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Marion J. Connell LAWRENCEVILLE Marion J. Connell, 91, of Lawrenceville died on Monday, Oct. 12. 2014, in her home at the Brunswick at Attleboro van cleef and arpels necklaces replica Village in Langhorne, PA. Marion was born in Paterson, NJ, and spent her early years living with her parents and four older brothers in Wyckoff, NJ. She graduated from Hawthorne High School at the age of 16. During the war years, Marion worked for Curtiss Wright Aeronautical and learned how to fly with the goal of shuttling planes to Europe for our servicemen. She married Charles E. Connell in 1945 and started married life in Princeton, NJ, before buying a home in Lawrenceville. She was also co imitation van cleef pendant owner with her husband of Glenburnie Feed and Grain. Marion was a longstanding member of the replica van cleef and arpel necklace Church of St. Ann and was involved in numerous church activities. Wife of the late Charles E. Connell; daughter of the late Stanley Juall and Sophia Bigorajski Juall; sister of the late Eugene Juall, Walter Juall, Chester Juall and Robert Juall, and sister in law of the late Mary J. Butler and Daniel E. Connell, Marion is survived by her two daughters and sons in law, Nancy and Robert Puri and Colleen and David Estey; her grandchildren, Christopher Puri and his wife, Melissa; Jennifer Zakrzewski and her husband, Craig, and Erin Connors and her husband, Patrick, and her great grandchildren; Colin Puri, Luke and Hailey Zakrzewski, Ryann Connors. She is also survived by her sisters in law, Patricia Shelmet, Dorothy Juall and Bette Juall and many nieces and nephews and friends locally and in Florida. A Mass of Christian Burial will be celebrated for Marion on Wednesday, Oct. at The Church of St Ann, 1253 Lawrence Road, Lawrenceville. Burial will be in the Lawrenceville Cemetery. Friends and family may visit on Tuesday, Oct. at Poulson Van Hise Funeral Directors, 650 Lawrence Road, Lawrenceville. In lieu of flowers, memorial contributions may be made in Marion's name to the Faith Development Center, Church of St. Ann, 1253 Lawrence Road, Lawrenceville, NJ 08648.
Sep 1 '17 · 0 comments
No Trophy Hunting in Botswana and Zambia

Botswana and Zambia, two premier wildlife destinations, recently banned all trophy hunting within a few months of each other. This move heralds a major shift in thinking about how Africa wildlife resources will be managed in the future. Why did they do this? In short: Corruption fueling unsustainable hunting and poaching that threatens species survival. Photographic safari operators, likeWilderness Safaris, have been taking over the premier safari destinations from hunting operations for decades. What is the future of sport hunting in Mozambique and Zimbabwe where the same problems exist?

Africa is home to the largest remaining migrations on earth, the last prides of lion, the gorillas and chimpanzees, and most of the remaining elephant and rhinoceros. All kept safe on the most valuable imitation van cleef pendant wildlife properties on the planet.

Are we adequately protecting priceless wildlife resources? Right now, tourists from around the world coming to Africa to photograph the continent wildlife are the biggest conservationists by far. The operators and establishment owners that attract these tourists by selling the dream of an African photographic safari are the new ambassadors for conservation.

bums in beds is funding millions of square miles of protected areas throughout Africa. Ecotourism adds value to wilderness by creating jobs and teaching people to be proud of their wildlife. We need to do everything possible to make all major safari destinations in Africa accessible and marketable. Travelers must feel safe when they come to Africa. As South Africans we must be proud to have the largest rhino population in the world. Rwanda must be proud of the mountain gorilla. Tanzania proud of the largest lion population anywhere.

Africans are beginning to realize that our wilderness areas are not endless and that what we have left, the Serengeti, Okavango, Congo, Luangwa, Massai Mara, Kruger, Namib are, in fact, global treasures to be proud of. Africa needs things to be proud of in these troubled times.

National Geographic Expeditions "On Safari in Southern Africa By Private Air" in 2012/13. These tourists coming to photograph Africa wildlife are probably the continent biggest conservationists. (Carol Guy)

An elephant scene. "An image copy van cleef arpels necklace from the ODP photosafari that I recently led, on board the Nguni Voyager, Chobe River, Botswana. A small herd of elephants were feeding on on the banks of the river at sunset. The light had got too dark to shoot anything other than silhouettes, so with the use of a flash i managed this picture. "When a superior predator arrived, the dogs refused to go quietly and put up a staunch defence against the thieving hyena" (Stephen Cunliffe)

Elephants enjoying a drink in the Mashatu area (N Tuli, Botswana) as a game drive vehicle moves past in the background. The 1,000 elephants in the area are completely habituated to vehicles and do not run away when approached. They needed to lear that the rumbling of a LandRover did not always mean trouble. Breeding herds are very protective of their new borns, preferring to stay on smaller islands where there are less lions and hyenas. (Steve Boyes)

Lasting memories being created. These National Geographic Expedition guests are surrounded by the Endangered African wild dog or painted hunting dog that usually lives in fear of humans. (Steve Boyes)

African wild dogs are among the most beautiful canids on earth. On this expedition the guests saw these amazing dogs twice in the Okavango Delta, watching them playing together next to the vehicle. A privilege only made possible through habituation. (Steve Boyes)

Bloodied wild dog. Photographed by Edward Peach guide of Ivory Tree Game Lodge, South Africa. "One of the Pilanesberg wild dogs waiting for a response from the rest of the pack after calling them to share the impala that two of them caught." (Edward Peach)

National Geographic Expedition expert and guests photographing a herd of buffalo in Mala Mala along the Sand River (Sabi Sands, South Africa). (Steve Boyes)

Herd of buffalo move past the LandRover and behave as they would if lions were following them. Photographed here making fake vca necklace more buffalo at Mala Mala. (Steve Boyes)

A large pride of lions needs to kill a buffalo or a zebra everyday to sustain itself. The Okavango Delta is the scene of an endless struggle between life and death. (Steve Boyes)

Ray of light. Photographed by guide Marius Coetzee of Oryx Photographic Tours at Leopard Hills, South Africa. (Marius Coetzee)

By the end of 2012, the alarm bells for wildlife war had been ringing for years.

Almost 700 rhino slaughtered in South Africa and Zimbabwe in a year. An estimated 25,000 elephant killed the year before all over Africa. The bushmeat and illegal wildlife trade has boomed in recent years on the continent.

Botswana protected areas raided by poachers on horseback for several years.

Over 20% of the global population of African grey parrots are being harvested from the wild every year. Millions of green pigeons are being smoked as bushmeat in the Congo. Illegal bushmeat is being smuggled by truck out of Tanzania. Rebel armies in central and West Africa feed themselves from the forests and grasslands.

Is it justifiable in this day and age to hunt one of the last big tusker elephants for $100,000? Is it ethical to shoot crocodiles that are over 100 years old and elephants that are nearing 70?

Is it possible to conserve large tracts of land in Africa without hunting adding value to wildlife?Do we need to draw a line between sourcing organic meat for your family and shooting a prize wild animal for a trophy? Most especially do we need to hunt in unfenced wilderness areas where animals roam free or could we restrict hunting to areas managed specifically for this purpose? Prize wildlife is traded at lucrative markets, resulting in increasing trophy sizes on most game farms in South Africa.
Sep 1 '17 · 0 comments
mo limpiar el perro o gato orina sin productos qu

Una de las peores cosas es fake van cleef bracelet enfrentarse a un dueo de la mascota es no la "nmero dos" pero "nmero uno." Nmero dos puede oler hasta que se limpia, pero generalmente no deja olores duraderos o manchas a menos que sea en forma lquida. Aun as, es ms fcil tratar a largo plazo.

Vamos a hablar mucho gatos en este artculo porque tienen que orinar dentro de si ests utilizando cuadros de la camada y no dejarlas para hacer sus negocios. Perros, si estn capacitados la forma en que se supone, deberan ir fuera. Este mtodo funciona en cualquier orina, sin embargo, incluyendo humanos.

Orina, al igual que con cualquier mancha de lquido de gran volumen sobre una alfombra, se absorber a travs de la alfombra en la almohadilla y en el subsuelo. No es que la mayora de los limpiadores no hace el trabajo; es slo si no se hacia cada bit de la orina y luego no puede trabajar. Por eso algunas manchas parecen ser "fantasmas" y vuelven a aparecer ms tarde especialmente cuando el rea es de rewetted. La Mancha (rojo vino, chocolate helado, cualquiera que sea) est todava en el nap de la alfombra y el acolchado y slo la superficie de la alfombra est limpia. Puede la mecha hacia arriba sobre la superficie y obstinadamente a aparecer. La orina limpieza receta de aerosol descrito ms adelante en este artculo se puede utilizar para limpiar la mayora de las manchas de cualquier alfombra no destien.

El otro problema con la orina es que podemos limpiarlo lo suficiente como para hacerla cmoda para nuestras propias narices pero perros y gatos tienen narices que son miles de veces ms sensibles que el nuestro. Mascotas tienden a comentar el mismo lugar una y otra vez finalmente llevando a suelo de ruinas y reemplazo completo de alfombras. Tambin puede significar reemplazo de contrapisos en gastos considerables. Lo mejor es actuar tan pronto como sea posible y mantener la solucin estable que describimos a continuacin por lado.

Hay buenas noticias! Con ingredientes de tienda de dlar y no mucho trabajo, ms no destien alfombras se pueden limpiar y desodorizado para que Fido o Fluffy ignorar el rea. Tambin le daremos un enlace a un producto de limpieza casero que realmente disuadir a un animal remarcando el rea. No le damos los ingredientes aqu, pero su frmula es slo $8.95 (en el momento en que este artculo fue escrito) y es una receta que usted puede hacer una y otra vez con ingredientes de uso domsticos. Hemos usado esta frmula en nuestra propia casa y es fantstico! Ninguno de los limpiadores de enzima disponibles comercialmente (y por un precio) mantuvo las mascotas de revisitar el rea igual esta frmula.

Si tienes un animal (especialmente un gato) que sigue a orinar alrededor de la casa, no podemos Destacamos lo suficiente lo importante que es llevar el animal a su veterinario para determinar si tiene una infeccin urinaria (UTI). Un gato especialmente tendr dolor al orinar con una infeccin urinaria y asociar este dolor con la caja de arena. l/ella ser evitar la caja de arena y orinar en cualquier otra cosa. Tuvimos un gato que sigui a orinar alrededor de la casa durante varios meses y finalmente tuvimos que le jaula justo antes de que consideramos reubicacin le. Estbamos en nuestro extremo de ingenio hasta que un amigo en nuestro refugio de animales local no mata nos dijo tenerla activada para una infeccin urinaria. Ella tena una infeccin severa. Tras una semana de antibiticos, volvi a la caja de arena con un poco de persuasin y ha sido un gran gato desde entonces.

Adems, esterilizar o castrar a su animal. Gatos machos rociar orina maloliente en paredes, muebles y otras superficies verticales para marcar territorio. Castracin, especialmente antes de la madurez, a menudo puede detener esto. Perros machos caminata una pata en casi cualquier cosa para marcar sus territorios y castracin de un perro a menudo se detendr este comportamiento.

Esto es off topic de este artculo, pero aqu es otra sugerencia de ahorro: Si su gato no tiene una infeccin urinaria o ha sido tratado con xito por uno y todava no utiliza constantemente la caja de arena, no compre el gato caro camadas que anuncian que contienen "cat atraer hierbas". Haz un olor gatos aglutinacin con una textura de grano fino cerca de arena (donde un gato prefiere a cavar). La marca no importa, pero asegrese de que tiene un grano fino y sin olor. El aroma es para los seres humanos, no para gatos. Una camada perfumada a algunos gatos puede ser tan abrumadora para ellos como para nosotros es el contador de perfume en la tienda local. Coloque 6 8 cucharadas colmadas de catnip en sus manos y frote la hierba sobre la hojarasca. Revuelva la litera de gato con la cuchara de la camada. Esto hace ms interesante a la caja de arena y su gato eventualmente volver a l sin el catnip. Si tienes varios gatos, asegrese de que hay cajas de basura para cada gato y asegrese de que usted lo saque diariamente. Algunos gatos son muy meticuloso, pero puede culparles? Usara un inodoro sucio?

Ahorramos miles de dlares usando los siguientes pasos. Debemos, sin embargo, subrayamos que debe probar para la firmeza del color (asegurndose de que no se alteran con los tintes en la alfombra, ejecutar o blanqueador a) utilizando un rincn poco visible o en el interior de un armario o mediante un remanente dejado cuando se instal la alfombra.

No estamos haciendo garantas o no con esta informacin. Se ha recogido de mltiples fuentes en Internet y de ensayo y error con nuestras propias experiencias. Por favor no enve un correo electrnico a nosotros dicindonos que no funcion. Lo har si sigues las instrucciones, pero ya no podemos estar all con usted para asegurar que ests haciendo correctamente no podemos hacer ninguna garanta. Esta informacin se distribuye sin costo y sin garanta.

Haz un galn de vinagre blanco destilado que es al menos el 5% acidez (algunas marcas ms baratas se diluyen a 4% de acidez y funcionan, pero tendra que diluir con menos agua). Tambin obtener un cubo o segundo galones vacos. Vierta galn de vinagre en el cubo u otro recipiente y agregue galn replica van cleef bracelets de agua. Mantenemos esta etiqueta en una botella de vinagre vaca por lo que ya estamos listos para atacar si hay una repeticin de la indiscrecin de cuatro patas sobre la alfombra.

Si la mancha est todava hmeda, secar hasta tanta orina como sea posible con toallas de papel o toallas de tela vieja. Deshgase de las toallas de papel (sacarlos de la casa) y tampoco lavar las toallas se utilizan o llegar a una zona donde no van los gatos. Contamos con un cesto en nuestro cuarto de lavado (el nico gato zona libre en nuestra casa) donde guardamos estos hasta que nosotros les podemos blanquear. Si estn en el suelo o donde un gato puede llegar a ellos, ellos se orine sobre estos. Cuando usted lavar las toallas, agregue una taza de vinagre blanco o manzana al lavado para neutralizar el olor (no utilice vinagre de sidra de manzana en la limpieza de recetas por el color de la alfombra. Tienden a decolorar la alfombra y otras telas mientras que vinagre blanco no).

Sature el rea con la solucin de vinagre y agua. Orina se absorber por debajo de la alfombra a un rea de 4 a 6 veces el tamao del punto que ves encima de la alfombra. Por lo tanto, si tienes una mancha circular de cuatro pulgadas en la alfombra, usted necesita moje el rea para por lo menos 24 pulgadas alrededor. Es mejor saturar un rea ms grande para asegurar que llegue a toda la orina que ser tacao con ella y tener que repetir el proceso. Un galn de vinagre blanco cuesta menos de $2.00 por lo que no es sensato intentar ser frugal aqu. Si el lugar est cerca de la pared o en la pared y se ha quedado en la alfombra, limpiar la pared con la solucin de agua de vinagre y asegrese de que viertes poco de la solucin de vinagre en la placa base para que absorbe tambin detrs de esa zona. Si el vinagre y otras soluciones que discutimos no pueden llegar a todas las fuentes de la orina, no va a funcionar.

Deje que la solucin de agua de vinagre a permanecer all durante al menos una hora. Use una aspiradora hmeda o mquina para extraer el exceso de vinagre y agua de la limpieza de la alfombra. Si usted tiene cualquiera de este equipo, coloque toallas viejas 4 o 5 encima de la zona y coloque un peso pesado en la parte superior (un galn sellado o dos de agua funcionar). Reemplace las toallas que se convierten en hmedo y repita este paso hasta las toallas son ya no absorbe grandes cantidades de humedad. Esto puede tomar varios das.

Si la orina est seca, agregue 1 cucharadita de detergente lquido para el galn de vinagre y agua. Agitar suavemente para disolver el detergente. No quieres crear burbujas en la solucin. Use una taza de esta solucin para frotar suavemente la alfombra con un cepillo de dientes viejo o un cepillo de plstico hasta que la Mancha. Si la mancha no viene (depender de la alfombra), sature la zona con la solucin de vinagre y agua/detergente y continuar como se indica arriba con una mancha hmeda. Le daremos una frmula de eliminacin de manchas que eliminar manchas de orina incluso antiguos ms adelante en este artculo.

Despus de que la alfombra est tan seca como sea posible con la extraccin o el mtodo de la toalla, saque todo el contenido de la zona y permita que de aire seco. Utilice un ventilador en su posicin ms alta para ayudar en el secado. Esto puede tomar hasta una semana. Si tienes alfombra densa o acolchado grueso o ambos, tendr que tirar de la alfombra suelta para que se seque. Si ms de una semana permanece hmedo, corre el riesgo de moho formando debajo de las alfombras.

Si un olor de la orina permanece despus de la solucin de agua de vinagre anterior, siga los siguientes pasos.

Despus de que la alfombra es slo ligeramente hmedo o seco, espolvoree generosamente regular bicarbonato de sodio sobre toda el rea. Utilice una caja de tamao regular de bicarbonato de sodio para un rea de 24 a 32 pulgadas alrededor.

Preparar 2 3 tazas de la solucin de agua de vinagre y aada 1 cucharadita de detergente lquido o detergente lquido para platos. Vierta esta mezcla sobre el bicarbonato de sodio. El bicarbonato de sodio comenzar a la espuma y la liberacin de dixido de carbono (disculpas a aquellos que tienen una copia anterior de este artculo donde incorrectamente se declar que fue liberado oxgeno). Esto funciona en la alfombra con los dedos o un cepillo, empujando la solucin alrededor y en la alfombra. Cuando la espuma se ha trabajado en la alfombra, djelo al aire seco. El residuo de bicarbonato de sodio puede aspirar despus de que la alfombra se ha secado.

Tenga en cuenta que si est con olor a orina, la solucin de vinagre no alcanz en el relleno y el contrapiso. Puede repetir el tratamiento de agua de vinagre, pero usar ms solucin y saturar un rea ms grande. Asegrese de que la alfombra y relleno completamente seca entre tratamientos. Si la alfombra o relleno permanece hmedo, puede terminar con molde o moho debajo de las alfombras.

Si haces una bsqueda en Internet para estos tipos de mtodos de limpieza, muchos indicar para espolvorear bicarbonato de sodio en la alfombra y, a continuacin, vierta el perxido de hidrgeno sobre ella. Perxido y bicarbonato de sodio juntos no reaccionan excepto to formar mojado bicarbonato de sodio. El perxido por s mismo finalmente liberar oxgeno cuando viene en contacto con suciedad o de orina, pero no por el bicarbonato de sodio. Nos has intentado esto y han tenido resultados mucho mejores con la combinacin de vinagre y el bicarbonato de sodio o por el uso de perxido con un polvo a base de oxgeno limpiador que libera mucho ms oxgeno mucho ms rpidamente.

Eliminacin de manchas de orina

Los pasos siguientes utilizan perxido de hidrgeno que tiene un suave efecto blanqueador. No lo utilice en cualquier superficie sin prueba de firmeza del color. Utilice siempre guantes de ltex cuando se trabaja con perxido.

Las manchas pueden eliminarse de la alfombra como econmicamente. Una vez ms, sin embargo, debe probar para la firmeza del color 24 horas de anticipacin. Use de taza del perxido de hidrgeno en un rea pequeo y discreto de la alfombra o un remanente. Vierta en un rea pequea y permita que permanezca durante 24 horas. Si no ha habido ningn color descoloramiento o blanqueo, proceder con la limpieza. No derrame la siguiente solucin sobre cualquier superficie o usarlo en cualquier superficie que no ha sido probado para la firmeza del color incluyendo ropa.

Pngase guantes de goma antes de mezclar esta solucin. El perxido puede blanquear las manos y fake bracelet alhambra van cleef el alcohol puede causar sequedad severa de la piel. Conservar esta solucin lejos de los nios y no aplica a los animales domsticos. No conseguirlo en tus ojos.

Conseguir una botella de 16 onzas de 3% de perxido de hidrgeno (el tipo en la botella marrn en la seccin de primeros auxilios de la farmacia, supermercado o tienda de dlar. No utilice las soluciones ms utilizadas para la mezcla con colorante de pelo) y virtala en una botella de 32 oz. Llene la botella de spray del camino con agua tibia del grifo. A esto agregue cucharada de polvo de la base de oxgeno limpiador ("Oxi" "Oxy Power" "Impresionante oxgeno" y otras marcas estn disponibles en todas partes) y dos cucharadas de alcohol (alcohol isoproplico) para frotar el 70%. No agite y gire suavemente la botella para disolver el polvo. Se mueven rpidamente a su lugar de orina como el limpieza de polvo y el perxido de oxgeno comenzar a espuma y ser finalmente el soplo de la botella. Debido a esto, tenga a mano los ingredientes pero no mezclar antes de tiempo. Slo es bueno para unos 3 4 horas una vez mezcladas.

Roce abundantemente sobre la mancha de orina y frote suavemente con un cepillo o un pao spero (una pieza de la vieja toalla toalla funciona bien). La mayora de la mancha no aparecer inmediatamente. Roce el rea abundantemente nuevamente y a pie. Espere hasta que se seque. El polvo de oxgeno y el perxido blanqueador lentamente la Mancha hacia fuera. Repetir en un par de horas si es necesario.

Deseche cualquier exceso de perxido solucin ya que no mantendr y puede causar su botella rociadora de plstico soplar aparte.

Un buen desodorante y disuasivo pueden hacerse con ingredientes de la cocina. Se vende bajo el nombre de Pee lejos y es una receta. Una vez que has comprado la receta (menos de $9,00 en el momento de la redaccin de este artculo) puede hacer la solucin una y otra vez. Incluso se ha utilizado en los muebles para evitar los gatos en los muebles. Funciona bien y tiene una duracin de 3 4 semanas antes de que tiene que volver a aplicar. Le llevar a la Web de Pee lejos donde encontrar ms informacin e instrucciones de pedido. Recomendamos esta receta! Una botella de 32 oz de esto puede ser hecha por un par de dlares y una vez mezclado se puede guardar en un envase de aerosol y usan segn sea necesario.
Sep 1 '17 · 0 comments
Mini Vans With Ramps

Mini vans with ramps make mobility possible for thousands of physically challenged individuals. When you combine the accessible van conversion features with a top of the line van, you will have comfort and class fake bracelet alhambra van cleef wrapped up in one great vehicle. Many fake van cleef and arpels clover bracelet people prefer the side entry ramp to the rear entry ramp because of the easy access to the curb. It is sometimes difficult to find a long enough parking space curbside to have adequate room to extend a ramp from the rear entry.

Mini vans with ramps have been redesigned by lowering the floor by 10 inches. This gets the ramp close enough to the ground that the angle is not too steep for a caretaker to push the wheelchair into the van. It is also easier for a powered wheelchair to make the incline. The option of outside entry controls makes it easy for unassisted entry.

Many of the mini vans with ramps have a front passenger seat with transfer assistance from the wheelchair to the vehicle seat. If the wheelchair occupant is the driver, the same options for transfer are available. Wheelchair lockdowns are crucial to safety. It is important that the lockdown be positioned so the wheelchair can be facing the front of the vehicle. Seat belts must be redesigned to secure the occupant of the wheelchair.

In order to accommodate the change in design, the suspension system requires reinforcement. Most models require the restructuring of all components underneath the van. This accounts for the major expense of as much as $12,000 or more for conversion. The replica vca bracelet type of ramp chosen has a lot to do with the cost. Power ramps are on the high end and manual ramps are on the low end. The material is also a factor in price.
Sep 1 '17 · 0 comments
New van aims to help police analyze weapons at crime scenes

BALTIMORE National officials rolled out a new van Tuesday that will enable detectives to test fire weapons and rapidly analyze bullets and shell casings recovered at crime scenes rather than sending them to labs and waiting days for results.

The first stop for the National Integrated Ballistics Information Network van is Baltimore, where the number of homicides so far this year is the second highest the city has ever recorded.

The mobile ballistics van launched by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives functions as a forensic lab, and also has a trailer on the back where detectives can test fire the weapons.

Analysis that used to take days will now take hours, according to Daniel Board, Special Agent in Charge of the bureau's Baltimore Field Division. That means agents, detectives and officers can more quickly identify repeat offenders, and build cases to put them behind bars.

"Instead of an offender being arrested for a firearm and being released before we can ever figure out what else that firearm or that person has done, we'll have that lead in hand before they have the opportunity to make bond," Board said.

Baltimore has struggled to get its homicide rate under control since the bloodshed began to skyrocket in the spring of 2015, following the death of 25 year old Freddie Gray in police custody and the civil unrest it prompted. That year, Baltimore saw replica vca butterfly necklace 344 homicides, and last year the city recorded 318. In the first four months of this year, the city saw 108 homicides more than any other year except for 1993, when 110 people were killed in the same time span. However, the city's population now is significantly smaller than it was then, making the rate of killing higher.

"This challenge is bigger than all of us and we needed the federal assistance," said Baltimore Mayor Catherine Pugh. The van, she said, "will allow for comprehensive collection, an entree of ballistic evidence, timely turnaround and investigative follow up and prosecution, linking otherwise unassociated crimes, giving investigators a better chance to identify and arrest shooters before they reoffend."

The van will spend about a month in Baltimore before moving on to Chicago, where last year's murder rate was the deadliest in nearly two decades. So far this year it has recorded 183 murders, compared to 182 for the same time period last year.

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Sep 1 '17 · 0 comments
New 'Dancing With the Stars' cast is

Olympic swimmer Ryan Lochte and Cheryl Burke Fresh off his scandal in Rio, Lochte is diving into the competition. Talk show host Amber Rose and Maksim imitation van cleef necklace Chmerkovskiy Rose came to fame as the former girlfriend of rapper Kanye West and ex wife of rapper Wiz Khalifa, but she's written her own way since then as a model, actress and host of VH1's "The Amber Rose Show." "Little Women: LA" reality star Terra Jole and Sasha Farber Jole is both a cast member and an executive producer for the Lifetime reality series which chronicles the lives of replica vca butterfly necklace little people. Austin and Jenna Johnson Fans fell in love with Austin on Disney's "Wizards of Waverly Place" and he'll be angling to transform that fan base into votes. Former pro football player Calvin Johnson and Lindsay Arnold The former wide receive for the Detroit Lions is newly retired from the gridiron. Super producer and recording artist Kenny "Babyface" Edmonds and Allison Holker The man who helped bring the replica van cleef & arpels necklace alhambra world such musical acts as Toni Braxton and TLC is also a Grammy winning artist in his own right. Former rapper Vanilla Ice and Witney Carson "Ice Ice Baby" made him a star in the early 90s, but more recently the man born Robert Van Winkle has found success renovating homes.

"I think it's time to hang up my Speedos and put on my dancing shoes," Lochte said Tuesday morning on GMA. "I'm going to treat this kind of like going into the Olympics."

The new gig comes at a good time for Lochte, who returned from the Olympics under a dark cloud for lying about being robbed at gunpoint in Rio. Four major sponsors walked away from the swimmer.

This season will also welcome back some veterans.

Derek Hough confirmed on Instagram Monday that he would be returning to the dance floor.

Hough took some time off after winning Season 21 with Bindi Irwin. He had been set to star this fall in the Broadway revival of "Singin' in the Rain." But he explained that the production had been unable to secure a theater and has been postponed.

I a firm believer that everything happens for a reason. This fall, I was planning on being immersed in rehearsals for Singin in the Rain on Broadway, but due to successes of the shows currently running, that project has been delayed because there simply isn a theatre available. Singin in the Rain is still very much part of my future plans. With my fall schedule freeing up I excited to say that I be back on Dancing with the Stars for Season 23. It always great to be back with my DWTS family, coaching, creating and making lasting memories. I grateful to everyone at Hairspray LIVE for enabling me to do double duty on two major productions at the same time this fall. It going to be a challenge that I looking forward to. This next year is gonna be JAM packed with exciting projects and I can wait to share it ALL with you.

Two time champion Cheryl Burke will also return to partner with Lochte. She last competed with partner Antonio Sabato Jr. during Season 19 in 2014.

"For me it was about performing again," she said following the announcement. "I am ready to be back and do what I was born to do."

Maksim Chmerkovskiy left after winning the show's mirror ball trophy with Olympic gold medal ice dancer Meryl Davis in 2014, but has also opted to compete again.
Sep 1 '17 · 0 comments
Muslim teen defends Christmas tradition

"Did you know there are over 200 different van cleef bracelet replica cultures and religious groups in South Australia? This is what makes us so special and it's a great place to live," Siraj says in the YouTube video.

These youngsters from Adelaide and abroad are celebrating replica van cleef perlee bracelet silver their Australian ness.

"Often Christmas carols aren't played, Santa isn't welcomed at schools and fake van cleef bracelet things like that, because people in a misguided sense of inclusion want to include minorities".

The South Australian Muslim community believes inclusion means I include you in you celebration and you include me in yours, rather than trying and include people by denying our own," Janine Evans, the mother of Siraj, said.

Ethnic leaders fear banning Christmas could actually undermine inclusiveness if minorities are blamed for political correctness gone mad.

"The meaning of multiculturalism is all about inclusivity, it's all about respecting each other, it's all about embracing each others' cultures, understanding it, respecting it and sharing it with others," Lieutenant Governor Hieu Van Le said.
Sep 1 '17 · 0 comments
Mayali Talwar in the van

Thomas South India ladies amateur golf championship, which commenced at the Karnataka Golf Association course here.

Shalini Malik is in second spot, two strokes behind Mayali, copy van cleef bracelet white and last year's runner up Anjali Chopra along with Shruthi Khanna are third place with scores of eight over 80.

On the return, Mayali returned birdies on the 16th and 17th to have a better card reading one over 37 to end the day at five over 77 and take the lead in the Gold Division for golfers with a handicap of 0 12. Mayali is a three handicapper.

Shalini with scores of three over 39 for the first nine holes and four over 40 for the back nine returned a card of seven over 79.

Anjali had a birdie on the fourth but lapsed with bogeys on the fifth,sixth and seventh to finish with two over 38 for van cleef Perlee bracelet gold replica the first half. On the back nine, the Delhi Golf Club amateur was off colour and ended with a six over 42. Shruthi had scores of 40 over for both the nine holes.

In the silver division (handicaps 13 24), Pinky Naresh Kumar a 16 handicapper from Mysore led the field with a score of 20 over 92. 12 year old N. Sharmila, who excelled in Chennai recently, was two strokes behind Pinky with a score of 94.

The bronze division had only two entries and with replica van cleef clover bracelets the minimum requirement being four players for the competition, their scores were not recorded in the results.

Silver Division: 1. Pinky Naresh Kumar 92; 2. N. Sharmila Dhanalakshmi Rice 94 each; 4. Aruna Kulandavelu 96; 5. Jayashree Anandu Revathy Solomon 103 each.
Sep 1 '17 · 0 comments
Maple Leafs' rookie trio just too much to handle for weary Capitals

TORONTO Lineup options for Toronto Maple Leafs coach Mike Babcock were limited before the regular season began.

Babcock knew he wanted to play Tyler Bozak with James van Riemsdyk and Nazem Kadri with Leo Komarov. That meant the prospect of lining up three rookies Auston Matthews, William Nylander, and Zach Hyman on the very same line.

The trio, which Babcock grew to both love and hate, was devastating in the Leafs' 4 3 overtime win Monday night in Game 3 of their first round series with Washington.

Matthews had a goal, an assist and six shots while Nylander scored once copy van cleef alhambra mother of pearl necklace and fired nine van cleef clover necklace replica attempts. Hyman played the familiar role of muscle, helping to set up a goal before drawing the Lars Eller high sticking penalty which led to Tyler Bozak's overtime winner.

The unit dominated the puck all night long. The blend of speed and skill between Matthews and Nylander, along with the force and persistence of Hyman, were just too much for the Capitals to handle. Even strength shot attempts were 23 5 when Nylander was on the ice (82 per cent); 21 7 when Hyman was on the ice (75 per cent); and 20 10 with Matthews out there (67 per cent).

"I just thought they were good all night," Babcock said after the win, which gave the Leafs a 2 1 series advantage heading into Game 4 on Wednesday night. "I thought they territorially controlled the play a lot. They had a lot of possession time. I thought they were dangerous. I thought they were skating."

Babcock wasn't always enamoured by those three players together. While he stuck with the combination of Matthews and Hyman all season, he often flipped Nylander for Connor Brown on the right wing preferring the Toronto native as a more reliable defensive option.

The numbers, per Corsica Hockey, suggest the unit functioned far more effectively with the Swede on the wing:Hyman/Matthews/Nylander: 55 per cent

Hyman/Matthews/Brown: 49 per centHyman/Matthews/Nylander: 57 per cent

Hyman/Matthews/Brown: 48 per cent

Babcock took advantage of home ice in Game 3, getting the unit away from the Capitals' top trio of defenders John Carlson, Matt Niskanen, and Dmitry Orlov and matching them a bit more against their third unit pairing of Kevin Shattenkirk and Brooks Orpik.

The coach also got his rookie trio more opportunity against Washington's third and fourth forward units.

It was against the third line of Lars Eller, Brett Connolly and Andre Burakovsky and third defensive pairing that Nylander scored his goal.

Hyman lured Shattenkirk and Orpik with his hustle on the forecheck before Matthews picked it free and fed Nylander for his first career post season goal.

The Matthews line saw little of Eller's line in Games 1 and 2 and an almost overwhelming amount against the dangerous second unit of Evgeny Kuznetsov, Justin Williams and Marcus Johansson. Even that group, however, was overmatched by Toronto's rookie unit on Monday night.

"I think we feel comfortable going out there against anybody," Matthews said.

The 19 year old came up point less in the first two games in Washington where Caps coach Magic Alhambra replica Van Cleef & Arpels necklace gold Barry Trotz had last change and control of the matchups but emerged in the second half of Saturday's double OT win.

He got his first playoff goal against the Kuznetsov line, speeding into the offensive zone before firing a shot that bounced off Carlson, the face of Nate Schmidt (playing for an injured Karl Alzner), Matthews' body and, finally, Caps goaltender Braden Holtby.

Matthews stuck with the rebound and eventually batted the puck out of mid air for Toronto's first goal.

Babcock thought Matthews was doing just fine before Monday's breakout performance, but believed that Nylander had his best game of the playoffs in Game 3 with the "best legs he's had."
Sep 1 '17 · 0 comments
Mediahuis consortium launches recommended cash offer for all TMG shares

TMG's supervisory board said on Wednesday it unanimously supported the offer of 6 euros ($6.43) per share, and recommended shareholders accept and tender all their shares to the offer.The board's backing is a blow to Dutch tycoon John de Mol, who, through his investment vehicle Talpa, had launched a counteroffer, setting fake Van Cleef & Arpels clover jewelry cheap off a bidding war over the owner of the Netherlands' largest paper in late January.Mediahuis' offer price represents a 73 percent premium to the Dec. 13, 2016, closing price of 3.48 euros, the day before the merger talks first surfaced, but falls 5 percent short of Tuesday's 6.30 euro closing price.De Mol, best known as the creator of hit television show Big Brother, in March raised his counterbid to 6.50 euros per share, or around 300 million euros, but the board has now backed the lower bid of around 274 million euros.The Mediahuis led consortium already holds a 60 percent stake in TMG, notably via the replica Van Cleef & Arpels clover white gold Van Puijenbroek family, which has held shares in De Telegraaf since the 1950s, and expects to complete the offer in July 2017.De alhambra Van Cleef & Arpels necklace gold replica Mol's Talpa Holding has built a rival 25 percent stake in TMG, which he had earlier pledged not to sell, effectively blocking Mediahuis' intent to reach the 95 percent threshold required to initiate buy out proceedings and take the company private.The combined group would continue to focus on its core news division under the leadership of current Mediahuis chairman Marc Vangeel as chief executive, TMG and Mediahuis said.TMG publishes the popular Telegraaf daily and also owns Sky Radio and several leading magazine titles in the Netherlands, while Mediahuis owns another major Dutch newspaper, NRC Handelsblad.De Mol's Talpa owns 33 percent of television broadcaster SNS and several leading Dutch radio stations.
Sep 1 '17 · 0 comments
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