sell my house fast in houston the fast home buyers are determined to end every one of these hassles within no time and make your home selling experience a nicer one for all.

Get to Know How To Sell House Fast

You're not supposed to sell your property as-is. It'd help if you dedicated to creating a quick clean, clearing all the clutter and giving it fresh paint to simply help it look more desirable and get sold fast.

There are certain conditions where you can proceed with the "Sell My House" plan without doing these essential things:

  • When your house is in good shape and looks like new. You are able to flourish in the "Sell House As Is" project and get a fair price if your house is well maintained or you have not tried it for long.
  • You don't just bother to possess good value for the home. Your only objective is to sell a house fast and get what it sells for in the market. The amount would have been a bonus rather than a necessity.
  • "Sell House As Is" serves as an ideal option when you don't have enough money to correct and maintain your house and earn fast cash.
  • You've an exclusive or exceptional home that no body owns. Maybe it's because of the property type or location, and you are certain that prospective buyers will be ready to get your property in its present condition.

Tips for Selling Home for Cash

On many occasions, "sell home for cash" makes you settle for less than what your house deserves. Consider the following points if you don't have any liability/finances or interest in preparing your home for sale.

If you are dealing in a hot property market where demand is high and supply is low, your "sell home for cash" plan might click and bring you an excellent price for the sold property without even repairing or maintenance.

However, this idea won't work in a simple or cold market situation. You must consider a few more points to produce it work.

Usually, buyers want to have a house that will require little or little maintenance. If your home requires minor repairing or maintenance, your audience will avoid bidding for it, and you won't manage to sell your house fast.

If your property needs some repairing, its cost should really be deducted from the fixed value to sell your home for cash.

Suppose that your house was valued at $200,000 but needs pipe repairing or new colour painting, which might cost around $5,000, then you must get prepared to be in for $6,000 to $8,000 less than the asking price in a simple or cold market situation.

If you want to improve the value of your house and find more sales opportunities, then a minor renovation or do it yourself will help. You can also consider basic things such as clearing the garden/interior clutter, washing the windows and carpet and employing a high-quality room sprayer to produce buyers get yourself a cozy and pleasant feel inside the house. It will not just drive the audience in huge numbers but make them keep interested in the deal.

But if you don't desire to have the hassle of giving your property a great look and then selling it, then you should search for an authentic Houston home buyer. Some homebuyers will not only give your property a brand new, pleasant look but will even handle the entire selling process. Hence you don't need to do anything with the exception of collecting your cash.

"We Buy Houses in Houston" Investors

If you intend to steer clear of all the hassles in your home sale and get easy cash when in 72 hours, consider approaching and working with "We Buy Houses" in Houston investors. These types of buyers have a good financial backup to serve the money needs of home sellers very fast. They've knowledgeable and experienced property executives who can identify your preferences, make a precise estimation and offer you a reasonable cash offer without taking much time.

With financing required from banks, they can make your home sale easy, hassle-free and fast. In reality, "We Buy Houses" investors are open to the idea of buying your home "as is" and helping you save from spending on home renovations. Moreover, they handle the extra paperwork for you. So, you won't go through all the hassles in your home sale process as fast home buyers are ready to support you with total dedication.

What to Do When Falling Short of Time or Cash?

It can add to your frustration if you should be moving away, and after putting your home available for sale on the open market for months, you cannot get a single buyer. Together with your moving day getting closer, you are clueless about doing. Whenever you cannot sell a house fast in Houston, you won't have enough cash to rent or purchase a brand new home. It looks like an impossible thing, especially when you have to cover your rising debt or delayed mortgage instalment.

If you are falling in short supply of cash and need quick money so that you can manage your mortgage payments rather than becoming over-indebted, selling your house for money can be an effective option so that you won't need certainly to suffer with repossession. It is widely known that selling your property through conventional methods may develop into a time-consuming process. It is not always a productive way to sell your property to any ordinary investor when you really need quick cash.

Are you currently getting divorced or thinking to be in your loans by selling your house fast in Houston? Even if you are waiting for a divorce without any debt burden, you must consider selling your property for fulfilling your financial obligations.

You may well be looking to get quick cash from your home sale for a peaceful divorce settlement together with your partner. There is nothing can beat a primary home buyer to get the proper kind of offer within the quickest possible time.

Look for Houston Direct Home Buyers

Houston direct home buyers are available making use of their vast experience and expertise in a problematic situation. They can help you with fast home sales and make you obtain the money payment very quickly. When you agree with their cash offer, they can instantly purchase your home and close the offer in the minimum possible period. So, if you don't desire to approach any agent or bear any additional cost of repairing or renovation, it is without a doubt worth your time to contact and consult with quick home sale buyers.

The quick home selling services come with no delay, discrepancy, and legal fee facility. The property investors employ an in-house team of property experts to estimate your home value and deliver it quickly for the consideration. Apart from constantly keeping you current with your home sale process, the Houston direct homebuyers devote maximum efforts to produce your experience smooth and hassle-free.

Mar 21 '22 · 0 comments

A new podcast provides the means to attach using active buyers deeper along with convert these people straight into fervent company enthusiasts, almost all provides the means to arrive at new business whom might not exactly be familiar with your small business, nevertheless have an interest as part of your podcast's certain theme

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A new podcast comes with a formatting to talk about your current sector suffers from. So as to put the air flow involving legitimacy on the product that may be generally missing inside prepared expression, audio recordings let you plough your current enjoyment along with conversing potential. Day-to-day as well as regular podcasts which may have reputable files as well as brand-new concepts will discover anyone plus your organization just as one pro in the marketplace. Buyers desire an enterprise that will recognizes the market industry, which means your podcast might help develop that will have confidence in.

Tips on how to employ Podcasting in promoting websites

Podcasting is often a flourishing happening that you keep in mind, nevertheless might not exactly absolutely recognize nevertheless. The simplest way to make clear the thinking behind podcasting should be to the idea bond time for your Glowing Get older involving R / c. Ahead of television set, people would likely assemble throughout the r / c to become a common demonstrates inside lounge. Currently, technological innovation makes it possible for people to become a popular packages in each of our notebook computers, pcs, mobile devices, as well as devices. Podcasts are merely yet another proxy in the very same strategy. A lot of podcast audience, by way of example, have a very podcast software that they'll hear on the travel to function every day.

Granted your probable involving podcasts for you to bring in along with preserve the viewers, it can be zero speculate that will businesses, business people along with entrepreneurs are generally researching ways to take advantage for this medium's good results. As being a podcaster, you'll be able to situation on your own just as one pro as part of your certain sector. This specific will assist you to affect shoppers along with clientele with techniques that will promote these people to order your merchandise along with solutions, put money into your small business, as well as encourage your current software thus to their associates. Along with doing this is possible for the affordable, mainly because it will not please take a significant fiscal expenditure to get started on along with manage a new podcast (in nearly all cases).

Start off Your current Podcast along with Expand Your current Affect

Before you start your current podcast, tend not to concentration excessive for the first benefits. Should you not currently have a proven company and a lot of readers, it will last anyone a long time growing your current affect. Nevertheless that is certainly FINE!

When you initially start off, you may be experiments in distinct approaches, acquiring your current "show speech, inch along with understading about demonstrate prep, occasion operations, audio good quality operations, croping and editing along with repowering data along with hosts, and many others.

Find out doing this when you spend intensely throughout promoting along with endorsing your current podcast. When you have numerous number of demonstrates underneath your current belt, you may be informed about precisely how anything can be doing work, you could have observed your current "voice" all of which will get gotten straight into a thing of an schedule. You will possess numerous demonstrates by now put up (so brand-new guests is not going to discover 2-3 periods along with leave).

And then, it's going to be time to start off several concepts in endorsing along with expanding your current podcast viewers.

Podcasting can be the best way to enhance company recognition for ones organization (large as well as small). Podcasting is usually the best way to make more base site visitors (or site visitors) for ones organization. In case accomplished appropriately, podcasting will certainly expand your small business plus your net profit!

Mar 21 '22 · 0 comments

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Productive induction, training & development. Inducting folks fundamentally? inside whichever file format : will be essential. Go wrong and also you have got begun to plant the people seed regarding uncertainty in their heads inside the original month or two. Further than in which, on the list of tips to be able to keeping folks will be making certain there is certainly prospective customers regarding individuals to be able to foster, understand and also produce independently.

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Make certain honest & continual efficiency supervision. Efficiency supervision just isn't any one-off process on the celebration of your once-a-year assessment. Oahu is the continuous method regarding introducing comments to be able to arrange efficiency evening inside, outing. It really is concerning getting large along with your kind comments while getting beneficial and also sincere inside interactions concerning underperformance. The main element is always to attain that repeatedly.

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Do not forget, staff maintenance can be a key factor lasting accomplishment and also earnings of your respective enterprise.

Take the time nowadays to be able to think about everything you may well carry out to be able to motivate and also retain the staff. And pick a minimum of a single technique to utilize this kind of calendar month. Possibly oahu is the largest inclusion you get to your maintenance attempts in 2010.

Mar 21 '22 · 0 comments

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Mar 21 '22 · 0 comments

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The ability

Several motion pictures and also Shows offer you a fantastic knowledge by means of suspense. As an example, Video game regarding Thrones developed plenty of excitement on the market. And also this has been unbelievable. As a result, creating a fantastic knowledge is probably the many awesome great things about observing motion pictures.


Without entertaining, you could drop your power as time passes. Entertaining will be just what recharges the power packs. You'll have entertaining often and also observing motion pictures will be one. Being a make a difference regarding reality, you'll find nothing just like experiencing your chosen subject along with your close friends or perhaps household.

Complete Moment

When have got practically nothing to accomplish over a very hot summer season evening, it is possible to just devote the time observing your chosen games. Being a make a difference regarding reality, it is possible to devote throughout the day sitting in front of your personal computer display screen or perhaps TV SET observing motion pictures which you locate intriguing.


Fantastic motion pictures can be inspirational. In reality, they could aid folks progress. Despite the fact that a lot of the best-selling games derive from actions and also sci-fi variety, you will find several games which will help take care of sociable concerns at the same time. Several motion pictures include ideas regarding thousands of people.

Anxiety Buster

In terms of anxiety lowering is worried, many individuals select alcohol consumption. Nonetheless, there exists a far better choice at the same time. In the event you observe an excellent motion picture along with your close friends, it is possible to lessen your anxiety substantially. Thus, that is one more fantastic edge that will increase the emotional health and allow you to a lot more successful.

Conquer any Break up

When you have acquired any break up not too long ago, you may get above that simply by observing an excellent motion picture. As a result of the break up, you may well be unhappy and also heart-broken. As a result, it is possible to aid oneself proceed simply by shelling out several hours observing an excellent present, which can be one more fantastic gain.


Most of us will need enjoyment. This is exactly what motion pictures offer you inside the the following now. With out enjoyment, we all sense dullness and also can not give attention to our own program jobs. Enjoyment could be the will need of everyone irrespective of age group, religious beliefs, forged or perhaps sociable position.

The particular Takeaway

Simply speaking, motion pictures offer you a great deal of fantastic rewards for people almost all. As a result, celebrities acquire plenty of really like and also value coming from throughout the world. Thus, simply by shelling out a couple of money, you can watch the wanted motion pictures equally on the web or perhaps inside theaters. With any luck ,, you'll find this informative article useful.

Mar 21 '22 · 0 comments

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Mar 21 '22 · 0 comments

Persons would prefer to expend the few days watching movies because of their family customers. Sooner folks helpful to check out solely this Bollywood shows although at this point the fascination possesses moved to your Showmanship earth. This appreciate in addition to esteem with the Showmanship Completely new Lets out and this includes is usually climbing ordinarilly. There are various causes of that, the most prevalent is usually which the report brand, principle in addition to the celeb toss these shows is a plus. So it might be concluded that Most current Showmanship shows currently employ a good relation to this fresh creation. Persons want to check out this design utilised in most of these shows. This extensive line have started off forthcoming of which lures in this large.

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You may uncover virtually any specifics by most of these internet websites. Different subsequently that, this Showmanship flick opinions can also be available on services. This opinions on the shows allows a notion on the report brand in addition to the exclusive highlights of this flick. Thus, crop up a new connected with somebody to see this flick. Subsequently persons seem to check out most of these shows at any rate in order to make these individuals think new in addition to delighted. While using the attractiveness on the Showmanship marketplace, it truly is providing at the very least 600 shows on a yearly basis. Many glimpse rather enjoyable for the reason that theme is usually new with the childhood. Showmanship movie possesses shown productively with starting it is reputation in addition to the ethnical individuality everywhere. Anybody can have the funds for to stay in a protracted queue to check out his or her beloved Showmanship picture. This glamor along with the attraction on the Showmanship shows has not eventually left from any of the man or women not affected.

Mar 21 '22 · 0 comments
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