
tokkoyurte's blog

Somebody once wrote me, asking, “There are certainly a large amount of teachers and students of A Course in Miracles on the market, but there must be something that you've hooked into, or caught onto? A thing that triggered a transformation or perhaps a major healing. So, that which was it?”

“Trust,” I said.

Think of your life as it seems to be these days with regards to the story. How do we answer the question; “Who do I trust? Where do I believe my safety lies? How will I be sustained? Who is my source?” So when we talk about the final stage to the awakening being pure trust, it's simply about disengaging and withdrawing our faith and trust in many of these made-up concepts, beliefs and ideas in the world. It's similar to making a big house of cards a course in miracles authors, stacking on one card following the other. Then the good wind arrives and poof, it's only blown over. It can't even stand only a little gust of wind. It's so frail. It's so temporary. It's so transitory; It had been this sense of placing trust in the Spirit and withdrawing trust in everything else; all those items that were identified and learned as worldly accomplishments. Why should we trust in those? Have they ever brought us lasting peace and happiness? Are they really trustworthy?It certainly comes right down to the essence of who's my cousin? Could it be Spirit or matter? Could it be Spirit or form? Furthermore how many of us have tried trusting people? Has anybody tried any particular one?So you're asking the question, “When someone dies or seems to be dying of starvation, what does that say about their mind?” Where this is heading would be to the awareness that everything is mental. What this awakening can tell you is that everything is mental and that everything is a hallucination. That is an environment of ideas and what we call manifest reality, is not reality at all. There is no distinction between thought and form. Jesus has to construct his whole workbook in A Course In Miracles on making the text between thought and form. His lessons start out with, “Nothing I see means anything,” (W-1) and, “I've given everything I see all this is it's for me.” (W-2) Then, He works his way as much as number four, “These thoughts do not mean anything&rdquo ;.Now, He's talking about thoughts. First He's talking about perception, then about our thoughts, then He returns with lessons 5,6,7,8,9 ... perception, perception, perception, perception, perception ... and then number 10, “My thoughts do not mean anything.” You can see he's attempting to melt everything together and show the final veil or stage of awakening, which will be trust.

The Holy Spirit uses time for you to teach us there's no such thing as time, to take us back to that timeless moment that is the gateway to eternity. He uses symbols to show us that they are all illusions and that they are all equally meaningless. That's the approach to operation of Holy Spirit. The Spirit has to utilize the mind to loosen the attachments from the investment in all kinds of things. What kind of things can you spend money on, these days?

This Moment Is Your Miracle brings you tools to reverse all fearful thoughts and beliefs. Using these tools afford them the ability to obtain the complete sense of freedom and peace you've been yearning for.

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Mar 23 '22 · 0 comments

Le rêveur croit qu’il est un corps. Le corps est une infime partie du monde onirique projeté. Et tout ce que le rêveur croit posséder dans le rêve – objets, concepts, personnes, situations – devient une extension de l’identité du rêveur. Ainsi, si un objet “possédé” est brisé, il semble y avoir de la douleur et de la souffrance, car l’identité même du rêveur est menacée. Mais les objets du rêve, y compris le corps identifié du rêveur, ne sont rien.

Tous les objets, personnes et symboles du rêve sont comme des marionnettes. Ils sont sans vie, ils n’ont pas de vie propre. Les yeux du corps ne voient pas, les oreilles n’entendent pas et les cerveaux ne pensent pas. C’est dans l’esprit du rêveur que tout est projeté – le corps ne fait littéralement rien d’autre que d’exécuter les souhaits de l’un des deux maîtres de l’esprit ucem un cours en miracles. L’ego ou le Saint-Esprit. Ainsi, si le corps – le minuscule morceau de mon rêve auquel l’esprit s’identifie – est contrôlé par l’ego ou le Saint-Esprit, alors le reste du rêve exécute également les souhaits de l’ego ou du Saint-Esprit.

Lorsque le rêveur choisit l’ego, le “corps du rêveur” et l’ensemble du rêve réalisent les souhaits de l’ego – parce que le monde entier, y compris le corps auquel je m’identifie, est projeté à partir de l’esprit du rêveur. Ainsi, lorsque l’esprit prend une décision en faveur de l’ego ou du Saint-Esprit, le monde entier du rêve doit répondre et s’ajuster en conséquence.

Mar 23 '22 · 0 comments

Iihmisillä on monia kysymyksiä kauneudesta ja siihen liittyvistä ongelmista. Tässä on muutamia yleisimpiä kysymyksiä, jotka nousevat esiin jatkuvasti.

Miten pääset eroon silmäpusseista?

Silmien ympärillä oleva iho on ohuin kasvoilla ja sisältää myös runsaasti verisuonia. Nesteen kertyminen tämän herkän ihon alle voi aiheuttaa tummat silmänaluset ja turvotusta - varsinkin jos emme ole nukkuneet!

Se on vanha temppu, mutta kurkkuviipaleet tai jäähdytetyt kamomilla-teepussit väsyneiden silmien päällä voivat vaikuttaa rauhoittavasti ja vapauttaa nesteet liikkeelle.

Levitä sitten silmänympärysvoidetta ja hiero sitä kevyesti nimettömilläsi silmänympärysiholle verenkierron edistämiseksi ja turvotuksen poistamiseksi.

Turvonneet silmät voivat myös olla merkki nestehukasta tai liiallisesta suolan saannista, jotka molemmat aiheuttavat nesteen kertymistä kosmetika. Joten juo tarpeeksi ja vaihda suolaiset välipalat vähäsuolaisiin vaihtoehtoihin. Tämän pitäisi ehkäistä ongelmat.

Voitko tehdä huulet täyteläisemmiksi?

Täysiä huulia pidetään kauniina - aina. Joten ei ole yllättävää, että suuntaus kohti täyteläisempiä huulia on saamassa vauhtia. Se ei ole niin helppoa, koska huulet muuttuvat ajan myötä. Vanhetessaan ne luonnollisesti ohenevat, kun kollageenin ja hyaluronihapon tuotanto hidastuu. Suosittelemme, ettet kokeile erilaisia Internetissä kiertäviä tee-se-itse-ratkaisuja-cayennepippurista tai vesipullojen väärinkäytöllä. On kyllä muutamia asioita, joita voit tehdä saadaksesi huulet täyteläisemmiksi:

Runsaasti proteiinia ja C -vitamiinia sisältävä ruokavalio tukee kollageenin tuotantoa ja auttaa suojaamaan ihon luonnollista rakennetta ja hidastamaan ohenemista. Syö siis runsaasti tummia lehtivihanneksia ja korkealaatuisia proteiinilähteitä, kuten linssejä ja kalaa.

Huulet näyttävät täyteläisiltä, kun ne on kuorittu ja kostutettu. Varmista siis aina, että sinulla on hyvät kosmetika huultenhoitotuotteet ja juo paljon.

Kuinka puhdistat meikkisiveltimet?

Meikkisiveltimien pitäminen erittäin puhtaina on helppo tapa vähentää bakteereja ja auttaa ehkäisemään hilseilyä ja ihottumaa herkälle tai aknealttiille iholle. Puhdista harjat ja siveltimet shampoolla vähintään kerran viikossa.

Varo vahingoittamasta siveltimen tai harjan liimaa. Pidä sitä alaspäin, kostuta harjakset hanan alla lämpimällä vedellä ja hiero hellävaraisesti muutama tippa vauvan shampoota tai tuoksutonta saippuaa irrottamaan meikki ja lika.

Huuhtele huolellisesti ja aseta puhtaalle pyyhkeelle kuivumaan.

Kuinka päästä eroon sisään kasvaneista näppylöistä?

On niin houkuttelevaa puristaa, pistää, raapia tai näpertää sisäänkasvanutta näppylää - mutta vastusta pakkoa! Muussa tapauksessa vain ajat infektion ja tulehduksen syvemmälle huokosiin, mikä lisää merkittävästi arpeutumisen todennäköisyyttä. Ihon alle kasvaneet itsepäiset näppylät vaativat kärsivällisyyttä ja hillintää.

Puhdista kasvot hellävaraisella puhdistusaineella kahdesti päivässä. Ennen kuin teet tämän, liota ongelma-alue jonkin aikaa lämpimän, kostean musliinikankaan alla.

Puhdistuksen jälkeen taputtele iho kuivaksi ja levitä ohut kerros epäpuhtauksia ehkäisevää seerumia.

Mar 23 '22 · 0 comments

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Mar 23 '22 · 0 comments

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Mar 23 '22 · 0 comments

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Mar 23 '22 · 0 comments

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Mar 23 '22 · 0 comments

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Mar 23 '22 · 0 comments

Fashion is definitely a microcosm of culture and economics. When budget is really a major concern, women's blouses will put an expression of appreciation in any woman's wardrobe to serve utility, trends, and comfort. Women's blouses transcend over time and fashion, and they are ideal for any special occasion, be it hanging out with colleagues through the night or on your official duties.

While the planet is indifferent states depending on where one resides, prioritizing Ninacloak outfits, especially women's blouses, remains a way to fashionable trends. Therefore, guidelines some incredible women's blouses that should never lack on any women's wardrobe.

  1. Cotton And Linen Solid Color Short-sleeved Blouse

This is a must-have for the women who've made a decision to take their fashions to another level. It is formal and may be used for casual events; they're mysterious, reserved, and provocative at the exact same time. Their simplicity makes them perfect simply because they will give you a little beauty without effort. If you wish to complement your elegance with these blouses, you are able to blend them with a pendant that will help raise your beauty level.

  1. V Neck Zipper Patchwork Plain Blouses

Speaking of impolite, practical, and straightforward, this trendy women's clothing online has all of it since they're super versatile, and they could be blended with any outfit, be I jeans, black pants, suits, or skirts. The curvy women add a little masculinity that demonstrates their revolution even as they interact with people while dressing in this blouse. They could be worn for formal events and casual occasions too. Despite it being very affordable and economical, they serve the purpose well. When in a multitude, this can draw people's attention due to its classic nature. A good thing about these women's blouses, unlike others, that one will never walk out fashion, and thus it's recommended to buy them.

  1. Casual Printed Long-sleeved Dragonfly Blouse

These women's blouses are loved because of the colorful prints utilized in designing them. They are ideal for any special occasion, but if you like that thrilling touch of programmed informality, you can use them with jeans or skirts. These blouses are extremely flexible and versatile, making them a perfect selection if you should be set for a busy day because they will allow you to maneuver easily without using much effort.

Therefore, Ninacloak should be your one-stop online shopping store where quality is really a major concern. They've the very best and perfect trendy women's clothing online which will add a little sophistically to your outfits, boosting your morale as you interact with your colleagues.

Mar 22 '22 · 0 comments

The break is approaching so fast, and the current weather is warm, making it the very best time to spend along with family and friends. The family and friends are usually there to offer your holiday a colorful taste, but imagine the comfortability and warmth that casual summer maxi dresses will bring. This causes it to be the very best selection for warmer holidays given that they will give you a colorful texture of complexity among your friends. The majority of women are not conversant with fashion trends, and when they think of women's trendy clothing, classic, generic dresses hit their minds. That's not the case because only at Ninacloak, we have outlined the very best items that one might consider before settling for a specific outfit.

  1. Casual summer maxi dresses material

Most probably, the material used in making the casual maxi dresses is the most important thing to consider. This is so because dresses are what depict the personalities of a woman. Lots of the women's dresses are manufactured from cotton, which is a durable material, and thus after making the first purchase, it'll get you for long durations before thinking of replacing it.  

  1. Maxi dress size

The dress's size includes a great influence on what the outfit can look on your body. Therefore, obtaining the measurement done just like how you'd for other clothing before settling for a specific outfit is essential. Select the size that suits you comfortably, do not select oversize since they may not blend well with other outfits.

  1. Casual summer maxi dresses styles

As everybody knows, there are many women's trendy clothing available in the market; each style has its uniqueness that may blend well with some environments and look ambiguous in certain environments. The next really are a great range of styles available at Ninacloak any particular one might consider; the Round Neck Dandelion Print Loose Long Sleeve Maxi Dress is among the most typical styles in the market right now. The Ladies Round Neck Short Sleeve Tie-dye Printed Maxi Dress is the most preferred among other casual summer maxi dresses.

To find the best outstanding outfits, one must prioritize the materials used in designing it, the fitness, styles, and color patterns. Lots of people consider the price fast, making them settle for less quality products however for further guidance and clarification, visit Ninacloak shopping store.

Mar 22 '22 · 0 comments
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