
There ought to be NO badge in NBA 2K from wangrui's blog

You men do. They got the foundation for 21 performed. They gave the EXACT SAME park as last year just altered the way you construct your player. And Buy nba 2k20 mt coins I really don't think you're even gont see some thing for Ps5 using 21 either. Look to be NBA 2K they attempt to include on something with. And I wager ps5 2K games will be same. I remember being really disappointed when xbox 1 and ps4 weren't better than the previous consoles, graphics weren't much better. Used to be when you went to SNES to N64 and PS1 to PS2 to PS3 the fluctuations were huge.

I can not say I didn't see a big jump from 360 to Xbox one games since I definitely did. I believe that gap is diminishing for sure although the performance difference and graphical difference was noticeable. Tech can only be pushed up to now. We already have matches in 4K on consoles and we are only now starting work on 8k Films but that is very few and far between right now. I think as images will only have the ability to receive so much better future consoles will probably be more about performance than images. But that was at least the focus with the Xbox collection X, the load times with matches is LIGHTNING fast which is really impressive.As much as 2K is concerned they can do a great deal with NBA 2K but only so much you can do on a 12-month cycle and they make billions from people releasing minor games that are upgraded. Might as well continue so long as their is no competition and individuals are buying.

Can we talk about the completely unrealistic jerky movements when you transfer your player a different direction? I have never noticed an NBA player in real-life move as if they're just like a boat being steered in tumultuous water... There's way too much resistance when moving your player in another way and it does not reflect real physics that I believe they were trying to do by not allowing you to make abrupt changes in direction in case your momentum gets you moving one way. NBA players are athletic and fast, they could change directions quickly and do not move all clunky and uncoordinated with the ball.

Even off the court when you're running around the neighborhood it seems like you've got super restricted control over the direction you operate in, it is annoying when the gme forces you to bump into arbitrary objects and run up the stairs from the 2s courts because you can not control your player direction. And how NBA 2K slows down you COMPLETELY down on fastbreaks because again, the movement mechanics in NBA 2K have you ever turn around and quicken in a different direction with the speed of a 400lb fatass motherfucker in spite of all the Downhill badge so that if you are WAY ahead of everybody else your ass will get blocked from behind going to get a fastbreak dunk/layup.

As someone already mentioned, the crash detection that is fucking is god. Forces you to collide into your own teammate and RUN IN PLACE instead of just giving you an animation to run AROUND them. Same issue applies to the hop step cheese. I dont give a fuck what anyone says, there ought to be NO badge in NBA 2K which allows you to move the protector's ENTIRE BODY out of your way when they're enjoying the most textbook perfect hands up shield, and get a 1% contest because of mt for sale 2k20 the Slithery Finisher bullshit. Biggest complaint at this time by far.Create NBA2KING Desktop Shortcuts For 3% Discount! 

The Wall

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