
The set is character runes if you use teleport bracelets and take a mud staff from Wei weismart's blog

Theoretically bananas to baskets is profitable, though bananas are currently more expensive than the exchange that is expansive would imply unfortunately, which makes them a way of bananas into stock space for 891 a soda. Buying bananas from the at some time and RS gold filling baskets, even before world performing it again and swapping, causes a gain of a hour. Its ok. The issue is, sending it and only taking flour out of the pine larder into the lender with the butler includes a gain of 1 million per hour, which is my current best in terms of activity that is most rewarding. So its not even close to get a lot more work.

While without ape atoll purchasing bananas might be from the window, you will find just two alternative sources of peanuts: The banana plantation, in addition to the spell bones to bananas. A preliminary evaluation of the banana plantation indicated it would undoubtedly be slower. Is there any kind of place in Runescape where bones are common? Can you receive a large quantity of bones everywhere? As it happens, the boneyard is a thing, and you're able to get there pretty quickly with teleports. Today, flour is approximately 300 gold per second, assuming that you market it on the marketplace for 200 and you make no errors (which isn't too challenging ), making that the figure to beat

The set is character runes if you use teleport bracelets and take a mud staff. In 891 a pop, you can compute how fast there be needs to a full roundtrip into the wilderness convert them into bananas to collect bones in the boneyard, and stuff them. With 1 for character runes 5 free inventory slots for bones/bananas, you've got 22 slots for baskets. Assuming the baskets are totally filled, that's a complete of 19602 gold per trip. To overcome flour as a moneymaking method, you have to complete the entire excursion in (19602/300) seconds, which is 65, ignoring the price of character runes.

Do I believe I collect 22 * 5 bones can get into the boneyard and convert them into bananas? Probably not. This scratches a money making source off. But. If I could discover something which dropped a large amount of bones (2-4+) that could be killed in one hit, then it will become a definite possibility again. The search continues. Its a good backup plan if flour ever halves in OSRS buy gold value though, or bananas spike. All I am saying is that the search for efficiency can in itself be extremely fun, that and/or I have troubles. Now I have to go investigate oranges.I have some questions after playing RS3 and OSRS

The Wall

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