
Runescape has been going for OSRS gold from Limm's blog

I was blown away by a few of those quests (nothing in years though). Frankly it seems just like Runescape has been going for OSRS gold a short time. However, jagex spastic mods decided to END all minigames. So there's NOTHING to do in runescape, aside from the fantastic dailies!!!

From what I have heard it is going to be a new RuneScape world predicated on a modern engine, place on Gielinor but at a later interval than RS3. Everyone will probably start from scratch. As far as I know there have been zero hints towards a launch window, and because they did not declare anything about it on RuneFest it's almost certainly more than a few off. I think using a complete restart is not a bad thing. RS3 is in a fairly difficult position where most of the busy runescape gamers are high level and late-game so that they have to add largely late-game content to maintain the runescape playerbase joyful.

A whole lot of early-game stuff has been nearly untouched for near a decade and it shows. That combined with the massive amount of"dead material" makes runescape both overwhelming and unapealing to brand new runescape players. A reset would allow them to focus on bringing a beginner experience and hopefully they'll stay that way that is relevant.

"I think there's a large opportunity for this sort of internet RPG -- I am trying to not mention"MMORPG" since in people's heads, which generates an image that is not exactly what we would like to build. Modern action-RPGs or adventures as much inspired me, by shared worlds like you see in games such as Destiny. We are not doing a shooter, but the idea that you don't need to worry about what server you are on or need to fight your way. You get the advantages of an MMO game but without all the sophistication and hassle. We are attempting to Buy Runescape gold adopt accessibility and these more contemporary concepts for large online games when generating this next-generation online RPG."

The Wall

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