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La femme qui dirige la L

La Philharmonie de Los Angeles était à quelques jours de l'exécution de 'Cosi fan tutte' de Mozart. Les sopranos et les ténors avaient volé dans le monde entier. Les musiciens pratiquaient des échelles et des arpèges dans la salle de concert Walt Disney. La femme derrière elle, Deborah Borda, A boutonné son manteau, est sorti et glissé sous un parapluie.

Elle s'est précipitée dans la 1ère rue au Centre de musique pour rassembler des bénévoles d'orchestre, qui augmentent environ 500 000 $ par année grâce à des dégustations de desserts et à des courses de 5 km. Elle a donné un bref discours et s'est dirigée vers le bas d'une salle dans une autre pièce pour rencontrer des bienfaiteurs plus riches. Elle a ensuite conduit à Santa Monica pour essayer une robe conçue par le couturier supérieur Hussein Chalayan, qu'elle porterait à l'ouverture de 'Cosi'. Peu avant le crépuscule, Borda est arrivé à L 'Ermitage à Beverly Hills pour siroter Pinot Noir et convaincre les clients de parrainer des tableaux de 150 000 $ pour le gala d'automne.

Le charme de Borda à de tels événements dément une férocité qui parfois peut-être gênée: un musicien l'a accueillie une fois en disant: «Je vous entends fort'. Mais elle est l'une des leaders artistiques les plus prospères du pays. Symphonie et a inculqué un savoir-faire corporatif qui a augmenté la dotation de l'orchestre presque cinq fois à 222 millions de dollars,cartier imitation collier.

À une époque où de nombreux orchestres se battent pour survivre, elle a élargi le marketing et la collecte de fonds, augmenté le nombre de concerts à Disney Hall et Hollywood Bowl, et a engagé Gustavo Dudamel, l'un des chefs de train les plus excitants du monde. Sa capacité à construire Sur l'aventure artistique commencée par l'ancien directeur exécutif Ernest Fleischmann a apporté la musique classique à Los Angeles à de nouveaux publics.

Son succès majeur a consisté à garder le Phil pertinent et prospère à un moment où moins de gens veulent acheter des billets de saison à la symphonie, en particulier une jeune génération à la demande qui préfère une programmation à la carte avec un avantage contemporain. Borda et Dudamel ont gardé les classiques, mais ils ont élargi le répertoire. L'orchestre et sa série Green Umbrella présentent des genres aussi variés que le minimalisme et l'avant garde européenne.

De nombreux orchestres innovent, mais Borda est un maître d'œuvre pour assembler les pièces d'art et le commerce. Elle tente d'exploiter des donateurs riches, capitalisant sur des dizaines de millions de dollars en revenus du Hollywood Bowl et en augmentant le profil de Phil sur des programmes tels que «Sur le podium avec Gustavo Dudamel et la Philharmonie de Los Angeles», une nouvelle émission de radio Sur SiriusXM.

Un orchestre doit avoir 'la patience et le courage de jouer au long jeu', a déclaré Borda. 'Je ne pense pas que tout ce que nous avons fait est révolutionnaire, mais il a été sérieusement évolutif. Ce que nous avançons, en substance, sont les micro-publics'.

La fille d'un homme d'affaires colombien, Borda, 65 ans, est habile à bâtir des relations et a des instincts politiques judicieux. Elle organise un déjeuner une fois par an pour que le personnel de Bowl et les pilotes de la ligne aérienne les remercient de ne pas voler sur le lieu pendant les spectacles. Elle a entretenu une relation étroite avec Zev Yaroslavsky, le superviseur du comté de Los Angeles qui a été chargé d'assurer environ 50 millions de dollars de fonds publics pour des rénovations au Bowl et de soutenir le lucratif bail de 30 ans de Phil sur le lieu.

Il y a des années, Yaroslavsky a mentionné à Borda que sa mère avait assisté à un concert de Phil 1942 avec le compositeur et pianiste Sergei Rachmaninoff. À l'âge de son anniversaire, Borda lui a envoyé un programme de la représentation qu'il avait exposé dans un couloir menant à son bureau. L'orchestre a également invité Yaroslavsky, qui a un baryton lisse, à raconter lors de sa performance de 2012 Aaron Copland 'A Lincoln Portrait'.

'Elle est un multijoueur et un visionnaire', a déclaré Yaroslavsky, qui a démissionné en tant que superviseur en décembre. 'Elle sait où son pain est beurré'.

Essayer de suivre avec Borda lors de réunions, de répétitions, de coulisses, de soirees et de concerts, c'est comme la poursuite d'une brise. Elle peut imiter les divas et raconter des histoires sur les impresarios et un pianiste virtuose exigeant mais «doux» qui, dans le cadre de son contrat, devait dormir dans des draps de sergent égyptien de haute qualité et rester dans un hôtel à plus de trois pâtés de maisons des poulets en direct ; Son chef voyageur les voulait frais.

Lors d'un repas culinaire à Disney Hall en juin, Borda souhaitait que Ron Elliott,chaine cartier femme replique, l'accordeur de piano de Phil pendant 27 ans, se réjouisse. Elle a ensuite accepté un gage de 15 millions de dollars auprès d'un financier qui a demandé à rester anonyme. Des rayures variées traversent la porte de son bureau inoubliable dans Disney Hall, y compris Mary Lou Falcone, la publicitaire de Dudamel qui s'est récemment assise avec Borda dans des dizaines de photographies du chef d'orchestre tout en discutant comment maximiser son attrait global et coordonner ses apparences avec D'autres orchestres.

Borda recherche en permanence de nouveaux clients. Dernièrement, elle a eu son œil sur un homme d'affaires allemand qui vit près d'elle dans les collines d'Hollywood. Parmi les individus et les fondations qui ont fait don de plus de 200 000 $ en une seule année à l'orchestre, les bienfaiteurs des arts Lenore et Bernard Greenberg, Eli et Edythe Broad Foundation et Terri et Jerry Kohl, fondateurs de Brighton, une ligne de bijoux et de accessoires pour femmes.

Quand un sponsor majeur s'est retiré avant le voyage de Phil en 2012 au Venezuela, Borda, qui parle en rafale rapide, a pris les téléphones et, en 10 jours, a collecté 1,6 million de dollars auprès de 18 clients pour financer la tournée. Ce flair vient à l'esprit dans La nouvelle série de comédie amazonienne 'Mozart in the Jungle', où Bernadette Peters joue la présidente urbaine d'un orchestre dirigée par Rodrigo, une parodie aux cheveux sauvages de Dudamel.

Le conseil d'administration de Phil, qui a embauché Borda et lui paye un salaire et des avantages de 1,8 million de dollars, selon le dépôt d'impôt le plus récent de l'orchestre, représente l'intersection des finances, de l'art et de la philanthropie. Les 52 membres comprennent l'actrice Julie Andrews; Jane B. Eisner, épouse de l'ancien PDG de Michael Michael Eisner; Et Diane B. Paul, présidente du conseil et avocat à la retraite. L'entrepreneur en technologie et le membre du conseil David Bohnett en décembre ont promis 20 millions de dollars pour financer l'innovation musicale, cibler les auditoires non traditionnels et confier le poste de directeur général de l'orchestre pour honorer Borda.

La notion pittoresque de s'asseoir sur une planche uniquement pour l'esprit communautaire est depuis longtemps disparue. Pour le privilège de servir, les membres du conseil d'administration doivent payer 60 000 $ en cotisations annuelles, et c'est juste pour commencer. Les membres de borda et d'autres membres du conseil d'administration demandent instamment à acheter des tableaux aux collectes de fonds et à aider à souscrire d'autres événements. Cela peut représenter des dizaines de Des milliers de dollars en contributions supplémentaires. De telles demandes ont obligé au moins deux membres à démissionner, l'un d'entre eux a déclaré que l'accent mis sur l'argent avait transformé le conseil en un «club des milliardaires» qui a limité de nouvelles voix et des idées.

Les orchestres du monde entier font face à de fortes pressions financières, en particulier depuis la récession de 2008. Pour beaucoup,faux chaine cartier pour homme, y compris le Phil, le fait de réduire les dons des entreprises a contribué à des budgets plus serrés. Les donateurs de Phil comprennent notamment Rolex Watch USA Inc., qui a donné au moins 250 000 $, et Viking Cruises, qui a donné au moins 100 000 $. Mais Borda a intensifié son attention sur les donateurs individuels, qui représentent environ 70% des contributions.

Les préoccupations économiques et le resserrement budgétaire par les conseils à l'échelle nationale ont entraîné des frictions, des lock-out et des grèves entre la direction et les musiciens dans un certain nombre d'orchestres importants. Mais la force financière de Phil, sa dotation s'est développée grâce à des investissements et des contributions accrues, et l'habileté de Borda à satisfaire à la fois le conseil d'administration et le syndicat des musiciens a jusqu'à présent limité les conflits. Phil a parfois mal calculé. En 2011, il A lancé une initiative pour diffuser des concerts dans plus de 400 théâtres à travers le pays. Mais la participation n'a pas répondu aux attentes et la campagne nationale de marketing n'était pas bon marché. Le programme a été abandonné après une saison.

Le domaine de Borda s'étend dans de nombreuses directions. Phil, comme tout orchestre, est une collection de pièces idiosyncratiques fusionnées en une voix collective. Dudamel et 106 musiciens sont le visage, mais les huissiers, les camionneurs, les comptables, les commerçants et les porteurs de pages ont leurs rôles Borda traite des histoires et se déplace entre elles, y compris Kazue Asawa McGregor, bibliothécaire de musique qui a été convoqué pour aider à annoncer un score pour le chef invité Kurt Sanderling, dont la musique avait été volée à une valise à Paris.

'Il était désemparé', a déclaré McGregor, qui, non loin du bureau de Borda, a des scores, certains datant plus d'un siècle, qui sont assurés pour 6 millions de dollars. 'C'était comme perdre son bébé'.

Un matin, lors d'une répétition de Bowl l'été dernier, Borda s'assit à l'ombre, ferma les yeux et sourit alors que l'orchestre frappa les notes d'ouverture de la cinquième de Beethoven. J'aimerais que deux choses soient intégrées à l'ADN de l'organisation, ' dit-elle. 'Un engagement à la découverte et à l'art nouveau, et l'autre définit l'impératif social d'un orchestre'.

Elle est un imprimeur qui comprend son époque et prendra le risque d'atteindre un public plus large, comme la première mondiale de Phil de 2013, «200 Motels The Suites» de Frank Zappa, qui comprenait des musiciens de rock, des livres risquins et des jouets sexuels éclairés.

'Vous devez obtenir la partie de la musique juste', at-elle dit. 'Quelle est la transaction avec la communauté? Comment a-t-il développé cela? »Minutes plus tard, en discutant de son mandat, elle a mentionné un livre qu'elle avait lu sur Winston Churchill, le Premier ministre britannique infondant pendant la Seconde Guerre mondiale.' Churchill était-il un visionnaire? Non ', at-elle dit.' Il était un chef de file de son temps pour une situation très spécifique et, lorsque ces circonstances ont changé, il a été expulsé. '

Son style enchaîne certains comme trop concurrentiel et abrasif. En 2012, plusieurs membres du conseil d'administration de Los Angeles Opera, qui se produisent au pavillon Dorothy Chandler à travers la rue, ont été irrité par le répertoire d'opéra de Phil, y compris une trilogie de Mozart. Les membres du conseil d'administration de l'Opéra ont considéré des productions telles que Leur gazon.

'Elle a obtenu ce pouvoir', a déclaré Warner Henry, fondateur du Henry Wine Group et membre du conseil d'administration de Los Angeles Opera. 'Elle a doué et a de bonnes qualités. Mais je pense qu'elle peut être son pire ennemi Son pouvoir est sur le dessus. '

Borda écarte cette critique. Son cercle intérieur comprend Dudamel, chef de l'exploitation Gail Samuel, qui supervise le Hollywood Bowl; Shana Mathur, vice-présidente du marketing et des communications; Et Chad Smith,faux chaine or homme cartier, vice-président de la planification artistique. La réputation d'un orchestre est construite en grande partie sur son répertoire, et Smith parcourt le talent scout mondial: les compositeurs à Bogota, les pianistes d'Europe et d'Asie. La première est cette saison.

Phil a récemment remporté une subvention de 315 000 $ de la Fondation Ahmanson et de la National Endowment for the Arts pour son initiative de découverte de la musique classique. Le programme comprend un quiz en ligne avec des questions telles que «vous ne voudriez pas être coincé dans un ascenseur si c'était jouer?» Pour aider les abonnés potentiels, en particulier ceux dans leurs années 20 et 30, à choisir des concerts. L'orchestre est nouveau dans / La série Sight fusionne la musique avec des vidéos, y compris un opéra à trois actes de Steve Reich sur l'avancement de la technologie.
Oct 17 '17 · 0 comments
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Oct 17 '17 · 0 comments
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Oct 17 '17 · 0 comments
The 5 Most Socially Awkward Situations Everyone Deals With

Science tells us nearly 73 percent of the population poops, so this is a pretty common endeavor. Of that 73 percent, not a single one of us is happy to use someone else's toilet. On the surface this is a bit of a mystery. It's not bracelet imitation van cleef and arpels like we're afraid of using it incorrectly, since pretty much every toilet in the world operates the same way. But as simple as the apparatus is, there are just too many potential ways for something to go wrong.

Generally speaking, when you're at a friend's and you have to deuce, you have that horrible moment of trepidation before you go in, unless you're a social malcontent who enjoys pseudo exhibitionist defecation. Those of us normal folks have three major fears running rampant in our head;

Time: What if this is a long haul production? We're all hoping for that quick and to the point squirt, but you know there's a chance it's going to be one of those moments where the movie is on pause waiting for you to get back, and eventually the DVD player just can't hold out on pause anymore so it stops the movie, and everyone you left behind stops to consider how you've been shitting for so long, modern technology couldn't keep up with you. It had to just stop what it was doing lest it permanently damage something, because your bowels are so intensely sloth like. And in that instant you, and everyone in the building with you will, for a second, be focused solely on what your ass is doing. And no one will be happy about it.

Now you know what he was thinking.

Stench: The laws of the universe dictate that if you're embarrassed by the fetid, nearly tangible stank you've implanted into the very floor tiles, you will have no suitable means of covering it up, and someone will go to the washroom within a minute of you leaving. Accept that, and try to think up a reasonable excuse, like you ate bad Cambodian last night, or you have stomach leprosy.

If someone does enter the bathroom after you, try to avoid eye contact. Odds are they won't say anything, they're just going to have that look on their face that says, I know what it smells like about a foot inside of you and I'm not happy with that. Don't acknowledge it.

The Clog: Possibly the worst outcome of all and for good reason. Here's a true story: About a month ago, someone exploded in my bathroom. I literally had to clean shit off of the light switch. I should point out that my light switch is no where near the toilet bowl. It's on a wall. Just below shoulder height. There was shit on my floor, behind the toilet, on the mat and I boiled the hell out of my toothbrush, and then threw it away. The toilet itself has been blocked from my memory but I do seem to remember what, in my opinion, was a little less toilet paper than was probably necessary to deal with what I was viewing.

I can't say for sure if the person who did that to my toilet felt bad about it after, but they should have. Because I did. Clogging a bracelet van cleef imitation alhambra toilet is the ultimate lavatory faux pas and there's no graceful way to deal with it. The plumbing, which works in literally millions of other buildings around the world, choked on whatever hell you unleashed on it. The best thing you can hope for is to plunge it out yourself and hope no one hears the terrible racket you're making. At worst, you have to move at exceptional speeds away from the incoming tide of your insides and let someone else know the situation has escalated beyond the scope of your expertise. They will appreciate this later, or they will if they've ever had to clean poop off a light fixture.

If you're a man with a penis that currently or has some time in the past functioned, you've probably had that moment when you needed to stay seated while everyone else was standing. Indeed, while you may be concentrating on your taxes or how so many people at grandma's funeral wore the same outfit, your penis can, at any moment, start playing out porno scenes for itself and respond in kind. There's no rhyme or reason to it, although it's possible you're just a bad person.

In some cases, hiding an erection is as easy as feigning laziness. Why get up when sitting is so much easier? Alternately, you can use the old high school standby of holding your books at crotch level. Just be aware that everyone on Earth knows you're doing this to hide an erection and the only thing less conspicuous would be if you actually hired someone who stood in front of you and explained to others that they were your erection shield, and could they please take one step back.

The boner isn't seeing anyone right now, please leave.

Dealing with this is trickier than you'd think thanks to a number of factors. Biologically, if you're some kind of half horse who elected to wear soccer shorts the only real option you have is to swiftly and discretely lay your penis on a flat surface and punch it. Like seriously, kick its ass. That'll teach it.

Alternately, if you're more on the average end of the scale and are wearing man clothes, you could always flip it up and tuck the tip under your waistband.

Losing bladder control isn't just for incontinent grandparents. Even the best of us leave one in the chamber before we holster our weapon from time to time and end up walking into a room full of people who may have gathered for some kind of urine phobic meeting only to leave them all aghast by van cleef imitation gold bracelet the oatmeal cookie sized whiz spot seeping into your denim like an accusatory finger pointing directly at your lazy ureter as if to say, Hey look everyone, I have piss on me.

Curiously, a piss spot is generally more embarrassing than an actual, full on pissplosion, insofar as if you totally piss yourself, you can claim drunkenness, or a punch to the kidneys or the hilarious comedy stylings of Gallagher as the culprit. A piss spot just means you're not on the ball enough to actually finish pissing before you do up your pants. That's like stabbing yourself in the face with a fork before you open your mouth because you're not so good at eating. There's another word for that, incidentally: fucktarded.

Hey, where the fuck are all the watermelons?

Again, if you don't relish the glares from people who have just dropped their opinion of you down to somewhere above a hobo who's trying to use the heat from his own shit to cook a robin's egg, you need to act quick to deal with piss spots. If it's a minor infraction, grabbing a towel or a handful of toilet paper and just mercilessly squeezing the excess moisture from your pants may do the trick.

If you really fucked up and left the better portion of a squirt in there, it's time to get crafty and blame faulty plumbing. Proceed as usual to the sink, because people who don't wash their hands after using the toilet are worse than hepatitis, and wash up. Then just dump a good handful or two across your shirt and pants, ensuring you totally obscure that piss spot. Now, feign indignity and exasperation, maybe work up a quip like I just went to wash my hands and now it looks like I pissed myself. Then you can laugh on the inside due to the irony of you actually pissing yourself.

The downside of social interaction is the people you have to interact with. Sometimes it's awesome and you're having a beer with Jesus and Voltron or whatever, but sometimes it's lame as shit because creepy people express interest in touching your pubic region.

If you've never experienced an awkward pick up, it might be because you're hideous to look upon. But maybe you're just one of a precious few lucky people who have never met one of those unfortunate folk who's a nauseating mix of overconfidence and a prolapsed rectum like visage.

I'm not a particularly attractive man, I've been mistaken for Dick Van Patton before, so this isn't the kind of thing that happens to me as often as it happens to the beautiful people out there, but I was once propositioned at a bus stop by who I assume at the time was a very sweaty Danny DeVito. Now at a bar you might get a CHUD asking to buy you a drink or to dance, the sort of preamble we expect in these situations, but Mr. DeVito actually just asked if I wanted to have horrifying sex right then and there. For all I know, he meant while we waited for the bus.

Condoms? Fuck no, whatever you got, I want!

The short answer to this is to simply say no thanks and start the slow but wholly essential process of clenching. Clench everything you have. But as any woman can tell you, sometimes no isn't enough. The drunker or less infused with the proper medications someone is, the more likely they are to assume that no means they just haven't tried hard enough to seduce you, and perhaps more persistence or vulgarity is in order to get the job done.
Oct 17 '17 · 0 comments
Takes Homeopathy Seriously

Dr. Luc Montagnier, the French virologist who won the Nobel Prize in 2008 for discovering the AIDS virus, has surprised the scientific community with his strong support for homeopathic medicine.

In a remarkable interview published in Science magazine of December 24, 2010, (1) Professor Luc Montagnier, has expressed support for the often maligned and misunderstood medical specialty of homeopathic medicine. Although homeopathy has persisted for 200+ years throughout the world and has been the leading alternative treatment method used by physicians in Europe, (2) most conventional physicians and scientists have expressed skepticism about its efficacy due to the extremely small doses of medicines used.

Most clinical research conducted on homeopathic medicines that has been published in peer review journals have shown positive clinical results,(3, 4) especially in the treatment of respiratory allergies (5, 6), influenza, (7) fibromyalgia, (8, 9) rheumatoid arthritis, (10) childhood van cleef imitation clover bracelet diarrhea, (11) post surgical abdominal surgery recovery, (12) attention deficit disorder, (13) and reduction in the side effects of conventional cancer treatments. (14) In addition to clinical trials, several hundred basic science studies have confirmed the biological activity of homeopathic medicines. One type of basic science trials, called in vitro studies, found 67 experiments (1/3 of them replications) and nearly 3/4 of all replications were positive. and Europe during the 19th century due to the impressive results people experienced in the treatment of epidemics that raged during that time, including cholera, typhoid, yellow fever, scarlet fever, and influenza.

Montagnier, who is also founder and president of the World Foundation for AIDS Research and Prevention, asserted, "I can't say that homeopathy is right in everything. What I can say now is that the high dilutions (used in homeopathy) are right. High dilutions of something are not nothing. They are water structures which mimic the original molecules."

Here, Montagnier is making reference to his experimental research that confirms one of the controversial features of homeopathic medicine that uses doses of substances that undergo sequential dilution with vigorous shaking in between each dilution. Although it is common for modern day scientists to assume that none of the original molecules remain in solution, Montagnier's research (and other of many of his colleagues) has verified that electromagnetic signals of the original medicine remains in the water and has dramatic biological effects.

Montagnier has just taken a new position at Jiaotong University in Shanghai, China (this university van cleef bracelet imitation alhambra is often referred to as "China's MIT"), where he will work in a new institute bearing his name. This work focuses on a new scientific movement at the crossroads of physics, biology, and medicine: the phenomenon of electromagnetic waves produced by DNA in water. He and his team will study both the theoretical basis and the possible applications in medicine.

Montagnier's new research is investigating the electromagnetic waves that he says emanate from the highly diluted DNA of various pathogens. Montagnier asserts, "What we have found is that DNA produces structural changes in water, which persist at very high dilutions, and which lead to resonant electromagnetic signals that we can measure. Not all DNA produces signals that we can detect with our device. The high intensity signals come from bacterial and viral DNA."

Montagnier affirms that these new observations will lead to novel treatments for many common chronic diseases, including but not limited to autism, Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, and multiple sclerosis.

Montagnier first wrote about his findings in 2009, (17) and then, in mid 2010, he spoke at a prestigious meeting of fellow Nobelists where he expressed interest in homeopathy and the implications of this system of medicine. (18)

French retirement laws do not allow Montagnier, who is 78 years of age, to work at a public institute, thereby limiting access to research funding. Montagnier acknowledges that getting research funds from Big Pharma and certain other conventional research funding agencies is unlikely due to the atmosphere of antagonism to homeopathy and natural treatment options.

Support from Another Nobel Prize winner

Montagnier's new research evokes memories one of the most sensational stories in French science, often referred to as the 'Benveniste affair.' A highly respected immunologist Dr. Jacques Benveniste., who died in 2004, conducted a study which was replicated in three other university laboratories and that was published in Nature (19). Benveniste and other researchers used extremely diluted doses of substances that created an effect on a type of white blood cell called basophils.

Although Benveniste's work was supposedly debunked, (20) Montagnier considers Benveniste a "modern Galileo" who was far ahead of his day van cleef and arpels perlee imitation bracelet and time and who was attacked for investigating a medical and scientific subject that orthodoxy had mistakenly overlooked and even demonized.

Responding to an article on homeopathy in New Scientist, Josephson wrote:

Regarding your comments on claims made for homeopathy: criticisms centered around the vanishingly small number of solute molecules present in a solution after it has been repeatedly diluted are beside the point, since advocates of homeopathic remedies attribute their effects not to molecules present in the water, but to modifications of the water's structure.

Simple minded analysis may suggest that water, being a fluid, cannot have a structure of the kind that such a picture would demand. But cases such as that of liquid crystals, which while flowing like an ordinary fluid can maintain an ordered structure over macroscopic distances, show the limitations of such ways of thinking. There have not, to the best of my knowledge, been any refutations of homeopathy that remain valid after this particular point is taken into account.

A related topic is the phenomenon, claimed by Jacques Benveniste's colleague Yolne Thomas and by others to be well established experimentally, known as "memory of water." If valid, this would be of greater significance than homeopathy itself, and it attests to the limited vision of the modern scientific community that, far from hastening to test such claims, the only response has been to dismiss them out of hand. (21)

Following his comments Josephson, who is an emeritus professor of Cambridge University in England, was asked by New Scientist editors how he became an advocate of unconventional ideas. He responded:

I went to a conference where the French immunologist Jacques Benveniste was talking for the first time about his discovery that water has a 'memory' of compounds that were once dissolved in it which might explain how homeopathy works. His findings provoked irrationally strong reactions from scientists, and I was struck by how badly he was treated. (22)

Josephson went on to describe how many scientists today suffer from "pathological disbelief;" that is, they maintain an unscientific attitude that is embodied by the statement "even if it were true I wouldn't believe it."

Even more recently, Josephson wryly responded to the chronic ignorance of homeopathy by its skeptics saying, "The idea that water can have a memory can be readily refuted by any one of a number of easily understood, invalid arguments."

In the new interview in Science, Montagnier also expressed real concern about the unscientific atmosphere that presently exists on certain unconventional subjects such as homeopathy, "I am told that some people have reproduced Benveniste's results, but they are afraid to publish it because of the intellectual terror from people who don't understand it."

Montagnier concluded the interview when asked if he is concerned that he is drifting into pseudoscience, he replied adamantly: "No, because it's not pseudoscience. It's not quackery. These are real phenomena which deserve further study."

The Misinformation That Skeptics Spread

It is remarkable enough that many skeptics of homeopathy actually say that there is "no research" that has shows that homeopathic medicines work. Such statements are clearly false, and yet, such assertions are common on the Internet and even in some peer review articles. Just a little bit of searching can uncover many high quality studies that have been published in highly respected medical and scientific journals, including the Lancet, BMJ, Pediatrics, Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal, Chest and many others. Although some of these same journals have also published research with negative results to homeopathy, there is simply much more research that shows a positive rather than negative effect.

Misstatements and misinformation on homeopathy are predictable because this system of medicine provides a viable and significant threat to economic interests in medicine, let alone to the very philosophy and worldview of biomedicine. It is therefore not surprising that the British Medical Association had the sheer audacity to refer to homeopathy as "witchcraft." It is quite predictable that when one goes on a witch hunt, one inevitable finds "witches," especially when there are certain benefits to demonizing a potential competitor (homeopathy plays a much larger and more competitive role in Europe than it does in the USA).

Skeptics of homeopathy also have long asserted that homeopathic medicines have "nothing" in them because they are diluted too much. However, new research conducted at the respected Indian Institutes of Technology has confirmed the presence of "nanoparticles" of the starting materials even at extremely high dilutions. Researchers have demonstrated by Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM), electron diffraction and chemical analysis by Inductively Coupled Plasma Atomic Emission Spectroscopy (ICP AES), the presence of physical entities in these extreme dilutions. (24) In the light of this research, it can now be asserted that anyone who says or suggests that there is "nothing" in homeopathic medicines is either simply uninformed or is not being honest.
Oct 17 '17 · 0 comments
Ruthless Blues too quick for Cheetahs

The shame of the increasing divide between New Zealand teams and the others in this competition is that this Blues performance against the Cheetahs, while not perfect, will probably not get the respect it deserves.This was good again from Tana Umaga's men at Eden Park tonight, their third win on the trot after back to back victories in Australia, and a bonus point victory to boot.The key was the team's ruthlessness; unlike earlier in the season when they let teams escape, this time they refused to let the struggling South Africans off the hook. Umaga has spoken recently of a new resilience in this team and here was clover necklace fake van cleef more proof.The eight try win keeps them in the play offs hunt and they will leave for Cape Town and their match against the Stormers in good spirits, although without prop Pauliasi Manu, who damaged a calf after 18 minutes.Midfielder Sonny Bill Williams, missing from this match with concussion, will fly with the squad, and the Stormers, after three hidings from New Zealand teams, should be wary of another big challenge.Umaga hasn't got his side running as smoothly as he would probably like, but they can be devastating when they click.Halfback Augustine Pulu was as accurate and competitive as ever, and the reserves offered real impact; Manu's replacement Ofa Tu'ungafasi in everything until he himself was replaced in the second half and loose forward Kara Pryor offered energy off the bench.But once Akira Ioane did his impersonation of a runaway locomotive to cross for a try and fake van cleef long necklace Tuipulotu did likewise this time holding the ball rather than looking to offload it looked like both teams re discovered the natural order of things.Rolling maul defence apart, replica mother of pearl van cleef necklace the Blues made their tackles, missing only eight. A few of the collisions notably from Tu'ungafasi in the first half were devastating.For the Cheetahs, who contrived to lose against the Highlanders in Bloemfontein last weekend, this was their eighth loss in a row.They play the Hurricanes next and another thrashing is almost inevitable.Blues 50 (Rieko Ioane 2, Scott Scrafton, Akira Ioane, Patrick Tuipulotu, Steven Luatua, Augustine Pulu, Melani Nanai tries; Piers Francis 2 cons, Ihaia West 3 cons)Cheetahs 32 (Francois Venter, Torsten van Jaarsveld, Elandre Huggett 2 tries; Fred Zeilinga 3 cons, 2 pens)Our Regional News StoriesThe Northern Advocate'Your presence will cause babies to die'Dr Lance O'Sullivan interrupts screening of anti vaccination documentary.Hawke's Bay TodayLoss of sight triggers career change Kingsley Sivewright says positive attitude is important for people with disabilitiesBay of Plenty TimesTauranga rower off to junior world champs Tauranga rower Grace Holland will compete at the world junior champs in Lithuania.Our Features Top StoriesDrivenWhat's it like driving James Bond's Lotus Espirit? Never meet your heroes? Well, it's not always the case.
Oct 17 '17 · 0 comments
Shrines that Nammazhwar glorified

SPENDING SUMMER vacations in a fairly religious Vaishnavite household in Tirunelveli, it is next to impossible at not being taken to the nine Vishnu temples on either side of the Tamiraparani collectively known as the Nava Tirupati. My first visit was as a teenager. In just a day's visit, I had become an addict' of the temples that are repositories of art, sculpture, architecture, bronze work, frescos and so on. Just to look at the impeccable craftsmanship gave great pleasure. Their setting amongst lush green fields bordered by stately trees and the waters of the river soothed the frayed nerves of a city dweller. The addiction also generated a sense of helplessness and pity at the destruction time and with it dwindling income had inflicted on these temples.

On my return from vacations, immediate pressures of college pushed back my memories. The sense of peace and serenity the atmosphere had generated or the images had inspired resurfaced often enough to make me take an annual visit to the temples and relive them. Each visit would end with a longing for the next and also a curiosity about the poems of Nammazhwar. The poems were not difficult to find, they were a part of the 4,000 hymns on Vishnu sung by the 12 Azhwars during the bhakti movement. The Tamil was chaste and the words beyond my comprehension but with a dedicated teacher I could unravel themEven now, as I make the journey to the nine temples I experience the same longing to enjoy the serenity and it gets a new meaning as I recite the hymns of Nammazhwar whose poems speak of the same longing. In other words, the temples now evoke the same emotion that was felt in the ninth century. The temples are at the centre of an array of interests, sculpture, epigraphy, painting, literature, religion and a way of life. Do the temples owe their glory to the poetry of Nammazhwar or is it vice versa? It is irrelevant for they compliment each other and create an overriding sense of peace in the devotee.

The Nava Tirupati form an important part of the 108 Divyadesam the 12 Azhwars have sung about. Incidentally, the Irattai Tirupatis are counted as one divya desam though in the Nava Tirupati list they feature as two.

The nine temples can be visited in a day. The best way to do it will be to stay at Tirunelveli (30 km from the temples), which is well connected by train and bus. There are frequent bus services from Tirunelveli to Azhwar Tirunagari and Srivaikuntam, the most populous villages in the group. The temples are en route to Tiruchendur. From these villages it will be best to hire a taxi to visit the nine temples for bus services are not very regular. Thanks to a massive restoration project by the Indian Culture and Heritage Trust, substantially funded by the TVS group, the darshan timings are organised and displayed at all the temples. It is best to be there about that time and start the journey. A suggested route could be Srivaikuntam (25 km from Tirunelveli on the Tirunelveli Tiruchendur road) then Varagunamangai or Natham then Tiruppulingudi (2 km from Srivaikuntam and 1 km from Natham) then Thirukkulandhai or Perungulam (8 km from Srivaikuntam). These shrines are on the Srivaikuntam Tuticorin bus route. Then could be the two temples a few yards apart called Tulaivillimangalam or Irattai Tirupati. They are in an absolutely desolate location surrounded by scrub jungle so it is best to use a taxi or van from Sri Vaikuntam/Azhwar Tirunagari for there is no bus service either.

These temples are on the one side of the river. On the other side are Thenthirupperai (31 km from Tirunelveli or 3 km from Azhwar Tirunagari on Tirunelveli Tiruchendur road) then Tirukolur (between Azhwar Tirunagari and Thentirupperai. It is a kilometre off the Tirunelveli and Tiruchendur road en route to Nazareth). Finally comes Tirukkurugur/Azhwar Tirunagari (28 km from Tirunelveli on the Tirunelveli Tiruchendur road). Both Azhwar Tirunagari and Srivaikuntam are on the rail route but services are infrequent so it is best to stay at Tirunelveli. The trip can also be done starting at Azhwar Tirunagari. The route can vary depending on festivals in the temples. One can check the boards and ask the archakar at Srivaikuntam/Azhwar Tirunagari, which is where one should start the pilgrimage. The temples are also sign posted on the main roads.

I started my journey on a warm summer's morning at Tirukkurugur, also known as Azhwar Tirunagari being the birthplace of Nammazhwar. The Moolavar here is Adipiran and is in his Paratwa roopam one who has no beginning or end. Nammazhwar in his song on the deity says, When none of the gods or the Worlds. Or any life in any form existed. He gave life to all the gods. In Tirukkurugur, with lofty mansions does he stand. Why then, do you seek other gods? (Thiruvaimozhi, 4.10.1) The sthalapuranam narrates how Mahavishnu revealed Himself here first after saving the earth in the Varaha avatar.

It was difficult to confirm if the replica van cleef and arpels long necklace Moolavar's feet are indeed sunk beneath the floor. In keeping with the pasurams calling for devotees to pray to Adinatha, I went at a time when Nammazhwar's hymns from his Thiruvaimozhi, which is equated to Sama Veda, were being recited. The work has been originally set to music but unfortunately the recitations were at such a quick pace that it was difficult to savour the euphony of Tamil as Nammazhwar employs it.

A slow pradakshinam of the main shrine pausing at fake small van cleef necklace the subsidiary shrines especially of the thayar(s) brought me to the most significant part of the temple. Climbing a small flight of stairs, I came to a low but sprawling tamarind tree with four branches said to represent the four Vedas.

The tree was gnarled and the branches had twisted themselves into fantastic shapes. Fascinated by them and the streams of sunlight dancing through the gently rustling leaves, I shivered slightly. Despite my passion for the prosaic, a charged atmosphere was present in the area.

Sadagopan, a long time resident of the town and an archakar at the smaller Venkatesa temple told me the story I had read many times before. Coming from the descendant of the first person to write the commentary for the Thiruvaimozhi I could feel a new passion in the ancient story.

He was born as Sadakopan, the son of Kari, a chieftain, and his wife in answer to their prayers to Adinatha for a child. When he was born, he neither cried nor opened his eyes but when brought to the temple crawled to sit in meditation under the same tamarind tree. Sixteen years later, Madurakavi, a resident of nearby Tirukkolur (one of the nine temples), who was on a journey to the North, was directed by a star to the boy under the tree. Madurakavi asked the boy, If a small thing is born inside a carcass, what will it eat and where will it exist?" The boy speaking for the first time replied, It will eat the same thing and exist in the same thing." Madurakavi, having heard what he wanted, for the boy had implied that for those who live and live off attachments, salvation would be impossible to attain.

Madurakavi from then on became an inseparable friend and took down all the verses the boy sang.

Madurakavi himself became an icon of the guru sishya parampara when he composed only one work in the Prabhandam, Kanninun Siruttambu," the small coil of rope, where he says In saying his name I found joy. In finding his feet I found truth. Of clover necklace fake van cleef other Gods, I know nothing. I only sing His name as I roam the world." And Madurakavi who took refuge in Kurugur's Nambi has this to say You devotee of God, Look at Nambi's feet for THAT is THE paradise!" (Kanninun Siruthambu, 2 11).

Nammazhwar died at the age of 32. Through a dream Madurakavi found an idol and consec rated it in the temple. With the passage of time, the 4,000 verses of the Azhwars were lost until Nadhamuni, under the shade of the tree, recited Madurakavi's stanzas 12,000 times when they were revealed to him.

My narrator (Sadagopan) went his way and in the few minutes I spent alone under the tree that neither bears fruit nor closes its leaves at dusk, I thought I had crossed the centuries and did not find it too hard to visualise the hazy figure of a seated person.

Circling the tree I made note of the now badly eroded sculptures of the 36 deities including all those in the Nava Tirupati temples that Namm azhwar has sung about. I reached Namm azhwar's shrine and paused to admire the Nayak period sculptures of warriors with fantastic beards. The walls of the shrine are covered with inscriptions. Unfortunately no one there had a clue about them or any of the inscriptions found in the other temples of the constellation. A day's patient reading of the epigraphical surveys threw some light on a period of the comparatively lesser known Pandya dynasty.

As in other temples in the Nava Tirupati, which do have inscriptions, many are of Maravarman Sundara Pandyan. Most inscriptions record the gift of land towards the worship of Thiru Nadudaya Piran or Polindu Nindra Piran. An inscription of circa AD1253 records the dedication of a shrine to Varaha Naayanar, while another dated Circa1272 records the donation of land to feed those in the Arulaladasa Matha founded by Kulasekara I. While inscriptions can be dated from 1215, it is likely that the temple was in existence much before even 9th C when Nammazhwar is said to have lived. I had just missed the Vaikasi utsavam, the most interesting of the various ones celebrated. The archakar spoke of how on the fifth day, the deities of all the nine temples congregate at Azhwar Tirunagari and listen to the hymns of Nammazhwar. Nammazhwar is seated on the Hamsa vahana and Madurakavi in the Parangi Narkali. The Utsavam was apparently started in the early 1800's. Also famous is the Arayar sevai where the Arayars, enact the Divya Prabhandam, particularly the four compositions of Nammazhwar, equated to the four Vedas with graceful abhinaya. He also asked me to pray specially to the planet Budhan that is associated with Tirukkurugur. Also he spoke of a stone nagaswaram, which is played on important occasions. An ancient piece, it needs special skill to produce music out of this unusual version of the wind instrument, he said.

As I left the temple to go on to Tirukkolur, the landscape on either side was dotted with emerald green paddy fields, fields of tall sugarcane, hedges of Pandanus palms all of this amazingly is still intact. Again, in a way a 21st century individual could in his own way feel the reverence of a 10th century poet par excellence.

His song on Azhwar Tirunagari ends: Maran of Tirukkurugur, who wears the garland of vakula blossoms, composed these ten verses of the thousand in praise of Adipiran.

For those who master them, The paradise that is Vaikunda, will be theirs. " (Thiruvaimozhi 4.10.11) Looking around, I wondered which was the paradise he speaks of the one above us, or the village itself.
Oct 17 '17 · 0 comments
Staten Islander of Week Helps Seniors Keep the Faith

"There's still time to make amends to anybody we may have wronged," said Rabbi Michael Howald, our Staten Islander of the Week.

It's a message he says is central to the Jewish High Holidays.

"An idea of being reflective and thinking about what did I do right in the past year, what did I do wrong and how for the year to come can I do better," he said.

It's the kind of wisdom Howald usually shares with his congregants at Temple Israel.

But Thursday, he donated fake van cleef and arpel necklace his time outside the synagogue to lead a Days of Awe service for residents here at Sunrise Senior Living.

The 10 day period from Rosh Hashanah to Yom Kippur is a time for Jews to reflect and atone for their sins.

Howald says he wanted to bring a piece of the high holidays to seniors who may have a hard time leaving home.

"These are people that can't make their way to a synagogue," he said. "Some of them have injuries that make even getting into an Access A Ride van difficult so this is really the only taste of the high holidays they'll get."

Howald has served as Temple Israel's rabbi for the last six years.

During that time he's made community service a top priority, especially when it comes to supporting the borough's senior population.

"People who are older who are living in an assisted living facility like this can be terribly isolating," said Howald.

That's why Howald says it's important for him to visit the seniors throughout the replica van cleef butterfly necklace year.

He says he will return for the Jewish holidays up ahead like Hannukah and Passover.

Many of the residents say his visits are a much imitation van cleef necklaces needed break from their normal routine.

"He not only makes it enjoyable but you come away with a wonderful background in the whole idea of the holiday," said Shirley Sacoff, a Sunrise Senior Living resident.
Oct 17 '17 · 0 comments
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Oct 17 '17 · 0 comments
Should kids go to big rock concerts

One thing I'm sure Fred Rogers never did was take his kids to a Def Leppard concert.

Before my kids were born, I wouldn't have considered taking a small child to a rock concert. To this day, I like to separate the kid activities and the adult activities. We'll go to the zoo as a family, and leave the kids behind when we van cleef and arpels imitation butterfly necklace go to see "District 9." (It seems obvious, but you would be surprised how many people think exploding human body parts and small children are a great mix.) A concert seems like a terribly stressful place to take a kid, with the big crowds, smoking, drunk idiots and tendency for my favorite musical artists to include profanity and severed appendages in their between song patter.

And yet as his personality keeps developing, a father son outing to a place like Shoreline Amphitheater is starting to sort of make a little sense. I'm not going to be taking my 4 1/2 year old to a major rock concert any time soon. But I've definitely gone from "never going to happen" to "I'm starting to maybe van cleef alhambra necklace copy consider it." If nothing else, the pure theater of an Iron Maiden or Van Halen concert seems uniquely geared for a young child.

In the pre children years my values were all about the ideal. Of course I wouldn't take my kid to a place where he might hear people swearing and see drunks and stay up past his bedtime. In reality, he hears people swearing at each other in the supermarket, runs into drunk people van cleef and arpels imitation clover necklace every time we go downtown and stays up past his bedtime for reasons a lot more frivolous than an evening with ZZ Top.

I still haven't taken him to a 49ers or Giants game, knowing for a fact that he's too young and fidgety to spend more than an inning or half a quarter in his seat, before wanting to find a place to run and play. But at an AC/DC concert he could be running in circles, giving the people on the blanket next to him wet willies and urinating on the ground and still be the least annoying person in the lawn seats.

And yet the potential to kill the buzz of fellow concert goers is now the main reason I wouldn't take him to a show. I believe in the turf theory of parenting. And just as I have no sympathy for someone who is visibly bothered by the toddler noise at a kid friendly restaurant, I think Metallica concert goers have the implied right to rock their hearts out without repeatedly hearing me lecture junior about losing his sippy cup. I might take him to see the Strictly Bluegrass Festival or Eddie Money at the Santa Cruz Beach Boardwalk, but I probably won't be taking him to Rush at the Concord Pavilion any time soon. (I will be going myself, though. Snow dog is victorious!)

Do you like or dislike seeing kids at shows? Did you see a lot of kids at the recent Outside Lands festival? Do you take your own kids to big rock concerts?
Oct 17 '17 · 1 comments
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