
margotrobbie's blog

Power outages can be very inconvenient and disastrous, whether you're at home or in the office. After all, we live in an age where we rely on so many electrical appliances on a daily basis that not using them is inconvenient and detrimental to our comfort.

If you don't already have a generator, here are four reasons why you should get one.


1 - Waste Management

Sudden power outages can cause a range of losses, including damage to appliances and electronics, loss of crops and food, and danger to crops.

By installing a generator, you can ensure that your business or home continues to function during a power outage.

Generator sets also keep equipment running, prevent burnouts and breakdowns, eliminate the risk of loss of perishable products such as meat and milk, and reduce the overall risk of financial loss.

2 - Uninterruptible Power Supply

Uninterruptible power supply systems for commercial and industrial use ensure uninterrupted operation, productivity and optimal performance.

With an alternative power source that delivers the load required to run your critical equipment, you can work without fear of production stoppages or equipment burnout.

For added convenience, the installation of a semi-automatic panel (QAP) is recommended to automatically start the generator in the event of a power outage. The QTA can also be programmed by the user to increase the safety of the equipment (as it waits for the mains voltage to return after a certain time before shutting down the generator). This function can also be programmed by the user.

3 - Save Money For Your Business

When a business or industry shuts down, production is significantly reduced, as mentioned above. With a generator, you can eliminate this risk, save money and time in disaster recovery and keep your plans.

You can also save money by scheduling the generator during peak times when electricity bills are highest. Diesel generators are inexpensive and efficient and can significantly reduce your monthly electric bill.

4 - Improve The Comfort Of Your Home

Since most appliances in a home are powered by electricity, power outages can be inconvenient for residents and have a direct impact on their comfort. In addition to food spoilage, freezer and refrigerator appliances can catch fire.

If you have a generator, you can continue your daily life in the event of a power outage: showers, air conditioning, lighting and all your electrical appliances.

Take the opportunity to read our article on how to choose the right generator for your home and which generator is best for you.

Now that you know the four main reasons to buy a generator, it's important to choose the right model. You can trust us, the generator experts, to help you choose the right generator for your needs.

If you have any questions, please contact our sales department or visit our online shop to purchase a generator.