
Cause villagers to Animal Crossing Bells from Limm's blog

Animal Crossing: New Horizons is filled with little villagers which can come live with you on your island city. You don't always have to choose who moves - and perhaps you will need a change of speed. Fortunately, is a way.

 This page includes debunking unproven procedures for affecting a villager's decision, as well as two known procedures that may cause villagers to Animal Crossing Bells leave your island. Though Isabelle has a couple options to report villagers for being naughty, not one of them actually translate into eviction. Consider these options more as a reset if a buddy leaves them wear something ugly or teaches them a catchphrase.

There's also a lot of rumors which abusing your villagers - such as smacking them with baits or running to them till they get pissed off or depressed - can hasten their death. Sureit may be fun to take your aggression out on a villager that you really don't enjoy, but it's likely that even negative attention is still attention. Since even these acts force them to speak to you, thereby unlocking Nook Mileage rewards dealing with talking to villagers, it is probably safe to say that you are still giving them too much attention to their own good.

Among the best methods for getting the point across a villager is no longer welcome is flat out ignoring them. Think social distancing to the extreme. Don't talk to them, don't meet tasks or requests for them, don't even ask them exactly what they're building. Pretend like they do not even exist, while interacting with your other villagers to the Animal Crossing New Horizons Items intense. This can help build up neglect, which may help activate the next phase.

The Wall

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