
Going straight back to the MLB 18 stubs from Limm's blog

Every entrance going straight back to the MLB 18 stubs PS3 has been plagued with some type of issue with lag or server connectivity, but last year was particularly bad. Game results took forever to sync, disconnects were rampant, and it was frequently impossible to login. In a game leaning more heavily than ever on internet elements, it was completely unacceptable.

This season Sony San Diego seems to be going the additional mile to make sure that it doesn't happen again. Senior producer Jason Villa advised Game Informer,"We're taking benefit from what we saw in the alpha in terms of user's behaviors once they got online to write smart and logical load tests to replay that consumer experience."

Every year Sony San Diego says it's likely to buy stubs MLB the show 18 improve the internet play, but last year really seemed to be the breaking point. Let us hope so.

MLB The Show 18 seems intent on fixing Lots of the Problems That have plagued online drama

On the surface, MLB The Show is an enjoyable, balanced baseball sim. But, needless to say, if you play a sport long enough, the cracks will inevitably start to show. MLB The Show 18 will want to deal with a few of those cracks while still doing its best to refrain from launching new ones.

The Wall

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