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Jerawat merupakan merupakan penyakit yang mempengaruhi kelenjar minyak pada kulit. Lubang kecil di kulit (pori-pori) terhubung dengan kelenjar minyak di bawah kulit. Kelenjar ini membuat zat berminyak yang disebut sebum. Pori-pori terhubung ke kelenjar oleh kanal yang disebut folikel. Di dalam folikel, minyak membawa sel kulit mati ke permukaan kulit.masker alami untuk jerawat
Jerawat memang bukan penyakit kulit yang membahayakan. Meski begitu, jika ada jerawat di wajah tentu akan menurunkan tingkat kepercayaan diri. Jerawat memang kadang bandel, ketika sudah ada yang hilang, muncul lagi satu. Kadang tangan rasanya gatal ingin menyentuh jerawat yang tidak hilang-hilang ini. Eits, apakah tangan Anda bersih ketika menyentuh jerawat? Menyentuh jerawat sembarangan ternyata malah bikin jerawat makin tumbuh subur lho.


Sebagian orang mempunyai jerawat ketika mengalami pubertas atau pada saat-saat remaja. Hal ini dikarenakan pada masa puber, sebum yang dihasilkan oleh kelenjar minyak meningkat produksinya dikarenakan meningkatnya pula produksi hormon testosteron.

Perubahan hormon

Tidak hanya remaja, bahkan orang dewasa pun dapat mempunyai jerawat. Biasanya hal ini terjadi karena adanya perubahan kadar hormon. Hal ini lebih sering terjadi pada perempuan, karena pada masa-masa tertentu terutama pada masa menstruasi dan kehamilan terjadi perubahan hormon yang cukup signifikan. Pada perempuan menstruasi, jerawat biasa muncul menjelang menstruasi. Lalu pada perempuan hamil, munculnya jerawat biasanya pada masa hamil 3 bulan pertama.

Make up berlebih

Khususnya pada perempuan, pemakaian make-up berlebih tanpa diimbangi dengan membersihkan wajah secara teratur justru akan menjadi penyebab munculnya jerawat. Tidak hanya berlebih, memakai produk make-up yang tidak cocok dengan kondisi kulit wajah juga dapat menyebabkan jerawat pula.

Sering cuci muka

Banyak dari kita menganggap bahwa penyebab jerawat adalah karena kurang rutin membersihkan muka. Oleh karena itu Anda sering sekali membersihkan muka dalam sehari bisa sampai 3-4 kali. Hal tersebut justru akan membuat wajah Anda berjerawat karena produksi minyak pada wajah justru berkurang hingga menyebabkan kulit akan terus memproduksi minyak berlebih. Cuci muka cukup 2 kali sehari dengan produk pembersih wajah yang ringan.

Ponsel yang kotor

Masih banyak yang belum mengetahui bahwa ponsel yang kita pakai sangatlah kotor. Kita sering sekali menyentuh benda kotor dan kemudian memegang ponsel. Tentu saja tangan yang kotor tersebut akan memindahkan bakteri ke ponsel kita. Bahkan menurut penelitian, ponsel 18 kali lebih kotor dan mengandung banyak bakteri jahat dibandingkan dengan pegangan pintu pada toilet umum. Tidak hanya mengandung bakteri, ponsel juga merupakan sarang berkembang biaknya bakteri. Setelah kita pegang dengan tangan kotor, kita menaruhnya pada tempat yang sempit dan gelap seperti kantung celana dan tas. Bakteri akan berpesta di ponsel Anda.

Konsumsi makanan tak sehat

Jerawat juga dapat disebabkan oleh makanan yang mengandung lemak tinggi dan tidak sehat. Hal tersebut akan memancing produksi sebum yang berlebihan.

Memencet jerawat

Merasa risih karena adanya jerawat dan Anda ingin segera menyingkirkannya dengan cara memencet. Ups, tunggu dulu. Apakah Anda sudah yakin bahwa tangan Anda bersih? Bukan hanya karena tangan kita yang kotor, dengan memencet jerawat, kita hanya akan menekan sumbatan pori ke bagian yang lebih dalam sehingga malah menyebabkan bekas jerawat.

Oct 3 '19 · 0 comments

Nivea Creme termasuk salah satu produk kecantikan jadul yang masih dicintai hingga sekarang.

Meskipun sudah banyak krim mahal beredar di pasaran, testimoni dari para beauty blogger membuktikan produk ini masih lebih unggul. Menurut artikel DailyMail bahkan sama manjurnya untuk merawat kulit dengan Creme de la Mer yang seharga ratusan dolar. Tak heran kalau Marilyn Monroe sampai cinta mati pada krim ini.manfaat nivea creme

Nivea Creme merupakan produk multifungsi yang bisa digunakan untuk berbagai keperluan wajah, tubuh, kuku, sampai rambut.Relatif cocok untuk semua jenis kulit, krim ini bisa dimanfaatkan sebagai pelembap harian. Walaupun begitu karena konsistensinya yang cukup tebal dan berminyak, lebih disarankan untuk mereka yang berkulit kering atau normal.
Setelah cuci tangan biasanya telapak akan terasa kering dan ketat, apalagi di cuaca dingin.Usapkan Nivea Creme kapan pun setelah cuci tangan. Juga bermanfaat untuk mereka yang beraktivitas di dalam ruangan ber-AC.

Perawatan intensif untuk bibir

Bibir kering dan mengelupas? Lembutkan lagi dengan olesan Nivea Creme sebelum tidur. Gunakan sedikit saja, karena krim ini juga mengandung parfum yang akan menimbulkan sensasi rasa aneh jika sampai tertelan.

Bahan campuran lip scrub

Selain melembapkan dan melembutkan bibir, Nivea Creme juga bisa dimanfaatkan sebagai lip scrub. Oleskan pada bibir, kemudian usap-usap dengan kain yang bersih atau sikat gigi yang masih belum pernah digunakan.

Mengatasi red cheek di cuaca dingin

Saat bepergian ke negara yang beriklim dingin, warga negara tropis seperti kita biasanya rawan mengalami red cheek atau pipi yang memerah.Jika dibiarkan, red cheek bisa mendatangkan iritasi dan kulit mengelupas. Sedikit olesan Nivea Creme akan membantu meringankan gejalanya.

Foot mask yang melembapkan

Agar tumit, telapak, dan mata kaki senantiasa lembut, sesekali kita perlu foot mask alias masker untuk kaki.Urapi area telapak kaki dengan Nivea Creme di malam hari. Oleskan tebal-tebal, kemudian pakai kaus kaki berbahan katun atau bungkus kaki dengan plastik. Biarkan semalaman dan kaki akan terasa lebih lembut keesokan harinya.

Oct 3 '19 · 0 comments

Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) are powerful tools that can protect your privacy from government surveillance. This leads some to ask: are VPN services legal? Though most countries around the world allow VPN use, the answer may depend on what country you’re in.

Is it illegal to use a VPN?
VPNs are a thorn in the side of any government that relies heavily on online surveillance or censorship. That’s because a powerful VPN helps users evade both of those practices – by securing your traffic from governments and ISPs.

As a result, some governments demonize VPN services by claiming that they are used primarily for illegal activities. Others simply make virtual private network illegal. In both cases, however, the goal is the same – to prevent people from enjoying the free internet the way it was meant to be.

Focusing on the illegal activities for VPNs misses the point. VPNs have many more different positive uses than they have negative ones.

Here are some of the good things VPNs can be used for:

Staying secure when using public WiFi while you travel.
Maintaining online freedom and evading censorship when living in or visiting an oppressive state.
Accessing geo-restricted sites and services in other countries or those from back home when you’re living abroad.
Searching for information and communicating securely and privately when dealing with sensitive topics, like when journalists investigate corruption.
Working with sensitive trade secrets or other important data that must remain secured at all costs.
Browsing the internet while you want to remain private and secure.
Where are VPNs illegal?
VPN services are legal in most of the world, including Canada, the USA and the UK. In some countries. However, VPNs are only legal if they fulfill certain requirements that seriously compromise the security and privacy they provide. For the purposes of this list, we will consider VPNs illegal in a country if:

Using VPNs is explicitly forbidden for a significant portion or all of the country’s population;
Using a VPN is only legal if it meets government regulations that allow the government to regularly monitor users.
The growth of Virtual Private Networks as world-wide tools for security, privacy, and internet freedom is a relatively recent phenomenon, so many countries with repressive tendencies that have not yet passed any laws regulating their use may still plan to. One of the best places to monitor potential changing attitudes is Freedom House’s Freedom on the Net report.

We’ll update this list whenever we can. If the country you’re visiting or living in ranks low for internet freedom but isn’t featured on our list of anti-VPN countries, it may be worth doing a bit more research to figure out whether or not you’ll be able to use a VPN.




Oct 3 '19 · 0 comments

Public WLAN is a particularly convenient option to stay online all the time, and a great alternative to using your mobile data. We all agree that it’s great, but are you sure that this free WiFi hotspot you’re currently connected to is safe?

The main weakness of many free Wi-Fi hotspots in cafes, airports, hotels and other public places is often in poor router configurations and more often – when there are no secure passwords. The lack of basic protection is precisely what makes WiFi users easy prey for cybercriminals and other malicious actors who are always on the lookout for security holes they can exploit.

Stealing your credit card details or being the victim of identity theft does not sound fascinating, does it? However, this can happen if you continue to connect your smartphone or laptop to random wireless networks without taking the necessary precautions to protect your data.

Back up public Wi-Fi: steps you must take
Unfortunately, all these tricks are easy even for an unusual hacker.Therefore, it is extremely important to be aware of the potential threats and to learn how to protect yourself.Do not forget the basic precautions, because even the most advanced security tools will not protect you 100%, especially if you are looking for problems yourself. You should do the following in public WLAN and do not do:

Accept the fact that anyone can become a victim of cybercrime.Too many people still believe that they are not interesting enough to get hacked. Keep in mind that in most cases criminals are not interested in their goals. This is particularly the case when hacking occurs due to weak WiFi security:

Anyone joining an unprotected network has the same chance of compromising their data.

Disable automatic connections. This will prevent your device from automatically connecting to the networks you were previously connected to when you are nearby but you do not want to use them.

Do not just connect with WiFi. If you see two similar-looking Wi-Fi names, remember that one of them might be fake. For this reason, it is better to ask a member of staff again before joining a free public network.

Don’t sign up for sensitive accounts: If you’re on public Wi-Fi, it may be the safest piece of advice to simply avoid accessing your bank accounts and other sensitive accounts that would be most attractive to hackers.This may include your business email addresses and social networking sites, as people tend to share private information through these channels.
Turn off the file sharing and check your firewall.For security reasons, it’s always best to turn off file sharing on your computer while you’re on a public network.If you have this enabled at home, you can easily share files on your devices.However, this also means that you can share them over public Wi-Fi without your knowledge.So do not forget to disable this feature before connecting.If you disable the sharing option, check if your firewall is enabled.A simple but decisive step.

Get a reliable VPN.If you do not want anyone to spy on your online activity and use your sensitive data for your own benefit, then you should buy a reliable VPN right now.

You can stop a WiFi hacker with a VPN.

VPN is by far the most robust protection you can get to protect your privacy while staying secure on public Wi-Fi.

Unlike what many people think, VPN is neither a rocket science nor a geeky tool.It is a virtual private network that sends your Internet traffic through an encrypted tunnel, which makes interception or decryption extremely difficult.Once you have a VPN app installed on your phone, laptop, or tablet, all you need to do is connect to a remote VPN server and connect to any wireless network without the risk of becoming a victim of hacker attacks

You can also use VPN to hide your location by replacing your IP address with the IP address of the remote VPN server.This not only protects your identity from hackers, ISPs and other snoopers, but also gives you secure access to restricted websites.This is especially useful if you are traveling abroad and want to continue accessing your favorite content and social media services.

When a VPN is enabled, you can establish a secure connection to the public Wi-Fi in your hotel room and enjoy the desired entertainment as if you were at home.
VPN download




Oct 3 '19 · 0 comments

With a virtual private network (VPN) everyone – from a student or a housewife to a Silicon Valley entrepreneur – can take charge of their cybersecurity and make it harder for hackers to steal their sensitive information. But are you truly safe? Can a VPN be hacked?

How does a VPN work?
To figure out whether a VPN can be hacked, we need to understand how it works. Let’s start with the basics – how your device connects to the internet.

When you type a website address into your browser, your request is sent to your router and on to your Internet Service Provider (ISP). The ISP then sends it along to the website’s servers, gets the info you need, and sends it back to you. This is only a simplified version of how the internet works.

However, this isn’t ideal if you care about your security. The router can be vulnerable, especially if you’re on public wifi. Your ISP and website servers can collect a lot of personal information about you such as your IP address, your location, and what you do on the internet. Without a VPN, all that data is out in the open for almost anyone to see. That’s where the VPN comes into play.

VPN flow illustration

A VPN creates a secure tunnel for your data. The information you send to your ISP gets encrypted before even leaving your device, so the ISP can’t see what you’re doing. Your information then travels from the ISP to a VPN server that changes your IP address. Now, the website’s servers won’t see your original IP, instead will be seeing the IP and location of your VPN server.

Can you be hacked when using a VPN?
A VPN is a great tool to protect yourself from snoopers and keep your information safe. But is your data really 100% safe from malicious attackers? Let’s review them step by step.

1. Your Device
Your device may be vulnerable

Before the information leaves your device, it gets encrypted by the VPN app. If anyone manages to snoop on your traffic, all they’ll see is incomprehensible gibberish. They cannot decrypt that information without having an encryption key, which is only available on two devices – yours and the VPN servers. There’s only one way to get your sensitive information at this point – by compromising you or your device.

If you’ve already caught a virus, used a weak password or fell for a social engineering attack, a VPN will not be able to protect you. Hackers will already have access to your device and as a result will be able to see everything you do on it. Double check that you don’t practice bad internet behaviors and if you do, stop them before it’s too late.

2. The encryption
Encryption is your VPN’s strong point

If your device is secure and your VPN is on, your message or inquiry will be encrypted when you send it. One of the only ways to read it now would be by cracking your encryption protocol. However, strong encryption is what makes VPNs so reliable, so it’s not as easy as it might sound.

Sending information over the internet is like sending letters in the mail (but much faster). Anyone who can get their hands on the letters can see who sent them, where they’re going, and can even open them to see what’s inside. To stop snoopers, however, you can invent your own code language. By encrypting your message, it is now useless gibberish to anyone who reads it. The rules you used to change the words are your encryption key, and only someone with the key can change your gibberish back into the original message.

VPN encryption works in a similar way, but with advanced military-grade encryption. The encryption key here is a huge string of characters that are used to scramble and unscramble your data. To find the encryption key, hackers would need to try every possible combination, which is called a brute-force attack. But the AES 256-bit, which is recognized as an industry standard, has so many of them that it would take the most powerful computer about a billion years to find the right key.

3. VPN servers
VPN servers have various security features

The security of your message when it reaches the VPN server can vary significantly depending on your provider. If you’re self-hosting a VPN, then your server is only as secure as you make it. Plus, since your server will usually host a single user (you), you’ll still be quite easy to track online. A free VPN provider may deploy some security tools, but many also monitor users’ traffic. Every premium VPN might deploy different security features, but all of them can be depended on to provide far above-average security.

At this point, the VPN server will decrypt your message and send it to your destination. However, an easy way to ensure end-to-end encryption is by using HTTPS sites. HTTPS forms a separate encrypted connection between your browser and the site you’re visiting. It’s not as powerful as the encryption provided by a premium VPN, but it will keep your connection encrypted after it has left the VPN server.

4. Websites you visit
You must trust who you connect to

Once your data leaves the VPN server to go to the website, it’s again out in the open if you visit websites with unsecure HTTP connection. Even though no one spoofing on the traffic will be able to tie that information back to you that doesn’t mean that you can visit suspicious sites without a worry.

If you fall for a phishing scam and click on a spoofed link, your device can instantly be affected with malware. It will then be overtaken by a hacker and VPN will no longer be able to help you. So when using a VPN, make sure you turn on Cybersec, which will block ads and dangerous websites.




Oct 3 '19 · 0 comments

Web content is not always the same when you travel the world. Most countries have specific restrictions that can disrupt streaming when you travel. There are DNS, VPN and Smart DNS tools, however, that help you enjoy your favorite series while abroad. Here’s how they work.

What is DNS?
Domain Name Systems (or DNS) are like the address books of the internet. You access websites via domain names (like https://nordvpn.com), but these domain names are translated into the IIP addresses that computers use by DNS. Then your browser can process the URL address and connect you to a website.

DNS servers store these IP addresses so that you won’t have to memorize them. There are millions of them, so without DNS, the internet would be a wild and complicated mess.

Our article about DNS hijacking attacks has more info about how DNS works.

What is Smart DNS?
Smart DNS service replaces the DNS address provided by your ISP with one for a different server. The location depends on the server infrastructure of the provider. This lets you access geo-blocked content because the website thinks that you are in a different location. It’s important to note that this doesn’t give you a new IP address – it just changes how a website sees your IP address.

The best DNS to use
Normally, your devices use DNS servers provided by your ISP, which is convenient but allows your ISP to track what you do. You can choose a different DNS provider, you should always take into account the following aspects when choosing one:

Privacy. Be sure that the DNS does not log your IP address or track your browsing data. Also, make sure that the DNS company does not sell it’s users data to third parties.
Speed. Always check that the speed the DNS service offers suits your needs.
Server infrastructure. Make sure that service has enough servers nearby to provide you with a stable connection and the best speed.
Protection. Some DNS servers offer protection against phishing sites or malware attacks.
Great customer care.
However, it is difficult to find a service that provides all of these benefits.

Smart DNS vs. VPN
Even though some of the functions of Smart DNS and VPNs (virtual private network) overlap, they are quite different.

Smart DNS

Lightweight and fast as does it not use complicated encryption protocols like VPNs do;
Usually a cheaper option than a VPN;
Can be used to access geo-blocked content.

Does not provide secure encryption;
Cannot hide your IP, so you can still be tracked by your service provider;
More complicated to set up for non-experienced users;
Quality DNS services can cost as much as or more than a VPN but won’t provide as many benefits.


Fully protects your traffic by encrypting your data so that hackers, surveillance agencies and ISPs can’t see it;
Grants anonymity by changing your IP so you can’t be tracked;
Can be used to access geo-blocked content;
Premium VPNs are very easy to set up;
VPN providers offer lots of additional functions, including malware protection, automatic kill switches, etc.

More expensive;
Marginally slower as it provides full encryption and IP change.
When comparing DNS and VPN services, you should consider the following:

Online video streaming. DNS is a better option due to its lightweight nature. It does not use encryption so you can enjoy the full speed of your standard internet connection. However, keep in mind that VPNs don’t always slow down your connection;
Working in a government-restricted environment. Only VPNs can grant you full protection and anonymity. Smart DNS also cannot bypass firewalls;
Handling sensitive data. Unlike DNS, VPNs encrypt your traffic, making it safe from man-in-the-middle attacks.




Oct 3 '19 · 0 comments

Torrenting in 2019: How to Download Torrents Anonymously and Safely
Have you ever been engaged in an illegal activity? Your common sense answer might be no, but you’d better think twice. Perhaps you did download torrents, at least once. In many countries, it is equal to piracy and is punished by law.

Why is downloading torrents illegal?
Well, to be clear, torrent download itself is legal. What is actually illegal is downloading and sharing copyrighted content. However, there’s a pitfall. It’s usually difficult, if not impossible, to determine which torrent files contain copyrighted material. So, governments tend to take “one size fits all” approach and consider any kind of torrenting illegal.

Unintentionally, you may end up involved in this illegal activity, with unpleasant consequences. These consequences may include copyright infringement notices from your ISP, fines, and even imprisonment (if you happen to be in the country with strict anti-torrenting laws). But no worries! Check out our article and learn how to download torrents anonymously, without any risk
Hide your torrenting from ISP with a VPN
VPN – the tool for hiding your IP address while torrenting
Your gateway to anonymous torrent download is a reliable VPN service. Masking IP while torrenting as well as encrypting internet traffic, the VPN technology doesn’t let your ISP and other parties monitor your activities. So, if you happen to be in the country forbidding torrents download, just enable VPN and download all the legal content you want.

Besides, with VPN on, you no longer expose your real IP to other torrent users. How do they get this info? Quite easy in fact. When you connect to a torrent swarm, other peers that share this file can see IP address of other computers in the swarm, as shown on the screenshot below. All IP addresses publicly visible. Not an appealing perspective, agree?

Peers list with exposed IP addresses in Vuze Bittorent client

Peer list from Vuze Bittorrent client

Tips for choosing the best torrent VPN
When deciding on a VPN provider, you primarily need to pay attention to the following features:

VPN servers that support torrent download
Note that not all VPN services actually support torrenting, so it’s essential to ensure they do have torrent-friendly servers. A VPN will not leave you alone with the question how to download torrented movies and other content without any risk. We do provide special VPN servers for anonymous and secure torrent download.

Kill Switch feature for better protection of your identity online
Kill Switch is the technology that immediately stops internet traffic on your device if VPN connection suddenly drops. Allow us to explain why the feature is so crucial for downloading torrents anonymously.

Imagine your VPN connection dropping for some reason while your torrent file download is still in process. All the traffic interaction will now be directed at your real IP. You are no longer anonymous, your IP is exposed, and your ISP sees what you’re actually doing.




Oct 3 '19 · 0 comments

Tungsten rings are quickly becoming a very popular choice for wedding bands and everyday rings. Vichy France wilfully collaborated with Nazi Germany by organising raids to capture Jews and other undesirables” which was organized by the French police not only in the northern zone - occupied by the German Wehrmacht - but also in the southern free zone” which was occupied by the Germans only after the Allies invaded North Africa in November 1942.womens tungsten carbide rings

Tungsten carbide wedding bands have the same or even superior features of traditional metals used for wedding rings. Unlike other metals like gold, silver and platinum, tungsten rings retain their luster without regular polishing. The eastern provinces of China (e.g., Manchuria, Shandong, Jiangsu, Zhejiang) was also conquered by the Japanese Imperial Army in the opening years of the war.

(This will enable you to put the new 12.4 lead on with the leads butting up nicely against it.) After you've completed this step, you simply bend the leadlight backwards and forwards over where you've scored the glass and the leads that have been cut through and it will begin to come away.

As with Spain, Portugal remained pseudo neutral through the war, although strongly suspected of having Axis sympathies, and secretly supplied tungsten to Germany. The outrageous Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact between Germany and the Soviet Union left Estonia under the illegal control of the Soviets.

Tungsten carbide rings are notoriously difficult to engrave on- and the faint look of that engraving might not look that attractive. Over time, an organized armed resistance movement, known as Milorg and numbering some 40,000 armed men at the end of the war, was formed under a largely unified command, something which greatly facilitated the transfer of power in May 1945.

Tungsten carbide wedding rings are strongly scratch resistant and its bright and reflective quality attracts many people. Unique Inlays Tungsten Carbide Bands: Tungsten rings with inlays add a personality to the ring that is different from more traditional ring styles.

Oct 3 '19 · 0 comments

If you want durability, availability and affordability in your choice of engagement rings, then you probably would want to have tungsten wedding bands as a symbol of your love for each other as a couple. High speed steel is an alloy of steel which may consists of either of the following metals: tungsten, cobalt, molybdenum or chromium. The Slovak National Uprising, commenced on 29th August 1944, under the command of Ján Golianwas and was put down by German forces at the end of October, however, partisans continue fighting in the hills till the end of the war.tungsten wedding bands for her

While I must express doubts about Haiti and Turkey still being allied colonies in 1940, for the British and French, victory over Germany looked probable - precisely because they were stronger. Like the Netherlands, Belgium declared its neutrality in an effort to avoid being caught in another war between Germany and France.

As with Spain, Portugal remained pseudo neutral through the war, although strongly suspected of having Axis sympathies, and secretly supplied tungsten to Germany. The outrageous Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact between Germany and the Soviet Union left Estonia under the illegal control of the Soviets.

This is a good test to start with, however be aware that many of the metals used in these fakes (i.e. lead, copper, tungsten) will not be attracted to magnets either. The most important feature of tungsten carbide wedding bands is the permanent polished look of the rings.

Mexico declared war on Germany on 1st June 1942, due to political pressure from the US government following the events at Pearl Harbour and the sinking of two Mexican oil ships the SS Potrero del Llano which was sailing from Tampico to New York with 6,132 tons of petroleum when she was sunk by U-564 on the 14 of May 1942.

Made from exquisite precious and semi precious metals and gemstones, earrings rule the men's jewelry segment. British police continued in their pre-war manner and did not act for the Nazis but rather protected the Islanders, against the draconian German military laws, where they could.

Oct 3 '19 · 0 comments

For children with autism, drowning is one of the leading causes of death, according to the National Autism Association. This fall, Missouri State University will a program specifically designed to teach children with autism how to stay safe around water.Children swimming in Shanghai

Amanda McGill's 5-year-old son Ian was diagnosed with autism when he was three. Depending on the day, Ian either loves playing with water or is terrified of it. McGill said there are other kids like him.

"A lot of them do love water and they will just go in and they don't even know how to swim," she said.Dr. Sapna Chakraborty is the head of the Occupational Therapy Department at MSU."In the last decade, we've seen more incidents of drowning," Chakraborty said.

That's why she started the SWIM Program. It stands for Swimming and Water Instruction Modified. The goal is to meet the need of each individual child to help them learn basic water skills. Children with autism could have sensory, physical and communication needs that might make swimming a challenge.Chakraborty said children with autism can be overwhelmed in traditional swimming lessons because of the lights, the sounds, even the water temperature.

So for the SWIM class, Chakraborty makes modifications to prevent any child from having sensory overload. She reserves the aquatic center at the Foster Recreational Center so the young swimmers have it all to themselves. The music and the fountains get turned off.

The swimmers get one-on-one training from occupational therapy students. Chakraborty said the instructors have used cards and even iPads to teach children who might have trouble communicating.

McGill said, learning new things doesn't come naturally for Ian and sometimes, he needs more explanation than other kids his age."This program is nice for those kids that kind of need to slow down a little bit and teach them what those safety skills are," McGill said.The SWIM program is an attempt to prevent the unimaginable from happening for parents like McGill. That's why she's enrolling her son.
Chakraborty said her goal isn't focused on children becoming proficient swimmers, but is designed to teach them basic water survival skills. Another goal is to help children and their parents figure out what instructions work best for them. They can then take those tools to traditional swimming lessons.

Chakraborty said the fall session of SWIM filled up in about two hours, and there's already a waiting list. There will be another session in the spring. With such great need, she said she hopes to train more instructors, like those with the Springfield-Greene County Park Board about her techniques. It can give parents peace of mind and even potentially save lives.

Oct 3 '19 · 0 comments
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