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When it comes to the fascinating world of proteins, some names like collagen or hemoglobin might ring a bell. But what about tenascin-C, more commonly known as TNC protein? This often-overlooked molecule plays a vital, if subtle, role in how our cells talk to each other. Let's delve into the remarkable story of TNC protein and why it deserves more of the spotlight.


What is TNC Protein?

Before we jump into its importance, let's cover the basics. TNC protein is a type of glycoprotein, a protein with carbohydrate molecules attached. It's part of the tenascin family, which is found only in vertebrates. While it was first discovered in gliomas (a type of brain tumor), TNC protein is present in a variety of tissues, especially during embryonic development and tissue remodeling after injury. Its unique structure, featuring multiple domains, allows it to interact with a wide array of other proteins and molecules.


The Role of TNC Protein in Cellular Communication

So, what makes TNC protein special? Its claim to fame is being one of the first proteins shown to promote cell proliferation, differentiation, and migration, while also inhibiting these processes. This seeming contradiction is due to its context-dependent nature. Think of TNC protein as a cellular referee, directing the game based on the situation.


In embryonic development, TNC protein helps guide cells to their correct positions, much like a director coordinating actors on stage. It forms a crucial part of the extracellular matrix, the molecular scaffold surrounding cells, shaping the very architecture of tissues. After a tissue is injured, it signals cells to proliferate and migrate for repair, akin to a general rallying troops. But when the time is right, it can hit the brakes on this growth, ensuring everything stays balanced and healthy.


TNC Protein's Role in Disease

Like many proteins, when TNC protein goes awry, disease can result. It's been implicated in various cancers, where it can contribute to uncontrolled growth and metastasis. In the tumor microenvironment, TNC protein can even manipulate the immune system, shielding cancer cells from attack. In the nervous system, abnormal TNC protein levels have been linked to neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer's and Parkinson's. Research suggests it may influence the deposition of harmful protein aggregates that are a hallmark of these disorders.


On the other hand, researchers are exploring how to harness TNC protein's powers for good. In regenerative medicine, it might be used to enhance tissue repair. For example, bioengineers are investigating how to incorporate TNC protein into biomaterials to promote healing. Its ability to influence the immune system also makes it a potential player in autoimmune disease treatment. By modulating inflammation, it could help restore balance in conditions like multiple sclerosis or rheumatoid arthritis.


rachel Sep 10 · Tags: health, life

Creative BioMart, a leading global supplier of recombinant proteins and related research products, is excited to announce the launch of Its Monthly Special Release, a new program offering exclusive discounts of up to 50% off on a curated selection of products each month.


With over 100,000 recombinant protein products in stock and a commitment to continuously launching new offerings based on market demand, Creative BioMart has established itself as a go-to partner for researchers and scientists worldwide. The company's extensive technical and scientific research capabilities, combined with its advanced CRO services, like protein expression, stable cell line construction, interaction detection, and highly customized solutions, make it an ideal supplier for customers in a variety of fields.


In a move designed to provide unbeatable value to its customers, Creative BioMart will feature a fresh collection of popular and highly sought-after products at deeply discounted prices through its Monthly Special Release program. The selection will change monthly, ensuring that customers always find something new and exciting. From commonly used protein products to items featured in recent literature, the monthly specials will cater to a wide range of needs and interests.


"We're thrilled to offer this incredible opportunity for our customers to save big on the products they need," said Linna, the chief marketing staff at Creative BioMart. "Our Monthly Special Release is all about providing unbeatable value and making it easy for our customers to discover great products at prices that will make their day. As a customer-oriented company, we're always looking for ways to meet the evolving needs of our customers and provide the highest level of service and support."


To take advantage of the monthly deals, customers simply need to visit the Creative BioMart website and explore the curated selection. In addition to the monthly specials, Creative BioMart invites customers to join its community by subscribing to the newsletter. Subscribers will be the first to know about new releases, hottest deals, and get exclusive sneak peeks at upcoming collections.


"We're passionate about helping our customers save big and love to see them get excited about a great deal," said Linna. "That's why we encourage everyone to spread the word and share the savings with their friends and colleagues. The more, the merrier! At Creative BioMart, we're dedicated to building strong relationships with our customers and providing the products and services they need to succeed."


Creative BioMart's Monthly Special Release is live now, with a new selection of discounted products available each month. Customers are invited to head to the website and start discovering the treasure trove of savings waiting for them.


For more information about Creative BioMart and its Monthly Special Release, please visit https://www.creativebiomart.net/aboutus-detail-welcome-to-our-monthly-special-release-769.htm.


rachel Sep 10 · Tags: health, science
في مدينة دبي الصاخبة، حيث يلتقي التميز الطبي مع الابتكار، تبرز عيادة القدرة الطبية كمنارة أمل لأولئك الذين يعانون من آلام البواسير. بقيادة الدكتور خالد عبد الكريم النونو، وهو جراح عام وجراح أوعية دموية متمرس متخصص في عيادة بواسير في دبي، تقدم هذه العيادة مجموعة شاملة من العلاجات غير الجراحية المتقدمة التي تستخدم أحدث التقنيات مثل كالليزر، والموجات فوق الصوتية، والأشعة تحت الحمراء. البواسير، وهي حالة منتشرة ولكنها مزعجة، يمكن أن تسبب إزعاجًا كبيرًا وتؤثر على نوعية حياة الشخص. ومع ذلك، تحت رعاية الدكتور خالد عبد الكريم النونو وفريقه المتخصص في عيادة القدرة الطبية، يجد المرضى الراحة من خلال الإجراءات المتطورة التي تهدف إلى تخفيف الأعراض ومعالجة السبب الجذري لهذا المرض. ما يميز هذه العيادة هو التزامها بالطرق غير الجراحية لعلاج البواسير. يستخدم الدكتور خالد عبد الكريم النونو تقنيات مبتكرة تتجنب الجراحة التقليدية، حيث يستخدم العلاج بالليزر والموجات فوق الصوتية والأشعة تحت الحمراء لاستهداف أنسجة البواسير وتقليصها. لا تقلل هذه الإجراءات من انزعاج المريض فحسب، بل تعمل أيضًا على تعزيز التعافي بشكل أسرع وتقليل خطر حدوث مضاعفات مرتبطة عادةً بالتدخلات الجراحية. بالإضافة إلى علاج البواسير، تتخصص العيادة أيضًا في معالجة مشكلات الأوعية الدموية مثل الدوالي في الساقين. ومن خلال استخدام مزيج من الوخز بالإبر والعلاج بالليزر، يمكنهم إدارة أمراض الأوعية الدموية بشكل فعال، مما يعزز حركة المريض وراحته. يكمن حجر الزاوية في نجاح عيادة القدرة الطبية في نهجها الشخصي في رعاية المرضى. يتم التعامل مع كل فرد بأقصى قدر من الرحمة والاحترام، ويتم تصميم خطط العلاج وفقًا لاحتياجاته الفريدة. تم تصميم بيئة العيادة لتوفير الشعور بالراحة والطمأنينة، مما يضمن شعور المرضى بالدعم طوال رحلة الشفاء. إن خبرة الدكتور خالد عبد الكريم النونو، إلى جانب التزام العيادة باستخدام أحدث التقنيات والرعاية التي تركز على المريض، جعلت من عيادة القدرة الطبية الوجهة الأولى للأفراد الذين يبحثون عن الراحة من البواسير والحالات ذات الصلة في دبي. سواء كنت تعاني من عدم الراحة بسبب البواسير أو تعاني من مشاكل في الأوعية الدموية، تقدم عيادة القدرة الطبية منارة أمل، حيث تقدم لك حلولًا متقدمة وغير جراحية تحت إشراف أخصائي مشهور في هذا المجال. ومع التركيز على راحة المريض والعلاجات المبتكرة والالتزام بالرعاية الشخصية، تقف العيادة بمثابة شهادة على تقاطع الخبرة الطبية والرعاية الصحية الرحيمة. في مدينة معروفة بتطوراتها الرائدة، تتألق عيادة القدرة الطبية كدليل على الرعاية الصحية التقدمية، حيث تقدم للأفراد في دبي فرصة للعثور على العزاء من الألم والانزعاج الناتج عن البواسير وأمراض الأوعية الدموية ذات الصلة. تحت إشراف الدكتور خالد عبد الكريم النونو، يمكن للمرضى أن يطمئنوا إلى أن صحتهم في أيدي فريق طبي عالي المهارة والعناية ومكرس لإغاثتهم وتعافيهم.
John Snow Nov 12 '23 · Tags: health
Portraying Hospice Care Hospice isn't a spot it is somewhat a gathering of exceptionally prepared people cooperating to give care and backing to at death's door patients and their families. The essential objective of hospice is to work on the nature of the patient and relative life by offering different administrations. The hospice group is comprised of medical attendants, doctors, social laborers, pastors and volunteers. The gathering is intended to give help with discomfort to the patient while likewise offering otherworldly and profound help to the patient and their families. Palliative care vs hospice for the most part happens in the home of the patient or a direct relation. In the event that the patient is dwelling in a nursing care office, administrations will occur there. The group will help out with the rest of the patient's life and proposition guiding administrations for relatives straightforwardly following the a patient's demise. Who Might Profit From Hospice Care Patient's are alluded to hospice when they have a dangerous disease that is done answering decidedly to customary treatment. At the point when the doctor confirms that the patient's future is a half year or less hospice is by and large required. Patient's who have ailments like malignant growth, Helps, Lung infection, Pamyotrophic parallel sclerosis, constant obstructive pneumonic issue and renal sickness, fit into this classification. Certain symptomatic devices decide the visualization for each condition. Malignant growth can be a hazardous illness that influences bones, blood, inward organs and cells. At the point when medicines, for example, chemotherapy or medical procedures are done helping the patient, keeping the person however agreeable as conceivable may be a need. Individuals with Helps would incredibly profit from the aggravation the board and different administrations hospice brings to the table. Any illness which is accepted to make the patient's life end is considered for hospice care. What Hospice Does Hospice doesn't drag out the individual's life. It thus makes the individual's last days brimming with solace and nobility. Enlisted attendants administor torment drug to ease agony and languishing. Prepared volunteers makes routine visits to the home to help relatives and caregivers. Volunteers will do family tasks, cook, clean and watch over the patient for a while so the caregiver can escape the house for a spell, get things done or essentially have some alone time. Pastors give profound advising administrations. Psychological wellness professionalist are there to address dread, dejection and sorrow. Paying For Hospice Care Over portion of the people getting hospice care are 65 or more seasoned and get medicare. Most states offer hospice inclusion through medicare. The hospice care supplier can help you to check whether you meet all requirements for benefits. Certain confidential insurance agency additionally offer hospice care inclusion. In the event that an individual has no health care coverage inclusion Medicaid will give inclusion to these administrations.
John Snow Mar 24 '23 · Tags: health

Stronger jaw muscles are not only beneficial for facial appearance but also essential for health. Strong jaw muscles promote correct oral posture: mouth closed, teeth aligned, tongue resting against the roof of mouth and stable head position. Correct oral posture has many important benefits such as breathing through the nose providing up to 20% more oxygen to your body. Having strong jaw muscles also reduces the effects of temporomandibular disorders which are disorders of the jaw muscles, temporomandibular joints and facial nerves. Strong jaw muscles are key to having the facial bones, muscles and joints all work together in harmony which can make you live much longer. For stronger Jaws you need to eat strong and tough to chew food. In these case Stronger Gum Chewing Gum is very efficient.

stronger gum Jan 1 '23 · Tags: health, jawline, beauty

Weight in kilograms divided by height in meters squared is known as BMI. However, BMI is not a diagnostic tool for determining your body fat percentage. Instead, it aids medical professionals in determining whether or not you are at risk of developing a chronic condition due to your obesity. Even though BMI is an appropriate metric for a vast portion of the population, it does not consider age and activity level factors. To utilize BMI effectively, you need to know your weight about your height, and you can't do that by adjusting it for your frame or skeleton size.


Basics of Body Mass Index

A conversion factor of 703 may be used to calculate the BMI based on the weight in pounds divided by the squared height in inches.


If you weigh 200 pounds and are 5 feet 11 inches tall, your BMI will be 703.

By calculating your BMI, a medical professional can determine whether or not you are a healthy weight. Underweight people have a body mass index (BMI) below 18.5. In general, if your BMI falls between the range of 18.5–24.9, you have a healthy level of body fat. Overweight is defined as a BMI of 25 to 29.9, while obesity is defined as a BMI of 30 or above. Even though BMI is not a direct indicator of body fat, it may be a useful screening tool because it is quick, non-invasive, and simple to perform the calculation.


Consideration is given to the size of the frame


By measuring the diameter of your wrist, you may determine your frame's dimensions. Circumferences under 5.75" imply a tiny structure; between 5.75" and 5.75" indicates a medium frame, and above 5.75" means a big edge for ladies who are shorter than 5'2". A waist measurement of fewer than 6 inches or larger than 6.25 inches implies a tiny frame for a lady with a height of 5 feet, 2 inches to 5 feet, 5 inches. When it comes to wrist circumference, women taller than 5 feet, 5 inches with a tiny frame, and those with a broad frame have wrist circumferences of less than 6.2 inches. A wrist size below 6.5 inches implies a small structure, while a waist size more than 7.5 inches indicates a large frame size in males taller than 5 feet, 5 inches.


Having a big frame means that the skeleton is heavier and more substantial. Because of this, you may be able to maintain a healthy BMI even if you weigh more than the usual person of your height, as long as you don't have a lot of fat. The top end of the weight range for your size is possible if you don't have too much fat but have a larger frame, whereas the lower back is more feasible if you have a smaller frame. For example, if you're 5'11" and weigh between 136 and 178 pounds, you're in the normal BMI range.


Using Frame Size to Calculate BMI


It doesn't matter what your weight is. However, if you have a body fat percentage of 20% or 30%, you are significantly more likely to develop heart disease and type 2 diabetes. Doctors can use various methods to evaluate your weight, including BMI. To assess whether or not you're healthy for your height and frame size, a physical exam, blood pressure, cholesterol checks, and blood tests are necessary.


If you have a petite frame yet a high BMI for your height, you might be too obese. You may benefit from further testing, including bone density scans, air displacement weighing, and body fat caliper measurements.


Body Mass Index (BMI) and Measurements of Muscular Strength


The BMI is less accurate for persons with a big frame or strong body. Muscle weighs more than fat. Therefore you can gain BMI about the number of squares in the frame.


Weight in kilograms divided by height in meters squared is known as BMI. However, BMI is not a diagnostic tool for determining your body fat percentage. Instead, it aids medical professionals in determining whether or not you are at risk of developing a chronic condition due to your obesity. Even though BMI is an appropriate metric for a vast portion of the population, it does not consider age and activity level factors. To utilize BMI effectively, you need to know your weight about your height, and you can't do that by adjusting it for your frame or skeleton size.


Basics of Body Mass Index

A conversion factor of 703 may be used to calculate the BMI based on the weight in pounds divided by the squared height in inches.


If you weigh 200 pounds and are 5 feet 11 inches tall, your BMI will be 703.


By calculating your BMI, a medical professional can determine whether or not you are a healthy weight. Underweight people have a body mass index (BMI) below 18.5. In general, if your BMI falls between the range of 18.5–24.9, you have a healthy level of body fat. Overweight is defined as a BMI of 25 to 29.9, while obesity is defined as a BMI of 30 or above. Even though BMI is not a direct indicator of body fat, it may be a useful screening tool because it is quick, non-invasive, and simple to perform the calculation.


Consideration is given to the size of the frame


By measuring the diameter of your wrist, you may determine your frame's dimensions. Circumferences under 5.75" imply a tiny structure; between 5.75" and 5.75" indicates a medium frame, and above 5.75" means a big edge for ladies who are shorter than 5'2". A waist measurement of fewer than 6 inches or larger than 6.25 inches indicates a tiny structure for a lady with a height of 5 feet, 2 inches to 5 feet, 5 inches. When it comes to wrist circumference, women taller than 5 feet, 5 inches with a tiny frame, and those with a broad frame have wrist circumferences of less than 6.2 inches. A wrist size below 6.5 inches implies a small structure, while a waist size more than 7.5 inches indicates a large frame size in males taller than 5 feet, 5 inches.


Having a big frame means that the skeleton is heavier and more substantial. Because of this, you may be able to maintain a healthy BMI even if you weigh more than the usual person of your height, as long as you don't have a lot of fat. The top end of the weight range for your size is possible if you don't have too much fat but have a larger frame, whereas the lower back is more feasible if you have a smaller frame. For example, if you're 5'11" and weigh between 136 and 178 pounds, you're in the normal BMI range.


Using Frame Size to Calculate BMI


It doesn't matter what your weight is. However, if you have a body fat percentage of 20% or 30%, you are significantly more likely to develop heart disease and type 2 diabetes. Doctors can use various methods to evaluate your weight, including BMI. To assess whether or not you're healthy for your height and frame size, a physical exam, blood pressure, cholesterol checks, and blood tests are necessary.


If you have a petite frame yet a high BMI for your height, you might be too obese. You may benefit from further testing, including bone density scans, air displacement weighing, and body fat caliper measurements.


Body Mass Index (BMI) and Measurements of Muscular Strength


The BMI is less accurate for persons with a big frame or strong body. This is because muscle weighs more than fat. Therefore, you can gain weight for your frame size if you are muscular. However, there is no danger in having a lot of muscle. In most cases, doctors can tell if a high BMI is due to an abundance of muscle or fat simply by looking at the patient's physique.


Bodybuilders may weigh 200 pounds but have only 9 percent body fat. His 28.7 BMI places him in the overweight category, but his trim build and active lifestyle mean that he has a common illness risk despite his high weight. A lot of weight for your frame size if you are muscular. However, there is no danger in having a lot of muscle. In most cases, doctors can tell if a high BMI is due to an abundance of muscle or fat simply by looking at the patient's physique source: bodyvisualizer.net


Bodybuilders may weigh 200 pounds but have only 9 percent body fat. His 28.7 BMI places him in the overweight category, but his trim build and active lifestyle mean that he has a common illness risk despite his high weight.

Robert Emerson Jun 30 '22 · Tags: health, mass, bmi, body, index, obesity

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Zoingtai Jun 20 '22 · Tags: health, home, test

Best supplements for the heart: The four supplements to reduce heart  disease risk | Express.co.uk

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Blood Pressure 911 – Medium

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Each and every items that are part of the diet supplements really are 100% natural, resulting in nil you may have any complications body following such supplements. All those vitamins not merely the actual best probiotics for women but the best probiotics for men as they definitely assist with limit functions and are usually great for and losing weight. Most of these dietary supplements help the metabolic process as well as grades in which produce a slim also go with body chemistry. You can find the best gut health supplements right from the by looking to the homepage, and individuals go for numerous lower price rates if he or she choose the health supplements in large quantities degree. Each of these dietary supplements is found at reasonable prices, and other people may look at the ratings of the aforementioned capsules before you purchase each of them. People who have presumptions to learn about all the best probiotics for weight loss and additional particulars can seem like liberated to browse this web site.

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