
I believe that it would be amazing if done correctly and no freaking vc from chen's blog

Fix the defense!! 2k20 is unquestionably the worst transition protection from the franchise! Your cpu controlled teammates run around like chickens with their heads cut off, if the cpu compels the ball transition. They start posting up phantom opponents while they watch the ballhandler and cutters simply sail on by for uncontested buckets. By indicating the man they creating mismatches. It is maddening. In repairing defense, Contained is the odds of 2K21 MT winning following poking the ball free shed balls and blocking shots. You are able to play perfect defense subsequently block a shotcreate a loose ball, just to have it go directly to a wide opponent as though the trainer wrote it on a chalkboard. Those balls are so bothersome. The better the player you poke off the ball (if you are even able to since they're invincible for some reason - Tre Young looking at you) the more impossible it is to get this loose ball. They regain and operate and often I'll poke it totally free around me for an open 3 or drive down the lane.

I have been advocating for a while; Online connected mycareer manners. You and your 5 may play. On precisely the same team you might have issues and problems like who gets the maximum vc who receives more endorsements more fan likes, and earn a chemistry meter for this so that with more aids and getting men open or touches or points will bring it up or down. My profession on the internet: I've been dying in the rec. Since Xbox did the gamepass of 2k there were pros and cons. Is the influx of 65 ovr tryna play in the rec. To that end I expect to visit a color based lobby. 65-75 or bronze players play each other in one lobby and gamers over 75 are not allowed to enter 75-85 or silver and so forth and so forth till we do not have a lot of guys that are elite mobbing n00bs and don't run into attempt hards and pro level players in the intermediate level.

There should be a rec room which permits players to play as we play now. Meaning just like a standard pickup gym. You do not understand who til you play with em. A big issue I've had when playing with friends is"arbitrary" player(s) guys who ballhog or telephone unnecessary timeouts when things ain't moving their way. There ought to be a penalty system for amounts of one after the other in a period of 5seconds at the first 3 quarters. 'Missed' open player ought to be a minus in your notifications bar like"locate" open participant is. Myteam: transaction cards. That is all.

I think we ought to have two my livelihood. One is the distinctive life of Kobe(with I guess his spouse permission and all money or some could go to their charity). We mirror every game, every win, losses, shaq beef, we practice such as regular to unlock special things(idk) we play 20 seasons upward till he retires and we all can play with his last address.

I believe that it would be amazing if done correctly and no freaking vc. You have to play with it and exercise to get better. The more you practice the better you get, you have to learn the playbook (this is most likely a hit but you get how realistic I want this to be). He can't begin at 60 possibly come on now it is Kobe!! We get to reestablish his sneakers and perhaps get to develop(spell check) his Mamba Mentality as time passes. What you think? Or is Buy NBA 2K21 MT Coins this trash. I bases this off a my profession I always wanted from 2k, I wanted a my career which lasted over 1 season and wasn't so freaking heavily VC determined to be a good player. I'm going to make another post for my career.

The Wall

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