
Asking for OSRS gold individuals favorite games from Limm's blog

And of course: Asking for OSRS gold individuals favorite games, place of residence, employment status, and even their contact number is extremely inappropriate for this type of survey. 

For gathering marketing data available Appears nakedly like an effort. 

Editing this in today that I consider it The more I think about the telephone number piece it seems to be fair. We all know fully well that Jagex is not likely to call. Leading people to give their personal information into a poll under the guise of"Wow you're so smart, perhaps we will call you for your opinions on forthcoming stuff!" Is disgusting, and I did not react extreme enough if anything.

The major answer I gave in this survey I want to get around: The final decision on any material should be made with BOTH the neighborhood AND Jagex working together to produce content that is actually worth adding to RuneScape game.

Players have demonstrated they will vote yes to some fairly absurd shit (See the Tome debacle) at which Jagex should step in and realize that asking was a mistake, while Jagex has also proven that when they forge ahead in their own it the easiest and fastest way to make money on runescape does not work out nicely for us either. Attempting to frame this question as an either/or is leaving a huge quantity of nuance in the issue, which is something which applies to numerous issues discussed in the poll.

The Wall

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