
langdonalva1988's blog

The rapidly changing landscape in mental health now calls foran anxiety support therapist to be a key part of any department. Here are some of the more common anxiety diagnoses that most mental health centres are seeing.

Generalised Anxiety Disorder

Generalised anxiety disorder (GAD) is defined as enduring or experiencing anxiety about routine matters that many people would regard as tolerable. Such everyday anxiety is a normal aspect of almost everyone's experience of life. Most people will be able to cope with their everyday worries but sometimes they may not be able to cope and this can be seen as anxiety.

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

Obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) is defined as experiencing compulsive behaviour that is ritualistic and non-voluntary. This type of anxiety may be more or less extreme depending on the individual and the circumstances.

Depression Anxiety Disorder

Depression anxiety disorder (DDA) is defined as persistent depression which may include both depression and the symptoms of a normal mood swing. This condition may have been going on for several monthsor since the first episode of depression. Most people who have been diagnosed with this condition have sought help from a medical professional.

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD). Obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) is defined as an abnormal experience of unwanted thoughts and behaviours. Usually these thoughts are intrusive and can be in reference to a pain or fear that most people would view as over-reactive. The behaviour associated with this anxiety is compulsive. This can include rituals or checks that the individual performs in attempts to reduce their anxiety.

You may be asking yourself by this time what is the difference between anxiety disorder and panic attack. Well that is easy the sufferer is constantly aware of their anxiety. Panic disorder is that where the sufferer is having debilitating panic attacks.

These can last for a few minutes to more than an hour, and in some cases the sufferer may have up to a hundred attacks daily. Anxiety disorder however is the sufferer that is aware of their panic but they are not having the attacks.

The symptoms of anxiety vary from person to person, some people get oversensitive to certain situations while others are not. Those with anxiety disorder are often have feelings of discomfort or fear but are able to control their body to such an extent that they are able to lead a normal life.

If you are wondering if these disorders can be cured then the answer is yes. Many people who have anxiety disorder find that a change in lifestyle makes a world of difference. They find that by giving up certain foods or drinking certain beverages they no longer have symptoms or panic attacks.

The sufferer is often able to readjust the chemicals in their body. Anxiety disorder sufferers often experience their first panic attack when they are in a situation where the chemicals ramp up because of the environment. So what you should do is stop having a panic attack in that environment (see below).

Generalised stress and anxiety disorder (GAD) is defined as lasting or experiencing anxiety about routine matters that most individuals would relate to as tolerable. Depression stress and anxiety disorder (DDA) is defined as relentless depression that may include both clinical depression and the symptoms of a regular mood swing. You may be asking yourself by this time what is the difference between anxiety disorder and panic disorder. Many people who have anxiety disorder find that a change in lifestyle makes a world of difference. Anxiety disorder sufferers often experience their first panic attack when they are in a condition where the chemicals ramp up because of the environment.

John Nolan havening practitioner
22 Oakbrook court, Graham Rd, Sheffield, S10 3HR,UK
0114 2998888

The rapidly changing landscape in mental health now calls foran anxiety support therapist to be a key part of any department. Here are some of the more common anxiety diagnoses that most mental health centres are seeing.

Generalised Anxiety Disorder

Generalised anxiety disorder (GAD) is defined as enduring or experiencing anxiety about routine matters that lots of people would regard as tolerable. Such everyday anxiety is a normal aspect of almost everyone's experience of life. Most people will be able to cope with their everyday worries but sometimes they may not be able to cope and this can be seen as anxiety.

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

Obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) is defined as experiencing compulsive behaviour that is non-voluntary and ritualistic. This behaviour may involve ritualized actions that can be physical or it may be unwanted thoughts and behaviors. The behaviours are intrusive and interfere with the sufferer's ability to live their normal life. This type of anxiety may be more or less extreme depending on the individual and the circumstances.

Depression Anxiety Disorder

Depression anxiety disorder (DDA) is defined as persistent depression which may include both nervous breakdown and the symptoms of a normal mood swing. This condition may have been going on for several monthsor since the first episode of depression. Most people who have been diagnosed with this condition have sought help from a medical professional.

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD). The behaviour associated with this anxiety is compulsive. This can include rituals or checks that the individual performs in attempts to reduce their anxiety.

You may be asking yourself by now what is the difference between anxiety disorder and panic attack. Well that is straightforward the sufferer is constantly aware of their anxiety. Panic disorder is that where the sufferer is having debilitating anxiety attack.

These can last for a few minutes to much more than an hour, and in some cases the sufferer may have up to a hundred attacks each day. Anxiety disorder however is the sufferer that is aware of their panic but they are not having the attacks.

The symptoms of anxiety vary from person to person, some people get oversensitive to certain situations while others are not. Those with anxiety disorder are often have feelings of discomfort or fear but are able to control their body to such an extent that they are able to lead a normal life.

If you are wondering if these disorders can be cured then the answer is yes. Many people who have anxiety disorder find that a change in lifestyle makes a world of difference. They find that by giving up certain foods or drinking certain beverages they no longer have symptoms or panic attacks.

The sufferer is often able to readjust the chemicals in their body. Because of the environment, anxiety disorder sufferers often experience their first panic attack when they are in a situation where the chemicals ramp up. What you should do is stop having a panic attack in that environment (see below).

Generalised anxiety problem (GAD) is specified as lasting or experiencing anxiety about routine matters that most people would relate to as bearable. Depression stress and anxiety disorder (DDA) is defined as relentless depression which may include both clinical depression and the symptoms of a regular mood swing. You may be asking yourself by this time what is the difference between anxiety disorder and panic disorder. Many people who have anxiety disorder find that a change in lifestyle makes a world of difference. Anxiety disorder sufferers often experience their first panic attack when they are in a circumstance where the chemicals ramp up because of the setting.

John Nolan havening practitioner
Sheffield UK
0114 2998888

No matter if youre practical experience panic attacks, compulsive thoughts, relentless worries, or an incapacitating phobia, its crucial to understand that you don't have to live with anxiety and fear. There are many natural approaches to anxiety and fear, and the one that works for you will be that which gets you the most relief.

First, let me say that the first two steps are the easy ones. The second two steps are much more difficult. You cant expect to get the same degree of relief from your anxiety remedy if you don't do those first two steps.

If you want to know what you have to do to get the same degree of relief as you get by applying a comprehensive anxiety and phobia treatment, just read on. Or skip to the 2 oclock point and look at the way the next group of people get the same degree of relief as you do (good luck), and think that you can learn their technique just by reading this article.

Step 1, The "Oxygen" Test

The first step of the natural approach to anxiety and fear is to take a deep breath. This will take you to step two of the treatment, which I call the "oxygen" test. You can find out the oxygen level in your lungs by the way you breathe.

The first thing to do is to take a deep breath. This will take you to step two of the treatment, which I call the "oxygen" test. You can know it by the way you breathe.

Step 2, Relax and breathe. Step 3, Think about your life without stress, worry, anxiety etc. and notice your thoughts and emotions. Step 4, Focus on your breath.

Step 5, Repeat this cycle a few times until you notice the mind going back and forth between the breath and its thoughts. This will take you to the third step, which is to repeat this cycle a few times until you notice the breath going in and out with your thoughts.

If you find that your mind wanders then go directly to step 6 and repeat the "oxygen" test with the oxygen of relaxation then the "focus" test with the focus of relaxess and then go to step 7. Repeat the "oxygen" test for a few minutes until you notice that your mind goes right back to the breath.

This process is very powerful. It is not only very effective but you can use it every day to regulate the chemicals of your brain, to keep the chemicals in balance and to help you regulate your emotions.

Let me say that the first two steps are the easy ones. You cant expect to get the same degree of relief from your anxiety remedy if you don't do those first two steps.

The first step of the natural approach to anxiety and fear is to take a deep breath. Step 3, Think about your life without stress, worry, anxiety etc. and notice your emotions and thoughts. Step 4, Focus on your breath.

More useful resources for your search for anxiety counselling Sheffield.

Now, a new study suggests you must take a natural remedy to prevent the disease from ruining your future. Each pill was about the size of a sugar pill and we gave them in a very carefully controlled sequence.

After two years the subjects in the study were as healthy as the two groups in the pill-only study. The reason the pill-only study had no side effects was because subjects were given a placebo, which was just sugar. Some though were sufering from anxiety and really needed private anxiety counsellingto assist them continue. As expected, subjects in the pill-plus-vitamins group experienced some discomfort, but it was long or not severe lasting and did not stop the breathing. "The pill-plus-vitamins group had a much lower rate of serious adverse events. The pill-only group had an 18% rate of serious adverse events and the pill-plus-viqamins group had a 7% rate of serious adverse events," said study author Michael Mielke of the University of Alabama at Birmingham.

* No nausea

* No headache

* No stomachache

* No high blood pressure

* No insomnia

* No dizziness

* No weakness

* No muscle pain

* Feeling well rested

* Less need for sleep

* No headache

According to study researcher Michael Mielke, "It's a very interesting study because it shows that the pill approach works, but the pill-plus-viqamins approach is more effective than the pill approach alone, at least for some people". In all fairness to the pill approach, there are many people who can not take the pill. "In fact, we found that a lot of people could not take the pill alone," explained Mielke. "In the pill-only group you had the people who could not tolerate the GI discomfort. People who were allergic to the other types of formulations. For people like that, the pill-plus-viqamins was a very good approach."

* Improvement in blood pressure was a significant finding of the study

* Improvement in heart rate variability was a significant finding of the study

* Improvement in mood was a significant finding of the study

Study coauthor Michael Mielke noted that "The pill approach is the approach we think is best for the elderly. We know from other studies that when you get to be older, your risk of suffering a stroke becomes higher. And that when you suffer a stroke, those risks stay around 1-2%. So you want to avoid strokes as much as you can," stated Mielke.

The study authors found that the pill-only group had a risk of experiencing a stroke of 1.6%, while the pill plus viqamins group had a risk of experiencing a stroke of 3.9%. Both of these were statistically significant increases over the other group.

When they broke the results down by treatment, those taking the pill plus viqamins group had a 67% reduction in the risk of developing stroke, while those who took the pill-only group had a 33% risk of developing stroke.

The most significant finding of the study, noted researchers, was the fact that "Those taking pill plus viqamins had a 67% lower risk of stroke. The drug was as good as placebo for those at highest risk. It was no better than placebo in the lowest risk."

So there you have it. If you are at high risk, you do just as well by not taking the medicine as by taking it.

And what's more, the drug appears to be more effective at preventing strokes, as opposed to helping them, than the combination of medicine. This would seem to show how important the prevention of strokes is.

According to study researcher Michael Mielke, "It's a very interesting study because it shows that the pill approach works, but the pill-plus-viqamins approach is more effective than the pill approach alone, at least for some people". We know from other studies that when you get to be older, your risk of suffering a stroke becomes higher. And that when you suffer a stroke, those risks stay around 1-2%. The most significant finding of the study, noted researchers, was the fact that "Those taking pill plus viqamins had a 67% lower risk of stroke. And what's more, the drug appears to be more effective at preventing strokes, as opposed to helping them, than the combination of medicine.


Severe depression could be amongst the most debilitating and life draining conditions there are. Moore is now known about helping people recover, and it's all connected to traumatic memories often lay down as a child, sometimes called adverse childhood experiences. The challenge has been to find effective and reliable ways of helping people with these difficult memories recover.

I have personally experienced depression and anxiety and have studied this topic extensively. It is the task of the psychologist to understand the dynamics of the brain and behavior to provide a solid foundation for treatment. My psycho therapist knew about Havening technique treatments, something new to me but considerably helped me.

Many people say the treatment method works for them, it is my role to understand the factors that helped me to recover, and to find answers to questions you may have.

Depression is a disease that affects brain chemistry in a variety of ways. It is important to understand that depression is not an illness. Depression affects our thinking, feelings, behavior and physical health, and it is treated.

Depression affects us every day in many ways. In children, they commonly have symptoms of a depression called disruptive behavior disorders. It is estimated that by the time they reach the age of fourteen, 90% of them have suffered symptoms of depression. There is also a higher rate of suicide in women who have suffered depression.

Depression is also very common in the military. Depression is even more common in women than in men.

Depression is also a leading cause of disability in older adults. More than 15% of older women and men will have symptoms of depression that interfere with their ability to do daily activities by the time they are sixty years old. In older women, this rate increases to 30%. The rate of disability is even higher in older men.

Depression is not an uncommon disorder. The effects of this illness last for at least three months, and most people with depression can live with it for their whole life. Depression is associated with a higher rate of death in older people than in other ages.

Depression is a disease. It does not make any difference whether we call it depression or clinical depression. Depression is also associated with various illnesses.

The depression is caused by a chemical imbalance in the brain. Symptoms are the basis for the diagnosis because we need to see them to determine the type of depression that a person has. The degree to which a person has practiced the symptoms does not determine the type of depression he or she has.

How do we determine the type of depression? There are two different types of depression: dysthymia and major depression. Dysthymia is a less serious form of depression. The symptoms of dysthymia may be practiced for a long time but they are not as severe as the symptoms of major depression. Major depression is a severe form of depression that affects a person's behavior, feelings, and thoughts. The symptoms are not easy to recognize at first. You can experience symptoms of dysthymia for a very long time. Symptoms of major depression may be practiced for years and they are quite severe. Also, if a person has experienced symptoms of dysthymia, he or she may not recognize the symptoms of major depression. The symptoms of depression are very easy to recognize. We need to recognize the symptoms of depression for proper diagnosis. The symptoms of depression are: sadness, lack of motivation, lack of energy, pessimism, withdrawal, irritation, guilt, shame, anxiety, loss of appetite, insomnia, fatigue, self-loathing, anger, difficulty in concentrating, withdrawal from social activity, suicidal tendencies, loss of sex drive. It is very necessary to take a careful look at the symptoms of depression. When you know the symptoms of depression for a fact, you can identify it as the same symptoms of depression. It is very necessary to consult a doctor if it appears that the symptoms of depression are already several years old.

A person who experiences a single symptom of depression is said to be depressed. When a person experiences these symptoms for a long time, it may be classed as major depression. When dysthymia or major depression is present with such symptoms that it seems that a person is contemplating to commit suicide, then the person needs to consult a doctor right away.

Symptoms of Depression

Symptoms of Depression are described in the sections below:

* The first symptom is sadness. This symptom occurs when a person tends to feel depressed.

* Next, a person tends to feel depressed when he has no interests to follow. The person always looks very bored and lonely. In some instances, this is not seen and in some others, it is seen.

* If a person experiences loss of interest in his hobby, it usually happens when he is faced with a problem that scares him. The person loses interest in his hobby.

* Next, there tends to be a depression when he is faced with his worst fears. The person tends to feel very depressed when he loses his job, suffers from the disease of HIV/AIDS, or loses love one.

* When the person experiences worry that lasts for a long time, it happens when he has one or more fear that is going to destroy him. The person tends to worry about the health of his child, wife and loved ones.

* The next symptom is the feeling of being overwhelmed. A person tends to experience the symptom when he has to deal with one or more problem. Whenever he faces a problem that he can not handle, he tends to experience this symptom.

When he faces one or more problem, * Next is the depressed feeling. The person loses the feeling of optimism in dealing with the problem.

When he loses a competition or a competition that he has faced before, * Next is the tendency of feeling depressed.

* The next symptom is the tendency of feeling depressed when he loses a person that he is close to.

When he faces one or more problem that bothers him, * Next is the tendency of feeling depressed.

* This makes us see that the feeling of depression, after experiencing a problem, is part of the way of life that we have adopted. When we can not face a problem that is scary or painful, we tend to end up experiencing the feeling of depression. The way of life that we have adopted is the reason of the depression. This is the reason of why we have depression.

It does not make any difference whether we call it depression or clinical depression. There are two different types of depression: dysthymia and major depression. Major depression is a severe form of depression that affects a person's behavior, feelings, and thoughts. If a person has experienced symptoms of dysthymia, he or she may not recognize the symptoms of major depression. When you know the symptoms of depression for a fact, you can identify it as the same symptoms of depression.

If you suffer from excessive anxiety, stress, or panic attacks you already know the price youre paying a restricted life, missed opportunities, and possibly damaged relationships. Now, a new study suggests you must take a natural remedy to prevent the disease from ruining your future. "We had to find a way to administer the pills to each person individually without any help. Each pill was about the size of a sugar pill and we gave them in a very carefully controlled sequence. So that they could not be mixed together or given to someone who was not asking for them or doing well."

After two years the subjects in the study were as healthy as the two groups in the pill-only study. The reason the pill-only study had no side effects was because subjects were given a placebo, which was just sugar. Some though were sufering from anxiety and needed to have private anxiety counsellingto assist them continue. As expected, subjects in the pill-plus-vitamins group experienced some discomfort, but it was not severe or long lasting and did not stop the breathing. "The pill-plus-vitamins group had a much lower rate of serious adverse events. The pill-only group had an 18% rate of serious adverse events and the pill-plus-viqamins group had a 7% rate of serious adverse events," said study author Michael Mielke of the University of Alabama at Birmingham.

* No nausea

* No headache

* No stomachache

* No high blood pressure

* No insomnia

* No dizziness

* No weakness

* No muscle pain

* Feeling well rested

* Less need for sleep

* No headache

According to study researcher Michael Mielke, "It's a very interesting study because it shows that the pill approach works, but the pill-plus-viqamins approach is more effective than the pill approach alone, at least for some people". In all fairness to the pill approach, there are many people who can not take the pill. "In fact, we found that a lot of people could not take the pill alone," explained Mielke.

* Improvement in blood pressure was a significant finding of the study

* Improvement in heart rate variability was a significant finding of the study

* Improvement in mood was a significant finding of the study

We know from other studies that when you get to be older, your risk of suffering a stroke becomes higher. And that when you suffer a stroke, those risks stay around 1-2%.

The study authors found that the pill-only group had a risk of experiencing a stroke of 1.6%, while the pill plus viqamins group had a risk of experiencing a stroke of 3.9%. Both of these were statistically significant increases over the other group.

When they broke the results down by treatment, those taking the pill plus viqamins group had a 67% reduction in the risk of developing stroke, while those who took the pill-only group had a 33% risk of developing stroke.

The most significant finding of the study, noted researchers, was the fact that "Those taking pill plus viqamins had a 67% lower risk of stroke. The drug was as good as placebo for those at highest risk. It was no better than placebo in the lowest risk."

There you have it. You do just as well by not taking the medicine as by taking it if you are at high risk.

And what's more, the drug appears to be more effective at preventing strokes, as opposed to helping them, than the combination of medicine. This would seem to show how important the prevention of strokes is.

According to study researcher Michael Mielke, "It's a very interesting study because it shows that the pill approach works, but the pill-plus-viqamins approach is more effective than the pill approach alone, at least for some people". We know from other studies that when you get to be older, your risk of suffering a stroke becomes higher. And that when you suffer a stroke, those risks stay around 1-2%. The most significant finding of the study, noted researchers, was the fact that "Those taking pill plus viqamins had a 67% lower risk of stroke. And what's more, the drug appears to be more effective at preventing strokes, as opposed to helping them, than the combination of medicine.


Whether youre knowledge panic attacks, compulsive thoughts, relentless worries, or an incapacitating phobia, its crucial to understand that you don't have to live with anxiety and fear. There are many natural approaches to anxiety and fear, and the one that works for you will be that which gets you the most relief.

First, let me say that the first two steps are the easy ones. The second two steps are much more difficult. But you cant expect to get the same degree of relief from your anxiety remedy if you don't do those first two steps first.

If you want to know what you have to do to get the same degree of relief as you get by applying a comprehensive anxiety and phobia treatment, just read on. Or skip to the 2 oclock point and look at the way the next group of people get the same degree of relief as you do (good luck), and think that you can learn their technique just by reading this article.

Step 1, The "Oxygen" Test

The first step of the natural approach to anxiety and fear is to take a deep breath. This will take you to step two of the treatment, which I call the "oxygen" test. You can find out the oxygen level in your lungs by the way you breathe.

The first thing to do is to take a deep breath. This will take you to step two of the treatment, which I call the "oxygen" test. You can know it by the way you breathe.

Step 2, Breathe and relax. This will take you to the second step of the treatment, which is to breathe and relax. You can do this by staying seated, lying down, stretching your legs at the front or the back, walking slowly or very fast etc. etc

. Step 3, Think about your life without stress, worry, anxiety etc. and notice your emotions and thoughts. You can do this by watching your breath, thinking of the beach or a sunset, feeling the warmth of the sun on your skin, smelling the perfume of flowers etc

. Step 4, Focus on your breath. This will take you to step three of the treatment, which is to focus your attention and be aware of your breath. You can focus with your eyes shut, with your body focused or simply by focussing your conscious mind.

Step 5, Repeat this cycle a few times until you notice the mind going back and forth between the breath and its thoughts. This will take you to the third step, which is to repeat this cycle a few times until you notice the breath going in and out with your thoughts.

If you find that your mind wanders then go directly to step 6 and repeat the "oxygen" test with the oxygen of relaxation then the "focus" test with the focus of relaxess and then go to step 7. Repeat the "oxygen" test for a few minutes until you notice that your mind goes right back to the breath.

This process is very powerful. It is not only very effective but you can use it every day to regulate the chemicals of your brain, to keep the chemicals in balance and to help you regulate your emotions.

Let me say that the first two steps are the easy ones. You cant expect to get the same degree of relief from your anxiety remedy if you don't do those first two steps.

The first step of the natural approach to anxiety and fear is to take a deep breath. Step 3, Think about your life without stress, worry, anxiety etc. and notice your emotions and thoughts. Step 4, Focus on your breath.

Extra info on anxiety counselling Sheffield.