
Sletrry's blog

Besides that, I believe that Hayato, for it's current underpowered standing, is quite tough to buff with out getting overpowered. Maplestory M Mesos already kind of a bully class early to mid game (Lv. 30-130) in terms KSing possible for his or her mobbing abilities, and his blisteringly fast attacks.

If one were to adjust the damage%'s of his Sanrenzan, or even add additional attack lines, it makes him overpowered. Perhaps if Shinsoku had a greater% damage per line, it can help things, but I would suggest adding a bind of some sort to his kit.

Now, abilities aside, I believe there is a much greater reason he doesn't get as much love from gamers: his command. Granted, he's 60% command from the very start, but that would be it. Other classes get 80% mastery, maintaining their damage comparatively stable. Hayato? His harm jumps about as much as he or she does. There's also the matter of his assault multiplier (which is quite hard to adapt in a means that's balanced).

2h swords/axes/maces possess a general multiplier of 1.34, and spears/polearms have 1.49. With the aforementioned in mind, what, praytell, do you guys think would equilibrium Hayato out?I am totally lost. I've hit level , but things began going wrong almost instantly. So I've got a couple of concerns. I accidentally put a point into STR, thinking that there was an"Apply Changes" Button and that I could pull it out.

The build I am following says that my STR and DEX should only be at 4 factors. But before I added the extra point, they were already at 5. Can I mess up before I even started? I'm hoping I didn't mess that up also.

In addition, in the skills section of the build, it says to place points into Improving Max MP Increase and Improving MP Recovery, though no abilities have these titles. I apologize for not knowing anything, but I really don't want to mess up my own first character. This late in the match, I would not say impossible but it'd be very difficult.

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Mar 1 '19 · 0 comments · Tags: maplestory m mesos, mmogo
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