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Talkbacks Hollywood stars

disarmed populace! Genocide is what happens after people are disarmed, Hollywood! 30 miilion disarmed Russians slaughterd by Josef Stalin. 70 milliion disarmed Chinese slaughtered by Mao Tse Tung. 1.5 million disarmed Armenians slaughtered by Turks. 6 million Jews and 12 million Christians were first disarmed and then slaughtered by Adolf Hitler.

Put bracelet van cleef and arpels replica armed guards in schools with Uzi's like in Israel! And put Shatterguard plastic glue paper on the inside of windows and steel sliding bolt locks on the inside of doors in schools, for goodness sake!

When the public is disarmed, foreign nations will be more likely to attack and invade. The only reason van cleef and arpels perlee bracelet copy Japan did not attack the US West Coast in WWII was because US citizens have guns. When the Mongol invasion of California hits, US citizens need assault weapons to defend themselves. The Koreans in the Watts riots of Los Angeles kept their homes and businesses from being burned down because they had assault weapons on the roof in the hands of defenders of the properties since the police would not go into Watts to protect people or properties.

Those laws good in itself will never prevent Massacres and Massmurders.

Even only with a Pistol with only a 7 shot Magazine,

one could carry several 7 shot Magazines with oneself and extra ammo and still conduct a Massacre and Massmurder.

"The only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun."

Millions of US citzens feel

insecure without their own modern military weapons to be ready to repel.

I personally doubt that 90% of USA gun owners

have the training , the skill or the GUTS needed to defend themselves.

TRAINED, armed school guards are the only insurance for schools in the USA.

I my mind untrained citizenry; which includes braggarts, phoney heroes, tough guys, etc.

should NOT be allowed access to high capacity, automatic and high calibre weapons.

want to scrap the 2nd amendment because the framers used muzzle loading guns, or those that consider the costs vs the good. Are you also in favor of scrapping the 13th amendment because a majority of the prison population in the US is black? What is wrong with people being checked before the enter a school, mall or building? Not only does it increase employment, it makes people feel safer because they are safer. Cost? Is that the issue or saving lives? Would you ban tire irons if a murderer uses one? Knife? pen? fire? but guns are ok to ban? liberal really must try to get their understanding straight.

Ban assault rifles, ban hi caps mags, ban this ban that.

If we look to the statistics, the guns are not mentioned by the CDC not even in the first TEN causes of death.

If we look homicide statistic, baseball bats looks like the preferred means to end the life of your dears in USA.

If we look to the stats of gun crimes by gun type, AR15s are used in a tiny fraction of the homicides in the USA.

People, including famous ones, when it comes to guns just disconnects their brains and embrace popularity.

Because burning Jews, in the past, even a recent one, was a very popular practice.

Use FACTS, not EMOTIONS, use BRAINS, not your BELLY.

You are on the right track, but need to go several steps further. Repealing the 2nd Amendment to the US Constitution is a worthy idea, but what really is needed is for the US President to declare a state of emergency and suspend all Constitutional guarantees pending the drafting and ratification of a new Constitution by a Constitutional Convention, more relevant to the 21st century. We also must recognize that times have changed much since 1789 and that individual liberty must be subordinated to the van cleef clover bracelet knock off well being of the whole.

The Wall

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