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Actor who took camp parts as Barbarella's guardian angel and as Sinbad

John Phillip Law, who died in Los Angeles on Tuesday aged 70, was a first class leading man in second rate films of the 1960s and 1970s; he will perhaps be best remembered as the blind angel Pygar in that masterpiece of camp and male fantasy, Barbarella (1968).

Cast as much for his piercing gaze and imposing physique he stood 6ft 5in as for his acting, Law had first found work in the Italian cinema after struggling to do price of cartier ring knock off so in Hollywood, and he cartier love ring price white gold replica remained a cult figure in fake ring cartier price Europe for much of his career.

He made his debut in a pair of portmanteau pieces, Tre notti d'amore and Alta infedelt (both 1964), before sharing the lead with Lee Van Cleef in Death Rides A Horse (Da Uomo a Uomo, 1967), a spaghetti Western most notable as an influence on Quentin Tarantino.

Law's performances abroad caught the eye of the director Norman Jewison, who brought him back to America for the Cold War comedy The Russians are Coming, The ring cartier price copy Russians are Coming (1966). Law played one of the Soviet sailors pretending to be Norwegians after their submarine runs aground in New England, and was nominated for a Golden Globe. He also gained good reviews as the unsuspecting object of Rod Steiger's desires in The Sergeant (1968), a study of repressed homosexuality in the army.

Yet now his European connections were to have a decisive effect on his career. The Italian producer of Barbarella, Dino de Laurentiis, cast him as the winged and semi clad protector of Jane Fonda's intergalactic heroine in Roger Vadim's paean to women's sexual insatiability. (Pygar regains the will to fly after tumbling Barbarella in his nest).

Though more fondly regarded in retrospect, the film was a commercial flop at the time, as was De Laurentiis's next project, Danger: Diabolik (1968), another adaptation of a Continental comic strip in which Law played the titular criminal mastermind. Its director, the Italian Mario Bava, is now praised for remaining faithful to the style of the original, but to contemporaries it came across as more kitsch than sinister.

Thereafter Law was relegated to increasingly inferior screen fare. He was The Red Baron (1970) in Roger Corman's biopic of Von Richthofen and the lead in The Love Machine (1971), a disastrous version of Jacqueline Susann's pulp novel about a television network. He was also the seafaring hero of The Golden Voyage of Sinbad (1974), which co starred Ray Harryhausen's special effects, Caroline Munro (the Lamb's Navy Rum poster girl) and Tom Baker, the former star of Doctor Who.

His best work of the period was an Italian film, Polvere di Stelle (Stardust, 1973), a nostalgic look at a travelling theatrical company, with Alberto Sordi and Monica Vitti. In English, he was confined to bit parts in the VIPs on a train disaster movie The Cassandra Crossing (1977) and in Tarzan the Ape Man (1981), with Bo Derek.

John Phillip Law was born in Los Angeles on September 7 1937. The son of a deputy sheriff and an actress, he attended Hollywood High School and originally wanted to be a psychologist. At university in Hawaii, however, he began acting and, after studying with Elia Kazan, had several minor parts on Broadway.

While waiting for his break, he shared a house in Los Angeles with his brother Tom, who was the road manager for the folk singing group Peter, Paul and Mary. They rented rooms to then unknowns such as Bob Dylan and Andy Warhol, and took peyote with Timothy Leary. Tom Law became well known in the hippy community, and both brothers eventually appeared in Skidoo (1968), Otto Preminger's thoroughly strange hymn to the joys of turning on and dropping out, which features Groucho Marx as God. John Phillip Law was also friendly with Hugh Hefner, and a frequent visitor to the Playboy Mansion.

In the 1980s he had a spell in the American daytime soap The Young and the Restless, as well as guest spots in shows such as Murder, She Wrote. Having retained his good looks, he also appeared in straight to video action films, as well as in several Italian and German mini series.
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    Chinese languages gain ground in Metro Vancouver

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    An analysis of data released last week from the 2016 Canadian census shows the country major cities are developing different characters based on languages spoken Arabic is the leading immigrant language in Montreal, Tagalog (Filipino) leads in Calgary, and Chinese leads in Toronto and Metro Vancouver.

    Of Canada major cities, Metro Vancouver has the biggest proportion of residents 25 per cent who speak neither English nor French in their homes, with the largest group of them speaking a Chinese language, a term that Statistics Canada uses to distinguishes them from English or French, the languages of the early settlers who established Canada public institutions.

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    are being encouraged to pass on their mother tongue to their children. Generally, it considered great to have a language other than English or French, said Von Bergmann, who speaks to his young child in his native tongue of German, while his wife talks with their son in her native Mandarin.

    Von Bergmann, who has created interactive online maps based on census language data, says that immigrants are more likely to hold onto their mother tongues if they live in places such as Vancouver or Toronto, where large numbers of people speak the same language.

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    The proportion who can speak English or French rises to 11.2 per cent in the City of Richmond, which is the highest ratio of any municipality in the country.

    Richmond has for years been the centre of controversy over the expansion of Chinese language signs, as well as over Chinese language condo meetings. linguist Bonny Norton says Canadians value multilingualism, she cautions that people who do not learn one of Canada two official languages are unable to take part in important public addition, studies by Canada immigration department found that newcomers who cannot speak English or French struggle, with one third lower earnings than other Canadians.

    A Statistics Canada study by Edward Ng also discovered that immigrants with poor skills in English or French are three times more likely to report poor health.

    Interactive language maps compiled by Von Bergmann show that 50 to 70 per cent of residents in large sections of Richmond are made up of people whose mother tongue is Mandarin (generally associated with northern China and Taiwan) or Cantonese (generally associated with southern China and Hong Kong).

    Mandarin has become common since 2011 in West Vancouver and on the west side of Vancouver, a trend that corresponds to real estate stories detailing how wealthy Mainland Chinese have been buying up properties in those expensive neighbourhoods.

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    CNN Medical Correspondent

    I'll never forget the first time February 14 came around during our relationship. I didn't even receive a card. My husband claimed it was a greeting card holiday and he didn't want a company telling him when to express his feelings. He didn't make that mistake again. I received a bouquet of flowers the next day.

    As our first anniversary approached, I searched for the perfect gift. My husband gave me a fire extinguisher, saying he always wanted me to be safe. Fortunately, we've never had to use the device and his gift selections have improved significantly.

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    I asked Emory University Psychiatrist Dr. Charles Raison about the health benefits of a long, steady relationship. He told me that some studies reveal that married people are happier than single people.

    Depending on the quality of the relationship, Raison said "marriages can both lower and raise blood pressure and extend life and shorten it."

    In other words, a good relationship with a steady partner can be good for your health. It's reassuring to confirm what I've already learned during the past two decades. There is nothing better than growing old with someone you love, trust and admire. We are partners, companions and even Valentines.

    How has your loving relationship positively affected your health? Do you find that the good times help you to better navigate the difficult times? We'd love to hear your thoughts.

    Editor Note: Medical news is a popular but sensitive subject rooted in science. We receive many comments on this blog each day; not all are posted. Our hope is that much will be learned from the sharing of useful information and personal experiences based on the medical and health topics of the blog. We encourage you to focus your comments on those medical and health topics and we appreciate your input. Thank you for your participation.

    We heard news this week about a reported increase in brown recluse spider bites, but I have my own bug story to pass along.

    While I was taking a walk last Saturday morning I was stung by a large, unidentified flying insect. The "UFI" was buzzing around my head. After I swatted it away, my new adversary took revenge by sinking its hypodermic needle like stinger into my lower thigh.

    I screamed so loudly a passing car stopped to see if I was okay. I forced myself to keep breathing as I walked with a limp for a mile and a half back home.

    I watched my wound grow from a tiny bump on Saturday to a five inch in diameter dark red mass on Sunday night. I used some over the counter anti itch cream, but the ointment stuck to cartier imitation men wedding ring my pants. By Tuesday my colleagues in the CNN Medical Unit were trying to diagnose my malady. Was it an infection? Maybe it was blood poisoning.

    By now you're wondering why I didn't get it checked out by a doctor. I finally did just that on Tuesday afternoon. The doctor measured the rash, checked for swollen glands, asked about my breathing and declared that I had a localized reaction to an insect sting.

    Relieved, I left the office with another tube of prescription strength anti itch cream and a warning that the rash may stick around for a week or more.

    I would like to head back out on my walking path tomorrow morning, but a week after getting stung I plan to coat myself with bug spray and this time, I'll be on the lookout for any "UFIs."

    How do you protect yourself from attacks cartier imitation love collection ring by summer insects?

    Editor Note: Medical news is a popular but sensitive subject rooted in science. We receive many comments on this blog each day; not all are posted. Our hope is that much will be learned from the sharing of useful information and personal experiences based on the medical and health topics of the blog. We encourage you to focus your comments on those medical and health topics and we appreciate your input. Thank you for your participation.

    I've covered hundreds of stories during my 18 years with CNN, but one recent assignment left me blushing. Pole dancing is a growing exercise trend. My plan was to observe a class in Atlanta and interview some students.

    I wasn't quite prepared for what I witnessed. A few women were dressed in gym shorts and T shirts, but the majority wore sexy teddies or camisoles and stiletto heels. I, on the other hand, must have looked like an overdressed prude in the corner. My photographer was the only man allowed in the building. Together we laughed our way through a fun and eye opening evening.

    We watched as mothers, teachers, claims adjusters, nurses and businesswomen in all shapes and sizes used exotic dance moves to get in a workout and tap their inner vixen.

    I had no idea that pole dancing was such strenuous exercise. The women were lifting their body weight as they circled, straddled and shimmied their way through pole "tricks" the specific moves.

    The advanced students were very impressive, climbing up the 16 foot pole and hanging upside down while holding on with their inner thighs. If I had attempted this I would have torn a ligament or gotten a concussion.

    It wasn't just the derring do that was impressive. These women seemed to be empowered as they strutted around the dance studio cheering one another on. It was like watching sorority sisters without the sweater sets and pearls.

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    I stood up, walked a couple of steps ring of love fake in my sensible one inch heels and chickened out. This was one story where you wouldn't see any reporter involvement.

    Editor Note: Medical news is a popular but sensitive subject rooted in science. We receive many comments on this blog each day; not all are posted. Our hope is that much will be learned from the sharing of useful information and personal experiences based on the medical and health topics of the blog. We encourage you to focus your comments on those medical and health topics and we appreciate your input. Thank you for your participation.
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    The Championship Madison Marching Dodgers will host the Annual Pancake Breakfast Fundraiser on Sunday, Jan. to noon, at the Madison Elks Club (192 Main St.). Pictured are current members of the award winning Marching Dodgers (front row, from left) Jesse Cummings, Cole Johnson, Abigail Riley, Jacki DiPierro (second how much are cartier love bracelets copy row) Peter Daly, Austin Habib, Michael Gribble, Noah French, James Mikula, Kevin Travers, John Tagriello. (Photo by Grace Van Cleef)Independent Press

    The Championship Madison Marching Dodgers will host the Annual Pancake Breakfast Fundraiser on Sunday, Jan. to how much is a cartier bracelet copy noon, at the Madison Elks Club (192 Main St.). cartier bracelet lock Enjoy the $6 all you can eat breakfast of pancakes, sausage, bacon, fruit salad, juice, and coffee and hear the thrilling stories that the Marching Dodgers can tell!

    Most of all, eating pancakes together will make an important difference to the ever growing Marching Dodgers Band as they raise money for desperately needed instruments, band safety equipment, uniforms, transportation, and more.

    Under the direction of Director of Bands Russ Batch, the Marching Dodgers recently excelled at the Atlantic Coast Championships of the Tournament of Bands. Their intensive practices, complex choreographed formations, high level musicianship, and advanced drills are now well known in Madison and across New Jersey. The musicians and color guard involved over 50 students this year in performance opportunities which promote and assist in the educational development of students to achieve their greatest potential.

    The Marching Dodgers Booster Club was created to support the students, directors and families of the Madison Marching Dodgers Band in their goal to achieve the highest standards of music education, enrichment and performance. Marching Dodgers Booster Club is a 501(c)(3) tax exempt organization. Donations are tax deductible and eligible for many employers' matching gifts. Consider contacting your employer about matching your gift.
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    De gevaren van het roken van sigaretten tijdens de zwangerschap

    Het droevige feit is het roken van sigaretten is onderdeel van veel van ons leven, ongeacht of we of niet roken. Helaas, dit omvat ook ongeboren baby 's.

    Uit enqutes blijkt dat vele moeders rook sigaretten nog tijdens hun zwangerschap. Meest waarschijnlijk dat deze vrouwen zich niet bewust van hoe schadelijk het roken van sigaretten is echt op hun ongeboren baby en zijn zich niet bewust dat sigaretten roken tijdens de zwangerschap een van de belangrijkste oorzaken van kindersterfte sterfgevallen in de maatschappij vandaag is.

    In feite, sigarettenrook alleen is vol met chemicalin, sommige zelfs staat van studies, het heeft meer dan 2.500 chemische stoffen. Sommige chemische stoffen zoals teer, koolmonoxide, en nicotine worden beschouwd als de meest gevaarlijke stof voor de foetus. Het is lang bewezen hoe deze chemicalin kunnen sterk invloed op de ontwikkeling van de foetus in de baarmoeder van de moeder.

    Ten eerste, moeders die de rook terwijl zwanger buitenbaarmoederlijke zwangerschap risico lopen. Dit is met name haalbaar wanneer de moeder een zware roker tijdens het eerste trimester van de zwangerschap is.

    Buitenbaarmoederlijke zwangerschap verwijst naar de staat waarin het embryo is ingesloten buiten de baarmoeder, die is in tegenstelling tot wat normale zwangerschap zou moeten zijn. Meestal wordt het ingebed in de eileider. Op deze manier heeft de foetus te verwijderen omdat dit soort zwangerschap zal nooit overleven. Deze foetus zal nooit overleven buiten de baarmoeder waar een foetus krijgt alle voeding en bescherming die zij nodig heeft. Verlenging van deze voorwaarde zal alleen het risico van de moeder leven.

    Ook, sigaretten roken tijdens de zwangerschap verhoogt de kans dat de moeder complicaties in de placenta zullen ontwikkelen. Verslagen blijkt dat de placenta problemen daadwerkelijk in ongeveer 1% van de zwangerschappen gebeurt zijn. Het meest voorkomende probleem is "placenta previa" waar de placenta zeer laag in de baarmoeder is aangesloten en is bijna op de baarmoederhals.

    Een ander probleem met roken van sigaretten tijdens de zwangerschap is de verslechtering van de foetale groei. Het feit is roken tijdens de zwangerschap resultaten in baby laag geboortegewicht. Voor vele jaren rapporten is gebleken dat er grote verschillen cartier bracelet replica tussen de baby's met moeders die gerookte sigaretten tijdens de zwangerschap en degenen die niet roken moeders hebben.

    Helaas, grotere risico's worden opgelegd aan baby's die minder wegen dan de normale baby's. Zij kunnen het verwerven van bepaalde ziekten zoals hersenverlamming, mentale retardatie, of erger nog dood.

    Er zijn ook rapporten over hoe sigaret roken tijdens de zwangerschap de waarschijnlijkheid van aangeboren afwijkingen zoals gespleten lip en gespleten gehemelte verhoogt.

    Bovendien hebben baby's geboren met moeders die sigaret rokers hogere gevallen van wiegendood. Als er ooit deze zuigelingen overleven, ze nog steeds kunnen oplopen ziekten zoals astma, gedragsproblemen, of leermoeilijkheden.

    Dan er de na de zwangerschap woes zijn.

    Voor baby's met moeders die regelmatig roken, problemen loer liggen nog steeds in hun omgeving. Dit is vooral waar moeders die roken zelfs wanneer zij borstvoeding geven hun baby 's.

    Onderzoek heeft uitgewezen dat nicotine kan worden doorgegeven aan de baby via borstvoeding. Er zijn experimenten die de aanwezigheid van nicotine in het systeem van de baby's door urine testen bewijzen. Later bleek dat er een hoger cartier love lock bracelet percentage van nicotine gevonden op baby's die borstvoeding sigaret roken moeders.

    De meeste deskundigen beweren fake how much is a cartier love bracelet dat het probleem binnen de drang van de moeder terug te keren naar roken van sigaretten rechts ligt nadat ze geeft de geboorte.

    Helaas, wanneer de moeder roken tijdens de beginjaren van het leven van haar kind blijft, de kansen zijn dat ze is al een kind dat zal hoogstwaarschijnlijk een sigaret roker zelf vormgeven.

    Dus, wat is het punt hier? Het feit dat de moeder niet de zorg voor haar eigen gezondheid lock bracelet cartier is n ding. Maar het feit dat ze groter risico op haar baby vanwege haar vice legt is een ander ding.

    Baby's moeten worden gegeven het recht op een fatsoenlijke, normaal en gezond leven. Dus, voor de "moms to be" out there, houd in gedachten dat uw baby's moeten niet worden gedwongen te lijden onder de lange reeks gevaren van het roken van sigaretten. Laten we zorgen voor hen door niet roken sigaretten.

    Mensen die genteresseerd zijn in het bovenstaande artikel zijn ook genteresseerd in de aanverwante artikelen hieronder:

    Home Remedies voor stoppen met roken besturingselement de rookvrije dringt er bij

    De meeste mensen zijn nu volledig op de hoogte van de gevaarlijke gevolgen van het roken van sigaretten en het belang van deze riskante gewoonte stoppen. Roken is een van de belangrijkste factoren die leiden voortijdige sterfgevallen tot. Deze gewoonte kan maken u meer kwetsbaar voor veel dodelijke ziekten, met inbegrip van cardiovasculaire aandoeningen, chronische bronchitis, longontsteking, verschillende soorten kanker, en staar.

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    Roken is de praktijk van proeven of inademen van de damp weggegeven door stoffen zoals tabak, opium of cannabis wanneer verbrand. Verbranding van deze stoffen vrijgeven nicotine, dat is opgenomen in de longen. Roken is eigenlijk een recreatief druggebruik en een verslaafde tabak doet genoeg schade aan de gezondheid van zijn of haar.

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    Central Victorian student jeweller shortlisted for national award

    Zoe Berman knock off love ring price used to study environmental impact and land management and now makes jewellery inspired by her landscape.

    She is both excited and honoured that one of her pieces is shortlisted for the national biennale exhibition to be held at Castlemaine Art Gallery and Historical Museum.

    The award and exhibition was established in 1988 by Buda Historic Home and Garden, the home of silversmith Ernest Leviny, who came to central Victoria from Hungary seeking gold in the 1850s. He went on to become a successful colonial silversmith and the award commemorates his significant contribution to Australian cartier yellow diamond ring price imitation silversmithing.

    According to Buda secretary Pat Grumont the award is unique as it is the only award in Australia to celebrate not only jewellery, but other formed work such as vases.

    Pat said they received over 70 entries which how much are cartier love fake rings they whittled down to 53 by a selection panel made up of eminent people in the field. The entries ranged from a very large group of wooden and silver objects measuring one metre long called, 'We're all mad here', by Sydney's Gretel Ferguson to the very tiny necklace with by Tasmanian Janine Combs.

    There are seven awards in total including an $8000 Arts Centre Melbourne Silver Acquisitive Award and the Students and Recent Graduates Gold and Silversmith's Guild of Australia Award.

    "The other thing that is really special about this exhibition is that you have professionals exhibiting alongside students," Pat said.

    Zoe said it is an important award as it helps build her career and profile.

    "It's quite a nice validation of your work regardless if you win or not," she said.

    The sterling silver necklace that she entered contains a large pendant based on two wild flowers she found in her front yard. Containing peridot green cubic zirconia, she combined them into one stylised piece.

    Zoe said she takes her inspiration cartier yellow diamond ring price replica from the large brightly coloured pieces from the French jewellery company Van Cleef and Arpels and the shapes of her natural landscape.

    "I saw a branch yesterday and thought I can turn that into a really nice necklace," she said.

    Interested in jewellery making since she was very young, Zoe recently discovered old pieces from her childhood when going through old boxes.

    "I've got all this stuff I had been doing forever," she said.

    But it was only when she started her formal training at the Bendigo Gem Club five years ago then went on to study a two year a jewellery manufacturing and design course at NMIT that she began to take it seriously.
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    at the Vancouver school board

    is probing allegations of bullying and harassment of staff by elected cartier diamond imitation rings trustees. government is set to release a forensic audit into the finances of the district, which faces a $15 million budget shortfall next year.

    And Education Minister Mike Bernier is again love ring price copy threatening to fire the entire elected school board.

    just mind boggling. You don know what going to happen next, said Ballantyne, a trustee with the minority Non Partisan Association.

    For the record, Ballantyne says he hasn bullied or price cartier love ring copy harassed any school district managers. He said all four of the NPA trustees on the board are fully onside.

    support our senior management team all the way, he said.

    But the four Vision Vancouver trustees and the lone Green party trustee on the board insist they aren bullies, either. So what gives?

    have no idea what these bullying allegations are about or why so many people have gone on medical leave, Ballantyne said.

    I do know it a Vision Green majority. They the ones in control. It their power play. And men cartier fake ring it a total gong show. Vision and Green trustees voted this week to suspend a public review of 11 potential closures of underused schools.

    Ballantyne said the move was an insult to district staff who worked for 18 months on the school consolidation plan in the district, which has 8,000 empty student spaces due to falling enrolment.

    staff were hung out to dry, he said. brutal. that schools won be closing at least for now was hailed by the Vision trustees and by parents fighting to keep their kids schools opened.

    But Ballantyne warned their will come with a steep price.

    have to cut $15 million from the budget and the money has to come from somewhere, he said.

    will have to cut to the core next year. We will have fewer librarians, fewer counsellors, fewer teachers. what if Bernier steps in and fires the lot of them? I speculated in an earlier column that the education minister would not take such drastic action with an election looming next spring.

    But the bullying charges throw an unexpected wild card into the game. Maybe Bernier will use the allegations as an excuse to bring the hammer down. probe grinds on.

    Much depends on the outcome of the forensic audit, which could be released Friday or next week. epaper, Digital Access, Subscriber Rewards), please input your Print Newspaper subscription phone number and postal code.

    By clicking "Create Account", I hearby grant permission to Postmedia to use my account information to create my account.

    I also accept and agree to be bound by Postmedia's Terms and Conditions with respect to my use of the Site and I have read and understand Postmedia's Privacy Statement. epaper, Digital Access, Subscriber Rewards), please input your Print Newspaper subscription phone number and postal code.
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