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Retirement Age Rules Dominate Budget Committee's Debate on Conditions of Service for United Nations Employees

Labour costs made up 70per cent of the United Nations regular budget and their growth, specifically the number of staff and the size of their compensation packages, was the primary driver of the Organization's budget growth in the past decade, the representative of the United States said.The impact of that trend was magnified in the United Nations common system's 23 other organizations, he said, noting that many of those bodies relied on voluntary contributions that had dwindled since the global financial crisis. Failure to understand the budget impact of increasing staff costs had forced the World Health Organization (WHO) to cut 800 critical HIV/AIDS workers in Africa, and led the governing bodies of three organizations to request immediate action to relieve staff cost pressures. The one year margin had continued increasing, from 13.3per cent in 2010 to a projected 22.4percent in 2014, withthefive year average margin creeping above its desired midpoint for the first time in history. He welcomed the Commission's decision to freeze the one year margin, but called for more action to bring it back to the midpoint, stressing that the only option was a downward correction in the post adjustment, a pay add on that fluctuated.While India's representative acknowledged, along with several other delegations, that the margin level was approaching the threshold of unacceptability, he urged against any changes to post adjustments. He pointed to the recent creation of higher level posts at a greater rate than ever before, stating that it was impossible to get consistent lists of Under Secretary Generals and Assistant Secretary Generals, and that "mandate creep" had blunted monitoring of posts, functions, levels and finances.He said he expected the Commission's ongoing comprehensive review of the compensation package to improve the United Nations workforce's geographic and gender diversity, a view echoed by the representative of Fiji, who, speaking on behalf of the "Group of 77" developing countries and China, noted a particularly poor gender balance in senior positions, and called for more efforts to recruit women from developing countries.He also took up the issue of the increase in the mandatory age of staff separation from the United Nations to 65 years, stating that he would listen to the United Nations staff representatives, the common system's organizations, and the United Nations Joint Staff Pension Fund on the issue.Two such staff representatives addressed the Committee, expressing support for the increase. The President of the Federation of International Civil Servants' Associations noted the need for a system wide approach to separation, and the President of the Coordinating Committee for International Staff Unions and Associations of the United Nations System cited worldwide trends towards later retirement ages and the potential positive impact such a change could have on the Pension Fund.The representative of Japan, however, expressed reservations about an increased age of separation. She called for extremely careful consideration of the plan, noting the great effects that such a change could have on human resource management, including the Organization's geographical distribution and rejuvenation. She said she was willing to discuss the deferment of this proposal.Also today, Kingston P. Rhodes, Chairman of the International Civil Service Commission, submitted that body's report, which had focused on reviewing the United Nations common system compensation package. Johannes Huisman, Director of the Programme Planning and Budget Division, introduced the Secretary General's statement on the administrative and financial implications stemming from the Commission's report, and Carlos Ruiz Massieu, Chair of the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions (ACABQ), introduced the Advisory Committee's related report.The representatives of the Republic of Korea and the European Union also spoke today. It had before it the Report of the International Service Commission for 2013 (document A/68/30), and two documents on the Administrative and financial implications of the decisions and recommendations contained in the report of the International Civil Service Commission for the year 2013. Those two documents included a statement submitted by the Secretary General in accordance with rule 153 of the rules of procedure of the (document A/C.5/68/3), and the Fifth report of the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions (ACABQ) on the proposed programme budget for the biennium 2014 2015 (document A/68/7/Add.4).KINGSTON P. RHODES, Chairman, International Civil Service Commission (ICSC), presented the Commission's report for 2013 (document A/68/30), saying it had focused on reviewing the United Nations common system compensation package. The Commission was aware of the serious financial situations faced by Member States, including their national civil services and common system organizations. The Commission's review of the common system compensation package covered all elements of remuneration, assessed the history and rationale of elements of the current package and looked beyond the present system to consider alternative approaches and ensure a holistic and integrated approach. Three working groups had been established, on remuneration structure; competitiveness and sustainability; and van cleef and arpels necklace replica performance incentives and other human resources issues. The Commission had sought to redistribute resources to cover the review, he said, noting that it had already placed a significant extra burden on the Commission's administrative and operational capacity.He said the Commission, accounting for people's better health and vitality later into life, considered increasing the mandatory retirement age to 65 years. The United Nations Joint Staff Pension Fund (UNJSPF) Consulting Actuary had estimated that a 70percent utilization rate would lead to a 0.13percent reduction in the actuarial deficit of pensionable remuneration, positively impacting the Pension Fund's long term sustainability, with After Service Health Insurance Liabilities also reduced by 0.85percent. The Commission therefore recommended extending the mandatory age of separation to 65 years, effective from January 2016. The margin had increased in 2013, primarily due to a pay freeze in the fake necklace van cleef arpels comparator service, and it was expected to approach the upper limit of the established range in 2014. Certain variable factors important to calculating the margin might not be known by February 2014. The Commission had concluded that in order to maintain the margin at the established level, no increase in the post adjustment for New York would be possible in 2014.He noted that the pay freeze in the comparator civil service meant the gross level of the comparator's General Schedule had remained the same, though slight changes in the federal tax schedule gave a slight boost to the net level of pay. He requested that the Assembly adjust the United Nations' base/floor salary scale by the same amount as that net change. He pointed also to the Commission's concerns over the methodology to determine allowances for children and secondary dependants and its deferral of a possible 16percent increase in such allowances. A holistic examination was ongoing within the context of the ongoing comprehensive review, he said. He also outlined the results of two salary surveys of General Staff pay, which found that salaries in Paris and Montreal in 2013 were 2.19percent and 1.22percent lower than existing salary scales, respectively, and noted that the Commission had not acted on ACABQ recommendations pertaining to place to place surveys at headquarters locations because the post adjustment system was being assessed through the comprehensive review of United Nations compensation.JOHANNES HUISMAN, Director, Programme Planning and Budget Division, Office of Programme Planning, Budget and Accounts, Department of Management, introduced the Secretary General's statement on the administrative and financial implications of the decisions and recommendations contained in the Commission's annual report (document A/C.5/68/3). Financial implications would stem from conditions of service of Professional and higher categories, namely the increase in the base/floor salary scale and education grant special measures in Belgium, and the conditions of service of the General Service and other locally recruited categories, namely the survey of best prevailing conditions of employment for General Service and related categories in Paris, and the survey of best prevailing conditions of employment for General Service and related categories in Montreal.Financial implications would stem from resolution 67/257, through which the Assembly asked the Commission to report on the progress, preliminary findings and administrative aspects of the comprehensive review of the compensation package during the main part of the Assembly's sixty eighth, sixty ninth and seventieth sessions. To carry out the review, the Commission had requested additional resources of $606,000. Section V of the Statement lays out the corresponding financial implications. This would include, among other implications, for the biennium 2014 2015, an additional appropriation of $195,700 for the United Nations share in the proposed programme budget under section 31, jointly financed administration activities, which would present a charge against the contingency fund.CARLOS RUIZ MASSIEU, Chair of the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions (ACABQ), introduced the Advisory Committee's report (document A/68/7/Add.4), and said it agreed with the Secretary General's presentation of the financial implications resulting from the Commission's recommendations and decisions. At the Assembly's request, the Commission was required to file an annual report on the progress, preliminary findings and administrative aspects of the comprehensive review of the compensation imitation van cleef and arpels necklace sale package. To carry out the review, the Commission had requested additional resources of $606,000. The Advisory Committee had not objected to the Secretary General's proposal, but expected that efforts to achieve cost efficiencies from the proposed additional requirements would be made.
Sep 16 '17 · 0 comments
Riots In The Netherlands After Caribbean Man Mitch Henriquez Dies In Police Custody

AMSTERDAM, July 2 (Reuters) Dutch police fired warning shots and arrested 34 people during a third straight day of unrest on Thursday triggered by the death of a Caribbean man in police custody, and a temporary ban on public gatherings was imposed in a neighborhood hit by rioting.

The death from apparent asphyxiation on Sunday of Mitch Henriquez, 42, from the Dutch Caribbean island of Aruba, has been likened to incidents in the United States that sparked protests over excessive police use of force.

Disturbances erupted anew overnight on Thursday and police imitation van cleef and arpels necklace sale on horseback charged protesters who set fires, hurled bottles and rocks and smashed shop windows, according to a police statement.

Later on Thursday, the mayor of The Hague imposed a rare temporary ban on public assembly in the neighborhood, where more than 60 protesters have been arrested since Monday, to try to stem the violence, the Dutch news agency ANP reported.

Protesters demonstrate in The Hague, the Netherlands, on June 29, 2015, after Mitch Henriquez died in police custody a day earlier. (AFP/Getty Images/Arie Kievit)

Under the measure, no more that three people were permitted to gather in one place while "dangerous objects" and scooters were prohibited, other local media said.

At one point during hours of rioting early on Thursday, police fired warning shots to ward a mob of youths who had cornered them, before riot officers arrived in jeeps, enabling their colleagues on foot to flee to safety. (0200 GMT).

Preliminary findings from an autopsy indicated that Henriquez died of asphyxiation after being held in a chokehold and pinned down by five white police officers. His death was almost certainly caused by rough police treatment, it said.

Floral tributes and small notes have been placed by family members of Mitch Henriquez, a man who died of suffocation following his arrest at a music festival in the Zuiderpark in The Hague, on July 1, 2015. (AFP/Getty Images/Bart Maat)

Henriquez, who has three children and was visiting the Netherlands, was arrested at a concert on Saturday for allegedly shouting that he had a gun, and died in hospital on Sunday. He did not have a weapon, investigators said. [ID: L5N0ZF4X4]

Police initially said that Henriquez had become unwell while on his way to jail. But amateur video emerged on Monday showing him being taken away in an arrest van, apparently already unconscious, after the heavy handed imitation van cleef and arpels alhambra necklace arrest.

The five officers imitation van cleef and arpels diamond necklace involved in Henriquez's arrest have been suspended pending results of an investigation.

The Hague's police force has previously been criticized by Amnesty International and in a 2013 Dutch TV documentary for targeting foreigners and immigrants disproportionately and with greater use of force.
Sep 16 '17 · 0 comments
Quanto costa effettivamente il servizio di un orologio automatico

Mattina ho camminato i miei gemelli baby al Del Amo Fashion Centre e ho lasciato cadere la mia Invicta Corduba Automatic a Watch City. La signora non conosceva il prezzo di un servizio (l'orologio sta funzionando velocemente e deve essere pagato dopo 4 anni). Attendo la sua chiamata.

Dopo aver abbandonato l'Invicta, ho camminato per altri due negozi di orologi per controllare i loro prezzi. Il ragazzo a Fast Fix ha detto $ 80. Gli mostrai il mio mostro arancione Seiko e disse che era un orologio da $ 500. Gli ho detto, sbagliato. Mi è costato 175 dollari. Era sconvolto.

Poi ho passeggiato i bambini a Del Time. Ho mostrato al vecchio la mia Seiko e ha detto che un servizio avrebbe costato 175 dollari. Gli ho detto che era il costo del mio orologio. Sembrava veramente sconvolto. Mi ha detto che non poteva ottenere l'orologio a buon mercato come me e che fosse un orologio da $ 500. Blah blah blah. Alcune persone come orologi meccanici che vanno a correre sull'elettricità. Questi orologi hanno più di un circuito economico a bordo. Hanno ingranaggi e rotori precisi con piccoli rubini come cuscinetti ad attrito super duri. E molti di questi orologi hanno cristalli zaffiri perché lo zaffiro è quasi duro come il diamante e non graffia come il vetro minerale.

Detto questo, penso che alcuni centri di assistenza pagano molto perché le persone che acquistano orologi molto costosi possono permettersi di avere un elenco di servizi di lusso per ciò che può diventare un erede familiare. È possibile che chiunque abbia aperto il tuo orologio da più migliaia di dollari. Personalmente, sto acquistando il mio primo automatico nella gamma di $ 200, quindi questi prezzi di servizio sembrano veramente elevati per me, ma ho l'appello di un bel pezzo di tempo meccanico.

L'orologiaio locale qui nel centro di Iowa carica circa 100 dollari per un servizio completo su un orologio meccanico. Se ti piace il tuo quotidiano cheapo $ 10 quarzo che puoi prendere in qualsiasi Wal Mart, quello a te, suppongo. I quarzi sono tra i più precisi degli orologi (le vibrazioni di un cristallo di quarzo con 1,5 volt che attraversano sono SEMPRE la stessa legge della fisica in modo da essere molto prevedibili rispetto a un meccanismo il cui timekeeping è minuziosamente colpito da calore, umidità, gravità e Altri fattori), ma i quarzini a buon mercato vale la pena riparare se smettono di lavorare per la maggior parte dei costi PENNIES per costruire in primo luogo, la maggior parte hanno le superfici di cuscinetti gioiello e sono realmente progettati solo per durare un periodo limitato di tempo. Se uno è durato più di un decennio nella tua cura, stai molto bene. La pulizia lo farà durare più a lungo, ma si consuma ancora alla fine. Al contrario, un orologio meccanico è progettato per durare una vita, e c'è un LOAD di ingegneria che è entrato nel loro design. Un buon meccanico ha le superfici di cuscinetti gioielli che non si svaniscono mai, anche se anche quelli che li hanno li funzionano ancora bene anche dopo più di un secolo di utilizzo fino a quando hanno mantenuto in buone condizioni. Hanno sporco, e hanno bisogno di pulizia e lubrificazione ogni pochi anni questo è chiamato 'assistenza' e ciò che mi riferisco sopra. In occasione di una meccanica avrà bisogno di un po 'più di lavoro che solo la pulizia e l'olio, e che costerà di più. Sono un hobbyista nel campo dell'orologia e faccio gran parte del mio servizio, tranne quelli che sono estremamente preziosi, ho fiducia nelle mie mani per farlo, e sono più che felice di fidarmi di un orologiaio per servirli per me. Costa di più, ma ne vale la pena. È più che possibile danneggiare accidentalmente un orologio mentre lo si è disassemblato per la manutenzione (lo ho fatto a pezzi che ho eseguito da sola), o persino perderò una delle parti praticamente microscopiche di ciò che gli orologiai hanno assicurato. Alcune marche di orologi alti come Omega, Rolex, Breitling, Patek Phillipe, ecc., Sono più costosi rispetto agli altri. Anche se il servizio è fondamentalmente lo stesso, le parti costano MUCH più da acquisire in caso di incidente, quindi l'assicurazione è più elevata. Quello che paghi 400 dollari per servire un Rolex per l'abilità dell'orologeria per servire correttamente un dollaro così alto, senza danneggiare le cose, e in caso di incidente, l'assicurazione costosa che assicuri di riportare il tuo orologio in buon ordine con il Parti corrette senza pagare in più. I quarzi sono ok, fintanto che ti preoccupati per il lavoro che è andato in loro la maggior parte di ciò che troverai a buon mercato a Wal Mart e posti come se fossero fatti in Cina dai 12 anni in una maglietta senza senso di controllo di qualità. Casio, Seiko, Swatch, Timex e alcuni altri fanno i propri movimenti di quarzo di qualità e molti altri fanno i loro movimenti al quarzo da altre aziende che fanno movimenti di qualità per esempio Citizen / Bulova acquista i loro movimenti al quarzo da Miyota, Noto per movimenti di orologi di buona qualità molti di questi movimenti di quarzo di alta qualità hanno anche alcune superfici di cuscinetti gioiello in essi, ma si paga di più per questi. Si ottiene quello che si paga. Cheap $ 10 orologi Wal Mart non sono mai vale la pena di fissare ho visto tonnellate di loro. Se butto uno di quelli nel pulitore ad ultrasuoni e poi metto una batteria in esso e ancora non funziona i pezzi foraggi. Non vale il mio tempo per strappargliela e scoprire che cosa non va in giro con esso. Se qualcuno guardi che sto lavorando, o se mi piace e mi piace, basta acquistare un nuovo movimento per qualche dollaro e cambiarlo. Un buon meccanico, d'altra parte, è come un serbatoio in confronto. Ci sono alcuni meno costosi là fuori, ma un meccanico è solitamente vale la pena fissare nel caso in cui qualcosa di sbagliato con esso. Corretto servizio, un buon orologio meccanico può diventare un erede e durare più di un secolo. C'è un motivo che ci sono orologi da tasca / fob dal 1800s ancora intorno e in condizioni di funzionamento. Buona fortuna che raggiunge quel record con un quarzo.

Ti costerà almeno $ 100 per avere un servizio completo per qualsiasi orologio meccanico in molti posti. Ho avuto due orologi Seiko 6309 serviti recentemente e il costo per orologio era di $ 180.00 ma per quello ho avuto per avere un orologio mi piace fare nuovo come nuovo per altri 5 8 anni.

Gli orologi di alta qualità possono costare ben oltre $ 500 al servizio. Ho avuto uno dei miei orologi Maurice Lacroix servito l'anno scorso al costo di 600 dollari, più è dovuto essere spedito al centro di assistenza. Stesso con un paio di altri orologi che possiedo. Si ottiene quello che si paga.
Sep 16 '17 · 0 comments
Festival di Foodie Park da questo è Londra locale

'Foodies Festival è il tipo di evento che ho sempre amato andare, e non posso credere che adesso sarò aderire alla linea di chef di Michelin stellati per ispirare compagni di cibo a Londra'.

Gli altri tre finalisti femminili di MasterChef Lorna Robertson, Giovanna Ryan e Alison O 'Reilly parteciperanno anche a una demo live come il teatro' Tre ragazze cucinare nello chef 'il 28 maggio.

Gli appassionati di Foodie possono esaminare le abilità culinarie e piatti deliziosi degli altri chefs di celebrità, tra cui Rosemary Shrager, Candice Brown, Gary Foulkes, Jane Devonshire, Anjula Devi, Miguel Barclay nel teatro dei cuochi durante il fine settimana.

Jane Devonshire, vincitore della serie 2016 MasterChef, ha dichiarato: 'Mi piace il Foodies Festival e faccio parte dello spettacolo, dopo aver partecipato l'anno scorso poco dopo aver vinto il MasterChef.

'Quando non sono nel Teatro del Chef, mi troverai a esplorare le bancarelle degli espositori per vedere quali sono le offerte deliziose, in attesa del villaggio Street Food oa chiacchierare ai visitatori'.

Il festival gastronomico includerà anche un nuovo Cake Desserts Theatre, un quotidiano 'Foodies Cake Off', un viale di cibo di strada e una varietà di masterclass di cibo e bevande.

I visitatori possono sedersi e godere di suoni e testi di diverse band non firmate come Ruby Confue, Natalie Shay, Axel Jansson e Fifth Floor, che suoneranno sul palco live musicale.

Novità per quest'anno, i fanatici di forma fisica avranno la possibilità di partecipare ad un orologio imbottito di classi libere di yoga e benessere nella zona salutare gestita da Lululemon e yogahaven dalle 11 alle 17 ogni giorno.

Qualcuno ha bisogno di chiederle che cosa era come essere scelto su chi fosse e non quello che cucinava. Il primo vincitore nella storia di MC non essere chiamato quello che ha cucinato. Mai una volta si allontanò da quello che sapeva. E c'erano innumerevoli concorrenti davanti a lei che fu messo a compimento da Greg e John per aver fatto lo stesso stesso. Qualcuno deve chiederle che cosa era come essere scelto con mano su chi fosse e non quello che cucinava. Il primo vincitore nella storia di MC non essere chiamato quello che ha cucinato. Mai una volta si allontanò da quello che sapeva. E c'erano innumerevoli concorrenti davanti a lei che fu messo in compiti da Greg e John per aver fatto lo stesso
Sep 16 '17 · 0 comments
The Backpacker Archives

The Backpacker blog, at the ripe old age of three and a half years, is leaving its old home and moving in to a sharehouse with all the other Fairfax blogs. Sniff. They grow up so fast.

Rather than a bunch of students sitting around the lounge room getting stoned all day though, the new sharehouse will be a lively place of intelligent discussion, important, well thought out arguments, and, um, my blog.

So update your bookmarks, click on the whizz bang new RSS feed, and let's have some fun. New links are:

It all started at the airport, of course. Costs a bomb to get out there almost as much as my bloody flight. Then you have to wait in line forever, the chick behind the counter was rude, and the duty free shopping. Ha! I reckon it'd be cheaper in town.

I don't know why I keep going with these "budget" carriers. Wouldn't know customer service if you hit them over the head with it. You have to pay for water (is that even legal?) fake van cleef alhambra earrings you have to pay for your food, pay to watch something on telly . I hear over in Europe they even want you to pay to go the dunny! And that's once you get past all the hidden charges in the first place. These blokes have got no shame.

I mean, I got to fly to Asia for a couple of hundred bucks, but really, I don't know if it's worth it, all the stuff you have to put up with.

It's not backpackers' snobbery. I don't see anything heroic about not washing your clothes for a month. I don't want to stay in a hostel with paper thin walls just because I like listening to French people arguing.

See, I can appreciate the beauty of 1000 thread count sheets, and I'm quite happy to have a full, luxurious fake van cleef turquoise earrings breakfast delivered to my door. First class seats are fine. Chauffeur driven rides are nice.

But I still honestly believe you'll get more out of a holiday by going budget than by taking the luxury path.

It's a fact of the traveller's life that you're going to get sick while you're on the road. Take all the precautions you want, but it's almost impossible to send strange foreign foodstuffs down your oesophagus without the odd stomach rumble.

Those rumbles can range from the mildly discomforting to the agonising, confine you to your room, make you swear you'll never visit street vendors again pains that can eat up a good chunk of your trip, and become the only stories you wind up telling everyone when you get home.

It's also an annoying irony that these episodes usually occur in the places with the most frightening toilet facilities.

You can get sick from the food anywhere. And there's often nothing wrong with what you're eating in the places you do get sick it's just your body reacting to something it's never encountered before (like vegetables).

However, vans earrings replica some countries are more likely to do you damage than others. I'm not saying you shouldn't visit them. Just, you know, take imodium.

There's so much more to a perfect meal than food. Sure, it has to be good, but spending a few weeks' rent money on a degustation menu full of foamed thingys and deconstructed whatsits isn't going to guarantee culinary nirvana.

I was interested to read the recent announcement of the top 100 restaurants in the world. I've only been to three of them, but if I were to weigh up the closest I've come to eating the perfect meal something I'm not sure even exists none of those would make the list.

So what does a perfect meal require? Good food, definitely. But not necessarily expensive food. It also has to be shared with close friends, in a location with plenty of character, and be washed down with something tasty.

The company is often the key I've had plenty of great meals overseas by myself, but it's much more fun to share it with people you love.

So it's no mean feat to find this "perfect meal". The real joy, though, is in the search. Here's the closest I've come.

It would probably go completely unnoticed by travellers had a bunch of European politicians not met on a riverboat there in 1985 to sign an historic agreement.

There in Schengen, while probably toasting each other with the local drop, members of five European countries West Germany, the Netherlands, Belgium, France and Luxembourg agreed to remove border controls between their states, signing off on what would be known as the Schengen Agreement.

It was barely a blip on the radar for Australians back then. Now, however, things have changed.

It used to be easy to "do" Europe. Three or four weeks was all it took, following the well worn trail from London to Paris, on to the Riviera, down to Italy, back up through Switzerland, into Germany, and finishing up in Holland.

Most tour companies still run that route, and for good reason there are easily enough major highlights to keep the first time visitor enthralled.
Sep 16 '17 · 0 comments
Sharon Van Etten Explains The Heartbreak Behind Her New EP

Sharon Van Etten's 2014 album, Are We There, was one of the more focused, devastating recordings of the year, an unflinching set of songs that trace the contours of a doomed relationship. fake clover earrings van cleef The album doesn't spare either party Van Etten is as critical of her own decisions as she is damning of her lover's minor cruelties and missteps. It's an uncut catharsis machine, and listening to it can wring you out.

Amazingly, there's more where Are We There came from. Van Etten's new EP, out June 9, is called I Don't Want To Let You Down, and it covers some of the same musical and lyrical ground as the album. We're happy to share not only the music you can listen to all five of the EP's songs below but also a behind the scenes peek into the story behind the EP and the album, in Van Etten's own words. As she tells it, the growth of her musical career itself was the catalyst for the end of the relationship.

Van Etten's way with a melody, and her remarkable voice, can make these stories seem epic, almost mythical. But they all center on the kind of tough, essential, everyday dilemmas that are the heart of living a satisfying life, the same ones that break your heart the hardest.

1. I Don't Want To Let You Down

"I knew that the choices that I'd made in deciding to fake alhambra earrings pursue music full time, I knew that it was going to be a struggle in my real life. And I still wanted to make whether it be my family or friends or in my personal relationship I wanted people to be proud of me and know that I still felt like I was doing what I needed to do. And loving [them] as much as I can, but knowing that I was letting somebody down in the process. It was somebody that I was with off and on for ten years and someone that supported me from the very beginning. And our relationship in my New York, adult life developed over time. And it's really intense how things can grow from a place of support to when you get to a place where the reasons they were supporting you overtake your life a little bit. And you have to put your relationship on hold to pursue that. It's someone I still care about but don't speak with any more. It was a hard decision to make, but I had to pursue music. In the end it turned into a choice between the two. And it's not just me making a sacrifice, it's me hurting someone. I have to acknowledge the pain the other person has been going through."

2. Just Like Blood

"I'm not very good at communicating my emotions. And usually it's when I'm really sad and or in a dark place, and this song was when I was pretty angry. Sometimes in those situations I feel like I go into a victim role and completely shut down. I'm not aware of my surroundings and I can't connect with people. And it feels really intense and I'm not able to talk about it. And I have to retreat and write and record and listen back to it. It's all part of how I write anyway. But it was one of those times where I was having a fight about going on tour versus being at home and deciding to take the tour. It was the Nick Cave tour I decided to take instead of being home after I had promised to be home for a while. We were just fighting a lot around that time. And for something I was really passionate about and someone he even admired, I had a really hard time understanding why it was a battle all the time. I'm not an angry person and I don't like fighting. I like being able to have a conversation when both parties are open to it. When somebody is really shut down and not really listening and set in their ways, it's obviously something they're going through that you can't connect with them. So it was really frustrating. He definitely knew how to push my buttons and every now and then I had a moment I wasn't proud of for sure."

3. I Always Fall Apart

"I think it's a half joke. I actually wrote this one about Ben Goldberg and Ba Da Bing Records and missing the old times, and acknowledging how he took me under his wing. And because of that how I haven't even been home. Things are growing and it's been fake van cleef arpels earrings really overwhelming. He tried to nurture me and look out for me and all of a sudden I'm gone. I don't see him anymore and I miss him! So when I say, 'Where have you been?,' it's a half joke. I try to say it like 'Ben,' like 'Where have you, Ben?'" [Note: Ba Da Bing Records is a Brooklyn based label founded by Ben Goldberg, who employed Van Etten as a publicist from 2007 to 2010, when Ba Da Bing released her album Epic. Van Etten is now on Jagjaguwar.)

4. Pay My Debts

"This was just kind of a freak song. I had just started learning how to do digital drums in Garage Band. The demo version is a little bit different, but as soon as I added the electronic drums it sounded like Peter Gabriel. So I kind of set it aside. It just wasn't fitting with everything else we were working on.

"The lyrics have changed in the year or two I worked on it. It started off where, with [the 2012 album] Tramp, I literally was able to pay off all my debts, and was able to get my first apartment in a while and my first place on my own. So it's one of the first songs I wrote when I got my own apartment. But in that process, also [I was] returning home, reconnecting with people from home who seemed to resent you for being gone. And that time travel that seems to take place when you go on tour and you're gone for six months and you come back home and you're excited to see everybody. But every now and then there's a friend of yours you reconnect with and you realize life goes on without you. There are some people where you can't just go and pick back up with them. A lot happens when you're gone. So in that way, the debts you have to pay by coming back and catching up and reconnecting and making that effort. I mean, that's an intense thing to come home to."

5. Tell Me [Live] (Previously only available on the Tramp demos)

"This is a song I've tried in different contexts and the only way it ever feels real to me is just as a straight up band song. I tried a minimal version that just wasn't working. I love it as a song, it just never came together in the studio. But as I got to know my new band we started playing B sides and outtakes at live shows to keep it fresh for us and for returning fans. I can't think of any other way to do this song now. Just the live energy of it, it just makes sense. It has this natural momentum that's hard to create in a studio environment.

"I wrote this toward the end of recording Tramp, so it did overlap with [the 2014 album Are We There?] some. It's still a love song and has that drawn out narrative I do. I wrote it during one of the 'off periods' with the person who Are We There is centered around. We were off and on for so long that it was one of those times where I really didn't understand, 'Are we in a relationship? Do you want this to happen? You're not communicating with me.' Because of my work I fall off the face of the earth for a while. But as a person he'd fall off the face of the earth for a while. But whenever we were together we had so much fun. I felt we both challenged each other. I just don't know why he could never be completely open with me. And I was frustrated as hell."
Sep 16 '17 · 0 comments
Stemming the tide

When neurologist Mark Freedman and haematologist Harry Atkins started planning a radical multiple sclerosis (MS) experiment in 1999, they set the wheels in motion for a spectacular failure. They learned nothing about how MS develops but still achieved something remarkable.

The two doctors at the University of Ottawa in Canada wanted to reset a patient immune system in much the same way that you reboot a computer, hoping to watch the autoimmunity redevelop and thereby pinpoint the elusive origins of MS. The restart button was dangerous: a concoction of potentially fatal toxins that would destroy the aberrant immune cells that drive the neurodegenerative disease, followed by a transplantation of the patient own haematopoietic stem cells (which give rise to blood cells) to protect against subsequent infection. The researchers hoped that done cautiously, this extreme approach, called autologous haematopoietic stem cell transplantation (aHSCT), might also buy their patients a little extra time.

Freedman and Atkins have yet to see how immune cells turn against the central nervous system in MS. failed, miserably, says Freedman, with a smile. Instead the pair had stumbled across something much more useful: a powerful treatment for the disease. Earlier this year they reported that of the 24 patients who have received aHSCT at the Ottawa Hospital, 23 have not relapsed1.

took patients who were really going downhill fast, and we stopped the disease dead in its tracks, says Freedman. The responses are durable too, having lasted more than 14 years in some patients. Most of the patients stopped getting sicker, but half a dozen have made remarkable neurological recoveries.

Other hospitals have reported similar success using aHSCT to treat MS. A recent meta analysis of 15 studies since 1995, involving 764 patients, found that 67 of aHSCT recipients had no evidence of disease activity 5 years after treatment2.

Even so, many neurologists have reservations about the high risk treatment, which haematologists initially developed as a last resort to treat blood cancers. And trials of aHSCT in MS have all been small and uncontrolled, prompting some neurologists to argue that it is premature to embrace the results.

had many treatments that have appeared promising when used in uncontrolled trials, but that have failed in larger trials, warns Christopher Bever, a neurologist at the University of Maryland Medical Center in Baltimore. Already, he says, exploitative, unlicensed clinics around the world are profiteering from the enthusiasm for stem cells.

Risky businessThere is no disputing that the therapy carries great risk. The drugs that knock out the immune system bring patients to the brink of death and around 2 of aHSCT treated patients die from transplant related causes2. Although this death rate is falling, reflecting a better understanding of how to deploy the treatment in the clinic, recovery remains slow and painful, and the side effects can be lifelong. not for everyone, says Freedman.

One person who did benefit, though, is Jennifer Molson. She was diagnosed with MS in 1996, after pins and needles in her left hand made her drop a jug of milk on the floor. Five years later, at the age of 26, her disease was so aggressive that she needed help bathing, getting dressed and eating. She had quit her job, given up her dreams of becoming a police officer, and was confined to a wheelchair.

A grim magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scan eventually provided a silver lining. looked like someone had taken a cheese grater to my brain, she says. Freedman, who was one of her doctors, turned to her and said you are sick enough now. Now we can try and do something for you, she recalls.

In June 2002, Molson became cartier baby bracelet the fifth MS patient to receive aHSCT at the Ottawa Hospital. Freedman and his colleagues first harvested stem cells from her bone marrow that they would later use to bolster her immune system. For 10 days, they blasted her with chemotherapy to kill off the faulty immune cells that were responsible for her decline; the rest of her immune system was collateral damage. On day 11, the doctors reinjected her with the stem cells to stave off what could otherwise be deadly infections.

She hit rock bottom during the subsequent month in the hospital, and spent more than a year at home recuperating. had no idea how sick I was going to be, she says. She still had the neurodegenerative losses of MS, but she also started vomiting on a daily basis and was plagued by fog thinking and memory problems brought on by the chemotherapy drugs. Her energy was gone, as was her hair. She came down with a painful case of shingles and a blood infection. went into a bit of depression, she says. did I do to myself? I wonder. Molson was one of the lucky ones. The next patient to enter the trial died 62 days after transplantation from treatment related sepsis and liver injury.

Eventually, Molson made a remarkable recovery. When she started the trial, she could not stand up on her own. Last summer, she went paddle boarding on the choppy, chilly Ottawa river. She still has to take drugs for heartburn and for chemotherapy induced menopause, but she has been free from MS relapse for 14 years. like to use the word The doctors don so we stick with remission says Molson, who now works as a research assistant in the hospital where she was treated.

In total, 35 of the patients in Freedman trial have enjoyed sustained improvements on an expanded disability status scale, which quantifies MS disability.

No one really knows what is driving these recoveries, although Freedman suspects that remyelination might be occurring. In MS, inflammatory flare ups strip neurons of their protective myelin sheaths, leaving them vulnerable to degeneration. Cells called oligodendrocytes can remyelinate damaged neurons, but this regenerative ability tends to fade as the disease progresses. Researchers have struggled, and so far failed, to use drugs to induce remyelination3.

The stem cells used in aHSCT are intended to protect patients from infection, and are not thought to be involved in remyelination. But preliminary imaging data nevertheless suggest that the remyelination pathway might be activated in some aHSCT recipients.

Divided opinionNeurologists remain divided over how to roll out aHSCT to patients with MS, however. bottom line for me is that aHSCT is unproven, says Bever. He calls the results but argues that they need to be handled with care until they are replicated in a larger, controlled clinical trial. don bring it up with patients, he adds.

Jeffrey Cohen, a neurologist at the Cleveland Clinic in Ohio, is more optimistic. evidence already supports using this approach in patients with very active disease that have failed all the available therapies, he says. But these patients are rare, he adds, and available evidence does not support using it more generally. whose team now considers offering aHSCT to 2 or 3 patients per month, counters that there is a case for broader use. Transplantation should be a treatment option for patients who have rapidly developing and uncontrollable disease4, he says. If neurologists use aHSCT only as an absolute last resort, he adds, they might miss the window of opportunity when it offers the most promise. Once copy bracelet like cartier love bracelet the disease becomes too advanced, or patients lose the ability to cope with immuno ablation, the risk analysis for aHSCT can become more complex.

More clinical trials could resolve the debate. In 2012, Freedman and his colleagues replica cartier bracelet love planned a 114 patient, controlled phase III trial of aHSCT, in which control patients would be randomized to the best available therapy initially and then crossed over onto aHSCT only when their disease progresses5. But funding for the trial has remained elusive, and recruitment might also be problematic because people in the control group might drop out to explore other experimental options. Some researchers want to use safer, less toxic drugs to wipe out the immune system in the first phase of the treatment a move that Freedman says is a mistake because it could leave behind autoimmune cells as well.

Researchers are also advancing an entirely different approach that uses mesenchymal stem cells. Whereas haematopoietic stem cells are intended only to prevent infection in aHSCT, mesenchymal stem cells are thought to offer regenerative capabilities. Preclinical data suggest that mesenchymal cells secrete proteins that can protect axons, improve neuronal survival and induce repair6.

A few phase I studies have shown that these cells are safe7, and researchers are now looking for signs of efficacy in larger phase II trials. Freedman, for example, is collaborating with colleagues to enrol 40 patients with either relapsing or secondary progressive MS into a Canadian trial called MESCAMS. The results, which are expected in late 2017 or early 2018, will be pooled with data from another 120 patients who are receiving the same stem cell treatment in other countries.

Cohen is also set to launch a phase II trial using mesenchymal stem cells in 120 patients with MS in 2017. His group is fine tuning some technical details, such as how many mesenchymal stem cells to inject into patients, and whether the cells should be frozen before use or injected directly from culture. seem like pedestrian issues, but are probably very important, he says.

Despite the huge amount of uncertainty that surrounds the experimental use of stem cells, a growing number of clinics with dubious scientific qualifications are already cashing in on the stem cell hype. Profit driven clinics around the world are offering experimental treatments that may or may not actually include stem cells to any patients with MS who will pay. a big issue, says Cohen. hard to know what actually going on in these clinics. empathizes with desperate people who turn to these clinics through frustration with the slow pace of scientific progress. was willing to die to get better. I was in their shoes, she says. But even she did not properly appreciate the full risks of a legitimate treatment in a regulated trial, where she knew exactly what she was getting until it was too late. who are thinking about doing this need to talk to their physicians, she says.
Sep 15 '17 · 0 comments
Teraco Names Data Center Operations Head

Drawing from a decade of experience in the data center industry, Geyser cartier bracelets fake will be responsible for managing the building and facilities of Teraco data center in Cape Town and Johannesburg, as well as further improving infrastructure and systems as the company expands its capacity.

His experience of directing senior technical teams will aid the management team in the expansion of Teraco existing operations, and build out of new facilities.

Prior to Vodacom, Geyser was the senior manager of operations at Internet Solutions, where he oversaw the company data center and cartier baby bracelet hosting infrastructure and business continuity.

are very glad to welcome Gys to the Teraco team, says Lex van Wyk, managing director of Teraco. is the quintessential pair of hands having overseen some of this country most sophisticated technology environments. He also has a proven track record in managing people and infrastructure, which is a rare and valuable combination. Our business is growing fast, and we can make no compromise in ensuring we have the right people to deliver on our customers expectations of complete competence and reliability. recently secured $6 million in financing, Teraco is in the midst of a massive expansion to support new growth.

The company currently operates a colocation facility in the Cape Town southern suburb of Rondebosch, which it launched in February. The company is currently planning its second phase 18k cartier love bracelet replica expansion.

It will open another data center in Isando on the east side of Johannesburg in early 2010, expanded to 37,674 square feet over several phases. Teraco is also looking at possible sites in Durban for a third data center.
Sep 15 '17 · 0 comments
Talkbacks France has belatedly woken up to the jihadist threat

furthermore, as is pointed out in the article, intelligence gatherig, surveillance must be improved. all of that depends on the political will of the government.

those who go to fight in any type of jihad must be charged and incarcerated for a long time and if possible their citizenship revoked or else their passports confiscated.

by now, it is known that all the terrorists in these two attacks were connected and two at least were radicalised by the algerian born djamel beghal, a follower of abu hamza who has just been sentenced to life imprisonment in the united states for terror activities.

what is most lacking in the west is the political will and courage to defeat the jihadists. what imitation van cleef and arpels pendant necklace is also lacking is the underlining legal framework wich would allow the imprisonment for long time of terrorists van cleef and arpels diamond necklace knock off who are caught on the national homeland. jihadists cannot be reformed.

Failing to recognize that it is islam that inspire those terrorists is too dangerous for everybody.

What are the alternatives? An epidemic of madness like the french government tried to make people believe during the last lone

wolf attacks? Skin color? Origins? Aliens?

The french government and media even failed to inform people (the people who pay for their salaries) of the link between

Charlie's massacre, Rushdie's fatwa, Theo van Gogh murder, and the murderous frenzy that took hold of masses of muslims around the world when the danish cartoon were published. Opening the way for the lies of the muslim leaders stating that they had nothing to do with these killing, while around the world they have burned dolls and pictures of the journalists and flags of the countries that published the cartoons,

Until the french government on one side tell the truth and explain that terror is not the matter of all muslims and on the other side expect from muslims something more than "not in my name" but to adopt french society's values instead of progressively slip into salafism, until this is done the french government will push more and more voters to the far right.

The far right has already collected a good share of the lower working class left alone without any other political representation.

I'm wondering how many more voters these terror attacks are worth for the National Front and how many more will come when people will see leaders of the french Muslim Brotherhood (UOIF) walking, hand in hand, with top french political figure, while a french party (albeit far right) is not invited.

I think they would feel the same way as Israelis seeing Hamas leader taking part in Yom HaZikaron ceremonies.

About the Jewish Watch (?), let's remember the media lynch to which were submited the few ones who the last year defended synagogues assaulted by hordes of raving dogs sympathetics to Hamas.

The media didn't condemned, not even asked what fanatics were doing in front of synagogues, but condemned without appeal the defenders, saying that "many trained in Israel" (as if it was from ISIS) and sounded more like Hezballah media that french ones.

It is islam that inspires these low lifes. The West cannot go on turning a blind eye to reality, governments cannot go on constantly lying to the people without pushing them into the far right, who is simply saying aloud what everybody already knows but doesn't dare to say it openly for fear of being called "islamophobic" and "racist".

Failing to recognize that it is islam that inspire those terrorists is too dangerous for everybody.

What are the alternatives? An epidemic of madness like the french government tried to make people believe during the last lone wolf attacks? Skin color? Origins? Aliens?

The french government and media even failed to inform people (the people who pay for their salaries) of the imitation alhambra necklace link between
Sep 15 '17 · 0 comments
Releasing Anger and Resistance to Embrace Love

If you are experiencing negative emotions in regards to a specific person that you feel affected your life, I am here to share my story of how I was able to eliminate anger and resentment with my mother, and embrace love and acceptance for myself.

You are responsible for your own emotions and how you perceive your environment and experiences. I urge you to learn to make the most of life by releasing all negative emotions, and embracing happiness, love, forgiveness, and all that is great! As you release the anger the weight upon your shoulders, the tightness in the pit of your stomach, and the tension in your body that causes pain, depression, and eventually illness will dissipate. You have the ability to live a life of complete happiness. The choice is yours, and I offer this article to assist you in learning how.

My personal experience with my mother has been an emotional roller coaster ride for my entire life, until a year ago. My mother has some very awesome qualities, and I believe has tried to live her life the best way she knew. However she embraces negativity and refuses to learn how to let go of these beliefs. Consequently she lives with bitterness, and feels alone. Is this how you want to live out your life? Would you choose happiness and abundance if you knew how? You are the only one that can make that choice. Make a deliberate choice, here and now, to learn the techniques and processes to release the anger and embrace love.

A little bit of my background and how I learned to let go.

In my early years of childhood my father was in the armed forces and as a family we moved every 1 2 years. I realize this was difficult for my mother, often living a great distance from her family and always having to meet new friends. She was a social person and always seemed to attract friendships wherever she lived, yet moving constantly was a hardship.

Shortly after I turned 11 my father retired from the armed forces and we settled in the Okanagan Valley, British Columbia. My parents had lived there in the early years of their marriage and always wanted to return, so we moved from Ontario out to BC. My brother (6 years older), my cat, and I drove across Canada in our "Acadian" car towing a tent trailer to find a home prior to my father following a few months later. For the first few months while house hunting we camped and discovered our new territory. We spent hours swimming, beaching, eating fresh fruit from the orchards, and looking for the ideal home. Mom fell in love with a house 7 miles out of town, perched on a hill overlooking Skaha Lake with acreage all around. This was to be her haven and we all looked forward to settling down. At the end of the summer my father joined us, followed by the moving van, and we moved in. This is where my story really begins.

With the start of school, my brother began high school in Penticton, and I began grade 6 in Okanagan Falls. At this time, the OK Falls school was 3 rooms with 3 grades to each room. My grade consisted of 11 classmates. A far cry from the Ottawa city school I had last attended! Most of these kids had grown up together and they were not the least accepting of a "city slicker" who knew nothing about the country ways of doing things. I was not only bullied by my classmates, but by my teacher too. It was a year from H for me, and one I will never forget. The only saving grace was the fulfilled promise that when we moved to the country I was to get a horse. My old horse Goldie was the perfect beginner horse for a newbie like me. We quickly bonded, and she was my best and only friend in that year.

We settled in to our daily living, adjusting to the changes. My brother had similar difficulties adjusting with his school in regards to being an "outcast". He chose to isolate and found comfort with his aquariums of fish, reading, and hiking the hills around our home. My mother who had always been a stay at home mom performed the household chores, canning fruit, cleaning, gardening, moving my horse from spot to spot for feed, and entertaining relatives who came to visit often. My father found a job as a salesperson in a furniture/music store, which he detested but never complained about. There had been, and continued to be tension between my mother and brother, and very little interaction between my mother and father. As my loneliness and insecurity in my school increased, so did the tension between my mother and I. My mother was always a person who chose to point out the negative actions of each of us, as well as anyone else, because in her mind if you couldn't see what you were doing wrong then you wouldn't know how to change and do it right. We never received compliments, only criticism, because that "made you stronger". Gradually she became more bitter, resentful, and attracted more and more negativity into her existence. Her nagging persisted, in fact increased, thus creating a very unhealthy atmosphere. As I became 13 and began going to school in Penticton, necessitating the need to make new friends and find my niche, I long for more independence. Every new friend I brought home to meet my parents, my mother disapproved of. Nothing I did, and no one I knew were quite "good enough". My brother left home and joined the Navy. My father changed jobs and spent more time either working over time or was in the garden where he could isolate. Home life became a very negative environment and finally came to a head one day in November, when I was the age of 14. There was a fight and my father asked my mother to leave, if that was what she wanted. Leave, she did, and because we were having such conflict at the time and I chose to stay with my father, my mother chose to blame me for the circumstances. imitation van cleef diamond necklace Suddenly I became the victim of years of anger, and resistance between my parents.

To make a long story short, my mother and I carried on through our lives, ignoring the hurt, anger, and grief that we had felt over my parents' divorce. I was raised to respect my parents, and never really discussed the pain or resentment that I felt. The years passed by. My mother re married when I was 31, and I developed a bond with my step father. Six years ago, when it became evident that my step father was in the middle stages of alzheimer's and my mother could no longer cope with their responsibilities, the decision was made (the only one my step dad would accept) that they would come to live with my replica van cleef and arpels diamond necklace husband and I, in a basement suite. Well, my step father had a stroke 6 months later, and his children chose to place him in a nursing home 6 hours away from where we lived. My hands were tied legally, as his son had power of attorney. The injustice of all of this made me extremely angry. I loved my step father, but I was forced to fight for my mother's legal rights. My mother had suffered a mental break down when they moved in with us, and never quite recovered and she was incapable of making any logical decision. A division of family with unresolved emotional feelings occurred once again. It was a time of deep fake alhambra van cleef necklace reflection for me. I have always had a deep connection with my inner spirit, and thankfully it has held me strong over the years. This was a time to re connect with myself and my intuition, and to start following the path of healing, resolving life long issues, and releasing all the anger.

Through all of this, I realized that my reaching out to care for the two of them was a life long desire of feeling the need to be loved and accepted by my mother for her anger and resentment of feeling as though I were the reason for her divorce from my father.

It wasn't until my studies with the law of attraction, meditation, and releasing my negative resistance that I allowed myself to live in the moment with positive emotion. I was raised to believe that criticism was "good for you", it made you strong. That was, and still is still my mother's mindset and no one can change her belief but herself. But thankfully I learned how I could change my mindset. I can live with happiness and joy. I can embrace love, not fight for it. I can get excited and enthusiastic and feel wonderful every day.

After almost 40 years of living with feelings of guilt, and a lack of loving myself, I finally accepted the fact that I was not responsible for either of my parents experiences or emotions. This was a turning point for me, and it is the lesson I wish to share with you.

I made a deliberate choice to write a "Gratitude Journal" to release my anger, resentment, and feelings of lack of love and embrace love, acceptance and forgiveness.

I wrote every night after meditating on my childhood and the good memories. When I felt the "buts" or the "negative" experiences arise, I would thank those experiences for the lessons they gave me, and then I would continue focusing on the good memories and the positive experiences I gained. When I completed my journal, I organized it into chapters of particular experiences, such as my love for water and my mother teaching me how to swim, or the wonderful camping trips we would take to various lakes and waterfalls. I designed the gratitude journal into an easy to read format, and gifted it to my mother.

Despite the loss of memory, my mother keeps this book by her side and reads it often. Each time the words come across to her as though it were a new experience, and the gratitude and love I share through these words give her happiness for that moment. I wrote this journal to support myself in releasing the anger and embracing the love which it has done, but it also has given my mother love and joy to embrace in her final years.

If there is anyone in your life that has stirred up emotions that are negative, I urge you to "release the anger, embrace the love" and give your self a gift of a gratitude journal.

There are lessons in regards to how we learn to attract that which we vibrate in our emotions, how we can change our vibrations to attract better feelings, why and the effects of bullying on children, the effects of divorce on children, and most importantly the benefits of a gratitude journal, releasing negative emotions, meditations, and living with joy.

In my chosen profession as a law of attraction life coach it is my intention to support and assist others' to learn how to attract a healthier and happier environment to thrive in.

A baby boomer who has taken life and work experiences, and chosen the deliberate path of empowering children of divorce, single parents, and individuals who suffer from the effects of a negative environment to embrace a life of happiness and good health.
Sep 15 '17 · 0 comments
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