
I do appreciate the Division 2 Boosting small additions from Limm's blog

I do appreciate the Division 2 Boosting small additions I am seeing to The Division here and there. I believe that the armor process is a little less clunky than the way health used to get the job done. I enjoy that building your base up and surrounding settlements is more involved than it had been earlier, though I worry that it could veer into busywork that is sheer . In Terms of story? Since there isn't much to go on, I can't really say.

In a way The Division 2 reminds me a little Assassin's Creed Odyssey, which was a good game but after playing Assassin's Creed Origins, it felt like Ubisoft trying to pull the same magic trick double given how similar the matches were.

Odyssey succeeded mainly because of a core narrative that was really excellent, and that is something I'm not sure  The Division 2 Phoenix Credits and its silent protagonist could provide on. But it's too early to tell based on two assignments that are premature, like , obviously.

One benefit The Section held over Destiny was its quite detailed information enclosing its Diablo-like loot, and that's been taken to another level here since you even have charts showing things like harm fall-off ranges embedded in the descriptions of weapons. I understand some people want to go deeply down that rabbit hole as they can, although it feels just like a little far. A fantastic thought perhaps it adds another layer of complication.

The Wall

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