
The issue this is Dofus Kamas not noobs vs pros from Limm's blog

Who are you selling your tools to then? The exact same dungeon will continue to be funny, after doing 100 times? The issue this is Dofus Kamas not noobs vs pros, there are no stupid people around, it's just that someone does not have the time or does not need to use a few hours of the time just to conduct a dungeon or invest the few minutes a day he's got to play to find out intricate tactics and whatsoever.

 Both kind of Dofus players have the right to perform (based on Ankama), thus the need to lower the difficulty for people who want a more"casual" game. Perhaps Ankama has some key graph in which can be clearly proven that casual Dofus players are those that pay real money for the Dofus game, and experts are the ones that spend virtual currency to subscribe, and they wish to keep the initial sort of Dofus players playing.

Those people did not level their personality and got tired after leeching and playing for a few days. Those Dofus gamers you are currently referring to have multiple level 200 that they previously leveled for months/years. Now they leveling them in matters of days and are making alts. 

It isn't only play for 2 months and they get bored, they have been playing for a decade and there are hardly anything challenging for them to do Cheap Kamas Dofus Retro (except maybe gather hardcore endgame contents and sell in marketplace ). Now with this simplification, they'll get even increasingly bored because there will be less motivation to gather/sell endgame resources when even casual no more must buy them as they can collect endgame contents by themselves.

The Wall

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