
Appreciate anymore from wow classic gold from Limm's blog

Yet folks say"LEGION BEST" however"rather gouge my eyes with a rusted spoon than play BfA"I found both expansionsenjoyable.Same I adored my Dk and espcially blood and unholy in WoD I coudlnt stand playing it at all anymore in Leigon. Dh(vengeance mainly) and WW where just specs I could all appreciate anymore from wow classic gold Legion.Suramar was unquestionably highlight of theexpansion for me personally. The audio, the neighboring, the only quest chain that was not a pain to perform, but was ratherpleasant and immersive. 

I really hope Shadowlands will have something similar.A growth so good that it killed all the raidingguilds who had a substantial quantity of raid loggers. AP was such a tumor on the match, especially in Nighthold, it does not evenneed legiondaries to outweigh all the great Legion did.IMO one of the worst expansions and a massive downturn for WoW generally.It introduced nearly every single negative design philosophy in the game at this time. Time gating... made power, clunky coursedesign(more so because of the pruning of post legion course design AKA reduction of artifact weapon).

 Mythic +... pvp climbing andpve scaling... pvp gearing... The list goes on and on Legion was the start of everything that's been awful the past twoexpansions.Legion is definitely a Wrath of the Lich King moment concerning design paradigm change.RNG and uncapped grinds were aloser breeding plenty of resentment. Borrowed power systems have been highly unstable.

Exactly problems people have now and forsl's largly orginated at LEGION, but nah people simply renember the evry very tail end of cheap classic wow gold legion when things was sort of fixedfinnaly and nothign else and what impact it left game's design as a wholeI miss the artifact weapon. The ap grind was irritatingat times but it beats regular weapon grind RNG any day of the week.I've played since December 2004 off and on, but I have played aconsiderable amount in every single expansion.

The Wall

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