
Ten minutes in to PoE trade currency from Limm's blog

Path of Exile is a game to attempt to comprehend. There is still heaps of systems I do not know and an inventory full of items I don't really know how to use. However, the power fantasy has rekindled that ARPGs have been about. One which has remained dormant sleepless nights playing Diablo 2.

Ten minutes in to PoE trade currency and I'm throwing ice magic at a god. He seems unimpressed, tossing back of crackling energy that may kill me in a couple of 21, orbs and bolts. He then brings amazing statues to life and they lumber , swinging swords that are giant that I dodge at a half fear.

I have an ace in the PoE currency hole: a totem I pop some mana and healing flasks can place that aggros his mobs and the boss, providing me a couple of seconds to glance at my health, and lay on the harm.

Ice flies from my hands as quickly as I can clickclickclickclick. When the boss goes into full-on bullet hell manner, I will hide behind one of the statues for a few key seconds of safety. I finally land the killing blow... into his original form. Avarius becomes Innocence, and my palms start sweating.

The Wall

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