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Why does Hartshorne require that a scheme is separated for defining Weil Divisors

I flipped through Hartshorne section II.6,imitation rolex daytona steel, and nothing requires separatedness there that I could see. The following doesn't precisely address the question, but I added it because it helped me lose interest in the question :).

Fitting with our intuition for the line with doubled origin, Stacks Project Lemma 27.29.3 says that if $X$ is quasicompact then we can find a dense open subscheme $U \subseteq X$ which is separated. Then by Hartshorne Prop. 6.5 there is a surjection $Cl(X) \to Cl(U)$,imitation perpetual date rolex, which is an isomorphism when codim$_XZ > 1$. So, in many examples the class group is the same or not much different than that of something separated. Lemma 27.29.3 is also still satisfied for the easiest of non quasicompact examples, like affine space with infinitely many origins.

If you are hunting for pathologies, maybe you should look for something that fails 27.29.3 then. Still though,rolex daytona price imitation, I'm not sure what properties you would look for to fail since I think everything in Hartshorne is still true.

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Necunoscutul Mihai Codreanu 1

Acest text face parte dintr o carte de reportaje, n lucru, ce va fi lansat n luna octombrie a acestui an la FILIT Festivalul Internaional de Literatur i Traducere Iai. Prin acest proiect original, iniiat de Muzeul Literaturii Romne i susinut de Consiliul Judeean, se urmrete promovarea celor 12 muzee literare din Iai.

________________________Domnul Mihai Codreanu, poet, tocmai a ieit din cas. Desigur, dup tutun, dac ar fi s ne uitm la tabachera de argint, cu monogram, rmas goal pe birou. Este tiut c maestrul pufie ntruna din pip, poate doar cnd doarme o las deoparte, pe un stativ mic de pe noptier, ca s i simt i n somn mirosul plcut de tutun fin, ars. Va zbovi puin la o cafenea sau la cofetria Tuffli, tot pe Lpuneanu, ca s mai spun o glum ori s i recite ultimul sonet, compus poate chiar n drum, de acas i pn la cafenea, n gnd, aa cum face cu toate minunatele lui sonete de pe la 30 de ani, de cnd nu mai vede s scrie i s citeasc. Lucreaz mereu la cte un sonet, n minte, i poate fi vzut pe strad cum optete tot timpul versurile, din mers, ca i cum ar prefira printre buze un irag de mtnii sonore. Apoi se va ntoarce acas, la Vila Sonet din Strada Rece Nr. 5, fr s i vad pe trectorii care l salut cu plriile ridicate, dar rspunzndu le totui. Curnd i vom auzi bastonul de orb, care ascunde n coaja lui de lemn un stilet fatal din oel de Toledo, bocnind ritmic n bordura trotuarului, apoi n treptele de la intrare, strjuite de doi buldogi de bronz. Ferocitatea lor e mblnzit de precizia i frumuseea lucrturii. Unul misterios i dens, plin de parfumuri vechi, oprit, pe ceasul din perete, la ora cnd poetul a murit. Nu se tie dac s a oprit singur sau l a oprit cineva la ora 6 a dimineii de 23 octombrie 1957. Totul aici a rmas exact aa cum era cnd tria Mihai Codreanu. Doar un telefon e strin, adus ca s ntregeasc decorul interbelic. Un aparat vechi, oricum, din cele cu receptorul greu ca un ciocan, acum ngreunat parc i mai mult de sedimentele povetilor ce au vibrat cndva n carcasa lui de ebonit neagr. Vila nu e una dintre acele case memoriale la care nici pereii nu mai sunt cei de la ntemeiere, cu obiecte de strnsur, impersonale, nchise n vitrine reci. Are un aer solemn,rolex day date womens imitation, dar nu artificial, ca de muzeu. E acea solemnitate cald din casele vechi locuite de intelectuali, de aristocrai. ns el nu tia de spusa criticului. Tnrul meu prieten,fake rolex daytona price, un inginer de coal nou, nu s a luminat vreodat de altceva n afar de strlucirea uruburilor sale; voia s l duc la unul dintre muzeele tehnice. Doar suntem n oraul lui Gheorghe Asachi, ntemeietorul nvmntului tehnic romnesc. ns Palatul Culturii era nchis pentru renovare, iar eu insensibil la lumina albastr a uruburilor n alt parte nu tiam vreun muzeu tehnic. Aa c l am dus pe amicul meu nti i nti la Vila Sonet. Mihai Codreanu a fost un mare inginer i am spus n drum spre vil, ca s i a interesul. n ce domeniu? C n am auzit de el. Inginer structurist. A imaginat i a produs cele mai solide i mai frumoase structuri, le a dus pn la perfeciune. Poi admira aceste superbe realizri n crile lui. n crile lui de poezie, pentru c Mihai Codreanu este un poet! i am precizat n ultima clip, cnd era de acum cu piciorul pe prima treapt. Se gndea la un tur n mare vitez printr un depozit de vechituri insipide. Un ochi i rmsese oricum afar, peste drum, la celebra crcium a junimitilor, asta tia i el "Bolta Rece". Deodat, dup numai doi pai, s a oprit. L am vzut transfigurat n clipa cnd a dat cu ochii de masa din salon, aranjat ca pentru prnz, strjuit de impuntorul bufet Bidermeier. Se ntreba mi a spus dup aceea dac nu cumva toat povestea cu muzeul fusese o fars i de fapt l adusesem la mas n casa unui btrn prieten din Iai.n dreptul bibliotecii a prut nu tiu cum c vrea s treac cu mna prin sticl ca s ating volumele vechi,daytona rolex imitation, uriae, lucrate parc unul cte unul i fascicul cu fasciul n atelierul vreunui artizan ptima de altdat, care i ngropa toat fiina n detaliile operei sale, aa cum astzi pare s nu se mai ntmple. n stnga, monumentala "La Grande Encyclopdie (inventaire raisonn des sciences, des lettres, et des arts", cu toate cele 31 de volume ale sale, legate n piele, luminnd discret rafturile cu aurul neters de pe cotoare. Enciclopedia, aprut n Frana ntre 1886 i 1902, nsumeaz peste 37.000 de pagini cu 200.000 de articole, 15.000 de gravuri i 200 de hri. Aa ceva ar nsemna o munc titanic i astzi, n era computerului, cnd cu o simpl apsare pe buton noianul de informaie se aaz cuminte n ordinea impus. Ce nsemna exact s organizezi atta materie acum 150 de ani, cu creionul, pe hrtie, mintea lui de inginer crescut cu laptopul n brae nu putea s imagineze. Acolo, pe tblia aceea pe care timpul s a aezat ntr un strat fin, ca de cear, maestrul i a scris unele dintre sonete. Sau nu? Poate deja i pierduse vederea cnd a ajuns biroul n cas i de acum el i dicta versurile soiei sau secretarei. Dar i aa fiind, tot a stat la birou, minile lui l au atins i, ntr un chip netiut, ceva din fiina poetului a rmas acolo. Cine i iubete opera simte asta. N are cum s nu l strbat acel fior inefabil. ns amicul meu nu cunotea nimic din scrierile lui Mihai Codreanu i pentru el prezena strveche, ascuns a poetului nu nsemna nimic. Nu i simea sufletul. El admira, cu o emoie nedisimulat, meteugul desvrit al biroului. Cum naiba de au fcut mbinrile astea? tii ce greu e s prinzi piesele n curbur? E o tehnic veche. Aa ceva nu se mai face azi. De data asta cu un fel de jen. Nu se cuvine s intri aa, hodoronc tronc, n dormitorul omului. E indecent! A trebuit s i reamintesc amicului meu c se afl totui ntr un muzeu i c nimeni nu se va repezi asupra lui, intrusul, cu bastonul, cel cu limb de oel, agat n cuier lng halatul de cas al demult disprutei noastre gazde. Acelai cuier ine, n alt ghear de lemn, ("Arcuit prin fierbere n abur", a precizat doct tnrul inginer), halatul de automobil al lui Mihai Codreanu. l mbrca peste hainele bune cnd mergea cu maina, s nu le murdreasc. Da, avea main cu ofer!ntlnirea amicului cu "Bolta Rece" s a produs mai trziu dect credea el. S vad i el ce neam de poet a fost dumnealui, de are i cas memorial. Citise cteva sonete expuse la muzeu n ipl, scrise mn, dar dar nu l prinsese niciunul. Cu ce s l seduc, din panoplia strlucitoarelor sonete, pe un tnr colit la Counter Strike i Age of Empires, apoi un pic i prin Politehnica bucuretean, pe un loc pltit? Aveam la mine cele dou volume de "Scrieri", din 1968, ediie de referin, ngrijit de Constantin Ciopraga i Ilie Dan. Primul volum, cu aproape toat opera poetic, al doilea cu publicistic i cu traduceri. Puteam deschide la ntmplare i s i citesc o poezie, oricare. S i zicem Sonetul ascuns. Unul licenios, n care btrnul poet i deplnge, cu autoironie, prbuirea fizic. Sonetul acesta era doar pentru uzul amicilor, li l a recitat de ziua lui, iar pentru public a scris "Sonetul unui octogenar", frumos i decent, bun de predat la coala de maici. Varianta de separeu o primisem de la venerabilul poet Nicolae Turtureanu, fost muzeograf la Vila Sonet. Tot de la dnsul am aflat c sonetul impudic a circulat aproape 50 de ani pe sub mn, fiind tiprit abia n 2003 prin grija lui Romulus Vulpescu. Apoi a amuit brusc i s a uitat ndoit la mine: Adic Pi stai,rolex oyster perpetual day date replica, c nu e chiar aa de rs!Ali clieni nu mai erau pe acolo. Poate i ar fi oripilat, poate le ar fi trezit curiozitatea: cine e oare acest btrn care scrie cu atta umor i cu atta trist nelegere despre asfinitul brbatului? Tnrul comesean cel puin, vznd c nu mai am i altele de acelai calibru, a luat cartea i a nceput s o rsfoiasc. Paginile l au prins imediat. Nici n a ntors capul cnd o chelneri btrn i uor euforic ne a adus platoul cu bunti moldoveneti. Cnd i a fcut plinul cu poezie nici nu are un rezervor prea ncptor a lsat cartea jos i, vdit impresionat, a spus un singur cuvnt: Mito!Mi s a prut c este o victorie postum a poetului Mihai Codreanu s obin admiraia deplin a unui profan al poeziei. Nu se studiaz n coli, crile lui nu se mai editeaz, vizitatorii nu stau la coad la casa memorial. S a mutat de mult aici? mi au rspuns, ntrebndu m, unii care preau s locuiasc n zon. i recunoteai dup mersul linitit, din apropierea casei, dup indiferena, dat de obinuin, cu care urcau agale pe strdua veche. Da, s a mutat la cele venice n 1957. Iat, asta e casa Codreanu! i le artam vila din crucea drumului. Nu, domnule, aici locuiete familia Grdinariu!E adevrat, la etaj locuiete aceast familie respectabil. O dram recent i a adus o frm de notorietate trist n cartier. Sunt oameni fr nicio legtur cu poetul. Doamna Cati, cea de a doua soie, dup moartea soului s a grbit s doneze statului ce i a mai rmas, parterul i subsolul, cu o clauz special: ea s rmn n locuin pn la moarte. n felul acesta fericit pentru noi casa n a fost naionalizat, n a urmat destinul attor cldiri distruse de nite locatari venii din proletariatul semianalfabet, dintre cei care pun pe foc pianul ntr un roman de al lui Paul Goma, i totul s a pstrat, prin grija soiei, exact cum era cnd tria poetul. Micul scuar n care e aezat nu e ngrdit. Cinii vagabonzi i o adjudec prin ridicarea piciorului, trecnd o n teritoriul lor, iar oferii parcheaz cu botul mainii lipit de soclu, mai mai s l drme i numai grija de maina lor i oprete de la asta. Nici n ar fi mare lucru: n Iai, trei busturi Barbu tefnescu Delavrancea, Ciprian Porumbescu i Nicoale Gane au disprut cu totul din parcul Copou. Un soclu cam mare. Disproporia i sare n ochi i unui necunosctor. Poate vrei la "Bolta Rece" de pe Strada Rece. Nu, eu vreau la Vila Sonet de pe Strada Rece. Casa Codreanu, doamn! Muzeul! Stai oleac s ntreb.i simeam ncordarea la telefon. i frustrarea. Gfia. Cum s nu tie unde e Casa Codreanu, Vila Sonet, ea, care cunoate fiecare cotlon al acestui ora plin de surprize edilitare? E fa n fa cu "Bolta Rece"!, zic. La doi pai. Ah! s a relaxat dintr odat femeia. Numai la "Bolt" ne cheam lumea!Exact aa mi s a ntmplat. i nu o singur dat.
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Nov 1 '17 · 0 comments
Paltrow Are Dressed to Kill

The movie: "A Perfect Murder"

The Setup: A "Dial M for Murder" inspired tale about millionaire financier Steven Taylor (Michael Douglas), who plots to kill his unfaithful wife, Emily (Gwyneth Paltrow).

The Look: The Taylors dress strictly upper crust, although there's an added fashion subtext. The chess moves of the plot are subtly played out in wardrobe choices. "For every positive, there's a negative," explains Mirojnick. "If you want one character to recede into the darkness, another must come forward." For example, a murder attempt occurs when Steven wears an ominous charcoal tone on tone ensemble, which is meant to overpower Emily, who wears a luminous, cream silk robe.

Her Look: Emily oozes elegance, class,cartier braclet, money in leather, suede,love cartier bangle, cashmere, silk and shearling of purposefully indeterminate source,love braclet, save for one fabled black Hermes "Kelly" handbag and several Hermes scarves. (Mirojnick designed most of the principals' wardrobes, except for Emily's Loro Piana cashmere sweaters, a Balenciaga gown and a brown shearling jacket by Maxfield in London.) Trousers, sweaters, skirts and coats are all cut simply, close to the body and without gimmicks. The point is that Emily doesn't need to announce her good taste with a recognizable label or logo. She is a woman of confidence who can "put on a white (cotton) shirt, a little skirt (black knit, just above the ankle) and a piece of jewelry around the neck (8 millimeter pearls, double strand) and look like a million dollars." You can also calculate into that Paltrow's own platinum and diamond Cartier watch.

His Look: Steven's dark toned wardrobe of three piece suits worn with murky shirts and ties, including one exceedingly creepy deep violet shirt and tie, clearly conveyed evil. But the cut of the clothes served another purpose. Jackets with high armholes; straight, not sloped, shoulders; and an exceptionally close fit forced the actor into a power pose. Douglas says vests were particularly important, allowing him to leave open his jackets and "expand in your mind." Douglas adds, "If something fits you smoothly, as opposed to rumpled, no wind comes over you. It fits aerodynamically as if this guy is a shark designed to cut through water."

The Paltrow Factor: It happens in every movie from "Great Expectations" to "Sliding Doors." Paltrow simply looks awesome in whatever she wears. How does she do it? "She has a kind of hanger body," Mirojnick reasons. "She's tall. She's thin. Her legs are longer than her torso. She has great stride and knows how to move in clothes. She knows how to sashay and how to be still. I'm sure she's been playing dress up since she was a little girl."

Scarf Trick: Fussy neck scarves can doom the best fashion intentions. Emily's, on the other hand, were knotted with such nonchalance that they only add to her glamour quotient. Mirojnick says, "You fold it in a triangle, put it at your neck, double knot it, puff it out and leave it alone. The key is leaving it alone. I'm not joking about that one."

Trivia: An important plot point involves Emily's delicate,cartier love diamond, though impressive, diamond and platinum wedding band (by Los Angeles jewelry designer Cathy Waterman). It was Paltrow who initially introduced Mirojnick to Waterman's jewelry at Barneys New York in Beverly Hills, but Mirojnick feared it was too dainty to hold its own on camera. So Waterman agreed to put three of her rings together one floral pattern sandwiched between two vines.
Nov 1 '17 · 0 comments
Narcodress is the message

Humphrey Bogart idealises the image of the Mafioso which he made so much his own and it was not long before everyone was wearing those elegant suits and splendid white shirts. What we wear is an important element when it comes to belonging.

The first drug traffickers were country folk. They came to the city wearing Levi jeans and checked woollen or flannel shirts.

They wore plaited leather sandals or shoes of untreated leather, straw hats and maybe for protection, a small chain with the Virgin of Guadalupe. The women dressed in floral skirts.

As time passed and with integration into city life, their image changed markedly. After all, the way you are perceived, you are treated accordingly.

Experienced designers took it upon themselves to compare the sobriety of "The Godfather" of the film and the colourful Cuban shirts prominent in "Scarface". The result was trousers made with fine materials, khaki or other dark colours, shirts of all types, from the smoothest to the most extravagant Miami style prints, exotic ostrich or crocodile skin boots, wide belts with ostentatious hand tooled leather buckles and huge pieces of jewellery, studded with emeralds and diamonds.

The women are dressed by the most prestigious fashion houses. Both sexes insist on designer jeans, either studded or embroidered and their hats cost around US$10,000.

The narcos are leading figures. Although it would be better for them to pass unnoticed, the opposite is the case. They love to be the centre of attention and for this their clothes play a significant role.

Their way of dress demonstrates their allegiance to a very powerful group which others are more than happy to imitate.

From that reality of Mexican society today, springs this little tale of fiction.


Zurdo Mendieta is a police officer who lives in Col Pop, a rough neighbourhood in Culiacan which has been home to boxers, artists, guerrillas and narcos. At one time youngsters used to say they only had two options in life: to be a guerrilla or a drug dealer. Since the guerrilla had been annihilated some time ago, they had to settle for ferrying drugs to the US border in suitcases, trucks and launches.

A knock at the door. Zurdo, who lives alone, opens it. He's watching 'Atonement' and not pleased at the interruption. What's going on? He is surprised by the visitor, especially at midnight. The only cop ever to nick me, says Roas, a local drug dealer. Can I come in? You already are.

Roas moved aside some newspapers and sat down on the sofa. He was wearing yellow ostrich leather boots, black jeans and a printed silk shirt. He wore a diamond slave bracelet on each arm and a Cartier watch on the left one. He placed a package by his side.

OK dammit Zurdo, stop looking at me as if you didnt know me. Well,cartier ring replica love, I dont understand why you are here, at this time, dressed for one of your parties.

What! Don't insult me you bastard,cartier love replica ring diamonds, if I dared to go dressed like this to a party they wouldnt let me in. You have to go with the right gear on or not at all. You dont say! The boots for instance would cost double the price of the ones he's wearing, and I've got my emerald bangles. So you're saying you're dressed poorly at the moment? Well yes actually, I don't want people talking about me, saying I'm pretentious or anything. Anyway Im only paying you a visit, mate, everythings OK. Fancy a line? No. You dont know what youre missing and Im going to repeat what I told you years ago, Ill never forget you were the only bastard to catch me. Dont remind me, your enemies almost killed me when I let you go. Ah, thats another matter: but Im glad you havent forgotten that we are from the same neighbourhood and grew up together.

They were both over 40 and they looked it. Got anything to drink? Water. Ill go rusty, he joked. Beer. OK coming up. Mendieta sat down opposite his visitor. What a change from 14 years ago when he apprehended him. He was dressed in jeans and tee shirt with John Lennon on the front. He was a great admirer of the Beatle and wanted people to know it. He didn't release him, not because he was from the neighbourhood or because they were old school friends, but because months earlier, he had warned his brother that the police were after him. In Col pop everybody watched everybody else's back and he wasn't going to be any different. Now with those silk clothes and air of triumph about him,cartier yellow diamond replica ring, so different from that time. He concentrated on the shirt and saw an image of the Liverpudlian stamped on it. I see you are still a fan. There are everlasting loves, dear Zurdo, and this is one of them. I know you are still living with Concha. You should see my woman, no longer the skinny little girl you knew. She wears designer clothes now and quality jewellery. Her backside has really filled out nicely and when she wears jeans, I almost want to the kill her or kill those stupid guys who look at her; she's a stunner, Zurdo.

Mendieta opened him another beer, he'd barely touched his own. I know you're dying to know why I've come, don't deny it. I haven't the faintest idea and if you must know, I'm quite relaxed now, he lied. Roas was the most wanted narco around with the DEAs highest ever price on his head. In spite of everything you are right,cartier ring replica love collection, weve known each other since we were kids. Yes, but you turned out crazy, its the only explanation for your being a cop and living in poverty; hey and your brother, the one in the States? Did he marry that girl with the great backside? He sat motionless. Now he was a great guy. Mendieta lit a cigarette and drank his beer.

Do you want to know where I live? No. Youre right not to. Ever since the president declared war on us, this town is the pits, you cant live here any more, Zurdo. This is no place for my grandchildren to grow up in. The place is full of soldiers and federal agents, some of them have gone completely mad and you see dead bodies on a daily basis, but what am I telling you for? Youre a cop, you bastard, the only one ever to nick me.

He drank the rest of his beer in one gulp. This is what I came for, Zurdo, to warn you, bastard. They are going after the police. In this package youll find clothes to disguise yourself so you look the part. They are murdering your colleagues as we speak, itll be a massacre, but we are not to blame. Youll like what Ive brought you, youll look like youre going to a party, except for the shirt which is the same as mine. How do you know this is going to happen? Nothing escapes me, my friend. They looked at each other. The clothes will be your safe conduct. I was never a fan of Lennon. I know. He opened up the parcel and pulled out a shirt with Lennon on it, sitting at the piano. Itll bring you luck. You can give me back the bracelets and the watch, Ill tell you how. Roas, I wont run away. I know youve got plenty of balls, Zurdo and Im not telling you to flee, just dress like us so you can get out of here. He took his boots off. Maybe they are your size. A week from now well meet up in the Botanical Gardens at six oclock in the evening. You can give me back my clothes and jewellery. Since you are going to love the clothes and they will suit you, you may keep them. But why John Lennon? I would have preferred Mick Jagger. Stop complaining or Ill put a bullet in you here and now, you bastard. He smiled as he got to his feet.

Two days later, the press reported 52 police officers killed that night. He received the Tusquets prize in 2007 for "Balas de plata" (Silver bullets). He is also a lecturer at the Autonomous University of Sinaloa and Member of the Sinaloa College.
Nov 1 '17 · 0 comments
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