
Is the pursuit really? from Smarthuiyuan's blog

Low sec has seen some dramatic changes with Gneiss falling all the way down from on the list to last due to it's reprocessing output comprising large quantities of Mexallon and Isogen, which have both fallen considerably in cost over the last week. Hemorphite has dropped down two tiers after being over taken in value by peroxeres and spodumain. All of these ores are within 40 ISK/m3 of each other which is great news for EVE Mobile ISK non sec retriever pilots due to not having the ability to target specific ores when utilizing strip mining. This means no matter what ore you are targeting there are no"bad" ores like there are in reduced sec with veldspar and plagioclase. Gneiss will recover it's value if mexallon goes up in price so if you have a substantial quantity of gneiss currently, it is ideal to hold onto it till Mexallon prices start to climb again.

For null sec Jaspet is now king in 323 ISK/m3 because of it's big reprocessing output of the two zydrine and noxcium. Crokite includes a large reprocessing output of noxcium and zydrine which has helped it jump up on the listing as these two minerals have both stabilized in price across the 2000 ISK mark. Hedbergite also has retained most of it's value by having these two minerals in addition to pyerite in it has reprocessing output. Therefore, if you are in null sec performing your mining, then focus on these 3 ores in the forthcoming weeks to make the most of your profits.

This will certainly change as we get closer to unlocking these tiers from the coming months since these minerals will take up in demand when they eventually become a requirement in all high tier blueprints.Now we went within the ore tiers, lets have a look at the changes to Buy EVE Echoes ISK mineral prices that are affecting these changes to the ore worth.

The Wall

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