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Ada beberapa penyebab mengapa banyak trader bisa menjadi korban penipuan forex. Pertama, kurangnya minat para trader untuk memilih broker forex yang sudah terdaftar di regulator karena kebanyakan broker forex terpercaya mensyaratkan deposit yang tidak sedikit. Kedua, iming-iming profit yang lebih besar jika melakukan trading di broker forex penipu, sehingga membuat para trader tertarik. Ketiga, kurangnya pengetahuan dan informasi mengenai cara broker forex menipu nasabah, hal ini menyebabkan banyak trader atau investor memilih broker yang sebenarnya telah dinyatakan sebagai penipu oleh regulator.To get more news about Daftar Broker Penipu Di Indonesia, you can visit wikifx.com official website.

  Ada beberapa faktor yang menyebabkan broker forex dinyatakan sebagai broker forex penipu, seperti berikut ini:

  Tidak terdaftar di regulator resmi seperti Bappebti atau regulator negara asal (jika broker forex internasional). Namun, memiliki klaim telah telah terdaftar di regulator.

  Izin resmi broker forex telah dicabut oleh regulator karena telah melakukan pelanggaran berat.

  Terjadi kasus gagal penarikan dana (withdraw) tanpa ada alasan yang jelas dan terbukti menipu trader atau investor.

  Daftar broker forex penipu yang ada di Indonesia

  Memilih broker forex terbaik adalah salah satu kunci penting untuk mencapai keberhasilan dalam trading atau investasi. Agar Anda terhindar dari penipuan yang tidak hanya menguras Anda secara finansial dan emosi. Berikut daftar broker forex penipu berdasarkan laporan yang dirilis oleh Bappebti:

  1. PT Arta Mas Futures dahulu bernama PT Bimasakti Berjangka

  Bappebti resmi mencabut izin PT Arta Mas Futures pada 9 April 2020. Pencabutan ini dilakukan karena status keanggotaan perusahaan pialang ini sebelumnya telah dibekukan oleh Bursa Berjangka Jakarta. Dilansir dari Kontan, Arta Mas Futures menghadapi gugatan dari tiga nasabah karena dianggap tidak mencairkan dana investasi nasabah dengan nilai masing-masing Rp2,48 miliar, Rp760,61 juta, dan Rp30,39 juta.

  2. PT Arta Berjangka Nusantara

  Pada 5 Juni 2008, Bursa Berjangka Jakarta membekukan status keanggotaan Artha Berjangka Nusantara. Dinukil dari Detik, perusahaan pialang ini terbukti melakukan beberapa pelanggaran berat sehingga masuk ke dalam daftar broker forex penipu karena beberapa hal seperti, alamat kantor dan nomor telepon yang tidak jelas sehingga menyulitkan nasabah untuk meminta pertanggungjawaban, nasabah sulit melakukan penarikan dana dari sisa equity yang nasabah miliki, dan pengunduran diri yang dilakukan oleh manajemen Artha Berjangka Futures, sehingga tidak ada pihak yang bertanggung jawab atas operasional perusahaan.

  3. PT Axo Capital Futures

  Bappebti mencabut izin PT Axo Capital Futures pada 30 Juni 2014. Pencabutan ini juga dilakukan oleh Bursa Berjangka Jakarta karena ditemukannya sejumlah pelanggaran sehingga masuk ke dalam daftar broker forex penipu yang harus Anda waspadai.

  Dilansir dari Bisnis, Bappebti menemukan bahwa Axo Capital Futures telah berpindah kantor. Perusahaan pialang ini juga menyalahgunakan uang nasabah untuk kegiatan operasional perusahaan. Tidak hanya itu, Axo membuat agreement yang telah ditambahkan pasal-pasal yang bertujuan melemahkan posisi nasabah dan adanya transaksi nasabah yang tidak dilaporkan ke Bursa Berjangka Jakarta dan tidak didaftarkan ke Kliring Berjangka Indonesia.

  4. PT Buana Investment Global Futures

  Bappebti dan Bursa Berjangka Jakarta membekukan izin PT Buana Investment Global Futures pada 7 Januari 2011. Dikutip dari laman Bisnis, perusahaan pialang ini masuk ke dalam daftar broker forex penipu karena melakukan tindakan ilegal yaitu menyalahgunakan dana nasabah yang ada pada segregated account.

  5. PT Cayman Trust Futures

  Dinukil dari Antara News, Bappebti mencabut izin Cayman Trust Futures pada 9 September 2008. Pencabutan ini dilakukan karena status keanggotaan perusahaan pialang ini sebelumnya telah dibekukan oleh Bursa Berjangka Jakarta.

  Cayman Trust Futures masuk ke dalam daftar broker forex penipu karena telah melakukan pelanggaran berat seperti tidak menyimpan dana nasabah di segregated account atau rekening terpisah namun di rekening perusahaan. Dana nasabah tersebut pun disalahgunakan dengan menggunakannya untuk kepentingan operasional perusahaan dan membuka rekening di perusahaan pialang lain. Akibatnya nasabah kesulitan melakukan penarikan dana.

  CTF juga melakukan manipulasi data dalam menyusun laporan bulanan yang disampaikan kepada Bappebti dan BBJ serta KBI. Angka yang tercantum tidak sesuai dengan kondisi sesungguhnya.

  6. PT Danagraha Futures

  Berikutnya daftar broker forex penipu yang dicabut izinnya oleh Bappebti adalah Danagraha Futures. Perusahaan pialang ini resmi dibekukan pada 9 Juli 2018 disusul oleh BBJ yang mencabut keanggotaan Danagraha Futures pada 11 Juli 2018.

  Dilansir dari beberapa laman berita, perusahaan pialang ini memberikan iming-iming profit untuk trader atau investor sebesar 2%-3% per bulan melalui signal trading dan kelebihan signal trading ini diyakini bisa mendeteksi kerugian maksimal 6% dengan janji penarikan dana bisa dilakukan kapanpun. Namun, dana nasabah tidak kunjung dikembalikan. Total kerugian yang dialami oleh nasabah Danagraha Futures mencapai Rp13 miliar-14 miliar.

  7. PT Graha Finesa Berjangka

  Diduga menghimpun dana nasabah sampai 2,1 triliun, Bappebti telah mencabut izin PT Graha Finesa Berjangka, menyusul dibekukannya keanggotaan perusahaan pialang ini oleh Bursa Berjangka Jakarta. Total ada 61 nasabah yang melaporkan Graha Finesa ke Pengadilan Negeri Jakarta Pusat.

  Menurut beberapa laman berita, Graha Finesa memberikan informasi yang tidak lengkap dan menyesatkan yang memang bertujuan merugikan nasabah. Broker forex ini membujuk calon nasabah dengan cara tidak benar melalui media massa seperti membuka lowongan pekerjaan. Para pencari kerja ini dibujuk untuk berinvestasi di perusahaan pialang ini. Graha Finesa selalu memberikan penjelasan mengenai keuntungan yang berlipat ganda tanpa memberitahu adanya risiko investasi. Kasus ini menyebabkan Graha Finesa Berjangka masuk ke dalam daftar broker forex penipu.

  Daftar tujuh broker forex penipu ini dibuat berdasarkan siaran pers yang dirilis oleh Bappebti, Bursa Berjangka Jakarta, dan Kliring Berjangka Indonesia.

Apr 26 '21 · 0 comments

Trong thị trường tài chính đầy rẫy các nhà môi giới hoạt động, nhất là trong thị trường ngoại hối. Giấy phép ASIC có thể là một loại công cụ tuyệt vời để thu hút sự chú ý của nhà đầu tư chỉ trong vài giây với uy tín bậc nhất. Vậy giấy phép ASIC là gì?To get more news about giấy phép ASIC là gì, you can visit wikifx.com official website.

  Giấy phép ASIC là gì?

  ASIC viết tắt của Australian Securities and Investments Commission - Ủy ban Đầu tư và Chứng khoán Úc, là cơ quan quản lý chính, giám sát thị trường chứng khoán và đầu tư tại Úc.

  ASIC được thành lập vào ngày 1 tháng 7 năm 1998, cơ chế hoạt động đóng vai trò như điều hành doanh nghiệp, thực thi và điều chỉnh luật công ty và dịch vụ tài chính để bảo vệ người tiêu dùng, nhà đầu tư của Úc. Cung cấp các tiêu chuẩn công bằng giữa các doanh nghiệp được quản lý và các nhà đầu tư, một thị trường tài chính an toàn và lành mạnh để giao dịch.

  Hiện nay, ASIC chính là cơ quan quản lý tất cả các sàn môi giới Forex (Broker) danh tiếng nhất tại nước Úc, có cơ sở trên tất cả thành phố tại Úc.

  ASIC là cơ quan chính phủ độc lập của Úc, được thiết lập và hoạt động dựa trên Đạo luật Ủy ban Đầu tư và Chứng khoán Úc 2001 (Đạo luật ASIC). Ủy ban này bao gồm Chủ tịch và các thành viên, sẽ xác định hướng đi chiến lược và ưu tiên của ASIC.
Giấy phép ASIC quản lý các công ty ở Úc, thị trường tài chính, tổ chức dịch vụ tài chính và các cố vấn thương mại hoặc chuyên gia về bảo hiểm, hưu trí, đầu tư, nhận tiền gửi và tín dụng. Đảm bảo hoạt động của một thị trường tài chính cởi mở và minh bạch lớn bằng các quy định nghiêm ngặt, luôn giám sát hoạt động của các công ty được quản lý và bảo vệ quyền lợi của các nhà đầu tư.

  ASIC quản lý các sàn Forex ra sao?

  Sau khi được ASIC cấp phép, sàn Forex sẽ hoạt động dưới khung quy định giám sát chặt chẽ từ ASIC và buộc phải:

  • Minh bạch về các giao dịch tài chính của sàn Forex (Broker) thông qua quy trình nộp báo cáo kiểm toán định kỳ và đối soát tài khoản hằng ngày, hằng tháng và hằng quý. ASIC đảm bảo một thị trường tài chính cởi mở và trung thực bằng cách giám sát các hoạt động của mọi công ty được quy định, và cơ quan này nhanh chóng xử phạt cho bất kỳ công ty nào có hành vi gian lận.

  • Tách bạch tài khoản (Segregated Account): tiền khách hàng tuyệt đối phải được giữ tách biệt với quỹ tiền vốn hoạt động của công ty, và khoản tiền gửi của khách hàng phải được giữ ở các ngân hàng top tại Úc

  • Hệ thống quản trị rủi ro: hệ thống này cần được vận hành tốt, và là yêu cầu bắt buộc.

  • Trong trường hợp công ty môi giới phá sản hoặc có hành vi gian lận tiền thì nhà đầu tư được quyền nộp đơn khiếu nại bồi thường theo Chương trình Bồi thường nhà đầu tư (Investor Compensation Schemes), tuy nhiên, ASIC không phải là cơ quan xét duyệt mà việc này sẽ do một cơ quan khác đảm nhiệm.

  • Tỷ lệ đòn bẩy tối đa của các sàn Forex (Broker) được quy định bởi ASIC cao hơn rất nhiều so với FCA, lên đến 1:500, tạo điều kiện tối đa cho nhà đầu tư tìm kiếm lợi nhuận hấp dẫn.

  • Các quy định thị trường do ASIC quy định nhằm đảm bảo rằng các nhà môi giới Forex tại Úc đáp ứng các phẩm chất của các nhà giao dịch hiện đại. Sự kiểm soát này giúp việc ngăn các nhà môi giới tham gia vào các hoạt động lừa đảo mà chỉ tập trung vào việc kiếm tiền hoa hồng và chênh lệch.

  ASIC sẽ nhanh chóng xử phạt và treo giấy phép đối với bất kỳ công ty nào có hành vi gian lận và không tuân thủ. Đây là một trong những lí do vì sao quá trình xét duyệt hồ sơ khách hàng và quản lý mức rủi ro tài khoản của các sàn Forex có giấy phép ASIC luôn được thực hiện vô cùng nghiêm ngặt.

  ASIC cấp phép sàn Forex như thế nào?

  Tương tự như giấy phép FCA, quy trình xét duyệt giấy phép ASIC cũng đòi hỏi rất nhiều yêu cầu nghiêm ngặt từ khi sàn Forex đăng ký giấy phép cho đến duy trì giấy phép.

  • Sàn Forex (Broker) cần có năng lực cạnh tranh cao về mô hình kinh doanh dịch vụ tài chính và thể hiện rõ điều đó trong đơn xin cấp phép.

  • Sàn Forex phải có một văn phòng hợp pháp tại Úc và không thể hoạt động từ bất kỳ địa điểm nào ở nước ngoài. Việc ASIC buộc các sàn môi giới thành lập một chi nhánh chính thức tại Úc, giúp cải thiện trách nhiệm và sự tự tin giữa các nhà đầu tư trong khi đầu tư tiền của họ.

  • Sàn Forex phải đảm bảo đủ nguồn lực tài chính đủ để vận hành mô hình kinh doanh thể hiện rõ trong đơn xin giấy phép (bao gồm vốn ký quỹ ban đầu, vốn hoạt động duy trì tối thiểu 1 triệu AUD và khoản tiền thanh toán khác được xét duyệt hằng năm). Sàn môi giới được huy động từ số tiền ban đầu 50.000 AUD trong những năm đầu. Việc tăng vốn lưu động phù hợp với các cơ quan quản lý nổi tiếng khác quy định mức tối thiểu trên vốn hoạt động để đảm bảo rằng một nhà môi giới có thể duy trì các sự kiện thị trường và biến động cao mà không bị phá sản.

  • Sàn Forex phải tách biệt giữa tài khoản nhà đầu tư và tài khoản công ty, giữ chúng vào các ngân hàng cấp 1 tại Úc để đảm bảo tiền gửi của nhà đầu tư không được sử dụng cho mục đích khác.

• Đáp ứng đầy đủ các nghĩa vụ bắt buộc của một thành viên AFS được quản lý bởi ASIC (các nghĩa vụ bao gồm đào tạo, tuân thủ, bảo hiệm và xử lý tranh chấp).

Apr 26 '21 · 0 comments

ไม่พูดถึงคงไม่ได้แล้วนาทีนี้ กับโบรกเกอร์ชื่อดังในไทยที่โดนคนไทยร้องเรียนมากที่สุด “IQ Option” เชื่อไหมว่าบนแอป WikiFX มีคนไทยมาร้องเรียนโบรกเกอร์นี้กันรายวันเลยแหละ และเจอปัญหาไม่ต่างกันเลย อะไรทำให้พวกเขาต้องมาร้องเรียนกันขนาดนี้ WikiFX รวบรวมมาให้แล้ว ไปดูกัน.To get more news about โบรกเกอร์โกง, you can visit wikifx.com official website.

  ต้องบอกก่อนว่า IQ Option เปิดให้ซื้อขายไบนารีออปชัน ซึ่งเป็นการเก็งกำไร จากการนำกราฟราคาของตลาดจริงมาใช้อ้างอิง เป็นลักษณะการเทรดที่เน้นความเร็ว ได้เงินง่ายกว่า Forex แบบที่เทรดกันปกติ แต่ก็มาพร้อมกับความเสี่ยงที่มากกว่า ซึ่งปัญหาที่คนไทยมากเจอจากโบรกเกอร์นี้คือเรื่องความผิดปกติของระบบ ความผิดปกติของกราฟ และ Ai

  รายนี้ออกมาร้องเรียนว่า “มีการเลื่อน SL (Stop-loss) ของเทรดเดอร์โดยไม่ได้รับอนุญาต ตั้ง SL 40% โดยลดเหลือ 26% ขาดทุนเพราะโดน SL ที่เขาตั้ง”

  ส่วนนี่ก็กล่าวว่าระบบที่ถูกควบคุมโดย Ai ของ IQ Option ทำให้เกิดการโกงขึ้น และพวกเขาเสียหายกับการกระทำนี้ “ใครว่าใบนารี ไม่สามารถโกงตาเห็นได้ดูเอา สังเกตดีดีนะคะ ลงมากินแม้กะทั้งเงินเดโม”

  นอกจากนั้นก็ยังมีปัญหาสุดคลาสสิก นั่นคือการ “ถอนเงินไม่ได้” การร้องเรียนกว่าครึ่งหนึ่งพูดเรื่องนี้ตรงกัน “ฉันไม่สามารถถอนเงินได้ และไม่ได้รับคำตอบหรือความช่วยเหลือใด ๆ ในการสอบถาม”, “ฉันไม่สามารถถอนเงินได้นานกว่า สามสิบวันผ่านธนาคารออนไลน์ ไม่มีการช่วยเหลือใด ๆ นอกจากคำว่ารอ”, “ฉันขอถอนเงินเป็นเวลา 3 เดือนแล้วแต่ไม่สำเร็จ ฉันรอโดยไม่มีคำตอบ โบรกเกอร์นี้หลอกลวง”

  ต้องบอกว่าเคสเหล่านี้เป็นส่วนเล็ก ๆ ของการร้องเรียนเท่านั้นนะ จากการตรวจสอบบนแอป WikiFX พบว่า IQ Option ถูกร้องเรียนไปกว่า 44 ครั้งแล้ว แม้จะเปิดมานานกว่า 8 ปี และยังถือครองใบอนุญาตจาก ก.ล.ต ไซปรัสอยู่ แต่ก็มีความเสี่ยงอยู่ดี การถูกร้องเรียนจำนวนมากขนาดนี้ ทำให้ระบบ WikiFx cloud มีการจัดว่าโบรกเกอร์รายนี้เป็นโบรกเกอร์ที่อยู่ในบัญชีดำของ WIkiFX และได้คะแนนไปเพียง 1.86/10 เท่านั้น ฉะนั้นก่อนเทรดควรตรวจสอบความน่าเชื่อถือโบรกเกอร์ Forex ก่อน โดยดาวน์โหลดแอป WikiFX และพิมพ์ชื่อโบรกเกอร์แค่นี้เอง

  หากคุณเป็นหนึ่งคนที่โดนโกง หรือพบความผิดปกติในการลงทุนจากโบรกนี้ และโบรกอื่น ๆ อย่าเก็บความช้ำอกช้ำใจไว้คนเดียวนะ มาแบ่งปันปัญหาที่คุณเจอผ่าน “การเปิดเผย” บนแอป WikiFX เรื่องที่คุณเจอต้องไม่เงียบ ต้องถูกตีแผ่ เพื่อแก้ไขปัญหาให้ถูกต้อง โหลดแอป WikiFX แล้วมาร้องเรียนกันได้เต็มที่ โหลดฟรี!

Apr 26 '21 · 0 comments

EUR/USD is having a rare day in negative territory. Currently, the pair is trading at 1.2006, down 0.24% on the day.To get more news about WikiFX, you can visit wikifx.com official website.

  The euro has been in fine form in April, racking up gains of 2.3%. The currency has made up most of the ground lost in March, when EUR/USD fell by 2.8%. The direction of the U.S. dollar has, to a large degree, been dependent on 10-year US Treasury yields. In March, yields moved higher and provided the dollar with a lift. Conversely, with yields retreating in April, the dollar has suffered broad losses.

  ECB Expected To Stay Pat

  The ECB holds its policy meeting on Thursday, and the central bank is widely expected to hold the course on monetary policy and leave the main financing rate at 0.00%.

  With the developed economies expected to show significant recovery in 2021, there have been rising concerns about taper tantrums, once central banks change their ultra-accommodative stance, which has been put in place in order to deal with the severe economic downturn caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.

  This is unlikely to be an issue with the ECB, which appears determined to continue fiscal and monetary support for the Eurozone until the recovery is well under way. Once that occurs, the ECB can be expected to reduce purchases under its emergency pandemic programme (PSPP), while continuing its traditional QE program, under which the ECB has been purchasing bonds in the amount of EUR 20 billion/month throughout the COVID pandemic.

  With the upcoming ECB meeting expected to be a “snoozer,” the meeting could well be a non-event for the euro. It has been a good week for the euro, which punched past the symbolic 1.20 level this week for the first time since March 4. The currency could get a bit of a boost if ECB President Christine Lagardes comments after the meeting are more optimistic than expected.

Apr 26 '21 · 0 comments

AUD/USD is trading below the area surrounding 8000, a level that has been in play since at least the late 90s. And even if you dont want to give it respect that far back, it has clearly been influential since 2015, when it acted as resistance following a failure to hold, then once again in 2017 and 2018. The high for this year is at 8007 to be exact.To get more news about WikiFX, you can visit wikifx.com official website.

  The developments around this long-term threshold are of interest in the short to intermediate-term. A topping head-and-shoulders pattern is in the works, with the possibility that yesterdays rejection just above 7800 (an impactful intermediate-term level) acting as the right shoulder. A break below the neckline is needed to confirm the pattern, a lower-low below 7531 should do the trick.

  This could lead to a sizable decline as long-term resistance proves to be a significant ceiling. The height of the pattern implies a measured move of about 500 pips from the neckline, or a drop to around 7000. The 200-day and 7432 would be the first levels to watch along the way.

  Should we see AUD/USD continue to hold sideways and fail to trigger the head-and-shoulders pattern, a clearance above 7849 is needed to turn things more positive. We have seen strong price reactions around the 7800/50 area and so a breakout above will be a meaningful event. Ultimately, though, for that trend to pick up steam a weekly or monthly close solidly north of 8000 (8150+) will be needed to leave behind long-term resistance.

  For now, in a bit of wait-and-see mode, but given the extended sideways move we are seeing it appears likely to be some activity on the horizon.

Apr 26 '21 · 0 comments

It‘s not uncommon for forex traders to approach trading with the aim of collecting ’x many pips a day from the market. Some may even consider adopting a strategy that only makes X amount of pips per day. However, there are complications that arise from this approach and setting such unrealistic goals.To get more news about WikiFX, you can visit wikifx.com official website.

  This article will answer the question: “how many pips per day?” and explore the best approach to using pips – considering market fluctuations which affect daily pip movements and how to capitalise on this with a solid trading strategy.


  Professional traders do not trade with a specific number of pips in mind. This is because markets do not move in a predictable manner, so a trader cannot bank on a targeted number of pips per trade.

  The number of pips per day varies depending on the strategy adopted as well as the unique goals set by the individual. Certain strategies target smaller more frequent profits over multiple trades (scalping), whilst others look for large profit taking opportunities with longer time horizons (position trading).


  Traders must accept that not all trades will yield positive returns. Therefore, trying to achieve a daily pip goal is setting up for failure. A daily pip target is ineffective because it encourages trading more at times when the strategy is not effective and trading less during times when the strategy is more effective. This is the opposite of what we should be trying to achieve.

  For example, if a trader places quick trades in the morning and hits a specified “pip goal,” the trader forgoes potential additional trades that could occur during ideal market conditions. Each strategy has their ideal market conditions; thus, this trader would ultimately be limiting what the strategy could do for them.

  The chart below shows a typical example of forgone returns in unfavorable market conditions. The EUR/USD chart shows a trader targeting 20 pips per trade on a moving average (MA) price crossover trading strategy as highlighted by the circles which indicate entry points. When price crosses above the MA the trader looks to buy and when the price crosses below the MA line this signals a short entry. The red circles show trades that would have been unsuccessful in accordance with the strategy whilst the green circles show successful trades with 20 pip movements in the direction of the trade. This example illustrates a typical example of a trader targeting ‘x’ amount of pips in adverse conditions which often leads to revenge trading and losing trades.
Rather than focusing on earning a specific number of pips per day, traders need to focus on what can be controlled. In trading terms this relates to following a strategy perfectly, with no emotion or hesitation. Once a strategy has been formulated, the most important step is execution of the strategy itself.

  Traders need to stick to a plan by not getting overconfident when successful, and to not shy away from placing the next trade when losing. Focusing on the strategy allows traders to stay away from revenge trading. Revenge trading is a natural friend to targeting a certain number of pips each day. This is because when traders are behind on a goal, this can lead to overtrading to “make it up.” That overtrading typically leads to more and more losses. If the trader has confidence in the strategy; the winning or losing of each individual trade doesnt matter. Traders must avoid revenge trading or adjusting trade sizes to recoup losses.


  Going after a certain number of pips per day sounds like a good plan when trading forex, but it is an unrealistic goal. The market conditions change frequently forcing your strategy in and out of its ideal state without notice. What is needed are goals for factors that can be controlled, like following a strategy and executing it flawlessly. It is recommended starting with a risk-free demo account that has real-time pricing data.

Apr 26 '21 · 0 comments

Gold prices have been ripping higher recently since putting in a potential double-bottom pattern around $1,680/oz. In fact, the precious metal now trades at an eight-week high following a 7% climb off its 30 March swing low. A pullback in the US Dollar and real yields seem to be benefiting gold outlook and motivating the rebound being staged by XAU/USD price action.To get more news about WikiFX, you can visit wikifx.com official website.

  As shown on the chart above, the price of gold tends to mirror (i.e. move in the opposite direction) of real yields. Due to this strong inverse relationship, the broader direction of real yields continues to stand out as one of the dominant fundamental catalysts weighing on gold prices. Correspondingly, if real yields struggle to regain upward momentum, there could be potential for XAU/USD to extend its rebound.

Shifting focus to a technical perspective, how the precious metal finishes the week could prove quite telling of where gold prices trend next. A close above the 20-week simple moving average, which just so happens to underpin a big area of technical confluence around the $1,790-price level, might be followed by continuation higher and a bullish MACD crossover. The 38.2% Fibonacci retracement of its August 2020 to March 2021 trading range likely comes into focus under this scenario.

  Surmounting this technical barrier has potential to motivate a larger rebound toward the upper descending trendline of golds eight-month long bull flag pattern. On the other hand, if gold bulls fail to maintain their upper hand and this technical barrier near the psychologically-significant $1,800-handle is rejected, the precious metal might recoil back toward its bottom Bollinger Band and year-to-date lows.

Apr 26 '21 · 0 comments

One of the ways that a stamping manufacturer can provide fast and cost-effective metal stamping is by using a method called progressive die stamping. Simply put, this means that run a continuous sheet of metal through several different workstations to perform all the operations necessary to produce your part. As your part moves from station to station in the forming process is can be molded and shaped to your specifications at workstations with specialized stamping presses.To get more news about progressive die, you can visit tenral.com official website.

We are happy to provide progressive die stamping as one of our primary services. Capitol Stampings has worked very hard for years to build a facility that is both efficient and flexible so that we can provide what you need on time! With coil feed presses from 110 to 1,000 tons, we can handle most progressive stamping jobs.

We employ many different machines and processes to form your part during this process, but the most essential part of the line is the machine that feeds the material. At Capitol Stampings we use a variety of different sized coil presses and robotic mechanisms to feed our lines. Here is a list of our coil presses used for progressive stampings at our facilities:We are always evaluating and maintaining our equipment to ensure continuous uptime, which means we are a stable source in your supply chain. We understand the proper maintenance of our equipment, as well as your tools, is a significant component in ensuring you receive consistent, high-quality parts, and it naturally flows out of our continuous improvement methodology.

Whether you have experience with progressive die stampings already or not, our in-house team can help you! We will design tools to give you the lowest total overall lifetime costs with the high quality you need to be built right into the parts. With our tooling expertise and our commitment to proactive machine maintenance, Capitol Stampings can provide cost savings to our customers.

Our team can design tools that can eliminate the need for a separate broaching process. Related to that, we can incorporate in-die fastening processes in our tools, eliminating secondary operation costs. When possible we design and build in-die transfer systems to make our customers stamping runs more cost-effective.

We also have a highly experienced quality assurance team, who can help you through issues like tolerance stacking, raw material choices, and more. We want to be your long-term partner, and we understand, in today’s competitive marketplace, we need to be more than just a stamping house. We will work with you from the tool design through to the final quality check of your finished part.

Are you looking for additional fabrications and finishing? We can handle any secondary processes for your stampings, so you only have to rely on one supplier to make your component complete from start to finish. Capitol Stampings can also coin and emboss your completed parts.
Apr 26 '21 · 0 comments
Progressive Die Stamping

Metal components are used in a huge range of day-to-day applications, from smartphones and computers to cars and heavy machinery. Tools, equipment, appliances — and, more broadly speaking, our homes and workplaces — all depend on metal parts.To get more news about progressive die stamping, you can visit tenral.com official website.

The emergence of metalworking was a pivotal step in the advancement of modern industry, and the field continues to break new boundaries every day. Our increasingly lightweight and responsive digital technologies, for instance, depend on various precision metal parts.
Metal stamping machines are used to turn raw sheet metal into finished, three-dimensional parts. Allowing for the production of reliably strong, precise, quick-to-produce, durable, and efficient components, this versatile process is becoming more and more common in today’s manufacturing world. Favored for its overall efficiency and dependability, stamping can be used to create a huge range of metal components.

Progressive die stamping takes basic metal stamping technology to a highly detailed level, utilizing multiple work processes to perform different operations on a single part. This type of operation reduces the labor quotient to a negligible amount. Strip or sheet stock is unrolled from a coil and fed through the required manufacturing steps — such as forming, drawing, embossing, notching, punching, cutting, and piercing — resulting in a complex finished part. The high efficiency of this tooling process allows for cost-effective, large runs with very precise tolerances.
Modern punches and dies first appeared in a machining guide in 15th-century Germany; during this time, they were used by locksmiths for hinge manufacturing. As technology marched forward, “successive gang cutting” and “follow-on” tooling innovations led to the first progressive stamping die operation, at the dawn of the 20th century.

These initial operations were primarily done in-house; electric motor manufacturers and machinists used the progressive stamping process to create components in high quantities in order to meet the ever-growing demand.

In the 1950s, Michigan saw the birth of what we now recognize as the first progressive die shop. During this time, engineer Ed Stouten founded the Capitol Engineering Co. to alleviate the shortcoming of the single-hit die manufacturing industry. Within 30 years, Stouten had developed the official manual for progressive die manufacturing, which would come to be referenced by designers, engineers, and managers alike. Stouten also began traveling the country giving educational seminars on the process — changing the face of metalworking forever.
Apr 26 '21 · 0 comments
World bosses are coming to Classic in Phase Two

cheap WOW Classic Gold World of Warcraft Classic has had a monumental launch igniting the MMORPG genre and attracting millions of new players.To get more news about Best Place Buy WoW Gold, you can visit lootwowgold official website.

Since well before launch Blizzard has said that Classic’s new dungeons raids and PVP features would be released in six main phases but until now hasn’t indicated when those updates will arrive. In an interview with game director Ion Hazzikostas which will appear in full on the site early next week I got a partial answer on when to expect phase 2: This year.

Phase Two will be a deal-breaker for WoW fans hopefully bringing back old players and enticing the new.World bosses are coming to Classic in Phase Two giving players the opportunity to farm new content and gear. buy WOW Classic Gold cheapOther than Molton Core and Onxyia’s Lair players will have two new bosses to farm.

One of the biggest hurdles to phase 2’s launch is “layering,” the new system that helped WoW Classic survive the storm of players who rushed the servers on day one. With layering a given server could handle many times the normal number of players by breaking them into different copies of the same world spreading out the population so everyone wasn’t in the same area at the same time.

Most important though the PvP Honor System and Rank Rewards are going to be introduced. This will give players a reason to fight their opposing faction allowing them to build up honor and earn epic gear. They’ll be 14 ranks in all with each rank unlocking new rewards including gear and titles.

Once every server is down to one layer phase 2 will be much closer to launching. That’s good news for everyone: Phase 2 adds powerful new world bosses to fight over in addition to the Dire Maul dungeon (which will undoubtedly spark a bloody new chapter in Classic’s silliest ongoing argument) for veterans. But even players who aren’t max level yet will still have something to look forward to with the new Honor system which rewards (or punishes) killing enemy players.
Apr 26 '21 · 0 comments
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