
The Way Prestige Changes XP Granted for Flooring from Weismart's blog

The Way Prestige Changes XP Granted for Flooring. The prestige system means that if you reset advancement and go back to earlier floors, you get more XP than you did the first time you completed them, but less than you may when you replicate the deeper flooring. For example, if my prior advancement (prestige) is 9 when I refresh, then when I go back to perform floor 1 that the XP will be contingent upon averaging 9 and OSRS gold 1. When I do floor 2, it will be averaging 9 and 2, etc. I'll get the maximum base XP once I work my way back down to floor 9, where I'll be averaging 9 and 9. Overallthis works out to about 25% less XP than in case the game let you replicate your deepest level without a prestige punishment.

Note, though, that I'll still get more XP for even flooring 1 than the very first time I did it, since the first time, I was averaging floor 1 and prestige 1 (yielding base XP calculated on a mean of 1) and today I'm averaging flooring 1 and prestige 9 (yielding base XP calculated on an averge of 5). This means that, all else being equal, I'll get as much XP doing flooring 1 with a prestige of 9 as I did the first time that I did flooring 5 with a prestige (current advancement ) of 5.

If you consider it, you're always better off to save advancement and start over at floor 1, because averaging a 1 from floor 1 having a high prestige figure is better than averaging a high floor amount using a prestige of zero.

As we all do our next run of floors with our prior advancement of 4, we are going to be getting XP as we proceed. Most likely, we'll have enough XP to cheap RuneScape Mobile gold unlock floor 5. When we doour current progress will end up 5, which can be higher than our previous advancement. The same will apply to any other floors we are able to unlock: the prior prestige figure is only used for floors with amounts under ones that you unlock.


By Weismart
Added Dec 22 '20



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