
Will not work on Fortnite materials Switch from Limm's blog

"We have nothing further to add beyond this at this stage," a spokeswoman added.Nintendo announced and concurrently released"Fortnite" on the Change Tuesday during its E3 2018 Direct movie demonstration. The game was downloaded over two million times in its first 24 hours on the console. Players need to make an Epic Games accounts to play, or sign in with a current one.

But,"Fortnite" fans who tried using accounts created via PS4 quickly discovered those balances will not work on Fortnite materials Switch.

"This'Fortnite' account is associated with a stage that does not allow it to operate on Switch," the match said. "Neither the'Fortnite' website nor Epic Customer Service are able to change this. To perform'Fortnite' on Change, please create a new account"

Many enthusiasts are understandably upset. The lack of cross-play signifies any purchases they have made on PS4 won't take over to the Change. Any progression they have made in the game, like finishing challenges, will not move as well. "I was a tester on PC whos (sic) finished every season and spent countless dollars on the match but nope no Switch play for me because I played on a PS4," stated one person on Reddit.

This is not the first time Sony has refused to Cheap fortnite items operate with Microsoft and Nintendo to support cross-play.

"We've got to be mindful of our responsibility to our install base," PlayStation global sales and marketing head Jim Ryan stated in the time. ```Minecraft' -- the market playing this, you know as well as I do, it's all ages but it's also quite young. We have a contract with the men and women who go online together, that we care for them and they're within the PlayStation curated
universe. Exposing what in many cases are kids to outside influences we don't have any capability to control or look later, it's something we have to consider very carefully.

The Wall

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